TEk --' TEE CANADZAX UTATItAN. mOWKANVffLU flN'I'AWTfl Hello Homemakems. When one becomes interesfed in frozen food equipmenf for the home, many questions as to type, size and use- fuiness of equipmenf corne to mimd. If there is a freezing lock-; er plant in the district, you may flot have any intention of buying a home freezer. The freezing unit wil be your best buy when' garden produce, poultry and meats- are available where you live, or af wholesale prices. The home freezer is the type where produce la frozen and kepf frozen in a constant temperature of below 10 degs. If the country home own- er is nterested isellhng produce such as poultry, eggs and fruits, then a zero cabinet or a space rented in the chilling room of a locker plant is advisable. The decision whether a home freezer will be of value or not deýends on how much produce can be gown at home or pur- chased at wholesale prices and whether you can keep that freezer filled fo capacity for practically thie year round. The operation is nof; much more flian 2 kilowatt boums a day if the home freezer is kepf filled. Defmosting should only be neccssary once cvery 8 or 12 monflis. At this time flic method is sirnply fa disconnect flie cabinet at thle convenience ouflet and remove packages f0 a well-paddcd box, then scrape the frost with a dull tool such as a wooden ruler. TO PREFARE FRUITS FOR FREEZING 1. Fruits are prepared in the same manner as for the fable or for other use-sort, wash and drain. 2. Precautions arc: (a) Select varieties recom- mcndeded by your local agricultural advisor. (b) Use only firm, well-ipen- cd fruit. (c) Wash quickly wifh as litf le handling as possible (dlean fruits-raspbSerries Becii~ ofBoer«tR41cMOI Jnlution, Step out of the broiling sua into a bouse that's as much as 150 cooler than outdoprs. There's real summer comfort. Yours-when you insulate with BARRETI Rock Wool. And insulation works the year around. Wintertime fuel bis are as xnuch as 30% lower in a Barrett- insulated home. Family colds are fewer-rock wool insulation gots rid of chilly drafts and "cold spots"; Pire danger is lessened, too, when a fireproof layer of BARRETT Rock Wool guards your home. Insulate your bouse this month.* BARRETT Rock WooI cornes in Baits, Blankets and Granulated "blown-in" forms. X NEW ROOF costs Iess than you'd guess! Ask about sturdy BARRET Asphait Shingles. See their aew colour harmonies!l For farm buildings, get, hard-wearing Barrett Storm King* Roil Roofing. STOP LEAKS with Plastic Elastigurn* Cernent. Seals fiashings, ideal for patching. A thin coating of Liquid Elastjgurn* Cernent re-seals old roil roofings. NE W-R eody-to-sse Barrett Silvex* Alurninum Paint. No mixing! Tough, protective finish refiecs light and heat resists moisture, corrosive fumes, salt spray. ljUour Barrtt dealer sels Protection /3la' He stocks a complete lime of roofing, insu- lation and weathe-proofing materials. He's got what it takes to stop aJ.most any wveather. Whether your problem is leakage, seepage, 6' THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED *Rq'd.Trad. M«rh BARRETT DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE LANDER HARDWARE 7 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE Phone 774 i il Boy Scout Uniform Changes Approved 'While "shirts and shorts" will be retained as the distinctive dress of Canadian Boy Scouts for wear "On appropriate occasions" the Executive Committee of the Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association bas ap- pmoved the following recornmend- ation from a Provincial Executive Commissioners' Conference: "'That the present green ski slacks (in the ail-purpose Scout unit orrn) be replaced by BL'JE battle-dress type trousers for wear in winter and at other fimes of the year when shorts are not suitable, uniformity being main- tained within units on all occas- ions.' The fez is outlawed In Turkey. See the Amazing New.. IFILTER QUEEN DACLESS. 'V Ac U UN1 CLEANER Free Gi with every bouse demonstration ini June. Easy Terms Arranged For Sales and Service- Write or Phone FILTER QUEEN Main Office Service Departneint 386 Water St., Peterborough Phone 9033 _____________arme,@l the Greatest Value iun -Ginger . Aies - Outaide Points Slightiy Highet 108o The Smiling Bride Cuts the Cake and strawberries--do noi have to be washed>. (d) Drain fruits on a dlean tez towel or cheeseclofh, pacl into cartons allowing ont inch of head space at thi top. (e) Fill cartons mçith a thin cool symup fo cover tht fruit. (f) Seal, using melted paraffir or heat-seal method. If packages are to be taken f0 z locker plant, we suggest that you place each package (as it is fil-. ed) in your electric refrigeratoi until ail cartonîs are fiiled and ready. 