I - PAGE P'OURTEEN ---- --- ---- --- --- MESSAGE BEFORE ' 12,000 READERS -~ ~ ~*~ COT 35cPER A BIRTHS F BOYD-In Bowmanvifle Hospital, on March 13th, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd, Enniskillen, a daughter, Martha Jean, a littie sister for Gordon. 12-1 HIBBEN-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hibben (nee Hilda Darch) an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Linda Doreen on Monday, March 20th, 1950, at Bowmanville Hospital. 12-1* PIPER-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piper (nee Lucille Cardinal of Ottawa) wish to announce the birth of their son, Donald Stephen, at Bowmanville Hospital, on Mar. l6th, 1950. A baby brother for Diane. 12-1* DEATHS * ADAMS-At Enniskillen, on Sun- day, March l9th, 1950, James H. Adams, beloved husband of Ger- trude M. Wotten, in his 65th year. The funeral from the Funeral Chapel of Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 22nd, at 2 p.m. Interment Hamp- ton Cemetery. 12-1 HARRIS-At Ennîskillen, Ont., on Thursday, March l6th, 1950, r{ar- * vey William Harris, dearly be- loved husband of Hazel D. Mow- bray, aged 69 years. Funeral from the residence, Lot 24, Con- cession 7, Ennîskillen, on Satur- day, March l8th, at 2 o'clock. Interment Grove Side Cemetery, Brooklin. 12-1 QUIGG-Pequiescat in Pace at Bowmanville Hospital, Wednes-1 day, March 22nd, 1950, William John Quigg, beloved husband of Mary Shirley, Newcastle, R.R. 3, in his 64th year. Resting at the1 Morris Funeral Chapel, Requiem1 Mass in St. Joseph's Catholie1 Church, Friday, at 10:00 o'clock.i Interment Bowmanville Cemetery.i 12-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ,jeffery, Maple Grove, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Lela Doreen, to Mr'. Stephen Bertrum DJoyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Doyle, Summerville, P.E.I. The marriage will take place April 8th at the bride's residence. 12-1* CABD 0F THANKS We wish ta sincerehy thank ahi aur neighboums and citizens of * Bowmanville for their kind assist- ance at the time of aur fime hast * week. Mr. and Mms. George Humpage, Duke Street. 12-1 Mrs. William Wilcox wishes ta express hem sincere and grateful thanks for the many kindnesses shown by fiends during the ill- ness and passîng of hem husband, and for the beautiful floral tri- butes. 12-1* I wish ta say "Thank you'" ta ail my friends and sehool chums for cards, fruit and flowers, etc.; also Dr. Keith Slemon, Dr. C. W. Shemon and the staff at Bowman- ville Hospital for their kindness and help at the time of my oper- ation. Ruth Pascoe. 12-1* The Bowmanville Lions Club takes this opportunity of sincereý ly thanking ail those wha helped with the mass T.B. X-may sumvey held last week. Due ta the bearty co-opemation of all helping, the sumvey was a complete suc- cess and we ask you ta accept our thanks. 12-1 * Mr. and Mrs. George Aldmead wish ta thank their many rela- tives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and baskets of fruit; also thanks ta special nurses, nurses of hospital, Dm. C. W. Slemon, Dr. Harold Slemon and Dr. Keith Shemon, duing Mrs. Alldread's ilîness in Bow- manville Hcnspital. 12-1* Mms. Jas. Kennedy and family wish ta express to their many friends and neighbours their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, messages of * sympathy and beautiful floral tri- butes extended ta them in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father. Especially thanking Rev. Mere- dith, Rev. Sigston and the staff and employees of the Bowman- ville Foundry. 12-i 1 would like ta take this oppor- tunity of thanking Supt. Miss L. Harding, nurses and staff of Bowmnanville Hospital and my two special nurses, Mrs. Werry and Mms. Hannah, ; lso Dr. Mc- Kay and Drs. C. W.'Slemon and Keith Slem-on, and all those kind people who sent me cards, flow- ers, fruit and candy, while I was in hospital. and since I came hoiiie. Mrs. Ceciu S. Mutton. 