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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1950, p. 6

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20 King St. E. 34 TI AAIA TTSMi OMAVLE OTIOTHRDY MRK3th 90 SOLINA tM Ës fiends are sory ta learn #bt Howard Miflsan la in Oshawa Hoepital, suffering a dislocated Bpib.. Mr. and Mns.' Narval Wolten at- tended the funemal of Mr. James Adams, Enulakillen. ;; Home sud School Club held a 4>rd party aI the school Frlday evening with Mrs. Jack Baker and Mr. Roy Langmaid winning prizes. .Mrs. Fnank Westuake Sr. is borne aiter convaiescing at the borne ai Mr. and Mrs. Tom West- lake, Hampton. Mr. Narval Wtlen is under the cloctar's cane. We wish hlm a quick necovery. 1Mcn's club will mccl Saturday aigbt. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kivell and Miss Pearl Leach aîtended the uneral ai Mrs. Kivcll's brother- ln-law, Mr. Spencer Wood, aI Bowmanvilie, Manday. - Cburcb service was not beld Si.mday on accounit ai noad con- ditions. Happy Birthday wishes ta Mr. A. L. Pascoe on bis 83rd anniver- sary on March 29. This joyiul occasion was shared with bis niece, Mrs. Bryce Brown and farnily aI Oshawa. Mrs. Gardon Taylor, Toronto, aI Mr. E. Millson's. DURHAM CLUB (Cantinued from Page One) baving studied Ibis age aid prob- lem in ahi these countries, was hopeful because be realized that improvement had onlv came with time tbrougb the perseveranée ai education, creative work and faitb in religion raîber Ihan by rohibitive force ai Iegislaturc. -As he concluded he askcd for ~mpathetic understanding ai ivery difficult probiem. On. liso0-feit Ihat Ibis complicated Loblcmn could b. in no better Inds than Ibose ai Major Foot., *ho with th. background ai the Church and the war must have £a£! sa muc 'h experience la giving mth mental and moral help ta *1~a. e g' t., 's .4 .4 .4 w' ~ those ln need oe t 1 The musical program was or- ganized by M. L. Truli Nera Conklin Skitcb, contralto salIs, accompanied by Ed. Goodaire, the concert pianist, delighted ber audience bath by the quality and volume af ber singmg "Morning," "My Laddîe," and "Flowers in Spring." Later in the evening, af er singing aI lb. Rayai York Motel, Mr. and Mrs. Skilcb ne- turned ta lb. meeting, when Mr. Skiîch sang "One World" and together they charmingly sang tb. duel "Because You're You." Miss Aleen Aked tld a few amusing personal expeniences il- lustrating the layman's viewpaint is seldam that ai the artist. President Don Linden sang the rollicking "Irish Names," the heavy "Invictus," "O Isis and Osiris." and the sentimental "JusI You." Later in the evening Mr. Linden sang by requcat the popu- lar aid sang "Jean" with Mr. Bruce Madden accornpanying hlm. Mrs. Doris Le. cbarmed and pleased everyone with ber de- lightful singing of the meiodious "Stili as the Night," the gay "June Brought the Roses," and the humorous Irish sang "You'd Better Ask Me." Later singing "L'amour Toujours L'amour" and "My Hero" from the Chocolate Soldier. Dr. F. C. Trebilcock ably tbank- cd ahi those who had hehpcd ta make the meeting such a grand success. The Durham Ciub's executive officers wcre unanimously re- Iurned for a furtber period ai anc ycar. In connection witb the propos- cd extension ai 1h. highway througb Durham Counîy and the prescrvation ai historical spots, a comrnittce was selected ai Ma- jor Foote, chairman, Dr. L. B. Williams, Gea. W. James. Dick Lovekin and President Linden ta contact lb. Ontario Govern- ment. Mrs. J. L. Hughes as the captain ai the hostesses and Mrs. E. Scot and Mrs. J. Reid, who poured coffce, were responsible for the success of the social hour. The last meeting ai the. season closcd witb singing "God Save tbe King." S'CTICt WE WILL BE OPEN every evening unfi 9:00 p.m. for customers who wish to buy high quality Cîies Service Gas and Oils Palmer Motor Sales Phone 487 Dear Mr. R.R. 3, Bowmanvllle March 28, 1950 James, On bebali off the members of the Maple Grave Women's In- stitute, I would like you, and the management af The Statesman, ta accept aur most sincere thanks and appreciation for the kindness and generosity that you have shown aur group in tbe past by giving us space in Sour valuable papre for such a fuil report of aur meetings, and for allowing us ta have a notice of aur meetings in th. Maple Grave news. It certainly bas been greatiy ap- preciated. At the Women's Institute convention in Toronto some of the delegates were complaining that the newspapers do not allow the Women's Institutes enough space. That cannot be said of The Canadian Statesman as you are more thn generous