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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1950, p. 4

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PAG! WOTIR T5E-CMiADTA1~ STAT~SMAN, BOWMA~VILLE. ONTABIO ?HURSDAY, MARC!! SOth. 195S Traditional Ceremony ai Equator Of Ring Neptune and His Gueen bramutically Descrihed by T. Dreck )n Board M.V. "Chinese Prince" feeble to be effective. in the Celebes Sea, approach- We left Manila early Tuesday ing the Macassar Strait, 2 morning and have been proceed- March, 1950. jing due south via the Sulu Ses, ;Vear George:1 famous at one time as being in- I wiii flot comment on our re - fested with pirates. That. inform- ;tur taManla xcet tat hîsation led to the Captain telling .-tun. o Mnil exepttha ths 1me that pirates stili operate with- :time we were anchored in the in a few miles of Hong Kong and harbour and not tied up to a that, in fact, flot so long ago, haçl -wharf, Thus we had the benefit seized an 8,000 ton Dutch ship. ,of whatever breeze was going. Today the sun at noon is ab- ýActua1ly we were quite comfort- solutely straight above, fiercely 4able as the sky became quite. hot, but yet quite pleasant in the -black on the Monday noon, ac- shade. I sat out on the top deck 2companied by a strong wind. It from 2-4 p.m. wîth skin exposed -looked like a real storm but did and didn't get burned. One -not develop into one. Meantime phenomenon of being at the the air had become quite cool Equator is that the sun at noon :which made it nice for sitting out casts no shadows. :"topside' at night, which we did. i Shortly after lunch the Captain :1 went ashore on the Mondav for[ received a wireless cable from :tWO purposes only (1) to get alI Neptune Rex informing him that :haircut and (2) ta mail letter, he and bis Queen and Court would :postards etc arrive about 2 p.m. on the mor- row for the purpose of exchang- There is something wvth this ing fraternal greetings and of 'Philippines country and I don'tmeeting newcomers. Immediateîy liei. hesresaesimply, the ship's carpenter (Chips) got ,swarming with cars, the people' well ressd alhou' busy with bis men and erect- ,are eldesdatog prices'ed a temporary tank which ap- are high, night clubs are ahl over past ea seta ato the place and crowded and yet thpes to en eessntapartof there isn't a decent sidewvalk in teequnipent c estrneto th the whole city to walk on. Re- çocmon hich NptuneRe . construction compared with Hong Mrs. Breck and I were sitting >Kong is noticeably backward. I osd with the Captain after hear that it is worse in the out- jdne hnsdelad~ih lying pat.vhile the Caotainou o parsta avgtonhgts out arning the siren blew a long compain tha naigaion igh andlouid blast. This was the in- , are missing and that the lights of those that are working are tao timnation that we had crossed ____________________"The Uine." The tirne was 9:26 p.m. and we didn't even feel a * . .--~bump. It was a beautiful night, the moon being just one day fromn beincd full, quite clear and bless- edly cool. Just ta get prepared # ~ '~:for the ceremonies on the mor- grow Mrs. B. had a dip in the tank, which is eight feet high Ian d the water about five feet deep with no handholds. voté 14th March, 1950 I Yesterday was a full and event- IIful day. When we went down THANKS T .. to lunch each of us found a writ- ten summons from King Neptune M A Rat' S ordering us to appear before bis MARIUS court at2 p.m. that day. Promptly at, that hour a procession, led by 17 = the King (the Chief Officer) and bis Queen (the third Engineer) and followed by Prosecutor, Bar- bers, Court Photographer, Axe- -0 man, Doctors, Chief Constable, Koppers and Bears, made its way i with dignity and noise to the I Boat Deck where suitable Court WATCH REPAR :1accommodations and punishment paraphernalia had