12-1* Mms. Harvey Harris and family %vish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciation ta their mnany frîends and neighbours for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, beautiful flowers and other remembrances received at the time of the illness and death of the late Harvey Harris; also ta his nurse, and Dr. Baldwin of Brooklin, and ta those men wbo worked untiringly ta keep the roads open during the recent heavy snawstarms. Music Instruction i POPULAR piano plaving. Fast, 1 interesting course. For demon-i stratian, Phone Bert Payne, Bow-1 uanville 2091. 12-tfi COMING EVNTS Dance, Enniskillen Hall, March 24, auspices Service Club. Prizes, refreshments. Proceeds for Hos- pital. Admission 50c. 11-2 Hear the Mickey Lester Show over C.K.E.Y. at 8:15 p.m. to- night (Thursday, March 23rd), sponsored by The Radio Shop, Bowmanville. 12-1 L.O.L. dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, March 25th, with the Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Ad- mission 50c. 12-1* Charlie Hannigan and His Mountaineers in Newcastle Com- munity Hall, March 24th. Spon- sored by the "Rinkettes." Pro- ceeds for Memorial Arena. Ad- mission 75c. 11-2 Amateur Night, sponsored by the W. A. of Blackstock United Church on Friday, March 3lst, at 8 p.m., in the Community Hall. Ahl interested in contesting notify Mrs. Neil Malcolm before Wed- nesday, March 29th. 12-1 Reserve Wednesday and Thurs- day, April l2th and l3th, for the Lions Club Minstrel Show at the Town Hall, Bowmanville. Tickets may be obtained from McGregor's Drug Store or any member of the Lions Club. il-tf Reserve March 30th and 31st for Trinity Y. P. U. annual play. A 3-act comedy entitled "The Famîly Upstairs." Information and tickets available from any of Y.P.U. members. Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French. 12-2 Special meeting of the Durham Canning Crop Growers will be held in Newcastle Hall, Tuesday, March 28th, at 2 p.m. Mr. Fui- ton will be present ta bring us Up to date on what your organ- ization has been doing. Plan to attend and bring a car load. 12-1 ED. WILSON Says "ý3ring Spring indoors." FLOOR COVERINGS New colourful bright designs. You choose from the largest floor-covering display in town. 9 x]2 - Borderless Rugs $6.95 Wonderfui Special WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 Church St., Oshawa 12-2 Help Wanted TRUCK driver, for six w;eeks. Apply H. C. Downhamn Nursery Co., Bowmanville, Phone 609. 12-i YOUNG, single man to help with farm work, to start April lst. Campbell Hamer, Solina, Phone 2982. 12-2 $60 MONTH -young woman for general housework, 2 children. Completely modern home. Private room and radio. Phone 2080 Bow- manville. 5-tf HOW'S YOUR FUTURE?-Start building a secure and profitable one now with Familex Produets. Exclusive and protected agency open in your locality for ambit- ious and steady worker. High income, regular repeat orders, no investment, training provided. For full details write ta J. D. Poland, 1600 Delorîmier, Montreal, Que. 12-1 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received up to and including Friday, April l4th, 1950, for the extension of the present garage building on Temperance Street. Plans and specifications may he seen at the Hydro Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Signed: Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission Geo. Chase, Manager. .12-2 To paint outside of Trinity United Church, Sunday School and Steeple; also cottage. Work ta be done between May lSth and October l5th, 1950. For spec- ifications call at S. R. James, In- surance Office. Tenders to be in the hands of A. M. Hardy, Chair- man of Church Property Comn- mittee not later than Aprîl 7th. 12-2 The Bowmanville Board of Edu- cation request tenders for the removal of the board fence on the east boundary of the Central Public School Property. Tenders ta be in hands of Secretary by April lSth. Bowmanville Board of Education Stuart R. James, Sec'y.-Treas. 12-2 Work Wanted SHEEP shearing done. J. Snow- den, R.R. 2, Oshawa, Phone Osh- awa 1827J1. 12-3 Piano Tuning PIANO tuning and repairs. Free estimates. S. Hoffman (formerly with Gerhard-Heintzman). Phone 550R, Oshawa. 12-8 Reception Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood- ley, R.R. 1, Tyrone, will be at home ta their friends on Satur- day, April lst, from 3 to 5 in the afternoon and 7 until 9 in the, etn=g on the occasion of thei twi~t-fi1th wedding anni- versary. 