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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1950, p. 14

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BRING YOUR 1. N*f - - TRADE MESSAGE BEFORE-f PYCAH N --------o--ow 12,000 READERS 611 CST 5cPEA BIRTHS EMERSON - At Str&tford Gen- eral Hospital, March 111h, 1950, to Mr. and Mrm. ,dgar Emerson (nee Anne Griffith) a son. 11-1 GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Graham wish ta announce the birth of a daughter, Lynda MArie, on Fridày, March lth, 1950, at Bowmanrville E11ospital. Mother and daughter fine. 11-1* MARTIN-Mr. and Mrs. James G. Martin (nee Audrey Greenham) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kenneth James Charles, an Sunday, March l2th, 1950. A baby brother for Mau- reen. 11-1. RUTHERFORD-Mr. and Mns. S. B. Rutherford, Orona, are happy ta announce the blrth of a daughter on Monday, March 13, 1950, at Bowmanville Hospital, (a bàby sister for Paul, Jo Ann and Heather). 11-1 * DEATHS KENNEDY-At the residerice, 10 Iamb's Lane on Friday, March 10th, 1950, James M. Kennedy, Deloved husband of Jean Hoskins, aged 58 years. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel on Sun- day, March l2th at 3:30 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. 11-1 LYLE-At Oshawa Hospital, an Friday, March 10th, 1950, Win- nifred Maud Lyle, widow of Frederick Lyle, in her 7th year. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel. Service in the Chapel on Monday, March l3th at 2:30 p.M. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 11-1 PAYNE-At his home Lot 15, Con. 2, Manvers.Twp., on Sunday, March 12th, 1950, Robert George Payne, in bis 84th year. Funeral was held from Pontypool United Church Tuesday, March 14, with. interment Pontypool Cemetery. 11-1 WILCOX -In Bowmanville, on March 1lth, 1950, William Wil- cox, beloved husband of Bertha Brimacombe, in bis 8th year. Funeral service from the, family residence, 58 Queen St., on Mar. l4th. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 1- IN MEMORIAM LEMON-In ever loving memary o! a dean brother, Douglas C. Lemon, who passed away sud- denly in Bowmanville, Marcb 21, 1949, in bis 23rd year: The blaw was great, the shock sevene; We little thought bis death was near; Only those that have lost can tell The sorrow o! panting withaut farewell. -Ever remembened by brother Ken and sister-in-law Jean. 11-i. SOUCH-In loving memory o! vur beloved sister and aunt, Eva $elena Souch, who passed away March Iltb, 1949: Loving and kind in ahl ber ways Upright and just ta the end o! hem days; Sincere and kind in beart and mmnid, What a beautiful memory she left behind. -Ever remembered by brother and sister, nieces and nepbews. TUERK-In lovîng memory o! Max Edward Tuerk who passed away March 13th, 1947: Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest mest that folows pain; We who loved him sadly mis bim, But trust in God ta meet again. -£ver remember by Mothen, Dad, Brothers and Sister. 11-1' Wanted DEAD or crippled stock removed free a! charge. One boum service. Higbest prices for old hanses. Margwill Fur Farm, Cali Collect: Bownianville 2679. 41 -tf Attention Farmers!1 WE will be pleased ta pick up dead or cippled farm animais. l'or immediate service Telephone Colleet, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266 W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2-tf Repairs RUBBER footwear, heI, soles, ips vulcanized as goad as new. G. F. Jamniesan Tire Shop. 9-tf FOR Prompt, efficient, guaanteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shos Repair Shop, King St. West, 9-tf &UEPAIRS toalah maires o! refrlg- erators, domestic and rommercial, Higgon Electria 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf CHESTI;RFIELDS completely re- uIt and re-upholstered. Satis- faction guardnteed. Have our consultant call at no -oblgation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre. 10 King St. E. 39-tf Bowling OPEN alleys at Martyn's Bowling Academy are available Monday evenings and after nine on Wed- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branch an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Pauline Alice, to F. Bruce McClure, son of Mrs. Doris McClure, Toronto. The marriage will take place April 8, 1950, at 7 p.m., in the Newcastle United Cburcb. 