?RTJRSDAY, JtINE 15. 1950 TN~ CANAD!AN STATUKAN. DOWMAISVIUAU. 8N'PAM~ gAlEt t?.UWI'14 t - .--- * uveniles dg Whitby by 6 - 5 A twiligbt game pleyed et the Iligh Scbool grounds, Tuesday, June 6,> saw Crawford, top left- bander af Whitby Juveniles boss a seven-inning ana-bitter. For bis efforts ha was rewarded with a 6-5 defeat. He could bleme only hinIsaîf, however, for he showed terrible control, handing ôuI il free passes. Coach Bob Gallag- ber Instnuctad bis hitters t a wec a few pitches go by, if thay gaI abeed of the pitchar, and this ste- tegy proved successful ,nough ta wrop up the game. Lerry Chant delfvened a pincb single ta cap a two-run fifth inning. Seercbing for edded pitching ,itrangtb, Coach Callaghan and ~Jariager Don Shay elected ouI- fielder George Heath ta stant on tbe mound for Bowmanville. iHeath, who is that modern variety, a control pitcher, looked veny im- pressive in bis first stant, as he raeked up seven strike-outs in f ive innings. Whitby were unable ta BILL STACK DISTRIBUTOR Phone 2986 Bowmanviile bit bis curve solidly, but were given several bits and ana run on doubtful play by the outfield. In the sixtb inning Wbitby rack- ad up saveral bits, nana af themn solid blows. The bell suddanly started bouncing crazily over in- fielders' heads, or drapping just in front of the outfiald. Roy Falls came in ta stop the Whitby rally, but flot bai are they bad sconad four limes. Lina score RH E Whitby ----- 000 1 04 512 2 Bowmanville 1 0 1 2 2 x 6 i11 Line-ups: Bowmanville-West ss (c in 61h) Rice lb, Falls c (p In 61b), Mooracnaft cf, Heath p*(ss in 6th), Stutt 3b, Stevens 2b, Jeffrey f, (Brunt in 5th), Harnden rf (Chant in 5tb). Whitby- B. Ward. Schmidke, G. Werd, K. McDoneld, Daeth, Collins, A. McDonald, Rosseeu, Crawford. Roses Tie Port Hope In Determined Rally Trailing 7-3 in the lest balf in- ning, Brookdale Roses surged back to tie the score and force extra in- nings in a Friday evening thriller et the Higb School diamond. The overtime play was balted by D ANc E, Every Friday- Night AT FRAYER'IS CAESAREA Siariing Next Week TOPS IN RECORDS danknass before the deadlock was brokan. The Rases' rally was sîerted with Williarns' pinch doubla. Gil- hooley was safa on an error, and then Hooper, Yourth, Ted Beg- naîl and Furey drilled iconsacu- tive singles ota ia il Up. The gama wes bigh-lgbtad thnoughout by long extra-base blows for bath Ieams. Battan homerad for Roses, whila Gilhoo- ley, Gallegber and Williams doubled. Hooper, Younth and Ted Bagnaîl eacb tossed in a pair of singles. For Part Hope, third basemen Foote was top man wlth e borner and a double. Lina score RH E Port Hope 1 0 40 1 0 1 07 8 4 Roses---0 2 10 0 04 0 7l 4 Line-ups: Roses-Cowle If, Gilbooley 2b. Hoopen ss, Yourtb 3b, T. Begnl cf, Furey ni, Bettan lb, Galleg- ber c, Buîtonsbaw p, (Gavîs in 3rd, Legree in 5th, Williams bat in 7tb, Sturrock in 8th). Part Hope-White cf, Thickson 2b, Foote 3b, Mann c, Porter rf, Ashby If, Bongard lb, Reavas ss, Mooney p, (Woods in 7tb). Juveniles Lose To Cobourg 14- 6 Bowrnanville Juveniles looked ta be easy winnans as tbay enter- ed the bottom af the seventh in- ning ieeding 5-1 in Seturday's gaee t Cobourg. Falls wes pitch- ing steady bail and the taam had given him e good leed. Same- thing want wrang in thet 7th inning, baweven, and when the smoke cleaeed, Cobourg hed scon- ed tan runs. Tbey edded Ibrea in the aigbtb and endad with e 14-6 win. Six bits, twa walks and two errons gave the Cobourg squad their seventh innlng runs. At bat Ron Moorecraft lad Bowmanvilla with two bits, while West lied a bit, twa welks