?R~SDAY. MARC!! IOth. 1950 TRI CANADIAN STÂTESMAN. B O ~, OP<TAEIO PAGE ~irr~w IThe Newcastle ludependeit 1 Mime Margaret AMb Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Heunini, Oshiawa, spent Friday aud Satur- dflY. with Mr. anid Mrs. Gordon L.aklng aud Marlene. Mr. anSI Mn. Douglas Walton and4 Terry spent the woekeud wlth Mr. aud Mrs. 'Huck" In. gram and family, Belleville. Mr. and Mns. 'Buster" Harris 9Sud Boyd and Miss Betty Gray, S&Mley, spent the weekendi with ives. Ms Lucy Brauît, Toronto, zPent the weekeud lu towu. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonathan aSM 0Carey spent the weekend in Toroto with hlm mother. Mrs. A. Bonathan. Mns. Ross Embley aud Mrs. J. Embloy enjoyed Thursdsy shap- Ping in Toronto. Congratulations ta Mr. sud Mrs. John Stutt who were marrîed lu Bowrnanville on Saturday. Mrs. Stutt Is the former Mary Hager- mnuof Newcastle. The happy Couple wiii live lu Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Buxtan, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard and George. Messrs. Fred and Charles Lake, Toronto. were home over the . knd. d ePa*ul Delany, Oshawa, speut rday aud Sunday lu town. Miss Tsugi Shiraishi, Tokyo, Japan, spent the weekend as guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rinch and Iroue. Miss Shiraiski is one of two reporters sent out by the Nippon Times ta repart on social conditions amongz the young peo- ple in Canada and the United States. Miss Shiraiski is on an 80-day leave from Japan during wbich time she contacts as many youth organizations as is pos- sibk. Mr. sud Mrs. Ken Withers and son, Peterboro, spent the week- end with ber parents, Mr. sud Mns. Perey Tamblyn. We wero sorry ta learn that littie Vlma Harris is lu Bow- manville Hospital. We hope she will be ail btter and home soon. Mn. sud Mrs. 1. J. McCullaugb, Mrs. F. Hiscock aud Judy attend- ed the wedding of Mrs. McCul- lough sud Mrs. Hiscack's brother, Mr'. George Nugent ta Miss Janet Marks lu Oshawa on March 24. This whole. community was shocked ta learu of the death af Bill Quigg lu Bowmanville Hos- pital last week. Mr. Quigg psss- ed siter a lengthy illness result- i.ng tram a severe stroke. Sin- cerest sympathy is exprossed for his wif e and family. Sunday guests with Mn. aud Mns. 1. J. MeCullough and family sud Mrs. Hiscocks aud Judy were .Barry Allin The Corner Grocery fuatures Choice Tomatoos 20-oz. tin12 Cream Corn 15-oz. tins 2 tins 250 20-oz. tins 2 tins 27< Fancy' Tomalo Juice 20-oz. tin 3 tins2 î Blye WaShing Powder 2 pkgs. 410 Pork and Bean: 15-oz. tin 100 Shiriff's Chocolate Cake IMix pkg. 37< Wethey's Peaches 15-oz. tin 190 BlueiUbbon* Cofie lb.- 790 Aylmer Fancy Jumbho Peas 20-oz. tin 220 Assorted Jamns and Miarmalade G-oz. jars 2 for 270 Birdseye Fresh Frozen Fruits Vegetables and Fish - Free Delivery - King St. E. Phone 367 Bowmanville 1~ pi WEDDING STUTT-HIAGERMAN A quiet wodding wa$s olemniz- ed on Saturday, March 25, at the Presbyterian Manse, when Mary Doreen, eldest daugbter of Mr. sud Mrs. W. E. Hagerman, New- castle. became the bride of John David, sou of Mr. snd Mrs. J. R. Stutt, Bowmanville. Upon their return from a shorý trip ta points west they will re sie in Bowmanville. Rinkettes' Dance A Successful Af fair Friday uight the Rinkettes held one of the mont successful dauces ever held in Newcastle Cou-- munity Hall. From the flrst note of music to theoIsat strain of the National Authern au air of trivol- lty stayed lu tbe auditorium. Un. der the careful eye of Charlie Hannigan the cnowd was mlxed up lu squares, minuets, r>.ç walz dg', aul Joues' and no on. Indeed thene was nover a duil minute. Right efter intermission the draw en the five beautiful prizes was held with Reeve George Walton doiug the honors as M.C. Four members af the Eiuk Coin- uiittee, Messrs. "Sandy" Graham, Archie Glenney. J. C. Porter sud Alf Graham sud one Rinkette, Miss Betty Bonathan, made the drAws. Sllverware went ta Wal- lace Couch; Table Lamp to George Skelding; Pyrex Gift Set to Garnet Porter; Vardley Set ta Alec Martin, l af Newcastle sud the Fancy Cushion ta Frank King, Newtouville. The girls received a goad baud from the crawd for the wonderful work they bave clone and are do- ing. They