11-1* COMING EVENTS Dance, March 17th, Newcastle Hall, under the Orono-Newcastle Senior Hockey Club. 11-1 Old Time Dance in Newtonville Hall, Friday, March l7th. Ad- mission 50c. Ladies lunch free. 11-1* Dance, Enniskillen Hall, March 24, auspices Service Club. Prizes, refreshments. Proceeds for Hos- pital. Admission 50c. 11-2 W. A. of Newcastle United Chu rch will bold a pancake sup- per (pancakes and syrup, saus- ages and pie), on March 22nd, Admission 50c. 11-1 Hampton Women's Institute is presenting a play "His 'Women Folk" in Hampton Church base- ment on Fniday evening, March l7th, at 8 p.m. Admission: aduits, 35c; children 15c. 10-2 Charlie Hannîgan and His Mountaineers in Newcastle Coin- munity Hall, March 24th. Spon- sored by the "Rinkettes." Pro- ceeds for Memnonial Amena. Ad- mission 75c. 11-2 St. Patrick's tea in Tninity Sun- day School Room, Frid8y after- noon, March l7th from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Admission 25c. Table of kitchen articles, also Touch and Take table, 11-1 Reserve Wednesday and Thurs- day, April l2th and l3th, for the Lions Club Minstrel Show at the Town Hall, Bowmanville. Tickets may be obtained from McGregor's Drug Store or any member o! the Lions Club. il-tf The Women's Hospital Auxili- ary is holding their annual birth- day party on Thursday, March 23rd from 3 to 6 p.m. in the nurses' residence. Ahl ladies from town and district will be very welcome. 11-l* Hampton United Church 75th Anniversary, Sunday, March 19, with Rev. E. J. Robertson, King St. United Church, Oshawa, speaker at 2:30 p.m. and Rev. R. R. Nicholson, Bowmanville, at 7:30.p.m. Special music at boih services. 10-2 Reserve March 30th and 3lst for Trinity Y.P.U. annual play. A 3-act comedy entitled "The Family Upstairs." Information and tickets available from any of Y.P.U. niembers. Produced by special arrangement witb Samuel French. 11-1* The Goodyear Recreation Club are spansoring a St. Patrick's Day Dance on March l7th in Varcoe's Pavillion with Ted Everett and His Orchestra of Peterborough, in attendance. Dancing will be f romn 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. There will be a door prize and also spot and variety dance prizes. Admission $2.00 per couple for club mem- bers and $2,50 for non-members. Dress optional. 11-1 Applications Wanted APPLICATIONS will be received by the undensigned up until h12:00 o'chock noon, Tuesday, March 21, 1950, for the position o! Assistant ta the Counties' Clerk and Trea- surer, applicants must state qual- ifications and experience. Salary ta be $ 1,500 per year for male and $1.200 per year for female. AIl applications must be plainly marked as such on the outside o! same. W. E. BARR, Counties' Clerk and Treasurer, Cobourg, Ontario. Found SET o! false teeth, found Monday evening. Owner may dlaim. same by calling at Martyn's Bowling Academy and paying for adver- tising. 1- Room and Board ROOM, with or withaut board wanted, for gentleman, in Bow- manville. Phone 449. 11-l* ROOM andl board accommodation avaîlable for twa. Phone 896. Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, speclalizing in diseases o! the foot and leg. General chlrapody work.. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-t! Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain seahed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 9-9 AUCTION SALE 0F PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE I have been authorized ta seli for Mrs. John Aldworih Lot 13, Con 3, Darllnglon 11/ miles noth o! Bowmanvifle on Middle Road on Saiurday, March 181h HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The following Household Effects: 3-pce. Chesterfield Suite; Bed'. oom Suite (good) nearly new, Spool Bed, Dresser, Wasbstand; Dining-moom Suite (good); Kit- chen Table and Chairs; Electric Wasber (Beatty); Good Sewing Machine, drophead (Singer); Elec- trie Rangette; Wardrabe; Floor Lamp; - Upbolstered Arm Chair; Stands; 2 Rugs, 7'x9' and 9'x12' app.; Congoleum Rugs; Toilet Set; Ice Box; Cooking Utensils; Dishes; Cook Stove, 4-lid with eservoir (good): Fierco Heater, in good condition; Wash Tub; Boihers; Ladders; Forks; Scythes; Plank; Saws and many other articles. THE PROPERTY THE property consisting of 1/2- acre, more or hess, on wbich is built a brick bouse, with good basement, hydro, water, hen bouse, garage; mail at door; i1% miles ta Bowmanville. The pro- perty wihl be offered for sale subject ta eserve bid. Terms and conditions given time of sale. Terms cash on Household Effects Sale i p.m. J. R. Reynolds, Elmer Wilbur, Clerk. Auctioneer. Auction Sales Don't forget the Community Sale at Gay Barns, Courtice, oni Fiday, March 17. Please phone your consignments early. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 11-1 Salina Sale Exchange - Sping Opening - Friday, March 24th, at 1:30 p.m., at Baker Farms, Hampton. Cows, stockers, calves, pigs, hay, turnips, cedar posts, implements and what-bave-you. Terms cash. 5% for seliing. Na charge if not sold. J. Baker, manager, Phone 2180 Bowman- ville. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 11-2* Mr. T. A. Venner, 'Lot 30, Con. 5,Darlington, i1/4 miles east o! Taunton, wvi1l seîl by public auc- tion on Saturday, March i,8th, at 1 p.m., ahi bis farm stock and im- plements, including 16 bead o! Holstein cattle; 21 pigs; Fond tractor, with phow, cultivaton, disc and buck rake, For furthen particulans see bills. Terms cash. No reserve. Ted Jackson, suc- tioneer. il-i. Don't forget - Durham County Community Auction Sale ta be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, Thursday, March 23rd, at 1:30 p.m. There will be offemed for sale ahi kinds o! ivestock, mach- inery, furniture and dozens o! other items. Remember the date - March 23rd - the Sales Barn, Orono. The place where l farmers meet. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 11-2 FURNITURE SALE - I have been autborized ta seIl by public auction for Mr. Gea. Souch, 7 George St., Bowmanvilîe, on Sat- urday, March 25th, bis household effects, incîuding dining-moom, kitchen and bedroom furniture, stoves, silverware, cooking uten- sils, floor coverings, garden tools and many other articles. Se itemized listing next week. Sale at h p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbum, auctioneer. il-i I have been authorized ta seli by public auction for Fred La- Salle, Lot 2, Con. 3, East Whitby (i mile north o! Harmony and East, or 1/ mile East o! Taunton and South) on Wednesday, Mar. 29th, a]] bis farm stock, impIe- ments, barness, wood, lumber, fumniture. In this offering there i s an exceptîonally good cider press. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. iSee bills. Elmer Wilbur, suc- tioneer. 11-2 I have. eceived instructions from Mm. S. S. Morton & Son, Lot 19, Con. 1, Dariington Twp., h1/2 miles west o! Bowmanville, just south o! No. 2 Highway, ta seli by public auction on Wed- nesday, April th, at 1 p.m. sharp, their farm equipment. This sale will include a full line o! nearly new tractor machinery, bay, grain, etc. For !urther partic- ulars see bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 11-2 1 bave received instructions from Mr. Robert Eley, Lot 5, Con. 7, Clarke Twp., one mile east o! Kendal, ta seil by public auction, on Saturday, Marcb 18, at h p.m. sharp, al bis famm stock, impie- ments, bay, grain, poultry, wood and many other items. For Terms cash. As Mm. Eley is in poor heaith, evemything must be sold without reserve. Fred Ly- cett, clerk; Jack Reid, auctianeer, nesday evenings. i-tf HELP step up your vitality with - odin! Take Nova-Kep Tablets, Music Instruction the organic lodine your system Work W anted requires, in simple, palatable POPULAR piano playing. Fast, form. Heip overcome tiredness, GIRL with two years bigh schooh interesting course. For demon- rundown feeling, nervausness. desires work in store or office. strat ion, Phone Bert Payne, Bow- Three ecanomical sizes, at ail Experiençed at clerking. Write manville 2091. il-i0 druggists. il-i Box 383, Statesman Office. 11-C. Articles For Sale AXMINSTER rug, new, 9xl1½ ft. Apply 6 Centre St. 11-l'* TEXACO gasohine delivered ta farmers. Caîl Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates, we measure and instail. 37-tf WALNUT gateleg table, Bow- manville Trade-In Store, 65 King TEN ton o! Timothy and Alfalfa Hay. Carl Sehby, Newcastle, BEAUTIFUL Cogswell chairs, regular $39.50, extra special at $29.95, at F. F. Morris Ca. hi-tf CHROME furniture-Bumn-proof top table and four chrome chairs. Special only $59.00 at Morris Ca. il-tf PIANO for sale, priced easanably for quick sale. We need the room. Apply 46 Church St., Phone 797. 11-1 HOOVER floon polisher and vac- uum cleaners Sales and Service at Hydro Shop, Bowmanville, Phone 471. 11-4* GET your gasohine and ail barrels ready now for the sping work. New, steel bamrels, 45-gal., $3.50 each. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf CUSTOM killing every day ex- cept Fiday. Good quality beef sold by the quarter. Dariington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf PORCELAIN-top kitchen table; kitchen buffet; three-quar te r brown metal bed, with spring. Apply 33 Beech Ave., or Phone 2760, hi-i 1936 PLYMOUTH Coach, good body, motor and tires, new bat- tery, radio, beater. Will seil for $500 or nearest offer. Phone 2865. 11-1* 1937 CHEVROLET Master Coach, in excellent condition, with slip covers, beater and built-in radia, $750.00. Bill Skelding, Newcastle. 11-1* FREE parcel carrier with each o! aur 1950 baby carniages. See the new "Margaret Rose" and "Bannie Blue" colours now in stock at Morris Ca. il-tf USED Vacuum Cleaners-4feneral Mlettrie, in new condition, ahi at- tachments; Air-Way, very good1 condition, attachments. Vacuum cleaners reconditioned. Phone 703. 11-1* FENCE post " 4 inch top and larger, 40 cents; 21/2 inch to 4,1 30 cents; hydro, telephone and clotheshine poles. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Ferry 193rl4. 7-tf ONE HEAVY duty Dearborn Shovel for Ford tractor with manure fork, in good condition, used one season. Apply Harold Keil, c/o Henry Reicbrath, New- castle, Ontario. 10-2* BONDED Brake Shoe Excbanges, no ivets. In stock eady ta go; Chev., Dadge, Plymoutb, Chry- sIen, Olds., Pontiac, Euick (drums lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf LINOLEUM beadquamters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattemn that's made, is available at Bradley's,1 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-t! CONGOLEUM rug, 9x15, uscd 6 manths, $10; kitchen range, witb wickless ail burner <Queen) in- stalled, ail dnum, $30; Quebec heater, $10; cook stove, $15; Mar- lin .22 8-shot rifle, $20, bardly used; Champion outboard mnotor, $145, only used few timnes . Must be sold before Saturday momning. 16 O'Dell St. 11-1 Articles For Sale IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, dlean economîcal way. Pay onhy $11.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf ALL kinds o! meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners instahled anywheme in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cahl W. Len Eliatt, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithingc, Phone 348. 10-1 JOHN Deere machinery, tractors and farm implements for sale; also some used machinery. Re- pair work done, eady for spring work; also parts, sales and ser- vice. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St., Phone 594, Bowmanvllle. USED I.H.C. manure spreader; 2 new Case tractoirs; used Case tractor; new Case horse-drawn spreader; new DeLaval mi"k cool- er; new Ge neral 8' refrigerator; used IH.C. power corn binder. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 11-1 TEN -Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- ations ta choose from. Groups inchude: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cusion, i Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, i Attractive Table Lamp, i Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- iai $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose from. 2-tf BRADLEY Fumniture Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroont suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26,95; felt base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, al colons; 3 PC. alover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spning- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-ligbt hamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allaver velour bed chester!ield suites, $119.00; 9 x6 Axmînster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the hume at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Wanted To Buy PIANOS-Have you a piano you are not using and wouhd prefer cash? Telephone 492 Bowman- ville. il-i SCRAP batteries. Higbest pnices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf POULTRY wanted, highest pnices paid. We cahl at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf WE need youm pouitry for ex- port. Highest cash prices paid at your door. Phone 2833. 10-4' BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf GOOD used furniture; sewing machines; washing machines; me- frigerators, and ice boxes. For cash. Bownianvifle Trade-in Store, 65 King St. W. 11-2* Eavetroughing Contracting YOUR ohd eavetrough repaired or new replaced. For free esti- mates phone T. Salter & Son, Hampton, 2142 Bowmanville. 