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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1950, p. 14

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fOU R PROFIT N. 1950; PAGE FOUIRTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIRIO .THURSDAY, JUNE 8 th, BIRTHS OKE-Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oke are happy to announce the birth of their second son, Michael James, a brother for Dougie, at Bowmanville Hospital on May 3lst, 1950. 23-l* DEATHS BUTLER-Suddenly, on Tuesday, June 6th, 1950, at his residence, 58 The Kingsway, Toronto. E. Roy Butler, beloved husband of Myrtle Fletcher, father of Mrs . R. H. Ness (Barbara Joan), brother of Dr. J. Ainley Butler, George, Mrs. Stella Anderson and Cora Butler of Newcastle, Ont. Service at the Funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Ave. W. on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Entombmcnt Forest Lawn Maus- oleum. 23-1 Real Estate For Sale IN Bowmanville, doublef brick house for sale, 55 Elgin St., poss- ession of one side. All conven- iences. Small down paymnent and rental terms. E. and F. Sutton, 429 Kingston Road, Toronto 8. 18-tf NIXON REAL ESTATE Solid brick dwelling, 6 rooms, 2-1 piece bath, hydro, good location. $3,500. Immediate possession. Lots on Elgin St., High Street and at Caesarea. Bungalows and dwelling wanted for waiting clients, 3 bedrooms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 23-1* HAMILTONS REAL ESTATE Articles For Sale 19.30 CHEVROLET. 50 bucks. Phone 631. 23-if PLAYPEN, like new. Phone 432, 39 Elgin St. 23-1* ICE boxes, new and used. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 23-11 TWO gas engines, 6 h.p. and 4 h.p. Phone Orono 20r11. 23-1* MAN'S bicycle, perfect condition, $20.00. Everett Wood, Phone 2001. 23-1* STEEL, ice refrigerator, 50 lb. capacity, in good condition. Phone 724. 23-1 ICE refrigerator, aIl steel, white with nickel trim, like new. Phone 2112. 23-1* McCORMICK - DEERING s te e i RIGG--Su -den The following farms are excel- thresher, 22-38, on rubber. Phone RIGSSddny in Vancouver, lent values, possession to suit pur- 21 77. 23-1* B.C., on Sundav, June 4th. Dr. H. chaser, ternis if necessary. o edBkwet W. Riggs, M.D., C.M., F.R.C.S.___ QUANTITY o edBcwet Edinburgh, F.A.C.S., beloved bus- $3800-Near Orono, 3 aces nice James Parr, Enniskiilen, Phone band of Edith M. (Pearse) Riggs, orchard, good barn, %vater inside, 2983. 23-1* dearly loved and only brother of dlean weîî kept 8-roomed bouse. LCRT tve utal o MtrsetW.aH.arruthers Sc.gog.Icottage. Phone 2479, Mrs. Blake Stret an fthe o Mr. . M ,500-Near Newcastle, 65 acres, IShort. 23-1* Wood, M.A., M.D. (Eleanor) of hip steel roofed barn; nice seven- Toronto, and Mrs. Arthur Gour- roomed 'bouse. '34 CHEV. Standard coach, in ley (Margaret) of Winnipeg. In- good condition, reasonable. Phone terment Mountain View Ceme- $6,300-Near Miilbrook on paved 2r4 Orono. 23-1* tery, Vancouver. 23-1* road, 93 acres, now. in crop, fine barn and 8-roomed insul-brie BEE boxes and other equipment. STIRE-In Bowmanville Hospital ý residence, electricity throughout, Reasonable. Murray Payne, Phone on Thursday, June ]st. 1950. Alice 2 creeks. Clarke 2811. 23-if Maud Stire, beloved wife of ____ Charles Lewis Stire, 178 Duke St., olO,500-Near Leskard, 116 acres, '.12 DURANT and '36 Chevrolet aged 59 years. Funeral from the e ,xcellent barns, soiid brick ]Coach. Aoply 78 King St. W.. Morris Funerai Chapel on Satur- eigbt-roomned residence, electricity Bwavil.23-1* day. June 3rd. Interment Bow- ithroughaut, furnace, anc of Dur- HARO oksoe ngo manill Ceetey. 3-1hani County's choicest farms. condition. Apply at 22 Silver St., tt-ENNANT-In Bowmanville Ras- I have others cheaper or higber. Bowmanville. 23-11 ipitaI, on Friday, June 2nd, 1950. C bo,5l.cacivwlin Dr. William Tennant, beloved Leroy Hamilton, Broker IEbx 0 b aaitwil n husband of Ella J. Tennant ad! Orono Ontario sulated. Apply 67 Wellington St. dear father of William Max.,1Kit- Phones: res. 1r16 - office 32r10 or Phone 2183. 