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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1950, p. 7

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*IIT.ISDAy, UNE th 1050T CAiAUN TATZUM.A B OWVIL XZ. ONTAM _ ____________________________________________ - - -- ------ -.----- -~.-.--~----.--------. ~- '-w- V - SOCIAUflPERSONAL Phone 68 Mr. Ray Dudley is holidayiniz at Grand Bend, on Lake Huron. n.s Arthur Wright, Hamilton, T1d liting her ister, Miss Olga Weekend guests with Mr. and Mns. J. E. Finniigan and Rîckie were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Z. Brown of Ottawa. aàMiss Eleanore Wight and Mr. UNlph Parrish, Toronto, spent the W1%eekend with the former's moth- er, Mrs. C. A. Wight. Miss Lena Taylor and Mrs. Ern- est Larmer spent the weekendi Wth their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, Bancroft. You are invited to the BOWMA11MLLE DAPTIST mN1s sI10N Meetingi UNION HALL 19 King Street East Sunday - 7:30 pa. A message f rom Pastor Holliday "HOW EVERY CHRISTIAN OUGHT TO LIVE" Soloist - Mr. Arthur Bell Bowmanville Unil Join other United Churchesa Sunday in the Celel: Si*lver Ji OF THI United Church 25 years ago on June lOth, 192 of Canada came ir REGULAR SERVICES - Il St. Paul's Uniied Church First Church of Ch:i OSHAWA, ONI Announces FIREE LECI on CHRISTIANà by JOHN 'S. SAMMC -of Chicago, Illinois. Member of1 ship of The Mother Church,' of Christ, Scientist, in Bostoi SUBJECT: "Christian Science: ThE Meets The Humai PLACE:Ce t e S r e n i 2Centre StreetUi TIME: Tuesday, Juil at 8:15 p.m., D. -THE PUBLIC IS CORDIAI Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James attended the Commencement Day Exercises at Ontario Ladies' Coi- ]ege, Whitby, an Wednesday afternoon. Hampton Parrn Forum donated $15.00 ta Manitoba Fiood Relief Fund ini response to a letter sent out from the Ontario Farm Radio Forum headquarters at Toronto. Owing ta mechanicai difficulties several columns of country cor- respondence, sports and other ST. JOHN'S CHURCH news had ta b. heid over tlf next week. Mrs. G. E. Pritchard and Helen were ini Toronto Tuesday atend- ing the funerai of their nephew and cousin, Mr. Victor H. Prit- chard. Mrs. Byron Vanstone, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCready for Norman and Peter are in Letis- bridge, Alta., with her parents, thse summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hugis Smale, Ot- tawa, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Balson, Judy, Peter and David, Cataraqui, spent the weekend witb Mrs. C. J. Smale. Miss Mary Jewell, Mns. H. W. Jewell and Mrs. Melbourne Wight were visiting friends and rela- tives in Niagara Falls aven the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. L. Black who had been spending a few days in Peterborough, called on bis aunt, Mrs. Seward Dowson, when passing through town on their way home ta Detroit. JMr. and Mrs. Bill James repre- (Agican sented The Statesman at thse convention of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the Canadian Weekly Sundy Jne ilth Newspapers Association held at Sudy ue111 ido on Friday and Saturday. Sgt. and Mrs. Ernest Hunt and 8 a.m. - Sharon Anne motared from East- view ta visit Mrs. Hunt's mother, HOLY COMMUNION Mrs. R. Wetheridge, anîd ber fath- er wbô is ill in Bowmanville Hos- il a.m.pital. Miss Rose Bate and Mrs. Hilda MORNING PRAYER Humphrey are spending a few days at the Royal Connaught Ho- Preacher: tel in Hamilton while attending thse annual convention of the R evd H.G. W tts, Ladies' Auxiliary ta thse Canadian D.D., F.R.G.S. The Boy Scouts willhbold a paper drive on Friday, June 16, reports Police Chief Sid Venton. Con- 7 p.fl1. - tributors are requested ta tic the EVENSONG newspapers in neat bundles and deposit them on the front lawn or porch by 6 p.m. Manager Jack Kitson- reports that bis Girls' Softball Team will enter the tournament ta be beld at Janetville, July 15. Harry anwdcn also states that bis C.O. ted Ch rch s .ne. will enter the men's tour- Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cham- across the Nation This bers and daugbter Gayle, Oshawa, spent Sunday in