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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1950, p. 1

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Iria "Durham C.ounty's &reat Family Journal" VOLUME 96 BOWMANVLLLE, ONTARI09 THURSDAY, JUNE 15th, 1950 6c PER COPYNUBR2 BIRTH WILItINS-Mr. and Mrs. Harold W lkxns are happy ta announce whe birth of their daughter, Trudie WPatricia, at Bowmanville Hospital on June 9th, 1950. A littie sis- ter for Danny. 24-1 MARRIAGE SMITH - THOMPSON - At Las Vegas, Nevada, on May lst, 1950, Rev. E. J. Adams united in mar- riage Mabel Florence, daughter oi Mrs. Thompson and the late Mr. Chas. Thompson of Kendal, and Lea Eari Smith of 141 Ver- -duga Rd., Burbank, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith af Van Nuyes, Calif. After a weddmng trip ta Vancouver, B.C., they wil resida in Glendale, California. 24-1* * DEATHS b.KÎED - Thomas Oswald, passed 7,.wa1v at Toronto Western Hos- pita, Wednesday, June 7th, hus- band of Margaret May and father of Aleen. Funeral service from the family residence 30 Burling- ton Crascent. Cremation at St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, Juna 9th. 24-if BONE-At her residence, Mapla Grove, Tuesday, June l3th, 1950, Lualla Burk, ini her 7lst year, ba- laved wife of the late David G, Bone, and dear mother ai Velma ~ rs. E. W. Begley) and Irene iMrs. Kenneth Flint) of Bowman- ville and dear sistar ai Mrs. Lii- lian Kaiser, Toronto. Resting at the M~orris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. Service in the Chapel on Friday, June l6th at 3 p.m. Intermant Oshawa Union Carne- tery. 24-1 NAPPER-In Winnipeg on June 3rd, Laura Napper, wifa ai A. Roy Napper and sister of Mrs. C. H. Mason, Bowmanvilie. 24-1 IN MEMORIAM McKNIGHT-In loving mamory of niy dear husband, David Mc- Knight, who died June lflth, 1947: How ever long my lufe may hast What aven lands 1 view Whateven joy or grief ba mine I will always think of you. -Ever remembered by his wile Florence. 24-1* CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. E. T. Lumb and Mrs. Wm. J. Leask wish ta extand thanks to their mnany friands and naigh- bours who sent carda and flaw- ers in their recent beneavement. 24-1* Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Carruthers wish ta thank their mahy friends and relatives for the kind mas- sages of sympathy, cards and fiowers sent tham in their racent bereavamafit in the loss ai a vary1 dear brother. 24-1 We wauld like ta thank al those wha hava bean so kind ta aur little Glanna since her un- fortunate accident. Cards, flaw-i ers, games, books and candy have been much appreciatad. Thanks also ta Dr. Fenguson. David and Helen Park. 24-1* HOUSEWIFE, part time wonk in ready-to-wear. Hooper's Ladies' Wear. 24.1* GIRLS wanted for work in Soda Fountain. Apply Huyck's Coffea Shap. 24.1* WANTED-a girl for general housawonk, Po heavy washing, no caoking, privata naom. $15.00 a week. Mrs. Braslin. 23.1* SALESGIRL, expenience not nec- essary. Apply Mn. Orr, manager ai Walker Stores, Bowmanville. 24-1 MAN wanted for ice dalivery, ...od wages. must have chauf- 14%eur's licence. Apply William's ,ceor Phone 439. 24-1 RELIABLE woman as campanian fan eldanly lady and ligbt bouse- work. Smali aduit family. Sieep in. Write Box 414, Statesman Office. 24-1* VACANCYý - Rawieigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trada wel astablished. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawlaigh's, Dept. ML-F- 140-189, Montreal. 22-5 CAPABLE active, alderly manniad man wantad; with good aducation for speciai wonk in this district. Must have car. Permanent pos- ition. Good incarne. Write District Distnibutor, 386 Watar Street, Peterborough. 23-2 HOUSEKEEPER wanted in Ta- e nt. Family cansists ai twa dulisand girl 21,z yeans aid. Six m bouse overiooks park. Per- manent position for capable housekeeper. Write giving ful information ta Mns. Don Hanshaw, 212 Hanna Road, Toronto 17, or telephone HUdson 0108. 