2.1* chener; Betty (Mrs. Jack Brough) 23-1 DOUBLE bed, inner spring mat- Bawmanville, and Winifred (Mrs. BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE lress. in excellent condition. Ap- Carl Pekuegnat). Kitchener, aged ply 47 Queen St.. 2- 68 years. Funeral from the Morris Extra Special Farm-183 acres, 8- Funerai Chapel on Sunday, June room frame bouse, hydro. barn, PIANO, Willis upright, excellent 4th, at 3 p.m. Interment Bow- milk bouse, silo. $6,900. Ternis, condition, $ 150.00. G. W. Hump- manville Cemetery. 23-i 900o naetofe-0 ce age, 108 Duke St. 23-1* Highway tarm, stone house, good RUDD automnatic gas water heat- CARDS 0F THANKS barns, hydro, orchard, bush. er. onlY. used six months. Phone ______________________Terms.I 446, Crysztal Dair.y. 23-1* Charles Stire and family wish LADY'S fawn winter coat, excel- ta express ta friends and neigb- $3,000-Farm, 30 acres, 6-rooni lent condition, size 14-16, Phone bours, also Rev. A. E. Cressweil, bouse, hydro. Ternis. 2483 Bowmanvilie. 23-1'" their sincere thanks and apprec- iation for the many acts of kind- $750 down-6-room house, "4 MODERN white enamel ice box, ness and sympathy and floral acre, near new Highway, hydro. good condition. Cheap. Phone tribales extended ta themn in Price $3,500. '2521 Bowmanville. 23-1* their recent sad bereavement of a Ioving wife and mather. 23-1* $ 1,000 dawn - eigbt-roam bouse,1 GOOD ice box, and near new barn, large grounds, i Bowman- hand power washing machine, Mr. A. 0. Parker and family ville. Vacant possession. Balance Icbeap. Phone 2662. 23.1* express their sincere thanks and like rent. TXC aoiedlvrdt appreciatian ta friends and rela- TXC aoiedlvrdt tives for cards and fruit, also ta $650 down-Cottage, 7 raoms, tw.o farmers. Caîl Bob Stocker's their neighbaars wha toak time sleeping porches, hydro. flush Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf fromn their own work ta help toilets on each floor, furnished, on PAOGo in n ec with aur seeding and spraying East Beach. Price $2650. on easy terms; also jacket water dtsing Mr. Parker's recent illness. beater. Telephone 492. 23-4* 23-1 Cottage at Cedar Crest Beach, 6 roams, farnîsbed, boat, bydro. TWO ladies' woi suits, twa silk1 Mr. Byron Farrell and family dresses, anc wool dress, ail size wisb ta express their sincere Also lots in Bowîanville district.ý 18. Apply 6 Centre St. 23-i thanks ta their friends and neigh- Bowmaiwille Real Estate -______________ bours, and toa ah those wha 78 King St. West GIRL'S bicycle, in goad condition; helped in any way ta make bis J. Shebyn D. Maclachian 1 alsa boy*s saddle seat for bicycle. sale a success. Also for their Phone 326 Bowmanvillc Apply b3 Temperance St. 23-1* many acts of kindness and mes- Phone 689 Oshawa ýBUCKRAKE, suitable for tractor sages extended ta them in their 23-i1I!or truck, price $50. Applv Arthur recent bereavement af a laving-'!APak . 2Netto 31 wife and mnother. 23-i* TENDERS WANTED A.PlRR1, etea. 2- I would l___________________ k CONGOLEUM rugs and yard I wold lke t sicerey thnk -goos available in many colour-i the many f riends and neighbaursj TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE.fipttrsatMrisC.17t" Articles For Sale BE READY for Spring and Sum- mer with Sisman Scampers for children, boys and men. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, 39 King St. W., Bowmanville. 19-tf VENETIAN Blinds, Flexaium, Steel or Aluminum Decorator Shades, one price 70e sq. ft. ex- pert installation. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and delivered; ils% fence posts. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193-r-14. lb-tf 1940 MAPLE Leaf dump truck, with late model Brantford hoist, alin good condition; wilI sel truck and hoist together or sep- aratelyv. Phone 418. 23-3 NEW and late model automoabiles insured and financed. Dealer or private sales. Inquire about this low cost plan. Roy Lunnev, 48 Kingc St. W., Plpone 565. 23-t f NEW studio couch; 2 single cots <brown); trumpet and case; elec- tric motor. saw, lathe; bicycle carrier;, buffet <oak). Apply'103 Scugog St., Bowmanville. 