PAGE LIX TuE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLI, OH'rAmo THURSDAY. MAUCII lth. 1O~ SPORT NEWS ý4mperia1s Win Sres:front Cobourg InThree Siraight Sirenuous Games Mike's Imperials b u 11d o zed -thelr way ta the Lakeabore Inter- 'mediate A championsbip Friday and Saturday nights by bowling over thc bard fighting Cobourg group by scorea af 10 - 8 and il - 7. By taking these games the Imperials made it three straight over Cobourg la a best throc out 'ofi f ive senles. *Bowmanville han wan the lait tive straight playof i games, tirst elimlnating Trenton 17 - 7 and 10- -3, and thon eking out a thnee- game decisian ovor Cobourg 7 - 6, 10 -8 and 11 -7. In thein last nineteen OH.A. Intermediato A games the Imperlals bave amant- *ed the enviable total of 16 wlns as against 3 lasses. There is no wandcring wben this record is surveyed that Mike Osborne feels confident that bis *boys stand a good chance against Gananoque in Uic Eastern On- tario finals. Gananoque boaits a team which bas played ia Senior B company this season. This means that the Imperials will have ta give evemything they have in the next round. Most af the injuries and slck- nots have passed, we hope. Mike thinks ho can ico a fairly strong teamn on Wodnesday night wben the Impa face Gananaque. On Fnlday at Cobourg the Im- perials engagod la bath a high speed game and a bigh tension brawl. In thc first period Cobourg strenuoushy protested a Bowrnan- ville goal and Maundreil was sont offi for ton minutes for too much back talk. In the third period a long and tierce argument was staged aven a Cobourg goaL The beat oi the tirit two periods resulted in a powertul eruption la the lait 8 seconds, whena s ight broke out betwoen the twa teams. The gamo was tairly close until the third period, with the score reading ô - 4 et tho end ai the second At tho beginning ai the third perlod the Imperials came to lite and scared f ive goals with only on* reply by Cobourg. This cet the score at 10 - 5 and dis- couraged the home towa ians. The ever-trying Pava faught ta get back la the game, but their three-gaal eitant la the dying mo- mentuofa the game feli two short ai the mark. With iorty seconds ta go the Pays puled out their ~aU afavor ai six forwamds. ruiithe Imperials held off Uic sumging Cobourg team and walk- cd off with their second victory of 'Uic series. On Saturday, bore in Bowman- ville, when a record crowd ai over 1300 witnessed the game, the Imps aewed Up the erles anid champianshlp by lasbing the tired Cobourg crewv by a score oi il - 7. Tod Lintner ran amok with the puck, stretching the twine no les. than oven times. Leadlg by only oae goal shartly a ter the beginning ai the third period, thc Imperlalo naised the 8 -7 score ta 11 -7 with a qulck succesion o! goals. Don Gilhooley coatributed two goals ta the Bowmanville cause, and Piper and Depew addod the other two. DOHOS. Junior 1': Las. First Game To Drampton, Northera Ont. Champs, The Brampton Junior B Bas- ketball team, Northemn Ontario champs, de! eated Bowmaaville Junior B's, Eastern Ontario cham- pions, la the first game ai a home and home total points serios ber. la BoWmanville by a score of 51 -37. This leaves Bowmanville 14 points down on Uic round. Coach Didge Rundie believea that this lead can be overcome la the next game wben bis team is adequate- ly rested. The game with Bramp- ton was the third la three nighta for the local boys. On Thurçday they played Whit- by, on Friday, Poterboro, and an Saturday, ai ton arriving homo tramn Peterbora at the gho.tly hour oi 2 a.m., Uiey trled ta drive their tired llmbs ta overcome a freoh Brampton team. r If that boy can b. kept la check ball the Bramptoni scaning punch will b. tifled. Bowmanville guards were s0 closely