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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1950, p. 12

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PAGE TWIELVE Durham Conty Seed Fair Held In Conjunction with <Quinte, Seed Fair The 24th Annual Quinte Dis- i really a coincidence as Mel Mc- trict Seed Fair was held in the 1 Holn and Garnet Rickard were Armoury, Lindsay, March 15 - 18. tied for this award. with an excellent showing of Agricultural Representative Le- seed. Machinery exhibits and Roy Brown, Lindsay, and his Bacon Carcass competition. Six committee helpers did an excel- Townships from Victoria each ex- lent job of staging one of the best hibited four carcasses. Canada Seed Fairs ever held in the Quinte -Packers, Peterboro, and the Do- District: 0f course the Fair Man- minion Live Stock Branch staged ager, Stewart Bowman, Peterboro the. Carcass Compétition. See District Dominion Seed Inspec- details in another column. tor, was responsible for practic- On March 16 over three bun- ally ail the work of inspecting dred farmers attended the after- and sealing the registered seed noon lectures and slides with be- and as his titie implies hie was twéen four and five hundred on busy tbroughout the fair as man- Friday. On Saturday ail this ager. The secretarial work was gpood seed was sold at auction. taken care of by Oliver Dalry- inuch of this stayedt in the district ample, Agricultural Representa- and'should produce a quantity of tive, Stirling, who was in attend- * ood saleable seed for 1951. ance very day to take care of The ehibi was ery atisac-al the records and also the set- The xhiit as vry atifactiements at the sale. toryi for both numbers and quan- Those on the programme tity of exhibits. There were about Thursday and Fciday were Dr. seven hundred bushels of seed forG.PMRoteDrJ..Wit sale with 450 bushels being in 10- DrG. . MchianDr.andR.W. T. bushel lots of registered seed. Ewen, ail fcom O.A.C., Guelph. Durham County exhibit o rs The guest speaker at the banquet made a fine show in the Quinte was W. P. Watson, Live Stock Seed exhibit winning the four Commissioner, Ontario Dept. of Championship via Garnet Rick- Agriculture, Toronto. ard on flu wheat (Cornell 595) Gordon Hancock, Peterboro, and Barley (ten bushel lot Of who, until recently farmed near Montcalm); Mel McHolm on oats Peterboro, and was an annual (Garry) and Milton Weatherilt exhibitor at the Quinte Fair, did & Son, potato(s (Sebago). Mel a grand auctioneering job on the McHolm won a beautiful silver seed. casserole donated by the Central -________ Ontario Cheesemakers' Associa- tion for bigh total winning in This yeac Ottawa will spend Classes 1 to 22.1 $730,000,000 on social security T. Eaton silver tray was won measures, and the provinces by Garnet Rickard for largest about another $150,000,000. amount of prîze money won in In 1949 Canadian manufactur- regular oat, barley and wheat ers shipped out of the country classes. 290,634 cars, trurks and other Canadian Brewerîes Ltd. gave commercial vehicles, a greater ten dollar special for high in1 export volume than in any pre- Barley Classes 6 to 19 . It was vious year. ..EEzA!EE - UOWMANVILLE - THUSDA -MARCH 23 Malines & Evening - Regular Prices FEIDAT - SATURDAY - ARCH 24 -25 Afico j [ vJ 'tir it CARTOON - "PLUTO'S HEART THROB" MON. - TUES. - WED. - MARCH 27 -28 -29 m r THE POUNANT LOVE vIORY rO iM.W140 PAflKO FOm WHIU-s a av& u.e - -,ý" 7jjjjjjjjjia JEANNE CRAIN - ETHEL BARRYMORE ETHEL WATERS- WILLIAM, LUNDIGAN P.oucuu av DARRYL. F.ZANUCK amcm ELIA KAZAN MOVIETONE NEWS - COLOR CARTOON v I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL.LE. ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE Miss Ruth Snowden, Wingbam, with ber parents Mc. and Mrs. Al- len Snowden. Mc. and Mrs. Harry Feather and daughter, Toronto, called on Mc. and Mrs. E. Twist on Sun- day. A number will remember Harry when with his parents, they re,,Iled at the Base Line. Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. At a meeting of the congrega- tion on Sunday it was decided to help the building fund of Orono church by sending a notice to everyone in the community. The envelopes wil be banded in on the church offering plate. Those who do flot attend churcb and wouhd ike to help will be visited by members of the Y.P.U. The many friends of Mrs. F. C. Davidson, Oshawa, are pheas- ed to know she bas impcoved enough to retucn to ber home fromn the hospital wbere she bas been for several weeks. HAYDON Congratulations to Ray Asbton on passing bis grade VI music exams. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens back to our communit3, having moved into part of the bouse uccupied by Mc. and Mrs. Don Carr. Bill is working with Roy Graham at the garage. Bible class social evening will be held at A. Read's on Friday. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Don Cameron's and Mcs. R. Olesen's groups sponsored a basket Social on Tuesday evening. Rev. A. E. Cresswell acted as chairman. Mc. J. J. Brown, Bow- manville, gave an excellent talk on the work done at the Boy's Training School, telling about the boys from the lime they arrive at the school, until tbey leave. A splendid musical programn con- sisted of selections by the Tcinity Maie Quartette, consisting of Messrs. Keith Jackson, Dr. Keith Slemon, Howard Bickle and Don Venton; piano duets by Mrs. Mii- ton Stainton and Mca. Lorne Lamb; solos by Mrs. Chas. Ran- kine; and solos by Miss Vivian Cowhing, accompanying berself on the guitar. Mr. Clifford Pethick very genially auctioned off the baskets. Lunch was sold to those not having baskets. Pcoceeds, $26.65, in aid of our building Fund. Mcs. Alice Thompson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bridgett and family, Bôwmanville, at Mr. R. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Don .Carr at Mc. Alymer Beecb'a Bowmanville. Mc. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hampton, Mr. and Mcs. Don Cacr, Mrs. A. Read at Mc. Jack Potts. Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Beecb and Gerald, Enniskillen, at Mc. Dan Black's. Mc. and Mrs. Roland Thompson and famihy at Mr. Eacl Thomp- son's, Bowmanville. 1 SALEM Salem Women's Association met at the Shackleton home on March 16 with 20 ladies present. Mca. Barrie opeîaed the meeting. Mrs. Buttery Mad charge of the woc- ship service the theme was "Tby Kingdom Come." Mca. Lloyd Richards had charge of the fol- howing program: Reading, Mrs. McClure, "A Chat"; violin selec- tion, Mr. Ken Shackleton, accom- panied by Mrs. Ken Sbackleton. The guest speaker was Mc. Oc- ville Osborne wbo gave a very interesting talk on bis visit witb bis daugbtec and son-in-iaw, Mc. and Mrs. Alex Wight in Hugben- den, Alberta, where it was 55' below zero wben he got there. He also favoured witb a solo. Mca. Richards thanked ahl for belping. It was moved by Mrs. Werry and seconded by Mrs. Buttery to give a donation 10 Orono churcb. Mrs. Richards and hec group secved lunch. COURTICE Afternoon Auxiliary meeting of the W.M.S. was held at Ebenezer. with the lat vice Pres. Mrs. H. F. Osborne in charge. Treasurer, Mrs. Elton Werry and Cor. Secy., Mrs. Annis gave the story of the past year. Highlights from the Presbyterial Convention r c presented I-y Mrs. K. E. Co ctice, Mrs. Cecil Found and Mrs. Car! Down. The devotional period was in charge of Mca. G. F. Annis who was assisted by Mcs. A. J. Gay and Mcs. Blake Courtice. The hast chapter of the Study Book was given by Mcs. H. F. Osborne and Mrs. Lloyd Down.: Piano solo by Miss Louise Os-, borne. Mrs. Chas. Found wasl pianist for the hymus. The choir executive of Cour-ý tice church met at the home of Mrs. Bob Barber on March 8.1 Manv items were discussed, andi among which w'as the decisioni to have new choir gowns. 