23-1* CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners: Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yardsvde yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf FORD 2-ton truck cab and chassis, ready to go to work. Good mech- anical condition. Ideal Farm truck, $435. Farm Equioment & Automotive Co., Phone 689. 23-1 CONVERT your wagon wheels to rubber, complete stock of steel rims, tires and tubes no\v avail-1 able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop,' Corner King and Silver Sts. Phone 467. 16-tf '37 DODGE truck, stake body high racks, excellent conditio n throughout, new tires, battery, seal beam lights. best offer. Harry Couch. Prestonvale, Phone Oshawa 1761W11. 23-1- JUNE bride gif ts, automatlie toasters, $24.95; electrieco0ffee percolators, $1 8.95; electrie kit- chen dlocks, S6.95 to $9.95: electrie kzettles, $9.95 to S12.50. The Radio Shop, Phone .573. 23-1 LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum-. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradlev's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2t Articles For Sale RANGETTES, table type, $39.50: automatic oven styles, $72.50 and $75.50; others $59.00 and $63.50. The Radio Shop, Phone 573, NE measure and instaîl Venetian Blinds. Phone Morris Co. for estimates. We also carry a com- plete stock of window shades. 17-tf GET your gasoline and oil barrels ready now for the spring work. New, steel barrels, 45-gai., $3.50 each. Bob Stocker's Garage. Phone 804. 4-tf FORD tractor with plow and cul- tivator, new last season, littie used; or, an Allis-Chalmers Jun- ior B tractor with cultivator and mower attachmefits. This tractor has done only twenty-five hours work. Take your pick and make me an offer. Edgar Wright, En- niskillen, Phone 2601. 23-1* TRADE-IN - Ice boxes, $5.00 up; refrigerator, with new unit, 5 yr. guarantee, $199; bed, spring andi mattress (spring filled), full size, complete, $20.00; Westinghouse washer, neyer used, floor sample, regular $159, for $125; one only 3-burner electric range, closed elements, 4 yr. guarantee, regpilar $ 129.50, for $110; one only eleCtric refrigerator, regular $349, brand new, slightly scratched in ship- ping. $50 reduction. Murphyv's, Phone 811, Bowmanville. 23-1 USED John Deere B.R. tract&i; uised Case V tractor; new Case Equipment; S.C., IS, ID tractors: side rake; one-horse' mower; 6" tandem disc; 7" tandem dise: 41"' one-way dise; offset orchard dise harrow; tractor spreader; hay- loader: set used disc harrows; used tractor plow; used 22x36 Case thresher. like new; steel posts; xire fence;, barbed wire; haler and binder twine. W. IH. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497.1 23 -1 COMING EVENTS Please reserve Wednesday, June 28th, for the Eastern Star Garden Partv at the home of Mrs. Frank Jamieson, 75 Wellington St. 23-1:1 Don't forget the opening at Gencva Park. Frida 'v, .iune 9th. Round and square danciner. Riith Wilson Varicty Zand. Admission 50c. 23-1* Solina Married Peopie's picnic at Lakevicw Park, Oshawa, on !'hiursd3a. June 151h. Suoner at BONDED Brake Sboe Exchanges,! 6:31). Bring your basket and no rivets. In stock ncady ta go; dishes. A cardial invitation ta alI. Chev.. Dodge, Plymouth, Chry- 23-1* sien, Olds., Pontiac, Euick (druins lathcd). Bob Stocker's Garage, Aii Afternoon Tea and Tavel- Boxvianville. Phone 804. 22-tf ogue by Mrs. L. T. McLaugbiin xviii be beld in St. Andrcw's IMMEDIATE delivcry, Faix banks Church on Tbursday afttrnoon, Morse space heaters. Heat YOur lJune 22nd. Tea served fron 3:3Cl baie the safe, dlean economical bo 4 pim. Pnice 35c. 23-h* wvay. Pay only $11.45 down at____ Bradley's Funnitane and Appli- WELCOME ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Ne;" members ta the Bownian- _____________________2-tf, ville Lawn Bowvling Club. Join OIL~~~~~ bunn1ntald no\w whiie the season is young with nrsisalecoîplete I Anyone wishing la jain pîcase wih1 ean guarantee, S.350.00 ieorntact Fred Caleon x'isit our and up-for as lîttlc as $35 down club any night. You will be and 24 manths ta pay. W. Len welcome. 