3. Sucb fruits as black and mec raspbermies, blackberries and strawbemmies will freeze anc keep their colour without ad- dition of sugar or water al. though the appearance iE better with a syrup for fruil f0 be served as preserves. 4. Blanching of peaches and sim- ilar fruit is necessary f0 re- move skins. It is advisable when packing peaches and pears f0 use 1/ tsp. citric acid in the syrup f0 prevent dis- coloration. 5. Strawberries hold their shape and do not float in syrup il they are left te soak: in symup overnighf before packaging- the same holds true in con- ning sfrawbermies. 6. Fruit .juice, raw or cooked, kecps frozen in quart or pint jars providing one inch of head space is left before plac- ing on the mubber band, glass top anid screw band. 7. Vegetables may be frozen on the same day as fruits and placed in the same size car- tons. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. A. H. asks: How can we cook beefs in a pressure cooker f0 keep fhern in a good mcd col- our? Answer-To cook beets in a pressure saucepan, wash thor- oughly, leaving ahl but one inch of tops and the roots on. Place beets on rack with 1/ inch water in the pressure saucepan. Adjust cover and allow steam fo flow out the vent f0 melease nîl air, then place on indicator and cook for 10 mins. af 10 lbs. pressure. If is necessary that the saucepan be cooled immediately by placing in the sink or in a pan of water filled fo one-haîf ifs depth. Re- move fhe cover as soon as the pressure is normal and skin beets. Season with saît before serving f0 maintaîn deep red colour. Miss S. R. asks: How to prevent a fresh fruit pie from boiling over? Answer-Allow 3 cups of fruit for a 7 inch pie and blend fa- get ber with 2/3 cups sugar, 4 tbsps. floux', 2 fsps. tapioca, and 1% tbsps. lemon juice. Wrap a piece of wet parchment paper along the edge of the filled pie plate and place pie in a preheated oven of '450 degs. for 10 mins. then meduce the heat fa 350 degs. for about 30 mins. To reduce the heat we simply move the indi- cator on an electric oven f0 350 and let fhe femperafure fail gradually. )t a k Le n a u d d d d Is It e d d e l p 1, ýt s e r Et r t Canadiana: When the town council at Maple Creek, Sask., was urged by the townspeople te, get rid of Lndians habitating there, The News got peeved and said tright ouf: "We just wanftet say that we prefer the odor et wet buckskin fa a bell of a lot of Lsmells we get off people wio cal fhemselves white" . . . A birlth notice in the Renfrew Mcrcury fells of a child coming into this world wifli six fîngers on cach hand, six focs on ecd foot, the child otberwise perfect-then flic 1paper quotes from Asbestos, Que., Wýhere a baby boy was born witli 12 fingers and 112 tocs, othcrwisc normal . . . At Winkler, Man., àv- year.old Evelyn Klassen always befriended Charlie Razat, 62, a bachelor carpenter, used ta sweep up his bouse, etc.-when he died recently lie lef t lit fle Evelyn bis bouse and lot valued *at $3,000 ...The Hanna, Alfa., Hcrald chuckles as if notes fliaf clfy slickcrs who poo-hooed flic square dances have now taken te fhem aIl ouf . . . flic Godemicli, Ont., West Street rink was being de- molished when someone dropped a cigarette on a pile of old shingles and helped the demolition along ...Among Canada's 262 mcm- bers of Parliament listed in thie Guide for 1950, there is enly onc listed occupation as "Gentleman", he is Josephi LaFonfaine of Mcg- antic, Que.; flic gentleman is flic father of nine children . . . .Aids to doodling in the legal office et C. L. St. John at Minnedosa, Man., for fliose who wait their turn, in- clude' a magnifying glass, staple puller,' knife with disappcaring blade and other knick-knacks says the Tribune . . . At Crosshull, Sask., farmer Aaron Gerber lasf 520 furkeys by suffocation when tire broke eut in an ail burner -..Young Miss Nova Silvcrhamne at Blenheim, Ont., sf arfed ta school te find ber feacher's name was Hawthorne, and hem Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Thorn. The Forest, Ont., Standard feU)s of a bull sale where anc was sold at 2,340 peunds, remarking that's a latta bull. "Just how much bologna lie wiIl make atethcefiy get flic sawdusf and oflier ingredi- ents in is an unknown quantity f0 mast of us, but if