and a sacrifice. Lina score RHE B'ville 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 6 6 4 C'b'rg 00 0 01 010 3 x 14 13 4 Lina ups: Bowmanville-Wet ss, Stev- ans 2b, Falls p, Moorecraft lb, Heath 1f (Brunt in 9th) Stutt 34~ Jones c, Hannden nf (Leask in 8th), Chant cf. Cobourg-Fisher 3b, Lewless ni, Caine c, Mclvor 2b, Lingerd lb, Morris cf, Hill ss, MeSporan 1f, McMertin p, (Hart la 5th). Juveniles Blanked By Little Britain Fan the third straight gama Bowmanville Juveniles displeyed thein tandency ta bave one bad inning wben Little Bitain invad- cd the High School grounds Mon- day evening. The visitons ex- pl9ded for seven runs in the third inning. Cornbined with single tellies in the second, fifth and sev- enth innings, they gave a big margin for the Littie Britein hur- ler ta work with, The big batters on the Little Bitein lineup showed an amazing ability ta place thair bits. Therc warena mare then Ibrea solidly hil halls ta the outfield, but al- mast a dozan 11111e Teas League singles dropped just bhbind the infield. They cauld handly ha blamad on the pitcher, wbo was nat ellowing long, extra-base drivas, but the infiald was equally blamélesss. Il wes just same- Ihing thet no ana could do eny- thlng about. Corniche displayad a very un- orthodox style as ha beld Bow- manville ta four bits. The locals kapt topping bis. drap imb the dm1t. Lina score RHE. L. Bnitain 0 1 7 0 1 0 1 10 Il 1 Bow'ville 0 0 0 00 00O 4 4 Roses Drop Gamne In Whitby 2 - 0 Soutbpew Gond Sturnack work- cd lika a Trajan during bis Mon. day evening appearne againsi Wbitby but had ta saIlle fan a 2-0 dafeet. Rasas' only two errons gave Whitby an unaarnad run in the first inning and Gond groaved ana bome-run pitch in the- lest icning. Tbroughout the rest ai the garne tbe Wbitby bettars wae naxt ta halplass. Sturrock gained eight stnikeouts in six innings, and showad ha bas a lot af de- stnika ouI the next man, afler larmination by caming hack to watching bis fast bell lifted out of bbe park. '.Sonny" Hoopar lad the Roses nn the offensive. Ha singled and llned anc long gouble that might easily have gane tbrough fan a tripla. Stunrock and Gilbooley bath wane victims af hean-balîs tbnown by Whithy's Gond Neel. Lice score RHE Rasas ----00 0 0 000 0 52 Whitby . 0 0 O0O0O1 x 2 7 1 Lina-ups: Cowle cf, Gilhoolay 2h. Hoopan ss, Yourth 3h, Furey If, Batten lb, Strike c, Vanca ni (Piper in 6th>, Stunrock p. Witby-Yuill ss, Dell c. Tysan 3h, Romanski 1f, Tunansky cf, Patte 2h, D. Yuill lb, MacDonald ni, Neel p. Mankind will ha God-govarned in proportion as God's gavamn- ment becomas apparent, the Gold- en Rule utilized. and t.he igbts af man and tbe liberty ai consci- cnce hald sacred.-Mary Baker Eddy. lIRE MONDAT NIGETf Ron Lewis,' hard-hitting out- fielder with the Washington Pil- ots, will swing into action Mon- day night at the High School grounds. Juvenle Lakeshore League Schedule May- 24-Port Hope at Whitby 27-Port Hope et U.A.W. -Whitby at Cobourg -Legion at Little Britain June- 1-Victors at Bowmanville 2-Cobourg at Victors . 3-Littie Britain at Whitby -U.A.W. at Port Hope -Bowmanville at Legion 5-Little Britain at Legion 6-Whitby at Bowmanville 7-Victors et U.A.W. 8-Cobourg et Port Hope 9-Legion at Victors Vl0-Bowmnanville at Cobourg -U.A.W. at Little Britaîn 12-U.A.W. at Legion -Little Britain at Bow'ville 14-Victors at Legion 15--Bowmanvllle et Port Hope 16-Legion at U.A.W. 17-Cobourg at Whitby 19-Port Hope at Bowmanville -Little Britain at Victors 20-Cobourg et Legion 21--Bowmanville et Whitby 22-Victors at Port Hope 23-Whitby et U.A.W. 24-Legion at