22-2 ýEliiott, Pluîbing, Heating and ____ Sheet Metal, Bowmanvillc, Phonc Make a date nov.' ta hiear the. 348. 16-tf famoas RCAF Tx'aining Command Auclion Sales Solina Sale Exchange, Friday ex'ening (to-morrow) June 9th, at 7:30 p.m., at Baker Farms, Hamp- ton. Fresh cows with calves, springers; young cattie and pigrs: 8 ft. cut M.-H. binder, with tractor hitch; aiso 6 ft. cut binder; cedar posts, etc. J. Baker, manager. Phone 2180. 23-1* 1 have received instructions from Mrs. Lillian McDonald, Lots 30 and 31, Con. 8,, Clarke Twp., one mile north of Leskard, to seli by public auction on Wednesday, iJune l4th, her entire household effeets. For further particulars see bis. Termns cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23- 1 Don't forget Durham County Community Auction wbich is heid on Thursday afternoon of each week at the Durham County Sales Arena, Orono, wbere ahl kinds of Iivestock, farm produce, machin- ery, furniture, etc. is sold by auiction. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Y. E. Lycett, clerk; L. Hall, sales manager; Jack Reid, auctio neer. 20-tf 1 have received instructions fromi Mr. Robert Harness & Sons, Lot 26, Con. 2. Hope Twp, (haîf mile west of Moorish Church on No. 2 Higliway, to seil by public auction on Wednesday, June 28th, at 1:30 p.m., 50 head 'of Durhamý and Hereford milkers, springers Farm Help EXPERIENCED, reliable Holland families available. Arriving soom? Write to S. Buma, R.R. 1. Nestle- ton, Ont. Phone 225 - 24 Port Perry. 22-14 FIA-In. WeynrriA Lost SILVER War Cross, with inscrip- tion "Pte. Simnick," valued a keepsake. Reward. if found peaj leave at Statesman Office. 23-âW~ Notices V =lj Y lie Durham Furriers Ltd. will bé WAITRESS wanted. Applv to closed ail day Saturday during Cowan's Restaurant. 23-1* Junc, July and *August. Durham WOMA watedas ktchn hlp-Furriers Ltd., Port Hope. 23-1 er. Apply Cowan's Restaurant. William Dawson's new Super-. 23-1* test Service Station and booth is now open for business at Happy GIRL or woman for housework.' Valley. 22-2* Apply C. Gimblett, Phone 835. ____ 22-2 Harvey Dance Academy. Be- GIRL or w-oman to help in home ginners Ball2t and Tap; Spring where a few summer guests are term naw starting. Register Frî- taken. Mrs. Blake Short, Phonie days, I9 Kingc St. East. 13-tf 2479. 23-1* The Annuai Meeting of the \WANTED...a girl for general Durham County Trustees and nhbu sewýork, no heavy washing. no'Ratepayers' Association èvill be cooking. private roam. - 15.00 ed in Blac:-stock Town HaIlo week. Mrs. Breslin. 23-1e: Wednesdlay, .Tune I4th at 8:aý5 p.nzU _______ - . Address by Mr. McArthur, Deo>lý-' RELIABLE woman as companion of Education, Toronto. Music by for elderiv lady and ligbt house- Music Supe--visor, Mrs. Lorne wark. Small adult famniîy. Thompson. a-id ber pupils. 23-1 Sleep in. Write Box 414 States- - -- - -_____ manffic 23- Wanted to Buy VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade or .LenI. well establislied. Excell-ent op- partunity. Fuîl ltime. Write a once. Rawleigli's, Dept. ML-F 140-189, Montreal. 22-5 and young cattle. For further CAPABLE active, elderly married particulars see buis. Terms cash. man wanted; with good education Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-3 for special work in this district. ________Must have car. Permanent pos- 1 have received instructions ition. Good income. Write District from Mr. Ellsworth Caswcll, Lot Distributo1-, 386 Water Street, 2, Con. 2, Clarke Twp.. one mile Peterborough. 23-2 xvest of Zion Church, to seli by Dtiiôl;c auction on Monday, June SALESMAN wanted, or men who 26th, at 1 p.m. sharp, ail his farmifeel they would like to get into stock. im-rpiements. 17 acres of1 selling business. Must have good i mixed grain, 20 acres of Alfalia car, A-I rcfercnces, non-drin.ker. hav to be sold in field. Terms Two nmen needed for district of cash. For further particulars see Bowmanville and Durham County bUis. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 1 Permanent position, high earn- 23-3 ings. Preler men ,vith chain store, insurance, or similar sales T have received instructions experience. Our dealers average from the executor of the estate of $65 to $100 per week. Write the late James Stone to seli by Sales Manager, 386 Water St, public auction on Saturday, June Peterborough. Personal interview lOth, at his late residence, Lot 3 will be arranged for ail applie- ai-d 4, Concession 4. Clarke Tsvp. ants. 22-2 I:miles east of Crooked Creek ________________ Store, all bis farm stock, impIe- Wok W n d ments and some furniture. Fur- okW ne ther particulars see bills. Terms - _____________ cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. G E N E R A L Building Repairs, Jack R~eid, auctioneer. F. E. i,'-,- asphaît, metal and aluminum cett, clerk. 21-3 shingles, insul-brick sold and ap- olied. Free estimates, Ed. Storry, 1 have rece;ved instructions Builder, Phone Port Perry 277J. fromi the executor of the estate 16tf of the lac Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, PLASTERING, stucco and repairs to seli hy public auction at his done by Ontario Plastering Con- late residencc, 72 Temperance St.. tractos egv ult n u Bowmanviîle. on Saturday, June tr.W gie quality and duente stsfc 17th, at 1 p.m. sharp, the entire qtitv andguOsarateed6atisfa- contents of bis 12-roclinhorEc. to.PoeOhw 04 22 Mq4ern and antique furniture, LAWNMOWERS dishes,, fruit, etc. No SHARPENED Reserve. Terms cash. For fur- Have them. sharpened with our ther particulars secebills. Jack new precision machine. Reid, auctioneer. 23-2 IlCp.11 167 for ruickuo) and deliverv ry m V C st ai ti who were so kind ta me, and in i --, N1INA1ONL '- t on c""'~ "" ' " sending cards and flowers and '38 CHEV., radio, beater, seal pick-up truck witb fresh air Communitv Hall on Thursday, making daily inquiries durung il' beanis, good tires, gaod condition. heater and extras. Only siightly June 8th at 8:15 p.m. (D.S.T.), *een llns.Aseiltak Best offer. Doug Simipson, Orono. uised. Special with no tr9de-inune aspcs fNwate tr.t egs. andspeadiens 23-1* includling licence $1520. Farn Arena Committee. Admission .90c Memoriai Park Aaxiliary. Equipment & Automnotive Co. and 25ce Dance follows concert. Esther Clysdale. Federal Buildings EUREKA Vacuum Cleaners, tank Phone 689. 23-1 22-2 23.1 Province of Ontario models froni $39.50 Up at Marris i ________________________SEAED ENDRS ddrsse taCo. Phone for free demonstra- PLUMBING, Heating and Oil 1 Anniversarv Services at Enfield the undersigned and endorsed1 tion. 17-tf Burners installed anywhere in ion Sunday, June Illth. Rex'. Os-h EN A E E T Tne !rCa"wl cr- Durbam County. Reasonable rates borne of Columbus, wiil preach ENG GEM NT ~ Tndr fr Cal wil e r- 1928 WHIPPET sedan, good tires and highiest quaiity. For bath services. In the atter- -ceived until 3 pim. (E.D.S.T.),! and battery; hand washrng mach- estimates cali W. Len Elliott, noon music will be providcd byn Mrs. Ernest Walkey announces Thursday, Jane 22, 1950, for the i, in running condition. Phone Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, the school assisted by Miss Gwen0 the engagement of ber daugbter supplv of coal and coke for the 2135. 23.1* Phone 348. 12ttTl(. oosObav.Kdo May, ta Carlos Smith, son of Mr. Dominion Buildings throughoatchi l sn intevnng an r.RySih f Newton- the Province of Ontario. HL'crb with Marshall mat- FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- cr il sing in the evcani7:3. and Mrs.tenRroyiSmith.if C HILsrionb Servicesat 2 sclok ends7:30 ville. The marriage wiil take Faso edrxihsei Ica Washing Machines, Ranges, Tuesdav evcning. June 13, Brook- place Satarday, Jane lth. 23.1* lions and conditions attached cao Apply Mrs. L. Laskaris, Cowan service on milk coolers and mot- lin Young People will present- be obtained from the Purchasing Block. 