wish te tbauk everyone who lu thein own way helped ta make the night the succa it was. Horticultural Society Enjoy Holland Views On March 21 the Newcastle Horticultural Society beld an open meeting lu the Council Chamber. Reporta ai the 44tb Annual Convention held st Ham- ilton were given by Mrs. William Milligan sud Mrs. Percy Brown, delegates from this particular group. After those lnterestiug reports were given, Mr. Brentan Rickard showed some vory flue sldes very kindly sent by the Holland Bulb Gardons ai Toron- to. Theso alides represented a trip through the many beautiful floral gardons of Hollaud sud fromn the rapt attention given the oraton, Mrs. Gardon Gray, who acted as guide on this tour, mauy of those promeut imust have been carnied miles away ta the very places. they were seeing on the screeu.T e society regret that there ween't mono people pros- eut te eeo these delightful pic- tures. At tho conclusion of the sldes the commlittee in~ charge senved cookies sud tes. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mns. Wllbunt Laugstaff and family, Torouto, spent Sun- day with bis mother, Mn.. Mabel Langutafi. Mrs. Chas. Reid sud d4ughter Ifazel with Mns. Tom Langataif. W. are ploased to hean that Mn. Keith Burley Is home from the bospital. Messrs. Melville Samis, Lau- son Milison aud Cecil Payne have purchased new light dellvery trucks. A famnily gatherng was held at the home of Mr. sud Mrs. Sid Lancaster te celebrate the 25th wedding annivensary af Mn. and Mrs. Willard Lockhart af Niaga Falls, N.Y., who were visitiug them, The death of Mr&.. Richard Mil- Mr. aud Mrs. B. Clarke aud tain- ily, Orilla; Mr. aud Mns. Jack Hiss, Mr. and Mrs. D. Nugeut aud Hartill sud Mrs. John McCul- lougb, Oshawa. Mr. Arthun Beman called on bis brother and wife, Mr. sud Mn.. W. E. Beman ou bis way home to Abornotby, Sask., atter spouding the winter with bis daughter in Florida. Two little girls had lovely birtbday parties last week. Miss SheIla Gogerty Invited a number of school chumns ln Tuesday even- iug. Little Lynda Randaîl enter- tained a number of her littie friends Weduesday atternona at au enjoyable panty. Mr. aud Mrs. Charlie Thacknay aud friends, Toronto, called on Mrs. Herb Brown and family sud Mr. and Mrs. E. Thackray on Sun- day. Mr. Clarence Clarke, who bas been worlclng lu M4ontreal, spent the weekeud with bis tather, Mn. Asa Clarke. Mr. aud Mn.. Gardon Johuson sud family, Port Hope, were Sun- day guests at The Gateway. We were sorny ta learu that Miss Mary Bell was called home because af the serlous illuess of ber fathor wha is lu a bospital lu Hfamilton. WIll the flu, messies sud colds evér run its course lu the village? Mr. sud Mrs. Howard Wilson sud girls, Niagara Falls, Ont., called ou friends Iu the village. A very enjayable birtbday party was held at the home of Mrs. Ernie Alldread lu honon of Mns. Haigh. The table was love- ly wlth sweet peas sud cut flow- ers. A very daiuty lunch ul~s served ta guests from Bowman- ville, Newtouville aud Newcastle. Mrs. Haigh receiveci some very lovely gifts. lowell, Starkvifle, on Saturday carne as a sbock te most people. We extend uympathy te the mezni bers of the famlly. Meurs. Bih Darlington aud Bert Buxit were Up from Kingston for the weekeud. Mrs.. 0. W. Joues aud Mr. Earl Walkey are havlug bathrooms iu- stalled in their homes. Rev. and Mrn. Bunt entertained Rev. and Mrs. Eustace and family, Orono, on Sunday. In the even- ing, Rev. Eustace took the ser- vice as Rev. Bunt was indisposed with sciatica. Another of our oid residents bas passed on ln the persan af Mr. gpencer Wood. He was the oldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jared Wood. Hlm first wife wa. Miss Emma Tucker of Orono. KENDAL Mr. ]Roy Sleep is holidaying with bis sisters lu Toronto. Mr. Samn Searl bas returned home after spendiug the winter wîth bis daughter, Mrs. E. J. Williamson. Mr. and Mis. Vance Allen aud family visited Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Congratulations ta Mr. aud Mrs. Ralph Geach on the arrivai of their baby son at Bowmn- ville Hospital, a brother for Kath- leen and June. We are pleased ta see Mr. Joe Martineil out again and looking1 much better since his returu from the hospital lu Peterboro. FMr. and Mrs. Wrû. Jackson and family, alsa Mr. aud Mrs. Vernoni Peacock, eujoyed a turkey dinner Sunday at Milliken lu celebration of the'.birthday of Mary Honey, daugbter of Mr.and Mr#. Wmn. iIoney. Rumour ha& it that Mr. and Mi'.. Bailey are moving &gain te Clarke Union, but ho assures us they are remainlng on hlm tarin on the Sixth Lino. Mr. Robt. Bloy, who has been on the tarm he purchased from Perey Burley, moved te Oshawa Monday. Undaunted by the rlsing water around !