12-1 FURNITUHE SALE I have been authorized ta sel by public auction for Mr. Gea. Souch 7 George St., Bowmnanvllle Saturday, March 251h The following valuable bouse- hold effects: Fîndlay 4-burner gas stove, in excellent condition; Annex, Clame Jewel stove (good); 3-pc. Chest- erfield Suite (good); Dining- roomn Suite, in good condition; Sideboard, Tables, Chairs, Rug, Scatter Rugs, Vacuum Cleaner, Electtie Lamp, Toaster and Iran; 2 fumed Metal Beds, good springs and mattresses; Phonograph; High Boy; Dressers and Washstands; 2 Leather Chairs; Kitchen Chairs; 3 Trunks; Centre Table; Ice Box; Cushions; Some Linen; Silver- ware; Dishes; Cooking Utensils; Garden Tools and many other articles too numerous ta mention. Sale 1 p.m. Terms Cash ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. 12-1 Don't forget the Communit3 Sale at Gay Barns, Courtice, or Saturday, April lst, of farm stock implements, cedar posts and whai have you. Sale at 1 p.m. Term= cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer The sale of Mrs. Aldworth'.< household effects and propemty af advertised previously, i1/2 miles north of Bowmanville (on MiddlE Road), which was postponed due ta roads, will be held on Satur- day, April 8th. Sale at 1 p.m. Temms cash. J. R. Reynolds, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 12-3 Auction Sale of Famm Stock, implements, poultry, fumniture, etc., of Mm. Robert Eley, Lot 5, Con. 7, Clarke Twp., will be held at the Durham County Sales Amena at Omono, on Thursday, March 3Oth, commencing at 1 p.m. sharp. Temms cash. No reserve. For further particulars contact-Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 12-1 Solina Sale Exchange - Spming Opening - Friday, March 3lst, at 1:30 p.m., at Baker Farms, Hampton. Cows, stockers, calves, pigs, hay, turnips, cedar posts, implements and what-have-you. Terms cash. 5% for selling. No charge if not sold. J. Baker, manager, Phone 2180 Bowman- ville. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 12-2* Don't forget - Durham County Community Auction Sale ta be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, Thursday, Mamch 23rd, at 1:30 p.m. Theme wilil be offered for sale all kinds of livestock, mach- inery, fumnitume and dozens of other items. Remember the date - March 23rd - the Sales Barn, Omono. The place where all farmers meet. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 11-2 Mr. T. A. Venner, Lot 30, Con. 5, Darlington, 11/4 miles east of Taunton, will seil by public auc- tion on Fmiday, Mamch 24th, at 1 p.m., all his farm stock and im- plements, including ý16. head of Holstein cattle; 21 pigs; Ford tractor, with plow, cultivator, dise and buck rake. For furthem particuhars see buis. Terms cash. No meserve. Ted Jackson, auc- tioneer. 12-1 1 have received instructions !rom R. S. Johnston, Lot 3, Con. 1, Clarke Twp., two miles east of Newtonville, on the south side of No. 2 Highway, who is giving up farming and will selI by pub- xic auction on Saturday, April 8, at 1 p.m., ail his farm stock, implements, feed, etc. For fur- ther particulars see bills. Terms cash. No reserve. F. E. Lycett, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 12-3 I have been authorized ta sell by public auction for Fred La- Salle, Lot 2, Con. 3, East Whitby ( 1 mile nomth of Harmony and East, or 1 "2 miles West of Taun- on and South) on Wednesday, March 29th, ah bhis famm stock, implements, harness, wood, hum- ber, furnitume. In this offering there is an exceptionally goodd ider press. Terms cash. Sale at 1p.m. See buis. Elmer Wilhur, auctioneer. 11-2 Mr. Stuart S. Morton & Son, Lot 19, Con. 1, Darlington Town- ship, 1%~ miles west of Bowman- ville, on the south side of No. 2 Highway, is giving up farming nd wilh seIl by public auction :)p Wednesday, April 5th, at 12:30 p.m. sharp, a full line of early new tractor machinery, ;uch as M.-H. 44 tractor, Farmaîl &tractor, Clipper combine, pick- p baler, stationery haler, power de rake, one-way dise, tractor low, tractor cultivator, corn )inder, silo filler, fertilizer drill, nilking machine, rubher-tired 'agon, tractor trailer, dozens of )ther items. This is a sale no armer can afford ta miss! Lunch vill be served thmoughout the ale. For further information me- rrding this large sale contact- îck Reid, Auctioneer, Orono, )ntario. 