23.1* ors, that wiring job or anything t heir plav "Aurelia Bridge frai Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Agent, Departient o f Public -eicctric. Trade - in or Terrnis. Hemlock* Ridize" with music be- flurketon, announice the engage- Works, Ottawa, and the Super- DINING-room table and 4 chairs;1 Consuit Werry & Son Electric, tween acts. Play will commence1V Inent of their daughter Alice Jean vising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. dresser; bcd and miscellaneous Dealers for Woods Electrie Farn at 8:3<0. Admission: adaîts 35e. 1 Io Ross Henry Richard Ashton, East. Toronto, Ont.I items. Cheap. Phone 2035 Bow- Eqiin5Poe 59Bwa-chrn2e 3Ida éon of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ashton, Tenders should be made on the mavle 31 ville. 23-6 1___F_ Haydon. The niarriage will take tris supplied by the Department McCORMICK-Deering mawer, No. E ata-al-ratr o On Suniday, Jane l8th, at 2:30 IC place qaictiy on Janie 24th. 23.1* and in accordance with depart- 7-ailNbath, in good conditian. Grav mental specifications and con- 7,clarenc h'Tink, Ph oni236n. only $875.00 f.o.b., Toronto. Why ai-d 7:30 p.m. the Maple Grv Mr. nd rs. rucaHrencre diion attePhotheeto3Coa1Hathis startiing law price? Just Ibis Sundax' Schaal Anniversary Ser- j Barkctan, announce the engage- dealers' licence numbers must be itn 3*- these intcrnationally - knoxvnviewilbhedwenteRv - ment of thei dtractorsHewereivmanufacturedriby.C. C. Washington of London, Ont.. met fthi duhtrHeengve be enein'37 DODGE Standard Sedan, in rcoswemauctedb Beatrice ta Joseph Frederick The Departient reserves the good condition, a good family car beEpr rco opr tion a oi merpepaar. ptor, wîl be Sheehan, son of Mr. Joseph Shee- rigbt ta deîand frai anv' suc- for the holidays. C. S. Langmaid, of Philadelphia for rugged Souîth ig the etspeaker.n tecai sng- han, Bo%,wmanville. The wedding cessfal tenderer, before awanding Phone 2339. 2 ki04 ed the ndeay llaheresifultyuadiiheeeigb tecors 101h at '2 -o'clock, in Bunketon the fan aof a certified che que on ýIN Blackstock, barn, 31'x16', in get a tractor for anly $875. Sidi. Special music bv. the Orona brass United Chanch. 23-1 a chartered bank in Canada. mnade good shape, ta be reîavcd frai Lancaster's Garage, R.R. 2, New- quartette. at bath services. Offer c( payable ta the order of the Hon- property. Harold Swain, Nestie- castie, Phone Clarke 270.1. 23.1* Ongs ineaid f te und 1san ehox.-p Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy. ourable the Minister af Public ton R.R. 2. 23-1 * TN-c iigro rus nWdcdy ae2sa x Bowvnanville, Ont.. annaunce the Works, equal ta 10 per cent of -________Living-room_________ cellent supper will be served. In p engagement of their only daugh- the amaunt of the tender, or TWEED sait, dark, size 14 yrs.; Many coloars an-d style combin- the evening Thornton Corners C ter, Darcen Minnie, ta Arthur Bearer Bonds af the Dominion of tweed coat and- cap, light grey, ations ta choose frai. Groups will present their celebrated play - Jams Tonpsa, yunestso ofCandaor f he analin Nt-size 8 years. Write Box 415, include: 2-pc. Veloar Chester- "Mammie's Little Boy." Fuhl par- Mr.LesieThopsn, yrneOnt inalRalwa Cmpay ad ts taesmn ffie.23-1 field Suite, 2 Satin Cashions, 1 ticulars next xveek. 23-1h Mn Lsle hopsnT'rnc Ot.joalRilavCopay i~ lsSttema Oic.Walnat Coffcc Table, 2 Walnîît F The mlarriage ta take place on constituent conipanies uncondit- WE stili have a limited quantityv End Tables, 1 Attractive Table o R n Sattirdayý, Jane 24th, at 3:30 p.m. ionallv guananteed as to principal of Warwick Hybrid See Corn FporMea SoerReAui ___________________ in Trinitv United Cburch, Bow- and interest by the Dominionofaiabe Vanstone Flour and maim Serving Tray. 10-pc. Specl- THREE unfurnishcd rooms. WriteF mavlc*Ont. 23-1* Canada, or the afarementioned j e'C.ill Pon manile, ______bad~ nda ermfedchqueifI îl, hoe 77. 23.1* iai $169.00 anly at Bradley's, 40 Box 413, Statesman Office. 