PAGE SIX ~~~~TH~E CANADIAN STATESMAR, EOWMANVILLE, ONTAMUO TUSA.JN i,1 TYRONE Gregory Friend left for Mont- real last Wednesday where he has Obtained summer employment with a steamship company, sail- Ing for Cherbourg, France. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hawns, Fort Erie, Mr. Bert Windover. Miss Patner, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatherly, Larry, Wayne, Shirley and Carol, Dixie; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowers, Oshawa, vis- Ited Mrs. R. Hatherly on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Downý, Billie , and Carolyn, Lakefield, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. L. Moore, on Sunday. "MONE 455 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heckaday and children, Solina, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brent were guests of Mrs. A. W. Clemens, To- ronto, on Sunday. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Mr. B. J. Stephens, Tarante, wîth Mr. and Mns. -R. Burgess for the we4kend. Mrs. Samis, Mrs. R. Robinson and Regie, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. T. Douglas, Tarante, with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byam. Several tram here attended thc funerai of Mrs. Charles Stire in Bowmanville on Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. D. Temlin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Temlin, Roseneath; RESIDENCE 29511 Closed ail day Monday - Open Tuesday to Saturdav EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Complete Line of Margaret Leanda Cosmetics PINT S... Are. Now Available In the feliowing materials for the convenience of those not needing larger sizes. White Enamel Undercoater Fiat White Paint White.Enamel Ciear Varnish Varnish Stains Aiso' for sale Ripolin Enamel Timber Lox for new wood Lith-O-Lox for concrete ALL TYPES 0F SEALERS AND PRIMERS Exterior and Interior Paint Full Line of WALLPAPERS from which to choose B. AbenethyPaint J. H.AberethyStore 85 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 431 P DIAMQND RINGS Each ring ls set in a ;Ieaming spher. af chrome mounted on an obony-black pedestal . .. sa that t con be proudly presented ... always Double Protection, Guaraflie Certificat wulh eoch Blue River iamond Riug.- - .and 0 ire* insurosuce .ilcy. Bue River Diamond rings ore raid hy botter jswellers acron Canada - f ront 8U5.00 ta 85000.00 HOOPER'S JEWELLERYAN OUT SHOP 28 Ring S.W. Domaie Phne 747 the Iasting Ioveliness of a wave that's alive with luster... yet soit as candie light. y è[ver f-1 , ieè P E R M A N E N T CALL JOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY Joan's IBeauiy Centre raham, Bowmanvillc, enjayEd a 'eckcnd motor trip ta Orillia and I ti Oliver No. 22 Tracter Trailer Power Driven MOWER Oliver 66 TRA CTORS A complet. uine ef farm equipment. Midland and while there visited the Shrine. They also called at Collingwood and Wasaga Beach in their travels. Church service and Sunday School are being held in the East room ef thé school while the church is being renovated. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beçkett, Billy, Melvin, Eleanor and Jo Ann, Stratford, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett,, and attend- cd the Lamb-Beckett wedding. Col. William Farrell, New To- ronto, spent the wcekend witb Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy. Bekvaee. gran-"ilag-chopp.d hay- robgag up ta 60 %et or more. Sàave b«work, eds unioadlitg b hand. Air blase cn sped up dwying w haymow crib, gsuary. I*enail ro01 ru- taneous combustion = sini mgo. FREE-Caued ifoUets om blow- eft uhe M"sel. *n%* ueru"... *SNALLET VIRTUE'S GARAGE PHONE 2882 . TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kelly, Har- woed, visitcd Mr. Willis Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott. Barbara Taylor spent Uic wcek- end with Dorothy and Deanne Burgess, Long Sault. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Begneil and Linda, Torante, wcre Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Grant and Gwendolyn, attcnded Zion anniversary on Sunday and were guests et Mrs. F. B. Glas- peul. Mr. Tom Powell, Toronto, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. L. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hedgsan, Bowmanville, and Mr. Glen Hodg- son, Cornwall, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mrs. J. Smith who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott, has gane ta Toronto ta ne- side with her husband. Mr. Trewin Scott visited his tather, Mr. Herb Scatt, who un- derwent a seriaus operatian in Toronto General Hospital last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Larmar, Misses Dorothy and Sharon Bal. Millbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear on Sunday. Larry Rosenvear returlied ta Millbrook with them for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rasevear, Arlene, Jacqueline and Lorraine were guests at the Dawson-Ball wedding in Millbrook Uie Church last Saturday attemnoon.1 Mm. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Ronnie and Marilyn, and Miss Jean Philp visited the tormer's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Philp, Waterloo, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linehan, Miss M. Wilson, Toronto; Miss N. Finnie, Miss M. Rankin.e, Ayrshire, Scotland, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Byers, Cour- tice, attended the tuncral of their cousin, Mm. Kenneth Hemn, at Osh- awa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ait Brown and Jack, Newcastle, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. Mr. Harold Skinner left Tues- day morning with-a load of sheep ta attend the spring fairs in Que- bec for two weeks. Mrs. A. Abbott, Oshawa; Mr. Dan Murray and triend, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and Douglas, Haliburton; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mathis, Warrant, Pa., and Mr. Ed. Warburton, Oshawa, visited with Mms. W. Miller. Mrs. Frank Werry spent several days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford May, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McCoy, Brookiin, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodiey visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dud- ley, Trenton. Mr. Percy Wemry and Mrs. A. [{oar attended the nurses' Izradu- ition exercises of Peterborough Civic Hospital on Monday, June 6 whcn their cousin, Miss Vivian Fowan, was among ic hegradu-j ates., Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and Miss Beth Miller attcnded nurses graduation exercises of Toronto General Hospital which were hcld in Convocation Hall on Thursday evening, June lst, when their laughter, Miss Helen Miller was one qt a large class ta graduate. A reception which tollowed toak place in the nurses' residence. < Mrs. Miller attended the mother- Lnd daughter tea on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner risited their daughter, Miss Dur- othy Skcinner, Toronto, last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy spentJ he weekend with Mr. and Mms. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin.5 Mrs. Will Jewell entertained her S. S. class at a picnic at her home on Monday atternoon. Ail repartJ a grand time. Mr. Byron Farmell had a veryc ucccsstul sale last Saturday. N Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm on celebratingj4heir 5th wedding anniversary at theirt Lame on Saturday evening. l Mrs. V. Milîson, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Glad ta know Mrs. Clifforda Shred is doing nicely atter heri peration in Bowmanvilie Hos-a pital last week. We ail wish hem (Intendcd for Last Wcek) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoyle and famiiy, Oshawa, visited Mm. and Mrs. Robert Sim on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith and Grace visited Mn. Johnson Kidd on Suriday, Gracie attcnding an- niversary services at Goodwood.* Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim, Mrs. Fred Smith, Miss Grace Smith motor- cd ta Laketield and Burleigh Falls on Monday. Rotary Club (Cantinued tram Page One) ant lumberman ton his lack of appreciation of nature. We can wondem at the carelessness - ot those in the professions. With I ah their training and retinement they should takc some interest in the beauties of nature. The Rase Garden "In my own expeience as a minister, whenever I wcnt toaa ditterent manse I spent my time bcautifying the grounds", he said. In anc place I laid out a beautitul rose garden. Not only my famiiy cnioyed this plot, but the neigh- bars for miles around". "Two years atter I had left that manse I eturncd ta view my gar- den. What did I sec? Potatocs! Potatoes ta the right and left tof me. That minister didn't came for roses, but 0! he did like his pota- toes". "I am plcased ta sec that now in the school curriculum nature study takes a praminent place", he said. "Not only the esthetic but aiso the eccnamic values are pointed out". Lady Siippers He remembcred yeams aga spending a time at the cabîn of the parents of Keith Jackson at Tobacco Lake, Manitoulin Island. Nearby was a large swamp. "One day I took a trip into the swamp", he said. "There before me I saw a clump et Pink Ladyslippers, with large coarse Icaves and beautiful biossoms. They were the lamgcst I had ever scen. Far- ther on theme were more. And when I had taken a survey of the area taken in by these flowers I saw that theme was at lcast a hait acre of thc blossoms". "Thcme before me was a hait acre of what are considered by many plant loyers as the tinest specimens of Canadian flowers", he continued. May and June June is the mast beauWiul month of the ycar. It is the month of biaoming tlowers, warm days, and even temperature. May is like a beautiful maiden, coy and changeable, with variable moods. But June is handsome, buxom and fair, with the matumity of summer and the grace of spring. May is treacherous b u t dependability gaes wîth the temperament of June. The skunk makes one of the most enjoyable and affectionate pets known ta man. "I emem- ber flot long ago near Hampton surprising a female skunk and ler kittens," he Laid. I was searching for birds with my field glasses, and was lying stili sa hey would gather around. Sud- ienly I spottcd thc mother skunk with hem itter. The kittens wcre puliing the mothem's tail and zimbing over her. Whenever thcy bit too hard the mother would give a sharp cutf". Go To The Skunk The skunk, praperly teatcd, is adcean and beautitul animal. It .s neyer in a hury. The old ad- age 'Go ta the ant and be wîse' could very weil be changed ta 'Go ta the skunk, gentleman, and carn haw ta take your time'. "The other night I saw a night- hawk swoaping through the sky", aid Mm. Nicholson. Each time it pulled out of its dive its wings boomcd with the pressure of the ir on the pinians. This bird cceds by keeping its enormous nauth open, as it swaops through the air, trapping the unwary night Insccts by the hairs which point nwamds in the mauth". The Commaon Toad Toads are another animal which trovide pleasune tor those wha et ta, know them. They have the nost beautitul golden eyes. And for Friday & Salurday Rubber Baby Pants Silk. Covered Regular 79c On Sale - 49C Boys' Sanforized Play Suifs Sizes 4 - 6 - 8 Regular $2.59 On Sale - 98c Chore Girls Regular 10c Special - 5c We carry a complet. assortment of FATHER'S DAY Cards and Gifts for Sunday, June l8th EDWARDS (5 t. $1.00 Store Acting President Mcl Dale, along with the Rotary souvenir pend!l. Keith Siemon introduced the speaker. He remarked that Mr. Nicholson went into jaurnalism atter graduating tram college. He later dccided to enter the min- istry and spent the rest of his ac- tive 111e with thc church. He has been retired for two years but still carrnes on his prcaching in a most acceptable manner. Bill Lycctt and Ted Morris cele- brated birthdays. Rotarians Ralph Schofield, Les McLaughlin and W. Charleton, Oshawa; Jim Graham, Dundas and Corp. Stan. Palma- teer of Bowmanville, were guests. Board of Education Swings and teeters arc ta be put in the grounds. A picnic will be hcld in the school grounds soon. The Public School childrcn capturcd 48 ribbons at thc music festival held at Ennisililen laut Friday evcning. Mr. Armstrong, Music Director, congratulatect aur teacher, Mr. Jack Frankum, on his efforts with the rhythm band and flutes. Mrs. E. Caughili with Mrs. J. Strong, Toronto. Wc extend sympathy to Mrs. Al- fred Grace, Sr., an the death of her father, Uic late Mr. W. Crok- er; and ta Mrs. E. Adams, whose father, the late Albert Goodman, died in Toronto. The Siatesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dycr's Drug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's. NewcastIe. Wilson & Brown, Newtanville. T. M. Slemon, EnnIsicillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Bunketon. Wm. Hackweod, PontypooL. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock. C. B. Tyrreli, Orono. il. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagneli, Jury & Lovell J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Statesman Office. A special meeting of the Town Council will take place Wednes- day ta furthcr discuss thc conclu- sions reached in thc general dis- cussions at the Counties Coundil. Beach Association (Continued fram Page One) The Clerk was instructcd ta con- tact the engineer by letter te asic when Uic estimate could be expected. The delegation spokesman, Mr. Bruce Murchison, asked what could be donc if the. cloverleaf bridge werc not financially teas- ible. Mayor Mason replied that thc Beach Association fhight have ta appeal for permission ta pass Uic tracks ta the Board of Trans- port Cammissioners at Ottawa. Mr. Murchisan asked if per- mission could be acquired to use the crossing in the estimated peniod af a year that lt will take ta construct the bridge, if the lat- ter is withln reach af the finan- ces of thc tawn. Again the Asso- ciatian was referred to Transport Comnmissioners, with the comment that the Board acts vcry slowly. Volces were raised ini indigna- tion when it was pointed out that tire service, ambulance service, and other town obligations paid for by the West Beach taxpayers could not be. administered for eight manths of the year due to the closed crossing. It was men- tioned that one man had been removed by boat and finally through the East Beach to tawn with a ruptured appendix. Am- bulance service would have brought hlm ta the hospital much carlier, and with less damage ta him. It was also mentioned that when JIack Hately's boat caught tire the tire hases had ta be terried across ta the scene of the t ire by boat. Mayor Mason stated sympa- thetically that if the Council could do anything about the unfortun- ate situation it would do so. But it was tied hand and foot by the sale to the C.N.R. of the night-of- way 35 years ago. The only pos- sible solutions are bridges over the tracks or over the creek. Either would be a very costly un- dertaking; the bridge over the tracks running, according ta an es- timate by Reeve Allison, ta $200,- 000. $80,000 of the latter would have to be paid for by the Town of Bowmanville. The Council expressed the sin- cere hope that a bridge might be built aver the tracks when Uic new highway cames through. BURKETON Mrs. L. Haesman with Mrs. Vera Hatherley, Peterborough. .Mrs. J. Kerr, Lotus, is visiting Mrs. L. Haesman for a few days. Mrs. H. Rahm is visiting in To- ronto. Mrs. N. Hinds, Courtice, and Mrs. Jones, Oshawa, were guests at the eIome and School meeting Toni Home Permanent $2.79, Toni Refi ------- $1.25 - $1.59 Bayer Aspirin- 18c-29c-79c Bile Dean. 47e Bisodol Powd. -. 55e-$1.19 Brama Seltzer -25c-49c-95e Feenamint --19c-33c-69c Gin P111. ---____49e-74c Dodd's Pll _____ 49e Fruitatives __-___25c-48c Larvex Spray Proteets Clothing for 1 Year 83C - $1.29 - $1.98 Larvex and sprayer- $1.33 Dec Tee Math Crystais 49c Breck Special ]Breck Shampoo and' Dispenser Now -$1.50 (Continued from Page One) cial grants would amount te $20.