PAGE POT3. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARJO ThURSDAY, JUNE 8th, 1950 Corp. S. Palmateer Takes Charge Local Pi. P. Detachment Corporal Stan. Palmateer, who has spent the last tweive years and nine montbs at Bancroft, bas been transferred ta the Provincial Police Detachment at Bowman- ville where he will take charge. Whereas there were only two mnembers of the Bancroft Detach- ment, there are at present five i Bwmanviile. Corp. Palmateer was in charge of the patroiling of twelve town- ships in that area. He was knawn for his public spirit, and was one of the driving forces behind the construction of the splendid swim- ming pool in Bancroft. He was bora on a farm near Trweed, Ontario. He attended Public Schooi in Sehool Section No. 3 near Tweed, and went ta High Schooi in' Tweed. After leaving school he farmed until near his twxentieth birthday. Sub- sequentiy he worked at the Tweed Crcamcry for nine years, for the Goodyear plant bere in Bowman- ville for a few months: and in the Provincial Police for over thir- teen years. J-is Provincial Police career started in Toronto over fourteen years ago wben he spent six months there training ta become1 a constable. At that time the training period did flot count as time in the service. He then spent a month at Belleville, and went from there to Bancroft where he has served the area for the past tweive years and nine months. He is son of the late George Palmateer, and Mrs. Palmateer, who survives. He is married and bas two children, Aileen 18, and Elwood 14. The family wvill re- main in Bancroft until a bouse is found in Bowmanville, and until the children finish their school year. Aileen is just finishing ber fourth year in High Schooi. and Elwood is just finishing Grade 8. He greatly enjoys bis work and enjoys meeting the people of the cornmunity, and bas always taken a keen interest in cbildren. At Bancroft he belonged ta St. Paul's United Church wbere he served for ten years on the Board of Stewards. He was a member of the Lions Club as well as of sev- erai other town associations. He knows weli another new ar*- rival in Bowmanville. L. A. Mac- Dougal of the Statesman office staff. According ta Mr. Mac- Dougal Corp. Palmateer did a splendid work among the people of the Bancroft area. "I can't speak too bighly of the people of Bancroft", stated the Corporal. In Canada last year 351,135 babies were born. RELAX WITH ADEQUATE ELECTRICAL WIRING!l Save yaurself a lot of worry and extra work by making sure you have safe wiring that is adequate ta look after yaur electrical requirements. If you are not sure what yau should have drop in at aur store or phone -us and we will be glad to advise yau if it is sufficient or what extra you will need. Our trained technicians have had the training and the experience ta handie almost every electrical prablem. You might as well let their experience benefit yau. - CALL TO-DAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE- 0F YOUR PARTICULAR JOB Higgon Electric Your General Electrie Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bownianville 42 King St. E. I Dancing ÀL 9 TABLE PONTYPOOL A couple of Saturdays ago, the wife and I took in the show at Bowmanviile. At the ticket office we noticed an aging couple. As they passed aur seat I became certa.n I bad met the man some- where in my travels. Speaking ta him, we discovered boewas a chap named Kiipatrick, who bad cross- ed the Atlantic Ocean with your correspondent 35 years aga, When xve had helped handie a cargo of 1385 horses for the British Army. We laughed again over the fel- low who fiddied around with the ship's signais, and inadvertently sent the "stop" order ta the en- gifle raarn. And, how the Captain flad, in bis rage, threatened ta shoot the poor biighter,,then de- cided ta put him in irons, then did nothing at ail. We remembered the cbap wbo got into a brawi with a crew ment- ber, and who was sentenced to trim coal down in the stoke-hole for two days. And, bow about the dope wbo pusbed the wrong way on a horse, only ta have the poor animal faîl between the ship and the Liverpool wharf, where it drowned. We found we had not forgotten how, on the first n ight in dock, a certain gentleman was escorted back ta the ship by the Liverpool police. Once more we smiled at the thought of the enraged British Army Major, who nearly died of apoplexy when be caught us "herding" the borses from the raiiroad station ta Lord Lathorn's estate, instead of leading themn by the haiter, an foot, in the prescrib- cd British Army tradition. The same aId Major neariy burst a blood vessel when be caught two of us racin,2 a couple of spiashy chestnut geldings around a 20- acre meadow, without saddle