PAGE mxx THI CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. AP!UL Oth. 195e Qdt Mill D mto the!Tn1 buldn, The:mill IN MEMORIAM Dcnaedwand otprt M tio dèàm NvillOWLER-In Iovlng meniory of Tuesday Flood ne b uti te'lrow- aur dear brother Roy, who pais- ______ ship Comieil uwela su%,j tîeetçteui tçd awa> April 6th, 1946: *eDurham County FaxmeSI. n hePro dr Reneiiibranice is a golden chain armer 1 Voth tries ta break, but ail in Co-operative grist mil at Orono 'The roadway ver the sithes%1 Nan ia'; operating on Diesel, and is' part of the di Nyw iL5Q\' pi\ \% Nhave, te love, and then to linilted ta the grinding of feed, et part g*in, due ta the bursting of the Althenu1i theveNv'v~~O MalkI1 the è;retuest sorraw of aur west ide of the dam on Tuesdatv. a 0,~'<t t the A' ttUhearts. Assistant manager Ernest Fx-v trlst MOdl, î'lrtd~ %WtI'rhoyeu-s may wipe out many reports that the xampaging Noisý- tilkw'ýaod. thtm tnqe' t*il f Creek ripped a hale in the arth- wUZi h ýt iuot' thgtn 4 bd et e hBMt this thev wipe out neyer; en part of the dam measiýuxing 4 Watei' POUrilig ot'r tho tbtin%% Mf l'he miemoi-y of those happy 20 feet in width and 30 feet ül- the dam. Surface grovtI x-ý lA-. depth. .washmelfroni the'iodwvwe he w vere al together. .Althaugh it wvas earlier re- the u-ztei- fio!ed dcwNv froî,w the' F .ver remembered and sadly ported that Mrs. Wallace, who..e inundate'd p.irk abt'o,. \Vide iiiissed b>- brothers and sisters. house was the oniy strucaure in;open 11004.1 gzates pir\-enteti set- 14-1* tbe path af the flood. wvas forced ltsd a. tofie vih erthecsn"I.ll ! CIKO~t~I ATCUIELL . --In loving memory children, it is nowv agreed that th1 vlleesapd Llnàzet- 1w the0 - of 103 dear imother, Elizabeth seriousness off the threat \\.as nioval of 17 of the' 22flood gtesîCS. atcheli. \\,li passed away April somnewhat exaggerated. The base-. The mianlagenient Nvas kept bu.qy Ist. 1945: ment of the bouse N-as fiooded, renioving treet trunks and litnb When davs are dax-k and friends but the dweliing w-as N-cii enou"h ifroni0 the sluiiew~ay, Th'ew as are few, oÙt of the ma in stream iof thiienouigh %v'ood il' thetl' am b'ast Dear mother how we think of :ffood ta escape great daniage. al intr clained B% -on Van- you; The ana~m~t o _gte. 1ij -____________ Frjends are friends if they are The anaemet oftheniil jtrue, was aware off the rise in the It ieW ls u1et redwe waterand made repeated efforts, Promise your.seif ...t ewe îost you. ta relieve the congestion. Eut it 1Sa much limie to the imiprovement Too dearly loved ta ever be *as found impossible ta ea'ivof vaux-self that voit 1have lie time forgatten. the sections of the flood gales 1 ta 'criticize aothers-Christian D. -Sadly missed by Hazel, son-in- due ta the pressure of ice cakes.1 Larson. iaw Art, husband Len, grand- Logs and limbs addcd ta. ftxe Stucdv ta show thyseîf appx-oved daugbtex-s Beth, Shirley and Joan. dlifficulty. unta God, a workman that need- 14-1* Almixing and rolling have eth nlot ta be ashanmed. xightly d ____ stopped, but the grinding of fýecd vidingt the word of txuth.-11 MOUNTJOY-In laving memory continues. There wvas na damag1e Timotliv 2:15.ofada-atradmohr e.- e.. e. e. e. z e. 