with your space. The new Farm Farum page is a great credit ta yaur paper. Perhaps sometime in tbe future the Women's Institutes migbt bave something similar with their crest at the top. Again tbanking yau for your kindness. Sincerely <Mrs. Chas.) Mabel Greenham. (Publicity convenar Maple Grave W.I.) wýýM m Toronto S.S. No. 9, Clarke Box Social held at the school Tuesday night was a great success and a wonderful lime had by ail. Proceeds of close te $40.00 wil certainly go a long way i the work of our Home and Schaal Club. Mr. Carveth showed pic- tures and Mr. Orville Oiborne sang, with Mrs. Howard Allun se- companying hlm. Mr. Jack Reid auctioned the baskets and every- one wvas very pleased, wlth the choice lhey made. "Sulent Sisters" will meet next Thursday evening at Mrs. Art. Gibson's. Sorry ta bear Mrs. P. Martin has been in the hospital under- goin« an operation. We wish her a speedy r4>covery now she is home agaL. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson on the arrivai ai a son in Oshawa Hospital, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bll Allun spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBain at Ida. Masters Bruce and Hugh Allun with their cousin, Miss Gall Al- lin, 4th Line. Mrs. James Branch feul and broke ber hip and is in Bowman- ville Hospital. W. wish ber a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunt and famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gardon, Newtonville. Mrs. Fred Bowen spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stockdaie, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Moore, 4th Line, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin. Several from No. 9 attended the final evening of the Farm Forum at Mr. and Mrs. W. Far- row's. Brown's, when the evening was spent playing cards. NEWCASTLE FORUM Newcastle Forum met for their final evening of the year on Mon- day nighl at Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow's with 32 present. After listening ta the program a short discussion took place and the rest af the evening was spent playing cards. Prizes were given for the bigh and low players. High lady, Mrs. Gordon Martin, high man, Bill Barchard; Low went ta Aif Graham and Mrs. Charlie Glenny. Following Ibis a bountiful lunch was served. Mr. Harry Jase thanked Mr. and Mrs. Farrow for their hospitality. Sa long tili next fal1 In the Editor's Mai TENDERS will be received up ta and including Friday, April l4th, 1950, for the extension af the present garage building on Temperance Street. Plans and specifications may be seen aI the Hydro Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Signed: Bawmanville Publie Utilities Commission Gea. Chase, Manager. 12-2 To paint outside ai Trinity United Cburcb, Sunday Scbeol and Steeple; also collage. Work ta be done between May l5th and October l5tb, 1950. For spcc- ificalions cail aI S. R. James, In- surance Office. Tenders ta be in tbe bands ai A. M. Hardy, Chair- man af Cburch Property Com- mittee nol later than April 7th. 12-2 The Bowmanville Board ai Edu- cation request tenders for the removal of the board fence an the east boundary af the Central Public School Property. Tenders to be in bands of Secretary by April lSth. Bowmanville Board af Educatian Stuart R. James, Sec'y.-Treas. 12-2 A recession is a period In whichi you tighten your beit. In a de- pression you have no beit ta lighten. And when You have no pants leit ta hold up, it's a panie. IN MEMORIAM BARRET-In loving memory. of a dear father, William Barrett, who passed away March 30, 1948: Down the lane of memorles The light is neyer dimn Until the stars forget to uhinet We will remember hlm. 1 -Ever reniembered by the tam-1 ily. 13-1. GARTON-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Tur- riey A. Gartan, who passed away March 30th, 1947: Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannaI change them ils Irue; Years that may corne cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. -Always remembered by wife and famlly. 13-1* MOORE-In loving memory of Mrs. F. J. Moore who passed away March 29th, 1943: Memories sweetly linger As lime goes on its way. -Lovingly remembered by mother, sister Evelyn and bro- ther-in-law Reub. 13-1 MOORE-In loving memnory of a dear sister and aunt, Mrs. F. J. Moore, who passed away March 29th, 1943: To have, to lave, and then to part, Is the greatest sorrow of ane's heart. -Lovingly remembered by sis- ter Dorothy, brother-in-law Law- rence and nephew John. 13-1 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. C. G. Curtis wishes to ex- press sincere thanks to ber friends for ail their kindness and for cards and flowers sent during ber1 recent illness. Thanks also ta Rev. S. R. Henderson. 