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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1950, p. 5

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THUESDAY JUN~ lat, 1950 THE CANADIAN S~ATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO -Gordon LindaW Snih and tying once a week. 1 Confirmation Se: Green Manure la Usefui As soon as one part of the vege- At St. Johnls Chi table patch is used Up (peas, spin- ach, radish, etc., wiil soon be out A6 those to be confirmq of the way and the ground clear), by twos before hlm, the experienced gardeners make a of Toronto, Right Rev. A. practice of sowing some green crop erley, at the annual St like rye, oats, buckwheat, etc. Church confirmation servii This covers the ground, chîecks day evening, May 23, l weed growth and when dtig or hands on the confirmeesa plowed in late in the fail makes of recognition that they an excellent fertilizer. In addition belonged to the Churýh to enriching the soul suich growth land,and repeated the pray iaiso adds essential humus. the Book of Common Pray t Summer Lawn Care fend O Lord this Thy chi Onc th ho wethe strtsitthe heavenly grace that Oncethehot eater sarî itcontinue Thine forever; ai will not be necessary and it is not increase in Thy holy Spii advisable to cut grass quite so and more until he come u oten or so short. The lawn may everlasting kingdom". tneed more watering, however. Experts caution against sprinkling. Thirty-three young folk O~ne good soaking every week or the age of fifteen, twenty ten days during a dry spelli s them from the Boys1 worth a dozen of,. the other kind. School, took part in the cc Most weeds in the lawn are easiîy lion service. Rev. Earl disposed of with a spraying or the Rector, had schooled th~ two of 2-4-D. people from his church 0f curs thee i litle becatechism, including the Of cursethee islitle t beand practice, for fifteen wE gained in killing out a bad Patch fore the confirmation. of weeds with the new sprays un- less the bare place following is re- At the Boys 'Training seeded with good îawn grass. It Mrs. Maude Densem had also helps matters to water and baken this part of the prep fertilize the lawn about a week Confirmation in the Chu. after applying the 2-4-D to en- England is the confirming courage new, quick growvth of vows baken by the persor grass to filI in where the weeds bis behalf at the lime of I have been destroyed. ism. He is supposed t( Neyer Too Late - WelI Even where the first planting could have been done weeks ago there is stili time to have a good garden. In most sections of the country orie can go on planting right up ta the end of Jun,adi some places up to mid-July.Wi standard vegetables like beets. carrots, beans, lettuce, etc., the experts advise spreading plantings regularly up to about mid-June in any case s0 that the harvest will be likewise spread over many weeks. To hurry along the laie plant- ings, one can take several short cuts. The ground should be extra well prepared and some quick- acting commercial fertilizer ap- piied t0 push growth. Watering, ifpossible, will also help. This growth wilh vegetables is especi- ally desirable and particularly with those of which the roots are eaten. Supports WilI HeIp Winds, rains, and sometimes just the weight of their own blooms or fruits, will play bhob With big plants. Uness suppot- ed ofien they will be toppied over when just ai their best. For bushy flowers like p)eonies, wire bent in the shape of a hoop and supported about a foot or so from the ground, is excellent. For siender, taller plants such as to- niatoes, dahlias, delphiniums, 3 to 6 feet stakes are recommended. These can be stained green or brown and won't be noticeable. In tying plants 10 these, very soft twine or special raffia or ties are used. The main thing is to sup- port firmly withoub binding the soft plant too tightly, and to do this eariy so that growth wiil not be cramped and look unnatural. Once they start growing quickly, staked tomnatoes will require prun- ing (nipping off ail side shoots) Authoized bottier of Cou-Cola unieotrutot with Coca-Cola Ltd. HAMBLY'S CARBGNATED BEVERAGES OSHAWA -- PHONE 755 WNY MORE WOMEN CHOOSE Westigh.oue muRPHY' S Appliance & Furniture PHONE 811 KING ST. W 1 Nexi Week-Summer Care. OBJTUARY WM. F. HESSENAUR Many BOWmianville citizens will be interesied in the following ob- ituary from the Kitchener Record of Mr. Wm. F. Hessenaur, as he was father-in-iaw of Ray Cole of this town and visited here ofien during the sevcnl years' residence 0)f bis daugliter in Bowmanvilie. William Prcderick Hessenaur. 