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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1950, p. 7

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TRUU~nAVMAWf!W&nu.AvouNS-rEC!ANSA!MN OMIVfE NAOPG World Plant Catalogue En the Maldng Mrs. John Sondera OBITUARY NE WTON VILLE pi ano. An inspiring ad'rs ywshl i rn nFia 92nd Birthday Mr. Y. R. Meredith, Bowman- nih adseeala oryor S a tu r d a y , M a r c h 4 J H A L W R EC n at a tos t r r v ille , a n d an en j y a b le so lo b yO n T e d y e e n g t e w A fo k a te e d _______There p ssed a ay on F b. 22, H ugh Stapleton on the birth of a M rs. C. M . Jones c am pleted the he dn its scond socil o he w n r. . J B g l w an1a daugher S owmanilleHou- program in which variaus ladies ter.thOwingyta the cold trÉvstdSna ihhsprn On atrdyMarh th of Durham County's well pitaL participatedi.weteonyamllcod t-M.nd r.A..Bgeo John Sanders, Chapel St., Bow- kn w fa m r th pe an a Bud Jones from Queen's, Kings- Following s v al e cui e t de. a st ly ac i v n M y skes pe t S da m a v l e, w l el b a e he 2 d John A Mdw rth. B orn in Eng îla d ston spent tue y'. s ort pl y mnilwl eert e 2don March 2, 1872, he came ta on*pet h weekend with his meetings, interviewing wlth var- bY Leskard people and wsBiaob' iiejygti birthday. She was born in Hamp- Canada at the age ai two Years Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willjs jous officiais; a great deal ai much enjoyed. sa hywie o oln ton, the eldest daughter of the with his parents. Later he boueht Jones. correspondence, and estimates of There was another cardpry__________ late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snow- the homestead and farmed at Mr. Wm. Darlingtan has ac- of various kinds, a plan has final- at the schools on Thursdangh den, and was the eldest ai six Maple Grave until 10 years ago, cepted a position with the Cho-w- ly been drawn up whereby the but again only a few atteddionwt te aain ~ sinc liingon te nidde r~d. n Hrdwre hamiet ai Newtonville may secure The Warld's Day of Praewsdaankowteproapre boys and twa girls, five ai whom siea-Knso.treetlights. The final meeting abserved an Friday aftemno r a ilhv nhligahnr are still living: Thomas, who cele- Being a member ai the Sal igtn held in the community hall an teSna eolRo.Ol hl riml vres et vatian Army Corps, the funerai Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port Mc- Mtahienon e.2 n afwle ee SnabSco l ta eeee olr annprof- bratcd his 9th birthday last faîl, srvice a oducted by Bniga- Nicol visited her parents Mr. and odyatronFe.2ad lives with his sister; Sam and se a ouatne y the Township Coun-teeCR, taa.D vrylgur Richard in Oshawa and Will J.der Gae iinlCmand- Mr. Wm Stpletn. cil, and a good representation ai High * Sehoal Commeneet ned f ad Cares n apl Gave er ad Cptin ecing, Corps Mr. Arnold Wade was in Tar- local ratepayers, concluded 'With There are alsa two step-children, Officer. anto aover the weekend. nat one dissenting vote on the :, Eva, Mrs. Jae Hynds, Toronto, Surviving are bis wiie, former Mm. and Mms. Wilbert Hancock matter. On behaif af thé Wo- and Norman Sanders, Oshawa. 1 Laura Chittenden and three are returning from Florida on men's Institute and the village ~~ ~4"~~'~ When Mms. Sanders (betterdahtsMs Bal(er) March lst. We think if tbey knew residents, a vote ai appreciatiari to known ta' the older folks in Maple Mrs. Stevens (Florence) and wbat kind ai weatber we are hav- ta the Council and Mm. Perrin, -n Grave cammunity as Mary Snaw- Ruby, Bowmanville; 2 sans, Char- ing up beme, they would stay a for their work and consideratian w'.M c l( den) came ta Maple Grôve with lie, Whitby and Wilfred, Maple iew weeks langer. af this matter, was movcd by Mrs. #' APEL ber parents at the age ai one