THUN.8DAY, MA? 18*!,, 1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMM(. EOWMA!PZILLE, ONTAMO PAGE YI1~TE Rod and Gun Club Hold Open Night At Goodyear Plant On Saturday, May 6, 8 p.m., the gllGoodyear Rod & Gun Club held Çopen bouse to friends and children of members. The affair was well attended-the attendance being between 95 and 100. Business was tranaacted at a pre-entertainment session. The itema cf business were: doing the ground work 'on the annual fish- ing trip wbich unfortunately had to be postpened due to the fact the ownens of various fishing lod- ges are away on trapping expe- ditions thus being eut of contact for a couple of weeks. The President then made a re- port on sbooting activities. Un- fortunately none of the lecals en- tered the Dominion markmansbip Canada wide target competitions this year. We have manksmen * who can give an acceunt cf tbem- selves in any .22 sporting rifle centest. To wit, our Phil Pattrlck &"toek the Canada wide Remem- *7WJrance Trephy Shoot fer ail Good- year employees wîtb a scere cf 393,22x out cf a possible 400,40x. Phil alse teck off with the local Rod & Gun trephy, his score was 99,6x out cf a possible 100,10x. Also Phil bas earned bis Dominion marksmen expert sbield with a score of 5918 out 'cf a possible 6000. This, as any marksman will tell you is good shooting. The question of a sportsman picnic was brought Up and the ground work on this is well under way. Bob Drummond cf New- castle, the veteran fisherman who is also a member cf the Newcastle Club and the Ganaraska Fish & Game Association, is the apostaI of centact between the Clubs to find the feeling regarding time and place. Therefore more about this later. The finances of the club being in good shape, a motion was pasa- ed to purchase a spotting scope for the target ranges for the next season's shoot. This wiUl reaily enhance the scoring possibilities ef tbe locals wbo wiil reaily give an account of tbemselves in the 1Dominion Marksmen trials next year.N Business belng accomplished the meeting was banded over te the chairman cf the entertain- ment committee, the apt and witty Joe O'Neill wbo swung in with gneat zest. The programme con- sisted of movies by our local mas- ter cf the art of enjeying the great out-doons, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Three lengtby films wene shown cf travel, fisbing and photo-stalk- ing deer and bear much te the de- ligbt cf ail present, especiaily the yeunger people. Intermission be- tween pictures was used for tbe presentation of trephies and the draw for the casting outfit given by the club. The lucky winner was Ron Johnson. Light lunch was served by the men which was incidentally sup- plied by the men. It consisted of vanieus kinds of sandwiches, white and chocolate cake, cookies and pop which lunch was received witb mucb relisb considering the way it disappeared. In all, the. opp bouse was a great success judglhg from varieus remanks heard around the hall. The Newtonville Girls' Softball Team held their anr.ual meeting on Apnil 26. The following offi- cers were elected: Manager, Keith Burley; Coach, Don Vinkle; Cap- tain, Mary Vinkle; Se'y-Treas., Gladys Walkey. As yet a playing field basn't been found. The girls are lccking forward to a gced seasen, and hope the park wiil be in playing condition for the borne games. HEY tell 16 SANITQNE mon CLOSETS JAMMED WUTH WINTER CLOTHES?...--JUST CALL US! Let us Sanitone clean and store your winter clothesi You get the best in dry cleaning and, best of ail, clothes wil e safely out of your way-all summer long. Cali us today! EVE LEIGCES Cleaners & Dyers - Laundries PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR *« JO SPORT NEWS C.O.F. Girls' Team Inx Exhibition Games Canadian Onder cf Foresters ladies' seftball team cf Bowman- ville will open the season witb two exhibition games against Keitb Cnaig's Wildcats. The Wild- cats purning seftly from a big season last year, and witb a brand new sponsor, CKLB Osh- awa, and featurîng sucb stars as June Claus, Rose Kehoe and Irene Shackleton will open a two- game senies with Lonne Haynes' revamped C.O.F. girls. The Forester Club will present new faces in the line up, aleng witb last year's reliables