checked they bad littie chance taepasaout t t dr for- wards. Tht. was due ta Bramp- ton'a man ta man defensive play. Tbe Bawmanville boys play a tonai gamo. The effective rebound snaring by Jim Frank and Ran Mooncraft saved niany a basket against Bowmanvllle. The two mentioned continuahly out-jumped their tall- er apponentu. At hali-time the score was 29 - 19. Brampton player Fromin suttcred a shoulder separation noar haif. time, removiag hlm tram the reet ai the game, and possibly from the serlos. ZMON Mr. and Mme. Sid Maybury, Jlm, Dan and Leonard, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Dart and David, Scarbomo Junction, Mmm. Ralph Patter, Dawna and Diane, Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. N. Potter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dart and Bruce, West Hill, at Henry Dart's. Mm. and Mrs. BoYd Ayre at Lloyd Ayre's, Richmond Hill. Mme. F. B. Glaspel at Ray -Scott's, Oshawa. Miss Doris Balson, Orangeville, at R. W. Ball's. Master Billy Ball home again sitar hie operation for appendici- tis. W. A. had a good attendance at their qullting at the Sunday School on Monday. Mrs. Russell Perklns at Tam, onto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan at A. Wbeelers, Agincoumt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hilts, Osh- Kay Beauprie Topples Thnbers For 729 Triple In the Ladies Major Bowling League, Kay Beauprie led the way by hltting the Maples for a 729 triple which ls hlghest ln the league no far this year. The high single for the evening went to Bern Carter with 207. Vi Coole's "Koala" pulled ahead ln the teamn standings when they deleated Players 5 - 2, while their nearest rivals, British Con- sols, were de! eated 7 - 0 by Lucky Strîkes. Sweet Caps climbed Into a second place tie by blanking Blackc Cats 7 -0. Marlon Hennings carried off the Lemon League bonors with 87 while Helen Lackhart wlth 96 was the only other girl ta bowl under the coveted 100 mark. Team Étandings Kools . _________45 British Consols _______40 Sweet Caps 40 Black Cats .._________36 Lucky Strikes -______32 Players 17 Averages VI Coole 190 Bera Carter ________188 Kay Beauprie 188 Doria Jol -- _______184 Helen Lockhart 181 Hilda Cowling 180 Dr. Rundle"s Team Leads Bowling Lge. With Good Margin Dr. Rundie's teamn took 7 points from F. William's outiit and has now cinched first place in the sec- ond schedule and will now meet Bruce Miine's team for the Carter Family Trophy. The other five positions are stillinl doubt and wiil not be decided until the final bail has been bowled on Wednes- day night. Bill Bates bas taken over top position in the averages and with anc week let bas a good chance o! capturing the individual hon- ors. Jack Coole was top man witb hlm 352 and Hap Palmer was next with 300. Hap Palmer bad hlgh. triple score o! 807 made up oi 300 - 270 - 237. Ross McKnigbt was next with 761, Garfield Clarke 756, Ted Miller 737, J. Coole 732, and Bill Bates 703. ,Some real gooci scores were rolied and sbould have special mention this week.- Don Sweeti had 95 and Baldy Hoar 98. Jack Coole's team bad a single game o! 1374 for an average oi 274 4/5 per man which is tops for the year. la this game H. Mur- phy had 286, R. Hayes 283, J. Coole 352, Art Bell 227 and Doug Carter 226. League Standing Team Points Rundie ___-51 Coole --- _____42 B. Williams 41 Westlake 39 ______39 Osborne ______-39 Mua -__________36 Piper -34 Bates _____32 F. Williams ____ 28 Cancilla -------27 Luxton ----------- ----12 Individual Averages B. Bates ------220 B. Milne -___219 A. Piper 218 Dr. Rundle -___216 R. McKnight 213 T. Bagneli 212 B. Hearle 212 E. Phillips 212 B. Westlako 210 M. Dale 208 G. Piper 208 D. McKnight 207 A. Spicor 206 F. William.s 206 Dr. Sleman 205 L. McFeeters - -~ 205 J. Coole ----203 M. Harrison 203 P. Cancilla 203 K. Luxton 203 R. Richards ____203 R. Hearle ._ __ _ 200 S. Woods 200 awa, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at Tracy Glaspel's. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice at Tom Westlake's, Hampton. Mr. and Mme. Ralph Glaspel and family, Tymone, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's Mr. and Mrs. F. Prouse, Pick- ering, Mrs. H. Hayes, Columbus, at Mms. Fred Rabbins. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie, Tor- onto, at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and family, Courtice, at Wcs Cam- cran 's. Mr. Max Castelberg, Oshawa, at Hans Geissberger's. Zion W.A. met at Mm.. Harold Giffords with a good attendance. The following program was giv- en-Piano solos by Mrs. Chas. Naylom and Miss Jean BaIl; St. Patrick'e Readiag-Mrs. H. Cross- man; Vocal solo-Mrs. Chas. Nay- lon. Mmo.. Harold Bennet gave a talk on ber tnip ta Rame. Lovely reireshments were semved by Mme. Gitiord, Mmi. Morgan and Mme. Naylom, Uic March group. Several af aur young men have been buey painting thc chai-s at Uhe Sunday Schaal. Mn. Kith Stainton la worklng for the T. Eatan Co. C.G.I.T. met at Miss Diane Tbompson's home. Miss Grace Stainton and Miss Marie Killengot gat Up a lovely worshlp service. Thons was littie business ta dis- cuss. Miss Donna Fice and Miss Donna Mowat gave a good pro- gram. Mrs. Thompion serL-ved tasty refreshments and meeting closed with Tape. Mrs. A. G. Kelsey ai Enickson, B.C., won the 1949 world's wheat1 champlonship at Chicago's Inter- national Hay and Grain show,1 29th Canadian ta Win the honour1 in Its 33 years ai competition. 1 Second Form Programme (By Isobel ,Cruickshank) On March 1, the atudenta and a few visitons assembled to sec Second Form show their talent. Catharine Tucker, President ai the Literary Society, wclcamed the viuitors. Clark Werry, masten af cere- manies, lntroduced a sang entiti- cd, "A Bicycle Built for Two."1 Ivan Woofley took the part ai Dalsy, and Don Stutt the part ai Michael. Next part of programme wau a vaudeville acit by Doug Heyland. He told a few jokes and sang a humnoraus sang. Confie King then gave~ an ex- hibition oi same very fine tap dancing. A skit called "Lii. of thc Party," was presented by Second Form. It sbowed the attempts ai a younger brother ta smash into bis sister's party. The results were drastici when the gucsts went ta slcep atter an overdose ai sleeping medicine. Pst McFarquar recited two sel- ections, tolling ai perfect, or not so perfect, love. Gloria Robson played two piano solos that we enjoyed. As the final portion Second Form presented their version af "The Chatanoogie Shoe Shine Boy." Ivan Woolley and Don Stutt sang the main parts with Connie King giving another show ai tap dancing skill. Programme closed with God Save the King. Senior Boys' Basketbal (By Don Taylor) On Friday night B.H.S. Seniors wound up the season by losing ta Peterbaro 52-27. This was the second game o! a twa-game total point series. Peterboro won the first game 50-30 ta make the score on the round 102-57. Bow- manvilie team made a good show- ing but again the better balanc- cd smoother passing team provod more effective. Near the end o! the game *hen the outlook scem- ed bopcless, Bowmanvllle put on a wonderful display ai baîl-handi- ing with -a smooth passing play which beld their opponents for a short time. Peterboro scoring was well divided as their bigh scorer was Northcott with fine points. Gallagher was again hlgh for B.H.S. with 17. B.H.S. lino-up: GaUagher (17, Coombes (4), Sutt (5), Hil (1), Frank (0), Mohun (0) Jons (0), Dadzon (0), fluchmn <0), Taylor (0). Bowling News (By Norm Allia) Rats off ta Sylvia Bukacl, readers! This