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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1950, p. 11

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THRSDAY, JUNE Sth, 1950 The People's market place. Leu shktesxnan clasified ads. work foi V».. Thousands of interestec readers. Every wateh needs at Ieast a good cleaning and oiing I~nce a year. Small adjust. -â1ents or repaira made now 4 may save you larger repair bila later. Our work is done Sby experts with finest ima- teriais... and guaranteed. ELGIN onr get the new C DuraPowe r Mainspring* UYNow available for most Elgin *Watches. Gives an amazing permanency of timekeeping, performance. *Made of "EIgioy *met@i. Patent poodinaj Jewellery 43 King St. W. *Phone 463 S BOWYMANVILLE Canada"$ Sm M AI Durable, high gloss, SLANDER i 7 King St. E. Bown t- War Sui Factory Cli THE PLACE TO 24 DIVISION ST. Spel SPRING CLEARI GtALL COLOUR .als. $2.95 LOW PRICES ON Work Pants - Shoes AND MANY 071 j ANNOUNCI! N 0W there's a hys6ona1 Finance1 SYES MANager who's ready to mi Consideration that made Potwn people lest year. At this new Peé.,uzi office, yci YES MANager-alone-makest employer not notified. And yeu,3 that best fits your situation. (Fci a $110 boan in full on 15-month Men or women-married ora to pay bibis, medicai or dental ne prposes phone or v.isit the new eLns $30 te $1000 on signature NV THAI LIN 2nd FI., 111/2 Snmcoe St., Nort Oshawa, Ontario * Phone: 5690 Leans mode le residels cf ail îeroundlng to THlE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Dr Scouts Win Aw( S-Gor.don Lind.sVySmiith This ïMay Scare Them 1 few hours or so until the soul is In many sections of Canada, and just dry enough to work. not necessaciiy away out in the Keep Plantin( country either, rabbits, ground- There are some vegetables and hogs, coons and other four-footed flowers that can stili be planted animais do a lot of damage. successfully in most parts of Can- Sometimes even on the edge Of ada. Beans, beets, carrots, let- the big cities they are trouble- tuce and corn are in this cate- saine. Where one has scruples gory. Many experienced gard- against sterner measures an ex- eners make a practice of planting periment in the xrter's garden these regularly up to the first last summer may be worthwhile. xveek in July. Where a long, open A family of coops started to fall is assured and the summer raid the corn patch, and knowing weather not too bot. peas and from previous experience that spinach can be included too. With only a few of these raids would flowers it is advisable to get well- mean no corn roasts that season, started plants. A little extra cul- a light cow-bell- was rigged up tivation, chemical fertilizer and with long strings to several staîka perhaps some watering during Kenrxeth Pulfer points o! corn on the outside row. Even dry -weather will push any lateto2yerod aryCl.B a light xind made the bell ring, plantings along quickly. badg2-e in m arsmashCol eB and the coons if they were flot Soak It Weil bde nmrkmnhpa very careful xvould do the saine. Having water available for the for Boy Scoùts sponsored by1 In any case the raids on that patch "arden is a big advantage. if ans' Club in New Toronto di ended. Whether the same scheme the supply is limited to what can out of a possible 100 and you will work again this year is an- be pumped by hand fromn a well other matter. or cistern then it is well to con- An electric fence would prob- fine to a corner o! the kitchen Boy Scouts Taught ably check these robbers, and also garden where the lettuce, onons Ato il groundhogs and rabbits, and Of- and a few short rows o! beets and Ar f i l S ooLlfg ten some loose, white string tied carrots are concentrated and By Goodyear Vets. here and there wîll scare them. also, o! course, to a few favorite ____ Why We Cultivate flowers. But if there is a hose Killing weeds is only one o! and lots o! water then the whole It was like a military camp, several reasons for cultivating garden and lawn will benefit, and the same smart discipline, the flowers and vegetables. Even if in dry weatber soak. Light sm ue bdec ocm it were possible to have chemical sprinklings are of littie use. They mands. Four riflemen lay in the weed killer, which would destroy will just keep down