24-3 EXPERIENCED, reliable Hoiiand familles available. Arriving soon. Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nesthe- ton, Ont. Phone 225 - 24 Part Penny. 22-14 Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodit,1 specializing in diseases of the foot1 and leg. Ganeral chinopody wonk.i Suite 2. 47 Prince St., shawa,, phone 3947. àb-t' Articles For Saile 1930 CHEVROLET. 50 bucks. Phone 631. 23-ifc BLUTE pram, like new. Phone1 997. 24-1*1 1937 CHEVROLET coupe, rea-i sonable tarms. Phone 3176. 24-1t THREE-burner Florenca auto- matic coal ail stave. Allan Clark, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 24-1* GIRL'S bicycle, in good condition; also boy's saddle seat for bicycle. Apply 33 Temperanca St. 24.1* ICE refrigaratar, 50 lbs. capacity. 2-burner hotplata. Phone 3656.ý 24-1 * BEATTY pump witb 25 ft. pipa, $15.00. Gea. Wright, Newcastle, Ont. 24-1* COCKSHUTT hay loader, nearly new; also 120 ft. tbresher hait. Phone 2591. 24-1* SIX foot Cockshutt mowar, eut two crops only. Phone Bowman- ville 2824. 24.1* TEN acres ai red claver hay,1 standing goal. W. T. Symons, Phone 2251. 24-1* ICE box, 50 lb. capacity, well insulated. Apply 67 Wellington St. or Phone 2183. 24-1 ELECTRIC stova, suitabla for cottage. Phone 2479, Mrs. Blake Short. 24-1 LARGE modern white enamal ica box, gaod condition, $20, 156 Wllington St. 24-1* PIANOS-New and used pianos for sale. Telephane 492, F.' J. Mitchell, 204 Church St. 24-1* DINING-room buffet, apartment sîza, kitchen table parcalain top, four chairs. Phone 2790. 24-1 CONGOLEUM rugs and yard gaods availabla in many colour- ful patterns at Morris Ca. 17-tf ONE-horse nake and mower and a set ai 3-section harrows. John Nichols, Phone Bowmanville 2168. % 24-1 STEEL bad, springs and spring mattress; also drap-sida couch with mattrass. Phone 3267. 24-1 1941 DeSOTO coupe, new tires, mator in excellent condition, dlean car throughout, good paint. A real buy. Phone 2827. 24-1* ROTOTILLER-26" wide, 5 h.p. angine, will sali reasonahie. In first class shape. Graham Florist, Enniskiiien, Phone 2468. 24-1* 1938 CHEVROLET coach, with heatar, dafrostar and radia, in good condition. Phone 2767, F. A. Diliing, 38 West Beach. 24.1* EUREKA Vacuum Cleaners, tank modals from $39.50 up at Marris Ca. Phona for free demonstra- tion. 17-tf 1940 MAPLE Leaf dump truck, with late modal Brantford hoist, ail in good condition; will * sali truck and hoist togather or sep- arataiy. Phone 418. 23-3 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goads and hall runnars; Rex- aleum Daluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goads at budget pAcas. Phone 451, Waikar Stores. 23-tf BE READY for Spring and Sum- mer with Sisman Scampers for children, boys and men. Lloyd Ells Shoe Rapair, 39 King St. W., Bowmanville. 19-tf WE measure and instaîl Vanetian Blinds. Phone Morris Ca. for estimatas. We also carry a com- plate stock af window shadas. 17-tf. BEECH end mapie, green cord- waod, $18..00 a cord, sawad and delivered; also fance pasts. H. M. Kyta, Bunkaton, Phone Part Penny 193-r-14. 15-tf PRIVATELY awnad 1947 Pontiac Sedanetta, excellent condition, new tires, radio, heater. Apply 109 McMillan Dr., Oshawa.241 BARRELS!!! STEEL BARRELS! $3.50 eaeh BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 24-tf CABIN trailer, 1l' 6" x7', 600-16 tires; buiit-in cuphoards and ice box; equipped for eiectric. Phone 702 or apply 83 King St. E. 24-2* 1941 CHEVROLET truck, cab aven angine, 14' stake body; alsa Mas- say-Harris 4-wbei driva tractar and 3-funnow tractan plaw. Phone 2341. 24-1 1948 DODGE Spacial DaLuxe Sedan, $ 1,680, with a low down payment and 18 montbs ta pay balance. Art's Car Market, Phone 2148. 24-1 SLAZENGER tennis racket, pedai Kiddie car, baby bath tub, sev- anal feat water pipe, used win- dows. Appiy 200 Cburch Street. 24-1 * NEW and lata modal automobiles insured and financed. Dealer on privata sales. Inquire about this low cost plan. Roy Lunney. 