'e- ~$149.5O UASY TIENS There's a BIG DOUBLE saving waiting for you ln the Astral Baby Refrigeratar. I's small . . saves valuable space in yaur ktchsn . .. yet it offers iant capacityl And i's low in pricel Anyway you look et if, you SAVE with at Astral Baiby Refrigerator1 Drap in taday and ste. is many amazing featuresil 9D-8 The Radio Shop 38 King St. E. ]Phone 573 Chase's Nerve Food 69c - $1.79 Dodd's Kidncy Puis 49o aksSpecials 3CksMany Flowers Soap 1 Cake Baby Soap ALL FOR - 29e 3 Cakes Cashimere Bouquet Soap 1 Lustre Creme 33e ALL FOR - 39e l0Ooz. size Noxzema -- $1.00 93c size Noxzema ---- 79c Revlon New Lip Mirror and Lipstick - $2.00 Pinkham's Tablets $1.39 Bayer's Aspirin 18 - 29 - 79 WIIH BRYLCREEM Canadams Iarg.sf-seling hoir dresslng Ulves hoir a smort viil- groomed look, a riatural gleaming lustre. NO GUMe NO SOAP e NO ALCOHOL * NO STARCfi HANDY TUBES .. 9çt49 Aika- Eno's Bromo- MeLean's è Seltzer Fruit Sait Seltzer Tablets 29c 57e 59e- 98c 25-49 -95 25e - 59e Banish Odors Electrically No Bottle - No Spray Just Phig In 600 hours supply ---- $1.98 Refill Viala - 60e__ TONI REFIL KIT and Midget Curlers De Brght! Feel Kl*gnt! $1.88 Value - Now $1.59 T ' l l~ "FRUIT Ayerst 1- LU'KJ O yLT" Cod Liver O -0 5c$17 Neo-Chemical Food: Liquid --$1.35-$2.95-$4.95 Capsules ---i$.45-$2.65-$5.00 CRIlEO0PH1O0S STOPS BRONCHIAL COUGHS Î $ 1.25 Batis CO LIG'0DUGSTREWEFI 695 CW IGSD U TR TRUSSES HAMPTON Reserve Friday evening April 7 for the special Good Friday service at 8 a'clock in the Sunday Schaol xoom, in chax-ge off Rev. R. R. Nicholson. Aisa keep in mind the Eastex- Sunday services. Women's Institute annual bus- iness meeting and election off off- ficex-s, this Thuxsday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Progx-am and refresh- ments in charge of the Centre group. Mx-. Cecil Carveth, Newcastle, was at the Sehool on Monday night and sbowod a numbox- of interesting and enjoyable films including one on "Birds", "Cana- dian Army Soldiers", "Teeth Care", "Trans-Canada Airlines" and "Hockey Cavalcade". Mr-. Raymond Farrow led in a hearty sing-song. An expression off ap- preciation for the evening's plea- sure was tendered Mx-. Carvetb, wha was accompanicd by Mx-. Gea. Fax-ncornb. Mx-. and Mrs. Cecii Lockwood, Marilyn and Sandra, and son Ex-le, visited relatives at Pickering on Sunday. Miss Hazel Cunningbam, who is attending Petorboro Normal Sehool, and friend, visited ber aunt, Mrs. Harland Truil. Mrs. John Rogers and Miss Barbara Rogers have xeturncd fromn Wawa, Ontario, wbere tbey have spent the winter witb Mx-. Rogers, who is ernployed there. Mx-. and Mx-s. Neil Yellowlees, and family, Tyraîîe; Mx-. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Evelyn and Elleen, Solina, at N. C. Yelaow- lees'. The cast of the Womcn's In- stitute play "His Women Folks" have been invited ta present it at Enniskillcn on April 121h un- dcx- auspices off the Ladies Ser- vice Club of Enniskillen. The weathex- in this iocaiity bas been 'chanîgeable the past few days. Satux-day bxougbt quite a heavy snowfall, xvhich continued ail day, but had quite disappeox-ed by Sunday night whlen anothex- blanket off snoxv covered thue ground and trees presenting a wintx-y appearance. Monday nigbt and Tucsday beavy rain showers wcx-e prevalent, rosulting in high water artd washouts around the miii property. Town Council (Continued from Page One) ship off theix-oxganization was re- fcxred ta the Relief Committce. In ansv;er ta the request by the Hydro Electrie Power- Commis- sion off Ontario for permission to ex-oct a powver lino on Waverly St. from (ho Base Lino ta approx- imately- one haif mile noxth, Council gave approval with the proviso that if the poles orected on Town praperty requiro ta be rnovcd at any (lune tbey w'ill ho moved at the Hydro's expense. Weed Inspecter- Appointed Thomas Lyrner was appointed Weed Inspector for 1950 at a salax-y off $75.00. 