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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1950, p. 5

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~URSA'TAPRIL lth, 1050 ?NE CANqADAN UTATESUMN. OWMMIVffLI f!I'IAUI ~kBu -~ You'11 shopping 1I Breslin's New Store FOR MEN and BOYS A T 29 St. East DO WNAN VILLE M. Breslin's New Nen's & Boys' Store Featured hy Modern Merchandising III have neyer got as big a kick out of opeuing any store as I have out of starting off my new Men's aud Boys' Store," stated Maurice Breslijuwîth cntbusiasm as be recalled bbe Saturday un- veiling of bis new shop lu bbe store on King St. East formerlyl occupied by Harvey Joint's gro- cery and meat shop. "I was the architect. interior decorator, and colour scheme designer of this store," he remarked. The store was planned about two years ago wben Mr. Breslin decided that bis existiug stores were incapable of haudling the Maurice Bresiin business he was receiving. 'I feit the business bad grown so much there wasn't roam for both men's and women's wear under the same roaf," remarked Mr. Breslin. He arranged a year ago ta rent the present store space, and be- gan making plans for the renova- tion of the building, and the im- provement of the exteriar and in- terior decoratians. Mr. Breslin, who bas had clotbing store ex- perience fromn the age of 13 in New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Montreal and Toronto, has de- signed the store to satisfy the dles ire of the custamer ta exam- .ne any merchandise which in- terests him. Before decidine on the arrange- ment of the shelves and displays Mr. Breslin studied the layouts of stores in Toronto, Buffalo and Montreal. He eiiminated what he considered ta be bad points in their systems, and took wbat he considers te be the good as- pects. Every square inch of space is utilized to display the goods ta the customner. The shirts and ties are ail out where they can hc seen and examined. There are na closed boxes on the shelves. Shirts, for example, are shawu in their cellophane wrappers. 'II sald more bats in one day, last Saturday, than I had ever donc before in ail my experience as a clothing salesman," said Mr. Breslin. "To my knawledge there is nlot another clothing store in Canada wbich bas the type of hat display I have." The bats are placed on brackets instead of on shelves. 'The customer can pick Up any of tbe bats resbing there to try it on. They rest at an angle wbich makes it easy for bbe customer to examine the merchandise. The front dispiay window, along with the outside lobby, are se designed that the customer who stops ta look at the goods feels that be la inside the store. It is just a step until he is ac- tually on the inside. The entrance is on a level with the sidewalk, and the ceiling of the oubside lobby is constructed of the same material and is at the same height as the inside ceiling. The made-to-order section of the store, at the back, is de- signed se that full lengths of cloth are exhibited to the cus- tomer instead of swatches. The swatch shows about six square inches of cloth, but the full-length display gives the customner an idea of the over-ali appearance of bbe suit-to-be. The small made-to-order alcove la equipped with comfortable chairs and tables. Smoking is net only permitted but encouraged. "We like our customers to feel comfortable and ut ease in our store," stated Mr. Breslij. The store will net be 100% 1 completed for anather month or sa. The front base will be al metal when finished. The base il ~be fluted metal, and the top atte front will be made of black terrara. Interior lîghting consists of about 44 spotlights, poiuting at the individual displays, and 18 fluorescent tubes in the centre of Uic ceiling. This produces bright lighting without glare. The interior floor la covered with a grey, mottled battleship linoleùim surrounded by a terra- ONE APPLICATION Makes False Teeih Fili Fèr the Li of your Plates Free Bookiet This Week M4cGregor Drugi Exclusive Agenry cotta trim. The sheives and countcrs are paiuted a light grey. Above Uic dlsplay shelves Uic walls near Uic ceîling arc brizn- mcd with