such as Emma Sbred Bragg, Peggy Gou- lab and Doris Jull. This club Dcrlington Footbal League Sch.dule Firsi Game Mazy 20 Darlington Senior Football League la ready for action with these officers: President, Tom 9Balser, Solina; Vice-Pres., John Slemon, Enniskillen; Sec'y-Treas., Jack Reynolds, Hampton. t SCHEDULE Senior Football Schedule May 20ý-Hampton vs. Solina -Enniskillen vs. Tyrone 24-Courtice vs. Enniskillen 27-Zion vs. Maple Grove -Tyrone vs. Hampton 29-Maple Grove vs. Solina 31-Courtice vs. Zion. June 3--Hampton vs Maple Grove -Tyrone vs. Semia 7-Zion vs. Enniskillen -Tyrone vs. Courtice 10O-Solina vs. Ennlskiilen -Hampton vs. Zion 14-Zion vs. Tyrone -Enniskillen vs. M. Grove 17-Hampton vs. Countice -Maple Grove vs. Tyrone 21-Enniskiilen vs. Hampton -,Solina vs. Courtice 24-Solina vs. Zion -Maple Grove vs Courtice 28--T5rone vs. Enniskillen -Maple Grove vs. Zion July 1-Solina vs. Hampton 5-Enniskillen vs. Ceurtice -Hampton vs. Tyrene 8-Solina vs. Maple Grove -Zion vs. Countice 12-M. Grove vs. Hampton * -Solina vs. Tyrone 15-Enniskillen vs. Zion -Courtice vs. Tyrene 19-Enniskillen vs. Solina -Tyrone vs. Zion 22-Zion vs. Hampton -M. Grove vs Enniskillen 26-Courtice vs. Hampton -Tyrone vs. Maple Grove 29-Hampton vs. Enniskillen -Courtice vs. Solina Aug. 2-Zion vs. Solina --Countice vs. M. Grove. Junior Schedule May 22-Solina vs. Hampton -Courtice vs. Zion 24-Tyrone vs. Enniskiilen 25-Solina vs. Tyrone 29-Enniskillen vs. Courtice -Hampton vs. Zion June 1-Courtice irs. Hampton -Enniskiilen vs. Semia 5--Zion vs. Tynone -Solina vs Countice 8-Hampton vs. Tyrone -Enniskillen vs. Zion 12-Hampton vs. Enniskillen -Zion vs. Solina 15-Tyrone vs. Courtice -Hampton vs. Solina 19-Zion vs. Countice -Enniskillen vs. Tyrone 22-Tyrone vs. Solina -Courtice vs. Enniskiilen 26-Zien vs. Hampton -Solina vs. Enniskillen 29-Tyrone vs. Zion 29-Courtice vs. Solina July l-Enniskillen vs. Hampton 3--Solina vs. Zion -Tyrene vs Hampton 6-Zion vs. Enniskiilen -Courtice vs. Tyrone Io-Hampton vs. Courtice. Gherklns Tested Taste trials with gherkins in the kitchens cf Consumer Section, De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, show that 'the long, slow bnlning method gave better results than the five or sELven day treatment and that the shorter methods were not satisfactery. YGUR MAYES and Visionl Rewrltten crm prevlous copyrights ef C. a. TUCE Optometrist Dlsey Bldg. <Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phono 1516 Ne. 106 Again as I have said before page after page may be read but very hittle netained by the stud- ent. This may be a fault cf the method cf teaching or a fault cf the cbild due te an uncerrected defect, or it may be a fault cf both. Check Up and correct ail defects and by se doing remove the obstacles to the proper growth and development cf the cbild physically, mentally and morally. Reading te be cf value must be interpreted and i this we must have a retentive mind. Our memory must function or we can- net concentrate. . (Copyrighted> SPORTS SHORTS The Bownianville Mldget Base- ball Team has been practising for the past two weeks and la watt- linjz for league action. It la hoped that Pee Wee Base- Sbail practices will start in the near future. They will probably be held on Saturday morninga. As ye't the Bantam Basebail Team ia wfthout leaders., Recrea- tional Director Don Shay hepes that this team wll be organized in the near future, but until lead- ership arises no plans can be made. The opening game of Lakeshore Intermediate Basebail League for the Bowmanviile Royals will be held at the Bowmanville Higb School grounds starting at 2 p.m. May 24. The Royals will test their strength against the Peterborough Intermediate tearn. also has a new coach, Russ Hall- man, who bas been putting the girls through a series of stiff workouts. The series opens ini Bowman- ville on Wednesday night, May 17, at Memorial Park, Bowman- ville. Return game will be play- ed in Radio Park, Oshawa, on Friday night, May 19. It is ex- pected that these teams will play for the Collette Beauty Salon Trophy now held by Bowmanville as both these Clubs will play in the Lakeshore League. District fans should see plenty of good bahl this seasen. Newly elected officers in the