Çendal, Thursday eve, a fair crowd turned out for an ev- ening of euchre. Eleven games were played with the highest score, 86, being madle by Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Carl Langstaff won the gent's prizes. Consola- tion prizos werit te P. Burley aud A. Curtis. Proceeda, $5,05. are to be donated ta the Red Cross. Another euchre la planued soon for the same cause. Due to the bad roada there was no chureh ou Sunday nor Public School Monday and Tuesday. High school pupil3 walked out to meet the bus. "Water, water, everywhere" bas been the general cry around Kenctal. With culverts frozen full of !ce from our January rains and thaws, and the ditches full of high snow banks, the open roads have been the course of least resistance for the flood waters, with the result that there are numerous bad washouts. The most dangerous Is from Wm. Jackson's house down to the bridge where the rushing waters have worn a course nearly two feet deep Into the hard road bed and have ef t exposed somne of the logs used years ago to build the road. Much interest was taken when the Counties' truck and Steamer appeared on the scene and opened the frozen culverts by the use of steam. However they were atil unable te carry thé flood waters. We are hoping ta see this end of the Newtouville - Kendal road rebuilt this year with good big culverta put ln. BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick speut the weekend in Lindsay. Mr. aud Mrs. E. Acams were in Peterboro. Mr. G. Irvin, Mr. Glenn Aldred, Norwood, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter. March meeting of the W.A. was at Mrs. W. McLaughlin's home. Mr. C. Carveth, Newcastle, showed films at the Church on March 20. A Basket Social was held afterwards. Her many Burketon friends extend sympathy to Mrs. J. Ad- ams on the death of ber bus- band last Sunday. Mrs. E. Caughill visited Mrs. Jack Parkin, Bowmanville. Mrs. Ethel MacCourt, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd. Mrs. J. Carter and Fred were in Toronto. Mrs. J. Kerry, Mrs. V. Hather- ley, Peterboro, with Mrs. L. Haesman. Mr. Jack Sinclair with friends iu Niagara Falls. Mrs. Jean Grace with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Alfred Grace and Ber- nice with relatives in Beaverton. Sa extreme is northern On- taria's cald ',hat locomotives freeze ta the rails, can't be moved without help froni another en- gifle. BLACKSTOCK Flying Officer Lloyd Harvey and Mrs. Harvey, Trenton, visit- ed their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.. H~arold Crawford. Mi'.. Luther Mountjoy has re' turned home from visitlug rela- tives iu the West. She is at pros- eut iu Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. C. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Henry and family, Bovm mauville. with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler were lu Oshawa Saturday attend- ing the ýuneral of his uncle, Mr. James Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pîsytoot and Bryce, Lindsay, aud Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hardcastle and baby daughter, Bowmauvjll,, witb Mr. Henry Thompson and Misa Ethel Thompson. Congratulations Io Miss Faye Ferguson who won lst prize ln the Senior Group of the essay contest sponsorod by the Wo- men's Association, Oshawa Pres- bytery. Faye read hor essay over the Oshawa Radio Station on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stinsoni vlsited Mr. and Mrs, John Bal- lingall. Miss Gertrude Henry, Sher- boumne House Club, Toronto, vis- iting her mother, Mrs. James Henry. Mrs. James Parr and Mrs. Vel- va Bailey attendied Mrs. R. J. Williamson's (Lizzie Hyland) fun- eral in Peterboro Friday. Sym- pathy