red leatherette. At Uic back and on cither side of the made-bo-order alcove are two dressing rooms. Sbationcd at strategic poibts along bbc wal are three-sided mirrors which wil show bbc customer how bbc back of bis coat or pants or jack- et look. Said Mr. Breslin, "I icel that thc people of bbce.Bowmanville district built this store due ta their kind and faith.ful patron- age."p The Bothwell boys, Bob, Doug, and Wally, did thc rough and finisbed carpcntering. Dave Hig- gon lnstalled thc wiring. Shep- pard & Gi supplied bbc lumber. Hobbs Glass, Oshawa, erected tbc glass work and metal fràme- work, and Jack Brough took care of thc plumbing and bcating. The heating systein can be converted ta a cooling system in summer. Mendelssohn Choir Feature Bach Festival 'In Toronto April 19-20 "ýTwo bundred years ago thisi month, Jobaun Sebastian Bach, dyiug and blind, finisbed by dic- tation the organ prelude, "Before Thy Throne, O God, I Stand"- the last of the mighty warka that werc ta be bath bis everlasbing monument and an increasing source of inspiration, spiritual exhaltation and aesthetic joy ta countless tbousauds of every race and creed. This year the world pays fitting tribute ta bis great- uess iu mauy performances of bis works. "Because bis genlua found its expression in the settings for chorus and orchestra of scriptural and liturgical texts, lb is a parti- cular privilege in tbis ceutennial year, ta be a member of a great choir witb a long Bacb tradition. We hope that ail supporters of the Choir will be present ta join with us in saluting the memory of this mighty and humble geniul. by wbom the lives of ahl of us bave been s0 inestimably cnrich- cd." These were bbc words of Sir Ernest McMilian, cauductor of the world famous Mendelssahn Chair in the April issue of bbc Mendelssohn Chorister. This great Bach festival, wbicb will take place in Toronto fram April 19 -20 will feature inter- natiaually known artists. Euglish-born E. Pawer Biggs formerly an assistant professor at the Royal Academy of Music until he came ta the United States where he appeared with the Bos- ton Symphony Orchestra and tbc orchestras of Cincinuati and Chi- cago, will be guest organist. He was outstauding in bis ability ta play thc cutire organ literature of Bach, in twelve recibals at bbe Germiauic Museum of Harvard University. He repeated thc series at Columbia University. Herba Glaz, contralto, and Brian Sullivan, tenor, stars of the Metropolitan Opera will assist in bbc musical fest with Pbillip MacGregor, baribone; Gr etba Krauss, harpsichordist and Ettore Mazzolenî, Principal of bbc Royal Cansorvabory of Music of Toronto and conductor of the Royal Con- servatory Chamber Players. The Festival bas drawn liber- ally on the rich store of Canadian talent bo preseut such outsbandiug singers as Lois Marshall, Mary Morrison, William Morton, Au- drew MacMillan, Erie Trcdwell, and Donald Brown. The brook brout, according ta angling experts, is not a rout ut ail but rather a cbarr, due ta bbc boue structure of its mouth. Nen's Wrist Walches - One Year Guararitee Sir uCarie Iuardwicke, aistinguished Brmtish acier, came ze I..N. Bcadquartcrs te, view at lirst band thc work of thc Econemie and Social (3ouneil. Be piays the starring rele lu "IAil Yeur Strcngth," a radio programi bascd on the work of thc Council, first cf a sertes cf documentary radio features produeed by the United Nations. Above, ECOSOC President Hernan Santa Cruz of Chule (left) la pointing out to the vislting actor and te Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar cf India au Important phrase in the Universal Declaration of Hu-au Righta. Hislory of Canadian Mounted Police A Record of Courageous Service Related ai Women's Institute Meeting Bowmanville Womei's Inati- tube, ut its meeting on March 30, listened wibh rapt attention ta the thrilliug and fasciuating stary of bbc Royal Canadian Maunbed Po- lice as outlincd by Mrs. Cecil Gat- cheil, whose son Stanley is a member of bhc R.C.M.P. The ad- drcss, wbich follows, was based on an article written by Bill Da- vidson: The Royal Canadian Mourted Police consista of 94 officers, 2,918 men, 