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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1950, p. 7

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I'EURSDAY, MAT 4fli, 1050 TuE CANADTAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO PAGE W~' o TRINITY UNI' 11:00 A.M. - MOR? [2:15 P.M~. - SUNDJ SUNDAY EVENI ORONO AT TRI REV. A. E. will prie MRS. A. A. DRUMI rHE ORONO CHOIR v PRESENTATION 0F ORONI THE ORONO Ci Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., 1 Minister. SOCIAL AXE Misa Dorotby Evans, Toronto, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Miss Margaret Farmer, formerly of Tbe Statesman news staff, bas accepted a position in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams, Bruce anid Brian, Hampton, visited Mrs. J. Adams and Ruth, Enniskillen. Mrs. Gea. W. James and Mrs. S. G: Chartran were in Orillia Sun- day visiting the former's son Johnny. Mr. Don Cameron and bride, of Kenogami, Que., spent part of their honeymoon in town visiting bis relatives. Statesman mailing lists bave been corrected to April 21. Check your yellow label on this copy and please advise the office if tere be any error. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Pickard have returned from spending a few days with their son, Jim, and family and other relatives in To- ronto. The weekly report of the County Health Unit reports 17 cases of German measies in Bowmanville and a clean sheet regarding al other communicable diseases. Messrs. H. G. Freeman, R. E. Logan, A. W. Nqthcutt and Dr. H. Ferguson represented Pales- tine Chapter at thie Grand Chapter Convention of Royal Arch Mas- ons beld in Toronto last week. Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- lin returned Saturday from a 4- months' trip to New Zealand. Tbey both report a most enjoyable trip and visit with friends, but at the same time were happy to be borne again. Members of the Town Council, headed by Deputy-Reeve Frank Jamieson, Chairman Roads and Streets Committee, were in To- ronto Wednesday consulting with the Hîghway Department over the re-surfacing of the badly damaged portions of King Street. Mr. Wm. Maynard who bas been living with his daugbter since the death of bis wif e was in town Monday renewing old acquaint- onces, and renewing his subscrip- tioin ta The Statesman which be says be can't get along without. Sidewalk superintendents have been keenly interested in the erec- tion of the water tower behind the pumpbouse. Several different types of cranes bave been busy moving parts around and it looks as if the job is just about back ta Dowmanville BAPTIST MI1S SIO0N <(Sons of England Hall) 19 King Street East Sunday, May 71h 7:30 p.m. Mr. Bob Devers and Evangelistie Team D from Forward Baptist (Clip out this notice for c reference) 113TH ANNI' ST. A4N! PRESDYTERIJ SUNDAY, MN ENG 7 .M.len White, discussed them openlv, manded that these comments da sbould cease or their writer lay in N O R h ~ imself open ta arrest and im-- prisonment. It was William Al- len White's reply "To an Anxiouis [NI1TY Friend" that made them bath famous. Wrote Editor White: 'You tell me that law is above E USTACE fîreedaorn of utterance. And I re- each Iasnr free enforcemento ie ~dNDwiî în jlaws unless there is free xrs MOND wll sin sian of the people---and, alas. their folly %with it. But if there will Iead the singing is freedom. folly will die of its own.poison. and the wisdom wilI O BILDNG UNDTO survive. That [s the history o! the 'OMMITEE.race. It is the proof of man's OMMITEE.kînship with God. Vou say that! freedom of utterance [s not for Mr. R. G. imes af stress, and I replv "il the sad truth that onlx in times of Direetor of Music stress is freedom 0f speech in! danger . . ...hever pleads for justice belps ta keep the peace; Fondies Goodyear Miss Kay O'Neill D PERSONAL Lady Commentator. lie At CBW, Winnipeg Her many iriends in Bowman- ville will