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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1950, p. 13

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S---a-.-..- --....~. TMMUSDAY, MARCII lAth, 1050 "M CANADZA1 TATMAIi, OWNLA2VffL. CrAEIO PAGE THfl~TEEIS ýRotary Speaker'Gives Add.ress on Lile and Customs in Ihodesia J6 Experienced by a Nissionary Thé weekly meeting o! th( B8Wmanville Rotary Club wam helà at two places last Fniday fidt at thé Royal Theatreand second et thé Balmoral Hote] DAîve Euckspan showed thé Ro. tarlmns a Marcb o! Time filîn A lh lndicated how a group ol Mm-worklng and Interested ci. zMscon raiue the standard 01 toaching and educational facilitioi withln a comunity. TIi. novie showéd the candi. tli o!& the achools of an Amerîcan mitlcipality before thé citizen, tcbk an intérest la éducation, T% re weré so few teachéns tc hà dle thé large number o! child- rdff tbat few récèivéd individual athntioa. Classrooms weré poor- ly lighted, books wéré old-fash- ickied and falling apart, thé tea- chers and' principals wené aven- worked, and thé scbool machinéni wprua by an unscrupulous 9 ~up a! political racketeérs. wf The People Rise oovercome thèse conditions a gup o! énthusiastic folk bandéc t éther ta formi a citizens' com- ntee. This group stirnéd the e area ta vote for a new 1 ob oard, composéd of mem- b s who wère willing ta do same- tng about thé conditions. hé resuit xvas that thé school s bnought ta a high levèl af je iciency. Thé moral o! the fi was that any cammunity car a omplish thé samé thing with a b a! énthusiastie organizatian a1 public spirit. Nation Nééds Good Schools Keb film was showa ia honor ApT~ Fa9EorL4L ick . wil Me ow r ristoth BgMarshall 'Golden jubilée' C ntest - by bringing your éntry to! our store you are automatic. alIy éligible for over $4500 in wbaderful prizes. a AND - YQU QUALIFY FOR OUIR LOCAL ý1 CONTES T 'We wilI givé a beautifut MoLrshall 'Golden jubilée' Mýttress to a îucky local winner. Fi11 in the Limerick today and bring it to us. Extra éntry forms avgilable St our store. Héré's Y~chance ta win two cantes:s one entry -enter today C ONTEST ENDS SATURDAY, APRIL 15TIl Marshali a name meaning rest Forfr.fty years bas be: best To frudd/e you deep And ZNi you Io s/eep 4~ <dd Ow, testfine. end fil S l In Oen the co.o) - --. -....--,.- - CROSIRO inssrck Lino d . .................... ... ...... I *, eown ..............a.. aa>M THIlS COUPON TC ru. F. ORRIS ie is f is ls al National Education Week, dur- ing which peniod thé educators o! youm area are trying ta show bow important good achool con- ditions are to thé future a! our nation. President Walt DeGeer tharmk- éd Rotarian Buckspan for iice- operation in proenting thé film. Hiecongratulae Elmer Ott on the, hlgh quality of Uie Rotary Bulletin. Tom Palmer was ap- pointed to attend Uie next execu- tive meeting o! thé Kinsmen Club. Director Gannet Riékard Geoigé James congnatulated Rotanlan Garnet Rickard on bis appaintment ta thé Board o! Di- nectars o! thé Ontario Agricultur- al Collège. Thé guests were Ro- tanian Enic Jones Oshawa; Rev. William Pattenson, Newcastle; and Harvey Brooks Bawmaaville. Dan Marris lntroduced thé speaker Capt. W. E. Déerng o! thé Salvation Army by saying that hé represeated another inter- national onganizatian. Hé was bora and éducatéd la Néwfound- land. Mlssionany Work In Africa Aftér passing through th e Training Collège hé voluatéered for missionary wark la Rhodèsia. Following bis marniage ta an- other officer. thé two wént ta Rbodésia wheré they spent threé nyears. * "Although. we spent only three * yéars la Rhodesia," saud Capt Deing, 11we learned a great dea] about thé country and came ta liké thé peaple very much." 1fE thus préfaced bis talk whicb waE ta deal éxclusively with bis thneE yèans o! mlssionany Work. Africans In Raw Staté Thené, wé saw Africans la their naw staté. We livéd 25 milea fram thé nearést white man, and bad ta pass aven unbridged rivera and thraugh rough and wild ter- ritory ta get ta aur post. Thé idéas a! thé black man are much diffçrent fram those o! thé Eunopean or North American. Thèse people