481 civil servants, 159 borses and 281 dags. This is a far cry from bbc 300 soldiers who made up bbc Farce when ib was firsb or- gauized lu 1873. Curiousiy bbc bîrbh of bbc farce in that year came about because of an un- savory chapter lu U.S. bistory that is discreetly overiooked lu our school books. This was a restiesa periad aftcr bbc Ameri- can Civil War and Montana and bbc Dakoba's swa.rmed with ex- soldiers whose main source of income was forays across the barder into bbc uuorgauized Can- udian West ta seil whiskey ta tbc Indians. In August, 1873, a graup of these Freebooters crossed into soau t h cruSaskatchewan and camped ucar a bribe of Croc In- diaus lu bbc Cypress Hilîs. Dur- iug bbc uight some of their borses disappcarcd and tbey set out iu pursuit of the suspected Croc. Labo lu bbc peaceful civiiized As- siniboine Indiaus, bbc Americaus asked if bbe Cree had passed that way and apparenbly bhc Assini- boine roplied a bit sassily wberc- upon bbc Americuns uuloaded their rcpcatîug rifles, surrounded bbc peaceful village and wiped out evcry man, waman and cbild including infants in théir motb- crs' arms. Wben the uews of the massacre rcacbed Canada's easb- cru provinces bbc newly confed- erated Dominion rackcd with in- dignation. Iu record haste Parliament au- thorized bbc formation ai the North West Mounted Police ta bring law and order ta Canadian West. 300 soldiers wcre recruit- cd, issued red coats and, equpd A New Roof or perheps- the old one just needs a repair job. !Cali us now for an estimate. - PHONE 772 - THE GRAYSGN GUILD 0F WGODCRAFT RIAY & HETHERINGTON Wur Surplus and Factory Clearance Store 24 DMVSION STREET N. ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY BOWMANVILLE with supply trains and artillery, tbcy set out ou this expedition i nt a uucbarbed Saskatchewan bauling cannon and driviug cat- le along for food. By 1875 they bad rouuded up the murderers and brougbht bhem ta trial. lb was durng this period that bbe Mountica establisbed a repu- bublon for economy of operation. Iu 1880 for example, au' entire columu af U. S. Cavalry was used ta escort 450 trouble making Crec Indians bo the barder for settie- meut on a uew Canudian roser- vation. At bbc bouudary, near Medicine Hat, bbc columu was met by a Mountie Corporal and bwo Constables. The U. S. Col- onel rcturued bbc Mountie Cor- poral's salute and asked "Where 15 your escort for these Indiaus?" "Right bore, Colonel," bbe Moun- tic replied. "Wbere," uskcd bbc bewiidered Colonel, "is the rest af your outfit." "Oh," said bbc Corporal, "there is anc mare Constable, but ho la back ut camp making breakfast." The Mounties, wha became a modern scientific crime detective ugeucy some 15 years ugo, still operute ou the theary tbat if anc man can baudle a job, why wastc ten. As a rcsult, bbc Force is kept small. To get recruits of '-this calibre, nigid pbysical stan- dards are set Up: a minimum of 5 foot, 8 lus, iu beigbb and uo marc than 180 ta 200 pounda, ac- cordiug ta heigbt. Each appli- cant must pass rigid psycbolagî- cul and educational exams, thon go bhrough a six mauth's basic training course that makes aur wurtimc officers candidate schools look like sissy roasts in compari- son. Eacb Mountie cames out a life- saver, bypist. fingerprint man and driver, witb a smattering of mcd- icine, physics, law and photo- graphy thrown lu. 0f every 28 men who apply only 3 actually get lubo bbc Force. Tbey are s0 good by tbc time tboy finish their training thoX are immediately sent out on debachuient. After a steady diet of Nelson Eddy type heroos most Americans believe thut bbc Mounties wear red couts ah bbce time, ride borses and op- crabe only lu bbc fan North. Ac- tually bbe Mounties' working unifonm is a prosalo brown uni- form witb matcbing trousers, or blue breeches witb yellow stripes, long boots and apura, and qulte of ton they aperate in civilian clothes. The Mounties' modemn mounts are radia prowl cars, jeeps, trucks, motar bouts, snowmobiles and airpianes. Wbab Hollywood misled Americaus don't know is that the Royal Canadian Mounbcd Police is a scientific law enforce- ment ageucy of tbc calibre ai bbc F.B.I. and thut Amenica's 4,000 mile uudefended Canadian bar- der actualiy is protcctcd by Uic world's most versatile police or- ganization. In Canada bbc Mounties per- form bbc work not only ai bbc F.B.I., but also bbc T.