or bridie, just steering the gee-gees witb aur caps. We were not sup- posed ta ride them or give tbem any violent exercise for 48 bours after they had been inoculated. Jack and I crawled through a hedge, thus escaping the Major's wrath. Boy, what a lot of reminiscing we crowded into those 15 or 20 minutes before the picture start- ed. It was nice ta meet the old scalawag after 35 years. The amn- azing thing is that, be bas lived in Bowmanvilie, I at Pontypool, for the past 30 years, only 20 miles apart, yet haven't met be- fore. That's life for you! A good sized congregation beard Rev. E. A. Eustace preach a ser- mon on "The danger of good things taking the place of the best". It was the type of sermon that was applicable ta lodges, churches, in- dividuals. And, was delivered with the force and c]arity for whicb Mr. Eustace is justly noted. on Sunday May 28 at Leskard wben the Rebekahs and Odd Fell- ows of Orono attended their an- nual public Divine service. The parade was led by the ex- cellent Ororfo Band under the capable leadership of Carias Tamblyn, in the absence of "Uncle Mult". There are a lot of yoting, new members in this ag- gregation, but, don't let anyone kid you that tbey are nat 0K. It was a treat to step aiong witb them. Everyone enjoyed the ladies' choir, made up mostly of Rebek- abs. Their solo, duet, anthem was tops. Cowan's %estaurant In Bow- manville bas a colour scheme of pink and blue., Hove you noticed SA TUBRDAYS- Your Assurance of a Perfect Evening ADDY DARCýH ACCOMMODATION FOR 600 Shown signing the register following their marriage at Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, an May 27th, are M r. and Mrs. Roderick Joseph Wiltshire. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin George of Smith- field, Ontario, and granddaughter of Mrs. B. M. Warnica, tormerly of Bowmanville, and the groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Wiltshire, Oshawa. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette how nîce the waitresses appear in their new uniforms of the same colours? Their new bair-dos don't make them any harder on the eyes, cither. The tobacco farmers jaround here are hard at wark setting their plants out these days. We sure did appre ciate thase million dol- lrrains last week. It brought the farm craps, inciuding pasture ahee, lessened the fire hazard, heiped the young trees. If you ever want ta fali in lave with this aid pine stump, blowsand, grass- happer, dricd-out ridge, visit it early in June. After that, phooey! Everything seems ta become too burnt up in appearance. Even us bu man s! Rumour bas it that the dance was pretty weli attended last week and that it will be heid on Saturday nights until further notice. One of the best gags we have encountered xvas. whcn Pee Wee Hudson drove inta Aif Micbeil's service station. Aif came hust- ling out, chuck full of business, asked Pec Wee wbat he would like. Pee WTee said "Oh, I guess if you just straighten up the radi- ator cap, everything will be fine". What Aif said, is flot for publica- tion. Bert Richardson is doing his annual stint at the Crystal Surn- mer Resort swimmirig pool. Mak- ing At water tight, safe and sani- tary. We were deligbted ta have as overnight guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Cïýldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Caldwell, allof Guth- rie. Ont.' We warked for the Caldwell brothers' grandfather Plummer Brothers Become King Scouts Two more Port Hope Boy Scouts have been awarded their King's Scout Badges. Last week Donald and Gardon Plummer, sons of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Plum- mer, and grandsons of Mr. N. S. Plummer, Bawmanville, received this coveted reward wbich is the higbest honour ta be achieved in scouting. In the same ceremony, the boys received their ambulance-man Badge which is anc of the four Proficiency Badges they earned ta become King's Scouts. They have aiso earned their red and white cord wbicb is presented toaa Scout who holds 12 ýroficiency Badges. Tbey are bath active members of the Fifth Part Hope Troap. Don attendcd the First Canadian Jam- boree held at Connaught Ranges near Ottawa iast year. This camp was attended by over 3000 boys from ail parts of Canada. Gord bas been chosen ta repre- sent Part Hope Scouts at the Amn- enican Jamboree eanly in July. This camp isbcing beld at Valley Forge, Pe)nsylvania, and will be attended by several thousand Scouts. Gord will be arnong about 500 Canadian boys who have beco chosen ta represent the Scouts of Canada. Shortage of Ministers A Serious Problem States Dr. Young many years ago. Taday, we look on themn as aur cousins. Indced, The shortage of candidates for they treat