girl hit a high single every bowler envies, 307. Tolling me hem secret la an ex- clusive interview, Sylvia said: "I forgot ta weam my #lasses!" Rer double was 483, while Alan Moffatt followed closely wlth 447. Congratulations bath! Bowling improved a great deal last week for ail, although nine bit the Lemon League (below 100). This was lead by a certain P. McFarquhar with 48! Even with P.a bhelp, yaurs truiy was the high team for the week. Sam Frank came next,. fallowed by Rass Jefiery. Tem Team Standing Pit Bob Galiagher 14 Ross Jcfiery 13 Norm Alla ______-10 Jlm Frank ---- __-5 Bernard Joncs 3 Frank Mohun 0___ Junior Boys' Baaketball (By Roly Coombes) la the last game ai thc season the B.H.S. Juniors bowed toaa 38 - 26 defeat at the bands o! Peterboro Juniors. The Juniors went ta Peterboro 4 points down la the two game seies. Peterboro, on their own floor, weme too much for the B.H.S. Juniors, and increased the lead ta 16 points. The star o! the game was the blonde-haired centre for Peter- bora who racked up 18 pointEr ta be bigh scomer for the game. Stutt was second bigh scorer with 10 points. Taylor played a very goad game at guard, making some wondemful set-shots and getting 6 points. B.H.S. Junior Boys bad a good season, winninig their group and then putting up such a good fight against the team from the mauch bigger Peterboro school. B.H.S. Lineup: Stutt (10), Pi- per (3). Dadson (2), Stainton, Kelly, Hockin, Maguiro, Bate, Murdock, Buchan (5), Taylor (6). The Orono News 1 AfMn. R. E. Logan1 Miss Jean Forester, Toronto, banquet and the program and spent the weekend with her par- dance that foilowed. ens Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forester. Mr. and Mms. Norman Allun, Mr. and Mrs., Gien Tamblyn Joan an-d Sharon, visited Mr. and and Diane, Belleville, vlsited his Mrs. E. G. Hay, Bowmanville. parents Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tam- Mr. Si. Souch was taken to Tom- blyn. onto General Hospital on Tuesday Mr. Harry Clark and Lorna for further treatment. We hope Prescott, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. his condition will soon show im- McLaren. We are sorry ta report provement. that Mr. McLaren i. stili confined ta bed. Skating Carnival Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraebek, S~caua ffi Prince Albert, visited their aunt I'caclrAffi Miss Mable Davy. Outstandling Success Mrs. Dorothy Baiey, Wayne and Mary Lynn, spent the week- Once more the Orono Skating end with Mr. an.d Mrs. Carl Bil. Carnival attracted large crowds lings. both Friday and Saturday even- Mrs. P. Laing bas returned ings. It is growing bikger and bet- home from Florida, also Mr. and ter each year and is really an Mrs. Ernie Hamm. They found outstanding accompiishment for Orono a coid spot after basking a smail town. Under the direc- in the sunshine of Florida for sev- tion o! Mrs. Nan Unsworth, club eral weeks. professional, 64 members were Mr. Murry Paterson, Bradford, tmained for this season's show. spent the weekend at bis home Two Orono boys belong to the here. club and several girls from Bow- Miss Anna Stapies, Toronto, manville. Ail from the 3-year with ber parents, Mm. and Mrs. aid youngsters did exceptionaliy M. Hl. Staples. well. The costumes weme beauti- Congratulations ta Miss Shirley fui and shawed the amount of Quantrill, on passing hem Grade II planning and sewing that bas to Theory examination with lst be done by the mothers and other Class Honora. Pupil of Mrs. M. ladies interested. At the close o! H. Staples. the show on Saturday night, flow- Orono Juniors lost the hockey ers were presented ta Mms. Wm. game played here on Monday Armstrong, President o! the club, night with South River. It was ta Mrs. Nan Unsworth, and ta a very close game, being tied 7 - 7 Mr. and Mrs. Dane, Found for in the last period, but near the their untiring efforts in making end o! the period South River the carnival such an outstanding scored two goals malcing it 9 - 7 success. in their favour. ____ Congratulations ta Mr. and Park St. Church Mrs. S. B. Rutherford on the birth of their daughter in Bow- Building Fund manville hospital on March 13.# Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrreli left Growing Steadily on Tueàday fôr a three weeks' holiday in the Southern States. Donations are stili coming in Women's Association of Park for Park St. Church Building St. Church met at the home o! Fund. We gratefuliy acknowledge MrB. Fred Cowan wlth an attend- the following received during the ance af 35. Mrs. C. Duvean, the past week: President, presided. Miss M. Da- Rev. W. P. Fletcher, vy had charge of the devational Oshawa------.---- 10.00 and Mrs. A. A. Drummond led Canadian Statesman in prayer. Arrangements were Bowmanvilie 100.00 made for the Rotary banquet on Mm. and Mrn. W. W. March 3lst ta te aerved in the Cowan, Oshawa - 25.00 town hall here. Rev. E. Eustace, Orano Masans and thefr wlves Winipeg --- _ 50.00 were weil represented at New- Mr. H. F. Berry, Toronto - 5.50 castle on Frlday evening when Local ---------- ....----- ----77.00 Durham Lodge held their annual Previously acknowledged . 505.00 "At Home" ini the cammunity hall. Ail enjoyed the deliciaus $772.50 Clarke Twp. Council Io Ca-opontle hu Street Lighting of Newtonville Clarke Tawnship met Mamch 7, and fmom these meetings the nec- with ahl members present with essary number o! assessod prai,- Reev TedWoodyard presiding. orties ln the village had signed in Reev Tedfavor oi installing street lights Newtonville street ligbting, snow within its doscribed arcs. Of the plowing, remodelling ier a kit- 57 property ownors, 43 have given chen, and relief were among tbe their consent ta bave Iights in- main tapicis which came up for stald. The township sto ta py discussion. the, capital coat which amounts Newtonvîtie Street Lighting toaramund $1400. This amount It was reported by Uic Council in ta be camnled by Uic township that Newtonvilla would have with the operating cast to be as- street igbts listalled la the Mnar sessod ta the property witl ich future. Duning the. put month described ares. the council membeme h5d met Snew Plowlng with Uic ratepayons ol the village la the. cortupozzdenço the New- BAH&S "Screech OwIl" (Bob Oaflaher> tonvilie Women's Institute urged the township to have something done about the highways covering the sidewaiks with snow whiie plowing the road. This condition compeis the villagers to use the road, thus endangering their liv- es. This condition prevails each winter and Councillor Brown would like to see a permanent ar- rangement made with the Dept. of Highways to erase this annoy- ance. The matter was referred ta the Dept. of Highways, aiso hav- ing the road superintendent look into it. The new truck and piowing equipment is now operating very satisfactoriiy and also very cheap- ly. It was also stated that this equipment was not meant to do as heavy work as the grader plow. The township bas had consider- able amourit of equipment break down, but it was emphasized that other towvnships were having greater difficulties than is the Township of Clarke. M a ny townships in the district have been compelied to have bulldoz- ers in to clear roads for the snow was too heavy for the equipment. Mr. Brown thought that with the new truck that it wouid not be necessary to hire piowing done by Mr. Burley. The Reeve was of the opinion that the practice of hiring Mr. Burley should be con- tinued, as it was cheaper ta piow roads at the time it fell than leave it