12-1 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods> mailed pastpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1 9-9 Real Estate For Sale LOT on corner of Duke and Park St., approximately 50 ft. by 160 ft. Apply 91 Duke St. 11-3* FRAME bouse for sale, 28' x 36, at Lot 15, Con. 5, Clarke Twp., to be removed. Apply Allen Cath- cart, Kendal. 12-2* HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Good farms for sale are not plentiful but in my office I have listed a fairly wide selection which varies in price from $ 1,500 to $20,000, according to size, lo- cation and general quality. The mai ority are available for im- mediate possession. If you have any land for sale, either improved or of the poorer type, I would be glad to know about it. There is ready market for ail classes of land. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phones: Office 32r10 - Res. Ir16 COOKE REAL ESTATE Are you interested in a farm? We have some of the best farms in the County of Durham. Are you interested in a bakeshop? Are you in interested in a restaurant? Are you interested in a tourist camp? Are you interested in a home? If you are, contact Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 12-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $5,000 down -Farm, 100 acres, Hy. No. 2, Newtonville. Hydmo, stone bouse, 5 ooms, two barns, silo, 2 acres orchard, 12 acres hamdwood. Price $9,000. $850.00 down-Farm, 28 acres, 5- room frame house, barn, bush, chieken bouse, between Oshawa and Bowmanville. Price $3,250.00. $500 down-8-moom frame house, hydmo, shed, near Newtonville. $1,200 down-6-room bouse, hy- dro, 4 acres, near Bowmanville. $3,700. $l,300-Large barn, 1 acre land, easily convemted into house. Terms. Newcastle. $2,000-For quick sale. Must be sold this week. Brick bouse, hamdwood floors, chieken bouse, i1/2 acres land, creek, no hydro, in Bowmanville. $2,000 down-8-moom bouse, barn, large grounds. Vacant in Bow- manville. $6,000. $6,500-9-moom brick bouse, new furnace, new roof. $l0,000-Brick bouse, corner lot, 15 rooms. Revenue $115.00 month- ly. Apartment for owner. $3,000-Farm, 30 acres, 6-room bouse, hydro, at Maple Grove. We also have farms, toumist pro- perty, service stations, etc. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachian Phone 326 Bowmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 12-1 ED. WILSON Says "Laugh and the Wold laughs with yau." You will enjoy this special HOLLYWOOD STUDIO COUCH Lovely covering, spring-filled mattress. Real Bargain $39.50 WVILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 Church St., Oshawa 12-2 For Rent LARGE foum-oomed apartment, bot water heated, with private bath. Over store an King St., Newcastle. Apply H. J. Toms. 12-1 THREE-roomed, heated apart- ment, 3-piece bath, all conven- ences, private entrance. Apply 95 Liberty St. N., Bawmanville. 12-i THREE-roomed bouse, suitable for middle-aged or young couple without children, garden with bemry bushes. Possession April lst. Apply 48 Liberty St. S, Bowmanville. 21 Wanted To Rent COTTAGE on Bowman v i hIe Beach, for August. Rev. R. R. Nicholson, Phone 2748. 12-1* NICE furnished summer home in Bowmanville, Newcastle or Lake Scugog area from May for entire season. Phone 609 Bowmanville. il-tf4 MODERN bouse or large apart- ment urgently required in Bow- rxanville or surrounding area by April lst. Rent no object for suit- ible accommodation. One or two- year lease. If suitable would con- sider purchase. Excellent refer- ences. Write P.O. Box 395, Bow- manville. il-tf Chicks For Sale 3ABY CHICKS -Barred Rocks and S.C. White Leghorns. Al hatching eggs produced on our >wn farm. For price list write or phone: Orchland Farm, H.J. Brooks, Phone 2636, Bawmanvillne, Ontario. 6-tf B h c Articles For Sale ABOUT 12 tons of hay. Phone 2372. 12-1* 1936 DODGE Sedan, ini excellent condition, heater, $525. Vivian Bunner, Phone 2429. 12-1* GREY gander and two-wheel car trailer. Orville Osborne. Phone 2480. 