Cobourg RAND WORK For Summer Time Stamped Goods ta Embroider t Complete range of colors in embroidery catton. t Crochet Cotton.. * Daisy Cotton Tetting Cotton.. and Cerpet Werp The letest in PATTERN BOOKS Wools and Nylon for Knitting in ail desired shades sind plys. Needies - Crochet Hooks Instruction Books J. W. JEWELL «TIG 1120"1 27 King St. W, Bowmanvifle PHONE 556 CADMUS Mr. Larne McQuade has camne tram the West ta viait bis broth- er, Mr. Oscar McQuade and aiter Mn. Sam McKee. Mr. Norman Edgerton and Mr. George Johnson have each punch- ased a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson at- tended the Utica Decoration Day on Sunday. Mr. and Mu's. Hall, Fraserville; Mn. Arnold Williams, Oshawa, wlth Mr. and Mns. Clarke Wil- liams. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McKee and Shirley Anne, Midland, wltb Mr. and M.James McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee. Mns. Irene Henry and Don, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanna and family, H4ampton& Andy Holmas, with Mr. and Mrd'. Arthur Hanna. Cadmus W. A. is ta meet Tues- day night at Mrs. Hutton's. BLACRSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bowers (formerly Geta Taylor), Vancouv- er, visited Mr. and Mrs.- Nelson H. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall,« Good- wood, witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder. Mr. and Mrs. David Fairthorne, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fawcett and Muriel, and Mr. El- mer Thompson, Meaford, with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forder and Gale, Port Perry, with Mrs. C. Forder. Mr. Grant Ferguson and friend, Misses Thelma and Mona Fergu- son with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fer- guson. Relatives from thîs communlty went to Janetville Hall on Sat- urday evening, June 10, to the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn (Violet Lawson). Miss Dorothy Irwin, Port Perry, visited her aunt, Mrs. James Ginn. Miss Ethel Thompson was in Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot. Mrs. Minerva Cowen, Saska- taon, is visiting relatives while staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wall- ace Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Bruce and Helen, 'Orillia, Wyith Mrâ. Robert Bruce and Misés M. King. Mrs. Fred Beiley la spending e few days et her cottage in Caes- area, and Mrs. N. Henry, 3anet- ville, is wlth ber. The cottage is rented for the rest of the sum- mer to the Heinz traveller. We were eil véry sorry lest Tuesday to learn that an accident had happened to Charlie Ven- ning and John Hamilton at St. Christopher's where tbey were shingling a roof. The scaffold broke and both fell ta the ground. John spreined bis ankle and Cherlie hurt bis back, a reoccur- rence of bis Army injury. He is now in Sunnybrook Hospital In a cast. We all hope he will soon re- caver from his very painful in- jury. 1Mrs. W. Archer -and *Vincent visited friends at Durham on'Sun- day. Many from here attended the Sunday School convention et Yelverton Wednesdey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsay and Marilyn, Rldgeville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield and Mr. and Mrs. A. Meguire. We were pleased to learn that Milton James Bell, Kingston, was one of two new ministers to bc ordained in George St. United Church, Peterborough, in an Or- dination Service presided over by Rev. Dr. H. A. Kent, President of Bey of Quinte Conference. Mil- ton attended public school here while bis father, Rev. H. J. Bell was our minister. Mr. and Mrs. B. Smallman, Port Perry, celled on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wall. Mrs. John Forder celebrated her 80th birtbday on June 10 and received flowers, gifts, numerous cards and letters. Congratulations, and we hope she will soon enjay better health. Meny friends caîl- ed. including ber sisters from Pet- erborough, and ber brother, Mr. E. Cain, Pontypool. Mrs. Ivy Hamilton bas resign- ed as Captain cl lst Bleckstock Guides. She wlll continue to keep up her interesting work in the Lone Co. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Hamilton In this work, as she bas done an excellent job since she organized the Girl Guides. We hope some one will bc able to teke on the leadership. Sympathy is extended ta vMrs. Alfred Grace on the death of ber father, Mr. Harry Croker, Beav- erton, who once lived in this vill- age. The second meeting aof the Girls' Garden Club was at the borne of Mrs. Harold Wheeler with seven -Bow'ville at Little Britain' 26-Port Hope et Victons 27-Cobourg aI Bowmenville 28-«VicIons et Little Britain -U.A.W. et Wbitby 29-Bawmanvilleaet U.A.W. -Legion et Pont Hope 30-Whitby et Laglan JuIy- 1-Litle Britain aI Cobourg (mornnng geme) 3-Port Hope et Legian 4-Little Bnitein at UMA .W. 5-Legion et Whitby -Bowmanville et VicIons 7-U.A.W. et Bowmenvilla 8-Wbitby et Part Hope -Cobourg et Little Bitain Na date sat-Victors et Cabourg (Data ta ha arrenged by mutuel agreement) 1l-Lagion et Bowmanvllle 12-Victons aI Whithy -Little Britain aI Part Hope -U.A.W. et Cobourg 14-Whitby et Vîctors -Cobourg et U.A.W. 15-Port Hope et Little Bnitain 17-IJ A *W. et Vîctors No date sel-Part Hope aI Cobourg (Date by mutuel agreement) Game Times Waak days, 6:30 p.m.;, Satur- deys 2:30 p.m. Exception, Satu#- day. gamas et Little Britain and Whitby, 6.30 p.m. memnbera present. After the op- ening exercises, a discussion wau held on the «"control of insecta". The 25th anniversary of the United Church was celebrated on Sunday evening when Rev. C. W. Rutton took the leadership. Bach church society reparted on the 25 years' activities. Mrs. Neil Malcolm told the story of the W. A., prepared by President Mrs. Russell Mountjoy. Mrs. Roy Fer- gus on reported for the W.M.S., merle VaÎiCamp reported for the Y. P. Union and Earl Dorrell for the Sunday School. Everyone was pleasad ta have Bruce Cur- tis, Onillia, as guest soloist. Blackstock Women's Institute met June 8 et the home of Mrs. Ernest Larmer with 31 ladies pres- ent. President Mrs. Norman Mal- colm presîded. Scriptura was taken by Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. Roll caîl wes enswered by nam- ing "My Favourite Writer". Mrs. T. Smith thanked the members who helped wlth the T. B. test cards. Mrs. Norman Malcolm read a latter from an Institute in England tbanking our Instituta for the parcel sent. A lettar of tbenks was read from the Salva- tion Army for the bale. Miss Jean Noble thankad the Instiflite for the donation to the Girls' Club Work. Letters of tbanks wera read from Mrs. W. A. VanCamp and Mn. James Strong for plants. A latter from the Bowmanville Institute with five invitations to their 50th anniversery banquet on June 21 was gratafully recaiv- ed. $10 wiil be sent to Provin- cial President for Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. District Directar. Mrs. Percy VanCamp gave a re- port on the convention at Kendal when 9 of our members attended. $2.00 was voted to the District Di- rector for her expenses. $5.00 will be sent to the District Sacretary for a fund for Junior Work and $2.00 for the Federation of Agri- culture. Program