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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1950, p. 10

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~4GE TEP~ - CANADTAN STATESMA!~~ EOWMMrVIIIZ. - O?~TAMf~ Y ~rnw~nAV 3!T!'7~ 11. 1DE~ (Intended for last week) 'Roses Romp ta 7.2 used the squeeze bunt with great Win as Coiborne Strike and Buttonshaw scored o fizzles. in Drizzle a sacrifice bunt by Don Gilhooley. Coiborne ---0 00 02 0 024 6 (Jerry Morris) Bowmanvile 1 4 0 0 1 1 x 7 10 3 A light, intermittent rain faiied LJneups: to deter a srnail crowd of rabid Roses-Cowle If, Gilhooley 2b, fans, who sat through the Friday Hooper ss, Yourth 3b, Gallagher evening downpour to see the rf, T. Bagneil cf, Furey lb, Strike Brookdale Roses bang a 7-2 loss c, Buttonshaw p, (Legree after 2 oth naigClon em ouin5h.Roses struêk quickly, driving in Colborne-W. Cleary c, F. Bal more than sufficient runs in the rf, D. Cummings 3b, I. Post lb, C. first two innings to win the game. Rowsome If, Chas. Hall ss, B. Fox They scored once in the first, four 2b, D. Beatty cf, C. Hall p, (W. Unes in the second, and added Bail in 3rd). single talles in the fifth and sîxth. .Coîborne managed to push twoRoe Lse2t i men across the plate in the f ifthRoe s 2t 1 inning, when the Roses' starter, Ta Oshawa Jrs. Jack Buttenshaw, gave way toBun inM t ' Legree. Buttonshaw had given rn M tor iy up only one hit in four innings prior to the fifth, but in that fatal Those beautiful rosy tints you fifth the rain began falling quite mnay have noticed on the face of heavily and Jack foui-idiA impos- AI Osborne, Manager of the Brook- sibie te retain control with the dale Roses, during the past few wet and slippery bail. Wben days, are nlot the resuit of sun- "Le ft5" Jack, always noted for burn. Mr. Osborne bas been excellent control, gave up a walk avoiding al bis friends since bis and two bits, and hît two succes- team dropped a 2-1 decision te sive batters with pitched balîs, Oshawa Juniors. It seems that a Manager Osborne cailed in fire- .ioking remark made by the afore- man Legree. For the rest of the said Mr.' Osborne, to the effect game Coîborne neyer threatened. that "An Intcrmediate team un- Tbe Roses' ten-hit attack was able to beat a Junior team should evenly divided arnong eight bat- nlot bc in this league", xvas pass- ters. Oniy Captain Max Yourth, ed on to the Oshawa radio sta- with a long triple and a single, tion, wbich made a great fuss over and Bob Galiagher, with two the statement. The Oshawa fans, singles, claimed more than one therefore, were delighted at (he hit. Bowmanville loss. Througbout the game, Re'ses There is little doubt, bowever, .2 4'H -UlS RVC Phone: Day 561. Nighis 561 - 707 - 922 SIX- MOD)ERN CARS .... ALL PASSENGERS INSURtED. ...PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Operaied by Laihangue Bros.' ANNOUNC'ING A NEW l~aôonafOFFICE * NOW there's a P.côoeaa Finance Company office near yau-with a YES MJANager who's ready to make loans with the sae Personal * Conideration that made hueoeal the choice cf over a million people lest year. - At thistnew Puénal office, you get money quickly because the YES MANager-alone--makes the decisions. Friands, relatives, * employer not notified. And you, yourself, select the payment plan :1 that beat its your situation. (For exemple: $856 monthly repaya - a $110 boan in full on 1%,.month plan.> Men or womnen-married or single-if you cen use extra cash -te pay buil, medical or dental needs, home repaira, or other good purposes phone or visit the new Pesâoaa office today. S Leens $50 te $1000 on signature, furnhture, er car ~'j"TH COMa~vfl HAT LIKES 10 SAY vis" Iý4NCaCoI ~WtônaLFINANCE CO.L. .~2nd FI., 111/2 Simca. St., North (Over Bank of Nova Scotia) SOshawa, Ontario - Phone: 5690 - Elon Anderson, YES MANager , Loons mode ta ,esidents of cil surrounding lowns - Personal Finance Company of Canada that Roses were a far superior team. A momentary lapse by a usually solid infield allowed Osh- awa te score their twd runs in the nintb. Roses, bowever, were victims of doubtful officiating on several key plays. For example, the'plate umpire called Ted Bag- nell's terrific drive over the right field wall a foul bah. The base tumpire behind first base, who was the league's umpire-in-cbief. thought it was a fair bail, but could net over-rule the plate um- pire. With a little more luck on the umpire's decisions, Roses would bave wrapped uD the garne. Gord Sturrock pitched shut-out bail for