previously been set up. AIl, of course, were appropriately attired, in fact so SERVICEappropriately as ta be, in most cases, unrecognisable. The ac- cused followed. IThe Court was brought ta I ifurwtch glM jul, ft Va*j u$;, order by the Chief Constable, ithereupon King Neptune deliver- *Don't bans me oroiandl ed bis opening address. The Pro- ** Wnd m r.g~tadI gsecutor was then instructed to take charge of the proceedîngs, *Den't open me upt 1 which he did by stating that he *Don't wurm when Wusabngt had sumnmoned twenty-one per- sans against whom he proposed * Npoir My brolcen rystal ta present incriminating evid- S lnoed cieaningaOnd Ogino, toI ence and then indicted them one gby one. Everyone was, naturally, ALITHORIZED iousd guilty and awarded var- BU~L OVA iou sentences, including in all 1 cases a descent ta the "Pool of DISTRIBUTOR 1 Punishment." Ail had ta be photographed which consisted of * a squirt of water in the face while looking at the improvised tcamera and finger-printed, dur- oýI ing which someone contrived ta. get lampblack on the prisoner's eWellrY Iface. Next was a medical examîin- ation which afforded the Doctors all sortà of latitude in the matter iof what the prisoner was requir- ed ta do and have done ta him. 1-------------------Their requirements were varied and novel, ail the way from the ALL REPAIRS DONE IN administering of puIs (olives and OUR OWN STORE t or cherries) forcibly ta amputa- TRUTONE WHITE. The paint that cicans itself. White ta start with - andt stays white. Ask vour C-I-L Paint Dealer for TÙUTONE Wh ite. CILUX Enamel. »'Onc-Coat Magic" for frniture and iwodwork. Excellent, too, for automobiles. t gin' colours that retain their beatt - outdoo;-s and in. DULUX Super White Enamel. For bathro<,ns, kitchens. etc. vellow or absorb grease. Cleano like a china plate. See your C-l-L Point Dealer 'I'leres a C-I-L Finish for I ccrrv pain tiflg need. MWhcther po 'ie1ainting a bouse, a roomi or a chair, it ibays ta sec your C-1-L Paint Dealer lirst. i Hulggon Elect.ric Your General Electrie Appliance Dealer r'.'. ~p 438 Bowma nvIIie 42 King St. E there is plenty of evidence of the recent war in the form aLa.,unken vessels and bornb damage.'-Coný versely, however, anc gets an imf- pression, even before landing, oi the orderlines 's ft)n-which. the Dutch are so iamotis in their colonies as well-.,as li ..their Motherland. ,; - --- We %vere tied, up by. 45-m., the. operation. beîng 'most -interesting as \we obtained in passing a close- Up view of Dutch merchant ships which also live up ta the Dutch reputation. They are a bit dif- ferent te ours in construction and arrangement ai deck space, as well as gear, but are immaculately clean and attractive. Ail the passengers, except ourselves, were just like hounds, straining at -tie -easy aýd -reàd%'. ta spring ashore;- ,-in -séareb ai the famous -Bali Heads.- The Brecks' lack of eagc-rness Io get ashore %vas attributable to severai reasons. (1) we didn't tions by crosscut saw or axe. ,.Mrs. I.reck's offenses- were* f ai ling,- ý6,advise' ari the.- Usuàt t 0rXy, th e r eb~ ltn the moral code af the ocean and (2)> that. she had failed ta join4-he Canasta S.o,4~hereby .bu-, band tac partner Dehorr -iobig (the- shTip's doctor):ý J',,3nown. as 'Keeper Df. the Fog Locker" was, charged with (1.) havingjýermitted the' kêé16 tbÈt ifito ,hands of the Cadets, thereby causing Neptune's Weather-Qjerks consiclerable trouble and (2) being an underground investigator for a Canad'ian newspape r which is plotting -ta overthrôW -Hig. Ma- jesty. He is known .to,.have sent several long reports on top secret' matters ta bis masterý5. Everyo ne having, beén» dèalt* with, the Court rase and àdjourn-: cd ta the Pool af Punishment. On the edge af the Pool ai-starnd had beeni erected on which -.vas ffiated a chait, on each side,,of Whitth stood thé txvo BarbersýU ,- Theý pris- oner was seated in the chair; the Barbera' went ta ývork,-.