us as though wc wcre. the ministry hias become a "per- One unusuiai fact we noted was sistent probiem" Rev. Dr. W. Han- that the four of themn ate oatmeal old Young, Toronto, toid the Bay porridge for breakfast, a rare oc- of Quinte Conference of the Unit- currence these days. They came cd Chiunch. Mr. Young wbo is fnom pioncer stock which may ac- Sccretary of the United Church count foir it. Stili, I just came- Board of coileges and second period. yct I like it. schoois, said "Thene is urgency in A nice thing about having guests this matten. There is an urgent is bcbng able ta cat off a white need for recruits for the ministry, table cloth in the kitchen. Then, and it grows greater and greaten too. ail the chinaware we bave cach day". got out of rolcd oats, etc., is "The need continues ta groxv, tratted oui; as meil as the cheap althoudn in the last twa yeans, thc cutlery \':e acquired with Com- response from aur vauth bas been fort soap couIpon-s. On such oc- magnificient. In Montreal and casions aur wife sure puts on the Tononto, ta take care-of the grow- dog. We each have a tumbien af ing number of United Church xvater. any other time wvc would mcrnbei's in those cities, mare than have to jump up and take a swig 50 chunches are needed-and that out of the dipper. And you ought means 50 ministers". to hear lier refer ta me as "My Speaking of the origin of can- Deah". Any other time it would didates for the ministry, Mr. be "hcyyu.O teeags Young pointed ont that about 30 occastons yaurs truiy is nat alaow- per cent, came from farns and cd ta corne ta the table in bis un- that another 18 per cent. were dershiî't. or ini bare feet. We can't sons of ministers. cat peas with aur knife, because. These candidates, hie said, oflen1 vcl aims it reminds bier toa had toa littie money af their oxvn much of the sxvord-swaiiowing act ta complete college cour'ses an" in the circus. We even have ta canscquently, sorne werc being tangue the soup off the spoon lost ta the mninistry. quictl.v, 'nstead of "slunping" it, Mr. Young berated some of the as 1su.1l. In spite of wbich, we presby'teries in the conference f'or hope the Caldwells came again nat suppiying more "recruits for- reai îzon. the ministry". Oshawa prescnted three candidates, lie said, and aniy anc athen matched that. ;Fishinq Trip h'iat happened in Oshaiwa i LndsCarInterv", hie said. "Tbere couldn't be Ditch at Courtice a finer cause".oftecneec' 1-1 association. Elmer Davis of Last XVdnesday at 4 a.m. Robt. 'Kingston, said lay niembers could Hov, Oshawa, driving west near ,olg in Ihecir pockets" ta help1 Nichais' garage at Courtice, ieft necdy candidates finish their cal- tic naad when lus car was forced lege courses. tthîe ight by a passing cai'r Thev necd yaur support and 1 cutting ln ahead of him, bit the ti o etee lsigi siiouîder at the right, wcntau that' kind of support". of contraI, and careened across ta ofnnePesdnteRv the sauth side 0f the road where CDr. H. A. Ket, Prncipale ae it plungcd into the ditcb and Queen's Theological Coilege, ai avertUrned. Kingston, camolimcnted Mr. Davis H-is onlv passenger Doug Brown an bis support for necdy canîdi- of Oshawa, with %vbom lie ha dI dates. spent the day fishing at Part "There are several nmen hivre. Perru'v, was taken by Constable 'vhom I will not namne", said Mr' Albert Poulter of Bowmanville ta Kent, "who have been supported Oshawa Hospital. He wvas sev-by r.DisHedsntknv erely shaken up. ho tr.yDae. He ksncwtheyo The 1950 Pontiac sped five Ih hyae H nwtc hundred feet after it left the needed hela and hie gcneraliy gave raad. The roof was pusbed i b is support". ta a depth af twa feet in the shape of a V. The trunk xvas sprung, Durîng the xvar, the Ttalians and the fendens and grill badly developeda "flyinaucr' sm ashed. asue' Constable Kitcbing, upon ex -_______________ ianîining the car shortly after the O crash. discovex'ed baif a dozea foot-long fish flopping fnantically in the back. Utensils cao be slîaned from old phonograph records, heated. _ Two -Young Men Ordained By Quinte Conference Ordination ceremonies for two new ministers were held Wednes- day. night in George St. United Church, as a part of the silver iii- biiee meeting of the Bay of Quinte Conference. The two new ministers-Boyd James Beckel, Belleville, and Mil- ton James Bell, Kingston- were ordained in a service presided over by Rex'. Dr. H. A. Kent, President of the Conference. Sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Anderson of Brighton, Paýst President of the Conference. I-Je welcomed the twa ordinants into "the most glorious work man is calied upon to do-the ministry". TIue ordinants were presented to the President by the Secretary, Rev. Hamlet C. Folfraimi Ai- monte, with these words: "Rev- erend President and members of conference. I present unto you these persons to be admitted min- isters of the Word and Sacra- ments". Following prayer. the President spoke ta the ordinants, telling them they were about to become "messengers. watchmen and stew- ards of the Lord". Then Dr. Lent asked the ordin- ants three questions:: "Do you believe vourself ta be a child of God through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ?" 