13-1j We wish 10 thank ail our many customers who have purchased used cars from us within the past and hope that we can be of service to them in the future. Art's Car Market, Art Stackaruk, Owner and Manager. 13-tf The family of the late Spencer Wood wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation for kindnesses, messages of sympatby and beautiful flowers from re- latives, neighbours and friends; also thanks ta the Rebekah Lodge and the Companions of the Forestidsealtnk oD.H Rundie and Rev. S. Henderson. 13-1 I wish to thank the W.A., the Aduit Bible Class of Enniskiilen Church, the Oshawa Presbytery and ail the kind friends and neighbours for the letters, cards and fruit extended during my illness; aise thanks to Dr. Keith Siemon. Especially thanking the Stenger family for their care and kindness during my stay in their home. Pred H. Ellis. 13-1* Mrs. Jas. Adams and family wish 10 sincerely thank ail their friends and neîgbbours for al their acts of kindness, flowers, cards, etc. and special thanks le Hampton Service Club ladies who so kindly took charge of the lunch in the church basement. Many, many thanks again le ev- eryone who helped out in any way during the long illness and death of a dear husband and f ather. 13-1* Notice to Creditors and Others IN THE ESTATE of Marie Clark' Bell, late of the Town of Bow- manville, in the County af Dur- ham, Widow, deceased, who died at Bowmanville on or about the 24th day of September, 1949. The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are required to send particulars and full proof thereof ta the un- dersigned on or before the 241h day of April, 1950, after which date the assets of the estate wilI be distributed or otherwise deait with having regard ta dlaims that have then been received. OBITUÂRY DadId A. McCullaugh Mis rnany friends in Bowman- ville were saddened la bear ai the passing of David A. McCul- laugh wha died in Kingston Hospital on March 20th, aged 86 years. H. bad been in falling bealth for several years but had anly been il ln the bospital for a month. For a number ai years be llved in Bowmanvllle until four years ago wben h. maved la Kingston, bis native city. H. was pre- deceased by bis wiie, tb. former Lena Clara Horne ai Bowman- ville. Funeral taok place tram bis laIe residence, 358 Victoria St., Kingston, an Marcb 22nd, service beîng conducted by Dr. Forbes Wedderburn ai St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburch. Palibearers were Messrs. Ken Smith, Howard, Wight, Gilbert McllIveen, Syd Morne, Oglivie McConneul and Gerald Cran1k. Interment wiil take place ln Aprîl in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y. Traffic Saf ety Stressed ln Novel A.B.C. Text Book Bright spiashes ai colour im- mediately attracîs tbe cye ta the caver ai the provincial depart- ment ai Higbway's latest text- book. This tcxtbook is different. It is net fiiled witb long iists ai uninteresting do's and don't's but bas been designed ta teach cbild- ren lh. A B C's ai Trafiic Saiety via lb. crayon box. Evcry child loves a coloring book, and when Phyulis Janes, a Toronto artist, saw a cbild killed in a trai fic accident lbe idea was born that chiidren could learn ta take cane, wbile baving fun. Using youngsters in ber ncigh- bourhood as models, Mrs. Janes compiled ber handbook on traific saiety. On eacb page smali iry will work with crayons an a pic- bure depicting simple saiety ules. Typical illustration in the book is a pig-taiied youngstcr wba bas f ailen off a tricycle in the patb ai an ancoming car. The jingle underncath reads: "T is for Tricycle, you must lake care ta stay off the street, and ai motors beware." Other drawings warn children always ta face traiiic whcn walk- ing by the bigbway; not ta play bebind cars; always look leit and right when crossing, and green traffic lights mean "Go" and red Selling Problem? Of th. DDT spray itself. ade- quate dosage and thoreugh appli- cation is essential. Read and fol- law the instructions carefully. But do flot expeet perfect results uniess obviaus precaulions are taken ta combine th. use af DDT with measures rnaking the pre- mises unattractive ta flies. Il shauid be remembered too, Ihal new cheinicals such as Chlordane and Lindane are be- coming availabie, and Ihese, etten in cominlalion wilh DDT, have excellent fly-killing properties. Thaugh these combined sprays are not yet igo readily purchased. in ail parts of Canada as DDT sprays, lhey are