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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1950, p. 3

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1 eURSDAi JUNMR it, 1950 The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan Mr. and Mrs. McHolm and son radio irom the Oshawa braad- Donald ai Morrisb, visited Mi-. casting station. and Mms. Cecil Jones. Orono choir and congregation Miss Aima Cuttell is in Detroit were well represented at New- where sbe attended the funeral of ber cousin, Mrs. Ross, nee Nora castle United Church on Sunday Williams. evening in response to an invita- Mrs. Henry Smith and child- tion to worship with tbern. Rev. Sn, Ronnie and Barry, Homne- W. W. Patterson was in charge ayne, spent a week witb ber of the service. Orono choir filled parents, Mi-. and Mrs. Deb. Myles. the choir loft and were heard in Mrs. Isaac Snell, Toronto, is two well rendered antbems witb Vistîng ber sister, Mrs. Paterson Mrs. E. C. Workman presiding at and Mr-. and Mrs. L. McGee. the organ. Mr-. H. Bonathan on Mr. Jay Mason spent the week- behaif af the stewards presented end with Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mi-. W. J. Riddell, chairman of the Mr. Chai-les Wood, Kitchener, Finance Committee of Orono spent the weekend at bis home Cburcb with over $550. Mr. Rid- here. deil very graciously accepted this generous gift saying-it was gifts Mi-. andl Mrs. Ray Cornish and such as this, and words of en- son, Part Perry, visitec relatives couragement and sympathy receiv- here Sunday. d ed, that gave the Orono people Miss Shirley Porter and Miss courage to undertake the tremen- Laura Begley, Oshawa, spent the dous task of building a new weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Neil church. He also paid tribute to Porter. the Newcastle firemen for their Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wiggins valiant efforts to save the church spent last week witb ber parents, on the night of the fire. Rev. Mr-. Mr-. and Mrs. M. H. Staples. Mr. Patterson chose as bis text: "For Wiggins leaves soon for New- oui- conversation is in Heaven,"~ faundland where he bas accepted1 and gave a stirring message wbich lposition. Carol will spend the xvas much appreciated by a large ,ý,mmer at home and join him congregation. -1nere in the Faîl. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Rev. A. E. Eustace is taking the H. Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. evening service of Albert St. Armour and Bertha, Hampton,i. United Cburch, Oshawa, for. this Mrs ebRnlBwavle mont an canbe eardove th and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, Oshawa. c IW e are sorry to report that Mi-.c IWood is confined to bis home througb illness. We hope he wil soon be feeling better. Mrs. Wood, although not able to be out ofo bcd for the past two years, is as F well as usual. Mrs. Walter Cobbledick is quite iii at ber home boyre. We hope I~ she too will soon be better. IIIIt is witb deep regret we re- E LJ port the death of Mrs. Jas. G. T.Tabyhopseawyud denly folloxing a heart attacka early Tuesday morning at ber I home bei-e. Her maiden name wasN Elizabeth Elliott. She was bornT Now - oreThn E ernear Kendal and bas lived in thisA Now -MoreThanEvercommunity al ber life, wbere she was well known and very bigbly EVEN i your car isn't one respected. To ber r7elatives we extend sincere sympathy in their of those new ones younned b1 aemn.' Ph( the best Insurance protec- Prize winners at Oddfellows tion yau can buy. Draw and Dance are: silver tez service, Mr-. A. Munro, Peter- bor-ough! mixmaster, Jack Stol- Get Comprehensive Auto- art, Orono; radio, Jim Lemnor mobile Insurance from this Oshawa; electric kettle, Joan Far. ageney- NOW. row, Newcastle; groceries, Mrs. M, Dumford, ?etei-borough; 100 lbs. sugar, T. Monaghan, Oshawa; eIectrfic dock, Han-y Burket, Osh- J awa; ihing reel, David Kimlo, Osbaxv. Grass receipts, $589.35; a I R. Ja es expenses, $202.26; Net i-eturns, $379. Oddfellows and Rebe- 'URANCE - REAL ESTATE kahs Service Club wisb to thani alwbo helped f0 make this en- »ne: Office 681 Res. 493 deavour a success. King Street, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Coe, Belleville, New Jersey, ai-e renew- ing acquaintances in town. MARR'S Jewellery Tle.Mon of average moans con oasily louve outil tihe ciuidron are growu, and thon cash soin, or ...thIy incomo for uis widow, tiroqi a FamIly Icore Policy wth... BRANCH OFFICE: 67 KING ST. E. -- OSHAWA, ONT. ýa n, THE CANADTAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILTX. NWrATRl 1C.M.A. Presiden W. F. Holding was elected President of the Can- adian Manufacturers' Association for 1950-51 at the annual general meeting on May 27tb beld in Toronto. Mi-. Holding is Presi- dent and Managing Director of General Steel Wares Limited, Toronto. Mr. Holding bas been active in the work of the C.M.A. for many years and bas had a rather met- corie rise to the Presidency. He was elected Chairman of the Toronto Bi-anch of the Association in 1945. In 1949 be vas electcd. Chairman of the Ontario Division of the C.M.A., but later that year, due to the resignation of the Second Vice-President, he was elected to that position. In Jan- uary 1950, due to the 'resignation of the First Vice-President, Mi-. HIolding vas elected to that office. 