be interested ta know normal after the crash last week. that Miss Kay O'Neill, daughter o! Mr. W. J. Eastaugh, Supt. On-1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neill, bas been tario Training School for Boys at engaged by the Canadian Broad- Bowmanvîlle and Galt, was in At-I casting Corporation as a women's jlantic City, N.J. on April 27, when 'commentator at CBW broadcasting be addressed the National Associ- station at Winnipeg, effective May ation o! Training Scbools Confer- 1 29. Kay will be giving a 15-min- ence on the subject "Discipline in ute program which will cover tbe Training School". Wnnipeg and the mîd-prairîes, An ispetio oftheBowan-and wilil be rebroadcast over CKF ville High School Cadets will be Rgn sfrnrha h rtc be beld tonight at 7:30 at the However, local radio fans will Memorial Arena. Col. Lamne T. have an opportunity o! hearing McLaughlin, D.S.O., C.M.G., with Kay before she goes west, for Etwo bars will take the salute. An starting May 9 at 10:45 a.m., Tu~es- [inspecting officer from Kingston days and Thursdays, she is pinch- will be pressent to carry out the in-bitnfoJae esusppua spection. program wbo wiil be on holidays Mrs. E. S. Phillips who bas been from May 9 ta 25. living in Kingston whiie ber son KaY bas had considerable ex- Duncan bas been attending perience in news gatbering and 1Queen's Univesity bas returned ta preparing broadcasts o! news. Af- ber borne at Providence. Duncan ter graduating from Queen's Uni- wiil spend the holidays at Hali-i versity where she xvas Women's fax, NS., where be will take the Edîtor a! Queen's Journal, she bas officiers training course in the been for the past six years with nax'y. the Canadian Press in Toronto. Several local rod and reel en- plies ognews t ailthersdaidpr thusoiassfwr aterlry Satr-il) Canada, as well as ta 88 private day ornig fo ther fist ty a radio stations from Coast ta Coast. the traut in the numerous streams. During that time Ka y bas had val- Stuart Candler is the only one weubeexrineivaosd- baven be ad tngreor istch, partments, including feature ser- wauhn5 he aled te epotier bedvice, radia section o! press section, oaugbt 5seckledbeates andfiling press news ire service, one masurd 13inchs. lad writer for Dominion and Pro- Mr. Tom DeGeer, son of Mr. vinciai elections and summary o! and Mrs. Walter DeGeer, who bas election trends every baîf bour been atending O.A.C., Guelph, is for broadcasting. now at the naval training centre NtriyteEio o h at Esquimaît, B.C., where he will Statsman istproud o Kayfs suc be stationed for the summer taking Scaes fr wilshe f as tndin the officer training course. It iv e,frity she wpent toof be expected that a large part o! the umerihalidayspon the edohrl training will be conducted at sea. staff 0f his pe.on he esow-a St. Pauls C.G.I.T. met on April ed marked ability and initiative 26. The meeting opened with a as a budding journalist. Sa we short sîng-song. This was follow- join witb ber many friends in ed by the C.G.I.T. hymn and pur- wisbing ber continued success in pose and Lords Prayer and the bier new line o! work. We anly business meeting. Janet McGreg- regret we wiil be unable ta bear or and Ruth Rombaugh were in ber broadcasts from Winnipeg, but cIbarge o! the worsbip service. we'Il be iistening in ta some of Miss Rena Mutton and Miss Doris tbem from Toronto, May 9 ta 25.t Dawtan of the B.P.S. staff taught the girls some o! the folk dances. The meeting closed with taps. O srigR pre At the age o! 93, Mr. T. H. Ev- O srigR p re erson o! Oshawa, is deciared by Fascinated By Huge ' officiais on the T.C.A. Bermuda FrihETan run ta be the oldest passenger who Feg tTan bas made the trip fmom Maiton ta Bermuda and back by air since It is an education ta lîve near that run was establisbed three a busy rai1road line. After a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Everson, montbs of observations you begin