23-i 1: bond5 ad a ertfiedcheue i i W powKing St. W., Oshawa. Ternis tai The engagement is announced reqaired ta make up an odd CASE tractor and 3-farrow lw suit. Many ather suites ta chooselUNFURNISHED rooî, breakfast î: of Ellen Beatnice (Helen) yaunger amaunt. Ist class working order, coîplete ra.2tifdsed WieBo42,tts- i daughter of Mrs. Pritchard and Such secunity will serve as a S425, Farn Equipient & Auto -__man___Office.____23-1__W the late Mr. Gea. E. Pritchard, guarantee for'the proper fulfil- motive Ca., Phone 689. 2.3-1 BRAIJLEY Furniture Co., 40 King 2- Bowmanvilc, ta Ephraim Reg- ment of the contract. StI.,Ohaianoe 7--p.THE-Office.mnt Ap inald Hanna. only son o.f Mrs. By order, QaNIYo r iehme~S.WOhwPoe213p.ITRE-on pri n Apl IUNIYo rypn ubr bedrooni suites, $6.0-te e 95 Liberty St. N., Bowîanville. Hanna and the late Mr. E. W. ROBERT FORTIER, 1 "- 2"4 *-2x6 - 2"x8" $75 a outfîts, coniplete, $26.95; felt base 23-I Han.Trno h araeActing Secretarv. thousand. Kid Kangaroo plov., floor cavering, 49e a square yd.; DPE nHmtnvlae 'v'ill t.lrIe Mare on Saturday. Juhy Departient of Public Works. $3 1ý5. 26 Cbcv. power engine pulie hc hair. $.5 - oos ULX nHmtnvlae 8that P..,in Trînity United Ottawa, Jane 6,1950. 23-2:; and governars, ncw generatar, brae. car$.a alloe eorcetrIlrs four large roanis, electrie lights, el Chrh olavlc 3-hf j$30.H. J. Murphy. R.R. 1, Tv- suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish private entrance, garage, furnish- H Na edT Ret TENDERS WANTED i one. Satîîrday s or Monday ion- breakfast suites, $66.00; »spring- st ret App]y s. .. Riefrey. F p 1 ______--- fiiled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light to General Store on west side of ___________________ TENDERS will be reccived ap ALL kinds of meat, good qaality iamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, 2-*S SMALL hoase wanted immed- til uJne lStb far the parchase weiners, b6logna, coaked hams, ranges frai $59.00; 3-pc. allaver 232*S iately, in Bawmanville. Phone and remnoval of the north section smoked hais and bacon, sausg velour bed chesterfield suites, APARTMENT, self contained, Si 951. 23-2* of Eldad Cbarcb shed 40 x 50, and hamburger. Darlingtan Pak-$119.00; 9 x fi Axmister carpets, niaern 5-room apartient with ______________- ta be rernoved by Dec. 3 1, ing Ca., Hampton, Phone 2836; J green or wine oriental dcsigns, bathrooî, hIle floons, built-in cap-C YOUNFG couple reqflire srnall 1950. The highest or anv tender alsa piekling, smoking and saas- $49.50'; chenille hed sprcads, $6.95; bord, utndry, heat and water, bi hous orapAtmet ih rnnpsa otn. 14 A L. Pacce. Caima.age making. During the sammentable lamps. $6.75. Evenytbing for $553.00 a nntb. Possession July t water. Write Mr hsn. 41 A .-Pso.Chimt.1nontbs - *hog killing an Tues- the bhrre at Bradley's. 40 King Ist. Appîy Mrs. Reid, Huyck's cc Belhaven Road, Toronto. 23-11 Hampton. 22-2' days and cattie at any time. 20-tf St W, Oshawa., Phone 271. 0-tf Coffee Shap, Bowmanville. 23-1 Ej D. V. Hloward Gibson, Lot 35, Con. 3, Clarke Twp., (2 mniles cRst and 1 concession nonth of Bow- manville) bas sold bis fanm and .vill seli by public aactian an Wednesday. Jane 2ist. at 12:30 (D.S.T.), bis entire bord of Hol- stein cattie, hanses, swine, tractar and fax-m machineny, onchard equipient, lumber, etc. For fan- bher partieulars see bills. Tennis cash. F. E. Lvcett, clcrk; Jack R~eid, auctioneer. 22-2 The i.ndensigned bas ree>ved nstructions frai Harold Kyte, Lots 10 and Il, CartwrightTp. 1 mile soulb of Blackstock tas1 by public auct ion an Mondas', June l9th. at I p.m. sharp, aIl his fanm stock, implements, etc. This sale wili include 3 Inter- 1 national tractons and a full hine; if nearîx' ncw International trac- or eqaipment. Fan funther pr- ticalars sec bills. Ternis cash. Na reserve. F. E. Lycett, clenk:ý Jack Reid, auctianeen. 22-2 Farmers Attention! WE will be pleased to pick up lead or crippled farm animaIs and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone1 Collect, Toronto Adelaide,3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 2tf Wanted To Buy- SCRAP iron and batteries. Phone Clarke 2530. 17-tf HAY loader, must be in good ondition. Phone 2290. 