Bowmanvîlle iraton o thewith Mrs. Spencer Wood and ber brationof thesister, Mrs. L. M. Lewis, wboi arnived' necently from Englandi for a tbree months' vacation visit- ~' . ing relatives and friends. u il e e OMr. Gardon R. Elliott of tbe B.H.S. teaching staff bas been rccornmended by the Senate of University of Toronto for the Bachelor o! Pedagogy Degree, be having completed the work in Educational and Vocational Guid- of anda ance.t of Can da ;'Mr. Bruce M. Ingbam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ingham, Millbrook, formerly af Bowman- 25, The United Church ville, received bis Bachelon of Science Degree in Agriculture into being. last week at the O.A.C., Guelph. When graduating from Millbrook- High Scbool "Mac" won the Allan Scbolarsbip for general profic- 1 A.M. AND 7 P.M. iency. Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeGeer, Dr. and Mrs. H. Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eastaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vanstone, Messrs. Charlie TrinityGi, Tom Palmer and Blain Elliott represcnted Bowmanville- (JntedChucliRotary Club at the Rotary Dis- 9 Unitd Chrchtrict Conference held at Bigwin a Inn, Muskoka, last week.E At the 6th annual Ontario and Durham Counties Jersey Parish d Show held in conjunction with E the Brooklin Spring Fair on Sat- li turday, R. P. Stenger & Son, En- T~ pistSei n ist, niskillen, and Dr. W. W. Sherwin, e Onono, were bath extensive win- TARIO ners including several Reserve B Championships. ~ a PrJ.uC. Found, Oshawa Wood s a Poduct LirhtedCourtice, was b elected 1950--51 Oshawa district chairman o! the Central Ontario FURE Division o! the Industrial Acci- dent Prevention Association at the assaciation's annual meeting and dinner beld atthCour SIEA NCE Golf Club, Wednesday night. O. J. Presson represented Goodyear Tire & Rubben Co. at the meet- ing. )NS -'i .,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wylie and the Board of Lecture- son Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Tom The Frst CurchCox, Cooksville; Mr. and Mrs. The Frst CurchAlan Greville, Toronto; Mr. and n, Massachusetts. Mns. W. E. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ailman and son Drew, Mr. Bert Jewelh, Osbawa; Mr. and ýe Science That Mrs. F. J. Wight, Newcastle; Mr. and Mirs. A. E. Cox, Gerald and Mary, Town, were guests of Mrs. inl Need"U Maria Jewell, Carlisle Ave., on June Ist, on the occasion of ber 8lst birthday. led Church Mr. and Mirs. Wilson Abernetby and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. J. Oshawa H. Aberncthy attendcd the grad- uation exercises o! the School of Nursing o! the Peterborough Civic U~AL Hospital, June 5th. Among those me 13thgraduating was Miss Ellen Aber- .S.T. netbY, daugister o! Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abernethy, fonmerly o! LLY INVITED - Maple Graove, and grand-daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis, En- field.1 NOW PHONE No.-3368 For Al HARD WARE INQUIRIES and FREE DELIVERY DON NcGREGOR HARDWARE %hone 3368 Bowmanvillc IN MEMORIAM ALLIN-In loving'memory of a dear wife and mather Beatrice Allin, who passed away June lst, 1942: We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds, For the days we do flot think of you Are very hard to find; Some day we hope to meet her Some day we know flot when, To clasp her i4and in a Better Land, Neyer to part again. -Sadly missed by hiusband and daughters. 23-1* DUVAL-In loving memory of a dear mother Georgina (Park) Duval who passed away June 3rd, 1948: You are flot forgotten, mother dear, Nor will you ever be For as long as memory iasts, We will remember thee. -Lovingly remembered by son Walter, Doreen, Cecile and Douglas. 23-1* DUVAL-In ever loving remem- brance of my dear mother, Mrs. Mvary Georgina Duval, the former MVrs. T. D. Park, who was called ta rest two years ago June 3rd, 1948: She had a kindly smlle for ail, Uer heart was true and tender, She toiled Sa bard for those she loved, Then left us to remember. -Dearly loved, deeply mourned by daughter Ivy and son-in-law Airthur. DUVAL- Peaceful be thy rest grandrna, It is sweet to breathe your name; 'n life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. -Fondly remembered by ber granddaughters, Sylvia Jeanette anld Sheila Georgina. 