1 A note fi-arn MVrs. Irene Coud- 1er, Secretax-y, Women's Institute, thankcd Council for use off Town Hall. OBITUARY THOMAS WHITE Aftex- a bxief illness off oniy ton days, Thomas White, Tyrone. passed away in Bowmanville Hospital on Max-ch 3ist, in his 87th year. Mx-. White was box-n Febx-uax-y 8, 1864, in Hope Township, anc haîf mile west of Elizabethvillc. Many yeax-s ago Mx-. White oper- ated a grocex-y store in Bowman- ville where the Glary Ann Shoppe now stands. He xetix-ed fx-om his latex- occupation off faxrn- ing some time aga. I-Ils wif e, the fox-mer Maxtha Joanna Hos- kmn, px-cdeceased him severai ycax-s aga. Hîs quiet, fxiendly manner won for him many friends among bis' neighboux-s. Mx-. White was a member of the International Bible Students, ox- as they au-e mare familiax-iy known, Jehovab's Witncsses. Mr-. Sinclair, Toronto, conduct- cd the funcral service which was beid fx-om Northcutt and Smnith Funeral Home on April 2nd. Surviving ta mourn bis loss is a son. Wilbur Perey White, and one sister, .Mx-s. Philena Wood, EliiZabetbville. William and Howard Hoskin. Cedric Parsons, Lawrence White. Wilrnot Prouse and Wildrejý Wood actcd as pallbeaîers. HENRY JOHN VANSLYIIE Friends and neighbouu-s w'erc shocked ta bearri af the paSs'S:1 off Henry John 'Vanslykewhc taok place sudden]y at bis O'Deit St. borne, Bowrnanvi]l, on 'tic marning off March 261. Mr.' Van- slyke, who was in bis 51-st year bad just returneLi froni the licol hockey gamne of the scasan iwhiciî toak place ini Belleville bctwecuî Bowmanville and Gaîîanoquc. Ho was box-n in Nortîhumber- land County, Sept. 13, 1899, tiie sari af Mx-:. Vanslykc and the latle Gilbert Vanslyke. 1-e worke'i on a fax-m uutit his r-Jage ta Edith May Twccdlc in 1922 xviici he took up re.zicLeice ia lIriLilioci. Twenty-tîrec e yars 9aga o ecv- cd xith lus xife taLtowr-nanvil" where lie was emptoyed wih the Goodyear Tire and Rubber7 Ca. uintil the tinie off lus dcath. Thougb Mx-. Vansly1,ke dicl ua belong ta any fraternil argan- izatians hoexvas kee'îi1v interc:tcLi in sports off every kinil H, xa a member off Trinity Uûnýýitcd Cluurch - Mouirning his loss are is \wifc and son Eamnest, Bôv, riioFvill I He is also survivcd b.v- lo i'hr. F Clarence Vanslyke, 13m'igh ton olLi! twa sisters, Mrs. Cordon Cx:l Bowrnanville and Mî-s. ELI. TLrn-1 er, Toronto. The uerai service was con- ductcd frero Northc'ult anLd Snîi'h Funeral Home onî March 29, by Rev. S. R. Ileuîdersoiî. loterniecît was, in Bowrnanvillc Cemueery. Pallbcareî-s w'c M iI 1-lwlcx'. Leon Counai-s, Mac Mioar-e.Kci Flint, Herb Richards ai-ii Orvall Hooper. Memnbers off the Suiper- vision CIlub off (ie CorC.ý acteci as îlower-hc.arcrs. Friends froni KingstorShn nonville, Beleville. T'r entoo Mrs J. Shackleton. Mrs. C. W Siemon and Mrs. A. Brookson duc"2,,ithe vw--:-hp Sevicev.hc cariled out Ille Easter theie. 'Mrs. W. Roliv-ts was acmoidby Miss Phiyllis ;C!1Lllis w h-Ien sheý sani, the contralto solo -1He Was, Despised.' buring an earicx part off the meting îh'ý, new pre-roient of OA hawa Peb oy .