ia t4tenr "Durham County's Great Family Journal" VLM96BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, 1950, 6c PER COPY NME 2 Town Council Bas Lengthy Session 1Îons«deringRequests Dy Ciizens The regular meeting of Town on Duke St. and Liberty St. ad- R cie Councîl 'vas held Monday night jacent to the Memoriai Park and LLeiesI .B. uegree with all members present, Clar- Ontario St. School. ence Oke, the new Assessor, look- A letter from Dept. of Municipal ing on, and MaYor L. C. Mason Affairs enclosing statement of presiding. grants made to Bowmanviie for A letter from Goodyear Tire & 1949 and stating that the same Rubber Co., Ltd., stating that they grants wouid be made in 1950 Wouid endeavor to controI the 'vas received and fiied. smoke nuisance caused by the A request by Canadian Legion burning of 'vaste rubber on their for co-operation of Council in the property. Decoration Service at the cemetery Applications from Lawrence M. on Sunday, June 25, was referred Brown.and Edgar Tomlinson for ta Civic Committee to take the taxi licences were referred to necessary steps. Police Committee 'vith power to A letter from Public Works De- act. partment, Toronto, enquiring if A petition from Everett j. the Town intends ta repair side- -j&ittle and other residents of Flett waik around the Post Office 'vas _». o construction of concrete received and filed. sidewaik 'vill be granted xvhen Finance Committee submitted sufficient percentage of signatures sundry accounts amounting to $4,- is. gained. 061.34. Local Iniprovement ac- counts $275.09, and Public School Fire Chief Hooper requested Building accounts $18284.80. that the f ire brigade be reduced Public Property Committee 'vas to 18'men, and that the pay be in authorized ta decorate the Pro- creased ta $100. per annum for vincial Police offices, ta cutr each fireman. Referred ta Fire dorbtvnteto n as Committee to report .back. a reasonable rent for the t'vo of- Milford McDonald, Liberty St. fices. Eric R. <Dick) Lovekin N., applied for permnission ta in- The Clerk was instructed to stal gas pumps on his property write Dept. of Highways, Toronto, 'ho received his Degree of and requested Council ta ask Bell for information on 'vhen repairs' Bachelor of La'vs on Tuesday at Tolephone Co. ta remnove a guy to highwav can be started. Convocation Hall, University of 'vire on his property. Cierk is to Roads and Streets Committee Toronto. Dick is a native of advise Mr. McDonaid that he was authorized ta advertiso for Newcastle and of. a Durham does not require permission from tenders for repairs ta sido'valks. County pioneer family. Sec Newv- the taxn ta instaîl gas pumps on Matter of openine a cuîvert on castle page for more particulars bis o'vn property, and that since Scugog' St. draining on private of his înteresting career. the guy 'vire is also on his. 0wn property 'vas referred ta Town property tfie to'vn has no juris- Solicitor for his opinion. diction in the matter. Police Committee 'viii advise T rnoDoea Requests from Mrs. Edith Van Roads and Streets omte Board Meeting at Dusen, Horsey St., and Mrs. H. V. 'vhen it 'viii be foasible ta take Cryderman, King St. E., that down the "No Parking" signs ta St. John's Church trees be removcd from the front have them ropainted ta read "One ____ of their properties 'vore referred Hour Parking from 9 a.m. ta 6 Toronto Diocesan Board held its ta Public Property Committee p.mn." June meeting in St. John's Angli- wîth powver ta act. A hy-law 'vas introduced for the can Church bore, 'vhere the Wom- In answer ta a request by Mrs. appointment of Town Officials. an's Auxiliary is celobratine its H. W. Knapp, Liberty St. S.,Pal- The Cierk 'vas instructod ta 6Obh anniversary. ice Committee 'vas instructcd ta j write the Community Council ad- Tecuc a vrrwe erect "Watch for Oilidren" signs vising them of the grant for 1950. _ T.e h-ch'vs oerrode Bd. of Education Addresses Council On Question of High School District At the monthly meeting of the Town Council Monday night Mlex McGregor, Chairman of Board of Education, presented a strong case for the uniting of the whole cf Durham County, with the excep- tion of a few smal! parts, unde: one High Sehool District. Before -a full Council and a large audi- ence, he quoted statistics to show that a united school section com- prising the whole county woul< lower the proportionate cost