8-B' CAR]) 0F THANKS 1 Recil Estate For Sale THE CANADIAN STATESMAN' Classified ýAdvertising Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTES - DEATES - ENGAGEMENTS - MARtRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.0 Per Insertion 0 IN MEMORIAMS - $ 1.00 plus 10e a line for verses per Insertion NOTICES - COMING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTED - ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must bp paid before Insertion If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box numbers or replies direeted ta this office. (Addltional Insertions at Same Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER TRAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money order wlth order ta get Iow~ rate. CLIP TRIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE YOUNG woman for general housework, heavy washing sent out, no cooking; sleep out; $15.00 per week. Phone Mrs. Breshin, Bowmanville. 11-1 WANTED -Man for Rawheigh business. Permanent if you are a bustler. For particulars write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-C-140-103, Montreal. 9-3 $60 MONTH -young woman for genemal housework, 2 'children. Completely modemn home. Private moom and radio. Phone 2080 Bow- manville. 5-tf RELIABLE, capable, pleasant housekeeper for three adults in modernised country home forth o! Bowmanville. Good wages and good home. Aked, 30 Burhington Crescent, Toronto. 11-1 PERMANENT secunity - Exclu- sive agency open in your locality for steady and systemnatic worker ta make high income the year round representing Familex Pro- ducts. Not a luxury line but a necessity with epeat business even In "bhard times." Sehhing experience helpful but flot es- sential - training provided. No investment. Write J. D. Poland, 1600 Delorimier St., Montreal. 11-1 Wanted To Rent URGENTLY needed-House, by May 3lst. Apply Douglas Carter, 85 Queen Street. 11l1 NICE furnished summer home in' Bowmanvihle, Newcastle or Lake Scugog area from May for entime season. Phone 609 Bowmanville. il-tf MODERN bouse or large apart- ment urgently equired in Bow-, manville or surrounding area by April lst. Rent no object for suit- able accommodation. One or two- year lease. If suitable would con- sider purchase. Excellent refer- ences. Write P.O. Box 395, Bow- manville. il-tf Notices 1, William Conlin, Newcastle, Ont., will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date without my writ- ten order. 11-h* The Harvey Dance Academny bas opened a branch at 19 King St. East, Bowmanville. Register for Ballet and Tap lessons on Fri- day a!temnaons. 5-tf I am starting collecting gar- bage on Thursday, March 9th. Anyone desiring their garbage drawn away cail at 57 Liberty St. S., or Phone 2096. John Barrett. 9-4* The family of the late- Mms. Mary Elizabeth White o! New- castle, R.R. 3, wish ta thank Dr. Keith Slemon and Dr. C. W. Sle- mon, also Miss L. Harding and staff o! nurses of Bowmanville Hospital, and friends and neigh- bours for their kindness and sympathy in their recent bereave- ment. 11-1* We would like ta take this op- portunity ta convey aur thanks and appreciatian ta al aur friends and neigbbours for alI their kind- ness, letters, car~ds and sympathy extended ta us at the time of aur mother's sickness and death; also ta Dr. Starey for bis kind- ness and care and special tbanks ta . Group i of Trinity W. A., Scugog St. Group. Nelda Thompson Myrtle Hooper. 11-1* I wish ta express my sincere thanks and appreciation ta my friends and neighbours for the letters, cards, fruit and many kindnesses extended duning my recent illness; also thanks ta the NeWcastle United Church Sess- ion, the W.A. and Choir. Many thanks, W. Baskerville. 11-1»" «'THANK YOU"I Owen Nicholas, P. Cowling, J. Abernethy, Don McGregor, Mrs. W. Bagnell, Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman, Gloria Ann, Marr's, J. W. Jewell, Atkin's Flower Shop, Jury & Loveli, Stedman's, M. Bmeslin, Alex McGregor, Lan- der's, Knox's, Cartem's, Mms. A. Darch, W. Berry, D. Poole, Tot's Toggery, Vaniety House, Radio Shop, McNulty's, Hooper's Jew- ellery and Mr. Buckspan for so generously donating the gifts given ta the lucky pnize winners at aur "At Home." Bowmanvîlle Home and School Association. 11-1 Cawker's Grocery Store, Mr. E. F. Poil, Miller's Beauty Parlour, Buttonshaw's Grocery Store and Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman 's Store please accept aur many thanks for your donations ta help us raise funds for the purpose of building up the Memorial Park, which in turn will be enjoyment for alI and add ta the attraction of Bowmanville. The Women's Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Memorial Park Assoc'n. Help Wanted WATKINS dealer wanted for Manvers and Cavan townships. Apply Gerald Balson, Hampton, Phone 2733. 