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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1950, p. 13

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~W~flAV~ VARC'T-T ~flth îaMn THE CANAD!AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAGE T~RTEW j SPORT NEWS 'perioda in the dressing roamn your Ireporter made the predictian that Ithe Imperials would tie the score Iwithin the first three minutes of Ithe third periad. At the 1:00 mark jof the third, Don Gilbiooley pokeci in the fîrst Bowmanville counter to knot the score. Ioesm p r s o aGananoque Gilhooltêy'sgolwsterad ofa game-long effort. He was easily one of the stars of the con- In Final Game ai Belleville 4- 2 test. Mayor Carigheof n -~ Abot 200 abily artsan41I. As he shoed thruh the press box, registcred acute anti- tans, crowded Hume Arena at e'ntire series he couldn't be fooledci cpation every trne Don sailed by attackers on his doorstep. He inl on the Gananoque nets. At '3el1eville Saturday night ta watch regularly kicked out or srnoth- the.beginning of each Gilhaoley- 'owmanville and Ganan o ql u e ereci ail short shots. -cngineered rush his face wauld qW me ta grips in the f îfth and The Imperials have been ac- begin to clench. .eciding game of a best 3 of ý5 customned ail season to capitalize By the time Don was within serles. In a contest which could on close in shots, and were unable twenty fect of the nets the mayor have easily gone to either teamn ta adjust themselves mentally to wîs practically on his feet. The the Gananoque crew emerged the fact that if they were golng Gananoque reporter sat stolidly with a 4 - 2 victory. to beat Parrish they would have in bis seat, moving only his eyes. The score was 'tieci 2 - 2 with ta fire at hlm from about twenty Boivmanville Fans WIld but one minute and twa seconds feet out. Gilhooley's goal sent the large ta play. At that point Harper of High Speed Skating Bowmanville rooting section into Gananoque took a rebound fromi Gananoque held the edge only an even deeper state of hysteria. the agile stick of goalie Burkhart in the first period. The speed of They had started off the evening and rifled it past the prostrate the skating was so great that most in fine style by singing a manu- goalie to score what proved ta be fans in the Arena 1orecast that the factured sang, "Farewell Ganan- the winning, goal. second and third periods would oque," and had beaten everyone Strategy Backfires see a much slower brand of hock- else in the rink through the other- Coach Densemn then removed ey. But the second period start- wise dignified rendition of "God Burkhart from the nets ta send ed out at the same neck-breaking Save the King." six forwards ta the attack. The pace, and it wasn't until the last Shortly after the tying goal, strategy resulted in another Gan- three minutes of the canto that the game was held up for the anoque goal when playing coach the teams showed signs of tiring. third time due to a lost puck. TindAl snaked his way through The second period was ah Bow- Three pucks sat out the rest of the Imperiai defenderg to deposit manvilie. Time after time they the game in the pockets of three the ptick in the empty net. sailed in on goal to test Parrish, Iucky fans. Ench time the referee S The game was as fierceiy and and every time they were held stood at the boards, looking hope- avenly contesteci as Bowmanville out. Parrish defendeci his citadel fully andi finally disgustedly into fans have seen ail season. For like a veteran performer, ai- the crowd. He was probably the first two periocis only one though he still holcis his Junior thinking, "What fools these mor- goal found its way into the net- certificate. The Imperiais had not tais be." ting, and this was garnered by yet learned their lesson. They Affectionate Fan Hooper of Gananoque on a pass didn't seemn ta realize that four ihtyvethemnusla from the ever-present Tindal. out of every five