will no doubt lic a latta bologna". "Sometime wc get a feeling fliat there is tee mucli talk of privileges whicli wc slould en- joy as cifizens of Canada, and nef enougliofethflicesponsibilifies whicli go with these privileges- From flic Grenfeil, Sask., Sun. To flic peint: "Real cure for Communism is for lcading cifizens te stop talking Couqrnunism. The advocafes of flic so-callcd 1"wel- tare state", those wbo encourage organizcd labour f0 demand im- possible concessions, fliose wlio recommcnd Govemrnent expen- ditures thaf would wrcck flic na- tien, those wlio encourage flic idea thaf subsidies from flie Treas- ury are flie cure for economic dit- ficulfies-these mcn are aIl preacli- ing Communism, liowever respect- able fhey may be. -Wliaever their ignorance of the implica- tion et their conducf, It does nef alter thaf. Thissort of thing can- net be sfopped by law. If can be alfered only by intelligent argu- ment, and fao few Canadian pub- lic mien, business leaders, or even ncwspapers s t a n d consisfently against evemy aftempftet infra- duce Corniunist nefliods into our society". Fort Erie Tlmes-Review: Messrs. Joliffe, Coldwell and others must 'calize that flic political convic- tions ef editors and publishers (even eft flose et the Toronto Star) are nef for sale-or even for rent". Wetaskiwin (Alfa.) Times: Wlicn the Hon. Paul Martin gela around te, proposing a national liealth plan for Canada, perhaps British experience will hclp ln taking flic bugs ouf of the Can- adian scheme. Sf111, if wii be difficulf even in Canada f0 con- vmnce people that sucli peisoal items as false teeth and glass eyes are in effect public property loan- ed for private use. Probably the best solution would be f0 adopt The Ottawa Joumnal's suggestion and make other people respect their artiticial feefli and eyes by having fhem pay for the needed' items according fa their means. The Three Hivers (Que.) Chron- icle opines that sorne of our poli- ticians seem fa think (and per- haps not without reason) that most of the people are content to be corrupted with their own moncy; 30 fliey fax and distrib- ute until ahl incentives f0 produc- tion are finally destroyed and nothing will be left fa, share in this country except a common scarcify. Flood fboughfs by the Selkirk,1 Man., Enterprîse: If occurs f0 us that the greater the trouble in which we find ourselves the brighfer human kindness shines forth; and the more powerful is fthe magnetic welding of ail class- es, races and creeds to work fo- gether, shoulder te shoulder, in a unifed effort ta help fthc com- mon cause. BROWN'S Mr. and Mrs. George Honey visifed Mr. and Mrs. C. Simms and family, Feneloni Falls. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Donohue (nee Hazel Farrow) on flic safe arrivai of their son. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, Rock- wood, visited Miss Jean Perrin and Mr. Bill Morley. Brown's Busy Bees met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Stephenson with eleven members present. Af- fer the usual business, lunch was served by the hostess. Next meeting at Mrs. Truman Clark's, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMann and family, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Stepliensdn and farnily visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ste- phenson Friday evcning. Mrs. M. Pickering and Ardele spent Tliursday in Toront o. Old-age Pensioners In United Counties Number Over 1600 Provincial Govemnment statis- tics show fliat there are 1,631 old- age pensioners in the United Counties. The figures are revealed in a report by the Ontario Govern- ment on Provincial Affairs. The report is known as fthe "Second Annual Economie Survey 1950" wriffen and produced by Queen's Park. The United Counties' Home at Cobourg, located on No. 2 High- way in west part of Cobourg, bouses some 101 senior citizens et the two counties. Staff of the home is lisfed as seven. Currently United Coun- fies' Couneil la toying wlth plans f0 enflarge the home. Kate Aiken Plans Golden Wedding Cake Contesi C.N.E. To the woman who baltes the' prize wedding cake at the Can- adian National Exhibition this year, wrnl go a cash award of $100 and only non-professional contest- ants are allowed te enfer, if la announced by Kate Aitken of the C.N.E. Women's Division. First entry form f0 reach the C.N.E., has corne from Mms. G. Hately of Eaton Hall Farrn, King, Ont ario. The cake, which is te commemorate a Golden Wedding celebration may be light, dark