3 le p a( Ni Tir CHURCH BUILDING FUND The Orono United Chur uilding Fund gratefully acknc, edges the following donations: :reviously :knowledgcd ------------ $15,174. ,ocal 55. dyi-tle Tamblyn, i-ronto-------------------- 25. SFriend, Iope Township . 2. lewcastle United Church, Tewcastle --------------- 550J otal ---------- ------ $15,806. WEDDINGS CANNON - JENKINS D rch .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 ;.60 S. A wedding of local interest tool 1place Friday evening, May 26, in - St. James-Bond United Churcb, 9, Toronto, when Cecil John Can- non, sonl of Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil F. "Cannon, Toronto, formerly of k Oshawa and Newcastle, took as h is bride, Doris May Jenkins, -daugbter of Mi-. and Mrs. Henry James Jenkins, Toi-on to. The .candle-light ceremony was performed by Rev. Bruce Millar in a setting of standards ai white lilac and pink snapdragons. Mi-. A. H. Middleton presided at the organ with'Mi-. Douglas Ross, Osh- awa, as solbist. The bride who was given in marriage by ber father, wore a gown of Chantilly lace styled with fitted bodice and peplumn over a booped bouffant net ski-t with train. Her full-lengtb veil cl from a bonnet of lace over faille with iridescent trimming and she caried a semi-cascade bouquet of hîhies-of-tbe-valley, gardenia and white roses. The maid-of-honor, Miss Mary Rundle, was in a pale blue lace cocktail-length dress. The other attendants, Mrs. A. O. Tucker, Sarnia; Miss Mai-ion Smith and Miss Pat Long wore identically styled dresses of pink lace. The mauve lilac and pink cornflowers which formed their headdresses were repeated in their crescent bouquets and their accessories matcbed their gowns., The best man was Mr. Boyd Valeau, Oshawa, and the ushers xvere Mi-. Lloyd Jenkins, Mi-. Eric Findlay, Mi-. Gordon Loheed and Mi-. John Hulbert. For the reception held at The Towers. the bride's mother i-e- ceived in powder blue crepe and lace with matchin-a bat and ac- cessonies. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother who was in dusty pink with mauve and pink accessories. For the wedding trip by motor to Quebec, the bride chose a pale blue suit witb matching straw bat and navy blue accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Cannon will i-e- side in Toronto. Ai IRNOTT - GEISSBERGER )f IS *in colors to matcb their gowns of pink, green, yellow and blue. On their hair they wore fresh red carnations and baby bud roses. The best man was Mi-. Ai-b Ogle and thec ushers were Messrs. Douglas Oke, Murray Shortt, Arn- old Geissberger. A reception was held at Var- coes avilion, Courtice. The br idse'smother received the guests. She wore a street length dress of navy blue crepe and lace and a corsage of red roses. Other in the receiving line were Mr-. Geiss- berger, Mi-. Arnott and Mrs. Stan- ley Ogle. The couple Ici t on a wedding trip to Atlantic City and New Jersey, U.S.A. For travelling the bride chose a tailored grey wool worsted suit, with navy access- ories and a bat ai natural straw. Her flowers were pink carnations. Mi-. and Mrs. Arnott wili re- sîde in London, Ontario. Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL 0F DANCING C- Oshawa- SBALLET -TAP -TOE 1Character Barre SATURDAYS at Masonie Temple, Centre Street, OsbawaC or Write: 18 Patricia Ave., Oshawa Store Your Furs With a Furrier Zion United Churcb was the IT COSTS NOT A scene of 1he wedding on Satux'- day, May 20, of Edith Emma Geiss- PENNY MORE berger and John Osborne Arnott, London, Ontario. The bride is "'Only a Furrier can daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. August Geissbei-ger of Oshawa and the guarantee the safe-keep- bridegrom is son of Mi-. Jesse Ar- ing of a fur garment." nott of Maxwell's Corners and- the late Mrs. Arnott. The cere- mony was performed by Rex'. R. R. Nicholson agaînst a back- Give your Furs the care ground of pink and white snap- they deserve. dragons imd palmns, while Mrs. *REARN Chas. Nayloi- played the wedding EARN music. Zion- Young People's Choir* RE-MODELLING sanLy '* Perfect Love" during the signing of the register. *R-TLN The bride 'vas given in mariage R-TLN by ber father. She wore a floor length w~hite satin gown with a lace yoke and Peter Pan colla-, Hollanderizing .. . and a fingertip x'eil. Her oly jewuellery %vas a strand of pearîs *Ceasfrndlnn and she carried a bouquet of i-caen fran inn roses and fern.