11-1* YOUNG woman for etail store. Write only giving age, experience if any and salary, ta Box 384, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 11-1w BOWMANVIILLE REALý ESTATE $850.00 down-Farm, 28 acres, 5- room frame bouse, barni, bush, chicken bouse, between Oshawa and Bowmanvihle. Pnice $3,250.00. $500 down-8-room frame hause, hydro, shed, near Newtonvîlle. $1,200 down-6-room bouse, by- dro, 4 acres, nean Bownianville. $3,700. $ 1,300-Large bamn, i acre land, easihy converted inta hquse. Terms. Newcastle. $2,000--For quick sale. Must be sold this week. Brick bouse, hardwood floors, chicken b ouse, 11'/ acres land, creek, no bydro, in Bowmanvilhe. $2,000 down-8-moom bouse, barn, large grounds. Vacant in Baw- manville. $6,000. $6,500-9-room brick bouse, new furnace, new roof. $h,000-Brick bouse, corner lot, 15 maoms. Revenue $115.00 month- ly. Apartment for owner. $3,000-Farm' 30 acres, 6-room house, hydro, at Maple Grave. We also have farms, tourlst pro- pertv, service stations, etc. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone 326 Bowmanvihhe Phone 689 Oshawa 11-1 Livestock For Sale TEAM o! work horses. -Phone 2679. 11-1 27 PIGS, six weeks aId. Carl Bradley, Hampton, Phone 2904. 11-1 TWO geese and gander, Cyril Avery, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 2513.1-1 HACKNEY mare, aged 3 years, broken in, quiet in every way. Phone 2438. 11-1 MATCHED bay team, five and six; Chestnut, rising twa years. Phone 2754. 11-1* REGISTERED Shorthorn bull, 1 year ohd, dark red, good pedigree; also registered Yorkshire boars, serviceable age. N. R. Green, Nestleton, Phone Port Ferry 197-21. 11-1' Farm Help EXPERIENCED, rehiable Holhand familles available. Arriving soon. Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestle- ton, Ont. Phone 225-24 Port Perry. 4-191 LOT on camner o! Duke and Park St., appraximately 50 fI. by 160 ft. Apply 91 Duke St. 11-3* NINE-roomed hause in Sauina, modern, ah canvenienoes, bard- wood tbroughaut, hot water heat- ing, close ta school and store. Phone 2318. 11-i NIXON REAL ESTAIM With spring on its way and the choice selection o! farms, bouses and businesses that are on my list, surely I can salve yaur pro- bleni. You are under no obli- gation when you contact James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St., N. Bowmanville Phone 682 11-1* HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Good fanms for sale are not plentiful but in my office I bave listed a fairly wide selection which varies in price from $1,500 ta $20,000, according ta size, lo- cation and general quality. The majority are available for im- mediate possession. If you have any land for sale, either impraved or of the poorer type I would be glad ta know about it. There is a ready miarket for all classes of land. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phones: office 32r10 - res. lr16 11-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE $21,000-100-acre tractor farm, between Bowmanville and Osh- awa. Large frame home, well painted, bath, bardwood floorîng, hot air furnace, laundry tubs in basement, hip-roof barn, two silos, cement stabling, steel stan- chions, water. Milk cows and milk contract. Large hen bouse, 3 acres young orchard. Permnan- ent spring stream. Call Howard R. Foley, Phone 2489 Bowman- ville. $6,500-Near Oshawa, four-room- ed brick bungalow, bath, sun porcb, plus ecreation room in, basement; hardwood flooning, ail beating. Fully insulated and nearly new. Excellent founda- tion. Lot 100x175. Fruit trees, good locality. Howard R. Foley, Phone 2489 Bowmanville. $20,000-150 acres good land and' early, higbway location. Seven- roomed frame home, modern bath, built-in cupboards, bot air heat- ing, L-shaeed barns, cement stabling, steel stanchions; 23 bog pens, cement trougb, large hen bouse. two driving sheds, aIl- steel roofs. House, barn and en- tire set o! buildings newly paint- ed. This is truly a very attractive set-up. 22 acres faîl wheat, spring stream, drilled wehl. Eamly possession. Terms. Investigate. Contact Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 11-1 "Getting the Best Out o! LUfe" was the subject o! the address presented by Rev. A. E. Cress- well, Tyrone, at Trinity Young People's meeting Monday even- ing. The way ta true happiness is through the Golden Rule, or as he preferred ta term it, the Gold- en Principle. "Do not look for the worst in people," stated the speaker, "in- stead, look for the best. There la both gaod and bad in aUl peopli and your are sure ta find which.