are just emerging fnom superstition and héathen- dam. Probléms which ta us are insîgnificant are ta them mattèrs o! great moment. Inerlorlty Complex One o! thé gréatést difficulties facing missionanies whèn they try ta educate thé negro is that thé latter bélieves that hé is in- capable o! accomplishing what thé wbites can do. Hé explains that théir culture is so far bèhind that of thé whites that they taa't hope ta catch up. Wbenéver thé misioay pa- tiéatly tries ta instruet thé native bow ta béat salve bis problèms, the Afnican negro says, "But you are white man." It la thé work of thé missianary ta try ta aven- camé this sensé a! inferiority. White Man Not Aecepted The African negro doés not fully accept thé white man. Not evea thé missiananies, who do ail they can ta hélp thém, are àivea credit for thein effants. Thé cul- tures are as yet fan to diffèrent toa show fan an undénstanding on théir part. But thé missionary béliévés that hé can break down thé stnangeness la timé. It la thé task of thé missionany ta help thé native overcome bis ingrained superstition. Thé only way this can hé done la thnougb thé substitution o! Chrlsitianity fan thé présent beliefs. Evil of lVitch Docton Thé witch doctor effectively uses thé all-pervading fear af thé b.lack man for bis own évil pur- posés. Capt. Deeing necalled thé case af a witch docton who was being opposéd by a number o! thé mémbers o! bis cammunity. Hé secretly poisoned about six af them. Thée othén mèmbers o! thé area weré sa terril ièd they would not give évidence ta con- vict thé man af bis crimes. Fean exists la almost everything which affects théir lives. It appéars, amang othén things, la their bur- ial nituals. 'Strange- Bunlal IEltuais Thé Afnican negro béhiéves that the spirits o! bis ancestors came back ta trouble thé living with nightmares and plagués. Ia pro- pitiation af thèse spirits, and ta make usé af thém, thé héad o! a household la buriéd at thé gaté af thé corral. This la dèsignéd ta ward off thé iii luck which might othér- wise stniké thé livestock. Thé woman o! thé bouse la buried at thé doar ta thé storéhouse ta guard thé preciaus-stores against thievés and évil spints. Evil Practices Déad childrén are burled la empty river béds in ordér that their spirits may hé washed away whéa thé annual heavy nains come ta shuicé thé chan- nels. It is ta combat thèse prac- tices that thé missionary spénds bis time among thèse primitive peoples. Thé great feasta they hold are also a challenge ta thé mission- ary. Thèse festivals are a time of wild dancing, drinking ,fren- ziéd singing, and sexual éxcéss. Thé mnissionary can do véry lit- deé about thém, but'he tries dur- ing thé méat o! thé year ta in- fluence thé negro ta abandon bis attachment to thèse pnac- tices. Frenuied Feaste Capt. Deering recountéd thé feeling o! horron and tension hé felt when thèse festivals were car- iéd on. Hé could sée a circle o! bonfines la thé distance il- luminatîng thé night, with thé moving bodies o! thé blacks showing la thé glane. Thé per- sistent and throbbing béat o! thé drums was énough ta chili thé bravest. Lake Shore, Clarke Miss Jo10c Martin, Peterboro Normal Seol, was bomne for thé wéekend. Sevéral from hère attended the Masonic "At Home" in Newcastle on Fniday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin and family visitéd Misses Lynn, Noel and Enid McNeil, Hatfiéld Hall, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and familyMns. F. Wilson and Mn. and MÀru. Herb Wilson, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mns. Morley Allun. Newçastle, visited Mr..and Mn,. Miss K. Riches vislted Mr, and Mns. Harold Richeui Cambrsy. Mru. Roy McKay Bronte visit- éd Mr. and Mrs. hobin A.Zldred. Mr. and Mrs.. E. A. Tonkin mnd David, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynéu and Mr. Sam Powell attended thé funeral o! Mns. Gea. McMillmn, Oshawa. Messrs. Stanley and Alvin Tay- lor and Misses Blanche, Dora and Alice Taylor, Cotrtice, vlsitéd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flsk, FPred and Clara Mae and Marié Kent attended thé Ice Carnival la Orono, Fniday evéning. Mn. and