of the new buildings and additions which will have to be built due to the enormous increase in the number of students entering Higi School in the next few years. Mr. McGregor distributeda mimeographed resolution whicl broke down into three parts. ,Re- soived that (1) Council be askec to dissolve the present Board of Education effective Dec. 31, 1950, and replace it with a Publie Schools Board on Jan. 1, 1951;*(2) Council to dissolve the presen' High School District, which is the Corporation of the Town of Bow- manville, effective Dec. 31, 1950; (3) Council to request the United Countieri Council to include the Town of Bowmanvilie in a larger High School District composed of ail the County of Durham with the exception of the Township of Cartwright, effective Jan. 1, 1951. "Our reasons for asking that this change be made we have attempt- ed to set forth briefly below: (1) We are faced with overcrowding in our High Schooi. Our preseni enrolment is 324 and it 'viii be necessary to provide for an ad- ditionai 70 or 80 pupils this Sep- V»est Beach Associ Council for Year-1 Over CLN.IR. Trac The thirty-five year oid prob- lem of the closed level crossing leading into the West Beach fiar- ed again Monday night 'vhen a delegation of twenty property boiders in that area invaded the Council Chamber to monopolize the discussion of the Town Coun- cil for almost an hour. The prob- lem? When wili the difficuity be- tween the Canadian National Rail- ways and property owners at the Beach be ironed out? Deputy-Reeve Frmnk Jamieson gI eported that the problem may fon fi nd a solution if the Dept. 0»ôf Highway's engineer quotes ta the Towvn a price in keeping with the financial resources of the area. The new express highway which is aiready under construc- tion. and which 'viii run through South Bowmanvilie. xiii paraliel the C.N.R. tracks. it is hoped that an agreement can be made whercby the ciover jeaf which 'viii enter the town 'viii be extended ta include a bridge over the contested cross- Ing. But notbing can be donc un- tii the engineer makes bis report, stated the Deputy-Reeve. The decision on the cost of the pro- iect xiii be reached some time in ýhe near future. (Continued on Page Six) ïn the morning wnen a service canducted by the Rector, Rev. E. Sigston, and the sermon by Rev. A. D. Dewdnoy, Newcastle, mark- edi the occasion. A collection of $175 'vas sent ta tbc Diocese of Rupert's Land. After'vards the Parish Hall 'vas ýe tember. To do this 'vo shahl have filled by thc many delegates. Four x ta rent space oubside the school". b uses came from Toronto. Dia- )f "() From prosent Public Schaol cesan President, Mrs. Osier, con- ;e enraiments in our Area, we foc d ucted tbc business meeting. Mr. )f that our Higb School p'opulation Sîgston brought greetings from - 'iii continue to increase rapidly the Church and Mrs. Underbill ýfor the next few years at îeast. 'velcomed tbem on behaîf of bhc e We must provide accommodation W. A. 1- for these pupils and 'vo are faced The special speaker 'vas Miss ?v with the necessity of building an Balderston, a bigbly qualifiod -addition ta aur prosent High nurse .and toacher, recentiy from d Sebool". India, speaking on ber 'vork as- of "(3) For some years 've have sisting the Boys' School at Palam- ýs beenr criticized because 'vo have pur. Rev. Tom Dustan, Bawman- e not provided additional instruc- ville, is Principal of this schooi. e tion in our Higb School, notably Miss Baldorston 'vas dresscd in h in Homo Economics, Sbop Work, the native sari of India. and Agriculture. These dopart- The Afternoon and Eveniag a monts, 'vo fel, must be inciuded Branches heiped 'vith the pouring hin any addition ta aur School. of tea and placed a large birthday -This type of an addition 'vauld bc cake on the tea table for the d costly and 'vo have estimated that guests ta hielp bhemselves. ýf the cost 'vould ho $250,000." Favourable 'veather conditions "(4) The new system of Pro- permnitoed a number of those pîres- evincial grants are much larger ont ta enjoy the oubdaors of the )when b'vo or more municipalities Church lawn, during the luncheon tare combined ta form one High hour at onc o'clack. e Scbool District. These grants as' -they 'vould affect us are three la number: (a) A grant per pupîl, Salvation Army (b) a grant of $100.00 for each erural scbooi section in the Higb Financial Drive