ýwiih a thôroughncss that ~a'amàziing. Before fin ishing, however,ý the chair was suddenly tipped back- head over heels intoý the Pool. .I must confess that ýI got a bit- of a shock and was decide.dly,-con- fused when I carne to., I1 had overlookedclosing my mouth. and my nase with distasteul results. Even although 1 ar. the' oldest passenger an the ship J, had the, distinction af bcing trie .only one, male or. female, ta -,be ' lucked bass-ackwards. Thp, others. werc shoved in forwards. . -. Three of the lady passengers (not includink Mrs; Brçck) were excused with a repniand. lien the proceedinigs werc over ïh'e prisoners suddenly turned on their tornientors whom they.hurled in- ta the pool regardless, of~ rank or clothing untîl it would have been impossible ta cramn anothier body. Seriously, it was ýa very well arranged show and indiIçeted all sorts of initiative, iingenuityefld wit, especially with-regard ta the costumes, and lots of work in spare. time. No one was hurt or insulted, nor did any unpleasant- ness ensue, which, 1 arn anformed is unusual. Befoîr. dinnetr we were each presentect with mîmea- graphed transcript of the pro- ceedings. That, fourc pages ai foolscap single spae*é ds Iii ÏtÉelf quite a job. Today is the first arnlversaryý of the marriage of Mr. anOI.Mrs'. Harris Hall of Toronto. .Thfey, had invited their fellow pýs3 - 9 ers and the senior officers tg cocktails before dinner. Tey were, presented with maiy-e sents all of which werc oL-h facetiaus'order, nothing vahuable. A special chickcn dinner had been arranged by the Chiéf Ste-. ward, zincludixig champee,'ý#md liqueurs With the coffie. 1!%e Obt' Steward - inesente-f, then'. i tha hand-n ade-model I the "Chinese .Prince"' 'about" three feet Iptig and ver3ygeeurate ,;while the Ch ef had made'4 special ýéë about eightcen inchés across and six inches bigh, the icing of which was a work of art in several colours and .Just * gà6d tio eat as ta -lookç at.* '- There followe Se suai tdasts and speeches of thanks,' wise- cracks, etc., includin#l the pre- sentation af Certificates of mem- bership in Neptune's Realm, ahl duly signed and sealed by Nep- tune Rex and attested and de-. hivered by -the, Captain. As if the day had not been tuD enough, the Captain announced' at dinner that we were invited ta a sing-song 'topside," also at- tended by the officers and cadets. Everything was p5rovided by hlm in appreciation ai the maanner. in which the passengers had entûr.ed inta the spirit of the afternoai' s ceremonies. Aiter« aIl - "it's ;,o show without Punch." The party broke up shortly'*before -midnight when th~e watèhes changed o-ver and so an eventful day endedon a most pleasant note.-: The weather, since leaving Manila bas, naturally, beLrn-S ot, but at the same tinie surprisingly cool in the shade- or éven in _;a slight breeze. 'At no 'time .hàvb, we been more uncqmfortaele.;than at Cebu and yet, a-t thé ekiiieut,, wex7 are abotig ht degreppq Ielo'w. r- - t-' - _____tpricoecloau, Take a long look at this big, i-p* ene Fleetteader Special, with Pontiac's exclusive Silver-Streak Styling and powered by the. famous Pontiac 6-cylinder L-Head engine Then, get the price fromn your Pontiac dealer. Take a long, long look at that price! Yes, the car that's 'way up in value and 'way down in price is that feature-packed Pontiac Fleet. leader Special. And for only a few dollars more, the Fleetleader DeLuxe gives even more beauty, convenience and comfort. Seo tjiem both! RoUaforbr Dollar Pontiac takes pride in offering-in the 1950 Streamliner and Chieftain models-the supreme achievenients of its history. Large and impressive, these senior niodels in the Pontiac line olTer a choire of P>ontiac L.