goals they had ter Gananoqe agaeinutoreslna Perish Norm Parrish scored against the Gananoque te alead i as teinor The Imperials had at least threegaheadbnfrm botte- a weli-tanned gentleman ta the times as many gzocd shots on goal, ty feet out. right of the press box ta renew but they chose ta try ta outsmart First Imperial Counter his form of self-expression. He goalie Norm Parrish fram close1 Between the second and third reached below hlm and removeci ______________________________________________the bat of another Gananoque fan, disclosing a bare pate. Leaning reverently over he Phone Phone kissed the noggin several times. Graciously he asked the other fan when he turned around, "You don't. minci, do you?" His glow of happiness turned ta a solemn stare when at 4:08 Tom Depew o0F EL 0finished f etgoladrs 4 tO IL ~ 4"Fareell Bowmanvllle" Bowmanville fans danced andi IhIIbIV I7Yflftt!Ir!! werz biginning ta talk in trsof an overtime period as STIVE OIL1 m I-R OSE14E~ the third twenty minutes drew ta a close. Suddenly, at the DEALER FOR SILENT-GLOW OIL SPACE H1EATERS 18:58 point, Harper struck witb AND RANGE BURNERS. the deciding goal. A great groan arase from the Bowmanville con- FOR IPROMPT DELIVERY DAY OR NIGET CALL tingent. A second frenzied roar arase from the Gananaque section .BOB STOC ERIS when 42 seconds later Tindal scored on an empty net. GAIRAGEThe most heart-breaking goal GAR GE owmnvile of the night was the second point Corner Rint and Brown Sts. o anil registered by Gananaque. Keyes of Gananoque took a swipe at the puck from the blue line near the boards. The disc bounced and la Nowi A washer wich a wrngcr that acts faster M00et CI(iL than you can think! Just the slightest instinctive . . ,4r£o "pull".. and this new Loveli "Co ntraI-o- Roll" 'Xringer stops instantly! Just a genthe "push" and *' it swings mgto any aperating position. The Feather tex.,). Touch Release and exclusive "Sentinel of Safmt' Ppp give you greater safety, and greater convenhence than ever before! Corne ini :ororrow for frec dernonstration. . . . Sec for yourseff why mare women chaose WetinghouslS M UIR P HYIF S FURNITURE AND 52 Ring st W. lowmaaville Phone 811 Imperials Even the Play-Off Series By Defealing Gananoque by 5-3 ralleci crazily towards the net in full view of the 200 fans. Goalie Burkhart, who playeci a beautiful game between the pipes, faileci ta sec the missie due ta blocked vision. Burkhart didn't bave a chance on any of the pucks that beat him. The final goal was pokeci in due ta faulty clearing an the part of tbe Imperial defence. Only Four Penalties The game was cleaniy playeci, with only four penalties being meteci out. In the second periaci Keyes and Mayne were thuinhec off for roughing, andcinl the third Keycs again went off, this time for tripping. Lowe was sent off five minutes later for rough play. Altbough the entire Imperial team playeci gooci hockey, Don Gilbaoley, Buck Cowle and Bill Bagnell egain proveci ta be standouts. Cowle was the best man on defence, often stickhandl- ing bis way through the Ganan- oque farwards. Bihl Bagnell frus- trateci many a Gananoque effort ta get organizeci. Bowmanville: Goal, Burkbart; Defence, Cowle, Lowe; Centre, Giihooley; Wings, Yourth anci Bird; Aits., Piper, Mayne, Lint- ner, Depew,, Furey, . Bagneli, Krantz, andci Hcks. Gananoque: Goal, Parrisb; De- fence, Keyes, Small; Centre, An- dlerson; Wings, Hastie, Fair; Alts., Wood, Jackson Tindal, McCarney. Earle, Harper, Redmonci, anci Brown. Linesman: Herb Payne, Peter-, bora. Referce: Bill Halway, Belle- ville. YOUR EYES and Vision1 frRewrltten co pyrights of -Optometrist Disney Bldg. <Opp. P.O.) Oshawa. Phone 1516 No. 99 It s ...aulci nat be biard for an intelligent public ta readuly grasp the necessity of training andi canserving for the success of the future of its chilciren an asset of sa great an importance as its eyesight. I repeat it shoulci not be hard ta realize its