rSehool District (this grant 've doPrvsScesu fnot quaiify for at present)' _________cesfu e "Our grant per pupil at prosent fis $10800. If 'vo joiaod tbe lar- Captain Edgar Deering, Com- ger district it 'vould bo $1 18.00. rnandiag Officer of bbc Bowman- In addition the district 'vould re- ville Saivation Army Corps, re- ceive $100.00 for each of 88 rural ports that canvassing for this school sections, or $8800 00, an ycar's drive bas airoady reached addibionai grant per pupil of ap- the $1600 mark, and that ail re- Sproximateiy $10.00. We estimate, burns are flot in from the rural ethon, that the additionai Provin- areas. Oniy the business section of Bo'vmanvilie bas been com- S (Continued on Page Six) pleteiy canvassed. Ib is expoctcd that bhe campaiga 'viii soon pass the $2000 total. Many new areas have beon soi- iation Requesis icited this year, adms l Ro n c esMapie Grove bas icesdfo Round ccess$51.4froms year) ta $96.15; Cour- tice fo $88.15 ta $133.30, and cks to Beach Ne'vtonville from$2.0ta $30.16. <e $27.85, Enniskilien $2400, Caos, S area $19.25, Sauina $18.60, Burke- Nurs Gra uate tan $16.00. Nestieton $23.80 and Kendal $18.25. The t'vo localities whicb are be- low iast year's amount are Orona and Leskard. Last year Orono conbribubed $276.15 and Leskard $21.25. This year the figures are S238.16 and $19.35. Ib is believed that bbe Orono contribution suf- fered due to tbc cost of construc- ion of bbc new United Cbumch. Marlon F. Thompson Daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Tbompson, Nestiebon, wbo 'vas anc of the sixty-bwo nurses 'vho graduatedi lasb week froni the class of bbe Schooi of Nursing at Toronto Western 1Hospital. Lions ta Raf file Midget Racer .Framed in bbe plate glass 'vin- do'v of Norm Aiiin's butcher sbop is a sleck-lined midgeb racing car.j In full vicw, so as ta leave no doubt about thcir purpose. are books of tickets 'vhicb indicate that bbc miniature auto is ta go bo some iucky boldor. Youngsters fram ail over bown are dragging skeptical parents ta bbc window and askiag tbcm, "Buy me one, 'viii you". Some of tbem press their noses against bbc xindow, iookiag 'vitb longing at the bright coiored machine. Procceds from bbc draw wi!i go tawards bbc betterment of the community through bbc Lions Club. 175 New Telephones Now in Operation Ini BoWManville More than 175 new telephones arc no'v in operation in Bo'vman- ville and some 225 numbers have been changed as a result of the installation of new equipmcnt at the Bell Telephone exchange, Frank Williams, the Company's Manager here, said this 'veek. The new cvtral office facilities 'vent into operation this 'veek. The equipment consists of 600 "terminaIs", each terminal repre- senting a ne'v telephone number, and sufficient ta meet the needs of Bo'vmanvilie for same time. An extensive conStruction pro- gram designed ta, provide service as soon as possible toalal waiting applicants bas been undcrway since the beginning of the ycar and is expected ta be completed 'vithin the next few months. It is expected that the installation of outside wire and cabies 'vill bring service ta a large number of ap- plicants 'vithin the next fe'v 'veeks and that ail applications 'viii be 'viped out before the pub- licatipn of the new Bowmanvilie directory at the end of Juiy. AIl persans 'vho 'viii receive service as a resuit of the outsidc plant project have been notified, the Manager said. When the project is completed, hundreds of feet of acrial and un- derground cable, consisting of more than 10,000 miles of 'vire, in graups of hundrcds in a cable, 'viii have been installed. More thafi 3 miles of paie uine are also being erectcd, Mr. Williams said. The cabie. connecting 'vith other smalier cables and 'vires branch- ing out throughout the'lexchange, are ail terminated at the central office. Thero the conrtoction is made between "outside" facilities and "inside" equipment ta, bring telophone service ta subscribers. Tennis Courts In Peak Shape Seek Members The tennis courts behind the Lions Community Centre bave finaily been roiled into shape, and the surface is ready for the size- able crowd of tennis cntbusiasts in Bo'vmanviile. There is only anc drawvback, and it is a major anc. Na focs! Those 'vbo intend ta become members of the Tennis Club are urgod ta came for'vard 'vith their focs as soon as possible, since there bas been