the dust, prone position twenty yards froin alI but the flowers and vegetables, which is of doubtful advantage, a line o! targets, and four in- we would still need to cultivate. or when applied to the îawn wiîî structors watched their every This stirring o! the soil with a encourage shallow rooting. It is move. "Squeeze the trigger, rake, hoe or whatever is used is fac better to soak thoroughly once ,ty number To, don t ull re essential Io let in air, to absocb a week in dry weather. This en- Seady, number hree, yGou'reo moisture and to distribute plant courages the coots o! grass, flow- ubrn ".Tooh r. Good shot food. In dry parts o! the country ers and vegetables to go down nuBer SOneTs rrheifleen wre it la also essential to keep the deeply where they will find more Bra oy otfrom they Lakeahe soul from drying out. A good plant food. firing at the ranges of The Good- practice is to cultivate gardens or year Tire & Rubbec Company of hoe crops regularly after every R srce Canada, Limited, New Toronto, -good shower. Wait, o! course, a TB N t esrhIe on successive Friday nights during To Younger Aduits the month of May. « ______Forty-five boys, between 12 The maximum incidence o! and sixteen years o! age, were 'martest Fnis tuberculosis morbidity and mor- competing for their coveted pro- -~ taity paticîary i me, ~ficiency badge for shooting. A slowlv shi!ting from the young former Regimental Sergeant Maj- adoît to'the middle age group, iti or o! the Royal Regiment, Jim R V O s staed by two St. Hyacinthe, Grosset, was in charge of train- porclai-lie eemelQue, dctos inan rtile n th in. Oganzedand sponsored by p@v ela '0Ik. n "el June issue of tthe Canadian M ed- the Goodyear Overseas Veterans' Iboinobl. j ical Association Journal. The Club, these lads have f ired more authors are Dr. A. D. Temple and 1than five thousand rounds in a MING C LOURSDr. E. F. Crutchlow o! the St. series of four weekly shoots. They Hyacinthe Veterans' Hospital. have been taught the xvorkings of 0Nw ý ýThey state that pulmonary tub- their rifles. how to adjust sights, 4urply Points ond NARVO erculosis, particularly the type take aim, and how to handle them with positive sputum, is by no in a capable manner. Above aIl, Y@Wr nXt point iâb means restricted to young aduits, safety bas been stressed. and that it can, and does, occur in Bill Dorks, Secretacy o! the the older age group at an early Rifle Club, says of this public ser- stage.vice, "We don't expect to make "Many cases of minimal or marksmen out o! the lads, but we 1ARDW AREmoderately advanced lesions with bave taught themn to respect fice- positive sputum have come to our arma, and to act according to basic nanville Phone 774 attention in individuals over 50 military range discipline. It's __________________________and evea over 60 years of age," good training, and it keepa tbem __write Doctors Temple and Crutch- off the streets o.n Friday nights". loxv. "This is in keepiag with Asked wby be was hece instead r ecent findings in public bealth o! at a local Roy Rogers movie, reports aIl over America." one 12-year-old remarked, 'I'd Many o! the older tubercular sooner shoot at Goodyear than do rpltai a andpatients became awace o! the dis- anything"! findrig rogrrn after baviag beenadmttedtobospital for Radio waves that have travel- surgical procedures eatireîy un- ed for 30,000 years from the ýara ce S ore related to their chest condition. Milky Way often are picked up However, there was a tendency, as interference on receivers on~ BUY AND SAVE when consideration was being the earth. given ta a single cheat x-ray film, BOWMANVILLE to think o! tuberculosis if the in- - dividual was under 40, and of neoplasm, a aew or abnormal I formation such as a tumor, if the cial patient was more than 40. "We fear that in many cases ANC O P50Tsomuch emphasis bas been placed ~NCE u PAINTon the incidence of neoplasm in S - ONLYthe over-forties that students are ,S ONLYnot sufficiently aware o! the fact ~ lb at tuberculosis must be con- aiuts. 