48 King St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf '36 PLYMOUTH, radio, heater,1 defrostar, good tiras, body andi motor, $450. Hall dawn, balance1 terms; also cook stave and com- mode chair. Phone 2865. 24.1* NEW Massey-Hafris tnailen-mow-1 ens; sida delivery nakes and hay loadersé New Holland pick-up halers. Get yaun haying aquip- ment and parts at the Massey- Harris Shop. S. S. Morton & Son,1 DealeMs Phone 781. 24-C. Articles For Sale VENETIAN Blinds, Flexalum, Steel or Aluminumn Decorator Shades, ana price 70c sq. ft. ex- pert installation. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf 1941 DeSOTO coupe, original throughout. Full price $980. Low down paymant, 15 months in balance. Art's Car Market, Phone 2148, open - evenings until 9:30 p.m. ,24-1 1949 DODGE Truck, 1-ton, in excellent condition, staka body, solid racks; 1948 Chevrolet, 1/2-tan deluxa modal; 1950 Marcury ½/- ton truck, naw. S. S. Morton & Son, Phone 781. 24-1* 1 SMALL siza concrete mixer, nearly naw; 2 steam or bat watar radiators; 1 set of racks for 1/-' ton International truck. Apply at E. Leaver's Farm, 2 miles north af Bowmnanville an Scugog Rd. 24-1* i McCORMICK-Dearing Tractor, Modal 06; 1 McCormick-Deering 3-furrow Piow; 1 McCormick- Deering 81/' Cuitivator; 1 Case Tbresher 28 -46; 1 Massay-Har- ris Hay Loader. Hilliard Simp- son, Orono. 24-1* LINOLEUM headquartars in Osh- awa and district. Rexolaums, Cangalaums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Evary pattern that's made, is availabie at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf CONVERT your wagon wheals ta ruhher, camplete stock af steel rims, tires and tubes now avail- ahle. G. F. Jamiason Tire Shop, Corner King and Silver Sts., Phone 467. 16-tf PLUMBING, Haating and Oul Bumners installad anywhara in Durham Caui¶ty. Reasonable rates ançI highest quality. For free estimates call W. Lan Eliiott, Haating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 348. 12-tf OIL burnars installad, compiate with 1 year guanantea, $350.00 and up-for as littie as $35 down and 24 months ta pay. W. Len Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheat MataI, Bowmanvilla, Phone 348. 16-tf IMMEDIATE delivary, Falibanks Morse space heatars. Heat your home the sa.fe, dlean economical way. Pay anly $11.45 down at Bradiay's Furniture and Appli- anca Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf ALL kinds ai meat, goad quality weiners, balagna, caoked bams, smokad hamns and bacon, sausaga and hamburger. Dalingtan Pack- ing Ca., Hampton, Phone 2836; also pickling, smoking and saus- aga making. During the summar manths - bog kiliing on Tues- days and cattie at any time. 20-tf FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Wasbing Machines, Ranges, service on miik coalers and mat- ons, that wiring job or anything electric. Trada - in or Tarms. Consuit Wamry & Son Elactric, Dealers for Woods Elactnic Farm Equipment, Phone 2539 Bowman- ville. 23-6 TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- atians ta choosa from. Graups includa: 2-pc. Vlour Chester- f ield Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffea Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, h Matai Smoker, h Alum- inum Sarving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- il $169.00 only at Bradlay's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose from. 2-tf FLOOR model, new, 3-burnar Norge electnuc range, $114.75; Floor modal, naw, Westinghouse table top electnic range, $259.00; Floor modal, new Addison comb. radio, 3-speed changer, $179.00; Floor modal, new, Westinghouse wasben, $129.00; Damonstanator, portable hattary and electric radio (Westinghouse) reg. $59.50, for $39.50; Floor modal, comb. coal and alectric range, $27900; 2 only new coal ranges, white anamel, ta clear, 10% discount. Murphy's, Phone 811. 