accompanied by their son Mr. ta know the moods and the pa- Stanley F. Everson, flew down ta tential mations o! the sawed-otl Bermuda on Sunday, April 23, freigbt engines that grunt up and spent a delîgbtful week there, and down the tracks. flew back again on Saturday, At the Bowmanville C.P.R. April 29. In Bermuda tbey were station most freights bound in joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ewart A. either direction stop near the Everson of Mantreal, and Mr. and water tower for a drink. Here Mrs. Wesley J. Salter, o! Oshawa, is the procedure. The eastbound wbo bad gone down by train and freight thunders down the grade boat ta be witb tbem. until it eaches a point at a high speed near enough ta the stationt that you think its mamentum will1 Ontario will drill for ail in carry it tiiraugh ta Port Hope.t James Bay. Then it grinds ta a stop with great clouds o! steam. If the air9 brakes couid squeal, they would.N The Stiesma SoldLying quietly in wait an thea Fo1o~ Sors sîding just east of Scugog Sre AfFlo ig So is the westbound feight. It parksv there, steamîng at the delay, and 1 Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. waiting for its chance ta occupy t D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. the right o! way. The engine o! I Wilon BrwnNewtonville. the eastbound special uncoupies l Wi . lso eBon, Ensiln from the long string of inert box I F. L. Byam, Tyrone. cars and puffs lazily the romain- l G. A. Barron. Hampton. ing distance ta the water funnel.a Newton Taylor's, Burketan. The fireman pulls the spout Wm. Hckwod, Pntypol. aver with a hooked pale, and i H.mT.HSackwoo, BPontoo. practically sits astride the recai- h . Br. Syell, Biasok. citrant elephant's trunk untîl the b C. B. TynreldsOron. snout end is buried in the waterg W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Loveli. tank opening. Meantime thev J. W Jeell W. . Brryand westbound engine smokes away.h J.e W. Jewel, OfW.cJ.Beran They say that smokinîg shortens t ~beStaesan ffie.the average life. Engines are a different species from man. Theye can't live without smoking. a [VERSARY With bis thirst satisfied, thea eastbound engine backs noneha- i lantly ta, the long string of mo-0 - - jS tionless cars, and the great beast I a! burden is caupled ta bis load. s This is tvîIe signal for the w'est-M bound engine ta go into action.E &X CRURCHWith a few preliminary snorts of!t defiance be rattles along to the t XY 7TH, 1950 vacatewatee, rg hile th - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr 71-.csbudenîwrso h rAirf oam Elephant NE WTON VILLE 9B Mm. Charles Morirs came home fmom Toronto Friday night, no' L feelingy weil. Sunday night ho took wamse; the Doctor was cle and be was taken ta Part Hope LOUR bospital. 7' > * ~~On Thursday night the Craoke-e7',aeesfs? Crek ome andSchool Club ee i~ . îtv Hall, put on by a gi-aup fron Sbaws. The titie Nwas "The Hot enacted and enjoyed by a largc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. Bud Jones who has brer and Mr. aind Mrs Hcrb Alcxand- first organîzatian meeting was engaged by the CanadiAnN- i'\îii~ ledonfrienýi 'beld in a bouse and later in th1e tional Railways ta act as Inspec- hcie on un day Community Hall, wben thîs burn- tom o! a bridge building proecet ai l R'ý.. and iI, H. A. But. Mrs.eddnib etmrsng e- Napanee, left Monday for his net'. Darlington anîd Ar. Melville Joncs bers decided ta build their own duties. u ,:,nrc fiof oti'. Phiips r hallvhieb w'ouid also serve 1the On Saturday evening, Mr. aîwL Poilai c at Canton on Tucsday. coinimunitv. Bro. Howe pointed Mms LasonMi]so an dugh r ____________ out that this was typicai O! the ter oren wee ivite tathespirit o! thase days. Community me De! terson and daug hr-Canadian Foresters arganization was strong and in- homeo hi o n agtr dividual initiative bigh, some- ilaMr. and Mrs. Leland ill Viitlnetville to 'thing that the present genemation so fBowmanville. On arivn ist otld do .vell ta keep in mind. they were surprised to find thei Re-organize Lodge The meeting was organized by woefamîly thore. the gathicrîner ,Cali Brarun of' Oshawa and th1e being in honor o! their 33rd wcçl- Officcis o! the local Canadian 'Order planned a well-mounded ding anniversary. The- fami]'. 