'I'RUUSAY, MACN 101, 1950CAMADUR ( TÂTESMAN, BOWILMvmWX.'rn ewAu, SOCIA AND PERSONAL Mrs. Jack Wylie, Cookoville, Miss Florence Lyon*,Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mr. and was a weekend guest of Mrs. Mrs. K. E. Cox. Geo. W. James. Mrs. Wm. Wicox lu spending a Mistakes wil happen in the few days with her daughter, Mrs. best regulated business. Last Harold Elford, Oshawa. week in comxnenting on Mrs. Mr. Harry Westnutt's name Thos. G. Norton of Locust Hill should have appeared ini the Eist being appolnted President of of South African War Veterans Oshawa Presbyterial W.M.S. we as published ini last w"k's issue. should have stated Mrs. Richard Mrs. E. M. Hardy and daughters Pooley is a sister of Mrs. Norton Marion, Joan and Betty, also Mrs. and Prout is spelled with one 't'. K. C. Brown, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvey W i ght, Hughenden, M. Hardy, Division Street. Alta., writes: Please find $2.50, Rev. S. R. Henderson was guest my subscription to your paper. speaker Thursday night at the Can't do without it. Orville Os- Ladies Night of the Men's Club borne visited us this winter. We cf Port Hope United Church enjoyed bis visit very much, but when over 150 were present. ask hime how be likes likes 50' below zero for a month at a time. Mrs. T. S. Holgate was called Of course, we don't notice it at to Toronto Tuesday owing to the ail! Best wisbes to everyone in passing of ber sister, Mrs. James Otro Gale, formerly of Bowmanville. Otro Interment will be in Bowmanville Wednesday, March 8th, Lady Cemetery today (Thursday) at 1 Kemp entertained at Castie Frank P.m. for visiting delegates to the fourth In the report of the Trinity annual symposium of the Inter- W.M.S. meeting last week, it national Federation of Music stated that a 25 year pin was pre- Students held last week at the sented to Mrs. L. Nichoîls. That Royal Conservatory of Music. The was a mistake - it was a Life hostess was assisted in receiving Membership Certificate - not a the guests by Dr. Ettore Mazzoleni pin. and Miss Honor Benson. Presid- Corection in A. & P. store advt. ing at the tea bour were Mrs. Sid- -Price of steaks and roasts ney Smith, Mrs. Mazzoleni, Mrs. should have read 73e per lb. in- Lorna Sheard and Mrs. Arnold stead of 75e as appears ini the dis- Walter assisted by a group of play advertisement. Also the Conservatory s t u d e n t s. Ray new low price for OXO cubes is Dudley, L. R. C. T., was one of 12 packages for 25c. the guests. School Open House cburch-supported. The standards are set by county educational (Continued from Page one) boards. While some of the parents wan-PuptBtl dered through the labyrinths of The only contribution of the the basement to find the crafts Ontario Street School to the shop and others sought out the night's program was a puppet home rooms of their children on show, prepared and enacted by different floors, a one-ring dem- the members of Miss Ard's class. onstration was beld in the main The children designed the set- hall. At 7:30 the proceedings got tings, wrote the script, and mani- under way with an exhibition of pulated the strings operating the group singing. littie people. Miss Ard deserves Songand ancehigh credit for training the wee Songand ancetots. Miss Hall's grade two pupils The plot of the play centered rendered three numbers for the around the meeting of Little John appreciative audience. This was and Robin Hood. Little John did lollowed by a sesison of square not know the leader of the merry dancing sbown to advantage by band of outlaws and challenged the well-trained members of the Robin Hood to a cudgel duel. f Senior Classes wbo were led by This ended with Robin Hood get-a Miss Turner. ting a ducking in the river. TheJ Those who took part in the exaggerated features of the mer- I square dancing were Carol Milne, lonettes were a sight to behold. - Bnian Jackson, Shirley