24-1 BRADLEY Furnîture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroomn suites, $69.00; steel bed autfits, campiete, $26.95; fait basae faonr covaning, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, ail colons; 3 pe. alloven valour chestenfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filaed mattresses, $24.95; tri-iight iamps, camplete, $12.95; nangettas. ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover veloun bad chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x6 Axminster carpets, green or wine orientai designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table iamps. $6.75. 'Everything fan the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W, Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf G E N E R A L Building Repains, asphaît, matai and aiuminum shingles, insul-brick sold and ap- pliad. Free estimates, Ed. Starny, Builder, Phone Port Penny 277J. 16-tf LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED Have them sharpened with aur new pracisian machina. Caîl 467 for pickup and daiveny G. F'. IAMWRflN 'rîuv RMP For Rent PASTURE with running water. $2.00l per head per month. Won't accept cattie under one year aid. Phone 2200 after 6 p.m. 24-1 UNFURNISHED room and'board, 2 pensioners, $40 each a manth. Write Box 417, Statesman Office. 24-1 AT Courtice-3 rooms, nice home for an elderly woman or couple. Phone Oshawa 4702W4 or write Mrs. M. Lewars, Bowmanville, R.R. 3, 24-3* SINGER Electric Portables can be rented in this district, weekly or monthly, from Singer Sewing Centre, 47 Walton St., Port Hope, Phone 3060. 24-1 DUPLEX -in Hampton village, four large rooms, electrie lights, private entrance, garage, furnish- ed or unfurnished. Residence next to General Store on west side of street. Apply Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey. 23-2* Real Estate For Sale THREE-room house, cellar, large garden, planted, on Scugog Street, north in town limits. Reasonable. Phone 2008. 24-1* FURNISHED log cottage, com- fortable and secluded, Salmon Trout Lake, North Hastings, Phone Bowmanville 434. 24-tf Wanted To Rent SMALL bouse wanted immed- iately, in Bowmanvilia. Phone 951. 23-2* ROOMS suitable for office, an or near King St., Phone 2838. 24-1 Real Estate Wanted WE have clients wishing ta pur- chasa farms, 25 acres ta 200, in Darlington Township. Write Bert Peyton, Real Estata Brokar, 13 Bond St. E., Oshawa, or Phone Evaratt L. Ellîott, 2889 Bowman- ville, salasman. 21-4 Farmers Attention!1 WE will ha plaasad ta pick up daad or cnipplad farn'i animaIs and pay highest prevailing pnicas. For immadiata service Telephona Coiiect, Toronto Adalaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. * 2tf Wanted USED Ford Farguson bydraulic rear mower. C. Payne, New- castle 3. Phone Clarke 3811. 24-1 HIGHEST prices paid for al kinds ai iran and scrap matais; aiso liva poultry. Phbne 239M12 Oshawa, reversa charges. 24-4* Found ENGLISH Coîhie dog. Ownar may dlaim sama by proving pro- perty and paying for advt. Phone 579. 24-1* SUM ai monay at J. W. Jawail's "Big 20." Ownar may bave sama by proving ownarship and paying for this advertisemant. 24-1 Pets For Sale GREAT Dana Dog, 8 months aid, famiiy pet. Phone 3395. 24-1 BEAUTIFtJL Cocker Spaniai pup- pies, hred especialhy for beauty ai colour, intelligence and size. Pets only, ta gaod bomeas. Very reasanable. Own a "real friand." Berniece Smith "Cozy-Naok Cot- tage," 5 minuta's driva south off No. 2 Highway, Mapie Grava. 24-1* D. Notices D.Storay's office will be closad Juna 28th ta Aug. 8th. 24-6* Dr. R. E. Dinniwelh's office will ha chosed from June l7th ta June 24th, inclusive. 24-1* Harvey Danca Academy. Be- ginners Ballet and Tap; Spring term now starting. Ragistar Fni- days, 19 King St. East. 13-tf Dr. H. Ferguson's office wili ha closad after June 28th and willl ha open again on August 7th. 24-3* Private car leaving Bowman- villa for Toronto, Sunday aven- ings, 7:30, certifiad chauffeur* Phone 2011. 