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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1950, p. 13

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ý4,!R8DAY, MAPXX 23rd, 1950 _______ ANADmNSTATESMAN, DOWMANVfl. ONTAIUO MONTEAL-Galot Gaist Galst Have you smm thase new 1950 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigeratani yet? Net marketin tr take a few minutes te stop in at your t !Taire dealer's for a look-see. They're wonderfufly worth seeingi Yau'Iise font r, campletely new modela headed hy an out-"4ig' 'i ,~clude al-aluminum, adjustable siding ahelves that r. are rust-proof; fu1ll-leneth door wîth finger-tip M' h-ation Target Door Latch; all-porcelain, twîn Hydrators that can be ffi.tacked ta make roam for very large articles; Frigidaire Quickube ice Çtrays; farnous Meter-Miser mechanismn that uses only a trickle of Scurrent. And when you see thein, gale, look for that Frigidaire embiern on the door that identifies a genumne Frigidaire -made only by ;.,MG,.eneral Mators! J Specialir Designed.For Your Kitclien Conveniencea. .. this dollar-value "Q Plastic Juice Container! It's YOURS for just hrin ffl offifi 5c and tea cent.s ta caver mailingl But sead 'o., for it soon hecause they're going like hot cakes!1 P. eihis handy juice container is unbreakable -non taxic -spili-proof and . it holds five cups of ieft-over juces. Store the container i your refriger- atar as long as Yeu like because it "geais in" the - ',.-vitaminsl For youra, stipir send me-.Babr Brent, 1,,;;ept. A, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, PQ.-o 35c J'osaia Note or postage tampa and one label from a 'Bovril Cordial or Concentrate bole, (The label cames off easily when soaked in warm water for a few e7inutet.> By the way, if yau've neyer tried BOVRIL in caaking - yu've a real treat comaing ta yau! Bovril adds a delightful fiavour ta soupa, stews. gravies, hashes and "made" dishes. Makes a vegetable plate deliciously savaury and satisfyingt Id Tumbiedown Slaads may lie ail very well in sentimental ditties, but moet of ns have too mucli self-respect te tolerate any disrepair about the lieuse. Matter of fact, right naw many of my friends are planning repaire and additions ta beautify and imprave their homes. It's really a lot of fun ta get together with friend hubby ta plot the little - or big - changes whicb will add ta the attractiveness or canvenience of your home. .And here's the perfect way ta finance these changes!1 -.If you're able ta repav a loan 'without too great a strain on the family budget, you'il find that the BANK 0F MONTREAL will be glad ta advance you a Personal Loan ta caver home-impravement expenses. Why nlt pay a cail - with Your husband - on your nearest B of M manager tomorrow? Yau'll find him interestcd anid helpful - and, you'Il be pleased at the low cast, too 1 Only 27 cents a manth for each $100 borrowed, when repaid in 12 monthly instalmeatsI Higher And , i, igh, 1 Light-- er and ligher fact, it meits ian 'our mouth. Isa t that the way you want your baking ta lie? Well -that's the way my cakes, muffins and tea biscuits are when I use 'CALUMET BAKING POWDER. -rRts Caiumct's double action that does the trick -and neither stir- t ring nor intcrruptionis can disturb that grand baking insurance. Ac- tion number one takes place in the mixing bowl, and action num- ber two is iffrthe aven - ilently, ceurcly doing the job of making the batter more tender and mare delicate. Calumet is the ý'n- f ailure" way ta bake, and I find f it's the littie thing that does make such a wanderful différence inresults. lis Enough To Tarn Your Head - the compli- ments you get wben you've n done yoursel .