C.O.F. Ladies Secondary League are Bob Craig, Pres.; Vic Cook- son, V.P; John Tracy, Sec'y.; Honorary officers are Blackie Blackburn,- Harry Hamm and Tommy Masterson, C.R. of Court Bowmanville. Teams entered in this League are Salem, managed by Bob Craig; Maple Grove, handled by Vic Cookson. New corners to the league are Shaw's, managed by John Tracy, and Bowmanville Quakerettes with John Kitson and Jimmie Levitt at the helm. A fifth team from Oshawa may be entered. This club will be managed and coached by Jimmie Hurvid and Gordie Crawford, and will be built around Elizabeth Keleman, ycung Oshawa skating star. Teens Bowling Lge. Annual Banquet Enjoyable Af f air Bowmanville Teens Bowling League lield their annual banquet and presentation of trophies Fni- day evening at the Lions Com- munity Centre. About 60 ,youag folk were present, including a large number cf high school stu- dents who were invited as an in- troduction to the fellowship of the league. It is hoped that many of these will become members cf the league when it la organized again next faîl. The Hooper Trophy, presented to the team which stood first dur- ing the league schedule, was awarded to a group made up cf Bob Gallagher, Murray Winacott, Jack Vance, Jackie Elliott, Isobel Cruikshank, Blanche Crowe, Rus- sell Lane and Veronica Friend. The trophy was engraved by Art Hooper. High Tournament team was made up of Ken Crawford, Bar- bara Stewart, Art Vance and Jackie Elliott. High boy was Norm Allin! high girl was Sylvia Bucknell, and high doubles were Jackie Elliott and Art Vance. Statuettes were awarded te the high girl and boy, and merchan- dise certificiates were given the members cf the high team and high doubles. It is expected that these will be used te buy records at The Radio Shop. The financial report for the league showed a balance of $10.00. This was gained by a combination of dues, money and door fees. The girls brought a box lunch, and pop was distributed among the group. There was danclig and games. Recreational Director Don Shay played the piano for certain cf the ga-es. Nor Alu Jaki Cor. King & Silver Sis. PONTYPOOL We neyer have owned a John Deere product. But, we do ap- preclate the klndly thoughtful- nesa cf the John Deere agent, F. S. Allen & Sons, Bowmanville, in sending us their sprightly pet- iodical called "The Furrow." It contains many articles of inter-o est as weil as a joke or, twe. Speaking cf jokes, step Up folks and shake banda with the prize sap of Pentypool. The other night we came eut cf the show at Bowmanville, it was pitch dark, raining cats and dogs. We hopped into the Austin, started the motor, switched on the ligbts, headed for'home. When a big transport nearly made mince- meat eut cf us, we realized something was screwy, Inspec- tion proved our parking higbts were ahl that were showing. We couldn't go te Pontypool like that, s0 limped painfully along till we reacbed Joe Cooper's. Mrs. Cooper informed us that Joe was in Oshawa and would be back (probably) in a baîf heur. So, we decided te wait. She ccurteously suggested several tbings that might be wrong. Finally, te make polite corwer- sation, we described how the thing bad acted. Emphasizing our remarks, we pulled on the ligbt button, behold, the lights came on. We had switched them on "parking" instead cf "bnigbt." The howls cf glee fromn Mrs. Cooper, my wife and daugbter could be beard a mile away. My face is still red. If you think Mrs. Cooper is any smarter than I, just ask ber how corne she phoned Joe te corne and stant the new station wagon, then, when Joe arrived he discovened fniend wife badn't switcbed on the ignition. Guess Mrs. Cooper and thîs writer must have devel- oped "Austinitis." My wife declares it was watch- ing June Haver doing ber strip tease in "Oh, You Beautiful Doll," that had me so ga-ga I didn't know what switch te twist. Could be! Was speaking te Bll Scott te'ether day. His ulcers are act- ing up again. He is still barber- ing at Lou Cornin's in Oshawa, on Bond Street, East. In bis spare time, Bill is wniting a novel which. he întends to caîl, "When my ulcers burt, or, how I cut bis bair for baîf a buck." Last week, we told ,of the golden wedding celebration cf Mr. and Mrs. Lou