PAGESflL THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAI'TVIT.4LE. OQ'rAmO THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1950 jof neglect and sellsahnesu.Th Rotai-ian tries t0 remember the (Continued trom Page One) principles of Rotary every day Vocational Service of the week. The second service is called Principlea of Service. ýVôcationaI Service. In your vo- On the desk of the Rotarian cation you will be known as there is a small upright sign .Knsmen because of your deport- which displays the four principles ment. This will be your effect- of action of the honest Rotarlan. ive way of advertising the club. First, 'Is it the truth! The good ?In Rotary there is a system set Rotarian tries ta be truthtul. Up whereby only ane man from Second, 'Is if fair to ail concern- étach classification is allowed in ed?'. Third, 'Will it build good- ;the club. One doctor, lawyer, will and better triendship?' And bricklayer, etc., is asked to enter. fourth, 'Will it b. better for al The only time a new apening concerned?' occurs is when a member in one These ideals are the tunda- classification. drops ouf for some mental precepts of all the great Treason or other. religions in the world. They are Must Prove Self the ideals by which the Rotarian Thisis nt anatfept f betries fo direct himself In his deal- busisnt na tem an oe nswt scsonr snobbish or exclusive, bu ne- deals.wt i usonr fort fo bring together as many ldaes different kinds of business men Servitce Clubs Similar as possible to share different "The reason I arn taiking Rotary types of experience. Ad heto yo members of the Kinismen classification belonÎs to a 1.1an ýCîdib" said Mr. DeGeer, "Is be- so long as he proves himself f0 bei cause 1 believe that most of the a grood Rotarian. Hie must prove high service club ideals of our himself b-' service to the com- club are founid in your club. Ser- mxunity and by good deportrnents. vi~'ce clubs are much the same in There is good and bad in al their ambitions, and the means organizations, and in ail business- by wvhich they carry fhemn ouf." es. Donft criticize your neîghibor -I have had the privilege of at- destructiveix'. That is bad Kins- tending mneetings at which the manship. It runs contrarv to the International President o! the principle of good %ill which Rot ary Club has been present," dominafes all service clubs. said Walt. "It has been a priv- Week-Lonz Religion ilege. He and others I have falk- ed to at these meetings neyer If you are conscious o! vour! akaothwmc oe a duty to your fellowv memnbers andtakbothwmcmnebs to your conimun itv vou are then been spent on crippled children. in a position f0 better unclerst'rnd He asks about the experience of the ideal of philanthropx'. Vca- ~eR9aas.A heenu- til5nal service can becomne your iastic in their service? Are they petonl elgin.well-disposed f0 their fellow In some cases. church mcm- mme" bers guo to church on a Sunday Fellowshlp First and gain a certain amount o! Wif h good fellowship always inspiration. On Monday they cornes the desire for service. The have forgotten thle good they have facts and figures of club activ- heard from the sermons and have if ies are seco¶dary. The better slipped back int o their old ways t he spirit the greater the amount PREVENT MOTH DAMAGE Larvex Spray -- 83c-1.29-1.98 Moth Crystals --___ lb. 49e 1 Larvex and sprayer -- $1.33 Dîchioricide Ili. 53e Aerosol Bomb ---- $1.69-$L98 Bug Blitzer Bomb - . $3.95 Se Bright! Feel TA KEENO'S Right! "FRUIT SALT?? BUYTODY 5 e 980 Toni Homie Permanent-- $2.79 Toni Refil------ - $1.25-$1.59 Gin Pis -------------- 49c-74ce Dodd's Pis ---- - 49c Dr. Morse's Pills- 35c-49c Zambuk Oint. 47e Bile Beans 47c Fruitatives 25c-48c Mecca Oint. -- 35c-69c-$1.39 LYSOL Disinfectant and Germicide 35c - 75c - $1.50 Corega Powder 23c-39c-69c 100 A.S.A. tabs - --- ----19c 