( ~ cY proud with a ~~Z2 beautiful cake. And isn't it easy -with SWA-NS DOWN CAKE FLOUR. For Swans Down is espe- cially made for betteri cake making --expertly mlled, sifted and sifted until 27 times as fine as ordinary flour. It lias taken the "'if" out of my cake baking. Lighter, fluffler and thoroughly deliciaus cakes- for party or for evryday-are not just matters for conjecture, but absolute certainties. Whether it's a chacolate, aagel-food, layer or plain white cake, I knaw it will be perfect made with Swans Dami Cake Flour. A Friend 0f Mine Said, uHousekeeping must be goad exercise! I find that it frequently gives me aches 'n' pains an mus- Ides I'm flot accustomed ta using!" '"That's when tà reach for SLOAN'S LINIMENT!" I toid ber. *For, truly Sloan's la the mot relief-bringipg treat- ~Y M J ment I know for soi-e muscles!I I just pot it on and it works wonderfully quickly ta bring weicome relief 'fxarn pain!1 Thousands of falks suffering fromà stiff -ieck-sprain-rheumatism or neuralgia bave dis- covered tha, the soothing, penetrating heat of Sloan's Liniment get8 r o the heart of the pain - . . inakes them feel so much botter! And r Slaan's is sa inexpensive!1 Just 40c a battle at your favourite drugstore! E My Irea of a wonderful beginning ta a Lenten meal is a piping bat bowl of any one of thé deiciaus HEINZ- SOUPS I'There areeihteer. varieties ta choffl from -ala hr l'tops' la tastM Tbat' why Heipz Soups are sa popular witb 50 many wives -wha like ta deliglit their hushands! Yes, Hleiniz Soupsaraie savoury ta the ast sip - so when you serve aay one of them - Cream of Tomata -Vegetable -Puree Mongole - maki th, rving extra large! And they'eey bit as de iciunl stews - with fisb - ia sauces - as they are served as a first course!1 la9 s ery Seldom Thot Tp. Can Be AbsointeirY Sure 0! Anyhing- but one thing 1 do know is that a JELL-0 PUD)- DING is one af the most econamnicai and delicious jdesserts you can make. For just a few centa a serving youi can please the family's sweet taoth with a creamy Caramel, veivet-smaoth Vanilia, flavourful Chocolate jor ricit Butterscotch Pudding. Je!i-O Puddings are Imarvcious time-savere, to, and make. desserts that cani be prepared la a matter of minutes. When you fancy a tapioca dessert;, don't forgt the JeuI-O Tapioca Puddings -Orange Coognut, Yanilia and Obocolate. P AINTEIIS, sculptais, graphie art craftsien and artisans of pottery, weaving and other handicrafts bave aU combincd their talents ta sponsor this golden anniversary show of The Art Gallery of Toronto. Their exhîbits contain many rerinders of Ontai-io's varied tourist attractions-and of bow widespread ai-e the benefits of aur tourist trade. Let's treat oui- visitai-s well so they'll want to corne back. FOR ART LOVERS The Orono News Mm . E. Loa ý NE WTON VILLE i I LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LkWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister,- Solicitor, Notai-y 91/'2Ring Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould -Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College. and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg. King St., Bowmanville Office Roui-s 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daîly 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday.' Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvile Office Roui-s 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noan Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 MONUMENTS THE RUTTER GRANITE CO. Phone 501 P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario REAL ESTATE BOVWMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Pi-opei-ties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn D. Maclachian IBowmanville 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITU Chartered Accountanti 37 King St. E., Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., reuident partner Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Br-own were River to play their second garnepi in Lindsay on Friday visiting Wednesday evening. When word ir with Mi-. and Mrs. Le Ray Brown. came back that they bad won R Miss Barbai-a Bradley, Ottawa, the gamne and would be staying bas been guest of Mi-. and Mrs. aver ta play the third game on ai G. L. McGee. Thursday night, quite a number ei Mr-. Dick Morten has been trans- of Orono hockey fans journeyed ferred fi-rnPaort Hope ta Part ta South River. However they IY Caibarne as fi-st operatai- with were disappointèd