five innings, but Ai Os- borne calied in reliefer Bun Le- ýgree in the sixtb before Gord got inte serious trouble. Legree gave up only one bit from then until the ninth but poor support lest the game for bim. Ted Bagneil starred at bat. with twe bits and a waik. He alrnost added a garne-winning horner. Juveniles Top Oshawa Victors In Tense Battie A tense meund st ~ggle between Falls of Bewmanvlile and Keller cf -Oshawa Victors ended in a 2-1 triumph fer the Bowmanville and Keller of Osbawa Victors end- ed in a 2-1 triumph for the Bow- manville Club. A small but en- thusiastic crowd watched the Tbursday twiight game. Falls showed alrnost complete rnastery ever the visiters, strikine out at least two batters in every, inning 'but tbe third, when an errer and a single gave Oshawa their lene tally. Six Oshawa bats- men got on base, but of the four who reacbed third, three were left stranded when Falls turned on the heat te retire the side. Only twe singles were coilected by Vic- tors. Keller was close bebind Falls, with eight strikeouts. He sur- rendered four bits. Rice led the local bitters witb two singles. Meercraft hit the only extra-hase cleut, a line double te the left field fence. Falls' single set up the winning run in the fourth inning. Eýest defensive play of the garne was Jeffries' running ene-hand catch in left field, which put the damper on Oshawa's third inning rally. Line score RH E Oshawa-----0 01 0 000 12 1 Bowmanville 0 0 1 1 0 Ô x 2 4 3 Lineups: Bewmanviile-Stevens ss, Heath rf, Falls p, Moorcraft cf, Stutt 3b. Jeffries If, Rice lb, Jones C, Mo- hun 2b (Chant in 5th). Osbawa--Chase, Woodcock Kel- ler, Stroz, Sutton, Varga, Wodny- ski, Boneham, Copeland. Loaai uveniles In Perfect Shape For Comning Season The complete contrast te the C.O.F. Softball League is the Ju- venule Basebaîl group. Whereas the C.O.F.ers bit everything that cornes to tbem, the Juveniles count it an achievement ta bunch two bits in a single inning. The Bow- manville Juveniles have won both of their initial games, the f irst by a score of 2-1 and the second 6-5. In the first game they managed only four bits, and in the sec- ond, one. How could tbey push six runs across the plate with one run, you ask? The Juvenile pitcher very often defeats bis own efforts by walking haîf a dozen at a time. This was the reason for Bowman- vilie's six runs. Juvenile players on the average are too small for the beavy bats wielded by the Junior and Senior groups. They are just beginning te show good form in the infield, and their pitching is bitting the mark. But tbey are too small for the weighty bats of the larger clubs. Opposite te the usual trend In basehaîl, the batters start the sea- son behind the eight-bail, and warm up during the schedule. In triple-A or major league bal the pitchers are bounced around at the start and don't begin ex- erting their mastery until nearly one-third of the schedule bas been played. The Bowmanvîlle Juvenile bave an 'excellent fielding club this year. For the size of themn they c an rifle a good shot from any spot in the infield. There bas been tee little hitting te the eut- fieid te indicate the fly-snagging prowess of tbe outer garden men. For those of you who like te watch prornising young players corne along, drop down te the High School grounds some eveeÇ- ing when the Juveniles are show- ing their stuff. You won't be dis- appointed. [afas1*QUEB3EC (MEGANTIC, LEVIS, DIAMOND) and the MARITIMES Me% 1 Take that va. cation "Down East" this yeor. Inexpensive holidaoy fores give you a 21 Sday limit '.*" 's tepovers per- .N\~ Imitted. effective JUNE 19 ta SEPTEMBER 4 Inclusive Conuit Yom neareut Roilway age".- Local Men'a C.O.F. Softbctll Team Lead With Three Victories Bowmanviile men's C.O.F. soft- bail team are rolling in high gear having piayed three games and are. stili undefeated. In the league opener tbey defeated Pick- ering by an overwbelming score of 26-8. Playing the openinLr game at borne Tbursday against oeaof tha teughest tearns in the league the Bowrnanviiie boys slammed eut 20 bits and scored 19 runs as they defeated Coulters 19-16 in a slug- fest. Bowmanville piled .up a cornmanding 19-8 lead in seven innings but weakened badly in the 8th and 9th to allow Couiters te score ne less than 8 runs. For Bowmanvilla H. Snewden pitched steady bail for seven in- nings but bis arm weakened in the 8th and more se in the, Pth and the veteran "Biackie" Black- burn had te ceme in the 9th with 2 out and put eut the fira. It tek "Blackie" ony one pitch te retire the side as Sebrash popped te Snowden at first. B. Snowden sparked the bornesters with bis fine display behind the bat. Tirne and tirne again Snowden pulied down higb pitcbes te hold base runners on base. Jim Levitt at third played bis best game of the early season as ha handled six bouncers wîtbout a miscue. The infield of J. Lev.itt, E. Finney, J. Stacey and F. Blackburn showed lots of lîfe and chatter and play- ed steady bail. Jack Kitson continued bis ter- rific hitting clip as he smashed eut a borne run in the third inning with the bases loaded. Johnny Stacey aise bit a Erand slam born- er and E. King bit a 4-bagger with one rnan on base. Stacey was leading bitter on both tearns with the aforernentioned borner, a triple, 2 singles 'and 2 walks in 7 trips te the plate. The lucky draw for the suit or $50 cash was made between in- ,nings and the lucky ticket was field by Tom Palrner, Bowrnan- ville. At Storey Park. Oshawa, on Monday, against Severs Plumb- ing, Bowrnanville Foresters blast- ed McGee eut of the box in the very first inning with seven bits wh icb were good for 8 runs. From then on it was a different story as Reg Walsh came in to pitch good bail for the remainder of the game. Walsh aliowed pnly 3 hits but gave Up 9 walks in the 8 in- nings. Appàrently tbe beys did ail the hitting in the first 4 inn- ings as Bowmanvilie lead 13-7. Frorn the 4th on it was a pitchers' duel with Stacey of Bowmanviile rnatching pitch fer pitch with Weish as they proceeded te rnow down the hitters in rapid succes- sien. Bowmanvilie outhit Sevejs 10-8 and garnered 10 walks coWi- pared with the two Stacey gave up. George Brown played an effec-, tive game at first having 5,.un- assisted putouts and 8 onrf other puteuts. The. whole iîfrfield of Levitt, Finney. -Snowden and Brown was alr-tight. Inclications me-thfÇ the scores will st!te get srnaller. In ail three games Bewmanviile bave sbewed tre- mendous power at the plate and have grabbed a cemmanding lead wbich bas caused them te ease Up sornewhat and that accounts for the opposition scoring as many runs as they'bave. In tbree games Bowmanville have scored 59 runs but with the pitching improving this cannot keep up. The local boys bave one of the beaviest bitting teams seen in Bowrnan- ville for sorne time. On Wednes- day night at home tbey will try te make it four in a row, aise against Severs Plurnbing. Listed below are the officiai batting averages whicb show why the local Forresters are undefeat- AB Jack Kitson --17 John Stacey -----15 Everett King ---15 Everett Finney - ---Il Bob Bird ----------15 Farewell Blackburn 5 Harry Snowden ---- 8 Jim Levitt --------6-I Bert Snowden Il-- 1 George Brown ------ 9 Frank Thornpson ---2 Most Power fui Chevrolet Trucks Ever Builti 4ý = 1..1 On the huIs or on thie straightaway, the efficient new Chevrolet P - L Trucks are far ahead in performnance. They give you high pulling power aven a wide range of usable raad speeds - and high accelena- tion ta cut clown total trio time. C.O.F0 Softballers Win 36-17 Againsi Oshawa Severs.Wednesday-t Affer the 36-17 pasting admw- ayhn but geod. And this Is istered Savers Plumbing of Osh- remrkalé sin.ce ini Oshawa 'the awa by the local C.O.F. sofibgH? previeus Menday they had ex- team Wednesday niQit at Centrai hibited geod fieiding form. The Schooi grounds it searns that the best we can-say for Wednesday's C.O.F. League bas become an or- game is that it was probabby an ganizatien for the promotion of Qff night for -Severs, wbo looked inter-team batting practité. It much better in their 7-14 defeat was rurnoured thaV1,the opposition in Oshawa. fielded the odd 6all, but the fans We can't blarne their half-heart- saw nothing te confirmn this rash ed fielding on the uneven outfield statement. since Bowmanville's Bob Bird Every Bowmanville batter pulied off some sparkiing plays in marched te the plate at least -sev- centre field, running far te bis en times, and three or four bad rigbt and lef t te bring down long an eigbth trip. The local boys hit bails. He made ail three put- had several choices, any of tbem outs in the first baîf cf the sixtb. working te perfection. They snagging tbe third fly after a could eitber bit sts-aight at the lef t bundred yard d&sh towards the fielder, who obligingly would scheol. drop it nine tirnes eut of ten, or Jack Kitson, sbortstop, feels at -the shortstop, who would fin- that unless the locals run up aily tackie.the elusive bail with against stiffer