considerable.. ex-. pense this yoarin renovatlng bbe courts. A steamn rouler 'vas re- quired ta flatten the brand new coat of first quaiby day, and Hig- gon Electrie 'viii soan be asking the Club for the stipend involved in the installation of the ligbting system. The ligbts have been completeiy instalied, and no'v await only tbc inspection of the Hydro. They are arranged s0 that night play- ing wiii bc availabie ta ail xvbo wish to 'vear themselves inta ex- haustion before bedtime. The court is now bard and even, and thbcocating of dlayis 'vorthy of bbc name. The last coating 'vas suppascd ta be dlay, but it might very 'veil have been taken from the grates of a furnace. Letters may be sent out in bhe near future ta the members of bbc club about the proposed 'viener roast, providing that the tennis enthusiasts of Bowmanville pay their focs ini time to become mcm- bers. The focs are as folio'vs: stud- ents $3.50 per persan, general $5., and married couples $8.00. Focs 'viii be taken by any member of the executive, includmng Presi- dent Jack Duan; Vice-Pros., Art Hooper; Secretary, Mrs. Clifford Trewin, and Treas. Alan Strike. Mrs. E4 C. Evans and daughter Rbona. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Evans, Miss Joyce Cox attended the Nur- ses' Graduation Exorcises of Ta- onta General Hospital at Convo- cation Hall on June lst wben Miss Dorathy Evans 'vas anc of tbc graduates receiving ber diploma.1 Hear Musical Treat of the Season To.-Night at Newcast R.C.A.F. TRtAINING COMMAND BAND, TRENTON will present a concert to-night (Thursday) ln Newcastle group of professionally trained bandsrnen. Besides your. Community Hall under the auspices of Newcastle Arena support wiIl help a worthy community project.. Admission Building Fund. This band is considered one of the best 50c and 25c. The concert will be followed by.a dance. in Eastern Ontario and music loyers of Durharn, County Corne and have an enjoyable evening of high class enter. should avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing thisltainment. 'Don't Fail to Hear R.C.A.F. Training Command Band The present R.C.A.F. Training Command Band which prosents a concert tonight (Thursday) in Newcastle Community Hall, 'vas formed in 1946. The Band mcm- bers 'vere sel(Ècted from ex-mem- bers of the famous No. 6 R.C.A.F. Bomber Group Band overseas and fromn other personnel who had' sorvod 'vith anc of the many R.C. A.F. Bands established during 'vartime. Younger blood has been infused into the Band by the in- clusion of e-embers of Air Ca- det and Hîgh School Bands. These Xounger members 'vere duly enliàted inta the R.C.A.F. and aftcr comploting their primary Manning Depot trainine were graduaiiy aesimilated into the Band ta take their place beside the veteran members of this first class musical organization. The first public concert of the baid ,'vas given -rbefore the patients and staff of Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, in 1946. The initial tour of the band bc- gan in May, 1947. lnciuded 'vere visits ta Montreai. Moncton, Hali- fax, Green'vood, Summerside and other Atiant' 2 Coast centres. Mr. & Mrs. W. Rahm Celebrate I'heir 25th Anniversary Saturday ovening Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabm, papular cîbîzens of Tyrone, 'vere plcasantly sur- prîscd when same fifty relatives gatbered at their home ta colo- brate 'vitb tbem their silver 'ved- ding anniversary 'vhich was June 6tb. After a bountiful supper, Mr. Norvai Wotten, Sauina, uncle of the bride. spoke a fcw chosen 'vords and Mrs. W. H. Rahm, of Burkcton, mother of bbc groom. prcscnbod tbemn wibh severai gifts of moncy. Bath fitngly rosponci- cd. Ail sang "For Tbey Are Joily Good Follows". Txvo large pret- f iiy decorabed cakes 'vere cut by bbc bride. After their presenta- tian, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham 'vero calied upon and 'vere pre- seated 'vibb a General-Electric boa kettie by ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm, lb being bbc occasion of their Stb wedding anniveî?sary, June 6tb. The rest of the even- ing 'vas spent in a social ime. Relatives v.ere present from Ham- ilton, Narval. Toronto, Bawman- ville, Sainbfieid, Purpie Hill, 'Burketon, Enniskilien, Sauina. Town's First D.