93e size Noxzema,- 79c NEW Revlon Sunny Side Up Matched Set - $1.50 Nail Polish 50e SO Lipstick -65o Brylereen i wth Comb FREE - 49o Baby Foods Pablum 25e-0oc Pabena ----- 25e-SOc Nutrini Jr. Cereal -- 29c-49c Lactogen ----------69c-$1.69 Dextri-Maltose ---70c-$3.00 Powd. Pratein Mllk $1.35-$2.75 Mead's Sobee ____- $1.75 lm HAN"Y2~.9 95COWLING'S DRUG STOREw,,"' AîiSnqWer: n cotale8than Y20 a pack to advertise the big brande of cigarettes. That"s only haif the story. Advertieing Iowers your cost two ways: Cuts thle selling costs. And by heping make mauss production possible, lower the produc- tion costs, too. So advertisiiig saves You maanY tirnes that 2 per pack. LKnsmen Club Mi's. William Barreli and fam- ily wish f0 express their sincere fhanks and appreciation f0 al fheir kind relatives, friends and neiglibours for their many acf s o! sympafhy and kindness, ftle beautiful floral fributes, cards and messages of sympathy ex- tended f0 f hem in their recent sad bercavement in the passing o! a loving husband and faflier. Special fhanks f0 Dr. Austin and Dr. C. W. Slemon and the Cap- tain o! The Salvation Army. 18-1* Mrs. Edward Large and f ar- ily wish f0 extend their sincere thanks and appreciation f0 their many friends and neiglibours for flowers, cards and oflier kind remembrances witli special fhanks f0 Dr. Austin, Rev. Mr. Sigsfon and fellow employees from flic Goodyear Tire & Ruliber Co., Local 189, also fthe Ladies Aux- iliary fo ftle Legion, Companions o! fthe Foresters and ail those kind expressions o! sympatliy on the deafli o! a loving husband and father 18-1 * Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rogers and Barbara wish f0 express their sincere thanks f0 Drs. K. W. and C. W. Slemon, flie Supf., nurses and staff of flic Bowmanville Hospital. And speciai fhanks f0 fhe staff of flic Bowmanville Cleaners for their basket o! fruit and kind fhoughts; also ah flic friends and relatives and C.G.I.T. o! Hampton for flicir kind tlioughfs, cards and prayers, sent ta Barbara during lier recent illncss and convalescence in hos- pital and af home. 18-1 Repairs RUBBER footwear, heels, soles. rips vulcanized as good as new. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. 9-ff REPAIRS fo ail makes of refrig- eraters, domesfic and c'ommercial Riggon Electrie 42 King St. E.. phone 438. 26-tf FOR pro~mpt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work. try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- built and rc-upliolstered. Satis- faction guarantced. Have oui- consultant call at no obligation. Enquire at Weee Fabric Cen- tre. 10 King St. E. 39-tf Personal $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenfy-five deluxe personal requirernents. Lafcst catalogue included. The Medico Agency, 109 Front St. East, Toronto, Ontario. 18-6 SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ta 15 lbs. New pep, f00. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablef s for double results; new healthy flcsh; new vigor. New "get acquaint- ed" size only 60c. Ail druggisf s. 18-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed posfpaid in plain sealed envelope wif h price lisf. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 18-9 TIRED? Rundown? Nervous? You may not be geffing the Iodine and' minerais your system requires. Start takîng Nova-Kelp Tablets today. Tliey hclp supply the1 Iodîne and some of the vitalI minerais you may need. Three economical sizes - at ail drug- gists. 18-1 of work done for the comrnunity. Walt flien read from a book written by Percy Hodges, Rotary International President. If is èntifled "Service Is My Busi-t ness." One short story relafed1 flic attitude o! a man in business CARD 0F THANKS We wlsh to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Mackenzie and doctors who assisted, also Supt. Misa L. H-arding, nurses and staff of Bowmanville Hospital. Many thanks to those who sent flowers, cards, gifts anid good wishes dur- ing tht îe o f Mrs. Knapp. -Air. and Mrs. O. Knapp and family. 