63 prominent in Twin City bus- iness and lodge activities, died at his home, 216 Pandora Crescent, May 4. Mr. Hessenaur, an active mnem- ber of Zion Evangelical Church and long associated with the Ma- -sonic order, had been i11 for some lime. For about 15 years he had been associated with M. B. Shantz in the real estate business and was a Past President of the K-W Real Estate Board. He xvent into partnership with Mr. Shantz on the death of his for- mer partner, Wilson B. Bechtel. Until 1929 he operated a shoe bus- iness here with his father. He was born in Ayion, June 28, 1887, a son of the late John Hes- senaur and the former Susanna Filsinger. On June 29, 1910, he married Helen Philp at Guelph. Mr. Hessenaur was a life mem- *ber of Grand River Lodge, A. F. & A.M., and a member of the *Kitchener Chapter. Associated with the lodge more than 20 years, he was a Master Mason. jHe was a Past Provincial Grand Prior of the Knights Templar, IVallette Preceptory; a member of the Sovereign Great Priory and l a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Ma- Soni. He was a member of Grand Union Lodge, I.O.O.F., and a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Foresters. At Zion Evangelical Church, he was on the council of administra- tion more than 25 years and a member of the finance committee of the church. He was also a member of the quarterly confer- ence 0f the congregation. Mr. Hessenaur was a member of the K-W Kiwanis Club. Besides bis widow. he is sur- vived by one son, William, Jr., of Detroit; bwo daugbters, Mrs. Ray (Elaine) Cole, and Mrs. William (Kathryn) Joyce, both of Kitch- ener: three brothers, Milton, Kit- chener; Lloyd, Detroit, and Wil- fred, Kirkland Lake; two sisters. Mrs. Mae Harris and Miss Mar- garet Hessenaur, both of Detroit; and four grandchildren. Three brothers predeceased him. LINOLEUM RUBBER q MASTIC Coloured Wall Tile CERAMIC -PLASTIC ESTIMATES FREZ Work Guaranteegl H. G. REAL Phone 2902 Bowmianvifle reached the age when he fully un- derstands the seriousness of the vows he is asked to make. Confirmation is the public av- owal of his attachment 10 the Church of England in Canada, and il is witnessed by a full congre- gation which enters mbt prayers on behaîf of thé donfirmees. The Young people had their first com- munion on Whitsunday. The congregation sang the ancient confirmation hymn *'Come Holy Spirits Our Souls Inspire". Confirmees were Sylvia Buck- neli, Joan Burdett, Barbara Spen- cer, Gertrude Ritter, Herbert Rit- ter, James Bell, James Hooper,, Terrance Hilton Michael Clex- ton, Fred Cliffora, Ralph Cooney, Bull Drury, Glen Ferrier, Cecil Ferguson, Gerald Fletcher. John Graham, William Gropp, Michael Jarvis, Robert Jenkins, Lewis Kneeshaw, Len McCauley, Ken Millar. George Nute, Ron New- man, Ron Raby, Robert Newton, Alfred Sakins, Gordon Strathy, John Stuebing, Jack Shaw, Her- bert Taylor, Bruce Wilde. The Statesman is the "trade journal" cf the housewives, aff- ording them opporiunity news in the malter of buying for the home. And home-making is the biggest 0f aIl businesses. lar development and sirength of Physflxzl Activity Necessary During Child Development People are born with a body that needs vigorous activity t0 keep it in condition, and they have to respect that need or content ihemselves with dwindling pow- ers, says Dr. Doris W. Plewes in an article-"Fitness is Their Heri- tage and You are Their Trustee" -in the current issue of the mag- azine "Health". The article appears in the "Health in the School" section of the