-Men, Nar- cotics bureau, posb office, luspec- tors, and lu many areas bbey are bbc equivalent of aur state police, local police. and aur District At- torneys. lu receut months tbey smasbed North America's biggcsb dope peddling ring, after overhearing a canversation througb an open bransam lu a Vancouver Hotel. Tbey used their radio network, and specially traixued doga te brack dowu 102 escapcd prisoners. Tbey rescued more than 200 peo- ple strauded in a flood ai thc Red River; they bclped stop a grassbapper plague lu Saskat- chewan; tbey looked luto a bourse in a funcral procession windinu its way from Detroit to Windsor, Ontario and discovered 100 cartons ai cigarettes lu Uic caffin instead ai a body. Tbcy ran dowu and convictcd 52 murderers and safecrackers. One ai their doga named Sultan rcscued an elderly lady just as she was about ta perish lu deso- labe bush country wbcre she got bast laoking for a sbray cali, and they successfully arbitrutcd a triangle betweçn a man, wiie and girl friend in Sel kirk, Man. They apcrated more than 1,000 basebal and other sport&s bagues for Can-, $4.95 adiau youth. Because of this fre- mendous and varicd demand on their abilities, Mounties must be far more than juat cops. Oten a Mountie functions as a combmn- ation of scicntist, private eye, and actor. One of the most cxciting of al the specialized Mountie jobs is the preventive service which works on smuggling and nar-' cotics. For example, ln 1947 thcy got a tip that there was $75,00 worth cf herola hidden amongst thc clothes in a Teal blue suitcase chccked through from Montreal to Vancouver on a C.N. Railway ticket. They removed the dope from the suit case and replaced it with harmless sugar cf milk, then ailowed Uic suitcase to re- suine its journey. Mounties went along wlth lb posing as porters, baggagc men and thc like. Final- ly in a Vancouver station a man namcd W. Dick claimed Uic Teal blue suitcase from two disguised Mounties working behind Uic counter. Other Mounties closed in and after shadowing him bhrough Vancouver, he was ar- restcd. Later the Mounties got thc accomplice who sent the suitcase from Montreal by exam- ining al transcontinental train tickets in Calgary. In a few days a traveller came along with tbe serial number Uiat was stamped on the baggage check. The man was John Sernuik and the Mounties were able to pin down their case against him because Uic shirt he wore bore the same laundry mark as the shirts in the Teal blue suitcase. Smuggling goes on contiuuaily across the Canadian - U.S. border. Reccntly the Mounties arrested a man in Melochville, Que., who had an arbificial leg. He had been repeatedly spotted going back and forth across the border. The' hollow leg was frnled with ex- pensive watches, on which he ne- glected ta pay duty. A recent Mountie innovation, designed to combat juvenile de- iinquency, is to get Uic Police and children to uuderstaud each other better. Its operation is simple, the detacbment is required ta take part in recreabional activities with thbchcildren iu their area, often by running basebail and football leagues. They also beach the children useful things like first aid and entertain bhem witb specially prepared movies. This program bas had remarkable suc- cess with an enrolmeut of more than 1,350,000 youngsters. The Mounties are a small select group with high standards and a proud tradition. The official slogan of the Force la: "Uphold the Right." The world's firsb ail-aluminum bridge la being built at Arvida, Quebec. Gambling is forbidden in Israel. Australia seeks similar rela- tions with USA as wlth Britain. a1pt/?ý y/ V6Pk ORKS-4N OHMSI SAUCE PORK &BEANS 2 %s27C CLARK$-lN TIomATrO AC VEGETARIAN BEANS 2 n».27c LARK'S-.ADD ZEST TO NIAI. CHILI SAUCE 10& :to "ffl4 TrOMATrO-VEGETADILE-COTrCH 31011 CLARK'S lOUPS 3 23c MEAT SPREADS 2 2,1c CLARK'! IR141H STEW 1nos.4 j g ' A - - - '4 Ontario No. 1 cooking Onions Fresb, Tender, Crlsp, Green Florida celery Georgla, Frcah, Green New Cabhage Flrm, Rcd Ripe Toaaies *3 lhs. 15c Size 48'. 