24-1* It's An Old Engish Custom To Put Classified Advts. On Front Page For- several years we have had an agreement with the girhs in our front office that if they ever took in a page or more of Classified Advertising, we would 'put it on the front page.' We had an entire page several weeks aga and we haven't heard the end of it. We've gat more than a page of Classified Advar- tising again this week. Sa here it is right on the f ront page. In doing this for one week we also, pay tributa ta aur growing number of subpcribars who maka good use of the classified page. At the same time we wvi11 be saving time for the estimated 12,000 readers who turn lo the back page first.. You'Il find additional classified advts. onipage 7 and the usual front page on the back page which s page 16. Round and Square dancing avary Friday nigbt at Genava Park. Ruth Wilson Variaty Band. Admission 50c. 24-4* Eucbra and Dance in Commun- ity Hall, Biackstock, on Friday avening, Juna l6tb, L.O.L. 133. Evenyane welcome. Admission 50C. 24-1 Music Recitai hy Miss Phyllis R. Challis, A.T.C.M. and ber pupils, Fniday, Juna 23rd at 7:30 p.m. sharp, in Trinity United Churcb. Sponsared hy Trinity Young Peapia's Union. 24.2* Resenve Friday aitamnoon, June 23, for Girl Guida Garden Party at the home af Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, 37 Silvar St. Afternoan tea will ha sarved from 3 ta 6 p.m. Pro- ceads for camp aquipmant. 24-2 The ladies ai Hampton Institute wili presant thair play "His Women-iolk" in United Cburch Sunday Scbooi, Newcastle, Mon- day, June l9tb, at 8:15 p.m., aus- pices Newcastle W.A. 24-1* Final Concert ai Manvers and Danlington School Music Festi- vals, Memorial Arana, Bowman- villa, June 28th at 8 p.m. Ad- mission: aduits, 35c; cbildnan, 15c. As thane ana no antrance exams we ara ciosing the scbool yaar with a concert. There wil ha vocal and instrumental salas and graups, chosan fram the 960 an- trias ta aur competitions. An evening witb the Stars. 24-1*1 Haydon Sunday School Anni- vensary Services will ha heid on Sunday, June 25th at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Guast speaker wili ha Rev. Dr. A. D. Matheson, Dean ai Emmanuel Collage, Toronto. Special music by the scbooi, solo- ist, Miss Olive Rankine, dramatic soprano; pianist, Mn. Ray Dudley, A.R.C.T., L.R.C.T., Bawmanviila. In the aitamnoon Burketon School Flute Band will assist. Collect- ion in aid ai school funds. 24-1j Hampton Sunday Schooi Anni- versary, Sunday, Juna 25th, ser- vices at '2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. F. M. Cryderman, B.A., B.D., Mamnonial United Church, St. Catharines, a former Hampton boy, wiii ha guast speaker. Music by tha schaal is under the direc- tion ai R. G. Harle, Bowmanvilla. On Monday, June 26th, 8:30 p.m. Thorntan's Corners Young People will present thair play "Mama's Baby Boy." Pnacaads for Sunday Schaol work. Funthar particulars naxt week. 24-11 Room atnd Board HIGH School teacher desires room and board in conganial home. Reply at once. Write Box 416, Statesman Office. 24-1* Auction Sales Don't forget Durham County Community Auction which is held on Thursday aiternoon oi aach week at the Durham County Sales Arena, Orono, wherea ah kinds of livestock, fanm produce, machin- ery, furniture, etc. is sold by auctian. Terms cash. Sale .at 1:30 p.m- F. E. Lycett, clark; L. Hall, sales manager; Jack Raid, auctioneer. 20-tf 1 have nacaivad instructions from Mr. Robent Harness & Sons, Lot 26, Con. 2, Hope Twp. (balf mile west ai Moorish Church on No. 2 Highway, to seIl by public auction on Wednesday, June 28th, at 1:30 p.m., 50 head ai Durham and Hereford milkers, springers and young cattle. For furtlwer particulars sea hills. Terms cash. Jack Raid, auctionean. 23-3 I havaei-eceived instructions from Mr. Ellsworth Caswell, Lot 2, Con. 2, Clarke Twp., one mile west ai Zion Church, to sali by public auctian on Manday, June 26th, at 1 p.m. sharp, ah bhis farm stock, implemants, 17 acres of mixad grain, 20 acres ai Alfalfa hay ta ba sold in field. Terms cash. For further particulars see bis. Jack Raid, auctianeer. 