opposition tbeir both knees, both arms, his cbest, fielding will suffer. and in desperation with bis meuth. Altheugh Bowrnanviile cern- The Severs third basernan and mitted'a few errors, the beys ai- pitcher cbanged positions now and ways tightened up wben needed. tben te speli one another off, and In the final three innings they the strategy werked weil. Only bandled every fieldirig chance like eighteen runs were scored off each veterans. By that time the long pitcher. It is chilling to think shadows of twiligbt were begin- what would bave bappened bad ning te stretch eut from the plav- the garne got eut of control. ers, and beth batter and pitcher .The score card statisticians f in- were usîng radar' te locate the ally gave up trying te mark down baîl and plate. the varieus plays and',started reg- istering the runs in the margins in groups of five. Everyene bit. Ir. Girls' Sof tball The man who get enly five bits. w ill have to watch his step. There Tectm Suspends are tbope who feel that they can D et xm bit seven for seven or eight for D et x m eighit. They will be pestering Manager Harry Snowden for a Bowrnanviie Junior Girls' Soft- job. bail Team wiil suspend operatiens In the four garnes the lecals ternperariiy during the next few have played te date, one against weeks due te the pressure of High Pickering, ene against Oshawa School examinatiens. The un- Coulters. and two against Oshawa balanced mmnd in a tense, unexer- Severs, tbey bave scered 95 runs cised body will be their lot for and bave allowed oniy 53. They the ncxt fifteen days or se.- This have averaged 24 runs per garne is the antithesis te the 'sane mind against enerny pitching, and bave in the sound body' of the Greeks, perrnitted only 12. but it can't be belped sincla exams Net ail the trouble can be laid corne first. at the feet of the pitchers. Sev- The tearn, reports Manager Jack ers fielding on Wednesday was Kitson, is rnade up entirely of Cost Less To Operate Per Ton, Per Mile l Pr. ferred over the next two makes combined Chevroet trucks, for the last 12-mnonth period, have outsold thenext two mokas combined - convincing proof of the awnen satisfaction they have earnède through the years - proof that Chevrolet is fan and away the most wanted truck. girls from Bowmanville. High SC40o1. The rlchest blessings are ob- t.ained by labou.-Mary Baker Eddy.. TI1CKXE T8 TO EVERYWEEau Air, Rail or Steamshlp Consuit JURT & LOV EL L Bowrnanvllle 15 Kint St. W. Phoneo1,78 rt N..URUNSPOILID ýIY URSTO R TC The WOOD THRUSH is ane of aur flnest singers. He has a rich brown body and a red- dish head. The underparts ore white, heavily marked with large, round spots. Feeding an.worms, insects and bernies, he should be protected. He lives in cool, dark thickets. YOUR TOENJe CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITIED WATERLOO. Orr'-JRIO L t 504 CANINe DOE r, IeeAeCnd' otOusaniqTukVle Pîice Leaders ~ Outstandingly l0w cost of operation and upkeep Fnomn low selling price ta high reale value, you're money ohead with Chevro- let tnucks. Chevnolet's rock-bol-tom initial cost - outstandingly lew cost of opera- tion and upkeep - and higi, trade-in value - ail add up to the lowest pnice for you. Far ahead with Iower operating costs par ton per mile. 1he nugged construction and aIl-round economny cf Chevrolet P - L trucks cut running and repain costs - let you deliven the goods with real reductions in cost per ton per mile. PFrformance £eaders Pîyload £ýaders ÀPp u &riîy Laders FAR AHEAD with grli these PL US FEAMUES. e THREE GREAT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES: iho Husky 1 10-h.p. oqeMstr h e 105-h.p. Loud-Mast.r and the Improved 92-h.p. Thrift-Master - ta give you greater power per gallon, lower cost per Ioad e IMPROVED CARBURETOR AND MANIFOLDING: smoother, quicker occeleration ropons. e DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH for easy-action engagement * SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS for fast, imooth shlfting e HYPOID REAR AXLES - up ta and including the 2-tan models e DOUBLE ARTICULATED BRAKES - for complote driver contraI a WIDE-BASE WHEELS for incmos.d tire mileca. e ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING with the "Cab that Breathes" e BALL-TYPE STEERINO for easier honciiing. CT.4S08 ROY COURTICE w. NICHOLS a 'DOWMANVILLE JL £a M Z , v aut i àuuv or r, 1 rd doM - - mR Y40LF Tm' TIM - CAWADUN STATVJMM, BliýýK 9 TffMSDAY. MME 16, , 1050

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