when the Or- Y the Rydro Commission. phans were defeated 10 - 1. South ]v Mrs. Stewart Cowan and son River is about 200 miles fi-arn, Douglas, Ottawa, ai-e visiting her Orono and the roads were very I0 parents Mi-. and Mrs. Newton rough in places. Cobbledick. Orona Skating Club journeyed a Miss Edna Myles, Peterboro, ta Bowmanville on Friday night t spent the week with ber parents ta put on their carnival. Owingi. Mi-. and Mrs. Deb. Myles. ta the very stormy weatbei-, the A Dr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie, Peter- crowd thei-e was only about haîfe bora, with her parents, Mr-. and as large as had been boped foi-.I Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Howevei-, the people that braved C Mr-. and Mrs. Gai-net Towns the starrn enjayed a very enter- and family, Peterboro, visited ber taining show and bath the Orono parents, Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Skating Club and the Bowman- Stainton. ville Rink were well satisfied. n Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- The Evening Auxiliary of Park awa, with her parents, Mr. and Street Church met Thursday ev- Mrs. N. F. Porter. ening at' the Masonic Temple. Mi-. Mur-y Paterson, Bradford Mrs. Harold Allin, presided and with bis parents, Mi-. and Mrs. ~the pi-agi-arn was in charge ofs A. Paterson. Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and her1 Mi-. and Mrs. Sid York and group. The pi-agi-arn was mostt family, Lindsay, witb bis parents, interestîng. RepDort of W.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. York. Presbyterial in Bawmanville, was Miss Lois Dean and Miss Jean given in a mast interesting way Wilson, Toronto, spent the week- by Mrs. Chas. Miller and Mrs. Edé end at their homes bei-e. Milîson. Guest speaker of the( Mrs. C. Wood, returned home evening was Mrs. A. E. Billett, a1 on Sunday after visiting her son newcamer ta Or-ana, but a persan Mi-. Neil Wood, Lakefield. whom we ail feel we know, fol-1 Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Roskin and loing ber most intei-esting and in- family, Blackstock, visited Mi-. spiring taîk on Comm un it y and Mi-s. R. R. Wood and Allie. Friendsbip and W.M.S. wark. Mi-. Si Souch is home after i-e- Mrs. Ev. Brown favaured with ceiving treatment in Toronto two vocal numbers. The evening General Hospital. coe ihasca or The stone bouse on the fa-m coe ihasca or previously owned by Mi-. Heber Souch was destroyed by fi-e eni-- Park St. Clxurch ly Saturday marning, also a bai-n near Kendal. Bath these farmns Building Fund Iwere tobacca farms. ____ Wornen's Institute met in the Park St. Churcb Building Fund O0range Hall an Friday afternoon gratefully acknowledges the fol- with Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn, presi- lowing contributions receivled dent, presiding. Aftei- the bus- during tbe past week: iness, Mrs. V. Robinson took charge of the program. Little Previously acknowledged $772.50 Jean Tamblyn gave a recitation Mrs. Jackson, Newcastle - 4.00 and Mi-. Cecil Carveth sbowed Mi-. and Mrs. H. O. a Red Cross picture "Great also McGee, Oshawa 2.00 in Peace" and" The Loon's Neck- Mrs. Professai- Thomp- lace," Bath pictures were in son,, New Jersey, colour and were very much ap- U.S.A ----------------- 25.00 preciated. Lunch was served and Salem Women's Ass'n. - 10.00 a social time enjoyed. A friend (local) 25.00 Orona Orphans left by bus Wednesday marning foi- South Total .-..... $838.501 Miss Confie King, Bowrnan- *1Ilè, spent the weekend with Miss Bannie Barton. At the Sunday evening service, Mr-. .Cecil Carveth, Newcatle, presented maving pictures show- ing the woi-k cai-ried an by the Red. Cross. Mi-. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer and son, Centralia, visited his par- entg, Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. .Mi-. and 'Mrs. Peter Bradley, Mri. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, and M4r. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, and Mri. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick, Enniskillen, were Sunday guesta of Mi-. and Mrs. Redknap. On Sunday, Mi-. and Mrs. How- ard Ormiston and daughters at- :ended a family gathering when Mr1is. Ormiston's grandfather, Mi-. Archie Muir, Si-., of Courtice, cel- ebrated bis 8Oth birthday. Mi-. M'uir was presented wîth an easy chair. Mi-. Keith Burley is in Part Hlope hospital with pneumonia. Last report is that he is daing nicely. Mrs. George Ovens received word this week af the death of her brother, Mr-. Robert Burley, of Cadilac, Sask. Robert was a son of the late Mi-. and Mrs. Jas. Burley. He bas been living in the west for a number of yeai-s. His wife was Miss Eva Bright- well. Mi-. and Mrs. Gea. Bur-kitt and daughter Helen, Frankfort, Mrs. Chambers, Sterling, and Mi-. and Mrs. C. Smith and son, Toronto were Sunday guests of Mi-. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancack. St. Patrick's Day Tea The ladies of Newtonville W.I. have again, despite the very starmy weather, had a very suc- cessful St. Patrick's Day Tea. The event took place in the Newton- ville church basernent, where the tables, were decarated in true Irish style and colour. This year there was an extra attraction, a sale of home cooking. The table of temptîng things was well filled and well patronized. The president called the meet- ing ta order, and few matters of business wvere dealt with. Mrs. Holman and Miss J. Thompsar were appointed ta prepare a bis- tory of aur Institute. The sub- ject of correspondence, either as. a group or by individual members with a W.I. group in anothei cauntry was discussed. The an- nouncement was made of the an- nual Achievement Day in Oronc on, April 15. A special feature of the pro- gi-arn was a reading "My Wilè Rose," by Mrs. P. Brown, accam- panied on the piano by Mrs. Fisher. There was a St. Patrick', contest ail the answers ta cantair the word green, and a musica' contest of twenty Irish sangs Mrs. Paedan was found ta be ac. cupying the lucky chair and Mrs S. Rowe won the jar of jelli beans by having the best gues! of the number it contained. Next month the annual meetini wili be held on the l9th, at th( home of Mrs. Hancack. derman In memary of bis par ents, Mi-. and Mrs. Mar-shall Ci-y derman; and by Mrs. L. Cryder man, in memary of her parent Mi-. and Mrs. Isaac Clarke.ý Every Dominion election thou sands of Canadians who have thi right ta vote don't even bothe ta do so. Business Directory HIAMPTON Mrs. Nelson Fice, Zian, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Frank Wcstlake, who bas been ill at the home of Mrs. Tom West- lake. Mi-. Frank Westlake, Sa- lina, also visited bis wife. Mrs. Milton Cochrane, North Oshawa, visited ber daughtci-, Mrs. T. Westlake. Mi-. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Sandra and Donald, Peterbora, Mi-. Donald Yellowleesà Gaît, at N. C. Yellowlecs'. Wo-Rc-Lo C.G.I.T. met in the basement of the cburch Mai-ch 6. Evelyn Smale taok up the collec- tion. Loi-na Warrack rend the Call ta Worsbip. Lorrene War- rack read the Bible reading. Loi-na Warrack taok the pi-agi-arn. JMary Lau Widdecombe read a lpoem. Grace Kersey read a stary. Loi-na and Marilyn Warrack cx- plained the story. We closed witb Taps. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Sauina, with Mi-. and Mi-s. Joe Cbapman. Mi-. and Mrs. A. Balson, Miss Ileen Balson, Sauina, at Harold Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. John Broome and family, Tyrone, Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and f amily, Sauina, at Lorenzo Trull's. Mi-. and Mrs. Percy Clai-ke, Greenwood, Mi-. and Mrs. Mcrwin Cryderman, Joan and Grant, Osh- awa, Mrs. Ada Tamblyn, Orona, at L. Cryderman's. Mi-. Blake Stevens Solina, witb Mi-. and Mrs. Bei-t Stevens. Morley Hastings, Toronto, vis- ited at G. Adcack's. Mr-. and Mrs. F. Toms and daughter Jean, and Mi-. Lloyd Slernan, Haydon, were anniver- sary visitai-s at Merwin Mount- joy's. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, was guest of Mi-. and Mi-s. J. R. Reynolds. Mi-. and .Mrs. Percy Cowling, Bai-iy and Beverly, Bowrnanville, at John Cowling's. Mr-. and Mrs. Percy Allia and Sheila, Oshawa, at E. Harn's. Mrs. R. E. Tink, Sauina, at Percy Dewell's. Mi-. and Mrs. A. Clemens, Bow- manville, with Mi-. and Mrs. L. Clemens. Mi-. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Or- ana, Mi-. and Mrs. Gea. Edgei- Ebenezer, Mrs. B. Densem, Bow- mnanville, Mi-. Wesley Ruls, Ty. rone, Miss Gala Rogers, Lindsay, with Mi-. and Mrs. R. Wilcox. Mi-. and Mrs. Wilrnot Hewie and childi-en, Ajax, with Mi-. anc Mrs. Rarland Trull. Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Orono, visited relatives bei-e and attcnded spe- cial services on Sunday also the play on Monday night. Miss Gala Rogers, Lindsay, spent the weekend with Miss Madlya Wilcox. Mrs. Harland Truli was at the home of ber sister, Mrs. W. Cun- nigham, Fenelon Falls, last week oMing ta the sudden passing af Mi-. Cunnîngham's aunt, Miss Mac Potts. Congratulations ta Miss Audrey MacNab on passing her 5th grade piano exam. on account of weather anc road conditions the play "RHis Wo- mon Folk" wbicb was ta have been given on Mai-ch 17, was postponed ta Manday nigbt, when a large audience greeted the cast who put on a special performance. Mi-. Merwin Mountjay is serv- ing as Jurai- at Cobourg. Church Anniversary services on Sunday wei-c fairly weil attend- ed. Rev. E. J. Robertson, B.A. B.D.. cf King St. United Churck, the afternoon service, and gave a very fine message. Rev. R. R. Nicholson conducted the services; and in the evening presented a very practical and belpful dis- course in keeping with the occa- sion. The choir under the lead- ership of Mrs. J. Smales with Miss Norab Hrin at the organ, provid- cd splendid music and werc as- sisted in the afternoon by ladies fi-rn Trinity chair, Bowmanvillc. The vocal duet, "Blessed Assur- ance" by Mrs. Stewart James and Mrs. O. Richmnond and the vocal trio, "Do you ever tr-y ta bear your burden ahl alone?" by the same ladies and Mrs. D. Alldread, were effectively rendercd and addcd inspiration-ta the service. Solo parts in the anthern were sung by Mrs. Smales, soprano, and tenor by Messrs. W. Wilbur and R. Balson, in the afternoon, and by Mrs. Keith Smith, Mi-s. J. R. Reynolds, and Mrs. K. Caverly in the evcning choir selectians. Mrs. Kenneth RuIl of St. Paul's chair, Bowmanville,1 was guest soloist at the evening service and ber i-en- dering of the lovely solo "Trust in Rim"I was a pleasing -contribution ta the service. The messages by the ministers and music by the visiting friends and choir were upliftîng and much appreciated. A portion of the lavely flowers wbich adorned the altar werc placed there by Mi-. Lewis Ci-y- pu pif tchculit,6 RIl o *Don't bang me cràundi *Wind me regulerlyl *D.n't open me upi *Don'I woor me wh.n wceliln * epuîr my brokenet rysteil- *1 ned deunini snd i.Ilfoc' sai: I - I I g! i I * I iot I 1 1 4 r MILLIONAIRETi ISARDINES .Tn249, FANCY RED COHOE SALON -Tin, 57<1 CHATEAU CHEESE PPLAIN 6 FRAfîO AMERICAN A&P EVAPORATED GLOBE KEIFFER PEUS-22.3 5< AYLMER CATSJP ~ 16< JELLY PWDERB1 JELL O - Pgs.2 YEOR3ks.2 YGORK - ~ 1 -10OGl N Ir-oz- 2. WAt&PSuer y --,yat YOur ea"P Supe, Market, you'1I fi,, dd a r orgiv rnarked with thearior-Packagq as well as oth ce on it, sh regite "chsl M aded bit of v5 yô, an: rnar-king i of cnfdenice. l ence-.. kfor Yurconve,. eou enyou buy at r&p. ANN PAGE SLICED-WHITE o BROWN MILK DRAD VITAm]N 'B' 24-oz tai 2c CjRISTIES B ITZ pcg lM. A&P 014010E TOMATOES 2 28-z tins25 IONA GREEN PEAS 3 20-OZ tins29 NEW 1.0W PRICE-COLUMBIA RED CHOICE IRASPEeRRmiaES 15-oz fin 24c 1 9 ,., ilà % . & ' VOUR A&P VEGETABLE BUV OF THE WEEK FLORIDA FRESH ROUND STRINGLESS, No. 1 GIREE BEANS 2 Ibs 29c SWPIFT'ING-lb33 FLORIDA PASCAL, LARGE Ne.1 SLICEDCEILERY STALKS a for 19Îc LOAF CEESE lb. 39e MEXICAN, FRESH HAND SELECTED, No.1 DTOMAFOOD cello pkg 17c. IPARD -2 Tn 25e WASHED, FREE FROM SAND OR GRIT, Nok. 3 LL in SPINAM ..--..