impor- tance when a ittle thought shows that it bas dependent upon its proper functioning such things as education of ourselves anci aur chilciren, the earning of our- daily breaci the length of life, the en- jo 'i\-ent of life andthie tonifort ut hi te. None ean sav' that thev, haviui, once haci vision cati eijo,% lite lu the same wav whcn once it is iust to thrnm. (Copyrighted> By disposing of Gananoque for the second straight time the Bowmanville Imperials gave evi- dence of the fact that tbey have bit their playoff stride. They overpowered the Gana no q ue crew at the Kingston Mrena last Thursday Ly a score of 5-3. This victory ties the best three out of five series at two games eacb, with the rubber game played Saturday rt Belleville. A week ago Saturday the fans of Bowmanville were skeptical of the chances of their team. Gan- anoque had pusheci the Imperials in the face twice, by scores of 6 -4 andi 6 -5. The games were close, but it was felt that Ganan- oque baci the edge. Last Tuesday's 3 - 1 victary gave the Imps new life, and Tbursday's 5 - 3 conquest inspireci tbem ta believe that they coulci sew up the series at Belleville to advance inta the next round of the Intermediate A playof fs. The Imperiais dominateci at ieast 40 of the 60 minutes at the Kingston Arena Tbhu r sd ay. They ran hog-wild over the Gan- anoque five in the first perioci, two goals past agile goalie Parrish. Parrish bas been the main stumbling block for the Imps tbrougbout the entire series, stopping many a shot that would have gone by the average goal tender. Buck Cowle, who played an- other outstanciing game for the Imps was finally rewarded witb a goal for bis efforts. He openeci the scoring in the first period with a neat twine-bender from the assisting stick of Bob Bird. Toci Lintner then came out of bis slump andi rusheci in on the defenceless goalie ta beat bim on an unassisteci goal. This left the Imperials with a 2 - 0 leaci at the enci of the first perioci. Bowmanville continued ta show their mastery over the Ganan- oque outfit until well past the balf-way point in the second per- bod, adding another goal ta their total and prancing along with a 3 - 0 leaci. Toci Lintner outfoxed goalie Parrîsb with another fast goal ,vhicb was set up by Tommy Depew. Gananoque came ta life in the late second perioci anci acic- ed a noteh ta their own sticks. The period ended 3 - 1 for Bow- manville. With this score registereci t appeareci as if the Imperials would go on ta a victory similar ta that of the previous game. But Gananoque f cît the bot breath of defeat scorching their necks. They outplayed the Imps for the first ten minutes of the third, anci their efforts were re- warded by two goals and a tie game. Uncomfortabie in the neck andi neck position, Bowmanville sent out the big line of Gilhooley, Bird and Yourth, and the strategy paici off when ever-dangerous Don slid a iightning shot past the bewil- dereci goalie. Toci Lintner decici- (Continued from Page One) It was quite a joît ta the Com- mittee wben the people of Dar- lington township turneci down a request for $3,000. Later, it was learned that someone bad been spreading the story that a prom- mnent citizen in Oshawa had of- fereci ta donate artifîcial ice for the arena andi haci been turneci down by the committee. It was felt that this rumor may have had somethin« ta do with the adverse vote. However, despite this set- i back, the people of Darlington have supparted the Arena excep- tionally well for the hockey gaines and skating, andi have been given every consideration by the committee in ararnging practices and other activities. The co- rnittee is still bopeful that the citizens of Darlington will f mci the Arena a convenient spot toi hold any meeting for which the building is suitable. It was built for the district, not just for Bow- manville people. Last fali an asphait floor was installed in the Arena just three days before a cold