Williamson. It is our sad duty at the present time te report Mns. Williamson's death at the age of 71. She passed away while visiting friends in Lindsay, just five days after ber fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Williamson was born at Haydon. Her funeral was held at Ponty- pool on May lltb and was large- ly attended. We extend the hand cf friendsbip and sympathy to BOWMANVILLE 'i ""liermedialo " DASEDALL Opening Came her bereaved husband and other relatives. The wrlter will miss the cbarniing hospitality he bas enjeyed at the Williamson home for the last thirty years. We were guests cf the Long Sault Home and School Club Friday evening. It was very nice te once again meet these friendly, bospitable folks and to share in their evenlng's activities. AI- tbougb tbey have suspended the#r meetings tili next October, tbey h ave made provision for a com- munity picnic in July. The writer bas often had his *ars pulled because he advocated that attendants at our schools should participate in exercises wbich would impress the scholars with the importance cf Remem- brance Day, instead cf being given a wbole day's holiday. We tbink the ferenoon should be given over te these exercises. Then, allow the moppets a haîf holiday. Apparently eur Prime Minister tbinks along the same lines. Be- cause, we notice in the public prints, where Mr. St. Laurent bas consulted with the Premiers cf the Provinces on the subject cf having the children taugbt suit- able facts about citizenship. He, or rather they, feel May 23rd is the logîcal day. It is further felt that these citizensbip exercises sbould be held in the schools cf our land, rather than hand the participants another boliday Last Saturday we played host te some 65 scouts who had fore- gathered on the Federation pro- perty. They planted several thou- sand scotch and red pines, went for a hike through the Ganaraska area, then home te Peterboro, Port Hope, etc. Wbom do you suppose was silly enough te lead the hike? That's right, me! Whom do you suppose still feels like a spavîn- ed old nag with a bad ring bone? Me, again! Those Boy Scouts are a cute bunch. They fed me a bit of blarney about bow mucb they enjoyed the hike in 1949. First thing I knew, we were hik- ing this year. Old "Bugle" lead- ing the pack. Next year we are going te fix it se the Scouts will carry me on a litter. That's really the only way te enjoy a good hike, just relax, view the sights, let the other ginks carry you. One-fifth cf Canada's trade is foreign. Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL 0F DANCING -Oshawa- BALLET - TAP - TOE Character Barre] SATURDAYS at Masonie Temple, Centre Street, Oshawa or Write: 18Patricia Ave., Oshawa Big Draw to take place Get your tickets now Admission . m 35c Children under 14 . . . 10c i w ON SALE AT LANDER DROS. HARDWARE 7 KIING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE '14 Phone 46'1 Thank You ..#.. As another fuel burning season draws te a close, 1 wish te take this oppertunity of thanking ail of my customers for their patronage and for jfhe co-operation I received during the ceai shortage we experienced in mid-winter. During that period it was impossible te gratify ail the customers' wlshes but we endeavoured te de the next best thing and keep everyone comfortable. At this time I wouhi advise ail those who can afford their next winter's fuel to purchase it as seon as possible for these reasens: Save yeurseif some money while the summer prices are in effect. Assurance of better grade of coal during the off- burning season. There's a lot of comfort and satisfaction in the knewledge that no niatter how soon winter may cerne or how severe it may be, your bin Is weii stocked wlth nature's finest and safest fuel - FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Owen Nicholas Fuels FAMOUS READING 4NTHRACITE SEMET - SOL VAY COKE AND STOKER COAL PRONES 410 or 2240 EOWMANVILLE C.N.B. YARDS Save now with SafetYI we'Il allow you Full List Price on Ge F. %Jamieson TireDeo High School Groands Wednesday, May 24&h Opening Ceremonies 2 p.m. - Game Starts 2:15 p.m PETERBOROUGH VS. DO WMAN VILLE "Brookdaie Roses"Pl 1 PAGIC rnpTxm TRURSDAT, MAT 1M. 1950 TEE CANADUN STATESMAN, BO'Výý. ONTAIRIO