.TEI CANADTAN STATERM. B OWTLNVff LE MTAMO BRING-L~f~ YeU MESSAGE BEFORE ,T ,4/4 1SV-IIU 12#000 READERS--__ ______ The Canadian Staiesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective Januar7 23, 1948 BIRTHS - DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS $1.00 Fer Insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1,00 plus 10o a lins for verses per insertion NOTICES COMING EVENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - WANTED ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Musi be paid before insertion. If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c.) Add 25o extra for box numbers or replies direcied to ihis office. (Additional Insertions at same rates) Ail Ciassified Ada Muai Be In Nai Later Than Noon Wednesday. Cash, stamps or money onder with order te get lew rate. - Clip This Out For - Handy Reference BIRTHS .ANTHES-Professor and Mrs. R. G. Anthes (nee Verna Milisen) announce the birth of a son, Neil Raymond, at Winnipeg General Hospital, on Feb. i7th, 1950. A brother for Jean and Lorraine. 9-1* BELLMAN-Mr. and Mrs. George Belîman (nee Jeanne Skelly) are happy ta announce the blrth of their daughter, Carol Ann, in Bowmanville Hospital on Wednes- day, Mardi lst, 1950. 91 ROOPER - Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper are happy ta announce the birth cf their son, Danny, a baby brother for Ronnie, at Bow- nianville Hospital on Thursday, February 23rd, 1950. 9-1 PORTER-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Porter are happy to announce the birth cf their son Jerry Keith, at Bowmanville Hospital on Feb- ruary 26th, 1950. 9-1* SYER-Duncan, son of Mary and Bert Syers, announces the arrivaI of bis littie brother, Rodney Mar- shall, on Febnuary 25tb, 1950, at Bowrnanville Hospital. 9-1* VAN CAMP-Mr. and Mns. Sam 'Van Camp are happy te announce the birth cf their son, a brother lor Mary Lou, at Bowmanville 'Hospital on March lst, 1950. 9-1* DEATHS ROBBINS-In Toronto Western Hiospital, on Wednesday, Febru- ary 22nd, 1950, Fnederick E. Rob- bins, Zion (Darlington Township) beloved husband of Olive Down, and dean father of Isabel, in his 57th year. Funeral service was held at Zion Church, Saturday, Pcb. 25. Interment Zipon Ceme- tery. 9-1* SANDERS-On February l6tb, 1950, at the Winnipeg General Hospital, Charles Edmund San- r ders, age 71 years, beloved bus- band of Francis M. Sanders. dear father of Brock Sanders and bro- ther of Mrs. T. M. Siemon (May) of Enniskillen, and Mrs. Wm. Crelghton (Ella) of Calgary, Alta. p Funeral service was held on Feb. lSth in Clark Leatberdale's Fun- eral Home. Interment Elmwood Cýemetery, Winnipeg. 9-1* .Notice Io Credibors1 Un the Estate ef ROSA JENNIE CORNISH, Deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against the estate of Rosa Jennie -Cornisb, late of the Township et 1 Clarke, deceased, who died en or about the l8tb day et January, 1950, are hereby notified te send -i te W. Ross Strike, K.C., solic- itor fer th Executors, Bowman- trilüle, Ontario, on or before the Gth day of Marcb, 1950, ful particulans et their cdaims.- ýImmediately atter the said th day et March, 1950, the assets of the testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled tilere- te, baving regard only te dlaims of wbich the said solicitor for the Executers shahi then have notice. .DATED at Bowmanville, this l8tb day of February, 1950. W. Ross Strike, K.C:, Bowiaanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 8-2 Work Wanted RELIABLE woman available as *baby sitter. Phone 377.- 9-10 IN MEMORIAM - BYERS-In- loving memory of our dear Dad, Jas. Byers, who passed away March 6th, 1949, and Mother, Jan. lst, 1943: Loving and kmnd in ail their ways, Upight and just to the end of their days; Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory they left behind. -Ever remembered by his son Rupert and daughter-in-law Gert- rude. 9-1* HEARN-In loving memory of a dear sister, Clara Hearn, who passed away March 2nd, 1949: -Lovingly remembereîI by her sister, Mrs. Thos. Falls and fam- ily. 9-1* MOUNTJOY-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Luther Edgar Mountjoy, who passed away March 5th, 1946: We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds; The days we do flot think of you Are very hard to find. -Wife and Family. 