85C sideced," state the two St. Hya- cinthe doctors. They add that as a high percentage of the older sufferers have positive sputum MEN'S AND BOYS' they constitute a definite menace ~ \j~ not only to their bousehold con- Shirts - Socks tacts, but to staff and other bos- NOYF' 1300 Jacketsi Dominion Stores unit wer clsed.Tennew as- Ever since it was finislbed there ~N I nit wer clsed.Tennew as- been a continuai round o! wei ter Markets are under constrUe- ratpeisadipopugt Company office near you-witb tion and other fîve are in the roasta icn bck arimprmpstu amt nake boans with the samne Personal drawinz board staQe. a defin ite ig aarbc ad utam u4 the choice of over a million indication o! the Company'a ac- uebsntbe etitdt eng celerated expansian programme.Re$smr ou get money quickly because the At March 18th. 205 retail autieta eue ie the deciuiona. Friends, relatives, were in opecation, compared w.ith It was a toms-up whether I wc yourseif, select the payment plan 221 at vear and a!tec taking include an incinerator with the hi orexmpe:$856mothyrepaya these factors inta coasideration, barbcue or not. Saw a combinai >r xemle:$856 ontiyaverage weekîv sales ver store arrangement - barbecue at one si 1plan.) show' an increase o! 7.34%. incinerator at the other - in Kings single-if you can use extra cash over a year ago, which was v. ýeeds, home repaira, or other good effective. Because cf the Iayout of P Peon office today. A new gadget stops telephone garden 1 decided on two separate ut 9,friue rcrtalk after six minutes. and intend to follow the incinera s, frnltare er os'design shown. t ahould heip ký Kgce SY IS debris about the place to a miaimi ~NCE C .E II-This marks the haif'way point of!t W j COoPresent series. I'd be deiighted to h~ W from you if you have any comment th <Over Rank of Nova Scotia) zmake on any a! the suggestions alree, S-Elton Anderson, YES MANager ________________ presented here ar in Ïthe bcdl iw -Personc eI Fcec*Cmpont, cf Canoda , ,. . Around the Home". rards in Shooting sout the bulls-eye in bis target )th boys wvon their proficiency er completîng the rifle course the Goodyear Overseas Veter- luring Ma;y. Pulfer scored 98 Lng Cole scored 93. Beware Poison Ivy One of the Worst Skin-Irritant Plants "Poison ivy is one o! the worst, if not the worst, skia-irritant plants in North America, and in their awn iaterest every one should flot only be able to re- cognize it in time, but should be familiar with precautionary mca- sures to help any one victimized by it," says Dr. H. A. Sean, Chie! Botaaist, Department o! Agricul- ture, Ottawa. Poison ivy la the only native Canadian plant with a three-part- ed leaf and white fruit and Dr. Sean points out that is is somne- times confused with Virginia creeper; but this bas dive-parted leavcs and blue fruit. The leaves o! the poison ivy are arranged alternately on the woody stem, each lea! being composed o! three leaflets, xvhich is a constant char- acter. Individual leaflets, hoxv- ever, vary in shape, size, texture and colour and the margina înay be entire or variouaiy coarse- toothed. Ia the spcing the unfold- ing crinkly leaves o! the poison ivy are noticeably reddish, later becoming green witb a smooth glossy surface. Experienced picnickers kaaw that one o! the firat thinga to be done on arriving at an unknown spot is to explore it and the suc- roundinga for the possible pres- ence o! poison ivy. It generally grow.s as a trailing vine or an upright plant, but sometimes il may climb a tree, or a telephione pole to a considerable height. Poison ivy may also occur as a single plant, or in patches o! vacying size and density. It oc- cura in all provinces in Canada, but la most troublesoînein On- tario and western Quebec, growr- ing under varyiag conditions a! soil and moisture and is esoecially .prevalent along roadways, rail- way tracks and in rocky situa- tions. Poisoning may resuit froîn con- tact with any portion o! the plant leaves, flowers, fruits, sterra or even roots - and the toxic pria- ciple la considered to be more PAGE ELEVEN I active in early summer, but youjPort Perry; Mrs. H. Westnc.en r attendling public schooil may be a victimi at any season (Dorothy) Pickering; Rev. E. E. and î799 secondary or high achool. of the year. Dogs, cats and other Mý Joblm of the Muncey Island . In Northumberland county some animais may transmit the poison, Reserve; kev. K. J. Joblin, Vic- 318 of the 4,545 youngsters are en- as well es clothes or tools that' toria University,' Toronto; Rex'. rolled in Cobourg's