- ever you seek. By looking for the best in others, you will give tbem reason ta notice the best in you."y Mm. Cresswell also tohd a! bu- morous events of bis youth and college days. One in particular was o! the tume wben he bad only been in Canada a short tume and felt honely because be knew so few people. One day while he was working, a vemy friendly stranger stmuck up a conversation with him and Mr. Cressweîl be- gan ta think that he was starting ta make friends in bis new bhi at last. After quite a !ew mlâ utes of !riendiy conversation T tumned out that the new "friet.: was merely an insurance sales- man looking for new clients. Mr. Creswell was thanked by President Rena Mutton for his enlightening address on good fel- lowship. Prior ta the address, Miss Tan- ya Goddard played two excellent classical piano selections. Worship service was conducted by Misses Milly Hilîs, Doreen Hardy and Anna Johns. Miss Hardy presented a thought-pro- voking talk on "The Power of Prayer." (Intended For Last Week) The Lions Community Centre was the scene, March 6, of Trin- ity Young People's St. Patrick's party. In two gaily decora kd mooms the members and tiffl guests, Maple Grave Young 1tej ples' Union, enjoyed dancing -ro records witb a game of Truth or Consequences led by Rena Mut- ton and Betty Sisson at the inter- mission. Higblights of the game were Don Morris doing mile-a- minute reducing exercises, Jeany Cunningham singing "Rag-Mop", and Bob Williams being fed gooey jeîly do-nuts by blind-folded Jean Burgess. (A consequence? -Nat for Bob.) A birthday cake bearing 57 candles was presented, in twa parts, ta Jim Nokes who, witb one of bis lusty blows usua]- ]y reserved for the high notes on his trumpet, extinguishcd ahl the burning wicks. Refreshments wPre semved and dancing was en- joyed for the remainder of the evening. Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS - Barred Rocki and S.C. White Leghorns, hatcbing eggs produced o0 awn farm. For price iist Wre' ar phone: Orchland Farm, H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636, Bawmanville Ontario. 16-qe A FEW weeks make a difference - ln Eggs - Poultry markets. It'a plenty latex ta get yaur chicks to catch the best. Bray gives prompt sbipment, started, day-olds. Get pnices, order now. Agent: Hugh Stapletan, Newtanville; F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 1- HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibbs, Louise and Babby, Oshawa, Miss Gladys LCapman, Miss Cecil Petit and Raymond Petit, Toronto, weme weekend visitors at W. Chap- man's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and 10. W. G. Doidge were guests a!fl and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Bowmanvihle, visited at the home o! C. W. Soucb and Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson, Oshawa, visited their daughter Mrs. Keith Smith and Mr. Smith, on Sunday. Miss Joan Hamilton, Oshawa, visited ber sister, Mrs.' Cecil Lockwood. Mrs. Harold Salter, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Peters, and Mrs. J. R. Hoidge, Toronto, hast week. Mrs. M. Mountjoy attended the funeral o! Mrs. Geo. McGill, Nestleton. Mrs. Frank Westlake, Salina, bas been confined ta bed at the home o! ber son and -daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice, Douglas and Keitb, Tauton; Mr. and Mms. PUWq Westlake, Alan, Arlene and Donrny, Sauina, at Tom Westlake%. Misses Minnie and Norah Horn were guests at the Oshawa Times- Gazette Correspondents Get-To- gether Dinner at St. Andrew's cburcb, Osbiawa, on Frlday nighft which was a very delightft3 af. faim. Special Anniversary Services ef aur churcb on Sunday aftemnoori March 19 at 2:30 with Rev. E. J. Robertson, B.A., B.D., as guest preacher, and Rev. R. R. Nichai' son, Bowmanvihle, in the evening at 7:30. Speciai music by our choir assisted by Mrs. S t uar t James, Mrs. Richmond and, Mrs. D. Alldred in the afternoon, and Mrs. Kenneth Hull o! St. Paul's choir, guest sololst in the evening. Tyrone Minister Addresses Trinity Y.P. On Golden Rule THO tSDAIr. MAPM Uth, 1 Mi TEE CANADIM STATISMM, BOWMAwv=, olqTAMO PAM IVURTM

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