* Protects natural ails The ma;d of bonor was Miss Mary Geissbergcr, and the brides- Restores lustre maids were Miss Heidi Geissber-* Saves repair bis ger, Miss Doris Geissberger and Miss Margaret Gcissbcrgcr. Thcy wcre dresscd in floor-lengtb,' lily- of-the-valley brocaded organdie Durham Furriers dresses, scalloped in front t c i'eal rows of flounces. Ah wre1 LTD. double strands of peanîs, the gift1 of the bride and carried bouquets1 Port Hope Phone 2128 !of red carnations, baby bud rases, and baby's brcath tied with baws it Former.,Residenit 0f Saunüa Writes 0f Winn'ipegi Flood Claude E. L. Law, son of th( late Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Law Sohina, and brother of Ivan Law Whitby, sent the following lettei ta Norm Scott of the Brookdale. Kingsway Nurseries recently. Il was sent fi-arn the address "2( Sherwood Place, St. Vital - evacuated to 589 Jessie Ave., Winnipeg." Dear Sirs: You will see frorn the above address that we are among the 19,000 residents of St. Vital forced ta evacuate. 'Our bouse, which is about as high as any in the suburbs, has water covering the lot a couple of inches deep in the shallowest part. The basement bas been filled a week now. Not only St. 'rital but thousands of lots are as badly hit as we are. Imagine Oshawa ahl under water, the shallowest part barely an inch or two above water. That would be about one- tenth of what is inundated here. My business for 1950 (Nursery) is gone. Fortunately I placed no orders for nursery stock any- where. So I baven't the worries of receiving, delivering and col- Iecting from bundreds that are in the same.-condition as myseif or worse. My own small nursery of perennials has been under water now for two weeks. I bave no idea of what I can salvagc. The radio just announc- ed that the river bas reached 30 ft., 3 inches above the normal level this morning. It will need to drop five feet before we can go back to our homes. After that it will be a busy job cleaning up and salvaging wbat we can. I am helping them daily to keep pushing the water tbat is seeping in through the basement xvalls of Winnipeg Post of 'fice. A stream flows across the fioro the elevator roorn equal t h summer flow of the creek at Solina. Some flood! The losses will neyer be re- covered fuilly. It is doubtless a major disaster. Imagine the same flood cruising down King St. in Bowmanville, past the Post office and around the old market square, in a canoe with a full load, andr no scraping the bottom. I bave experienced such a tbrill [n St. Vital on St. Mary's Road near my home a week ago before the highest level was reached. Well, tbanks for the lists you heve been sending me. It is for- tupate for both of us that I placed nio orders for the spring of 1950. Eowever wbenwe get back into business again I shaîl surely be interested in more of your stock. I visual;ze the town of Bow- manville set upon hilîs that can- not be bid with boisterous streams .0 the west and east of the town. Editor's Note:- Mr. Scott in- formed the editor he will send a token sbipment of nursery stock to Mr. Law free of charge to belp rehabilitate bis nursery business. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Barchard, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. OPPORTUNITY DAYS JUNE SAVE!e!e Special Offer for Three Days Only!1 REXOLEUM BOýDERLESS RUGS SPE IA' $2.25 each Ideal for bedrooms, kitchens or cottages. Size 6 ft. x 9 ft. 4 excellent patterns from which to choose. SAVE"e e SPECIAL! TWO-WAY STRETCH . .. .. .GIRDLES Only $1.48 each Just what you need as a foundation for your summer outfit, in pastel blue and white only. Sizes small, medium and large. Discontinued Line of Krene Brand IDIdstic bv the This is the best buy we have ever offered in Plastics 290 Yards Regular to 98c yard OUR Will flot harden, crack or discolour - ideal for tablecloths, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen curtains. Easily washed off. - BE SURE NOT TO MISS TH19' WONDERFUL OFFER - 290 Yards Regular ta $1.19 yard OUR SUMMER PRINT 11011E DRESSES AND BOLERO DRESSES ( OnIy $2.98 each Lovely summer prints in a riot of coloux- combinations, sizes 12 ta 40. Special! RAYON SLIPS Opportunity Price $1.00 each Lace trimmed, bias cut, ex- cellent fits, in tea rose only. Special!e RAYON LOCKNIT HALF SLIPS1 