Grave, by a former marriage; onle In observation ai the World's Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Gil- ÉÏi ]Plant breedersnaw can learn about any varlety of wheat or rice year they lived on the farm now brother Frank ai Courtice; twO Day of Prayer, a joint meeting mer, and tendcred them by Mr. thrughtheWord Ctalgueof encic tocsdeveloped by the o ccupied by Col, and Mrs. C. G. sisters, Mrs. W. Nichoils, Caurtice af the Women's Missianary Soc- F. Gilmer. acting as chairman, Food and Agrililture Organizatin of the United Nations (FAO), at Kerr, but better known as the and Mrs. John Luxton, Bowman- ieties and cangregatians ai the pro.-tem. Deputy Reeve Z M w,,erstyt Washington. The Catalogue, set up toalad breeders develap new va- Lymer place. It was that part viIlç. Presbyterian and United churches reolied, after a few momentsto rieties ai plants, consists of Information stored on punched eards, ai the cammurilty where she liv- The pall-bearers were Cam- was held in the United Church pause, due ta shock, he' humor- ~ >~g~ iir ed until united in marmiage with rades ai the Camps: Bra. H. Bart- basement on Frîday aitemnoon. uuly remarked, at the rather noa- from which data can be iurnishcd ta grawcrs. Here FAO staff mcm- John Sanders. Then she spent 4 lt CerntoT ebH r. ereSapea ndMs elepreceafh Cucl4 ber lspct achnewhlh andesthecads i he atloge. years in Pickering later moving Surnmersford, E. Willetts and M. Jennie Thompson canducted tbe having been thanked for anything ta the iarm knawn ta many as Heny evie. .Mr.Gle a h hy a o Hall's farm in East Whitb y where enry sevc'EthMsNimrIttete hddn.l tbey spent 10 years. Then 45 The floral offerings were beau- hyears ago ber husband purcbased tiful including a wmeatb from S. Ilthe bouse on Chapel St. where A. Corps and Balmoral Hotel and SOCIA AND PERS IRALshe stili resides. Her busband others from Vancouver, Toronto passed away 14 years ago. and General Motars. Phone 663 Mrs. Sanders is ai a bright He was laid ta rest in the faim- ________________cheerful disposition, still takes a ily plat at Bowmanville cemetery. keen interest in the gaings on ai Mr. David Willis, Toronto, was the weekend with bis parents, the outside world, enjoys listen- in town Saturday and gave the Mm. and Mms. C. E. Rebder. ing ta tbe radio, such as church WILLIAM A. CRYDERMAN Statsma oficea iienly cîl. Mm.Ala Stîke aiservices, hockey games and news Staesmn ffie afrendy cll Mr Aln triè,University ofi generai. Almost deprived ai (Vernon B. C. News) Miss Marjorie Bradt, Toronto, Toronto, spent the weekend witb ber eyesight, she enjoys laoking Fnmlsrie eebl was weekend guest af Mrs. Wal- bis parents, Mm. and Mrs. W. R. aiter some ai the bousehold dut- Funrsriebs22 fomthen nied lace Braden. Strike. ies, even ta cleaning ber kitchenFChu2 rcb R eV n.oC. nitedui Mm.le Uwsi oot Mrs. Gardon Mitchell, Wbitby, floor by getting down an hem hrh e.L .C mt fi Mr. lme Ot wasin oroto isited hem mother, Mrs. Andrew hands and knees. She enjoys a ciating, for William Arthur Cry- Friday attending a convention ai venngo and sister, Mrs. Fred friendly visît and chat with hem derman, 78, pioneer resident ai rsiodçndnly C the Pepsi-Cola dealers in Ontario.a yra. many relatives and friends who Vernon for 58 years, and prom- Allince Mm.R.H.R. carH.K gsilekryermn.delgbiingîinghelanocasin-menicntrctrinrogbot he ____lier_____an___occasion-______________________________________________________the__ W. Miss Margaret Fammer and Mm. al caîl. You will find hem sitting Okanagan. is visiting bis brother, A. W George Mundy weme weekend in bier ocking chair eady ta Mm. Cryderman was bomn in Pickard, and Mrs. Pickard. guests ai Miss Elsbeth McElbiney, greet you with a îriendîy band- Hampton, Ont., in 1872, and came GaIN PULLS