magazine which is published by the Healbh League of Canada. Dr. Plewes is Assistant Dirietor of Physical Fitness, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. "Properly developed and main- tained vigorous activity is enjoy- able and exhilarating", writes Dr. Plewes. "Most of us could be supple at 60 if we lived a phys- ically active life. When society regards physical illiteracy as de- plorably stupid, and as socially un- acceptable, then people will de- vote attention bo the development of physical powers". Dr. Plewes says men and women engaged, in commerce and in in- dustry may flot need the muscu- INCREASE AUTO IN TIRE PRICESI I If you want a real "buy" in tires today, ask your Goodyear dealer for MARATHONS! You'l find other tires just as low-priced -but flot u'ith the grea? Marathon quality. You'il find other tires with the same quality-but izot at Marathon's low price. Marathon is the tire that sets the pace i the Iow-price field . . . the only tire that gives s0 much value at such Iow cost! Just look what you get in this Goodyear tire: LONG WEAR-Rugged Marathon bias I Driving a truckJ? lt's faise *canomy to mnake auto rires do a truck tire job! l'hc low cost Goodyear Marathon Truck Tire cuts your. truck tire costs righ t the stant! lt's a raon cord truck tire huit for anazing long mnileage ... nd it selis ar a rock-hottom price. Set your Goodyear Dealer for the super.value Marathon T ruck 'lire. Availahie in ail popular sizes. Have ail the paw lreîh Batrery. ver y'ou want-when you a G'oodyear 'Factory- Themony aving MARATHON by pioneers but good digestions, "' dntT iW sound hearts and lungs and a vig- DdntTik orous well-developed body are necessities for an efficient and sat- DepictinLy a workman falling off, isfactory life. the end of a scaffold fot securely fastened, a rather colotîrful pink She describes bodies as being and green bulletin has been sent made up of 206 bones moved by out to thousands of incaustries in 696 m uscles mnobilized by thous- 1 n ai y t e I d sr a c i ands of nerve fibres and refresh- dent Prevention Associations and ed by 100,000 miles of blood ves- carnies a statement that the poor- sels. AUl these are energized by est excuse foranaci ent is "I a complex mechanism of internal id' hn. organs. Designed for action, bo- dd hn" dies are prvided with remark- able devices for regeneration and A mot a y tic h l s rile repair. thalot ac~ an ant ahds arilsei "However, because the complex tfor cas. atas ilsl m e c h a n ism s o f y o u r b o d y a re s u b - ' _fo r_ _ _ __ca sh ._ _ _ _ _ _ jeci ta wear and tear, to sabotage and to breakdown it does make a difference how you live", writes Stafford nBros. Dr. Plewes. "Improper food low- ers energy suppy, inadequate ex- N n m na ok ercise depletes physical efficiency, M nm na ok harmful substances sabotage ner- Phone Whitby 552 vous reaciions. Emotional dis- 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby turbances burn out some parts and FINE QULT p a r a l y z e o t h e r s " . M O U E N T N T h e c h i e f b u s i n e s s o f a c h i l d i s 1 M A R K E R to grow and deveop. Physical ac- j>RER tivities influence growih, but thear Precise workmanship, and cifcontribution is to develop- aeu ttnint detai vuchoose from the wide A Sttesan ant d wîî eîî selection of îmported and articles no longer needed and dMes r nte an possibly pay for a month soîl orMabe n so k a load of coal. MARATHON. 1 plenty of rubber built into the tread. It runs ..and runs ... and runs, rolling up extra mileage at exceptionally low cost. SAFETY-The famous Goodyear centre- traction diamond tread really grips the road. You get quicker, safer stops-especially on wet skiddy pavement. GUARANTEED-The Marathon, buit ful size, carrnes the Goodyear lifetime guaran- tee of quality. Let your Goodyear dealer show you this great tire bargain. Drive ini today! TRUWMA'T, JUNE ist, 195o THE CANADIAN S7ATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IpAr.v. VTVV- rl KING ST. W. 1 PRONIE 811

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