snap sponsored an attempt ta make ice. Because the floor bad not had sufficient time to set it dici not appear ta be quite up ta expectations andi the company which laid it will return this spring ta go over the topf again ta put it in readiness for sumimer activities. The floor di accomplish one purpose excep- tiona]ly well. It di not aliow Don'i Be Laie ! YOU can't board the train after It has Ieft the station, neither can you get insurance on your home after it burns down. Before it is too late, check up the amount of insurance you carry on your property with this agency NOW! StuartilR. James INSI'RANCE - REAL ýESTATE Phonle: Office 681 Res. 493! Kinxg Street, Bowmaniville ed tat aanc-oal argi ~vi not cnough, sa be toak matters in bis own bancis anci sank bis third goal of the night. The Imperials continueci an their merry way without the ser- vices of Hicks anci Bagneli. The two teams haci a tough time tell- ing wbere they were on the ice. The normal sign posts, the reci and blue lines, were bast in the maze of curling markings wbicb designateci the ice. The issue was in doubt until the 12 minute mark in the third per- iod, when Gilhooiey again shot the locals into the leaci. Evcry game of the series has been that close. No game bas been won by mare than twa points. Two games have been decideci oniy in the late tbird periaci. George Piper bas been steady as a rock on defence during the entire serics, frustrating many an enemy thrust. Buck- Cowle bas appointeci bimself official break- awiy stopper, witb many of these speciai efforts tucked away la bis scalp belt. The three-goai effort is the first sign of life Toci Lintner bas shown in the scoring column since bis flasby seven-goal en- deavour in the final game of the Cobourg series. Play.-Offs Underway With Eight Teams In the Running After the pins bad stoppeci fali- ing Frîday it was found tbat four teams will battle it out ncxt week. The Iran Men took the measure 0f the Ink Spots witb N. Cowle andi F. Smith both having1 700. B. Westlake was red bot for the lasers witb a 909 triple composeci of 289 - 356 - 264. The league. champion Imperials took the measure of the Sportsmen. B. Gallagher led the winner with a 700 triple. R. Brock was top man for the lasers with 660. The Wilcats trampleci the Tornados with T. McLaugblin leading the way with 678. G. White was high for the lasers with 621. Last but r.ot least the fast improving Happy Gang led by J. Elston's 752 triple defeateci the B.T.S. Schol- ars. Next Friday the Imperals and Wildcats will battie it out on alicys 1 anci 2 while tbe Iran Men engage the Happy Gang on 3 anci 4. The twa winners wili decide the championship the following Friday. Would ail team captains please acivise Walt Polley or Jack Kitson as ta how many of their team will be attending the banquet before April 3. Arena Stalement LIBBY'S TENDER KING GREENPUAS 2 15.oz.' 319 AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUE Pkg. 19o CROWN or BEEHIVE COIN SYRUP Ti1 25g TOMATO or VEGETABLE CLARK'S SOUPS 2 Tins 159 AYLMER CATSUP Bti.16e NEW LOW PRICE-OUR OWN BLA~K &A I/2..b. 379 1-lb.-719 BRUNSWICK SARDINES Tin 89. A&P CHOICE CON Cream Styloe220-. 5 CLAR K'STn IRISH STEW 24< ANN PAGE B EANSVeget:rian 220-.: water brIougbt about by frecp.ent thaws. ta rush ta one corner as it di the previaus spring and the cammittee feels that baci the flbar flot been put in, they would have experienceci serlous difficulty in [preserving the footings of tbe building. At present, the water drains ta the west end af the building andi out the large door. The committee would like ta pay particular tribute ta the ex- ceptionally fine job whicb Man- ager Tom Depew and his capable staff did in looking after the ice andi the many other details. They [worked bard and long and dici their utmost ta have ice for ahl purposes. Unfortunately, there were times wben some practices had ta be cancelled in order ta preserve the ice for