Batbgate, The eilidren who combined ton Samn Adams, Marlene Peel, Mi- produce this outstanding effortL chael Varcoe, Sylvia Coverly, were Clifford Dalton, Ronald Ro- 9 Jack Hughes, Marie Leddy, Bruce binson, Herb Hunt, Betty Pake,N Cole, Joan Wood, Dick Poole, Brian Trimble, Loymne Walker,E Jeanette Lane, Jim Buchan, Betty Bill Bates Bobby Marjerrison, Ai-T Carruthers, and John Bird. fred Overy and Patsy Hockin. b EnglshDanesVisual Aida Display ci Next on the program were a A visual aids display gave the sc group cf English dances led by a parents an idea of the auxillary teacher who should know how to methods employed by the schools interpret them, Miss Dawton. to get ideas across to the young Miss Dawton is an exchange tea- fry. The VieW Master, with its cher from the county of Bedford- entrancing color pictures, was shire, the town of Bedford, Eng- among the machines. Another land. Mr. Harle, achool super- means of giving the children a ar visor of music, accompanied the visual knowledge of class sub- w, dances which were carried out by jects is the Film Strip. This strip, cl Marln, Buttary agaet o-containing whatever subject the ri hee, arbraBatgaeNancy teacher wisbes to present, is pro- sh Moynes, John Dippell, Roy Cor- jected by a normal projection ma- bc don, John Stutt and Jim Master- chine to a screen. The pictures W, son. follow in a definite order, ex- tî The negular business meeting plaining the steps, for example, in M of the Home and School Club the growth of a frog from the tad- R. was then held. This was fol- pole stage. a lowed by a program which was On ftesrp hw aven msd u cfa al, apupetshwa display of the habits, and cloth- se] a visual aids display, and a panel ing of the Hollander. Another ch discussion. visuel aid shown was the Reflect- Vi English School System oscope, wbich takes opaque ob- Miss Dawton outlined the Eng- jects, like an ordinary book, and Mi lish system of education in the reflecfs the image of this object bi lower and intermediate schools. to a screen. In this way, other- esi Ini England scbool is compulsory wise non-projectible objects like tei between the ages of 5 and 15, ex- maps and cbarts cen be enlerged by plained Miss Dewton. Nursery on a screen. To school absorba some children et Pael Disussion on Discipline edi the age of 4, and infant sehool M continues education through the The final item of the formal eges of 5 to 7. part of the night was a panel The junior yeers. taking child- discussion on "Discipline," car- re rn aged 7 to 11, are the hardest ried on by Principal A. M. lu years, and upon these depends the Thompson, Mrs. N. Scott, S. Ru- Au 19 Wr 0f what eternal value are the things for which you exchange the heurs of your life. TEINITY UNITED CEURCH MORNING SERVICE - il a. -SUNDAY SCHOOL - 12:15 pin. YOUNG IMEN'S CLASS - 2:30 p.m. Evening Service Song Service and Special Instrumental Music and Bible Study Period. Rev. S. R. Ifendenson, B.A., B.D. Mr. R. G. Harle, Minister. Djrecter of Music Il TOW" TAI RATE (Continued from Page One) GENERAL TAX RATÉ The General Tax Rate is broken down as fellows: Fine Department Public Property Direct Relief ---- Printung and Adventising Cemetery††††††††------ Roads and Streets- Salaries ----------___- Police Depatment- Bank Icterest -- Telephones .ý--------- Grants and Donations Discount Pnepaid Taxes- Civic ----- - - ---- Sundries-------- .. Road Construction EXPENDITURES RECMMOTS Cemetery - Dog Tex ------ Fines and Fecs Public Pnopcrty Rentais Licenses -------† --- Penalties Peut Due Taxes Statute Labor Tex ----- - -- .Prov. Gov. Subuldy, Fine and Police Road Subsidy ----_-----------___ Communlty Couneil Grant - Surplus 1949 -__________________ Total Payable Hospital Board <Continued fron Page One) Suporintondent'u Report Miss Lenore HIarding, Supenin- tendent of the Hospital, in ber nionthly report issued the follow- ing statement. 