0f- I ficers will be Pres. Mca. Carl Ad- ams, Vice Pres. Mrs. Bob Barber, Treas. Walter Short, Sec.Ms Eldon Essery, Asst. Sec'y. Miss Birdie Fallis. Librarian Phyllis Adams, Asst. Lib. Lois Antil. A set of rules wece drawn up to be' attached 10 the Bulletin Board. Lovely refreshments wece aecved and a social lime enjoyed. Courtice Ladies Associat io n bave almost compheted the cast- ing of their play "Aunt Lillie Sails t0 Town" and being direct- ed by Miss Madeline Tooley 10: be presented early in May. More. particulars hater. Saturdav afternoon, Mrs. Jas Tooley, assisted by Misses Made- hune and Dell Tooley entectained the numerous littie friends of Michael. to help celebrate bis ninth birthday. Quiz contesta were much enjoved, eacb receiv-ý ingI a amail prize. Games wereï played, and of course, the big item was the lovely supper. wbich ;vaqs secved by Misses Edythe De- line, Shirley Brooks, Betty Coch- The Newcasile Independent Mise Marraret Ash We were very sorry to learn present s he is staying with ber that Mr. Bill Quigg and Mr. Fred daughter, Mrs. J. A. Smith and Bond are in Bowmanville Hos- family. pital. We hope they will be home The Red Cross Campaign In soon and well on their way to town has proved most successful. recovery by the time this paper Remember to "give from the is published. heart" when the canvasser calîs Mrs. P. F. LeGresley who bas at your door. spent the winter in Weston, was Js a eti hc opr in town just long enough oue day chtaseayicet on th iveoveury last week to make arrangements hsatiktotefv ley for a visit witb Archdeacon Bal- prizes the Rinkettes are sponsor- fourand rs. alfur o Petr' ng at their dance March 24. These boro.. prizes are on display in H. C. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKeown, Bonathan's store wîndow. Don't Cookstown, spent a few day forget this date as it is an im- with r. ad Mr. Bil Mceown portant event. Ail proceeds for Mr. Bill Thickson, Kingston,th eoilAna and Mrs. Howard Nelles and ba- Mr. and Mrs. W. Payne, Mrs. by, Belleville, were weekend vis- R. MacKie, and Mrs. R. Hender- itors with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. son Kingston, called on Mr. H. H. Thickson. Cooke at "Broadlawn" last week. Mr. Harold Deline, Toronto, Sympathy is extended to Mr. spent the weekend with his mo- William Henry, North St., on the ther, Mrs. L. Deline. death of his brother, Claude Hen- Mrs. I. J. McCullough and Da- ry in Toronto. The interment vid spent the weekend with Mr. was in.Orono cemetery on Wed- and Mrs. D. Nugent, Oshawa. nesday. We hear the R. Saxon Gra- It was nice to see Betty Ste- ham's have moved on from Lake- phenson in town these past few land, Florida, to Daytona Beach, weeks. Betty bas been holiday- Florida, on the first lap of their ing from ber duties at Ottawa journey for spring.. Civic Hospital with hec parents Miss Jean Williams, Toronto, in Brown's Section. While home spent the weekend with her aunt, Betty called on many of her Mrs. Wm. Pinnegar. friends in town. Several enthusiastic sportsmind- Mrs. E. Powell and Mrs. Cliff ed citizens have alreadSr attended Flintoff spent Tuesday with Mrs. the annual Sportsman Show at Paul Shetier in Oshawa. Mrs. Toronto and as usual returned Shetler (the former Grace Pow- home just bursting with stories ell) is the proud mother of a of what they had seen. We un- baby girl born in Oshawa hos- decstand other folk have made pital the first part of the week. similar plans and from aIl re- Congratulations. ports they certainly won't be Well for the first day of Spring sorry. the calendar and the weather It is pleasant to see Mrs. Frank seemed to get together for a Gibson in town again after spend- change and proved to be an ex- ing the winter in Toronto. At ceptionally lovely day. rane and Dorothy Burtch. The many fciends here would like toextend best wishes to Mcs. Thos. Oke, Harmony ,who cele- brated ber 801h birthday over the