18-1 We wish f0 express to aur re- latives, ftriends and neiglibours our sisicere thanks and apprec- lation for the many ncts o! kind- ness, cai'ds and beautiful floral tribufes extended f0 us in our recent sad berenvernent of a loy- ing wife and mother. Ira Thompson and George. 18-1 A Furrow1 condition o! the roads and said something about going into Orono -A Farrow f0 se f lie Reeve. If was prob- ably nof flie firsf fime f his spring (By lenhlme ughe) flat lie had been called upon fo Wednesday affernoon seemcd a hlelp an unwary motorisf over 1good fime fo look over thie tlat mounfain. country and sec the magnificence Once af the fop o!fle icllich o! spring. The higliway was be- team macle short work o! pulling coming crowdcd, anywax if xvas flic car ouf o!flice mud.. Mr. f oo familiar. Tlie ]and f0 flic Farrow waifcd to be sure it was north looked infercsfing and in- ,undadlede aktwr vifing, so, wif h Port Hope in Orono witliout cufting too deep mind, xve drove norf h flen turn- a furrow for flic second fime. I cd easf, passing flirougli Orono. sliould like f0 meef him again. That is, perliaps, xvhy xve onîv He showed us fliat human kind- î'ealic Necaste, uit a it ness is not confincd f0 Bowman- leae ecste uteab'ville. Thougli ncw fo this fown Proecdng astfro Ornowe have found do mucli lere ProcedingcastfromOron f1liat we believe if lcads in fliat flic road was found f0 fake some1 commodify. hairpin furns and climh a big hlli ___________ from which tlicî' was a good vicw o!flhc surrounding counfryF rser Nn If was deliglifful and impressive. F rser idUp The road was descrfcd as xvere Season VVith Banquet some o!flice farms. This wc only ____ pleuarnd wn flic a trc f0 Foresters Bowling League fin- plgiv a urrhofliudroia dcp-isiied anoflier successful season tiv stefclio!mudy oad jwitli a splendid banquet. The Forward or reverse gear, piisl- !banquet was officially opcncd by îng or pulling, shovel or fence TmyMscsn ..o or pol lver dmontrtedony fli jBowmanville, who weloomed D.D. sfeadfastness and immobility O! H.C.R. Cliarles Ferguson and Mrs. flic modern car under certain1 Ferguson, Ed. Henderson, F.S. o! circumsfances. In spîte o!flice StIfl Court Oshiawa, and Mrs. Hender- flic cold wind macle us realize 'son, and Cal Braun, District that flic view would nof make tip Supiervisocr, and Mrs. Braun o! for supper or a fire. The gatie- Oshawa. The gathering fook flic way f0 flic nearest farm, almostffom of a family reunion parfy beside. us on flic top o!flie hlui witli wonderful home cookcd food lield ouftliopes for a fractor large league. The banquet was super- enougli to extricate flic car, but vised by Harry Hamm, Lorne wc lad nof waiked haîf way Havncs and ladies. Those wlio across a large wet f ield before j spoke brie!ly were Blackic Black- if became evident fliat flic house 'burn and D. Pickard, P.C.R.'s a! was deserted. Court Bowmanville. The car xvas again mercilcss in The chiîdren wemc entertained ifs determination f0 sit still. Walk liv Toots Ferguson and Denis back flirce or four miles f0 Pickard and flic balance o!flice Orono? No. Go forward, if had evening was spent in carpef bal flic advanfage fliat we should, af andlcarcls ihRsPruM . leasf, stamt clown hli. About halfwifBlc hb r oss roud Mrs. re wayclw tbcreaprn Griffins taking away flic prizes. wliv flere xvas no passing traffic ~~pandf xadfi whicli xvcmiglit have called upon t lnLae ne ycar inodcrtfé for lielp. The road-bed was je.u etya nodrt ruffed and tomn as fliaugli fli accommodate aIl members and melting snow liad fried f0 make ladies. a river ouf of if. Occasionally' Thc summer sports are under- flic marks o! tractor tires could