1949 1950 Admissions -___ 51 61 Dischargeg 66 69 Birtbh ______ 19 25 Deaths . ___ 3 2 Stîllbirths 0 O Patients in Residence - 21 33 Days Stay -47454 Operations - ----- 25 29 X-Rays Taken------ - 15 Donations te Building Fund Recent donations to the new Memorial Building Fund include: Ted Clarke $ 20.00 Anonymous 158.81 Major John Foote - 100.00 New Board cf Officiers The new board consists cf the following members, elected at the annuel meeting: Sidney Little,, JooE O'Neil, Wm. Allin, Bill James, Dr. Wm. Rudeil, Owen Nicholas; Appointed by the Town cf Bow- manville: Melville' S. Dale; by Ladies' Auxlliary: Mrs, M. Van- stone, Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Mtrs. F. Heyland; by Township cf Darlington: George Annis; by Township of Clarke: Russell Os- borne; by Village cf Newcastle: John Rickard; by Counties' Coun- cil: Deputy Reeve Frank Jamie- son. Nome and School Club (Continued from, Page One) The guests were arranged round gaily deconated tables which were decked with table- clotbs and serviettes wbich car- ied out the Irish motif, and 3hmrocks. During the luncheon .our a number of lucky people were presented witb prizes. The bble lucky draws were won by Iiss Gertrude MacCrinmon, Mr. R.Hetberington, Mrs. R. Rack- mn, Dr. J. C. Devitt, Mrs. Good- nan, Mr. Hutchinson, Mrs. Han- i, Mr. J. Brown, Mns. G. Mit- icîll, Mr. 1. Munday, Mre L. JanDriel and Mr. W. Wallace. A birthday cake was won by [iss Agnes Carruthers whose irthday on Merch 14 came neen- st to St. Patrick'a Day. The eachers' lucky draws wcre won )y Miss Vivian Bunner and Mr. Fom Turner. High scores in the ichre games wene won by Miss lyrtle Hall and Mrs. Peel. A prize for the couple mosf t ecently married went to Mr. and 1 nrs. Paddy Doland. Anothert acky draw brought prizes to Mr. c L. Frank and Mr. Ed. Rundle. c lne hall ton cf coal, donated by c nr. Owen Nîcholas, was won by iss Rena Mutton, for ber "hope hest," who discovered the mys-t cry man by seylng the magie 7ords "You are Wee Willie Woo 0ow." t Before bringing the happy t: 'ening to a conclusion Principal e 'ompson thenked the committee o )r arranging the event which bas s ecorne a bigblight cf the Home e Ld Sehool Club year. In ap- eciation for the time and cf- ii rt which Mr. Thompson put fi ite making the evening a suc- n esful one, the club presenfed ti rn witb the token cf a leather eI allet.a t] Maus T.B. X-Ray a f i hir (Conficued on Page Six 1 Gardon Dawe and George Bow- ring, bath of Toronto. Make Minor Repair The techniciens cen meke any miner repaira te the machine, but when something goes aeriously wreng tbey send te Tononto for an electnical engineer. Here la bow fthc machine werks. The raya from the Photo-fluero- scopie X-Ray unit pau tbougb the body cf the porion beig X- Rayed te a fluorescent screen. From thua iuUl-sized sereen ài l reduced ln sie to a negative of 2jx 2 1/g Inches. 300 Exposures The reasan there la no awk- werd and time-wasting change of plates in becauge the négatives are fcrmed en a film which la 100 feet long. 380 exposures con be talcen on a single filmi. Modern doctorns con read thesei minute negative, wlthout the aid of a megnifyinq glass on ofj an enlargement. If there ia a aigu of TEB. in the. negative, Uic pa- tient is notitied and la called tf0 a follow-up unit which takes a fuit size 14 x 17 inch picture. Tlxsi Fairneu For Ail It lo the belief cf nmru formens that if a more proportion- ete syston of taxation is institut- cd, the taxes of the fermer will corne down somewbat, but the total tax revenue will be greater thon that of the pi-sent time. This will not burt the sali bold- or, but wil elieve the over-bur- denod fermer, and will improve i-cads acd uchool. Tebgproblem now fecing thýe Twnsihip la to gain a work- able plan cf neusseaument. It is for this reason that a committee formed cf the Darlington Town- ship Council and reputable mam- bers ef the Township hau been formed ta meet linfthe near future to attempt te provide a sefisfac- tory plan. It la botter l In te d to tell thc tnuth in the beginnlng. Thene ane 1,023,400 Cenadians 01 age 65 and over. If the moans test for old cge pensions wene abolinhod and thre cge limIt ne- duced te 65, pension cost et pi-es- ont rates would total $442,108,800 a year. $ 15,23e 914M0 3,000. 