t I Tm~ aAeALTM( TATEMM. UWu1vzm -CTAMTfl I'1fPR8AT, imAew 11114 -f Projected New Highway DeveloPments WILl-Be 0f QreatBft To Bowmanwille andl Distrc 1 recently qighways, )ove map: no rth -of nd Cireek )aving cf ension of ,h 'Bow-. Il shian, cýthr ,o learnlý that in. Grainger,. Ot- and Mr%. Har- mily. T imico, vlsted afrs. C. R. Green re doing a won-i ;hing things to ted but ài the one llttl% fel- -ad1y negllcted. Rinkette are sence at their ,n24th bs they ýhelp -Atisfy VIt"b! giving 1 of charge for M* j>iesent Waltonts ake liii tort or welcome. ? «Piniky" ended the trnival im Saturdgy.ý b. con- erlorm-- f men- "'The. se Mr. ;ht aaid fam- They moved et Port Perry we hope theyý nany years to irn that Mr. Balfour LeGieslyof :,Albert Col- 'loge, BèepfliJ , sikcumbéd to the fluand :c4ýinied' *to Bèllevlleë Generl. Hop1~a.jp1~wèver,.lie should iuprove ra *idWy now lie is convalekffiîh eRet bhoie-ubo House. Mi.and...Mns. Paul .Yurkowski have left, theïr. home ' on Beaver hope they 11k. thêirfté nw.hoM~e. Mi-., Paul Bennett,' 'Toronto, spent the weekeid wtti'lits, par- ets, Marand .Mrs.'D.,,L. 'Ben- nett. - . Miss Lorraine Leei, Messrs.- Art Toms 'Bud Bibnathah, and --Gordon Lee, - 7réonto,, supent the weekend in tewn. *Mi.-. Paul ;Ielaney, .Oshawa, spent .Sundaytwith, Mr.' and Mrs. TomSpencer. - Mesurm. FrYed. and, Chai-les Lake, Toronto, speht, .tle weekend'at home. Mi-. Fxed Lake i snow. employed"..with -the Tippet-Rich- ardson moving. concern. cf To- i-ento. « Mrs. A. -'Bopathan, Toi-enta, vxsted -Mr. and*. Mm. Morley Sel- .lows- and .. Mr.- and -Mrs, Chas. Bona$han. -Fiom- -al z reports -the- -Masons held. -another, ýsuccesuful "At Home". ffldây'ýevening. . Mi-.'Albért - Wheldon 'and Mi-., and Mms.. H. Dayman, -Lindsay, and, Mà - W. Howe and Teddy, Oshiawa,, were- weekend visitai-s of Mr. aud Ms.- Harry Couch. 'Conigratulations'-'te.ýMi-. aud Mm. Norinan ,Bagnell, on the birth' of their .sou' on:ýMarch l3th lun Toronto East General Hospital. Mr. Murray'- Patterson, Brad- Iord- and- Ororie, :visited Mr-. and manville is not marked on the above map, we pause to remark the town is sf111 in the same location, 9 miles east of Oshawa and 5 miles west of Newcastle - been localî option for 30 years and bas no unemploynàent), and thence on a new road to connect with Hîghway No. 7 at Peterbor- ough; (7) new dual-lane highway to run north of Kingston, Brockville and Cornwall;t (8) Highway No. 17 will be brought up to a high standard from Ottawa to the Quebec border. Mrs. Hr. Z. Toms. On Sunàgyay fternoon New- castle Basebali Club held an un- official meeting te determine future date of their ennual meet- ing and discuss Bush League possibilities. It was decided to hold their annual meeting on April 17 at wbich time they hope all interested citlzens wiIl show their interest by their attend- ance. Hockey, this year, in the comhiunity, bas suffered consid- ei-able and It Is hoped by al sportsminded people that base- ball doesn't meet the samo fate. It is' important that sports such as basebaîl be kept in the village because It leads te fai- play and botter citizens which will be a benefit to, ail in yeai-s to come. Local talent is this year's aim, se stand behind those fellows and don't let them down. 1 St. George's W. A. Evening Brandi met at the home cf Presi- dent Mrs. D. R. Dewdney with six pr-esent. Owing te bad weather and road conditions the soci-etary and other members were net able to got out se the entire evening was spont playing games. Next meeting at Mi-s. Henry Bowen's on, Mai-ch 22. Correction The - Statésman would like to bring g correction to the atten- tion of. its. reeders