way uncler the supervision o! Bob be scen. Thougl iti secmed more likely that these marks had been U left by flic propellor o!flice lasf boQt fa pass by bc!ore flic water liad reccded. But f lere was no-! LiPWN MOAUWLIL thing f0 do but f0 continue clown 1 flic il. At f lis point f0 furlM back and clumb up again would SHREAE have been foo tougli. Finaily, on flic level ground AND beyond, we saw a siglit liaf pro- miscd flic on]y way ouf o!fliheARE difficulty short o! one bull-doser EP EE coupled fa anoflier fa pull if up flic lill. If was four horses har- Pecso Grnigo nessed f0 a cultivator.Prcso inng f Wliat Howard Farrow thouglit Ba niRe o! flic pair o! us, rubbering fit jBhe ndRe scenery wliemc fractors hardly with the Newest dared f0 tread. lie kindly kept fa Ideal Sharpener huiscîf. Remarking fIat lie did nof like fo sec anybody stuck li unlîitched thle animnaIs and gave IL BL RICKARD me two of tliem fo iîold wiîile he sfabled flic others. His 1v--) NEWCASTLE young sons watched me.,îîot # mnake sure*that I did not go awŽ -,' ________________ wifli flic lorses, ratiier I think, fa scfliat they did not run away j 1 witli me. Nof fliat tlîcy were anything but quiet, but flic boys W OuM E N wcme a!maid fliat flic mares would holding flicm knew raflier les sW about horses flian le icd about TO WRAP PARCELS driving on country roads linflic Ipig Apply af The long climb up flic rutted BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY lîill was acconîplished, on flic par't N RERE o! my wife, by holding on ta flic USRE tow-liîic by flic side of Lady, oneC near C.N.R. Station of flic mares. Mr. Farrow in- sisfcd that fliere was no -hurmy I (o prxmfl thougli licmust have been in- (fo prnonits ferruptd at a vry hîsy ime. Hc did remark, liowevcr, on flic zoni cptiJ clo.LuwnI the sLfeL. j-------- Because lie was a competif or. thouglif flicfirsf man, lie must lie an undesirable kind o! feliow. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Friends Wlth Competitor Affer joining a service club le began fo change lis ideas. One day le wcnf clown f0 visit lisI competitor and !ound hlm tf0bl C lassifie d1 a very reasonable fellow. He1 found that if vas possible. f0 compefe and yet lie !riends. This friendship prospercd unj spite o! competif ion and one day, 1 Advertising Rates when flic child o!flice second man died, tlic latter asked flic first man fo rcad a funeral falk over flic grave o! lis child. Thus ai EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23 1948 malice which lad resulted from ignorance o!flice qualifies o!flice ather man was broken clown and in ifs place a !riendship grew. BIRTHS - DEATHS - ENGAGEMENTS - rARRIAGES up which touclied even flic int i- mate aspects o!flice lives o! bofli. CARDS 0F TIIANKS - $1.00 Per Insertion Bowmanville Kin Have Future IN MEMORIAMNS - $1.00 plus 10c a lin. for verses per Insertion If is a principle among flic Rotarians thaf a man can lie a' NOTICES - CO3IING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE compefitor in business life and LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WVANTED - ETC. yet be a fast friend in privafe Cs ae cawr (i.3c.Ms pjadbfr neto life. This principle applies a- I Cs ae eawr mn 5) utb adbfr neto mong flic Kinsmen and also flic [f Charged: 3e a Wvord (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for oer service clubs, box numbers or replies directed te this office. "I know thaf flic Bowmanvilie 1 Kinsmen Club wiil go on, f lrougli flic use o!flice ideals menfioned, (Additionai Insertions ai Same Rates) f0 become a force for good in this community," concluded Mr. ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE [N NOT LATER THAN DeGeer. NOON WVEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money Kinsmen Ken Nicks movcd a odr~ihodrt e o ae vote o!flihazks and this xvas pass- re vt re ogtix ae ed on by President Jack Lander._____________ A business meeting w~as leld fol- 1 iowing flic talk. and plans for l assusting ini fli drive ta xaise'; CLIP THIIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE $50,000 for the Hospital were dis-j eussed.--- -- ------- - Craig, Harry Snawden, Carl Schwartz and Lamne Hayncs. Lamne Hayncs Girls' Club haveI enfered fthc Lakeshore League. jLocal officers, members and ladies will charter a bus andvii Belleville f0 present the Travell- ing Gavel there. Assessment (Contintccl tram Page One) 1946. Hlowever, the council. witli the approval of thie Minister o! Highwayr, rniy pass a liylna scp- aratinc flic subdivision lots from the remaincler of fthc township, and in imposing flic towvnship rate for road puirposes rnay imipose and lpvv a higlier rate ,pon the sub- divijsion than upon fth e rnainclcr of the town"hip. Sec Hligliway Improvement Acf <R.S.O. 1937, cliapter 56), section 52. 3-POINT, 1100K-UPI You Ever Saw KIWANIS Bingo - New Games DEATH BRAY-At "Baeside," Enfield, on May 3rd, Frederick Lewis Bray, in his 84th year. Funeral ar'- rangements later. Canada sent suppLes to Sicily in gratitude to Sicilians who tended Canadian graves. The first chain food store in Canada was established over 60 years ago by the late William Carroll of Hamilton, Ont. PHONE 836 Modern buggies-fhtîy still are being buîlf-have clecfric lights and roller bearings. Personal income fax was un- known in Canada prior fo 1917. Quebec Cify is Canada's oldcsf City. Personal expenditure by Cana- dians on consumer goods and ser- vices durîng 1949 is esfimated af $10.8 billions. Canada's production o! crude pefroleumn reached 21,500,000 bar- 1rels lasf yçar, an increase of 74 per cent over 1948. Spring Dresses C.P.R. FREIGHT CHANGES: Several changes, ail effective May 1sf, involving the Canadian Pacific Railwav's freight traffic department have been announccd. (Left to right) Gerald Hiam, of Montreal, is appointed general freight traffic manager with system-wide jur- isdîction over ail freight matters; F. K. Hollyman, of Montreal, becomes assistant general freight fraffic manager; Aitken Walker, of Toronto, moves fo Montreal headquartcrs as freight traffic man- ager for the Eastern Region of the railway; and Allan Shields, of Toronto, also cornes to Montreal as assistant freight traffic manager with supervision over the Quebec and New Brunswick districts of the C.P.R. A wonderful way to stock up onl your so- quickly -fired S pr i ng' wardrobe . . . wifh sav- ings galore found righf here in our sale-priced group of fashion-brighf dresses of this season! Wc'vc ail colors. rnany styles . .. ahl sizes. Corne early for widcst choosings! 4 I Spring Toppers Most practical fash- ion you ever wore! Our gay and airy ail- wool toppers. Now at a lower-fhan-ever set of prices ... and ready fo give you semsons and semsons of valiie- brighf, comfort-'ble, attractive wear! IIurv ini to-day - choose frorn oui' vast mulfi- styled collectii.,n. Men' s Winfer Overcoafs 'on the Model "VAC" 2-Plow Case Tractor W. H9. BROWN CASE DEALER King St. W. Phone 497: 49 King St. W BOWiNIA NVILLIF 1 D KARNIVAI -. --n- ~"~W4. Drasllcally Reduceci Prices âome as Low as HALF PRICE 1Couch, Johnston & Cryderman For Twoights OfFun . * a PLAN TO ATTEND THE OSHAWA IN THE Oshawa Arena Friday & Saturday, May 5 & 6 SHOW STARTS AT 7 P.M. ATTENDANCE PRIZE FRIDAY NICHT FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR GRAND PRIZE eçATURDAY NIORT 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN - Plenty of Enieriainment BRYLCREEN THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING 1 1 2,RWI m Ë vAý - --i 1 -THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1950 TEM CAMADIAN STATESMAN, 13OWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO . WI i 'J'. 41ý PACM Sm