9-1 IATTERSON-In loving memory et a dean busband and fathen, William J. Pattenson, who passed away Febnuary l4th, 1949: Those whom we love go eut cf sight, But neyer eut et mmnd; They are cherished in tbe hearts Of these tbey leave bebind. Loving and kind in al bis ways, Upright and just te the end et bis days; Sincere and true in heant and mind, Beautiful mremenies be left behind. -Ever remembered by bis wite and family. 9-lt CQMING EVENTS Remember the T.B. X-ray Sur- vey at the Lions. Community' Centre from March 13 te 17. 7-tf Reserve Thursday and Fniday, April l3th and 14tb, for the Lions Club Minstrel Show at the Town Hall, Bowmanviile. 9-tf Dance, Enniskillen Hall, March 3rd. Auspices et Service- Club. Prizes. Refreshments. Proceîds for Hospital. Admission 50c. 8-2 FREE Case - Swift Canadian Show at Enniskillen at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., Wednesday, March l5tb, sponsered by W. H. Brown, local dealer. 9-1 Square dancing every Friday at the Avalon, Oshawa, te Bert Beamish and bis Toronto Or- chestra. Admission 5Oc. 9-i Attend the C.O.F. Hockey Dance at Varcoe's Pavilion, Fni- day, March 3. Round and square dancing te the music et Lou Dewell's Orchestra from 9 p.m. te 12:30 p.m. Admission 50c per persan. 8-2* Wednesday, Marcb 8th -Kop- per Karnival and sale et home- cooking, sponsered by Bowman- ville Women's Institute, wiil be held in Town Hall auditorium from 2:30 te 8:30 p.m. 60 pnizes valued $1.00 te $10.00; aise $5.00 door prîze. Tickets 25 for 25c may be purchased at Hydre Shep. Proceeds tewards furnisbing a room in new Hospital. 9-1* CARID 0F THANKS Mn. Walter Hall and family' wisb te express sincere apprecia- tien te their friends and neigh- bons for the kind acts efthtought- fuiness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. 9-1* Mrs. Russell Luke and family wish te thank their many re- latives, friends and neigbbors for their kind expressions ef sym- patby and for their beautiful floral offerings, in their recent sad bereavement. 9-1 Mrs. Morris Joness wishes te express ber sincere thanks and appreciation te ber friends and neigbbours for flowers, fruit, cards and candy and ail the kind- ness extended during ber stay in Bowmanville Hospital and since returning home. 9-1 Mrs. John Aldwonth and tam- ily wish te extend sincere thanks and appreciatien for many kind- nesses, messages et love, and beautiful floral tributes from re- latives, neigbbours and friends during their recent sad bereave- ment in the loss of a dean hus- band and father. 9-1 The family of the late Samuel Crawford wish te extend sincere tbanks te their friends and neigh- heurs for expressions ef sym- patby, acts ef kindness and beau- tiful floral tibutes extended te them in tbeir necent sad bgneave- ment in the loss of a dean father. 9-1 Mrs. Howard Stevens, who was in the hospital for four weeks, would like te thank the Supt., Miss L. Harding, and the staff ef Bowmanville Hospital, and tbanks te Mrs. Howard Smythe and Mrs. N. Wilkins who were my special nurses, Dr. Ferguson, Dr. McKay, Dr. Birks, and special thanks teail those who sent fiowers, fruit, cards and treats et ail kinds wbile in hospital and sinoe I came home. 9-1* Work Wanted Rearl Estate For Sale HOUSE for sale, 808 Centre South, Whitby. Immediate pos- session if necessary, owner leav- ing town. Cali after 4 p.m. House and garage stucco finish. 5 rooms, ail conveniences, oul furnace. Apply' 808 Centre St. S., Whitby. 8-3 NEWCASTLE DISTRICT 150 acres of rich clay loam in excellent state of fertility (includ- ing il acres of full bearing apple orchard). Located on good gravel road, i 1, miles northwest fromn Newcastle and Highway No. 2. Owner's home of 8 rooms, cottage for help. Large barns and stables and outbuildings. Possession as arranged. Near schools and trans- portation. This farm is regarded locally as one of the best farms in Durham County, which county in turn, is highly regarded as an apple beit. This farm must be sold to wind up an estate. Any reasonable offer wiIl be consid- ered. Price $19,500. Co-operative listing. See your own real estate agent or communicate with us. John Stark & Co., Realtors 353 Eglinton W., Toronto Daytime, Mayfair 4439 Evenings, Hudson 