the Inter- mediate hockey team, ca us in g some annoyance andi inconveni- ence. Because the Arena took in more money frum these inter- mediate games than from aIl other sources combined, it wil be understood why they were given some preference~... Thanks also go ta Tom Carter andi bis colleagues Clarence Oke and Doug. Carter andi staff for the cap Ibie way in whîcb tbey ran the lunch counters. This taa requireci considerable effort with- out too much return but tbey did it willingly and efficiently. Special mention sbauid be made of the untiring efforts ta the Man- agement Committee's secretary- treasurer Cliff Samis who prac- tically liveci at the Arena al winter and bas done an amazlng job of keeping accurate and un- derstandable records. Tbe big task facing the com- mittee is bow ta obtain artificiai ice before next winter. Without it, there is littie any committee can do ta, plan ahead ta make the best use of one of the finest ar- enas in the area. They feel con- fident that, with an eariy start in the f ail, aur Arena could be made to pay severai thousands of dol- lars operatingr"" But, under the present hap-hazard, uncertain situation the success cf the opera- tion must dépendi entireiy upon the weatber. AIl the details have been obtaineci from the ice ma- chine companies andi the matter wili now rest with the people of the town andi the Town Cauncil. Several. spring activities have been arrangeci including a scbool area concert, a quiz contest, base- bail practices, etc., and more wili be arranged as time goes on. In the meantime, the Committee wishes ta thank ail the citizens of this district who made use of the Arena during the winter and have Made it possible for the Arena Committee to declare a profit for! the year. Unfortunately, it will not be possible for the Committee ta pay off any of the debt of; $12,000 owing ta, the Town Coun-i cil. Brazil is the newspaper man's dream country. There the law exempts journalîsth' from taxes. Mink are the most numerous! andi valuable of farm-raised f ur-, bearing animals i Canada. "Black Light'" is a phrase useci ta describe infrared or ultraviolet radiation. 14-az lin 21c '/-fb pcg 26c 2 pkgs 25c 21/it-Ib bag 19c >1 D m~rLil, Veta~MUSTARD yOURA&P RODCe BUy 0F TH~E WeEE FLORDAPSAL RGETENDER, SWEET' 0114o.Z i14 CLR Y P STCA L ISZfor 9C ral T IS NEW-FRAGRA14 FRS Oef sand and grit. No.' 2<SWIFT'S FRESH T EXAS No. 1, large bu ý* 3 for25 CLEANSER CIBIIOTS -- W't o .s 9 NEW CR.ES-.FloridR ht N.i3 ~s 2 tins 25c LARGE YELLOW Co<N ~Noi ** * 3b14e SPECIAL OFFER CAitRnIANAVEIL CALIFORNI FanCY 2UI's, noW aRt their beat. dl.-44 Y ORANGS . -ox.FLOATS OUT DIRT SL TZCHD pc<"lSl0o?0pg. 1 iPku'. 300 Both For40< A&P "SUPýER RIGHT"t MEATS EVERY CUT WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE VOU MORE MEAT WUTH LEU k SE FOR VOUR MONEY, FEATURING CANADA'S TOP GOVERNMENT GRADES OF BEEF, RED AND BLUE BRANDS. THERE 18 NONE FINER. BUY THIE BEST FOR LESS. Steas o' Roais * '~72~CHOICE MFATY VOUR A&P MEAT £3UY 0F THE WEEK SMOKED SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDEIS lbA45 GRADE A, 3!/2 t-i 5-Ibs BOILING FDWL « '37e PRS SOULDEIS » «lb. 41< PORK BUTTM 5j< * lb. 210 l b. 29e lb. *lb. 430 Salada Tea Bags are handy for afternoon tea I' % P 3 dB0A ANN PAGE SLICED, VITAMIN M MWILK BREAD 24-oz loaf 12c CUSTOM GROUND 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 76C POPULAR BRANDS CHICKEN HADDIE PLAIN CHEESE CHATERU A MEAL FOR FOUR KRAFT DINNER OG IL VIE FANCY RED COHOE SALMON NPAHRL MUND CHOICE PORK ROCKS « SMOKED BACON SMARES PEAMEALED BACK BACON end cuts F RESII COD FILLETS FRESH HAD)DOCK FILLETS E' TMMDAY. MARCH 30th. 1950 THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO L The Salvalion Army Commencing March 31 A Salvationist will be calling 'at your home with the Easter issue of The War Cry". WFORU 11OUR fENTERTAINMENT * See Page 15 - Columu M PAGE ... M 1

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