800. 3,500. 25,200. 5,955. 11,315. 1,000. 250. 1,500. 1,000. 2,800. 6,400. 17,500. $104.880. $2,400.1 700.1 500.1 300J 200.1 900A 1,000.1 3,000.1 9,000. 500.1 5,000w $ 23,500.( $ 81,380.1 Mrs. Jamnes Kennedy Receives Shamnrock Gif t from Irelarnd Shamrocks pulled from Uic soul ef the Island which the ballad writers term "a little bit o' Heav- en" have brightened the home cf one of . Bowmanville's residents. On Mondey afternoon Mrs. James Kennedy, an Irish war-bride, ne- ceived an ettnactively boxed clump of the Irish green from ber father, Mr. D. Crowley, wholives in the County of Cork. Mrs. Kennedy tells us that ech year thousands of boxes of the luck-bringAn g apniga cf sbamrock are shipped by air to centres al over the world. It bas become e Congres may legislate until Get away from business oceas. Doomnsjay, but the basis cf our ionally. It's cheapen te take a vql.. national economy la still an honest untany vacation than walt tWl day's work. the doctor orders it. 1 ).00 Lon ).00 Loo .00 Loo i.00 i.00 .00 Loo ý.00 ý.00 ý.00 ý.00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 '00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 For Indigestion... I.D.A. ANTACID STOMACH POWDER IDATONE I.D.A. Blood ,Purifier and Tonic 16-oz. bottle $1.00 I.D.A. Syrup cf Hypophcmphites 16-oz. $1.00 Certifled Suiphur Molasses and Cream cf Tentar 16-oz. 230 Alex. We Deliver mM A.S.A. Pain Tabiets MOI'S 19e 300's 49e HEALTH SALTS 1-lb. 59o BRONCHIDA I.D.A, Cough Syrup 8-oz. 500 in the normal chent size. Any cases cf T. B. are brougbt ta Uic attention of the sufferer within tbree weeks. If there is ne notification there is ne worry. This is a case wbere "No news is good news." If the clinic no- tifies thq0person te corne back for another photo there need not ne- ceusarlly be any worry. Sorne Negatives Weak In meny cases, due to a flaw In the filmn or iniproper exposure, or te weak developmcnt, the film turcs out poonly and the techni- ciens mercly want to bave a re- take. The occasional enlarged beart la recorded in the picture, and in mining ereas it is net uncommon t0 find cases cf silicosis. The De- pertmnent ef Heelth Mobile Unit in visiting the Goodyean plant this week te take care of thet part of the population of Bowmanville. Darlington Council (Continued from Page One) sumned that the value cf the smaîl holding wes the saine as the value of the farm. This is e hypotheti- cal exemple. In most cases the smaîl holding is valued et one- third to one-haîf ef the farm value. . This, ef course, depends on the size ef the farma and the small holding. The smaîl holder, if the nees- sessfnent were made, would not have to pay as mucb as the farm- crs cf the district. He would mere- ly have to pay e tex levied on bis property as a unit, In proportion ta the taxes levied on a ferm, unit. Equltable Taxation For exemple, a ferm, valued at $10,000 would be texed twice as much as a smell holding velued at $5,000. This seemns te the f erm- ers te be 100% fair. This la what :bey mean by equiteble taxation. The fermner dloes not want the smell holden te pay more then he should justly pay. But be does not went hl.m te escape propor- tional responsibilities. School Tax Sub-Isaue The School Tex bas been made bhe main point ef issue witbin the major question. From statisties conipiled by fermera cf the dis- trict, in many cases the amail holder is sending fer more child- ren te the rural school than the farmer. Yet nome fermers witbout ny eildren are peying up te ten times the achool tex peid by the smaîl