'II do so beliex'e". "Do you believe vourself to, be called 9f God ta the office of the Christian ministry and your chief motives to be zeal for the glory of God, love for the Lord JesuF Christ and desire for the salvation of men?' 'II do so believe". "Are you persuiaded that the Holv Seriptures contain suffici- ently ail doctrines required for eternal salvation in aur Lord Jesus Christ, and are you resolv- cd out of the said Scriptures to ALL PURPOSE 5 ROSES FLOUR QUAKER NUIFFETS LIGHT MEAT TUNA FISR H ElN Z KETCHUP MAPLE LEAF MATCHES JELLY POWD--RS JELLO 1 McLA R EN'S PUNCH BARKER'S BISCUITs M cCOR MlC K'S BISCUITS CATELLI Ç,OOKED SPAGHETTI A&P FANCY TOM, JUICE 5-1. 35e Pkg. 12e Ti 29e 13.oz.24 3 Box9 6 Pkgs. 49e *Btl. 19< iPkg. 25e * Pkg. 18e Tin 12e 3 16: OZ.9< BO0NELESS ROUND STEAK OR ROAST MAPLE LEAF SLICED SIDE BACON BROOKFIELD, PURE PORK,L SAUSAGE -*' SLICED, ESSEX BRAND SIDE BACON Bnded Robin Here and reported to the Fish and Wild- life Service r'. the Patuxent Re- Located in New Jersey search Refuge, Laurel, Maryland, ______by Frank Taylor, West Walnut Forrest Dilling received a letter Road, Vineland. New Jersey. froin the United States Depart- Following is the letter: "Ref- ment of the Interior recently in- erence is made to your letter of formning him .that a robin he had 5-8-50 regarding a bird wearing a banded in 1944 had been captured band with the above number and which you report was caught by instruct the people committed ta hand at nest on porch, May 8, your charge, and to teach noth- 1950, at West Wainut Road, Vine- inç' which is not agreeable there- land, Cumberland County, New to?" Jersey". "I arn so persuaded and arn so Comments: "I did flot take* the? resolved by God's grace"., band off and did flot harrn him" "Our information on the banding! -Dr. Kent spoke to the kneeling of this bird is as fo]lowe!: species, ordinants, saying: "The Lord pour Robin; banded at Bowmanvilie, upon thee the holy spirit for the Ontario, Canada, June 5, 1944, by office and work of a minister in Forrest A. Dilling". the church of God, now commit- "On behaîf of this Servicean ted unto thee by the authority of the bander may we thank you fo the church through the imposition your co-operation in contributing of our hands. And be thoLi a faith- this informat.on to outrstudies and fui dispenser of the word of God. investigations of the migrations and of His holy sacrarnents; in thei and lite histories of the birds of name of the Father, and of the North America. Very truly yours. Son. and of the Holy Ghost- Seth H. Low, Biologiàt, Section Amen". of the Distribution and Migration The President presented each of Birds, Branch of Wildlife Re- ordinant with a Bible, telling search". them to endeavour to iead "a holy and godiy life". The service clos- ed with a benediction by the In Britain, material for suits is President. made partly frorn peanuts. You will be delighted with this fragrant tea A&P CUSTOM GROUND YUKON CLUB BOKARGINGER ALE (Contents Only> COFFEElb 85Sc3ozîs19 A&P SPECIAL BLEND BLACK TEA 12 AYLMER 4-5 CHOICE PEAS AYLMER GOLDEN AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING K EL LOG G'S CORN FLAKES* AYL.MER SLICED CHOICE PEACHES IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE-.. FANCY RED MINCED SOCKEYE SALMON lb pkg 37C 1îlbpkg 73C 20 oz lin 15c - Z 15-oz lins 23c - -2 28-oz tins 31C 16 oz jar 51C 2ZPkgs25c 15 oz tin 18c 24-oz jar 26c 1/2,s tin 27C ir. L-ý F LOO VOUR MEAT & FISH BUV 0F SMOKED SLICED SIDE BACON FRESH CAUGHT RESTIGOUCHE SALMONB :i: b. 6M St ZED or BLUE BRAND BEEF GRADE "A", ALL WEIGHTS *l.85e CHOICE FOWL lb 39< GRADE "A", FRESH KI'.LED !'35e DUCKLINGS l.55e D8E CUT-UP CHICKEN, MILK FED GRADE "A" b.45e LEGS, TIIIGNS, BREASTS l.85e I/2.1b. 31< 59e TH WEK NECKS & BACKS * * lb. 25e SEA FOOD VALUES lb. 7 FRESH LAKE NIPIGONlb35 cElb < WHITE FISH E b 5 tek b.6 e FRESH Is S SEA HERRINGS 2 Ia.25< AND RIS GREAT NEW BAND ADMISSION - - - $2.00 Per Couple gyA &P "Super Right Quulit y" Meuts kiL~ CANADA'S FINESI GOV'T GRADES - ANN PAGE VITAMIN 'dB't MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN oz loaf 1 2c PAGE FOL. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'WMANVILLE. ONTARIO lHURSDAY, JUNE Sth, 1950 OMLECS Uliss(ls