of the community Is ex- tended. Mrs. Levi McGill is in Peter- boro Hospital but her friends of the flu are curtaillig social activities lu the village. The Spring flowers are showing in the gardons. Hamnilton River ln Labrador i. 600 il" slong. Purs are the principal pro of the so-called '"wild life" - Canada-45 per cent of the Vc -.i- iniou's land area. A railroad's real worth lies noi lu the dollars and cents it earus but lu what It rueans te the terri- tory it seryes. ANO HELP MAKE Il A HAPPY EASTER FOR CRIPPLED DUring the past week you received your quota of 1950 Easter Seals through the mails., Your purchase of these seais are tickets to health and happiness for our crippled children. The Rotary Club of Bowmanville, who are sponsoring this cam- paign in West Durham has undertaken for many years ta aid under- privileged children in this district. In recent years a fair portion of the funds for this work has been secured through the Easter Seal Campaign. Your purchase of Easter Seals helps this work which varies from very serious operations and hospitalization and artificial limb applications ta thorough examinatians by specialists. Besides strict me<iacal and surgical aid "Our Children" receive special training and aid through camps and schools with other cripples. They learn that others are uim- ilarly afflicted and they learn from others.similarly afflicted. In addition to purely local activities, these funds are used for the support of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children who provide many of these facilities for Crippled Children throughout the Province. So once again you are asked to answer this plea for aid for our Crippled Children. To help - slip à dollar or more - or whatever your heart suggesto - in the return envelope you received - or In any case ]PLEASE USE THE SEALS - Your zoceipt "Il be sent to you proinptly M JURY & LOVELL'S DRUG STORE CAWKER'S STORES J. W. JEWELL'S BOOK STORE ELLIOTT'S PLUMBING & HEATING DON McGREGOR HARDWARE BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS MARR'S JEWELLERY McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE STEDMAN'S STORE BRESLIN'S READY-TO-WEAR THE HYDRO SHOP ART'S CAR MARKET WEBER'S FABRIC CENTRE PALMER MOTOR SALES MASON & DALE HARDWARE HIOGON ELECTRIC HOOPER'S JEWELLERY JAMJESON'S TIRE SHOP BOWMANVILLE GLOVE & MITT NEAT WAY SHOR REPAIR WANDA'S BEAUTY PARLOUR GLEN RAZ DAIRY VANSTQNE'S MILL BuY V CHILORE Why You Should Help! *Crippled Children are "OUR CHILDREN" and de. serve our most sympathetic support. *Every crippled and handicapped child restored to health and strength is an added asset to the com- munity. *This is a double-barrelled job - to help the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and the crippled children's work of the Bowmanville Rotary Club in West Durham. *,It is easy to help! Just slip your contribution into the envelope provided and mail at once. *The sumn total of smaîl contributions can provide a great fund for a worthwhile humanitarian effort. *A tremendous Job of help to crippled children has already been carried on in titis conimunity in the past years - your donations wlll help keep up the good work. IF YGU DID NOT RECEIVE YGUR LETTER YOU CAN HELP BY . a Leaving Your Donation Wilh Mn. Mitchell of The Canadian Bank of Commerce This Advertiuement lu sponsored through the donations of LANDER HARDWARE COWLING'S DRUG STORE ROYAL THEATRE BOB STOCKER'$ GARAGE HARRY ALLIN'S GROCERY L. A. PARKER & SONS, Plumbing & Heating STANLEY'S LUNCH POOLE'S BAKERY W. L. LYCETT, Insurance SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. BOWMANVILLE MOTOR SALES 1 1 1- 1 1 will be glad ta know she Is lm- proving. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lansing aud Miss P. Hooey, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hooey, Karen and George, Peterboro, visited Mr. aud Mrs. Herman Hooe.y. Sympathy is exteuded to the iamnily af Mr. James Nesbitt, formerly of Nestleton, who was buried in Blackstock Anglican Cemnetery ou Monday. Mr. Nes- bitt wvas Cartwright's oldest resi- dent. The bad roads aud many cases èDAY, MARCR SM, 1050 TUE CAMADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMIM, ONTARIO PAGI M"MW