12-1* CEMENT Blocks, 8-inch, plain face blocks, reasonable price. Phone 2625 evenîngs. 12-1* CARROTS-$i.50 a bushel; also good cooking apples, $1.50 bushel. Phone 2381 for delivery. 12-le TEXACO gasoline delivered ta farmers. Caîl Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates. we measure and install. 37-tf SPY apples and sweet cider. W. T. Cox, 11/ miles north of B.T.S. 12-1* B'AUTIFUL Cogswell chairs, regular $39.50, extra special at $29.95, at F. F. Morris Co. il-tf 13-DISC Massey-Harris seed drill, in good condition, equipped with fertilizer attachment. Apply R. LeGresley, Newcastle. 12-1 CHROME furniture-Burn-proof top table and four chrome chairs. Special only $59.00 at Morris Co. il-tf S ILEX coffee-maker, replacement parts always in stock. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 12-1 FEED SPECIAL-Limited quan- tity of Bran available at $2.70 per cwt., bulk. Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill, Phone 777. 12-1* 20 COLONIES of bees, extractor, extra supers and other supplies. Phone 2433. A. H. Clemens. 12-1* HOOVER floor polisher and vac- uum cleaners Sales and Service at Hydro Shop, Bowmanville, Phone 471. 11-4* NEW dinette suite; 50-lb. ice re- frigerator; 3 -piece bedroom suite; washing machine; aIl in good condition. Phone 2032. 12-1 1939 OLDSMOBILE Coach, good tires, good running condition; 1500 lb. Belgian mare, good worker. Phone 2980. 12-1* 1948 FLEETMASTER Chev. Se- dan, sun visor, slip covers, mile- age under 7,000. Privately owned. Cash. Phone 2889. 12-1 ONE stack of shredded wheat straw; team of horses; bull caîf from a "good plus" bull, son of Sovereign. Isaac Hardy, Phone 2184. 12-1 TWO bedroom suites, complete with springs and spring mattress- es, in excellent condition; also Williams piano. Phone 2844. 12-1* 1935 OLDS. Sedan, in excellent shape, South-wind heater,* snow tires, $500 or best offer. Cal Graham's Garage, Haydon, Phone 2730. 12-1* GET your gasoline and oil barrels ready now for the spring work. New, steel barrels, 45-gal., $3.50 each. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf UTILITY tables, all metal, white enamelled. For kitchen or any room, various types. $5.25 to $6.95. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 12-1 CUSTOM killing every day ex- cept Friday. Good quality beef sold by the quarter. Darlington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf GIRL'S light blue spring coat and hat with black velvet collar, like ncw, size 4-5. Apply Mrs. P. Leach, 66 Wellington St. or Phone 997. 12-1* FREE parcel carrier with each of our 1950 baby carrnages. Se the new "Margaret Rose" and "Bonnie Blue" colours now in stock at Morris Ca. il-tf 1948 CHEV. 4-door Sedan, private owner, small mileage, radia and accessories. May be seen at 161 Church St., Saturday, March 25. Phone 2041, Bowmanville. 12-1* FOUR coal and wood stoves, end of season clearance at savîngs up to 25%. A golden opportunity to save real money. See them today. The Radio Shop, 38 King St. E., Phone 573. 12-1 FENCE post - 4 inch top and1 larger, 40 cents; 21/2 inch to 4,1 30 cents; hydro, telephone and clothesjine poles. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193r14. 7-tf ELNA Sewing Machines now available. Fine Swiss, precision- bult, portable electric and stream lined. Built-in motor, built-in light. Has free arm for mending and 'darning socks with wooh, exclusive with Elna. Sews in any direction, forward, reverse, zig- zag, etc. Colour, a restful green. For demonstration in home, with- out obligation. Phone 2061. 12-1* ED. WILSON Says "Our prices are lowem because we are out of the high rent district." BABY PRAM SPECIAL Gendron new convertible pram $22.95 NEW STYLE CRIB large size with drap aide Baby Walker - $5.95 WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 Church St., Oshawa._ Articles For Sale MOFFAT two-tone cream, four- burner electric range with side oven and storage shelves, in per- fect condition. Bargain for quick sale. Phone 2384, Bowmanville. 