\.3,Mrs. Thos. Norton, Lootist 11;11, ;a presented with.a life meinbership by ber sister, Mrs. Richard Pooiey. Plans have heen mnace ta have Dr. Lob MuClurc s speciai speak- er on W.M.S. Sunclv. April 16. President Mrs. R. T. Hoskin con- dtuct'edl the -bit:iness mneeting alid closed the service witli prayex-. Cemetery Cctretaker For 29 Ycarr3 Gives Interv!ïsCW No place in Bowm-anville isi mure olive Ihan the c ccmt'ery. 'This is ta"ý opirion of the c ire- foeî, icr-dojJue llightfiel I. ".~'nvrthe to-e7ns 'aIt: conic out hecre ta 1look at the'pa--: li hi Ij-ied "fvx-S"0o alci dtA'k abouît the peplie t1li lie herc. I l:now ',ic h i t"ory 0; pr,îc îcally ie ,, o- in hieîe.', \Vith il SuLcI) 0f LI.': amiehoin- diicit(Cd the liils f is (don-uin 'Ille C.nice"v hi ].t'et b in111,1-- cul il e (L' ho k l: ie icu- 1cr' carck1uýe. "I enio\ gor'i i' a Inîi 1kîliîg *,I l-'s loak ho ii :c,' u' Sadd. Joe ila ravo- W"' i', ~i'loier, roud cein t codnt, il r c "r r in anc foi- 17o, i;nxViIle Cui motery:. Il lthce owhvh d o r Ilth e 0 LIt 11e F uni1 a 1, t flhe ceIIli1 ,ry liEbvPbeL n llItCCl L)y the care- c e.To thoe olt1h and sotht aro ccs of seruee anC Pî. and1 in Ille ('ci-e t0--e arc JO? I- 's bu " or 2(90 0f, the in the i-cur0ery '\h 1aIcamre here h ire xvas noth;n" pi aýt the second 1),' 101.t'l Oe Carefaker. 'Na:ov W(2 uiCeO\enOm the grass andi tjie" plot s-ccc l'erlinnul cd fecf n r' tto 'l -u' I . Jor- h hca'othe in the Loîmn~ n iiiCcnieL'k. l'or o vor 29 crs. I've workocl lfor thc- Taxvn longer thon an ore no-' aijv in 1 nVx:x: il,'h c- ni"u ~i '. ' c. Ota have coi- pcL itio'i fro tii the r:'baJohin L' le, E:-iw' kfor 35 On -;-In ai -j, in 19-17 at the Lrm'co of 9J Caunrilr AI)l. Doî'ch, wxho con- O n"tc2J i' c oir cf thiccmeic'rV, iii'XCdCI oS Ch aoi'lun o[the riii vO:k. 'T w--o -i c -A chjIdIi-WU trust of he-irt, thr t cao ct a liandL, .111l \ 0')LlCIerîng, %7,',1 k ii _)Vh liS L 11li 0 11'n ;lI :t~i e.u. I lie lprimeerqed foi- ail rcli'oni.- Jr-rocs artimi- c-, LI. it is UlicLr (o sLffex roiig thon ta (1o t. and liotiI'r taLe ebaoIthan îîot ta h ust.-Sam- LIEA Ijolimioui Henry Mountjoy who passed away March 12, 1940; and Sarah Mountjoy wha passed away April 10, 1947: Their memory is as dear to-day, As in the houx- they passed away. -Lovingly remembered by the famiiy. le 14-l* MUNDAY-In loving memory of a dear mother, Charlotte Wilkins Munday, who passed away sud- deniy April 9th, 1949: Time speeds on, one year has passed Since death its gioom, its shadows cast Within our home where al seemed bright And took from us a shining iight; We miss that light and ever wiil, Her vacant place there's none to {fill; Down here we mourn but not in vain, For up in Heaven we will meet again. -Lovingly remembered by her son Wallace and daughter-in-iaw Jean. 14-1"' MUNDAY-In loving mtmory of aur dear sister Lottie, Mrs. John Munday, who passed away an April 9th, 1949.:- She's flot lost to us forever, She bas only gane before To be with her other ioved ones; Jesus opened wide the door, She bas past beyond the portais, She has reached the City Faix-; She is waiting for aur coming In the heavenly mansions there. -Ever remembex-ed by sisters, Mary, Ethel and Ida. 14-1 Notice to Creditors and Others IN THE ESTATE of Marie Clark Bell, late of the Town of Bow- manvilie, in the County of Dur- ham, Widow, deceased, who died at Bowmanviiie on or about the 24th day of Septembex-, 1949. The Trustee Act, R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are required to send particulars and full proof thereof ta the un- dersigned on or before the 24th day of April, 1950, after whieh! date the assets of the estate wil be distxibuted or otherwise deait with having regard ta dlaims that1 have then been received. DATED at Bowmanviiie, Ontario, the 22nd day of March, 1950. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc., 30 King Street West, Bowmanvilie, Ontaria, Solicitor for Johnstone Fyvie, the Executor. 12-3 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goads) maiied postpaid in plain sealed envelape with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $ 1.00. Mail Ordex- Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91,. Hamilton, Ont. 9-9 TIRED? Rundown? Nervous? You may flot be getting the Iodine and minerais your system requires. Start taking Nova-Keip Tablets today. They help supply the Iodine and some of the vital min- erais you may need. Thx-ee econ- amical sizes - at all druggists. 14-1 Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chirapody wox-k. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf The Siaiesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Wilson & Brown, Newtonville. T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool. H. T. Sayweil, Blackstock. C. B. Tyrreli, Orono. H. . eynolds, Kendal. Memoriai Arena (Continued fromn Page One) check is made undex- the seats after every game fox- live butts. Mayor Mason thankec Mr-. Samis for his report. remax-king that since the Ax-ena was a town venture it was praper that a re- part should be dciivered ta the Coancil. He aiso thanked Mr-. Samis for the long hours he spent w-orking for the Rink Committee. Count. Dale, also a member off the Rink Committce, movcd that the Rink Committce be given the endoxsement of the Council for the handling of the business for the past Eeasan, and that the in- sux-ance should ho lef t the same AUl were in agreement, with the opinion exprcssed that the peaple off Box"manville wouid be com- jienqated should anytbing happen ta the Ame-na. The detailed fln- ancial statement as presented by Mx-. Samis follows: Receipts Bank Balance, Fcb. 4, 1949 ---------- ---- $ 82.29 Donations - 3385.87 Car - -- --------- 1462.78 Insurance Rebate 19.'119.43 Boxrowed fromn Town- 8000.00 Grass Proceeds fx-om At-ena --------- _ 8106.31 Total Receipts -------- $21056.31 Evnditnuires Compieting Ax-ena ---- $12 Iusurancro --- Operatiuug Costs ----- Labour------------------ Total Expenditures $19 Bank Balance off Aprit 1, 1950 ------ $ 1 Outstanding Accounts Payable, apprax. $ 2104.51 1089.40 3929.2- 2243.,15 9366.63 1690.05 500.00 Hoiiand's tulip bulb industry is the outgrowth of centuries of~ intensive cuitivation and experi- mentation. Jt is imoossible you should take true root but by the fair xveather that you make yourself; it is necdful that you frame the season for your own harvest.-Shake- speare. We do flot trust God, but tempt Hlm, when our expectations slacken our exertions.-M. Henry. An undivlded heart, whlch wor- ships God alone, and trusts Him as it should, is raised above al anxiety for earthly wanta.