1/ reentd hem xvth 0Wo ŽForcstcrs, in the Oshawa District program .o! fratemnai, social and chairs. t îsited Janctville ta assist in the athîctie activity. They will be MissBerha homson \Vih Ire-rgaizaioiiof he odg thre.assisted in this direction by the Mis BethaThopsn \lthrc-i aniatin o tc ladge in Lindsay. Girls' the Misses Thompson o! Toronto. lThicv ,w mc t'. ccomeri by Robert anrl boys' baIl clubs NvilI oprt,*- Mr. eore LinglefIforEci l3ii, Seccryr. of Court Man- pate in local taumnament ta be ndian Trade Commissioner ta monton on Tuesday. i e:N.f1,i oiinh a cid in the district during the fIleci since f)<5,T. Burns summer. an Airfoamn Elephant's ear, Mrs. Frank Law o! Toronto fîlcic ldthrs office frorn 188ý5 produets that were on display 'ho came down for the !incnral of:. when Courit M;rn'. cîs 'tas first Tour trough he Ne Ira Thompson, returned onornic.Iilîet of the even - Agents Tu hog h e Thursday. Whilc here sue wa"ws Ille prescentati ol of - Singh is contemplatin- the ad- guest of Miss Jennie Thompson. I\ car bbottons la iimemibers o! the ~I raditional Fakir's bcd of nails. Mrs. Willie Joncs reuelLri CiOi-l r -in jaltille'I. btos ~ B R hePresident of the Goodyear brmuomnittonsia o r..eî~o ! hs ichydermn. Monday and is convallc:cinjg ai r w'î marie b'.' 1). N. and C. R.___ or5YRS o home. Il'otuIx'.. ou arnd lorry Dove, Pastlo5 ER wor, "imucas", ean vr poorsStone continues in cl, provêof, 11-u Odamai New wr,"iucs ,masvr orhcalth. Th ffl v on'. iviîn, charter mcmi- BERL program broadcast on radio and Mrs. Sam Smith wiin bas oeni~(f the firdier Nvas James makes 900d televsionrimulaneosly.ihe Oshawa hospitcil and laier 1irte ogave an most întercst- Canada' bas the largest fresh - Newcastle. is now ai home, but Canadialn Forcsters iu that dis- not enjoying ver%' goori healthi. r ,p(rjitng ouOt ta thei GEO. W. CAWKER water area a! anY country, is Rev. Dr. McTravisii. Oshaxt nv enh, ui lAiae 2. Year buttons secnd u dvelpmet o waer ccuied the pulpit of' the Uniteci xc c es'. riiolsofalan integ- Phone 677 Bowmanville power although anly one-fiftb o! Cbur-cb Sunday ev.eniiîg andi - it he i%"Ill'nîcellletlo!fra spokie an tcmperancc. 1,Irnor] ideii] . Br.o'.'.eiîs aur potential water power bas Rev. Thomas WalLnce. Mr. aoc' itialed 1ro\v incccs:nr'.v t was to ____________ been harnessed. Mrs. George Beare, Greenbank. keclp Ihes iricats active. The c) Mr. Gurpal Singh, Ir Canada, whimnsically fondies part of an exhibit of Goodyear during the recent Purchasing Toronto Plant. Perhaps Mr. 1 vantages ofXAirfoam over thet 0. H. Barrett, Assistant ta th Compahy, also ponders the pa, and whoever tramples upon the plea of justice, temperately madej in the namie of peace, only out- rages peace and kîlls somnething fine in the heart of man, wbich God put there w'ben we got aur marîhood. When that is killed, brute meets brute on each side of the line. 'So, dear friend, put fear out of Of Vour heart. This nation wvill survive. this State will prosper, the orderly business of life will go forward if only men can speak in whatever way is given them ta utter what they hearts hold-by voice, by post card, by letter or, by press. Reason neyer bas fail- ed men. Only force and repres- sion have made the wrecks in theI world." Concert Put On By Blind People For Boys at B.T.S. The greatcst tragedy in life is not a handicap such as blindness, but how you let the handicap get you down. This was the keynote of a fighting speech that D. B. Lawley, National Consultant for the Canadian Institute for the Blind, dclivcred to the