for a day or two. When the snow 'is ieft on the roads it be- cornes increasingly difficuit and expensive to piow as it becomes packed and takes more out of the machinery. It was stressed by the members of the councfl that ail roads shouid have the snow winged off as far as possible, thus enabling future plowing and decrease the amount of damage caused by washouts in the Spring. This has not been practiced by the opera- tors too closeiy with the resuit that some roads have only a single cut. Increase Insurance The cierk was instructed to ln- crease the insurance on the Township Hall to $25,000 on the building and $1,500 on the con- tents. It was moved that Orono nt ed Church, have the use o! thç hall until such time as a new church is erected in the village. It was apparent that many in the township are taking advan- tage of the fox bounty being paid on this animal. $3.00 is being paid per peit by the township which is later bîiied to the County. Mr. Davy pointed out that these pelts had to be green peits. Kitchen Started A start is ta be made on a new kitchen in the basement of the hall in the near future. The counciliors feit that this project could not be finished this year, but that a good approach would be mnade to a modemn kitchen. In the Diii and Distant Past. ffom nRe oStauusaVi. 'r Few Changes Made By Court of Revision To Assessments A Court af Revision was held Tuesday night ta cansider adjust- ment. requested in the asseau- ments made in connection with the construction af sewers, water- mains and idcwalks in 1949. Court was composed oi Council- lors Mel Dale, Ab Darch and Nels Osborne and Clerk Alex Lyle. Except for three people, the hall was empty at the start of proceedings. Each man aired bis grievance, and each man in turn was given a satisiactory explana- tion, with corrections made where reuired. Those who requested changes were John Brown, Second St., Ross .Rombough, High St., and Murray McKnight, Jane St. Cor- rections weme made only ta the assessments af the last two. Tbe meeting was over la about fifteen minutes. Twenty-E!ive TomrsAgo President Archie Tait ai Bow- manville Chamber ai Commerce introduced Major C. L e w i s, M.P.P., Toronto, to the C of C members at their firat meeting of thc year. Two veteran members ai the Durham Club, Toronto, W. H. Orr and E. Fielding, attendod the Durham Club'. March meeting. Alan Knight, Gea. Clapham, Melville Dale and Raymond Cale were four af the stars of the Tuxis and Trail Rangers Minstrel Show. John M. James brought thé bouse dawn with "Shal 1 bave At Babbed or Shingled?" Dr. E. W. Sisson, dentist ln Whitby for 15 years, bas entered into partnership with hi. uncle, Dr. J. C. Devitt, at Bowmanviile. Mrs. Wm. A. White and Mrs. James A. Phiilips, New York City, surprised their mother, Mrs. M. A. James by a visit on hem 8lst birthday. Pupils ai Mme. J. Albemt Cale and Mr. T. W. Stanley who passed with honours in their Toronto Conservatory of Music exams were Ruby Clatworthy, Marion Orchard, Helen G. Morris, ViQia Brown. Starkville-Mr. Richard Hallo- well felled a big elm which was over 100 years cold and capturod two excellent tbmee foot coons.-j NYAL CREOP'HOS Guaranteed to Stop Bronchial Coughs. Builds Up Body Against Colds. Ton! Special 6 Midget Spin Curlers 1 RUT7 33e Creme Shampooi 1 Home Permianent Refii IE A%11 for - $1.59 Cold Breakers Fo In e Buckley's Capsules 35e Fi tn es s Bromo Quinine-- 35c-59e l Nyal Laxacold ----30esu Anohist 50o 8 .. Kriptin ---- - 1.25 «U M NEW-E10 Revion's Touch and Glow- Miracle Make-Up Face Powder ------- 65e 59 Hudnut's Permanent Ret ill Kit and Egg Creme Shampo Bath for- $1.75 MACLEANS uAQSSE. ix. OT Low Prices $1.00 size D. & R. Creams Now-ý79o lO-or. size Noxzema-- $1.00 93a size Nox~zema ----79c