23-3 1 hava racaivad instructions fromn the axecutar af thie estate of tha late Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, ta sali by public auction at bis late rasidance, 72 Tamperance St., Bowmanvilla, on Saturday, June l7th, at 1 p.m. sharp, the antire contents af his 12-room bouse. Modern and antique furniture, dishes, glassware, fruit, etc. No Reserve. Terms cash. For fur- thar particulars sea bis. Jack Raid, auctionear. 23-2 FURNITURE SALE-I have been autharizad ta seil by public auc- tian for E. Willoughby, l1,½ miles north ai Harmony (or 1 mile south of Maxwell School) an Sat- urday, June I 7tb, ahl the bouse- hoid affects including a 3-place chastanfield suite (new), a dinette suite in chrome, neyer been used, and many other articles too num- arous ta mention. Sale i p.m. Tarms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 24-1 FURNITURE SALE-I have been authorized ta sali by public auctian for Lualia Hepburn, 11'4 m'iles 'north ai 5 Points (North Oshawa) and first place east of Kadron Cburch on Wednesday, Juné 2lst, al ber household af- fects inciuding dining-room, bad- room and kitchen furniture, quilts, curtains, pillaws, cushions, lamps, staves, dishas, cooking utensils, gardan tools and many other articles. Sale at 5:30 p.m. (Please note time). This is ahl from a good dlean home and averything is in goad condition. Terms cash. Elmar Wibur, auctionear. 24-1 IN Bowmanvilia, double brick bouse for sala, 55 Elgin St., poss- ession af ana sida. Ail cox'ven- iencas. Smail down paymant and rentai terms. E. and F. Sutton, 429 Kingston Raad, Toronto 8. 18-tf HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE My presant listings ai Durham County farms for sale is exten- sive, varying in prica from $3,800 ta $12,000. Sea thesa befora mak- ing your salaction. Terms, ar- rangad. First mortgage funds available on residential, business and im- provad farm propertias. Laroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phones: ras. 1n16 - office 32r10 24-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE $6,000-Buys a solid brick bouse, 8 rooms, bydro, bath, full hase- ment, central location, nice lawn. Possession arrangad. Beautiful dwalling in Blackstock, 6 spaciaus rooms, large living- roam with firaplace, southern windows, hardwood floors,,hydro, fumnace, electrie heater, water un- der pressura. Everytbing in im- maculate condition. Possession an- ranged. $7,000. Country estata, 125 acres, good barn, camant stable, water bowis, milk coolar, brick bouse, bath, ail heating, close to bighway. Priced ta sali, $17,50b. Suitabla for dairy. Immadiate possession. Lots an Elgin St., High St. and Caasarea. Solid brick dwalling, 6 rooms. 2- -niaca bath, bydro, good location. Immadiata possession. $3,500. James Nixon, Brokar 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmanvilia Phone 682, 24-1* COOKE REAL ESTATE $8,000-160 acres, gaod land, 21/z miles north af No. 2 Higbway an well - travelled, snow - pioughed road. Attractive 9-room frame home, weli painted, hot and cold water on tap, soma bardwood flooring. Full lina ai out build- ings, steel roofs, gaod stabling, milk cantract, bush, permanent stream, hydro. First tima offarad. Immediate possession. $6,000-175 acres, near Millbrook, ana ai the hast farms in the township ai Cavan. Splendid buildings, 8-room frama home, fumnace. L-shaped barn 100x30 and 40x3O, ail camant stabling, ample waod supply, permanent ,stream. Will pasture 75 ta 80 cattla. Immediate possession. 