23-1* lOY-mn loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Jennie loy, who passed away June 5tb, 947: The world may change from year ta year, And friends from day ta day; But neyer wlll the one we loved From memory pass away. --Sadly missed and ever rememn- .ered by husband and family. __________23-1* FATHER'S DAY Sunday, June 181h Don't Forget Dad on His Day 0 Gifts Billfolds - Key Cases Cribbage Boards Canasta Sets Fountain Pens Jumbo Coffee dups Ash Trays - Stationery Books and Book Ends Greeting Cards Be sure to send a card ta Dad to know that he is flot forgotten J. W. JÉWELL "BIG 4120" 27 KIng St.W,, Dowmauvili P130NE 955 Misa Rase Klbsey, a former stu- dent at Bowmanviile Hlgh School and at one time a Nurses' Aide at Bowmanville Hospital, was one of the fortunate students ta gradu- ate from Toronto General Hospi- tai with ber Registered Nurse's Certificate this week. In addition to graduating Miss Klbsey also won the Operating Room Pnize. Mrs. T. E. Prout and Miss Lenore Harding attended the graduation exercises. The Statesman staff were hon- ored with a eaUl on Tuesday from Mr. Roy Bean, Editor of the Wat- erloo Chronicle and President of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, and Mr. W. E. Mc- Cartney, Managing-Director of the C.W.N.A. Tbey were on their way ta the Maritimes ta eaUl on pub- lishers there and make plans for the annual press convention ta be held at St. Andrew's-by-the- Sea, N.B., in September. Mr. P. D. Armstrong, formerly of the B.T.S. staff writes: III have finîshed my course at the Ontario Veterniary College, Guelph, and will be maving ta Chesley ta take a position with the Health of Ani- mals Division, Dominion Dept. of Agriculture as a veterinarian, so please mail further copies of The Statesman ta Chesley". A short poem headed "Sunset" with the pen name "a daughter of the parsanage"l will be found in this issue. The author of this poem is aur old friend Mrs. Jane Gale Garrett, a nanagenarian wbo la blind, but la as brlght and aient as a cricket. Many aid citlzens will recail that Mrs. Garrett was for many years the courteous and obiiging librarian of aur public library. A very enjoyable afternoan and evenlng was spent at the home of Mrs. W. J. Leask, Elgin St., an Tuesday, when Mrs. Leask enter- tained in honour of her mothen, Mrs. J. Lunib, It being the occa-. siofl of ber 92nd blnthday anniver- sary. Deapite the advanced yeans of this grand aid lady, Mrs. Lumb is stil brlght and cheerful and retains a wonderful memory. Mira. Leask plans ta leave Sunday morning by mator, in eompany with friends, for Calgary, where she will spend a few days wlth ber sister and other friends. At Calgary, she will be joined by her cousin, Miss Gladys Lumb, Belleville, and they plan ta con- tinue their journey on ta Van- couver and Victoria. CADMUS Mr. and Mirs. Roy Metcalf ne- cently visited friends at Stirling and Frankford. Mn. and Mirs. Roy Meteaif at- tended the Heddon reunion *behd hast Saturday at tise home o! Mrs. Fred Heddon at Columbus when Mn. and Mrs. Norman Heddon, Califonnia, and Mrs. Caroline Rudberg, Montana, were present. A picnic was beld for tise friends and other relatives at Geneva Park in the afternoon and even- ing. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ~' .~neatSPECIAL VALUES AND RErMNDERS FOR THURSDA-C AII.imcgFRIDAY AND SATURDAY day' te 'viat her brother, Eber and Ray Bafous, Wlllowdale, MWe Foley and his wife in CalgarY. Marion Snowden, Toronta, Mr. She aloo Intends ta viait her niece, Mru. Angus MeMiMhan lIyVafl ad Mrs. H. G. Freeman were couver. Friday evenlng visitors with Mr. Mr. and Mils. 30e Boloug, Jean and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. NE WTON ILLE Conaiderable credit la due ta Mrs. Wilfls Farrow who baked thse deliclous birthdày cake and ta Mirs. Bunt who iced it ea beauti- fullq for the 5th annlvensary of the W.MS. of the United Churc-h on June 13, wben they hope to have ah ladies af the congrega- tion attend. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson, To- ronto; Mn. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and famnily, Donald, Gardon, Ros and Jack Taylor, Oshawa, with Mrs. T. Taylor. Miss Alice Drugan and Don Samis, Toronto; Miss Corsina Samis, Oshawa; Miss Ruth Cale and Ross Jackman, Bowmanvllle, at M. Samis'. A. E. Nlddeny, Taranto, with fniends. Sympathy la extended ta Mrs. A. Grace in the death of lier fa- ther, Mr. Croker, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and Miss Elsie Samis attended thse Nurses' Graduation Exercises at Civlc Hospital, Peterboroughs, when Miss Ellen Abernethy o! Oak- waod, received ber diploma. Ian Beatty, Oshawa, with Marl- on and Evelyn Pascoe. MAPLE GROVE Get Yours Tody-Iu This Ne SPECIAL VALUE TONI REFILL KIT" r " Six Tant Midget SPIN " Regular Tont Home Permanent ReSul " Tant Cremej Shampoo 33c ixe $1.88 Value Ail th» $ KLEENEX SOPTE STRONGEit WHITER FACKAU Oo Moitssom 6%'1efx"f18< 2N0 tissu V x W ImANS SizI 12"-x12l 29el Yau value 6 your charm... and Mode.. heips you guard ik- Iuxurioualy. Soft, corifortable. E-Z COMBINATION ATTACHMENT SET 43c FLAXSEED I.D.A. Brand 16-oz. - Reg. 29o 23c PSYLLIUM SEED 16-oz. - Reg. 590 47c KLEEN - OR ANISEPTC 4 and 16-az. Reg. 25c, 79o 35fi $L133 Modess Beits 33c A.B.S. & C. TABLETS-------- 19c' I.D.A. Brand, 100's, Reg. 23o BABY.CREAM----------- i------- I.D.A. Brand, 3-oz., Reg. 50c IDOL-AGAR ------------------- 63C -î I.D.A. Minergi Oul and Agar, 16 and 40-oz., Reg. 79c, WITCH HAZEL-- --------- 23c I.D.A., 4 and 16-oz., Rg.40c, 75e IHere are a few suggested gif t givlflg.- Electrlc Shavers - àm&u $19.95, $23.95 te $25-50 ____ Shavlng Brushes, - RubberSet --$1.020 Pure Badger - $3.95 uP Simms Brushes - 51,Y52- Nylon $3.50 up - Badges $4.95 uP BILLFOLDS - Englis Morocco Leathet% zlppered ail round, snaP fastenel change pusse, swing windows and compartinents for carda, etc. PEN AND PENCILS - also set a price for every poec SHAVING LOTION - CREAMS - RAZOR SEI Always appreeated - Bis f avourite braxd of TOBACCO or CIGARS. PIPES 51.50 -5250 $5.00 -etc. LIGHTERS $1.00 - $3.00 $5.00 Up ROLLS RAZOR $9.95 Cillette9 One-Plece RAZOR Wlth 10 Gulette Blue Blades li Dispenser Now in durable Styrene Travelling Case Only 51.29 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 9CBRYLCREEM -- 0Keeps the hair ln place ail cday. $123 0Guards oainst and rmmoves s 1.59dandruif. *Gives hair a glhamlng lushe. - 59 ~ UD, 294 PICNIC JUGS 1 gallon -- $3.75 - $4.75 ~mot4ow*PHoIp r.II.vs I DULLNESS e SIÇK HEADACIIE ACIO 11NDIGEjIION 0 CONSTIPATION THERMOS BOTTLES Pintao____$.0 16 21 - Quarts --- $2.50 -$3.50 rheumotic poir4, swelen, oching jointS,' deronged kfidneys. b SUN GLASSES 29e - 39o - 50o and up fAACLEAN YOUR TEETH 9r#% %p m"u m Alex. We Deliver MweGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drug's Phone 792 Ebenezer Sumday School Anniveruary Sundlay, dune 11i AT 2 AND 7:30 P.M. Guest Speaker:- REV. H. C. LINSTEAD, Paisley, Ont. Special Music by School - also Trinity Young Men's Quartette WED., JUNE 14 - Starting at 5 p.nt. Tea wil be served by the ladies of the community followed by a play presented by Brooklin Young People "Orillia Bridge from Hemlock Ridge" TEA & CONCERT Aduits $1.25 TEA ONLY -- $1.00 CONCERT ONLY -- 35e TEA & CONCERT - Childnen 15 and under 65c TEA ONLY --Oc0 - CONCERT ONLY- 25e EVERYONE WELCOME Mn. and Mrs. Glen Gibson and Patsy with Mn. and Mms. Edgar Gibson. Mrs. Edgar Gibson is home after ,visiting hen mother in Oshawa. Mr. Don and Miss Joyce Larmer witb their parents. Little Bruce Larmer, Toronto, spent wcekcnd witb tbem. Mir. and Mrs. Percy Elliott have sold thein farm and are moving ta Bowmanville. They will be miss- ed in this community. Miss Audrey McKee attended the Shea-Hill sbower Saturday af- ternoon at Fleetwood. Mn. Larme Henry, Bowman- ville, with Mn. and Mirs. Lamne McKee. Mr. and Mirs. Russ Welh, Osb- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna. Mn. and Mirs. Larme McKee caîl- cd on Mrs. Thomas Highland. Mr. and Mirs. Willard Spencer and family were also with Hylands. . - 1 1 *xvm,&T, Jurqs M, logo ipmSil ituemid r , 1 oc k -,, 1

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