Mns. Russell, Camp- belîford, with Mr. and Mn.. Chas. Fisk. Mns. P. Bowén held a qullting Tuesday with thé bopes o! finish- ing befare thé weékénd. Farma Forum was héld nt Mn. and Mrs. Bill Allia's. Miss Pauline Branch and Mr. Bruce McClure with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Roy Branch. Austin Turner and Bill Bar- chard atteadéd thé Masonic Fath- ér and Son banquet ia thé Coni- muaity Hall, Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Turner skated nt thé Skating Carnival ia Orono last wéék. Mr. and Mn.. Moore, 4th Une, wlth ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Merlin. Miss Mary Gibson and Mn. Les- lie Gibson, Toronto, spent thé wéekend at home. Messrs. Jack Clément and Harry Wittaker, Oshawa, vlsited Mn. and Mns. Jack Gibsan. Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gib- son. Mn. and Mrs. Austin Turner at- tended thé Masonic banquet and dance Friday evéning in New- castle. You do nat get a man's mostt effective criticismn until yau pro-t vake him. Severe truth is ex-s pressed with same bitterness- H. D. Thoreau The mfssionary runs into un-t foreseen problems when he triesN to educate the native. It ls the custom for every man desiringE a wife to pay a certain amaunte of money ta the father of theq intended bride. In the past, five pounds and several head of cattie were the purchase price.s Now, when a girl has several l grades af éducation, she la worth I twenty pounds and up ta ten I times as many cattié. But in thec face af this the missionary con- tinues his work to teach thé t natives reading, writing and ar- ithmétic.e Medical Clinles Spreadlng f Medical care is spréading ta more and mare of the back- t jungle parts of Rhodesia. The government is sponsoring most of the clinics establîshed there. The big difficulty in treating the t negro is that although he may be on bis way ta recovery after visiting the doctor, he puts bisd medicine on the sheif whén he f gets home and forgets about it.j The African black mani har- a bars as many diseases as it is t possible for a man ta hold and a live. He has malaria, pneumonia, tl yellaw lever and others. But the1] thing that amazed Capt. Deering Jc xvas that hie is very hard ta kili. r( Many snakes which would kill a r( white man thirty seconds after fi biting hima have littie effect on P thé black. ci The Positive SideM But the negro is flot entirély a, a negative créature. Much af his 0 herbaI medicine cauld find a place in modemn medical journals and practice. And as primitive n as it is, bis method a! communi- cation is unusually efficient. Capt. Deering remembers try- ing to cross a river bed with bis car. Three of thé tires blew aut and he was stranded. He later found out that althaugh bis wife was at the timé 60 miles distant she had learnéd of bis mishap léss than a hal! hour after it had oc- curred. This had happéned in spité af thé fact that he had nat caught sight of a native for hours befare the trauble happéned. Inhospltable Country Rhodesia is a véry harsh cauntry. wîth its inhospitable racky terrain, and its gnarled and almost useless trees. The Cana- dian carpenter would have a tough time trying ta work thé twisted wood that grows in that - region. One af thé most impressive sights the Captain has ever seen was the bluff-top grave af Cecil Rhodes. The latter is buried in a crypt laboriously carvéd out of the solid rock. His body was carted by oxen over the most for- midable rocks and boulders that man caa imagine ta thîs final resting place. It is almost Incon- ceivable that man could under- ake the perilous journéy requir- « ed for this burial. Hopes to Returu Thé continent of Africa offers a wanderful field for service, claims Capt. Deering, and he hopes ta return there as soan as possible. Blain Elliatt moved a vote of thanks, and President DéGeer passed it an, with the présenta- ion of an autamatic pencil. ta te speaker. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phono Whltby, 552 318 Dundai St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARRERS Precise workmanship and caréful attention to, detail are yaur assurance when yau choose from thé widé seléction cf lImported and domestia Granites and Marbies in stock. FIFTY YEARS ... of Constant Growth In size . . . in strength service.. The Crown Life Insurance Company Established 1900 Home Office Toronto, Canada Agent: Lamne *Alia 17 Division Street Bowmanviiie P. SPRING PAINTING NEEDS MAPLE GROVE b MLishMlldred Sraawden 'ed Jean Burgess apent the weékend wlth the former'. sister and bra- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.'.Otia 1Pritchard, Manotick. Mr. Bob Stevens. O.A.C., Guelph, spent thé weekend at home. Miss Edna Snowden, Manotick. ln spending this. wéek with ber. parents, Mr. and Mr&. Allia Snow- den. Mr. and Mrs. Bert *Snowden, Town, were Sunday viuators. at his father'à, Mr. and, Mru. Lloyd Sriowden. Several in the. communlty have been down wlth the. flu. Soveral are stifi 111 wlth it. W. wlsh a apeedy recavery for them m*Li A number. o! aur communlty attendéd thé funeral on Monday of Mrs. Fred Lyle, who was a former résident o! this commun- ity. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Willis (née Myrtle McRey- nolds), Toronto, and Mrs. Lyle's daugbtérs, Mns. O. Hoopér, Town, Mrs. Thampsoa, Oshawa. SKENDAL Miss Matry Taylor, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. B. Alexander. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Bannes and Miss Juné Gordon wéne guests of Mr. and Mns. Eanl Burley. Mn. and Mns. Jaé Jilisea and Chnistina were at Tillsonburg and Delhi when they uhlpped their load o! tobacco. Congratulations ta Mr..and Mru. Clarence Thertéli on thé arrivai of their son at Bowmanvillé Hos- Pércy Burley, Roy Mércér, Jack Carscaddea and Bruce attendled thé hockey game la thé Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday evening. Congratulations ta Miss. Gracé Mercer wha bas finishéd ber typ- lut course at thé Bowmanvulle Business Scbool wîth honours. Wé wish ta cangratulate Miss Shirley Quantrill on passiag ber Gradé II Tbéory Exams with lst Class Honouns. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mueller and Jimmy, who gréw tobacco on thé Gea. Langstaff farma laat yéar, have moved ta a farm o! their own ta thé north-east of Enter- prisé. Mr. and Mns. Joé Garazynski and family from South o! Eliza- béthville have moved ta Mr'. Marglé's f arm, vacatéd by Mrr Hutnyk. We wére sorry ta léarn that Mr. Jas. Martinell was taken ta' Pétérboro Hospital last week. Hé bas béen i poor health for somé time. We hope tbey locaté thé trouble and trust that hé wIll' soon be home feeling fit again. Mr. and Mrs. Pété Martiaéll,' Kenny and Dick were la Péter-" bora Suaday ta sée Mr. Martinel whilé Mr. and Mrs. Lamée Mar- tinéll and Mrs. Jas. Martinell weré back on Monday. W.A. meeting wag held Ia thé Sunday School room, Friday ev- ening. Plans weré made for euiting thé two tops danated by Mis,. Darlington at thé néxt meet- ing. More names are also to bé secured for thé autograph quilt. Mrs. F. Stoker, assisted by Mrs. Milton Robinson, was named ta, look alter collécting for thé Red Cross la Kéndal school section. Misi Bett;y.HÔwý and Misà Katié Stewart wilL hé callectirïg in their schaol sections.* Aý very pleasant evening was enjoyéd wbea a large crawd o! triends and relatives 'o! Mr. and Nirs. Ken Clark (née Leilla Mar- tinéil) gathéred la Kendal Orange Hll on Friday événing. Thé hall was tastéfully décoratéd> la pink and White with white belîs. Af- ter a périod o! dancing Mrs. Mil- ton Robinson calléd Leilla and Ken ta a séttée on thé platform. Miiss Joyce Burley rend thé ad- dress, expressing aur béat wisbés for thém, whilé Misses Chnistina Jilisen and Grace Mercen drew aide thé curtains disclosing a tableful o! lovely gifts. Leilla and Ken expnéssed théir sincère ;hanks and ahl joined la singing 'For Tbèy Are Jolly Good Fel- .'ows!" After a sumptuous lunch round and square dancing weré resumed. Relatives weré présent from Petérboro, Béwdley and Port Hope. Thé young ladies la "NEPTO - LAC" Lowe Brothers Qulck Drying Enamel For any Inside or out- aide job that réquines thé very finest heat and moistune résisting finish. 24 Colouns and White ½/-Pts. ___- 05C Qts. - $2.25 Gals. - $7.75 BONDEX. 