-bead engines. There is the eccnoinical, 90-h.1). Six, and Canada's Iowest-Ipniced, Straight I'ight, naw 108 h.p.! And Pontiac is the lowest priced car offering famous GM Ilydra-NMatie Drive*. Supcrb beauty, coinfort and perform- ance mnake Streamiliner aind Chieftain owners universally stauincli fiends (if Pontiac. If your taste is for the finest, sec these great cars soon. *0p ltunal ai ex ra c o. 1 ÀýTou can!t beat aMOV.fA ROY COURTICE W . NICHL B UWMAN VILLE make the trip for the purpose af ,.Lqiing.-iinusuel articles; (2) ,*fhe presîýnt'un"rst ixnalcs tràvel- I»g, at >i ýý àittvelyi danger- eiýharîge sab;' ~2~G4cers ta tkie U.. S. doI#' , wtIlte. the Black Market ra e1I> -nc a a Iow oa '-20 «. dihéa- ' bi and progresse, xï,$1"ds il 4bj1s of larger-dem p~ Neither taxis por busses wVere available àndý the fown itself is 9abOut eigbt mi les -fibrm the' port, soý that lransportqàtion was a real problenT.' ' Howevrer,, with * true Amnerican' initiative (?) but main- ly -thraugh,. the. kjndness of .Dutch port 1 officiais ,they mana ged ta make itonyta .stragglé. back towards midnight. (when the cur- few Co nencedi, cprpleteltydis- TnrCANAIDJ,,ýK STATESMAN. BOW.MANVULE. ONTARIO PAGE POUR appointed. of unproductive land, It Is pos-, pliments wherever he goes. The SaemaiS d Being Saturday night.very few sibly the most densely populated'spite is against the Dutch TeT esaem nsi shops .were open so that thgir region in the world. Some say j utch blame the United NRations jFlw onitd the Dutch were harsh, others say xi.e the American clamour forAI bloing stores. exciteinent osse princpay they were fair, but ail seern o 1 human rights. ____ in drinking beer in the kind Of be agreed that conditions, under One thing is obviaus and that Dye' Du tre ecsl. place they would have shunned the Dutch were immeasurably is the country is in a mess and ers ru SteN csle at home. The next day being better than they are now as a is likely ta get worse. The net D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Sunday and transportation again Republic. Law and order seem* result appears ta be that a few Wilson & Brown, Newtonville.- being undependable, the shoppers ta have disappeared. Taxes are are getting rich at the expense of T. M. Slemon, Enniskillèn. weré frustrated. flot callected as there is no one [the millions of others who are Our cargo of raw rubber was with authority ta do so, soldiers not nearly as' well off as they F. L. Byam, Tyrone. loaded during the forenoon whileI are flot"paid, therefore they steal. were under the Dutch. And the G.-A. Barron, Hampton. we took a short walk ashore. Europeans are afraid ta -venture situation is not improved any bY Newton Taylor'sý Buiketon. We pulled away at 2 p.m., headëd away from their home towns. U.S. tourists and residents deal- west fr Bataia now named One exception is the British ing their all powerful dollars in Wm. HcwoPnyol Djakarta, where the shoppers Consul who ýisited us on board the black markets Instead of H-. T. Saywell, Blackstoclc. will again make their xnad He goes everywbere and is un- through officiai channeli. C. B. Tyrrell, Orono. s cramble for Bali Heads. molested simply because he iS (To Be Continued) H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. Java, as Is well known, under British. He carnies no firearms, W. J. Bagnell, Jury & loirefl the Dutch produced great wealth.1 just a Union Jack on the prow of Its population is'about 45 million 1 hîs car, (notice how nautical I The Thames in Engiand Is one J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and. and, having regard ta the amount have become) and receives corn- of the warld's muddiest rivers. The State3man Office. Rowmanville 42 King St E -- tir 438 IIEU SDAY, VARCH SM, 1959 IOMI qu in

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