1079 Ask for Mr. Stockdale 8-2 HAMILTON REAL ESTATE Fanms For Sale $3 ,500-near Nowoastlo j ust soutb et No. 2 Highway, 105 acres, 75 cultivated. Good bouse, barn needs rebuilding. $3,800-near Orono, 33 acres good land, sn'all barn, necently ne- modelled 8-roomed bouse. $5,500 -near Orono, 12 acres choice ganden land, good barn, combined wonkshop and garage, 8-roomed bouse. $7,350-at Newcastle, 8 acres in- cluding fine orchard, 8-roomed trame bouse. $1 0,500-near Leskard, 116 acres, an exceptionally fine fanm with modern 8-roomed brick home. $10,600 - near Orono, reduced $500 for quick sale, 160 acres, stone residence, splendid barns. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phonos: Office 32r10 - nos. 1n16 9-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE $4,000 - owner-built, insul-bric home in Newcastle, five rooms, living-room and dining-room with French doons, kitchen, buit-in cupbeards, two bright bednooms, extra room for bath. Very warm. Recently decorated. Full size cel- lar. $2,000 down, balance as nent. Possession 30 days. $3,200 -6-room frame home in Newcastle, compact and wanm, some bardwood, cement cellar, new roof, good garden. Possess- ion arranged. Are you looking for a farm on .business with Spring possession? Our listings are geod. Contact Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Newcastle Phono Clarke A2621 9-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $3,000 casb-7-room brick bouse, hardwood floors, ne hydre, 11/2 acres land, woodshed, chicken bouse, appie trees, berry bushes. Low taxes. $1,500 down - New five-room brick bungalow, modemn kitchen and batbnoom, balance mortgage. $1,200 down - six-roem bouse, hydre, 4 acres, near Bowman- ville. Price $3,700. $1,400 down - five-room bouse. Vacant. Price $2,800. $2,000 down - eight-room bouse, barn, large grounds. Vacant. Price $6,000. $1,800 down -five-room bunga- low, twe-car garage, hydre, space beator, modern cook steve, vene- tian blinds included, on Highway No. 2, near Courtice. Pnice $4,700. $2,000 down - sevon-room bouse in Whitby, attached garage, extra lot. Pnice $5,000. $6,500 - Nine-room brick bouse, new furnace, new roof. Terms. $10,000 -Brick home, 15 rooms, revenue $11 5.00 monthly, apant- ment for ownon. Alh kinds et businesses, fanms lodges, etc. Bawmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachian .Phono 326 Bowmanvilio Phone 689 Oshawa 9-1 Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS -Barred Rocks and S.C. White Leghorns. AlI hatching eggs produced on oun own fanm. For prico list write on phone: Orcbland Farm, H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636, Bowmanville, Ontario. 6-tf Wanted To Buy SCRAP batteries. Highest pnices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf POULTRY wanted, highest prîces paid. We cail at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry tny us. Our prices are higher. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bthany, phono 7 r 13, reverse àharies. 17-tf Ailicles For Sale LARGE size'steel bed, spring and mattress, $5.00. Phone 605. 9-1* AIR-WAY vacuum *cleaner, very good condition. Phone 703. 9-1 GOOD quality mixed Timothy and Alfalfa hay. Phone 2804. 9-1 15 TON choice mixed hay, loose. J. A. Johnston, Port Perry 172-12. 9-1* WALNUT bookcase, double glass doors, four shelves, almost new. Phone 691. 9-1 TEXÀCO gasoline delivered to farmers. Caîl Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates, we measure and instaîl. 37-tf 13-TUBE Northern Electric con- sole radio in perfect shape, very reasonable. Phone 2424. 9-1* MODERN nine-piece walnut din- ing-room suite, nearly new, priced for quick sale. Phone 342. 9-1* THREE youth's overcoats, in good condition, very reasonable. Ap- ply 72 Scugog St. or Phone 2834. 9-1 * GIRL'S coat, suit and dress, size 1; Remington 3-blade electric razor. Apply 38 Carlisle Ave. 9-1 SEE the new Eureka Vacuum Cleaners, tank and upright mod- els from $49.50 at F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 5-tf '49 PREFECT Sedan (English Ford) low mileage, practically new car. Best offer or terms. Phone 874 Bowmanville. 9-1* NEW stock of baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and ail baby's needs. See these specials at Morris Co. .37-tf DRY HARDWOOD - Beech and Maple, buzzed, $14 at farm, $17 delivered. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Collect Port Perry 193r14. 7-tf] AMERICAN St. Louis shoe fin- isher, in first class condition, with skate sharpener attached. Apply 49 Burk St., Oshawa, Phone 235W. 9-1 GET your gasoline and oil barrels ready now for the spring work. New, steel barrels, 45-gal., $3.50 each. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf CUSTOM killing every day ex- cept Friday. Good quality beef sold by the quarter. Darlington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf SEWING machine, Elna, the tam- eus Swiss portable electric, knee control, reverse switch. Elna sews mends and damns with wool. Phone 2061. 9-1* FE .NCE post - 4 inch top and larger, 40 cents; 21'/- inch te 4, 30 cents; hydro, telephene and clothesline poles. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193rl4. 7-tf WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplic- ity. Available witb water pump and electric -beatér - heat your water right ini the washer, troni $117.50. Easy terms. F. F. Morris Ce., Phone 480. 37-tf BONDED Brake Shoe Excbanges, ne rivets. In stock ready te go; Cbev., Dodge, Plymouth, Cbry- sIen, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathed). Bob Stocken's Garage, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf LINOLEUM beadquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Cengoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf ORDER your new home freezer. Now for sale at William Daw- son's, Onono. Agent for Gilson home-freezers, refrigerators, furn- aces, wasbing machines, van- packer chimneys. Phone 56R11 Orono. 6-4* ALL kinds of meat. good quality, smoked bacon and bams, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; aise custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage makîng, rendering lard. 23-tf IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks Merse space heatens. Heat your home the safe, dlean ecenomical way. Pay only $11.45 dewn at Bnadley's Furnitune and Appli- ance Ce., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf Wanted DEAD or crippled stock removed free et charge. One heur service. Highest pnices fer old herses. Margwil Fur Fanm, Cail Collect: Bowmanville 2679. 41-tf 1Repairs RUBBER footwean, heels, soles, ips vulcanized as good as new. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. 9-tf IMOR prompt, efficient, guananteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Sbee Repain Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS te ail makes et retnig- erators, domestie and <ommencial. Higgon Eiectric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf CHESTERFIELDS cempleteiy ne- built and ne-upholstered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have aur consultant call at ne obligation., Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen-, tre, 10 King SL. E 39-tf Articles For Sale MODEL SC Case tractor; model DC Case tractor; model D Case tractor; used C Case tractor; used VAC Case tractor; Case horse- drawn spreader; General tractor apreader; used I.H.C. horse sprea- der; Swift's and Na-Churs fer- tilizers; 2 used Quebec heaters. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. . 9-1 TRADE-IN - Beatty washer, re- conditioned, guaranteed, one year, $49.50; Stromberg-Carlson com- bination radio, $49.50; ice boxes, like new, 50-lb., $19.50; rangettes, reconditioned, guaranteed, $24.50, 6 months old; mantel radio, $10; 7 cu. ft electric 'refrigerator, used one month, cost $359.00, seli $295.00, 5 yr guarantee. Murphy's, Phone 811. 9-1* TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- aticrns to choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- !al $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms to suit. Many other suites to choose from. 2-tf BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bednoomr suites, $69.00; steel bed outtits, complete, $26.95; telt base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, al dehors; 3 pc. ailover velour cbesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natunal finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses, $24.95; tni-light lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover veour bed chestertield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Evenything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phono 271. 