12-2* BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets. In stock ready to go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry- sler, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowvmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is availabie at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IMMEDIATE delivery, Faix banks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, clean economical way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf USED Beatty washing machine, $50, one year guarantee; new Locomotive washers, $1 17.50 Up. Immediate delivery on Woods Milk Coolers and Home Freezers. Werry & Son, Electric, Phone 2539. 12-2 ALL kinds of meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates caîl W. Len Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tînsmithing, Phone 348. 12-tf JOHN Deere machinery, tractors [and farm implements for sale; also some used machinery. Re- pair work done, ready for spring work; also parts, sales and ser- vice. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St., Phone 594, Bowmanville. 11-1* AIR conditioners for your home. Simple electrie plug-in type, helps greatly ta prevent colds, washes and purifies the air of smoke and dust. Regular $29.95. Sale for weekend only $23.95. One year guarantee. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 12-i ED. WILSON Says ";Buy the best- icosts no more." We are Proud ta Present KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SUITES Famous cushionized construction, supemb styling. No fumnitume like it in the womld. SPECIAL Beautiful 7-pc. Kraehler Chesterfield Suite $159.00 WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 Chumch St., Oshawa 12-2 USED M.-H. Jr. 101 tractor; used Case Model C tractor; new Case Model SC tractor; new Case Model D tractor; new Case Model DC 3 tractar; new Case hanse- drawn spreader; used I. H. C. horse-drawn spneadem; used I.H.C. i7-tooth cultivator; used Viking separator; 2 rolîs snow fence: farm fence; barbed wire; steel posts; staples now in stock. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 12-i TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- ations ta choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, i Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, i Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 only at Badley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Temms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroorti suites, $69.00' steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, ahI colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natumal finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring. filled mattresses, $24.95: tri-light lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.0ù; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or winfe oriental designs, $49.50; chenille hed spreads, $6.95, table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Lost BILLFOLD, possibly on King St., containing considerable sum of money. Please return ta 141 King E., Town. Reward. 12-1 PAIR lady's brown kid gloves and pair of children's woollen gloves, lost in front of Statesman Office recently. Would finder please return ta The Statesman Office. 12-1 Wanted DEAD or crippled stock removed free of charge. One boum service. Higbest prices for old horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Caîl Colleet: Bowmanville 2679. 41-tf Attention Farmers!1 WE will be pleased ta pick up dead or cippled farm animais. Fon immediate service Telephone Colleet, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266 W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2-tf Wanted To Buy A GANDER, Toulouse, Emden or Buff. Phone Clarke 1213. 12-1* SCRAP batteries. Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We caîl at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. , 36-tf WE need your poultry for ex- port. Highest cash prices paid at your door. Phone 2833. 10-4* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. F1atti R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf GOOD used furniture; sewing machines; washing machines; re- frigerators, and ice boxes. For cash. Bowmianville Trade-in Store, 65 King St. W. 11-2* EIGOHTEEN pigs. Phone 2388, Austin Wood, Bowmanville. 12-1* MATCHED bay team, five and six; Chestnut, rising two years. Phone 2754. 