'T"EMENT PAINT" Makes an extra room cf ý ;I the basement. Protectu as It decarates and water- pro.Makes wet base- ments dry. 3-1b. package - $1.30 "KEN - TONE" The original Resin and 011 Finish One gallon does a large room One coat cavers most surfaces Latest, smartest calours. Dries hard ini one hour. Na disagreeable paint odour. t. $1.40 - Gai. - $4.98 ACCESSORIES Pure Turpentine- gai. $1.25 Linseed 011 gai. $2.95 Pure Sheiiac, White qt. $1.95 Pure Sheiiac, Orange qt. $1.75 Pure Putty _ _ b. 12c Water Putty __ b.--33e Super Sealer, White qt. $1.45 Patching Plaster - 5 ibs. 50e Naple Grove Women's Institute Review Year's Activities ai Meeting In presiding for thé March l3th business period of Maple Grove Women's Institute, Mrs. L. C. White called for annual reports o! standing conîmittees and gave a most interesting month by mantb review of thé activities -af the lnstitute. To the request on thé annual report form for a vote on thé mast outstanding meeting o! thé year there xvas general agrée- ment that ail meetings were in that category and no décision was made. The constant faithful work of [hé Good Neighbour's Committée was reported by convéner Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. Mrs. L. C. Snowden urgéd mémbers ta make use of thé Ca- riadian Association of Consumners by repç fing instances af money being syèrit an inferior gaods. Thé rolIl caîl "My First Impres- sions of Maplé Grave" brougbt forth some most interésting and humorous news. Mrs. W. H. Brown reported for thé nominating committée and thé following officers were élect- ed for 1950-51: Immédiate past presidént, Mrs. L. C. White; prés- ident, Mrs. Ivison Munday; lst vice, Mrs. W. HU. Brown; 2nd vice, Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey; Secy- ['réas., Mrs. Stuart Morton; Dis- trit Director, Mrs. L. C. Snow- den; Diréctors, Mrs. A. J. Camp- bell, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. Ernié Twist; Auditors, Mrs. E. Foley, Mrs. Fred Stevens; Mem- bérship Com., Mrs. W. Allison, MIrs. Cecil Milis, Mrs. Morley Flintof 1, Mrs. Wallace Munday; Goad Neighbours Com., Mrs. Ste- >hén Jeffrey, Mrs. Ken. Sum- mérsford, Mrs. Lou Hockin, Mrs. R. D. Trimble, Mrs. W. H. Brown; >ianist, Miss Edna Swallow. Standing Committeés: Agricul- tue and Canadian Industries, Mrs. K. Lamb, Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Edwin Ormis- ton; Citizenship and Education, 'Ms. L. C. White; Histonical Ré- search and Currént Events, Mrs. 'Morley Flintof!; Junior Institute Activities and Résolutions, Mrs. Howard Bradley, Community Ac- vitiés and Public Relations, Mrs. Charles Greenbam. Mrs. Cecil Mills was appointed delégate ta 'îe officens conférence at O.A.C., âUeJlpb, inMay. n n ti ti p: ic v tr Fi bi tm F. a tl ti to 1 Rail cail for April-member- ship fee. Mrs. A. J. Campbell took charge f f the pragram in thé absence af àMrs. Howard Bradley, Social Wél- i are convener. Mrs. L. C. Snowden spoke on the motto for March, "Educatian 1Precedes Action."l In reviewing the type o! education requiréd for living in the early days in Canada in relation ta thé dé- imands of today much more is re- quired of every citizen in educa- tion for responsibilities in world rcitizenship today. In aur local sphere Woméa's Institutes are in- térested in éducation for home- makingand in sail conservation, sincé dépléted soils do not make for happy homes. Mrs. Snowdén also gave a brief reviéw o! "Canadian Education Week." Commencing with Sun- day through to Saturday: Edu- cation-Everybody's Business, i.e. the Church, thé Home, thé School, thé Farm, Industry and Com- merce Labour and the Commun- ity and the community want must be for ail its children what thp LINOLEUM RUEDER MASTIC Coloured Wall Tile CERAMC ]PLASTIC ESTIBATES FREE Work Guamteed B. C. REAL Phon* 2902 Bowmanvilc L.e Erothoeu 'GLO - TEX" Beautiful, brifllant high glass finish. Ap- ply wlth'brush or rai- 1er. Dries ta endurlng glass ovér night. Ecan- amical ane-coat cav- erage. Qtu. - 1.90 Gals. - $6.25 HIPPO Pernmt PliablIt, ilu10a wonderful Iloor fin- Ish. It la a spea- ially prepared oit. whlch drie. hard and lirm and la as resistarit to wear as the hide of a hippo- potamus. The nat- ural grain beauty of the wood lu pre- served and floors gleam with'a depth of beauty unexceil- ed y any other finish. %-Pts. - 75e Qts. -$2.10 Lowe Brothers "NELLO -GLGSS" Dries to a matin- smooth finish that resists wear and re- peated washinga. Lowe Bras. 