6-tf~ Notices I am starting collecting gar- bage on Thursday, March 9tb. Anyone desiring their garbage drawn away eaul at 57 Liberty St. S. or Phone 2096. 9-4* The Harvey Dance Academy bas opened a branch at 19 King St. East, Bowmanville. Register for Ballet and Tap lessons on Fni- day afternoons. 5-tf I wîsh te announce that I have sold my business, the Iris Beauty Salon, te Miss Joan Woolley, wbo will take over on the lst et March and in thanking my many cus- tomers for their patronage, I trust they will continue with Miss Woolley who is a capable, expen- ienced hairdresser and wîll con- tinue te maintain the high stan- dard my salon bas always enjoy- ed. Mollie Sanders. 9-1* LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE A Court et Revision wil be held on the l4th day ef Manch, 1950, at 7:30 p.m., at tbe Council Room for the purpose et bearir#' complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy et the frontage measunements and any other complaint which per- sons intenested may desire te make and which is by iaw ceg- nizable by the Court in con- nection with the construction et watermains, and or Sanitary Sew- ens and or sidewalks on tbe fol- lowing streets or parts thereof: Flett St., Belleville St., First St., High St., Brown St., Lambs Lane, Levers Lane, Prospect St. and Jane St. Dated at Bowman-"dle this 28th day et February, 1950. A. J. LYLE, Clerk, Corporation et the Town et Bowmanville. 9-2 Eavetroughing Contracting YOUR old eavetreugh repaired or new neplaced. For free esti- mates phone T. Salten & Son, Hampton, 2142 Bowmanville. 8-8* Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estate et MARGARET MARY COSTELLO, Deceased ALL person having dlaims against the estate et Margaret Mary Costello, late et the Township of Manvers, in the Ceunty et Dur- ham, Spinsten, deceased, whe died on or about the l3th day et Aptil, 1949, are required te send full particulans et their dlaims te the undersigned on or befone Marcb 3ist, 1950, atter which date the estate will be distnibuted baving regard only te dlaims ef wbich the undersigned shahl then bave notice. DATED at Peterborough, this llth day et Febnuary, 1950. Wilfrid Field Huycke, K.C., Barnisten, Etc. 395 Water St., Peterborough, Ontario. 7-3 Fcam Help EXPERIENCED, reliable Hoiland families available. Arriving soon. Write te S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestie- ton, Ont. Phone 225-24 Pont Perry. 4-19 Community Sale Pestponed - The Community Sale that was to be held at Gay Barns on Marcb 4th has been postponed until Marcb l8th, due te roads and weather. 9-1 Don't forget-Durbam County Community Auction Sale te be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, Thursday, Manch gth, at 1:30 p.m. There will be offered for sale al kinds cf ivestock, machinery, furniture and dozens of other items. Remember the date - Mar. 9th - the Sales Barn, Orono. The place where ail farmers meet. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer. *9-2 Mr. U. Rugger, Lot 7, Con. 3, East Whitby Township, 1 mile north et Harmony, known as the Fred Clemens property is giving up farming, and will seil by pub- lic auction on Wednesday, Marcb lSth at 1 p.m. sharp, al bis farmn stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. încluding 20 Holstein milkers and springers, number of Ho4ptein open beifers and 60 pigs. For funther particulars see bills. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctieneer. Fred Lycett, clerk. 8-3 Wanted To Rent NICE furnished summer home in Bowmanvilie, Newcastle or Lake Scugog area fnom May for entire season. Phone 609 Bowmanville. 9-1 HOUSE or apantment urgently needed by Apnil lst, in Bowman- ville or sunnounding district, ex- cellent referenceq. Write Box 381, Statesmari Office, Bowman- ville. 9-1 MODERN bouse or large apant- ment urgently requined in Bow- manville or surrounding anea bv April lst. Rent ne object for sui,* able accommodation. One et two- year lease. If suitable would con- sider purchase. Excellent refen- ences. Write P.O. Box 395, Bow- manville. 