week-end. Mcs. Nellie Russell, who b as been witb ber sister, Mcs. Roy Dunn, bas returned to ber home in Belleville. Recent visitors at the Alan Wil- bur home were: Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Ociole, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Chap- man, Kirby, Mc. Fred Woods, Oshawa, Mr. and Mcs. Lythe and daughtec, Oshawa. Mr. and Mcs. Wihbert Lamb, Portage La Prairie, in company witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry James, _C~olumbus, and Mr. Jesse Arncot, Maxwell's. were guests with Blake and Mrs. Oke. Mrs. Bruce Elliott, Newtonville, at the home of cousins, Mc, and Mcs. Norman Griffin. WESLEY VILLE Some of the young people at- tended the hockey game ini Tor- onto Saturday evening. The Austin children saw a fam- ily of deer while tbey were pick- ing pussywillows. Due to the bad snow stocm the play 'Pigtails" was postponed un- tîl Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. Reeve spent last week- end in Toronto visiting Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nicholîs with Mc. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rowclough. Wanda and Gwendolyn Ford and Donna Oughtred attended a birtbday party for Glenn Clarke Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arnold Thocndyke. Messrs. Douglas Barnet and Maurice O'Neill with Mr. and Mrs. E. Barrowclougb. Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thocndyke and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholis. Mrs. Lloyd Burley and two girls spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholîs. NESTLETON Mr. Wm. C. Tbompson is spend- ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mca. Donald Thompson. Mc., Byron Hyland, Omemee, and Mrs. Clifford Hyland visited their parents, Mc. and Mrs. Frea Hyland, wbo bave been quite sick. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm and Gail visited friends in Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mrs. Agnes Shepard, Caesarea, wbo celebrat- ed ber 93rd birtbday on March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family visited Mc. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelvecton. Mc. and Mrs. John Nesbitt, Oshawa, visited Mr. Reginald Nesbitt and Maurice. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggitt vis- ited Miss Norma Suggitt at Prince Albert. Mr. and Mcs. Fred Crawford and Mary Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Samelîs, Melville and Anna, visited friends in Lindsay. * Mr. and Mca. George Kerr, Yel- verton, visîted Mc. and Mrs. Vic- toc Malcolm. .Sympatby is extended to Mc. and Mrs. Willard Cook, Oshawa, in the sudden passing of bis fa- ther, Mc. Lorenzo T. Cook. Nestleton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. George Bowers, March 16, with 15 ladies present and meeting in charge of Mrs. Bowers' group. The meet- ing opened with the "Theme Song" with Mrs. Wm. Steele at the piano. Devotional was taken by- Mrs. Alan Wilson; Prayer by Mca. K. Samelîs; Study Book by Mrs. J. Grieves. Roll Cail was "My- Favorite Quotation." Pro- gram: Spring - Mca. F. Crawford; reading -"My Presence", Mrs. G. Bowers; reading - "Church Sup- pers" by Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Hutton gave us a splendid report of the Presbyterial at Bowman- ville. Ladies decided to have a Pot Luck Supper and haý'e Miss Florence Fallis, Whitby, give us a talk on ber aeroplane trip 10 the Ohd Country. Mrs. R. W. Mar- low put on a Flower Contest. wbicb was won by Mrs. W. Jack- son. A dainty luncha was served and Mrs. Bowers and ber group given a vote of thanks. next meet- ing in charge of Mrs. K. Samell's gcoup. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Miss Lenore Osborne was in Toronto Saturday playing basket- baIl with B.H.S. team. Miss Madeline Osborne attend- cd the Ice Follies in Toronto Fri- day evening. Congratulations 10 Mc. J. F. Osborne who celebcated bis 86tri birthday in Bowmanville on Marcc 21. Mc. Osborne la wel known to most in Ibis district and is the father of Russell Osborne. The family gathered t0 honor bim on this wonderful occasion. IWe wisb bim many more. Mcs. Bill Barchard visited Mc. and Mca. Jack Rice and April, Bowmanville, also ber mother, Mrs. E. Hooper last Wednesday. JMr. and Mrs. Calvert Barchard, Toronto, witb bis mother, Mrs. Geo. Barchard. Mc. Russell Osborne was iu Toronto on Tuesday. fMc. and Mca. John Henderson an famlyBowmanville, with MissandMca. Bob Kent. MisMary Bowen, Cornwall, Mr. Pete Kitcbo, Ray and Ricky, and Mc. Dennis Gibson, Oshawa, spent Sunday witb Mrs. Bowen and Mr. and Mca. Jack Gibson. Miss Arvihla Brunt, Oshawa, was home over the weekend. 'Mr. W. A. Gibson visited bis brother, Mr. Ernest Gibson i To-* ronto and on his return visited friends in Oshawa Miss Betty Allin, Peterboro, and Mr. and Mcs. Maurice Ped- well and Barry at Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Allin's. Mr. Bill Gibson, Toronto, witb bis parents on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, Walter and Betty spent the week- end at Scarboro with her mother Mrs. Annîs. Home and Sehool Club No. 9 Home and School Club met at the school house last Tues- day, this being the first meeting since December, with Mr. Charhie Glenney presiding. Mrs. Fisk, president of the la- dies club, asked for help from the Home and School Club to build cupboards for books and dishes and equipment to replace those which are in poor shape. This matter to be put before the school board immediately. A telephone is to be installed in the school as soon as posts can be put in. Home and School Club bas been asked to pay as much as possible toward its rentai each yeac. It was decided to have a box lunch social and the committee ln charge of recreation met and de- cided to have it on March 21. Ladies to bring boxes, men to bid. (Report next week.) As there were too many small- er items of discussion there was no pcogram. After singing "God Save the King," lunch was serv- ed, a social hour enjoyed. ]KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Barney Watters. Peterboro, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Picavet visit- ed around Kendal before leaving for Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer and granddaughtec, Sandra, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer. Sunday. Messrs. Alec Little and Robt. Alexander Toronto, were home for the weekend. The snowplow opened the road ahead to let them in. Mr. Jos. Gordon and Roy Little were in Peterboro Thursday to bring home Mc. Walter Gordon, wbo underwent an operation in the hospital there and who is now getting along fine. The blizzard of Friday everling filled in ail the roads again and the snow plows have been busy opening them heaving huge banks on each side as they go. St. Val- entine's Day and St. Patrick's Da.y activities were both hard hit by the blizzards this year. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Barnes and family moved Tuesday to Evan Quantrill's farm, to grow tobacco for him this year. Messrs. John B ailey, Roy Sleep, Joe Jîlîsen and Martin Manders havé been assisting Mc. Camille Smet finish stripping HABITANT-FRENCH S>TLE _________________ P SOUP 28T 2c MISS CANADA-COLUMIIA UEEKIST-GOLDEN PE10A P 29HONE Y BOT CROSS DUNS Raspberries "Ti. 27e *UKERS--GAHAM 6 i! a PkIr.20 WAFERS VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MARCH 23rd - 24#h - 251h -DOMAI N IN THURSDAY, MARCE 123rd, ID5O bis tobacco. Mr. Smet (on the Heber Souch farm) bad the mis- fortune to lose the bouse end ahi bis personal housebold effects by lire Saturday rnorning. Early Friday morning fire com- pletely destroyed the big hip- roofed barn on the Geo. Pope farm. now owned by Pete New- ell and operated by Joe Jilisen. The f ire started from oil burners used to steam the tobacco and, whihe il spread very rapidly, the few catthe and borses in the fac end of the barn, and the tractor, were saved. Some equipment and about five tons of tobacco were burned. The Newcastle lice truck stood by in case the bouse shouhd be endangered. After the fire had cooled down the pet kitten was removed alive from a crevice in the stone foundation into wbich it had ccawhed trying to escape-a cat must tcuhy have nine ives. There are 6,416 steel, concrete or wooden bridges on Canadian National System. OBITUARY --c MRS. JAMES GALE,.