Special Values & Rem inders Mm. Hobert Knight, Ottawa, Toronto. shake and a cbeery welcome, If ta Vernon 20 years later. He spent the weekend witb Mm. and St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Feb 22. anyone goes in wbam she bas died in the hospital an Feb. 19. Mrs. Fred Aluin, Carlisle Ave. Miss Creasser explained anather known for some time she can cal] He was closely connected witb .D .B A D S E IL Mrs. Gea. W. James was in chapter from the study book. An them by name byeher oeve hebackaciemet f er Dundas Tuesday visiting hem invitation ta join with Hampton The Statesman joins with ber non tbrough bis womk as a con- Fo T usdv Frda ndSludv Kes h hi i pao i dy mrother, Mrs. George Woods. C .G.I.T. on Feb. 27 was accepted. many friends in wishing "Aunt tractor. Many ai Vernon's earliest 'NWfc pa'n', ZFor i C Guaadm again and romovesy Mm. nd Ms. . S.Ama at- Mm.and ms.EamlOsbmnaMm.Maryr" continued good bealth and structures, including the Post Of- swollen, oching 'in fts adu tendçd the funeral ai bis uncle, J. F. Osborne, Mm. and Mrs. Or- any hay rtmsonhm9n fice, Vernon Fruit Union, and deranged kidneys. Alka- BLANDOIL, 4-az., reg. 25e __ 9 aragemn ute Mm. Charles J. Goodiellow at ville Osborne and Helen weme brha.the an ofCmecwr Reg. Siue S100'sCOD , VReg.$ CAPS. Codrington last Wednesday. Sunday guests with Mm. and Mrs. built under bis direction. . !J.S29o - 57oe00s 83c$.9 - Mm. Frank Cawey,an old friend L.H. Guy. Oshawa. . . & P . Lmployee Hespar a pe vertbe n- 90 Pl-.5 ____CASCARA TABLETS, oi the late Mm. George H. Peebles, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Buckley B c i irlvnfsructon aiuprs the ecomn-am Economy___10,rg.3e ______-29 attndesdabiy fnaalweakpat nd o Pue wt embrpare camp during the war and con- 70Baby'. Own CORN REMOVER, onnTsedayr.wand guesA.with Duberyar 83rd Birthday tinued in this capacity for tbe Tablets ¼/-oz., reg. 25c -------- Miss Nellia Burks, Memarial OeltetsM .n Ms.AE.Dde,____ vetarans' housing developments Bayer Aspirin --- - ---- -eî9 29e - 690 SYRUP FIGS & SENNA,- _______ Hospital Orillia, spent the week- clStet The Statasman joins with bis in Vernon and Kalowna. Chase's Paradai--- - 43c-$l.Z33-zrg33____ 7cW Caya end with hem mother Mrs. T. S. Mr. Orville Osborne returned many aid friands in Bawmanville In tba aarly days Mm. Cryder- Carters Little Liver -zrg3e--- Halgate. home Satumday aiter spending in ofîering congratulations ta man was also very active in cam- Puis - ---------------33e 87c-95c BORACIC ACID, Cmlt ieo Joa GeefildToanafive weeks with bis daughtem and Wesîey Percy an ceîabrating bis munity affairs. Ha was a mambar ______________ Horllck'u 16-oz., reg. 25c ----9 Miss onGenilTrn, son-in-law, Mr. and Mms. Alax 83rd birthday an Fab. 28th. It ai the Varnon United Cbumcb, the Malted Miik COD LIVER OIL BP spent tbe weekand with bar par- Wight at Hugbanden, Alberta. is bard ta baliava Wes. is an Volunteer Fira Brigade, the Ver--- 8e 9 Sadr,6ozeg8e--63 BAUYPE RA ON field. Our- apologies ta little Jahnny actagenarian as hae is sean stap- non City Band and was a lufeUW M Maey Dippaîl for inadvertently omitting ping along King St. evemy day mamber ai the B.P.O.E. Oliver * -M AM mn Rcad uau tdToot Mms Suann AdeOraa is nama from the write-up last and possessiflg a clear mind and and a charter member ai the TE TH for the eyc and Mrand TrontHoldemeget week ai the Rotary Club Ladies' accurate mamory ai local people Vernon Elks. Y U E T F-iwi LEE 55e - 95 andfamlyTornt, wre uess ight. Jobnny maunted tha plat- and avents back in "the goQd aid Mm. Cryderman also was ac- yu ai Mrs. Margaret Silver. îomm and in cîcar sweet voice days." Talking with hlm on bis tive in the palitical field as mam- TO YOUTHFU $1.39 Mm. and Mrs. Leon Gunn and sang "Let Ma