was in charge of the Education Convener, Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. Community singing was enjoyed. Mrs. Mur- ray Byers read "Faith, Love and Peace". Ms. Roy Taylor gave an instrumental; reading by Mrs. Norman Mountjoy; Miss Beryl Larmen an instrumental; Mrs. Mervin Graham and Mrs. Mount- joy conducted contests. A vote of thanks was given ta the host- ess, then refreshments were serv- ed. July meeting will te in the form of a picnic et Rowan's Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie MacNeil (nee Audrey Mountjoy) Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mount- joy. The local ganR charivaried tbem on Saturday night. NE WTON VILLE, Mn. Bruce Gorlll, Little Bni- tain, aur new Public School beach- an for the faîl term, spent a faw deys with bis cousin, Mn,. Clin- ton Farrow. Mr. Jas. Nesbitt, West Virginie, whose wonk et presant takes hlm ta Washington, flew aven ta, spend the waekend with bis sistans, the Misses Nesbiît. Congratulations ta Mn. Carlas Smnith and Miss Mary Walkay who wene marriad et the parsanaga on Seturday. The bappy coupla lefI on e tnip in a hrend naw car, the wadding guif from the Iznoom's fether, Mr. Roy Smith. Mn. andMns. Sidney Hutchis- on spent Sunday with friands in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. George Fonsyth, Toronto, wlth Mns. Stacey. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Essery, Russell and Raymond, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mrs. Ronnie Gibbs. Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale is on the sick list, e victim if rad measîca. Mrs. Mary Stevens, Newcastle, is spending a faw deys banc wlth friends. The annuel picnic fan the Un- ited Churcb and Sundey School will ha beld et*Orono Park on Saturday aflernoon, June 24. Came with your family and a well-filled basket and anjay an aflernoon in e beautiful spot. Sunday morning et il o'clock, June 25 will ha aur Sunday School T'Ir - ila iviuT. ii.ui-iii u ion et F. Semis'. Mn. and Mrs. Chester Lee and The Siaiesman Sold femiiy, Whitby, et E. Lee's. Mn. and Mrs. E. Pascoa. Brook-AiFlo nr Sie , lin; Mrs. J. McKenzie. Columbus. tFllwnaSoe Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs and Joan, Enniskillen, et W. Pascoa's. Dyar's Drug Store, Newcstle. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton, Ross, D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Ray and Ronald, Heydon; Miss Wilson & Brown, Nawtonville Jean McLeuglin, Bunketon; Mn. T. M. Slemon, Enniskillan. Franklin Temblyn, Hamilton, et F. L. Byem, Tyrone. W. Bowman's. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. W. Stevens and Newton Taylor's, Bunketon. family, Haydon, et R. Cocbrane's. Wm. Hackwood, Pentypool.- Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery, Mn. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock. and Mrs. L. Miller end iemily, C. B. Tynrell, Orono. Raglan; Mrs. W. Avery, Colum- H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. bus; Mr. end Mrs. E. J. Ormiston, W. J. Begneil, Jury & Lovl,. Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. E. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and Pascoe, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. The Stetesmen Office. M. Habbs and Joan, Ennisklllen; Mns. M. Hepburn and daughter, In incarne and axcass profite. Miss Pereman, Columbus; Mn. and taxes anly, Canadien corporations, Mns. A. Ribay. Bunketan; Mn. end paid $673,000,000 in 1949. j. Spend Your Holidays at Chateau Wembley lA Burnt River, Ontario - on 4 Mile Lake ln the Highlands of Haliburton Situated on 100 acres of beautiful'park lands. Large Cottages - Cabins - Excellent Meals Tennis - Badminton - Boafing Safe Bathing - Fishing Raies from $23.00 up - APPLY - H. G. GILL B.R. 1, Hampton Phone Bowmanville 2531 OFF POWER Publie Utilities commission George Chase, Manager.. W. Ross Sirike, K.C., Chairman. I 128 King st. W. lowuanvMle Phone 747 NIOHI BASEDAL WASHINGTON PILOTS (World Champion Negro Team) DO WMAN VILLE "]Brookdale Roses" - Under the Lighis HRIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS 9 p. m., Monday, June 19 ADMISSION Adulis - 75c Children - 25c DADS MAV DIFFER!! BUT THEY ALL GO FOR A FATHER'S DAY -GIFT -from HOOPER'S JEWELLERY AND GIF? SHOP Sunday, June 18, 1950 5:00 a.m. Io 8:00 a.m. (weaiher permilling) The hydro electric power will be off in the following areas: In the South Ward - ail south af Queen Street In the Rural Aroas - south, east and west of the Base Lino This power interruption is broughi about by the necessily Io make certain changes to the preseni sysiem in this area. Dowmanville p i 1 - - mmmw MAT, ima 15, 1950 - imi CANAMM enTmm. newwAwv=. MTAM - pAar ELIVM!l ' anilversary with aur pastor, Rev. IMs .OmsaMpeGoe H. A. Bunt as speaker. itMr. W. J. Ormiston. Owing to a District Rally of Mis. L. Pascae, Miss B"siJ the Womnen's Institute being held Pascoe, Oshawa; Rev. and Mrs. R,, at Bowmanville, Wednesday, June M. Seymour, Enniskillan; Miss 21, aur local Institute will convene Bertha Pascoe, Zion, at G. Bow- on Tuesday, June 20, et Mns. C. man's. M. Jones'. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Thare was a splendid turnout et Mr. Aylmar Prescott. Misses Ruth Kendal on Friday for tbe Field and-Marie Prescott, Mr. and Mrsi Day. About 22 schools were rep- E. Prescott and Glenn, Mrs. Jý resented, bringing tagether beach- Harris, Linda end Merlena at- ars, pupils and parents, some four tended the Prescott family picnic bundred people. et Mount Forest, Satùrday, and Mrs. Joseph Hoad, Toronto, visited with relatives ovennight. with ber brother and bis wila, Mr. There were large congrega- and Mrs. Chas. Morris. tions et tath services Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Dones, Mr. Rev. D. E. Osborne, Columbus, and Mrs. Geo. Dones and deugb- spoke et botb services and medcr ter, Toronto, witb Mr. andMUrs. a fine impression on his istenriéÉ Chas. Morris. in bis finst visit ta this commun., ________________ ity. The school, unden the direci lion of Mrs. Seymour, sang In tbYé afternoon, and Miss Gwen Wil- ENIELDsoOhwacmaed-b Miss Hazel Rundle. sang two lovei Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark and fem- ly solos. ln the .evening Kedroi ily, Columbus, et James Stark's. Choir provided excellent music. Rev. D. E. Osborne, Mr. and The church was beautifully de&d. Mrs. G. McCulloch, Columbus; onated for the occasion and of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Meple special intenest was a large basket Grave; Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, of flowers in memory of Mr. W. Enniskillen, et H. Smith's. J. Ormiston, donated by bis son; Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson, Gwen W. J. E. Ormiston, BowmUnville. and Muriel, Oshawa, et W. Stev- Tuesdey evening Brookliin Y. ens'.ad P.U. presented their popular play;~ M.adMrs. A. Brunt, Ennis- "Aurelle Bridge fnom Hemlock, killen; Mr. end Mrs. A. Baech. Ridge". They gave fine musicû! Bowmenville; Miss Celia Griffin, numbers between ects and every,-. Union and Miss Merle Orm-istan. one enjoYed the evening's enter2 Brooklin, at H. Onmiston's. teinment. 1