&P. Women's Club Elect Officers at Opening Meeting The Bowmanville Business and Professionai Women's Club 'vas formed on Tuesday evcning, June 6, at a 'veil atended meeting beid la the Lions Community Centre. Mrs. Roy H. Bisbop, Toronto, tbc Ontario Organizer of bbc Canadi- an Federabion of Business and Professional Women's Clubs pro- sidcd, and gave an inspiring out- linof tfhbbcobje«tives of bbc org- anizabion. Officers elected of bhc new Bo'v- manvilie Club are as fola'vs: Miss Doris Robinson, President; Mrs. Gienholme Hughes, Vice- President; Miss Helen Tigbe, Sec- retary; Miss Violet McFeeters, Treasurer and Miss Helen Wed- dcli, Corresponding Secretary. Conveners of Commibtees are: Miss Margaret Nichais, Member- sbip; Miss Helen Tait, Program; Miss Mary Jeweii, Ways and Means; Mrs. James Nokes, Pub- licity; Miss Gertrude Dewcii. In- ternational Relations; and Joint- Conveners of the Telephone Coipn- mittoe. Miss Ruth Lee and Miss Jean White. The next meeting of bbc Bo'v- manvilie Business and Profession- ai Women's Club 'vili be held on Monday ovening, June 19 at 8 o'ciock at the Lions Communiby Centre. Mrs. M. Pewtriss, Presi- dent of bbe Cobourg Club, and Regional Director of bbc Federa- tion, 'viilho bbhespeciai speaker. Hem topic 'viii be "Where Are Wc Going?" An executivo meeting is plan- ned for nexb 'veek, when details of the caming meeting 'viii ho ar- raaged. A large and represonta- tive attendance is expecbed at bbc meeting on June 19. There are 69 Business and Pro- fessional Women's Clubs in On- bario and 68 more acrass Canad1a. Aiso, there are Federation of Bus- iness and Professional Women's Clubs la the United Statos, Greatr Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Bclgium, Franco, Austria, Den- mark, Holiand, Itaiy and Cuba. 'The movement is gaining increas- ing imPebus eacb yoar. T'vcnty- three aew Clubs have been fomm- cd in Ontario alone since last No- vember. Hlowever littie bas beer beard of the foirmemlxv active Bus- iness and Professional Wamen's Clubs ln Poland and other Iran Curbain countries siace bbc war. More Resuits Relieve'Tension For Students University returns keep coming in, and those elected ta continue their University courses, and those graduating, are recciving the news which rolieves the tension for another summer. Richard Bo'vIcs, Alan Striko, and Carl Bac, ail of Victoria Coliege, Uni- versity of Toronta, have gradu- ated in their respective courses. Virginia Hopkins and Stella Bonk have successlfully navigated the troacherous waters of first year at McMaster. John Cattran made his first year in Engineer- ing, and Charles Cattran his sec- ond ycar in Dentistry. Calette Forguson of Victoria Coilege, graduated in Pass Arts. George R. Roberts graduated fromn Toronto la Commerce and Finance, and has aiready accepted a position with a firm of charter- ed accountants in Toronto. Couple Honored On 4Oth Wedding Aniniversary About 60 relatives and friends assemblcd Pt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Luke Hildcriey on Sun- day, June 4, ta celebrate their 4Oth wedding anniversary. In the living room 'vas a large cake decorated in pink 'vith a large pinki bell on top, surround- ed by a 'vonderful array of gifts. Assisting at the tea were Mrs. Kcnneth Hall. Mrs. Clarence Hall, Miss Elizabeth Painton and Mrs. R. Coombs. The gardon 'vas a beautiful pic- turc of hiossoms for the occasion. Retired Minister Gives Delightful, Nature Study Talk at Rotary Club On Subject ""A Perfect Day in June" "Sir John Lubbock in his book "The Pleasures of Life" referrcd ta the verse in Genesis 'vhich reads 'On the Sixtb day God look- cd at everything he had made and saw that it was good'," said Rev. ]ý. R. Nicholson as ho spoke be- fore the Bo'vmanville Rotary Club at the Balmoral Hotel Friday noon. The titie of his inspiration- in June". An ardent naturaîlst from early youtb, Rev. Nicholson delivered a poet's interpretation of' nature, frequently referring ta the bcauty of the clouds, the lakes and rivers. and the his and valîcys. 