12-1 JERSEY cow, due April 3rd. Allan Macklin, haîf mile north of Hampton, Phone 2202. 12-1 COW, Shorthorn, crossed with Brindle, due to freshen March 28th. Orville Hindman, Hamp- ton, Phone 2254. 12-1 ONE young Yorkshire hog, ex- cellent type; also several bred gilts. D. McCulloch, Phone Brook- lin 3r14. 12-1* PURE bred Holstein bull, one year old, from son of Monogram; dam, graded, very good, with R.O.P. 14,524 lbs., milk test 4.05. Apply Fred R. Stevens, Phone 2234. 12-1* Eavetroughing Contracting YOUR old eavetrough repaired or new eplaced. For free esti- mates phorfe T. Salter & Son, Hampton, 2142 Bowmanville. 8-8* Notices The Harvey Dance Academy has opened a branch at 19 King St. East, Bowmanville. Register for Ballet and Tap lessons on Fmi- day afternoons. S-tf Iarn starting collecting gar- Special ! Toni Home Permanent RefilKit Includes:- 33c Creme Shampoo and 6 Midget Spin Curlers Ail 3 for only $1.59 Fresb and Tasty! Truly Good Chocolate Coated Peppermint Pallies 69e per Every Bite pound a Delight Additional Classified on Page Seven OPEN alleys at Martyn's Bowling Academy are available Monday and Wednesday evenings. 12-tf Seed Grain For Sale CARTIER Oats, Reg. No.* 1, thé, best oat for early sowrng, Pan- ogen treated against smut and root diseases. Colin Smith, Bow- manville, Phone Orono 56r6. 12-10 Pets For Sale PURE white, tame'rabbits, make nice Easter presents. Phone28 Seed Cleaning SWAIN Bros. Plant, 1 mile north of Burketon, will be aperating full time after this week. We are now equipped with the latest treating equipment. E. R. Swain, 12-1* For Sale or Bent 100 ACRES pasture farm, plenty of shade and water. Phone 2433. A. H. Clemens. 12-10 Repairs RUBBER footwear, heels, soles, rips vulcanized as good as new. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. 9-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrlg- eraters, domestic and rommerciaL Higgon Electric 42 King St, E., phone 438. 26-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- built and re-upholstered. Satis- factiqn guaranteed. Have aur consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen. tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf Yardley With each box of Lavender Soap - a gift of Yardley Lavendomeal at no extra costj $1.50 per box Special ar Brylcre9m Offer with each large tube you - - - vc l q a t,,...o absolutely FREE -A limited time only- Large tube 49c ua;euninrsia, arh Th Anyone desiring their garbage The Sfafesman ..ulu drawn away eall at 57 Liberty St. S., or Phone 2096. John Barrett: At Following Stores Farmn Help Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. EXPERIENCED, reliable Holland Wilson & Brown, Newtonville. familles available. Arriving soon. T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. Write to S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestie- F. L. Byam, Tyrone. ton, Ont. Phone 225-24 Port G. A. Barron, Hampton. Perry. 4-19 Newton Taylor's, Burketon. Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock. Boom and Board-C.~ B. Tyrreli, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. ROOM and board accommodation W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Lovell, available for two. Phone 986 *fJ.hW Jewell, W. J. Berry and I BrABY NEEDS STORK NURSER-the complete feeding unit -safe! sterile! convenient! remnove the cap -ready for feeding ------ ----- 39c ea- 3 for $1.09 JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER ---------------. 28e - 55c HANKSCRAFT BOTTLE WARMER and VAPORIZER, automatic, electric --------_ _ $2.50, NUTRIM Junior Cercal, requires no cooking ---29c BABY GIFT BOXES, Johnson & Johnson -- ------- ----6, 15 22 BABY BRUSH & COMB SETS 6 15 22 Bluie or Pink --------- -----------,--------- - - $1.25 MENNEN BABY POWDER, with rattie top -.55e JOHNSON'S BABY CREAM jar 55c RIGO NURSING BOTTLES each 10e ARISTOLITE BABY PANTS ----- ------ 29e STORK NURSING BOTTLE CAPS - each 15c JURY & LOVELL When W. Test Eyes It la Don. Properly TOUR REXALL DRLIG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE "PMTDOIMAP IRRAUrew dit-& lama 'I Auction Sales 1 - TEE CANADIM STATESUM, BOW?£Anvffm, owAlao Bowling_