as it eppeared i lest weeIk's issue. The Hol- stein -Friesiaýi-Association report- ed that "Thte Southennan Hol- stein Herd cf lêlex Hendry, New- castle, was 9¶pei-sed Mai-ch 1 with 46 head. bringing a total of $13,6460 for an average of $296 each." In actuel tact enly 28 head were sold by Mr.I-.g~ndry, bringing a total of $8,075, wlth an average cf $281 per bead. Ton milking cows averaged, $362, four bred I M &/ ~0»J -J dus AtCawker's Store * 1-lb. liii 75<: .4MItIp 25c~ a a a '1.111e 17< - KENT FARM 20-oz. tin a~ f 2or 25ç L-eAMIJIDIUTRCI pkg. loci 1D' IIONS m .a 10-1h. bag 45c1 SPIECIALO' TUE WEND 18Ç bo id yo uwyueurof.an fdishes eompletely free at Cawkeen wlth jour.grocerles. no Obligatlof * %J ust Coe.in andl Incuire -- ---a-- T)eIiver Meafand îGroerOrders, Free of Charge - 'or - hePlac w'her yu cerndo ail y.ur-shopping at once. WB CAERY A £0COLMPLE UNE 0 S *MET *FRIT-. VEGETABLES BABY FOODS wkoe'sStore GRCOCEIMS77 MEATS M8 - '. *..* I -Globe and Mail Photo heifers $300, four open heifers $212, and 9 heifer calves $214. WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION Thç regular meeting of the Woman's Association of the Unit- pd Church was held March 9th with a good attendance. The op- ening exerciqes were conducted by Mrs. Hàrry Couch. Mrs. Tambhlyn read the scripture and Mrs. Merriam offered prayer. Mrs. Philp contributed a vocal solo. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Ross Dickinxson read the minutes. It was decided that the next meeting be a supper meeting with Rev. S. R. Henderson of Bowmanville, as guest speaker. There was some discussion re purchasing some table linen and it was decided that we buy enough for five large tablecloths. An interesting feature of the meeting was the presentation of a card to Mrs. Will Cowan who recently made herself a life member of the society. . The meeting closed with our theme song and the benediction after which a dainty lunch wa» served by members of Mrs. Harry Couch's group. Evereit Brown Wins In Judging Contest At Peterborough Everett Brown Newcastle, was winner of the men's section of the judging competition at the Holstein breeders' barn meeting Saturday afternoon at the farm of Stanley Wood on the Warsaw Road 'near Peterboro. In seqpnd place was Clarence Mann,l of Smith, one of the prom- mnent Ayrshire breeders of the district, with Ed Bulmer third and Gordon Staiker fourth. Winners in the women's -élass were: Mrs. Clarence Mann, Mrs. Clarence Coons, Mrs. Carman Seymour and Mrs. Henry Sharpo. Don McCorqupdale, a graduate of OAC, was first of the boys' group, with Archie Davidson second, Don Clarke third and Don Hutchinson. Resuits in the girls' class were: Norma McConkey, Eloanor Bowl- es, Mary J0 Doris and Doreen Bowles. Ed. A. Summers, agricultural representative in Durham, was ia charge of a demonstration of type and conformation, an objective discussion that was a feature of the meeting. Roy Ormiston, Holstein field- man, was in charge of the judg- ing competitions, and F. C. Patterson and R. E. Bell of the Peterboro departmental staff as- sisted in the program. Mr. Woods' herd and barn were in excellent condition for this winter time affair which was at- tended by about 110 men and wo- men. HAYDON J.W The Bible Class meeting was held at Mr. J. Potts' on Wednes- day evening with President Miss May Trewin in charge. Bible reading was read by Mrs. T. Westover and the devotional by Mrs. C. Slemon. Mr. M. Slemon led in prayer. The program was prepared by C. Slemon but C. Garrard took charge for the ev- ening. Readings were given by M. Slemon, A. Trewin and Mrs. F. Westover. Miss Meta Degeer rendered a solo. A couple of selections were given by C. S1.