23-1 POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We caîl at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BUSH - must be predominately hard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 193rl4. 22-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our priccs are higher M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phonp 7 r 3. reverse charges. 17-tf rIDIAN RELICS wvanted. Will pay good price for one piece or whole collection. Write J. K.; Whaley, Ingersoîl, Ont. 22.3*- Repairs REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- ?raters, domestic and commercial Eiggon Electric 42 King St. E. Dhone 438. 26-tf FOR :prvmpt, efficient, guaranteed -rvice, dyeing and eustom work, -y the Neat- Way Shoe Repair hop, King St. West. 9-tf HESTERFIELDS completely r e- )uilt and re-upholstercd. Satis- ýaction guaranteed. Have ouri ,nsultant cali at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen. G.F.-JMEO IESO Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist. specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody wvork Suite 2. 47 Prince St.. Oshawa. Phone 3947, I-bUSE, cen'ral location, medium size, brick nreferred, at ieast 3 b edrooms. rosees3lon July lst. Aooly Howard Gibson, Phone 12482. 22-tf Real Estate Wan'ted bWE have cl:ents wishing to pur- chase farms, 25 acres to 200, in Darlington Township. Write Bert Pevton, Real Estate Broker, 13 Bond St. E.. Oshawa, or Phone Everett L. EllFott, 2889 Bowman- ville, sa1esi=n. 21-4 Livestock For Sale NINE pigs, six weeks old. PhoKe 2377. 23-1 ELEVEN pigs, seven weeks àld. Raymond Crawford, Hampton. Phone 2552. 23-1* TWO choîce clark red Herefoed bulîs, 14 months old, also cedar fence posts. Phone Clarke 1224. 23-1 24 YORKSHIRE pigs, seven weeks aid. Apply Frank Kroiewski, R. R. 3, Bowmanvîlle, haîf mile north of No. 2 Highway on Solina Road. 23-1 Personal $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Mý,edico Agency, 109 Front St. East, Toronto, Ontario. 18-6 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postoaicl in plain qealeçl envelope with price list. Six samples 25c. 24 samnoles $1.00. Mail Order Dent. T-28, Nov-Ru b- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, 18-9 HELP step uD your vitality witfa Jodine! Take Nova-Kell Tablot,. the organie lodine your systemn reouircý;. in simple. palatable forni. Help overcome tirednes->, rundown feeling, nervousnes-, Three economical sizes, at aIl drtlugsts. 23-1 Summer Time is Picture Time! Whether you're at home or awvay, the nearby Rexali Drug Store can supply you with a fr11 range cf fi1ms aç well as fast expert developIng and printing service. - Make Rexali your headciuarters for films, developing and pr;nting. New! Wildrooi Liquid Cream Shampoo ,with processed lanolin To introduce this ncw shampoo *- *. you mnay purchase a bottle of \Viidroot Creamn-Oil Hair Tonic plus Wildroot Liouid Crcam Shampoo. $ 1.30 valule. Both for - 69C Jergens - Woodhury Special 50c Jergens Liquid Shave 50c Woodburv Aftcr Shave Lotion - $1.00 value Both for - 69C Thermos Champion Thermie Jugs: capacity, 1 gallon - .75 wvith pouring spout -- 4.75 Thermos, 1 pint, with metal top . --------- 51.50 with hakelite top . 51.65 Bisma - Rex -to relieve stomach distress -relieves heartburn 4-oz. 85c 16-oz. $2.00 Pro!eDlIion from Ihe Sun Rexaîl Gypsy Sun'an Cream.- 4-oz. jar 83e Rexail Gypsy Cream, liqi>uid foini, 8-oz., hrlps talze out the burning and sootics the skin . --75c Rexall Gypsy Tan Oji, for a î'ich attractive tan- 53e Sun GMasses ln aIl the newest styles, shapes and colours - to suit bath men and women 79c Io $12.00 pair Foot Comfori Rexall L.P.C. Athlete's Foot Olntment - 5 . 1.00 Rexali Corn Solvent 30Sc Sanl-Ped Foot Powvder ---50e For Better Dental Health USE Rexail Chioradeni Ammoniated Tooth Paste Helps reduce taoth decaY Tube - 33c JURY ULOVELL When We Test Eyes It li Donc Properly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVTrLLE j YOUR Pl

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