tlnding their way ente the nmarket. means "Stop." Safely teaching in the schools is sbowing gaod results among older cblldren. Mast et eur read- ers will recal the extensive pro- gram in Toronto schools when "Knee-Hi" lbe educaled safeîy terrier enacted the fundamental rules ef traifie safety betere thausands af school children. Un- fortunately records have proven thal four out oa i v. pedestrians under 15 years of age wha suifer fatal injuries are between the ages af lwo and eigbt. This novel method ai teaching safety sbould meet Ibis special need for mare and better ways ai tbacbing safe babils ta, youngsters. Canadcmn Files Not D.D.T. Immune Is the cammon bouse iiy be- coming partially resistant ta DDT, or has a new generation ai DDT- resistant flies arrived la plague th. bousewiie and m e n a c e heaith? Some writers bave sug- gested that this may be sa. Ever an the aiert ta check such thearies, entomologists ai lbe De- partment ai Agriculture, Ottawa, bave been studying the effect ai DDT sprays ever since they were introduced mbt Canada as a con- trai for the bouse fiy. They say that the demonstratian ai the presence ai DDT-resistant fiies in certain parts ai the United States and Europe sbould not lead ta unwarrantcd conclusions or iii- considered or hasty actions con- cerning the use ai DDT for i ly contrai in Canada. There is no scientific evidence in Canada yet that resistance of lhe flics vas an important factor in reportcd fail- ures ta contrai files last ycar. This possibility, however, is being watched and studied furthcr. But the Entomologists do point ouI that DDT can't be cxpected ta do ail the work. Il must be accompanied by sanitary contrai. Garbage and manure should b. handied or trcated ta prevent breeding ai flies. Unwrappcd garbage, and garbage cans witb- out lids, are invitations ta files ta cluster near the bouse. Ill- fitting screens or unscreened doors and windows exîend the invitation into the bouse. Fly populations, as witb other insects, do not remain the same each ycar. Just as grasshoppers attack the barvest filelds in the Prairies more severely anc ycar Iban an- other, sa flies may be more pre- valent in a particular area anc year than another. Naturaliy in such years contrai metbods must be intensified. Kilis Cold Misery Neohetramine Tabs.- $1.00 Resistabs _________590 Anohlst __50___0O Krlptln - __ 390 - $1.25 Brylereem with FREE comb -- -__-. 49c Hudnut Home Permanent Ref ill with Free Shampoo $1.'75 S Cakes Cashmere Bouquet Soap 1 Lustre Creme Shampoo 33e size Both for - 89e Stopette Deodorant- 75c-$1.25 Arrid Deodorant 39e-59o Heed Deodorant ____-59o leBrightl FelRight! e'Uf TAK EN ' eLP Anacin Tabi. - 25c-49c-74c Bayer's Aspirin - 18c-29c-79c INyaI A.S.A. _____- 25c-49c Dr. Chase's Nerve IFood - 69c-$1.79 Ovaltine ______38e-58e-98e Aika-Seltzer - - 29c-57c RECUAR AM no's Fruit Salto. 59c-98c Zambuk Oint. _____4'7c Bile Beans _______47c TONI 41ý orne Permanent Ref ill or with Creme and Curlers THE ARGST ELLIG TOTFAil for - $1.59 ]Revion LUp Mirror and [Ap Fashion PH " FITT"QrDI( C9OUWLING'S DRUSTORETRSE Take The Bull By The Homus. USE w A A D Fer quicker action . .. For consistent response Use Want Ads - the ecenomical way te " SELL " BUV " RENT * EXCHANGE The Canadian Statesman PHONE 663 S- Here's a "bully" way to up your sales! Advertise regularly in The Statesman Ciassified columns. . . they're read by 12,000 of your potential prospects. Our files are filled with success stories of happy sellers (and happy buyers, too) whase needs have been met and often surpassed thraugh classifieds. Experi- enced ciassified ad wrilers will assist you in working up a program te suit your particular needs. Cail 663 te place your ad. Bowmanville See the New 1950 International Trucks There is a new 1950 International truck te meet every haulage requirement. See these trucks that are fuit of power . . .. yet economical ta operate. ON DISPLAY NOW AT Farm Equipment and Automotive Co. Forsnerly Robson Farm Equiprnent KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 689 Listen to C. K. E.YB TO-NIBHT Thursday, March 301h from 8:15 Ia 8:30 p.m. For THE DECCA PROGRAM wilh MICKEY LESTER SPONSORED BY The Radio Shop Bowmanville -Your Decca Record Dealer - This program was originally scheduled for last week but will be heard to-night instead. 9) 1) o ____________________ t' NYAL CIEGI'HGS Guaranteed to Stop Bronehial Coughm Builds Up System Atainst Colds Lge. Boille - $1.25 ýi TffupmAy,-MARÇE SM, iD50ý Tac CANADIAN STATram". BOWUANVMLIC. ONTARIO PACM MIE

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