- mon on the violin with Miss May Trewin at the piano. A donation of $10.00 was voted for the Build- ing Fund. Lunch was served and a social tirae enjoyed. pleak~* ltr, erous, Cet MNwVol, Viger, VaIIt Bay goodble go tiielSweak. alware UaeIhuM leulmon & a"nroWUMMdue 10 We* blond. G« felingf c hua,. be PZ>y ail day. bave plenty of vitaUty loft ovoe by ev ag. Take aUm centaine Ion vitain Bi. = OupIowi. for blood bujIàg, .bodY a-r ut-eu- u Lia a. lavigomttu .181m: ImViOVI&ap"et. 1de.Uv towece COEaieUttle. iNew - t1S. " ~a r: W.A.' was* held at, Mrs., Chas. who sold their entire stock and the Shorthorn Sale at Oshawa on Rankine's on Thursday. Bible farm equipment, have moved to Thursday. si, reading was read by. Mrs. A. Whitby. We are soi-iy to see tbem Women's Institute met Monday a Read and the devotional by Miss leavo. afternoon with Mrs. Roy Lang- so Meta Degeer with prayer by Mrs. Donald Pi-escott was a guest of maid presiding and Mrs. Wes. flE C. Slemon. Mrs. W. Martnto h in Cu tteraal Yollowloos, leader of the north er whasrepar teby Mr W Blck-Rra Niglit program in Bow- group, was in charge of the pro- cha re of e p rgramWhBlch Ruavllgram. It was decidod tg give ol burn. Reading& were given bymavle $25.00 to the Church Fund and Mrs. R. Thompson and Mrs. Jack Mrs. Norman Stinson attended arrangements were made for the W~ Potts. Miss Winnifred Trewin the banquet for rural correspon- compilation of historical data of Of rendored a solo.' Mrs. A. Read dents of the Oshawa Timles-Ga- this community. The roll caîl hl played an instrumental. Lunch zette. was answered wlth a traffic law.- was served by Mrs. Leslie Gra- Mrs. E. Cryderman led in the ham's group. Mrs. C. Slemon, singing of Irish melodies and. also Mrs. A. Read and- Mrs. JacSLkN favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. Petta were elected t obtain e-S LN Clarence Vice gave a humorous timates on redecorating the in- reading, "How a Man Sews on a side of our church. Mr. Jack Baker attended a Button."- Mrs. Wes. Yellowleos Mr-.Melville Bertrlmlias pur- meeting at O.A.C, Guelph, last presented an intoresting addross chased a car. Wednesday. on the Laws of Ontario and Mrs. We welcome Mr.- and- Mrs. John Mrs. Ralph Davis, MAs. Loi-ne E. R. Taylor spoke en Current Liptay and family back ta oui- Hoskin, Mrs. Les. Stevens, Mrs. Events. St. Patrlck's refresh- community again. Lorne Kellett and Miss. Gladys ments were soi-yod by the group. Yellowleos attended "Mickey 'S Visitors: Omitted last week was - Bort Talent Show" at the Biltmoro Mr-. and Mrs. Peter Dubyk, Werry, Ennlskillon, with Ray Theatre, Oshawa, last week when Oshawa, with bis parents, Mi-. Ashton. little, Joan and Kenny Hallett and Mrs. M. Dubyk. were the winners of the $100.00 Mrs. H. E. Tink at Porcy Dew- prize.. ell's, Hampton. ENFIELD Bradley'stommunlty Club held Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Kellett, a.Lost Heir party and Mrs. Fred David and Donald with Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jackman, Smith and Murray Vice were the Minaker, Port Hope. Bowmranville, at M. Samis'. winners. Johnny ajid Joe Irentig with Mi-. and Mrs. T.' R. Bowman,,M Miss Gladys 'Yellowleos and their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock, with the Bowman Mrs. Ralph Davis were guests of G. S. Hentig, Oshawa. familles. the Oshawa Times-Gazette at the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mrs H.Stnso isvlitig wthannual banquet for correspond- Loi-ne, Dianne and Neil with Mrs. friends in Toronto. HallshheîdayenngS . de' hW. A. Ormiston, Brookl. MisMyrtle