188,000-Coîborne area, store, posti office, gas station, gaing cancer.. Immediate possession. $250-Lot 45x12l. Ideaaly iocated near Anglican Churcb. Contact Evalyn E. Cooke Membar ai the Ontario Associa- tion ai Real Estate Boards Newcastle: Phone Clarke A2621 24-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $650 down-Cottaga, 7 raoms, two sleeping porches, bydro, f lush toile-ts on aach iloor, iumnished, on East Beach. Pnice $2,650. $750 down - Six-room house, U-acre, hydro, near naw High- way. Prica $3,500, $1,200 dawn-50-acra farm near Tyrona, hydro, barn, six-raom bouse. Price $3,500. $3,000 price-30-acre farm, six- room bouse, hydro, near Bow- manvilla. Terms. $4,500 prica - 50 acres, brick bouse, bydro, barn, north west ai Hampton. Extra Special-Farm, 183 acres, 8-room frame bouse, bydro, barn, milkhausa, silo. Pnice $6,900. Low Tarms. Wanted-Houses and bungalows immadiately for waiting clients. Bowmanvllle Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone 3326 Bowmanvîlle Phone 689 Oshawa 24-1 Livestock For Sale COW for sale. Apply Nelsoni Robbins, Hampton. ý4-1 SIXTEEN pigs. Austin Wood, Phone 2388.1 24.1* TEN young pigs, eating wel., Phone 2543 Bowmanville. 24-1 TEN Yorkshire pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply Frank Krolewski, 1'a Mile north of No. 2 Highway, on Sa. lina Road. 24-1 TEN Yorkshira pigs, six weeks old, also young sows, due middle of July. Cyril Avery, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2513, after 5 p.m. or Saturdays. 24-1* BUCKSKIN coloured western saddle mare, perfectly trainad ta work rtattle, heavy enoughi for single or third horse farmi work; also western stock saddlc, bridie and martingale. Apply 658 King St. East, Oshawa. 24-1* FARM SOLD AUCTION SALL Registered and Grade Holstein Cattie, Tractor and Tractor Machincry, Orchard Equipment, Horses, Swine The property of D. V. Howard Gi'bsoi) to, sali by public auction a 12:30 (D.S.T.) Sharp, at LOT 35, CON. 3, CLARKE TOWNSHIP 2 miles east of Bowmanvilla, 1 Con. north of Town Lino Wednesday, June 21sf HORSES Matched Team of Belgian Mares, 7 and 8 yrs., 1600 lbs. each; Matchad Team of Percheron Geldings, 8 and 12 yrs., 1600 lbs. each. MILK COWS Registered Holstein Cow, 6 yrs., fresh, with Heifer Calf at side; Holstein Cow, 5 yrs., fresh, with Heifer Calf at sida; Holstein Cow, 3 yrs., fresh, with Heifer Caif at side; Hoist *ein Cow, 5 yrs., fresh, with Heifer Caif at side: Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., fresh, with Calf at side; Holstein Cow, 5 yrs., fresh, with Caîf a't foot; Holstein Cow, 5 yrs., fresh, with Caîf at side; Holstein Cow, 6 yrs., fresh, with Caîf at sida; Jersey Cow, 3 yrs., fresh, with Calf at sida; Holstein Cow, 3 yrs., due time of sale; Holstein Cow, 6 yrs., due in July; Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., due in Aug- ust: Ayrshire Cow, 5 yrs., bred Feb. 26, milking; Holstein Cow, 7 yrs., bred Jan. 2 '5, milking; Hol- stein Cow. 3 yrs., bred March 12, milking: Holstein Cow, 3 yrs., bred Jan. 20, milking: Holstein Cow, 3 vrs., bred April 7, milk- ing; Holstein Cow, 7 yrs., bred March 13, mi]king; Holstein Cow, .3 vrs., bred March 13, milking; Hoîstein Cow, 4 yrs., bred April 7rnilking: Holstein Cow, 3 yrs., bred.Marchi 13, milking; Durham Cow, 9 yrs., due Sept. 18, milk- ing; Holstein 1-eifer, 2 yrs., bred Jan. 6: Holstoin Hoifer, 2 yrs., bred Dec. 8: 2 !lolstein Heifers, 2 yrs.. both bred Dec. 26; 5 Hol- stein Heifers, open, rising 2 vrs., vaccinated. SWINE Yorkshire Sow, bred 'May 19; 5 Yorkshire Sows, bred in April. MACHINERY Case S Tractor, Orchard Mode!, in excellent condition; Cockshutt 3-furrow Tractor Plow; Bisseli 7-ft. Tractor Dise; 8-ft. Tractor Cultivator, McCormick - Deering; Tractor Buzz Saw: M.-H. 13-tootIR Cultivator; M.-H. Manure Spread- exr, near new; M.-H. 6-ft. Mower; M.-H. Oil-bath 7-ft. Binder, near new; IV.-H. Hay Tedder; ORI-bath Mowor, 5-ft. cut, McCormick- Doering. near new: Gem Eiectric Grain Grindor, near new; Cock- shutt Twin Plow: Goodison Feed Mixer, .500 lb. sizo. near new, 2 rubber-tircd Wagons; M.-H. Hay Rake: Fiat Bottom Rack; 2-whaal Implement Trailor for Tractor, ncar now; Set Knee Sleighs; 2 Brooder Stoves; 2 Single Scuf- fIers: M.-H. Seed Drill, 13-hoe, with fortilizer attaclhmrent: Quan- COMING EVENTS Coma and win a Panda Bear at the Bowmanville Lions Club C*rnival, Saturday, Juhy lst, at the High School Grounds. 