2 2forl19c I * Lb 7c celle pkg., m m 25c T i Dc OMIMON IYORULmlTDla Genoral Motors Ltd. New Warehouse TO CoSt $31,0000 A $3,O00,000 central parts dis- tribution warchouse wlU be bufit by General Motors of Canada on a 400-acre site on Uic southwestern outskirba of Oshawa, for occupan- cy labe this year. W. A. Wecker, president, sald thc centre would facilitabe Uic baudliug af service parts ta bbc present cigbt regional depots across Canada and a uinth te be builb at Montreal. The building wiil have seven acres of space under onc roof and thc site pravides roam for expansion, lb will accomodate 50W employeca uow quartercd ln thc existlug parts dcpartment in Oshawa. Some 43,000,000 pounds of re- placement parts werc sbipped across Canada lasb year. OBITUARY RICHARD HAWKEY Richard Hawkey pas'sed away lu bis 82nd year at bis Bowman- ville residence ou Wellington St. ou April 4. Mr. Hawkey was boru in Cornwall, England, in 1868, bbc son af thc late Mr. and Mrs. Jas- eph Hawkey. He moved wiUi bis parents ta Canada ln 1873 where they ooak up residence in Tyrone. He at- bended Bethcsda Public Sehool, later baking up farming lu the Tyrone district, where ho married tbc former Phoebe Collucutt of Tyrone. He stayed in thut area until 1913 wben he moved ta Western Canada ta settle in Mcl- fort, Saskatchewan, until he mav- cd back ta Bowmanvîlle. Surviving hlm ta, mouru bis lass la bis wlfe, a daughter, Mrs. Garnet MeCoy (Breta), Bowmau- ville, and a son, Edward of Ed- manton, Alberta, and a grandson, Jack McCoy, Bowmanville. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Bowmanville, and a brother, Albert Hawkey of Ty- roue. % Rcv. S. R. Henderson, minister of Trinity United Church, where Mr. Hawkey was a member, con- ducted bbc funeral service fram Morris Funeral Chapel on April 7tb. Interment was lu Bowman- ville Cemctery. Pallbearers were six nephews of bbc deccased: Messrs. Fred Wight' Melbourne Wight, Wrightson Wight, Lance Phare, Harry Collacutt and Melbourne Phillips. Amoug those from oub-of-towu atteuding bbc funeral service were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hawkcy, Edmonton, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Phillips, Mr. Robert Pbillips, Maidstone, Ont.; and Miss Mari orle Haidge, Toronto. Tt la Important that high ischooi and coilege peopie prepare themselves for the years to corne physicaiiy as weil as mentaliy. Diet shouid be considered care- fuiiy. Be sure you drink plenty of miik'. -a food that's easy to work and study on, yet lt contains ail the essential vitamins and minerais te provide energy and aid complexion. Drink Gien Rae's milk and see how much better you, too, may feel. Ask our Milkmen for REDDI -WIP an effortess way to giamorize every day's desserts. . 1s. là M-jn Ml Marchandise Sold At Your Domininor eu la Uncondiflonally Guaranteed Te &ive Yom 100% Satisfaction. MIN? SALLY-WITH PECTIN RASPBERRY JAM m8 Fi- o-3 lI AYLhII-W.ITH PUICTIN Strawb.rm'y JAM JarPF1ou. 43c PRIMIOSE IRAND-SWEET MIXED, PICKLES 160zx. O Jar 18 IIS CANADA-CHOICE COLUMBIA ASBERRIES isT,,-27c EGATTfA--STD. qUALIY 'OMATOES 2 Me 27C LUE & GOLD--fANCY CUT MAX BEANS Mei 14c olden CORN 2 nez 25C HIE OP THE VALLEY-STD. ;REEN PEAS M&e' 9c omato JUICE 2»0 23c ARGARINE À AR GENE ua. 35c MINION-PERANUT SPUEAD) IRUNCHY NU T Jus 37c eES WANTIS «a pay btghest market piles for *Mt. Sbipplag mugs available et eu dores. Se@ manager for partIculort. Reg. gradin« ateNlse 0.21. VALUES EFFECTIVE rHURSOAY, PRIDAY. SATURDAY. APRIL Il - 14 - 18 SPECIALS SHIRTS (Used) each 95c RAINCOATS _______ each $1.25 DRILL PANTS pair $1.50 TUNICS (New) -___ each- $1.95 BATTLEDRESS TROUSERS- pair $3.50 IONS ON LIGHTERS WITH KIT Regular $6.85 Special - $4.95 Canada No. 1 - for early plantlnc Duich Sel Ornions - IL 23c California Sccdleu Navel Size 252's Sankist Oranges a doz. 47c For Estlnt and Prc.crvint Sîze 12'0 Cuh.n Pineapples *-*-*35c JUST FOR STUDENTS 1 ý - - - - - L ý ý ý) - - - - - - Il 119STOCUP] m -1 i i -1 D 0 M 1 N' q4ý PACM FM-

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