Tamblyn, Toronto, Fidy Viig.Mi-. andi Mrs. Cecil Bush and Miss,tSollna Home and Schbol Clu Catherine, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. with hier sister, Mrs. W. Bowman. will meet Friday, Mai-ch 24 la- Glynn Eastwood, Groenwood, at .Miss Ruth Prescott was one 6f stead of the 17. Please- note A. J. Balson's. 62 girls. and leaders of the Home- change. making Clubs of East and West Soi-iy to report that Mrs. Frank Durham who enjoyed a.bus trip Westlake, Sr. is 111 at the home Fewer Livestock to Peterboro. Under tho super- of ber son, Tom, at Hampton. " vision of Miss Jean Noble they Mrs. Lloyd Broome prosided In Disrit Farms onjoyed a conducted tour cf the for the missionary program eat Empress Hotel, S 1l v e r w o o d 's Sunday School whern Pearl Leach A sizable docline in the num- Dairy, a.visit to theý Lift-Locks, gave the story and Edith and ber of livestock on Ontario Coun- Quaker Qats plant, carpet manu- Carolyn Pantling sang. ty and Durham County farms as facturing plant and dinner at There will be no Church or on December 1, 1949, as compar- Hooper's, Restaurant. These tours Sunday School service next Sun- ed wlth June 1, 1949, is reported are sponsored by the Women's day on account of Hampton An- by the Statistics Branch of* the Institutes cf Onjario. niversary servcies. Ontario Department of Agricul- W.A. met at the borne cf the Mr-. A. L. Pascoe attended the ture in its ionthly crop report. prosident, Mrs. Hoskin Smith, funeral of Mrs. A. L. Nicholis at The figures for the two coun- wlth. a good attendance. The pro- howmanville Friday. with whom tries on December 1, 1949, with gi-arn consisted cf a paper by Miss d lie hd been essociated on the the totals for June 1 in brackets, Elsi Sams an reaingsby Ms. - Age Pension and Mothers' are as follows:- Jli ai n raig yMs Allowance Board for il yeers. Dur-ham County JRecaila and Mrs. A. W. Pros- Mr. and Mrs. Relph Davis at- cott.teedtefnalc Reps Sheep and Lambs 7,800 (11,770); Mrs. R. M. Seymnour occupied. uncle, Mr-. J. Black, et Wood- Cattle 51,950 (53,100); Swine the pulpit Sunday as oui- pastor stock, on Tuesday. 42,000 (45,400); Herses 6,840 was in poor healtb. Rev. Sey- Chai-les Langmaid and Bruce (7,205). mour is fortunate in having such and Donald Taylor attended the Onitario County an accomplisbed andwilling as- Lions Club Agricultural Night S heoep and Lamba 10,120 sistant. banquet at Bowmanvllle Monday (15,000); Cattle 72,200 (79,000); Mr. and Mrn. G. Martin, and evening. Swine 63,600 (62,100); Herses Mrs. J. Stephenson and Harry, A number cfflai-mers ettended 10,585 (10,600). Who feels injustice; w he irinks before a slight; wbo ba& xsense cf wrong se acute, and ;glowing a gratitude for kind* iess; as a generous boy?-Thack- * ay It is our pride that makes an- dber's criticism rankle, ou- self- 'iii that makes another's deed !fensive, ou- egotlsm. that f eels, iurt by another's self-assertion. -Mary Baker Eddy WANTED A Young man or high sohool bey to, learu the business end of the Nursery Trade. He sheuld be able te tYPe - have seme knowledge of bookkeeping - and b. sin- cere ef purpose. Thiis could * lead to an excellent position (Assistant te, the Manager> previded the appioant wais willing to werk and Icarn and not expect te become ricli on the flrst pay day. If any Young man wants to assure himself cf an excel- bent future and thinks that be lias the abeve qualifica- tionls, apply in writing stat- ing ail qualifications and saiary expected, te BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES Bowxnanvlle, Ontario . - . -1 -1 Il 111 de i - - m .ible - 2 1 1 *ý