- j00 per pupil under the larger High School District". "'Under (b) above, the grants for capital expenditures are even greater. Under our present set- up for each $100,000.00 of capital outlay the Province pYs $50,- 000.00, 50%; outside pôints pay $16,000.00 (through county grants to us) and Bowmanville pays $34,- 000.00. The town would be re- quired to float the boan". "Under the- larger High School District for each $100,OOQ.00 et capital outlay the Province would pay $75,000.00 or 75%, other mu- nicipalities would pay $21,275.00, and Bowmanville would pay $3,- 725.00 (based on the County eq- ualizec6 assessment). The Coun- ties Council would float the loan". "If Bowmanville should join the proposed district, ail assets and liabilities would be taken over by the new High School Board". The Council argued over and probed this resolution and its ex- planation for well over 11/2 hours, indicating that flot everyone was convinced that the administrative problems would flot be much greater, and that the local area would get its fair share of the building appropriations. There is the general feeling that the present Northumberland-Dur- ham Counties amalgamation works ta the benefit of Northumberland, especially in the sphere of roads. There is a fear that Bowmanville and West Durham might suffer should the large school area be formed. It was suggested by several Councillors that instead of ane large school section two smaller ones should be formed. An ob- jection was raised here by the Board delegation that Clarke Township did not want to be split, since one man on one sîde of the road within the township would feel cheated should he pay more school tax into one haîf of the county than his neighbor on the other side to the other haîf. Besides, two smaller sections would throw a heavier burden on Bowmanville when it came to construction costs. It was finaily decided that at least one member of the Board should accompany the Reeve and Deputy Reeve to the Counties Council meetings being held this week at Cobourg to bring betore that body the proposition design- ed by the Bowmanvîlle Board. EDWARDS 5V to $1.00 Store 65 King Street West Bowmanville last Monday. Fali meeting wil be the first Monday in September. ART'S CAR MARKET "Honest Art" Is Sellinug Out ENTIRE PRESENT STOCK Ail cars musi be sold regardless of cosi, because we have Io make modern improvemenis in this loi. Prives Greatly Reduced 1949 MONARCH SEDAN - Lovely metallic green, air condition. Low mileage. Like new -- $1795.00 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN -' Black in colour, a very brimant exterior and drives beautifully -$1480.00 1941 DODGE SEDAN - This one is tops. Blue in colour $940.00 1941 PONTIAC COUPE- Lots of room for 5 passengers. Light bine. A beauty---- $950.00 1940 PLYMOUTH COUPE- (5 passenger) Like the rest of our clean cars. This one is spotiess - - $880.00 1940 CHEVROLET COUPE - This one has beautiful appearance and is truiy a wonderfui car throughout. Black in colour - $885.00 1940 NASH SEDAN - Radio, air condition. Performs beautifully --* $795.00 1939 LA SALLE SEDAN - Class, smaet appearance throughout. Mechanically perfect. Ail for only -- $850.00 CASH TRADE Up Io 18 Nonths Io Pay 1939 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN - Like new throughout. A dark blue finish -- ----------- $825.00 1938 PIERCE ARROW COUPE - Many extras. Clean car $740.00 1937 CHRYSLER SEDAN- New motor. A pip . $690.00 1937 FORD COACH- A mechanic's chance, needs mator work. Must be ail cash--------- $200.00 1936 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN - Good shape - $450.00 1936 CHEVROLET COACH- In top top condition ---- $490.00 1935 POýqTIAC COACH - Recondition motor --- ----- $400.00 1934 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN- Good econoniical car $290.00 1933 ROCKNE SEDAN - Black in colour $175.00 1933 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN- Black in colour ---- $250.00 1933 WILLYS COUPE - Runs very good --------- $99.00 1931 DODGE SEDAN- A real buy----150is.00 EASY TERMS Open Evenings Until 9:30 - Baby Scales for Reni - Guard Against SUNBURN Tangel--------65e Noxzema Suntan Oil ___ 30c-60e t.Skol -----------53e Nivea Skin 011 ---50c-90c Velvetta Suntan Cr. --39e FIGHT FLIIES AND Brigt! RhtlMOSQUITOES Pint~Aroo Therms ---0-$$1.6un9hKits98 Quart Thermos - $2.50-$2.751 Picnie Jugs $3.75-$4.75 P 6 9,N COWLNG'S DRUG STORETRSES MACLEAN YOUR TEETH TO YOUTHFUL BRILLIANCE.1 Tihe sp.dial lipold selyent makes teeth dozzling .Oî> whiteI BUY ToahPle Regular tube 29<: Lcoilarg ue7 Ail cars are checked and lhoroughly serviced by our experts -a Special Values ; 1 1 PAGE six TEU MAT. JUM 8*1 1950 sovauvae
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