Caîl You Sweet- birthday ha mantioned thare. ' ber ai the Libamal Association. Hae _ ____ tla î~~" 1 family, Oshawa, and Miss Helen baart" and then presanted the anly ana other employae living was campaign manager for thea D LIA C !ItM~ N-SFE alm aL U Gunn, Toronto, weme guests ai President's Rotary Ann, Mms. Ed- in tho ino n heOtrgan & Pirkan R K.LC..MacDonald 23n - 33eel- M.adMsJ.A. Gunn. in theaw n in O ansatad aoklt . .Mconlknmaye-spedal lp.ld solvout mukn A DaGeer with a bouquet ai ras- Ca. factory back in 1882 - 68 ectians. teeth dzzullng Dr. Chase's 45c-89o _ 2TAB-ET Mr. Robamt Rehdem, McGill Un- tsa he T as abthe Lades"n t years aga - and ha is H. B. Sumviving besides bis wifc are w,,,e Nerve Food »ITR 5__ __________________________homefor__the_"Toast _____theLadies." _Creeper wbo lives on Harsay St. threa daughters: Hilda ai Vernon, Mode., 69c - $1.79 . 4 At that time over 400 men were Mms. C. R. McKague of San Fran- PconideJhnn' ,-OUCREIFF employad in the factary wbich cisco; and Mrs. R. L. Spratley ai Toohpu Babynso Mr r.E rg ebruary Bride was then Bwmanville's chiai Wst Vancouver, and Nomman, Powde HEAD CHE Honoured on Honored at Showers industry. Aiter leamning bis trade of Pentictan; six grandchildmen Rglrtb29Ç Ex-Lax NEURLGI _____Was. had tbe urge ta sea the and twa great-grandchildmen. Laxative 28eUATICPAI 4OtIh AnniversaryPrvusthe maiaan world and satisfied that desire Also surviving ara these bra- Econamnical large ttibê jfV 15 3e35 Paul'os Ut e rch oian b by gaing ta the U.S. where ha thers and sisters: Carias Crydar- N15ee C-N 33eR St. alsUie hho e. workad in several piano factor- man, Okanagan Landing, B.C.; Keplan Malt and 7Z N51.50 On Tbusday, Feb. 16. Mm. and 18th, Mms. E. Stephenson, nec jas in variaus statas going as fair Frank M. Crydemman, Bowman- Cod Luver Oil -------- _90c-3l.50 Colorinse( Mirs. H. Eber Crago, Providence, Audray Tamlinson, was enter- sauth as California before me- ville; Lewis R. Cryderman. Wampole's Extract --------51.00 Dodd's PCANO 15e - 35 weme vary pleasantly suprisad tained by ber friands at a num- turning ta the home town whara Hamnpton; Helena, Mrs. H. J. Kid0ytissus 63k'x ______lac wban many friands and relatives bar ai showars. The friands and ha -again worked at the Organ Haidge, Stoufiville; Annie, Mrs. Pis 20 tsses9' X 101Pod, athemed at their home ta cale- naighbors ai the bride made a îactary for many years. In bis B. Fergusan, Hampton; Ethel, iii, Lnd' grt hi otehwdiga-prasantation during a social av- aar]y days ha was an accom- Mrs. W.B et mao le 49e MAN'S SIZE 12""xl2" 29c Angel FaeMU S N mat thirfomiah wddng n-ening givan by Miss Ada Dadson, plisbed pianist baing a pupil aif rs J BCwlngt, Hampon; Ada,BOM -ET R ms. asn q..M.issAudrey bis sister, the lete Miss Regina Mrs.5 Mr. and Mms. Crago bave nina Rundle. The bride was also Percy. Latar ha was a membar Ms F. W. Tamblyn,, Orano; Hil- - M -SLZE _25c - 49c - 95e childmen: Famna, Marion, Made- bonourcd at twa miscallaneous ai the factary band pleying the da, Mrs. W. Wilbur, Hampton.p. PABLUM or PABENA, Tma h ihE.g lina Leland and Calvin; Mrs. Hl- showers givan by Miss Marion FTnamonpa idhi al er-on ton Peacock (Violet), ai Part McFail and Misses Kay Tomlinson uabeacitie or th e d itoraitan- Maads --------------- __ 25c - 50e 25e - 4 o, Hope; Ronald, ai Toronto; Stuart anfd Doris Tomlinson. Misses rafestihemforthbistorel aen WE EYVL E-iJ*fTOC ndG W"$.9m Rch VtiuA oi Bowmanvilla and Jack ai New- Eleanor and Dorothy Staphenson beyes ond au r hascore aees _______ (E WÉ TO evlond Luti--812$an.Sn39n castle. They also hava two grand- cntetainad at a persanal showar: e __________coe__________n' Lqid---------- --$12 cide.The girls in the east fist iloor Sunday School wes hald at< TONI "Spin Curler" Special__ $2.79 ExpontrVaal chidrn.wing of the Generel Matoms, Osh- .,-.