'I am a rambier in tbc fields", he con- tinued. "I love nature. As a boy 1 used ta preparo my onr break- fast early Suniday morning and take my field glasses and a lunch xith me inta the countryside". Birds and Wiidfiowcrs "There I 'vould spend the mara- ing and a good part of the after- xîoon observing the birds and 'vild- flowers", ho continued. Referring back ta the verse from Gencsis he remarked that the goodnoss of nature is obviaus ta those 'vho bebold it, but very few of us in the rush of modern industrial world take time ta ap- preciate the beauty of nature. We have ears and hear not, cyes and seo not. Temple Entrance We lose when 'vo don't take the time ta reap the pleasure of view- ing the beauty of the green 'vorld. Our character suffers. For many of us the entrance into the temple is only through bbc gate- call beaubiful. Wordsworth ln bis verse wrotèr "To me the meanest flo'vcr that gro\vs can give thougbts deeper than tears". Much of bis poetie inspiration came from the flow. ers. Tranqulllty A study of nature wiii. bring tranquiiity ta our souls, and corn- fort. Solitude is our inner eye. lb enables us ta sec things tbat otherwise escape us. "I was a missionary aniong the lumbering camps in Northern On- tarlo", he said. "One day a" î 'vas driving 'vith a lumberrnart through the 'voods 've cameuzjffl a clearing in the timber and ýview. cd bbe breathtaking expanse of a beautiful vailey. It was *inter and the vista 'vas coverod with. i mandie of snow. The Valley, anid the lake, and the trocs were en- rabcd in a coat of ormine". So What? "'I turned ta the lumbermai riding beside me and said î'Yo1.î are 'ndeed fartunate ta be able ta live'bore ail the time. Ail yeàr long you can cnjay the beauty that people in bbc cities have to drive miles ta eacb year'. The 1 u rr, erman, stolid creature that *~was, turned ta me and sài d wviti-out omotion 'We don't notice these tbings'." There are many like that among us. We can't censure the ignor- (Contînued on Page Six) Bob Stevens Jr. Joins Glen Rae lJairy Fifth Generation to Operate Business Robert L. Stevens Histomy* repeats itseif. Any- way, that 'vas bbc bhaughb 'vhicb enbemcd aur mind 'hen lb 'vas an- nounced this week that Robert Louis (Bob Jr.) Stevens bad bo- came a partner la bbc firm of Glen Rae Dairy and Famm. lb 'vas just 28 years ago 'vben bis father, Ross Stevens cntercd labo business 'vibh bis father R. R. Stevens. This fathcr-aad-soa chaîn la business is an aid Eagiish custom with the Stevens famiiy. The famiiy troc shows that David Stevens bought 200 acres, just 'vost of Ba'vman- ville in 1810 from a Mm. Birk for S75-tbat's not an acre but for bbc 200 acres. His son Jacob book over later ta bo foiiowed by bis son R. -R. Stevens, thon bis son Ross and now Bob makes lb bbc fifbh generabion. Sa i's just 140 years the farm bas been in tbh' Stev'ens famiv -somo record for a - ou ng country like Canada. The Glen Rae Daims' was start- ed 'In 1912 on the famm and la 1929 tht retail busineâà wwu mov- Robert R. Stevens cd to Bo'vmanviiie at King and Scugog Sts. where they cstablisb- ed anc of the finesb pasteumizing plants la these parts. Up ta this time milk 'vas dciivered fmom bouse ta bouse in buik or loase, but the Glea Rae Dairy intro- duccd for the fimsb time la town batbied milk. Looking back over bbc ycars many improvements have been made in bbe daimy bus- iness, inciuding dlean, saaitamy inspection of bords and stables, ta pasteurizing and delivery ta eus- tomors. As a result the per capita consumption of miik la bawn bas more tban doubled la 25 ycars. Gien Rac Dairy aad Farm naw have a staff of over a dozen people employed. They deliver miik daiiy in ta'vn and as far nortb an Scugog Road ta Eaaiskiiien. la bbe summer bhey deliver ta rosi- dents at Port Bowmanvile. The new'. patner is 22 years oid and bas jusb graduatcd after a 4*.yc-ar Agriculttîral co<ur~se. spoci- alizing in dairying, at the Ontario Ross Stevens Agriculturai Coilege, Guelph. We tbink ho bas chosen 'viseiy in fol- lowing la bbe footsbeps of hbu là- ther and grandfather and la show- ing bis faith in a smnall town and continuing in agriculture. Bob Jr. xviii have ta aimn high, toc, to measure up to the public uerviçe% of bis ancestors for Grandathr Bob is an ex-Reeve of Darllngton, Pasb President of bbc Rotary Club and desigriabed "Mayôr of Maple Grave" for oubsbanding services rcadered ta that communlty. Whiie bis dad Ross bas rendeved equaliy good service la împrov- *îng agriculture, President cf -the Lions Club and other valuable public service in to'vn and' coun- try for bappier and better living. On behaif af bis many friendi 'o 'veicome Bob Jr. labo the mua- mness realm of Bowmanviiie and fe.el certain be 'viii keep up the hig]b idc'a]s and traditions of over 100 years estabiisbed by thc Stev- en$ I amily.