--cele--- b«M00100NEW CROP, LARGE BUNCHES, Ne. 1 CUSTOM GROUND SHAI.I.TS............, *a*0M CAIFORNIA NAVEL, now at their beet, faricy grade 252' 's 8 O'CLOCK lb 76c CAL-------------------------------d. 45< COFFE POTRAAI, ANY b.3 2 1-lb bags $1531 DATES TTDARFNY b23 A&P ""SUPER RIGHT" MEATS RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF - TMEf EST THERE 15 POIRTIEHOUSE, SIRLOINq PEAM EAL ED-SL IC ES OR CENTRE cu-re WING orDBONEILESS ROUND' BACK BACON 11, M Stocks or Rouets - lb 69c PEAMEALED-ENO cuTS *b. VOUR A&P MEAT BUV 0F 7THE WEEK SWIT'S RBACMORNIARC GRADE A BOILING, 3V2 to 5 Ibs. lb 37c DACK BACORN LOE m l37cWIENEES L_____ SMOKED SHANKLES8 WINTER CAUGHT PORE SHOULDERS -lb.45< WHITFiSE lb.5m SMKE LICED COC BREAKFAST BACON lb..55< SNROXED ILETS- b39< MAPLE LEAF, RINDLESS CHOICE SIDE BACON « s «<SU HERMING. .-.-2 Ibm. 25< MAPLE LEAF SILVERBRIGHT P,~< BCON s ~47<SALMON STEAKS -"'370 Id ALL REPAIRS DONE IN OUR OWN STORE n ýs gS e l4 e [1 7 r , lmu BREWERS 58NCE 1832 1 . PAGE THITW Hazard of Pensions vioualy, one would be ta set UP a M.Dukrsget another and fund similar to those rovided by morder orer l eploy.ed, theo (byJasph istr Rtlege> insurance c6mpanieszta protect ohe can o, and in l eatwill Mas o te rcet dvace ~their annuities. But insurance be bath happy and productive. Mdicifehe rtent aacsi companies bulld these funds qver As mast retired workers eiJo1 thediife avler eape. opioiong 25 to 40 years befare there lsa ay their for a f ew brief yearu thelif ofol er eope.Consder demand on them. To establsh and then die, mainly f boredom, the significance of this fact as ap- such a fund in a single year, Mr. that looks like a sensible ugges. piied ta any pension system. Ta Drucker cantends, would require tion. add one or two years ta the group each employee ta be capitallzed over 65 is ta increase the num- at fi-rn $3,000 to $10,000. At the ber of older people alive by as îowest figure, a company emply- Sound recording is used to kee much as one fifth. That, as Peter ing 70,000 men, such as the Ford judgments of London's (Engld) F. Drucker points,out in Harpers Company in the United States, Court f Appeal. Magazine article "The Mirage of would have ta set aside immedi- On a Canadian's 36-cent pack-. Pensions," means that ta provide ateîy, and out of curi-ent resour- age of cigarettes, 15 cents go to $10enthlbo totalincoe- es, capital reserve of not less than the retailer, wholesaler, manufac- teht oflabo's otalinc me. $200,000,000. Obviously this is turer and others who bring the Mi-. Drucker is not opposed ta hai-diy possible. praduct to mar-ket; federal taxes pensions, as such. He only doubts As the prsent systemn then Is account for the remaining 21 their feasibility. He concedes that o k b e nl u d r th m s c t . therecntstel trie etalisedfavourable business conditions, Canadians will pay the govern- the principie of industry's i-es- and a funding system, only if ment more than twa hundred il-. ponsibility ta the aider workei-. miraculous profits couid be sud- lion dollars in customs duties on But he points out that written, in- denly discovered, it is clear that goods brought into the country ii ta Steel's pension agreement is a the subject i-equires more thought the federal government's curreni clause that pensions shall be paidans "ýas long as business remained an tudy than it has had. But fiscal year. excellent." That was not an eva- sin. Ony undei- such conditions could they be paid. This John L. Lewis quickly proved by the cal- lapse of his own pension plan ~ ~ ez when the miners switched fi-rn a five-day ta a three-day week. The reason is simple. AlI pi-es-n ent plans ai-e "pay-as-you-go." That is, the employer pays into the fund just about sufficient ta - meet the need of those now eli- AA. or as business conditions deterior- VAcu-u M -S E A LE D ate, funds would be insufficient for the original demand, without any increase. Quite possibly the- next union demand will attempt ta bind the employer ta provide ~OFE pensions regardless of conditions. 7This would be like King Canute CFE commanding the tide ta stand still. No employer agreement ta use funds that did not exist could be binding. It could only mean BbankruptCy. What are the alternatives? Ob- 1 - «r. 11 dbip , - - 1 - - . --"- ---

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