~10:30 with an attandenca ai 26. ouvau Cigarette Mr. Milton Wight acted as awa, pesantad hem witb crystal Trinit YoungPeople George Tufiord, in the absence ai YOUT charrn ... COMBS, Womcen's 8,2fr1c2' 6 n cbaimman and filled bis position in a faon-boum presantation. TondlayHosis tDHerosdBgst---t-d-as-ac--t-----__8_,_2__for______________ wall. Impromptu speeches wce oPa ot oHrl et cdasSrtryhlpyu giva by r. owar Gisona 1roevJ arn V pTT Church followed with Dr. -Oke hiayuHOT WATER BOTTLE, givn by M.H ardt Jacson, tea rsrisIssue _orsbip service at Triniy1home ai Mm.TandAMrs.-Ano af God's Guidance and you 1 wili poauce. - "vzit*ciLuerai'ri;zmzn The angular rooflina is clothed. w l o e l s n o m t e i t i u e e e o s y t r u h L a m e p la y a d e m e d la y a n h em a c - ,re c o rbdth fo r o n y 1 .2 wîl otbelstnomatr îsmiuedgeerulythouhcordion. Pat sang several um- Snow is the kind historien. The boitrony12 bow augh the sea. ths attracv ohraesarafnum- bers, accompaniad by Hlnrcr aihs eowroughtesahs atuacivercraes i are u-Nees Snow is a master disciplinarian. For the pnice of the sharnpoC geous blooms, attractive trees and els It doas not preach about your alone . .. get a rcg.Iar 1.25 TRI ITYiommed us that 25,000 ai these toucb ai wit and humour, it *was Snow is the good campanion. It bottie of Richard Hudnut U ie Ch ch catalogues bave been mailed out decided that we includa church mekes you beliave the thoughts Egg Creme SharnPoo Plus a C O O A EF UnifiedChurchirom the Bowmanville office in attendanca ai each group in aur you are thinking are youm 0wn special-size bottie of Creme the last few weeks. In addition contast. In this cantest eacb mem- Snow is the childman's play-Rne hspi ok Morning ervies -il a.m. 50,000 smeller circulars bava beenbagtsapitfrttnnga- mata. For the lana cbild it is Sunay ahol -12:5 pm. sent ta Toronto alone. so another point for waaring crowd. And snow disputas adultRne!Ti ai ok S n a c ol -1 :5 .r . In M . Scott's estim ation, this their Young People's pin. At th e bood wb rvpi id t (~ aw nd crb e i t cor esct book is the fincst colored nursery ahnd i the yaar ithe group. with Snow isouthayoliticealombero. epgyorhrhalh catalogua printed in Canada and hihst standing 'n points i, an- Whatever yusaaitam ne adb utf! Evenig Series 7pin. should serve as an excellant ad- tcrtainad by the other three holds the opposite viaw. - >C -- - - - - - -- , HEv ENgSrvcHOIR P- vartisement of Bawmanvi]le. goups, usually by a supper. Snow is the sophisticated guest. TiHE occupy HO IRndWaship service was conducted It knows thera are places where P E C ITO S A SE L .T will ocupy he lot and Hunger and happiness don't go by Christian Culture convenors it is wanted and places where it is P E C ITO S A S E U T bring special music, tagether! One cencels out the Audrey Northcutt and Joyce Cox. not. The snowsbovel is nat an other. Send happiness, and end Next Mondey night Trinity affront ta it. j __ UM Rcv. S. R. Henderson, hunger with youm CARE food Young People are having a party P.S.-Yau'll find it (the shovelM vu* r £18U B.A, BD. Miistr. package averseas. Send aleven et the Community Centra. We thet us) just outside the back LI Vg r, Mr. R. G. Harle, tawa. Grava Young People. We araetr h n 9 Direetor of Music. Under a land reform schame, looking for a good crowd ai aur Great men forgat themscîvas We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. DrugStr peasants are occupying Sicily's awn membars. Ail aur Young1 in sarving othars. Small men for- uncultivated acre&. People are invited. - ___ gai otheaain serving themselves. M CANADUN STATESM«. BOWMANMM, ONTAMO 'EUU MAT. IMCX 2nd. 1950 lý PACM MM

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