Opportunity Pnice $1,00 each In sizes small, medium and large, in colours of rose, pastel blue and daffodil. "TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" 'Ii PHONE 451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E. WESLEYYILLE Sunday School was hield at 11 with a very goad attendance. Mr. Clarence Nichalîs acted as Super- intendent. Sunday School offer- ing next week is ta go ta tbe Flod Relief. Church was held at 7:30 .with~ Dr.. Oke preaching a very inter. estiniz sermon. Mrs. Victor Tbarndyke and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke, Carol, Sharon .and Linda, motared ta Fenelon Falls. an Wednesday ta visit Mi-. and Mrs. Grenville Flett. A bee for roofing Wbite's hause was beld on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, Oshawa, called at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cornisb, Port Perry, and Miss Cornish, Orono, called at Thorndyke's and Bar- rowclough's Sunday. Mi-. and Mrs. Russnell and daughters, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. Holdaway. Young People's put on their play "Pigtails" at Myrtle Friday even- ing. This is the sixtb time the play has been presented. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyIke and family witb Mi-. and Mrs. Walter Longyear, Elizabethville. PAGE THREE bZý Ps KING P LATE ZIO (H pe wp. Whitby, visited his mother, Mrs. Roy Branch. ______A. Barchard. Mr. Keith Pedwell is home-*for V isitors w ith M r. and M rs. C has. s m er h l d y t a m U i e ît M r. and M rs. Robert M orion at. Fisk w ere M r. and M rs. Blair a and bas taken a os tio nivensthe rtended the funeral of his uncle, twa childien, Oshawa; Mr. and adlway.a apstono h Mr. Mark Rowe, Betesda. iMrs. Gerald Fisk and family; M. Annecnirngatpa Mrs. Robert Morton was pres- and Mrs Hazel Wood and Mrs. seeth os osdria teriagra Ient at the birtday celebration af White, Pontypool. setrith e alosdrivmlof theg r tbe 93rd birthday anniversary ai Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sutton and '3 Line" ta see acre alter acre af àber aunt, Miss Margaret George, Sandra, Peterborough, with Mr. beautiful blossoms, cherry, pears, Port Hope. and Mrs. Bob Kent and apples. M i. R. M cH ôlrn, R oseberry H ill, M i. and M rs. W mn. H enning, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *visited is daugter, Mrs. Ethan Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. Wally iJones, Newtonville. Gibson. SeteA aigNw 1 Iris Caswell spent Victoria Day Little Carol Marie Gibson, SeteAaigNw *with Joan Black, Roseberry Hill. daughter ai Mi-. and Mrs. Wally FILTER QUEEN M.and Mrs. Roy Best, Heath- Gibson was christened Sunday al- >er and Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs. ternoon at St. George's Curc, James Reynolds, Belleville. Newcastle, by Rev. D. R. Dewdney. A L S Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones at- Mrs. Earl Williams, New York,VACUUM tened heSriner's Convention Mrs. Chas. Henning, Toronto and V C U in Toronto. Mr. Chas. Henning Were the God- Misses Gloria Roac, Pearl parents. Ater the éeremony Mrs. CLhEANE Woodward, Port Hope, with miss Gibson entertaned the guests at Jean Caswell. their ore. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Os. Cowan, Orono, Mr. and ïrs. W. M. Henning, Osh- Free Gifi 1with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cas- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Henning well. and two boys, Mr. Frank Henning, with every house Toronto; Mrs. Earl Williams, New demonstration in June. 'York; Mrs. Gordon Lakina and S.S No 9,Clake Marlene, Mrs. W. H. Gibson, New- Easy Ternis Arranged S.. _o.9,Clrkcste and Mr. and Mrs. Bl Bar- For Sales and Service card, No. 9. Write or Phone Ladies! Don't forget Silent Sis- Miss Arvilla Brunt, Oshawa, is FILTER QUEEN ters Night, Thursday, June st at spending a few days at home. Mrs. Erwin Allin's. , Mrs. Fred Bowen is visiting in Main Office Home and School will meet for Toronto. . Service Departmnent the final meeting of the summer Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and 386 Water St., on Tuesday, June *6, at the scbool son John with ber mother, Mrs. Peterborough wben the slate of officers for Clement, Oshawa. K oe93 1950-51 will be brougt in. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClurehne03 1 Advcrtising is your servant. It lielos make the Most af your shopping time and ta get the Most lor y;our dollar. i e e *1 e I j t .~' * -' I ~,' I ~- i 4 i i * j I s r - 1 WALKER STORESP 1 ý qw I SAVE te le Yav'd - 36 inches wide - 48 inches wide 39c yard SUN, PHONE 451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E.

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