students at the Boys' Training School. Mr. Lawley was a mining en- gineer in Hedley, B.C., wben he was blinded in 1914 in a dynamite accident. Since then he bas been warking [n the interests of people who have had the sanie handicap. He explained some of the work of the Institute in helping the sight- lcss ta earn their living9 and ta live a normal life. He gave a very humnorous picture of the various kinds of handicaps of ather people and how they overcame tbem. This was one of the most inspir- ing and challenging addreses ever heard at the school. It was made by a blind man who had made good in spite of his handicap and who had accepted conditions as he found them and overcome them. He was borrowed by the Gov- ernment of Trinidad ta go there and organize their services. He and Mrs. Lawley spent two years n this work and had the pleasure of seeine the blind getting their chances to earn a living and go ta schools. As a result of the fine work done there, he is going ta England to organize the services throughout the Empire. This caîl t0 broader fields is a recognition of the grand work he bas been do- ng. Along %vith Mr. Lawley were four living exam ' les of the work done by the Canadian Institute for the Blind. AlI five people wbo put on the concert were blind gra- duates from the Sehool at Brant- ford. Two of themn had also graduated from the Conservatory of Music in Toronto. AIl of them ire earning their living in a nor- nal way in spite of their handi- cap. These artists were Mrs. R. Beacock, Messrs. Bill Metcalf, Rea Beacock, Lea Carroll and Everett Rush. The concert was thorough- ly enjoyed by the staff and stud- ent body of the School. These blind people are part of th Beacon Charisters group that wili be in town later this year and lhey have already made a hast of friends. This graup organized ta arn money ta support a scholar- ship for blind people in the Brant- ford School. The local cammittee of the In- titute were guests of the Train- ig Schaol for-this evening. In 1949 there were 164 wheat flaur milis in Canada witb a total aily capacity of 105,949 barrels ýn 24 hours. Applications for BABYS OWN TA BLETS - BABYS OWN BATH SETS ----------- 6,9c- BOROFAX for Chapped Skiîi C.M.P. PROTEIN NIILK P~V)I C.M.P. LACTIC ACID M1LK OI'1 HEINZ BABY FOODS MENNEN ANTISEPTIC BABY 011, MENNEN OIL WITII LAINOLIN STEEDMAN'S P()WDER.S ------ MEAD'S DEXTRI-M.ýALTOSEý MEAD'S OLEU.M PROOPI NESTLE BABY HAIR TREAý"iT. IENT 29e - 69e '051.50111p - !oc 1.5, 2.75 t~ ins 25C 59c-SII( 8.5c - I NIPPLES: Rigo 10c, 3 for 25(- - Ettenflo L15e - Sant ro :tfor~ 29ç *Davol, wide . : for 21.-1c rot for 25C RBABV HOT 1VATE[R BOTTLES. e 5. -"Kitty Kat" BABY PANTS: Aqtia Seal NURSERS: Davol Units IPhenixry1. rj duy Today! 2 for 65- 33( Box of 12 ~Q. Alex. We Deliver $ 1.2.3 39c 1~Vt 59e 5 , i;for S 1.!9 :" for 29t- 'r LoTION ... 0 CIL ..60 .1 POWDER ... 20&551 CREAM . ......551 SO0...... ....... 1i50' h11 /1 i BRYLCRE EM e Keeps the huit in place aoù day. 0 Guards against a.d removes dandruff. 0 Gives hair a gleaming lustre. IN HANDY TUBES29 491 .Sofz anzd IIie 750 SHEE1'S Ior325g KLEENEX STRONGER WHITER {~~iio1 îui i Crn)}~<'(l z L\A luiulit' c" r o-I Pablum and Pabona ~abI ~and 18 o.", 300 tissues 61/4" x9't 8 25c - 5 ilc IMZNSlZE 12"M' 2 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALIY Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 HeIp relieve DULLNESS a SICK HEADACHE ACIO INDIGESTION a CONSTIPATION BLANDOIL, 4-oz., eg. 925e19e EPS031 SALTS, 8 ", 16-oz., re ' . 1,5c, 2-15 llc-19c FLAXSEEI>, \hole, 16-oz., reg. -29C 23c LAXATIVE VEGETABLE Tahs., 36' s 1 9c LINSEED M1EAL. 12 oz., reg,. 29e 2«') WILD STRAW13EIIRY COMPOUTND. :1 oz. 23c BABY WEEK MAY 6Lh Fresh ample stocks of1),v I qienents to help you when vou vwant fi) blmy ihe hest. c,> "C tMAIr, MAT 4th, 10" THE CANADIAN STATUMAN. BOWMANVffýLt. ONTATtTO j

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