9-1 For Rent FOUR-room apartment, unfurn- ished, with ganden, on Liberty St. Write P.O. Box 127, Bowman- ville. 9-4* Room and Board ROOM and Board available for one penson. Phone 327 or 182 Cbunch St. 9-i Livestock For Sale CALF, three weeks old. C. Bruce, Phone 2893. 9-1* YOUNG hog, six months old. Herb Payne, Phone 2091. 9-1 YORKSHIRE pigs, 7 wceks old;, aise white enamel Findlay steve. E. Cobbiedick, Newcastle. 9-1* Attention Farmers!1 WE will be pleased te pick up dead or crippled f arm animaIs. For immediate service Telephene Coilect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 2-tf Chiropodist T. M. VANT, D.S.C.. Chiropodist, speciaiizing in diàeases et the foot and ieg. General chiropedy work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed pestpaid in plain seaied envelepe with pnice list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ce., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 9-9 Help Wanted CASHIER wanted for The Royal Theatre. 9-1 EXPERIÈNCED hairdresser. Ap- ply to Huyck's Hairdressing, 67 King St. W., Bowmanville. 9-1* GIRL for mother's helper, pre- ferably to live in. Write Box 379, Statesman Office. 9-1* GIRL, capable of managing amal business and willing to help with housework. Phone 418 Bowman- ville. 7-3 HOUSEKEEPER to help care for three children and general house- work. Write P.O. Box 234, Bow- manville. 9-l* PARTS and front end man for service station, year round em- ployment for right type. Apply Bowmanville Motor Sales. 9-1* OPPORTUNITY for your girl to train Hairdressing. Write stating age and experience if any, to The Canadian Statesman, Box 380. 9-1* GIRL for mother's help in To- ronto, two children, light work. Private room in lovely home. Phone Bowmanville 609. 9-1 RADIO service man. Please write stating experience, age, married or single and salary expected. McCannan Electric, 342 George St., Peterborough, Ont. 9-1 WANTED -Man for Rawleigh business. Permanent if you are a bustier. For particulars write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-C-140-103, Montreal. 9-3 $60 MONTH -young woman for general housework, 2 children. Completely modemn home. Private room and radio. Phone 2080 Bow- manville. 5-tf Auction Sales Wanted ROOM and Board for single man, 56 years ef age. Urgently requir- cd to facilitate discharge f rom sanitarium. Apply Town Clerk, Bowmanville. 9-1 TURNIPS suitable for waxing. Highest prices paid. Phone or write Fred J. Stevens, Myrtle Station, Phone 120R4 Port Perry. 9-1* BLACKSTOCK Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. Thos. Smith, with Mrs. V. M. Archer, vice-president, in the chair. Mrs. Nicholson very ably took the devotional period. Mrs. Fred Hamilton introduced the new Study Book "Dawn over Japan," by B. Ruth Powlcs and read to us the first chapter. Mrs. Archer welcomed Mrs. George Staniland, a new member, and also mémbers who have been ab- sent. Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. Mc- Laughlin, reported that enough blocks had been donated for a quilt. Mrs. McLaughlin with some helpers, is preparing the quilt for the quilting. Mrs. Ar- cher is donating the lining and Mrs. Van Camp offered hier home for the quilting. Fruit and flow- er committee reported on their work, and the corresponding Sec'y, read a card from the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Reginald Nes- bitt. Mrs. Jos. Forder thanked the ladies for the sympathy card which she received atter the death of hier brothr. An article from the Living Message on the Van Workers in Sask. was read. A prayer Book purchased for Mrs. Arthur Rahm was shown to, the members. Discussions were held regarding the Women's Day of Prayer, and the Silver Tea to be held at Mrs. T. Langfeld's home in Nestleton. The meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Nicholson. A vote of thanks was tendered our hostess for her hospitality. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed., Mrs. Ross Curtis, Helen and Bruce, Orillia, Mrs. Gordon Strong and family visited Mrs. Robert Bruce and Miss Mae King. They were celebrating Mrs. Bruce's Leap Year birthday. Mrs. W. A. Van Camp spent a week with Mrs. Wm. Van Camp and is now visiting Mr. and Mrs. Perey Van Camp. Glad to report Mrs. Carl Wright is home from hospital in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Elizabeth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp. Miss Joan Werry, R.N, Peter- boro, and Miss Wilma Van Camp, Toronto, with Mýrs. Wm. Van Camp. Mrs. Wm. Van Camp re- turned to Toronto with Wilma to greet Mabel at the Malton Air- port on Monday when she return- ed from a trip to Florida. Sympathy Is extended to Mr. George Crawford on the death of his brother, Mr. Sam Crawford, Nestîctan, and to Mr. and Mrs. STORK NURSER - The Compiete Feeding Unit Remove the Cap . . . Fecd the Baby! 4-oz. or 8-oz. 39c Complete - 3 for $1.09 Got a Coirgh or a Cold ? 1Thene a remedy for you at yeur Rexahi Store. Branchial Syrup --50e Quick Acting Piaster --- 60e Purtest Cod Liver Ou1, plain or mint-fiavoured, 8-oz. 95c - 16-oz. $1.50 Anohist Anti-Histamine Tabiets, 12's 50e Asthma Nefrin Outfits --$16.50 Refis $3.50-$6.50 Rexali Cold Caps. 35c-60 c Vick's Vapo-Rub 45c Thermogene - 59c-$1.19 Pinex * _____-49e Kriptin Anti-Histamine Tablets --- ------39c-$1.25 Nose & Throat Relief with Ephedrine ----- 29c-60c Purtest A-Sa-Rex Tablets 24's 21C - 100's 59e Revion Infroduces "'TOUCH - and - GLOW" Liquid4 Make-Up with "Lanolite" - new ereaniy, non-greasy iiquid mnake- up base, easy te use, and gives a velvety -'mat" finish. Severai shades to choose fnom. Bofule $1.25 Toni Home Permanent Twiee as Easy.. . . Twice as Fast .with the new Spin Curlers RefuI Kit, Spin Cunlers, Crenie Rinse - $3.50 Value Only$27 JURY (4LOVELL Mhen Ws Teut Eyes ftinl Doue Properly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 178 BOWMANMILE CHMNEYS buiht and nepaired, aIl types plastering and repairs. Apply Gardon May, Phone 920w 12 Oshawa. 7-4* ý Pi Fred Crawford, Nestieton. Mn. and Mrps. Leith Bycrs, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Meuntjay with Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Mount% joy. q Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cerdingly, Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain. Mn. and Mrs. George Ruther- fond and Ailan, Oshawa, and Mrs. George Fowler visited Mn. and Mrs. David Wilson and Lloyd and Mns. McQuade. Mrs. Lewis -Henry spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Bradburn. The snew plows bave bad their shane ot work these past weeks with winter making up for lest time. Friday ni'ght was as usual, hoc- key night in Blacksteck. High Schooi Girls and the Village Girls started at 6:30, and the score was 7 teo0 for High Scbool. Oshawa 'and Port Penny then played with score 15 te 3 for Oshawa. Hamp- ton and Blacksteck played wit~ the score 7 te 5 for Blackstock. '. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lansing, Caesarea, with Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Venning. Mn. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli and Nancy, visiting at Roger Don- rcll's, Ayimer, Quebec, over the weekend. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Miss Pauline Bnanch, Peter' bore, spent the weekend at home. Master Walter Gibson enter- tained a few cf bis fniends on Saturday atterneon at a birtb- day party. Mr. and Mns. Harold Gibson, Betty and Walter, motened te Brampton te visit Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutton. Mn. and Mns. G. Clement, Anne and Leonard, Oshawa, spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and Mrs. F. W. Bowen. Mn. and Mns. Alec Ritchie me- / tored te Port Hope te visit her brother who is ili in the bospital. The Sulent Sisters meet March 2nd at Mrs. Roy Branch's. Don't forget the can cf soup, ladies, ai- se the books. We are glad te see Mrs. Bill Barchard is home again. Misses Arvila and Donna Brunt spent a couple ef days with their sister, Mrs. Bill Gor- don, Newtonville. Mn. Leslie Gibson and friend Jim Brocking, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Master Genald Gibson enter- tained a tew ef bis school friends at a birthday party Tuesday af- terneon. Local Mail Service Mail Closes Going East 10:30 a.m. Going local Rural Routes ----- 8:30 a.m. Going East and West 3:00 p.m. Going West --------- 10:00 p.m. Mail Arrives From East and West -_ 8:30 a.m. Fnom West 12:00 neen From East -------------- 8:00 p.m. Cut this schedule eut and paste up in a bandy place fer reference. ? 1 - PAGE YOURTIÇM TEU ODAT, mut= tn& 1050 1