bolder. It is the belief cf the mature thinkicg farmer that the school sue cannot be brought up with is sort of evidence, since it la ustomary in aur present demno- .ratic set-up te ahane the burdens ) the entine community or ares proportionetely. The school tex xould enter int o the wider pic- ;re et equiteble taxation. Gireater Taxes, Botter Sehools Should tbe small bolder pey the iaX that bis prepenty warrants, he total revenue collected would )e much greeter. The proportion ifmoney then aveilable for ;hools would natunally be bigh- Dr arlington Township la badly nneed of impreved educational Lcilitiee. The number ef schools lw in existence are inadequate o tae cane cf the numben of ildren, and the equipment la of in infenion quality. It la hoped hat equiteble taxation will en- 1e the people of the Townsbip ogain botter education for their hildren. March Sale Featune... NILK af MAGNESRA I.D.A. Brand Smooth and pleasant testing, for eilidren as well as edults. 16-0z. - reg. 330 32-oz. - reg. 55a 39c Miik ioo's, of Megnesia Tablets- reg 39e 27e - 300's, reg. 89c 59c March Sale Feeture... I.DA. BRAND WAX PAPEL Heavy Grade 100 ft. roll in box with acetal cutting edge. 26c cReg. 31c Save 50 I DAÀpH 0s Nervo Tonic A stimuleting tonie that improves your ep- petite, builda tissues and aida bealthy ner- ves. Pleasant tasting f00. 16-oz. bottie $1.00 An I.D.A. Product Drugs Phorie 792 MARCH MONDAT TO SATURDJIY MARCH 131h Io 181h v o PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MerGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store PAGE SZT" COMBS Bobby & Pocket Reg. 10e Value 7c ABSORBENT COTTON Hospital Grade A.B.S. & C. TABLETS 19C Bottie of 100 - Regular 23c - - -------- ANALGESIC BALM 19C i ¼4-ounce tube - Regular 25c CASTOR OIL 19 .37C 4 and 8 ounce - Regular 25c and 45e EPSOM SALTS 9c 1 pound can - Regular 15e FLAXSEED 19C Whole Seed - 16-ounce carton, reg. 23c PENETRATING LINIMENT 33C 4 ounce bottie - Regular 45ce----- SENNA LEAVES OC -18C Safe - Efficient - 1 & 4 oz., Reg. 10c, 25c SULPHUR 70- llc Sublimed - 1/2 & 1 lb., Reg. 10e, 15e SYRUP FIGS & SENNA 27C Laxative for children & adults - 3-oz., Reg. 33c 1 Milligram Tablets VITAMIN B-i 27c -57c 100's & 300's, Reg. 37e & 79ce---- OLIVE OIL 29C A rich virgin oil of highest quality, 4 oz.; Reg. 35e TINCTURE IODINE 14C with applicator rod. Reg. 20e bottie---- HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 9c - 23C Quality guaranteed. 4 & 16 oz. Reg. 15c, 39e ALMOND LOTION 3c For soft, smooth skin - 6 oz. bottie, Reg. 50c 3 Spot Remover and CLEANING FLUID 19 - 37c 4 & 10 oz. sizes. Reg. 25c, 49c COLD CREAM 54C Theatrical type - 1 lb. jar, Reg. 69c nisbed home, a garden and car. A WEEK 0F OUTSTANDING VALUES I.DA. Thompson SHAVING CREAM Only - 39e Combination ATTACHMENT SET Special - 39e I.D.A. Brand MOTH KILLER Crystals 1-lb. cen 49c 1 DRUG SALE This powder quickly relieves gastric distress by neutralizing exces- sive acidity and assiat- ing normal digestion. 4-ca. jar 59C 1-lb. Jar $1.59 profitable industny fer Uic Irish and a cheery omen ef good luck te those whc neceive it. The sbamx-ocks are boxed witheut soil,,for Uiey claim Uiat the plant will net grow in enything but its native land. To add te the interest of Uic St. Patrick's Tee whicb la bemng beld et Trnity United Church on Friday aftercoon,, Mrs. Kennedy bas kindly consented te boan ber gift as a decenation for the event. Cnificism as it was finat masti- tuted by Aristotle, wes cicant as a standard ef judging well.- Johnson Haîf the mnoney Hitler spent en war would have provided ev- dry German femily with a fur- Velour POWDER PUFFS Reg. 10e Se, 2 for 15c MU IMAT, MA PIIR ervmwwm iq Here's I.D.A.'s Annuel March Sale - with its many specialu and' timely reminders. There are plenty of chances for you to save money on products used in your home. Check up on your needs and take advantage cf these values. 1 1 DRUC SALE