or spice, according te, the prize list. Entry forms arc now available by wmiting to flhc Women's Di- vision, Canadian National Exhi- bition, Toronto. IThe 10 best entries will be pre- senfed f0 Golden Wedding Anni- vesary Couples in a special ev-ý ening ceremony affer the judging. Deadline for the registration of enfries is August 14. Creative Program At dalt B. T. S. The Gait Boys' Training School refleets the same creative pro- gram that makes the Bowmanville School a model institution, and this haq been recently illustrated Iya write-up in the Kitchener- Waterloo Record. The article is entifled: "Cultural Hypodermics Paying Off in Training Program af Gait School". One of the important enliven- ing shots is the cultivation of mus- ical talent in those boys who are gifted. In co-operafion with the local Rotary Club the school has mirchased two baby grand pianos. the boys caddy at the local golf course f0 accumulate 50% of the cost of their- instruments. The Rotary Club cornes fhrough with the other haîf. Several accomplished music teachers of the city vyive their fîme for the instruction of these boys. The boys are taken to musical pmograrns slanfed somewhat ta their appreciation, but always enough beyond thern that they give them.a thirst for finer music. In the Gaîf School the comic book bas given way fo the classie, and the youngsfers are responding with eagerness. They are find- ing by eading that the comic book is generally at the frash 1ev- el. The Kitchener-Waterloo Col- legiate staff spends part of its tirne assisfing the young folk at the school. Athlefic instructors school the boys in boxing, floor _Il-*- TIM - CANADUX WATM"X.. nowmAnvmtiL CMTAMO - for LORNE'S PICK-UP PLEASE CALL KING'S TAXI - 561 1' I. 'i s1 Cor Phone <e 2a4 -9« Phono 4 9 ýTOVE OIL - EROSENqEI' DEALER FOR SILENT-GLOW OIL SPACE HEATEES ~g AND RANGE BURNERS. ' FOR PROMPT DELIVERY DAY OR NIGHT CALL ~ BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE mer King and Brown Sts. BowmanflDe I. S 0RTI. ANS 1CA ' l-A U 1M 1 WIfh twln engines rourlng, the craft hurled over the m.asured mile . . . thon thundered bock for a second run. Times were toliId. Miss Canada's spe.d had av.rag.d 138.648 m.p.h. -a new North Ameracan recoril toi F3.514 -q w - Your new telepkone book is Bowmanville'u New Telephone Directory is almest ready to go to press. Should you wish to arrange for additional listings ini the aphabet- Ical section, or te make any last- minute changes in your present listing, please cali your Telephone Business Office today. FRANK WILLIAMS, Manager \ Imm BELL TELIPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA MR. AND MUS. PERCY IRWIN EDWARD WALTER' whoýe marriage was solemnized recently at St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa. Miss Irene Beatrice Hull, the bride is the aaughter of Mrs. Hull of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Hull, and the bridegroom is sonl of Mrs. Everetf H. Walter of Courtice, andi the late Mr. Walter. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette L) '1 COING TO PRESSI1 )~ I PAM TM Across Canada With the Weeklies hockey and other ealisthenic awa cltY limita, stating that th a- games. car thief had turned down Hugbm. Music, sports, reading and oth- way 2A. er therapeutic treatments have It was reported1 that john delivered the young fellows from Mayne, Gladstone St., Toront%- the distortion of- their upt>ringing was making his getaway at a and have fitted them for lfl n so- speed of 70 miles per hour t-. ciety as useful citizens. wards Toronto. En route he aide- swiped one auto, and when the police caught up with hlm he had Transient Speedis Off run ito trouble at Highland With Osborne's Truck P..>eBow reports that Maya* had been seen in Bowmanvilfl A week ago last Monday a prior to the theft with another frantie phone cail to Constable transient and that both had been Alari, Densem of Bowmanville drinking. Mayne was charged Police Force informed him that with theft and failure to remamn some one had mun off with the at the scene of thle accident. Sr- truck owned by Everett "Mike" tence wifl be passed Friday 1~ Osborne. Constable Kitching was Cobourg*.-C immediately notified and gave The truck was damaged by the chase in his cruiser. He radioed sideswipe, and was sfored lni t, the Whitby Provincial Detach- garage at Highland' Cmeek until ment when he eached the Osh- picked Up. STATESMAN WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS!1 NfEW PHONqE NUMBER I