'Meilo Gloa" là perfect for w a il a, woodwork and trlm. "Mello Gloa" saves nioney because calour and finish remairi fregh MS for years. Qtu. $1-90 Gals. - 62 "GCYPTEX" Texture Finish Foi WaiIs and Ceilingu GYPTEX ls brushed on like or- dinary paint - thén textured to suit your own Individual taste. Covers cracks, stains, gouges. For practically any interior wall sur- face. In white and colours. 10-lb.. $1.60 - 25-lb.$3.50 One 5-lb, package o! Reandon's Caqe&n 1 )1 cavera on avý. small roc plasten, 1 board, wallpa . one coat. Dnies ia- stantly. 5-1b. package- $1.20 "KEN' GLO"g The finish t h at looks and washes like Baked Enamnel. For kitchens, bath- roorms and finished woodwork. Easy ta apply, - one coat M ~f cavers. Requires no ÈIIT . à rimer. D<ý-c, ;n 3 GLUç0*,or 4 h b1e, e.. -i b1e. Qt. $2- Don - WE HELP MARE BETTER 110MB béat and wisest parents want for their own childrèn. A program aon Shoés and Foot Hèalth pmépared by thé Shoe Manufacturera Association waw pmsèntéd by Mns. A. J. Camp- bell and Mrs. L. C. Snowdéa. Somé moat énllghtening facts wére brought ta light as ta thé il1 héalth and misery which may hé thé result o! Impropènly flttéd sboes. O! thé 26 bones ln one part soe are net properly devel- oped until thé age a! 18 yeams hénce the great nèed o! care ln fittiag shoés for cblldmen and young people. Bésides many foot ailmeats, pon posture, bow legs etc., may hé diméctly.thé result o! wrong shoes. This programn should hé la every home. Mrs. J. D. Stevens and Mns. Ken Summerford with Miss Edna Swallow at thé piano dèlighted thé audience with twa vocal du- ets. "'Came Bacla to Brin" and "It's Latèr Than You Think." Mrs. Mark Munday read a humorous sélection "Thé Party at thé Odd- féllows Hall." Mrs. Bradley's group sérved sandwiches, pickles and dainty small cakes deconated wlth thé green o! thé Shamrock, anmd tea ta thirty la attendancé. CADMUS Cadmus Forum met at thé home of Mr. and Mr&. Jacob Van Dam's Glad to béar Leslie Johnson is home from thé hospitai. W.aili wish hlm a speedy récaveny. Lamé McKéé l9 feeling bettér and back ta wark again. Congratulations ta Misa Annie Fée on ber récent engagement. Misses Helen and Margaret Shea, Fleetwood, wlth Mr..sand Mns. Wm. Fée. Mr. Don and Miss Joyce Larai- er, Toronto, spent weekend wlth parents. Mn. Billy Hanna andMrs. Rus Wehsh called on their parents Mn. and Mn,. Arthur Hanna. Mr. and Mn.. Dan Black, Dora and Mns. Jas. Dlckey with Mn. and Mns. Donald Johnson. Mns. Dickey J& rrmalning thérs for awhile. Mn. and Mn,. BdM Lawson and Bruce, Yelvérton, wIth Mr..and Mrs. Marwood McKee. Sympathy Io extended ta Ms.. Thanipson and Mr..and Mra. Mar- wood Mcee on the déath o! Mn. Bob Pattérson, Orono. W.A. and W.M.S. wili h hld at thé home o! Mns Gordon Stin- son Weclnesday night. Meeting orlppled ukblld. at the. station who are comIng to hou- pital from out of town points and seelng them through clinicu tu ans of thé duties of the Ontarlo Socie. ty for Crippled Cbildren. Use Easter Seala Help CrIppled Cbildren. 'Drealnmuuhlmïïnnll "Dream-Flower" CRYSTAL A new pattern cut on hlgh grade Belgian blanka. Idéal for showers and wedding glfts. SHERBERTS - PLATES FLUTED TUMBLERS ILUICE GLASSES WINE GLASSES Also ln the cmre pattern CAKE PLATES FRIT BOWLS CREAMS & SUGABS FLOWER VASES BON BONS J. W. JEW£j "BIG 1120, 27 King St. W., Bowmanvol'e PHONE 556 Phone 386 McGregor Hardware Co. King Si. W., Dowmnanville 'l. W. K." (Washable) Low Cost Finish1 BOWMANVILLE'S HEADQUARTEUS FOIR PAINT SUPPLIES SPRING 18 3UST AROUND THE CORNER AND TRE TIME TO GIVIC TOIR HOME THAT FRESH COAT 0F PAINT, INSIDE AND OUTSIDL WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK 0F THE FINEST QUALITY PAINTING MATERIALS TO GIVE YOU .COMPLETE SATISFACTION. PAU TEMTEM

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