ý A well known former re4ent of Bowmanville, and widotof the former owner of the Fest Durham News, Mrs. James Gale, passed away at the borne et ber daughter, Mrs. H. Earl, in,Tor- onto on March 13.. 1 Mrs. Gale was iborn lnn $ow- manville, the daugbter of th~ late Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hill. Si% re- sîded in her native town urftil a few years ago when she moved to the home ber daughter ln T te. Surviving to mourn hec1! are ber cilildren, Edna (Mrs. H. H. Earl), Toronto; Newby <Mrs. E. J. Hanford), Calgary, Alberta-, Leiha (Mcs. H. E. Hosback), De- troit; Fred J. Gale, Toronto; and Ross C. Gale, Aylmec. Also sur- viving are two sisters, Mrs. T. A. Brown, Ottawa and Mrs. T. S. Holgate, Bowmanville. The funecal service took place in Toronto on March 16. Inter- ment xvas in the family plot in Bowmanvîhle Cemetery. rgînlo DEWHITE 08 WHOLU WI4WA1 Stop that Cold - Extra Speclal Size 300's Richmello Bread Juicy Imporied LEMONS-- doz. 39c slc@ 12 Un;lhc:diiC Florida No. 1 StringlessLOIoo Fresh Green BEANS I *-L 19c DOMINION-FULL NUT IAUi At Their Best - Extra Large PE AN U Excellent for Preserving Size 12's BUTYER160J.)3 5 Ripe Sweet Cuban PINEAPPLE - ea. 37c Bw T O Black Diamond - Sweet, thin-sklnned Size 96's PEANUT BUTER COOKIE Florida GRAPEFRUIT - - - 3 for 27c E RECIPE AHE TEAS K 400:. "4 3 1 1 I.C. PACK-FANCY-PINK SALMON "ria 43c I.C. PACK-FANCY--COHOE SALMON -ri.32c RIC HMELO-CANADIAN-MILD CH EESE Lb. 42c LIBOYS-TOMATO CATCHUP sofle22c LIBBY'S-FANCY PE STENDER I(i KNG 2 150s 2 Tins1* 3 LIBRYS-FANCY-TOMATO J UIC E 2 2.ei 23c 2 Lb. ~ Clu. 29c oO*1 9c Pkg. M STORES LIMITRO Beneath Your Bonnet.. this Easter, let your hair peeç. out in tidy frilis - the sort that require only a brush stroke for7- care.> Let us snip and set your hair into a beguiling little cap of fussless natural-looking waves Rilling's "FIRST LADY" Cold Wave brings new 1950 excitement to your hair-do. They're slick snipped and frankly short these new hair-do's of 1950. But no matter what version you choose, you'11 want yours to be flattering, mnan- ageable, long-lasting! Rilling's "FIRST LADY" Cold Wave puts the curi there and keeps it therc ... with one of the inost natural looking, shining waves we've seen to date. Joan's Beauty Centre - AilLiUnes of Beauty Culture OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 455 RESIDENCE 2951 JOAN C. WOOLLEY BAND CRAFT STANPED G0G0D S TO EMBROMIER Pillow Case. - Lunch Clothu Runners - Towelu Buffet sets A wlde range of D.M.C. for smocking. Wool A klnd and colour for every knltter. The New 100%f NYLON YARN ln many attractive shade.. Rugs Cauvas Patterned and by the yard. RUG WOOL ln about 35 shades. Hooki and WooI Cutterg Patterned Burlap for Rat augo J. W. JEWELL "BIG "20" 27 King St. W.. Bowmanvilh PHONE 556 BISCUIT SPECIALS DARE'S WAVERLY CREAMS Sandwich Biscuits - I -L.25c ]BARKER'S Chocolale Mallows - - - - lb. 45c WESTON'S - Thin, Crlsp - More te the pound Salîmnes . . . . 1-lb. pkg. 31c D A RE'S 1-lb, celle bag Peanut Cookies -----29c Coconui Cookies . . . - 29c OAKLIAF-CHOICI-GOLDEN 25ARAIELBYSEP RNE CORN 220 TYMARGENE Lb. 34c BEAÀN S 21,00729c STO QU02T LIEBYS-IN TOMATO SAUCE TOMMTES 2 l'im? 27c<RATSPAGHETTI î"?i .s14c PUIDE 0F THE VALLEY-STD. Green PE AS ' 9cDINNER 2M'25 Ie S-OWIe 2Lb.41 1 H0 E C*. I Signpost of Satisfaction

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