24-1 HORSES Matchad Taam ai Percheron Hanses, 6 and 8 years. SWINE 2 Yorkshire Sows with pigs at foot. TRUCKS International M2 - ton Pick - up Truck, new International K-5, 1946 2-ton Truck, excellant con- dition. TRACTORS Farmal C Tractor, 1949 modal; International W.H. Tractor, near new; International 15-30, recently overhaulad, excellant condition. TRACTOR MACHINERY International Tractor Cultivator, naw; International 8-it. Tractor Binder, nealy new; International 8-ft. Tractor Disc, nealy new; International 15-disc Fartilizar Drill, with Tractor Contrai, near- ly new; International 6-ft. Mow- er, in good condition; Mc-Deering 3-furrowad Tractar Plaw; Mc- Deaning 2-funrowad Tractor Plaw; Buck Raka for row crop Tractor, good as naw; Tractor Scufflen, nearly naw; Tractar Buzz Saw, nearly new. MACHINERY 2 ruhber-tired Wagons; 2 Snaw Fenca Silos; Set ai Steel Wheel Trucks; Mc-Deening-2-nowad Corn Cultivator; M.-H. 2-rowad Crn Cultivator; M.-H. Oil-Bath Maw an; Cockshutt Dump Rake, naw Mc-Deering Hay Loader, new Toboggan Slaighs, nearly new; International Stiif-tooth Tractar Cultivator, good; 3-drum Roller, excellent condition; 3 Sets *of Back Band Harnnss; 2 Sets Bneeching Harnass; 5 farne Bush Shantias, suitable for garages on colony bouses. REMARKS:- The aboya machin- amyv was pnactically ahi hougbt new last year and is in excellent condition. TrsCs Positively No Resarve - Jack Reid, A 1 t, ,pr . Orono, Ont. Chicks For Sale BRAY bas 4 hatches waakly this manth. Mixed cbicks and cock- arels ta order. But they bava pullats, day-aid, startad, from $14.90. Get complete list. Get yaur order in. Agent, Hugh Stapletan, Newtonville. 24-1 TWEDDLE Canadian Appraved Chicks and Tunkays at reduced pnices for June and Juiy. Cbicks day-aid ta aigbt waeks, non-sex- ad, pulieas cockerels. Turkeys, day-aid ta six weaks, non-saxed, sexed bans, saxed Toms. Ask for aur Bargain Pnices on four and six weak aid turkeys. Twaddle Chick Hatchenies Limited, Fengus, Ontario. 24-2 SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ta 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tanic Tablats fan double rasuits; new healthy flash; naw vigar. New "gat acquainted" size oniy 60c. Ail druggists. 24-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubher goods) xnailad pastpaid in plain sealad envelope with price list. Six samplas 25c, 24 samplas $1.00. Mail Ordar Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 18-9 21-tf YOUR system needs Iodine - Nova-Kelp can belp supply this. BRAKES!!! BONDED BRAKES Avoid daficiancy disondens like No Rivets . . . Last Longer Anaemia, Constipation, Piles. Ner- 500 times the sheer stnength vas; stant taking Nova-Kelp ta- ai rivets. da.v. Use regularly, and observe BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE benefits ta your health. Three Phonf 804 R-aw nvlle econamicai suzes - at ail drug- 24-tf gists. --24-i. equipment, etc. Mr. Gibson has sold his farm and aboya items must ha sold without reserve. Your attendance will ha apprec- iated. Terms Cash Positively No Reserve Fred I.'cett, Jack Reid, Clerk.. Auctioneer, Orono, Ont. 24-1 SCRAP iran and batteries. Phone Clarke 2530. 17-tii POULTRY wantad, higbest pricas paid. We cail at youn door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BUSH - must ha pradominately bard maple. H. M. Kyta, Phone Port Penny 193r14. 22-tf BEFORÉ selling your live poultry try us. Our pnices are highan. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone 7 r 13. reversa charges. 17-tf INDIAN RELICS wanted. Will pay good pnice for ana piace or whale collection. Write J. K. Whalay, Ingersoll, Ont. 22-3* Repairs REPAIRS to ail makes ai nefrig- eratons, domestic and rommercial. Higgon Eiectric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guanantaed service, dyeing and custom work, tny the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf CHESTERFIELUS completely ne- huiît and na-upholstened. Satis- faction guarantead. Have our consultant cahi at no obligation. U~quire at Weber'& Fabnie Cen. il -1ý

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