St. Michael*s Imay have the juice of the ivy on1 F. H. Joblin, Streetsville. separate school. them, and the toxic principle may AlIso surx'iving are two sistes Some 899 teen-age children are peristformonhs.Mrs. J. (Alice) MvlKendry and currcntl.v enrollcd in high schools Immediate and thorough wash- Mrs. Eva Nicklin, both o! -Gorm- in Northumberland county, the ing with strong laundry soap and ley; two brothers. Fred Elgie, of governrnent figures show. warm water as soon as contact, Belleville, and Percy Elgie, To- is suspected, is one of the simpflest' ronto, and seven grandehildien. LketeCneTbtashv treatînents for poison ivy. Cer- Lk h hnse ieashv tain other slkin troubles are some- The funeral service was con-~ a fine senz'e of hiumor. times mistaken for poison lvy. in-t ducted in the Port Ferry United ________________ jury and when in doubt, a doz-tor Church by Rev. W. C. Smith. In- should be consulted. terment was in Pine Grove Cern- T 1 C K E T 8 Poison ivy can be erad;citted'etery, Prince Albert. TO ENVERYWHERE either by mechanical means or Air, Rail or Steamahlp using chemicals, or by a combin- WVILLIAM H. PARR Consuit ation of these methods. Two JURY & LOVELL sprayings with 2, 4-D is generally In failing health for some years. . Bowmnanviiie recommended, where this weed William 41. Parr passed a\way at 15 King St. W. Phone 778 killer can be used without injUry bis home in Port Ferry May 30 in________________ to surroundîng vegetation. his 85th year. A member of the_________________ An illustrated circular on poison Anglican Church. Mr. Parr was a ivy may be obtained by writing resident of the village for a great the Department o! Agricultuirenmeo!yas Ottawa, and asking for ."Poison Pdeeedb hi fth vy"80late Annie Davidson, in 1948, Mr. i OBITUARY MRS. F. G. JOBLIN Funeral services wece held Tbursday afternoon for Mca. Fred- erick G. Joblin, who passed away suddeaiy at ber home in Port Perry on May 30 in ber 68th year. Born in Toronto, Mca. Joblin. the former Floca G. Elgie, had lived with ber busband. Rev. Frederick G. Joblin, ia Port Pecry for the past six years. They were married la Toronto, 1906. Prior bo taking up resîdence la Port Perry. Mca. Joblin lived la many other communities includ- iag Seagrave, Stirling, Melcose and Scugog Island. An ardent, church wockec, Mca. Joblin was a member o! the Port Perry United Cburch Woman's Association and the Woman's Missionary Society. She was daughter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elgie, Toronto. Besidea ber busbaad, Mrs. Job- lin la survived by five cblîdren, two daugbters. and tbree sons. They are: Miss Gladys Joblin, o! Parr is surviveci by two dauglitcrs. Hazel and Lois. Also surviving are two brothers, James, o! Black- stock and Albert o! Manitoba, and a sister Mrs. Mark Weldon. Uxbridge. Interment was la St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. Statistics Reveal 10,000 Children In N. & D. Schools Almoat tea thousaad '.oungstcrs o! public and bîgh school age arc attendinz lectures in United Counties' achools these days. The figures were made avail- able recently by the Ontario Gov- eranient. The actual achool attendance figure for Durham and North- umberland Counties, combined, is 9,721-just under 10,000. O! this total, 5,444 are attend- ing schools in Northumberland County and 4,277 are beiag edu- cated in Durham. Ia Durham County, 3.478 chil- '5'4arffQ UE BE C (MEGANTIC, LEVIS, DIAMOND) and the MARITIMES ~\ ~ Take that vo. cation "Down East" this yeur. hldyfores give youac21. ~ day limit with Sstapovers per. mffetved JUNE 19 f0 SEPTEMBER 4 Inclusive Consult your neoreul Railway agent. L-0 - . MM 1 ' DO YOU HOLD FIRST VICTORY LOAN BON D S THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN called for Redemption on June l5th, 1950 at $101 for each $100 It is in the lnterest of ail holders to present their Bonds promptly for payment on or soon after June i Sth, 1 950 because after that date this issue wiIl no longer earn interest. Arrangements for redemption may be made through invest- ment dealers, banks or other savings instituions. Ottawa The Government of Canada By: BANK 0F CANADA, Fiscal Agent. RB? m ý - ý- ý-W. ý - 7 boa- a K--m a IL au fto a

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