Corega Powder 23c-39c-69c 100 A.S.A. Tablets , -----19e Lactofen ----- ----- 41.69 News for ihe Farmer PENICILLIN BOO-JERS Reduced ln Price 25,000 unit ------- 6 for $2.00 25,000 unit-- 12 for $3.80 10,000 upit ------ 12 for $2.30 For Rheumatie Pains Dolcin ---------- - $2.39 lIndrin ------ - $3.00-$5.50 T-R.C. - ý60c-$1.25-$5.00 -Baby Scales for Reni- u"""E COWLING'S DRUS STORE TRUSIT HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN BUY EASTER SEMIS ln thie very near futVre you wIll recelve ln thie mails your quota of 1950 Easter Seals. Thie Seals you buy represent braces or crutches for a child who cannai walk without them,. They represent recreational and educational opportunities whlch are beyond thie means of hic par. ents. Thie Easter Seal funds are providing the medical cane and special. ized training needed to make handicapped chidren good citizens cf te. mnorrow. Send a dollar or more . . .. or whatevcr yeur heart suggests in the return envelope and send it in as soon as possible, In any case please use the Seals. CAMPAIGN IN THIS DISTRICT 15 SPONSORED BY THE Dowmanville Rotary Club TO JIELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN IN WEST DURHAM Fil ti7Yesa' At. Bowmanville and Oshawa ho- ckey teams played in Osbawt'a new covened rink. Aftor a gau filied with crosa-checking an~d tripping the score ended 8 -8., 1Enniakillen-J. P. Leask was member of the jury at Cobourg, Enniskillen-The Congrenatioin honoumed John Stainton with the presentation o! a git ai monyW' in gratitude for bis 30 years of ,J devotion and service ta the corn- munity, prior ta his departure for Melita, Manitoba. Hampton-Mr. G. Kersiake en- tertained 30 of the village young people at his home. Cadmus-Mr. Albert Spinks and hi. family were premented with pomne useful and valuable giits before leaving for Maniltoba. Newcastle-Mr. Albert Pickard sustalned a seiaus back injury when he feul on the ice. Farmers wore broad smiles when Mm. N. Eiliott paid them $5 per cwt. for their beef cattlo. Wm. Rickard and W. H. Chap,- lin. Newcastle, shipped twa cars o! apples ta Liverpool, England. Durham Old Boys, Toronto, heid their third annual banquet - with Mr. J. L. Hughes as chair-'b man and Mr. Thos. Yeliowlecs as .ýe secretary. Canada bas an embassy, or legation in 34 countries. A good rest and a modifled sys- tom a! attack and defence shauld change the story, thinks Coach Rundle. Brampton player Len Caruso with 26 points was Uic ln- dividual star a! the nght. He scored over bal! bis team's points from the ten second line, looping ln long shots witb deadiy accur- acy. Bowmanville guards bad no chance on bis shots. At first, Bampton's fast break and rougb play coniused the Bowmanville boys. But the locals improved as the game progmessed, and la the hast three minutes outacored Brampton 10 - 4. The best Ba.wmanville play was guard Jim Frank's dcadly accur-1 ate passes ta, Dadson and Gallagh- or. Bob Galiagher was top mani for the locals with 16 points. Bill Hamaden and Ted Dadson were flot far behind.9 ln the retura game speedy Ted Dadson wili be assigned ta guard Len Caruso. It is believed that * .~w w 'v w w-w w w w w w I 4 I * 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 I I I I I I I 4 ~ CRIPPIIO CHILOREN < I I I - - - --- il ~ - IF YOU ARE A PARTICULAR BUVER WE CAN RECOMMEND A"Y 0F THESE ""PEDIGREED" lCARS 1949 FORD CIJSTGN SEDAN G1.amlng black finish, Guaranted low mieage 1940 PLYNGUTE Spotiessu uid. end out$O Perfect unotor $8958 1938 CHET. SEDAN DELIVEIT Original Oshawa blue finish. Ou@ et the cleanest units we have ever for sale - 6 5 -Soveral Other Bargains Mart Sissos OIRONO PHONE OBONO 86r2 w. v. eJl 1 1 Ili 1 .i-ý 1 IPAGZ six Tg£ CANMUN STATESBLAN, BOWMANV=M. ONTA*10 "nMSDAT, MA%= lm, loi