- Geikie'. Last of the Dutch family of Roosevelt which contributed two United States presidents, is Hen- ri Willem Frederick van Rose- veit, an Amsterdam Chinese rest- aurant worker. KITCHEN C UPBOARDS. Ail the modern goad looks and convenience of kitchen cupboards is available ta you at a surprisingly low cost. Give us a cali right now and let us explain how easy it is for you ta pur- chase a completely modern kitchen. - PHONE 772 - # THE GRAYSON GUILD 0F WOODCRAFT HAY & HETIIERINGTON THANK YOU Wc wish to thank ail our customers for their patience during the failure of the Bell Telephone Serv'ice, Most ()f Tucsday. We would like ta apolagize for anv inconvcnieutce causcd and hope that the same situtation wxont aise again. To thon-' who callcd (mx- house phone we were able te 'give otur usual prompt service through the uISe of our two-waýy radio call systcm. KING5S TAXI OPERATED BY LATHANGUE BROS. ..........S.S S S...............*..... ............................ home heating comfort d convenience r furnace -r to il Heat ating iiow can roved Timken 's bu-ne- is ;ett thousands int modern ien users wbo il Hext can't ienionce and cleanliness. And they are saving up ta 25% on fuel bills, too! Best off ail, the neW Timken Wall-Flame Oil But-net- is now better thon ever-with 19 big impravomcnts. Don't go through another heating season witbout a Timnken. Cali us today for a froc heating survey. Find out bow nuuch you can save whiie enjoying the world's finest automatic heat. The Tim-ken WalI-Fiame Oil Burner is basically diflerent-basically better. The flame is placed close ta the' heat absorb- ing surfaces fo- split-second hcating and for the most useful heat fx-om every S drap of ail. Cali us for details EILIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. OS HA WA PIIONE 1246 . ......... .............................. *S5*UfflmS ====Z . Ir Taxes on property off Lions D!IL,'-1J1I2 . d'iL-'- Club amountîng ta $313.50 wil rnoadBufal touidti ho eritted for 1950. services. ____ 1 Sacr Bros. Crossng Watehman I Bowrnanvilto Beach Associa- GEORGE SOtTCi 1 Vil s tion reciuostedthuaI (ho Public TedutIacrtc Dx iî [lo .hib 52 Utilities Cornris§iouu ho instruet-mavle Hpia of Ceiun i lLhd S.E.îiby< ed ta tut-n on the lights at the Souchi on Mai-cii 25 at i(t oî'î west side beach, anmd ta pt-aviOn 79 aller a vcrv sihart iilic :'. iiFNle'LT watcbmen fox- w'ek-nis utilltoM.oLciw' ii l'-stMOI !". AD the firsî off Jonc whcuu the î-oacîoff tie late JohnumandiLle 'c Smic i is opened. So.1,17,anIlxellt i c. The Commission witt be asked and w'as bain iii Bovi:inmm"lu n <11 ise i o xa in-.isluup and ta tom aon the ligbts, at-d the eptis 19,f1.1 and 1:i mIL o iit ziii Cali tiitnnt ît Clork will write ta the Boar.l' late Vill iucGih in 'L, iF 'cxOUIîu a ý1iii .c'uw-e off Transport Coinnuissiouueîs, Oh-)l(l0f,--folltowd tawa, fax- pet-mission ta put guards 1909, who irecle-'usccl linIiimu'Iu-L- rîuOax-rl side ~ ~ ~ ~ uý1s bechf11D. iniFid freuai s~'ultii I of i .LItrl-md on the station crossing ho the He v 1 n(dýs ai îý Xîu' i Du 'sauud 12 0000 Monday oui the weekends fort ',n';"illc.ýhicmn caL'k. in May on the undet-staîudiiug thal t inlt c ".' mîîai' the mnsux-ance t-cquired under thoe obhcrx i ' present agreemnrt wili bo pro- ...t..i............c...........c'.'........ vide-_d. Co. ioctorv. Financial Report iHe lO0X'O t') (00 "i l ii a In reply toa a bIter fî-ou'nCanant oîue si. tî-, Mm;.soiitti l 11il co * & Annis. Oshawa, onclosing mu Bownanvillc. 'J'wo .,t.. ur" By-Law ta arrnend the' agi-ernent dceocsedIl -ibin. ir. 3"'iiic-~N with the Ontario Shore Cas Co., l"oxx'r aniCIEu- 'oui V0Uci'. hU' Ltci., and requesting that tlie liexvas ii lu i iiutIfi liii Council have it pass-cri, the Caun - pî'o'cof f nmii'ui1 Iimu î Lj cil decicled thuatthue nater sliah mand liid t10 1d't 1intht-li tk a be deait with under Ey-Laws. iiLonoîvlec ilf' -1i Finance Couuiittee subri pitt lplîbeirers w-i el -citirt Tomn ' Sundx-y Accouuuts off $4521.61 auud Gibsoiî, Bort ParhcL' r.tL cd Publie Sohool Building accaunts ey, Hierbert Bmbcock anîd Fiet, off $22.00. Passod. BlauckbLurnu. Cacniv e rt v o u King St. May Be Repaix-ec Clerk w-as iîsructcd ta wtite isL iaC r ~ e W. B. Beninett Couuu-bî'ucion Ca.,MisL laC r veor b ie Oshawa, ta send a mu'an down ta Impressive AddressT ni!en Oi qoote a price for x-pairiuîg the7inidien l hales an King St. between On- At Trinity taria and Liber'ty Shs. ____ Purchase off a stop ligit and a Appropriate ta the seaoauu\wa. spot lighit for Police Car xvas the inspirine tabk givelu by M\1iss autborized. No action will be Leilcu Carr off the B HS. tenoiuing, taken on the application off Ev- staff at the' April uuuetinu"off Triui- ex-oIt Biokelt for a taxi licence.. ity Wamer,'s lVlIissionai,-v Society. The wot-ld's finest home heas On the issoanco off uucxx'taxi i- on TLesdav aftcrioonc. Ai. cences auud on reulivwcms, Public ICari- recouuuted lher vi. il ta Ccli- hoyusittenwip Liabiiity, Proîuerty Daiage and fforuia xluere sue s-axx-the î anuouw * Wcll Viorne Oil Burner. Th Passengor H-azar-d nsucîte'must piclLire "The Gardemu of(ltteespecially desi2ned ta conve ho acquiued. nuummut," an attractionu wlimciu rcmi's of pi osent h.iu~plantsi Police Force Inerease lîundxeds off (ourisîs-ovei!:' x eqr.I PolceComifeeha ben u-Underneatb the Clufton Caue , the automalue heating systomns. Polie Crnmiteebas eenau-proprietors lbave arrangeJ.I cmroiin 'Ji h huiuusofT thuoxized ta inox-case Police Fox-ce t'ia f tekn ab uîu'bv on ethot Timk on O ta incinde the chief and thbrce ivfo.dtaTmknO constables. Comihtee w-as also 1ili an oxdiOiary hoLîse Liurinîu'ti-, ho beat for comffort, conv autbax-ized ta have strecîs paint-tiPofJss.FmIbs cm vi 'stors arc taici ta a grotti ed lot eux- parkng. wiob lcads ta a beautiffol go"uîlun Cleu'k w-as iustructt'd ta obtain Kneoling at a bruge baliudr u infoi-nation an the qualifications the' gardien is a figure c!rýt-cdiii rcquired lu engîuging 00w con- stoue, bbc exact replica ot the 1ti- 1I«. shaeles lu order ta qualify for u- re off Christ as pou traxi% h i' , thé provincial police grant. the lamous painting off Chriustil;u New Telephones bbe gardon.t 1I' ii By-Law ta amend agueement While vis-items stand i'exercitly ' t with Ontario Shore Gas C. was watcing the roings-n me. ii bis appt-aval. story off "One Lite", l e-th t' - '~ Police Conmitte wxas autior- off bbe life off Qitne boi M i'-n c ized ta iî-pmavc the tclepboîîe humbrle birtii. life and ignoniin- communicatiousis n the' police off- 10' death bas ilad a gri-L' erVIL..G f ice. (li onO Ille ti'- xx thîauu ny cA G _________________ othcr farce. Concluding lber îalk, Mlý-sCarr 110 h ST I'. W What stubhing, plowing, dig- renîîuîded lier iisteie-rs tiuab todax' ging, and barrowing is ta the txoid'ed hearil muust agaun ni--et land. thal thinking reflecting. thc challenîge of Ille Piilatc- xvtiîiîm exuiuuni .ita the' mind.-Geo-ge 1ani cidcuirle i- t l tt-y îuut(do Berkely'. wth Jesus.f........................ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRM M, 19" oý- - ' PAM six uho