'rwu ~AWAflTAN UTATLqMAN. EOWMANVTLLN. OWFART6 ?Y~URSDAY, ~tN~ 15, 1050 Clarke Coacil Discusses Buestion Repafriug Co-op._Dam and Road Clarke Township Council met thority ta the garbage collection in June 6, with A. McKay, J. H. Orono, and making the north part Davey and Ted Woodyard being af Centre Street a thraugh street, the only members present. and also for no parking on the 1 The Councli in revîewing tlieir north side of Centre Street from Insurance program, pointeci out Main to Church. The through that in future years ail insurance street and no parking section will being taken on by the Township go into force with the erecton of Would be in the form of sealed proper highway signs. tenders. The Clerk was instructed ta ask The $4000.00 wbich has been for tenders for the building of a raised for the -Bowmanvîlle Hos- new bridge on the 4th line, just pital through taxes in Clarke was east of Highway 35. This struc- prdered ta be transferred to the ture was washed out during the treasurer o! this project. spring floods. ,An appeal for the Manitoba Clarence Allun and Robert Mof- ~'ood Relief Fund was brought fat, on befiaif o! the Durham Far- Pefore the Council and ail agreed mer's County Co-operative, met that to organize a campaign for with the counicil in order th.at a funds in the municipality would satisfactory agreement could be be untimely. However, it was the arranged in the repairing af the Unanimaus decision to give a grant township road and Co-op. miii 0f $100.00. dam. Reeve Wodyard Éaid that if New light and hope for a new the Co-op. were ta use electrie setup on the road crossing the power the township were con- C.N.R. and C.P.R. lines et lots 14 siderinLy the possibility of running and 15 along the lakeshore wes the road through th'e pond. How- brought to the counicil's attention. ever, lie pointed out that lie could This improvement has been souglit see no reasan wliy a satisfactory for some ten ta fifteen year$, the arrangement could not be agreed deilay being with the Board o! upon if the pond was wanted. In Transport and the Railway Comn- response Io Robert Moffat's ini- panies. The estimated cast c! this quiry an the cost of restoring the project was slated at $20,000 in road and dam, Mr. Woodyard said 1948, and of this the Board of thet the municipal engineer li Transport have agreed ta pay 40 set the cost o! a stone facing a' per cent with the railway camp- $2,500, and a cement facing a! anies payinu $1,500 apiece. The $3,500. These figures would in- ]Reeve strongly recommended that clude the f ill and the job coin- preparations, such as purchasing pleted. Mr. Moffat thought the land, etc., lie started immediateiy, bank couid be faced with 10-inch no that this construction could be timber and that he had lied an completed in 1951., With the gov- estimate of $500 foi, the timbers. erriment subsidy o4 roads and A resolution lied been passed at bridges, the cost of this undertek- a future meeting by the counicil ing wauld be no maore than $4,- in which they agreed ta pay 66 2/3 500 far the Township., of the recanstruction if it was The Councîl instructed the Road used oniy as road. On the other Superinfendent to close the south hand they were wiiiing to xiay 50 road from Orono Park and that per cent of the cost if it were used it be used only for pedestrian use. as a road and pond. Mr. Allun Bylaws were passed giving au- pointed out that the Co-op. were Cl)rcn(, Illectiric-1 Phone 55-r-i Orono FAIM AND HOUSE WIRING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ... ..POLE LUNES A SPECIALTY - FREE ESTIMATES - "DBOTTLED GAS"à FOR RURAL HOMES AND HOMES BEYOND OUR MAINS 15 King Investigate A ONTAIO SHORE CAS Co Ltd. g St. E.,. OSHAWA Phoin me 3300 p not obligated in any way ta bear the cast if it anly was used as a raad. It was lis opinion that the Board of Directors of the Ca-ôp- erative wouid be willing ta pay one-third a! the cost, with the township paying one-third and the government subsidy covering the remaining one third. Reeve"Wood- yard stated that 4t was nat a questian a! money with the town- ship, but tl'at they wauld not want e reaccurrence of this damage to happen in the spring. Mr.'Aluin, in his opinion, felt that everything had been donc during the flood, but that it was of littie effeci uit- der thé adverse conditions. The third division of the cost *as ac- cepted by the twa graups and an agireement is to be drawn up by their solicitors. Members of the council visited the agricultural grounds where they inspectcd the culvert and the possibility of granting the society part o! the township property so that a more naturel curve of thé race track could be obtained. In this;Zatter the land was granted, andl the council also agreed ta share the cost of the culvert aiong with Darlington and Manvers Township. In discussing the township roads, it was decided that thase roads that are in good repair and well gravelled be given a coat o! cal- cium chioride. This coating pre- vents gravel being thrown off the roeds and gives a harder road, thus decreasing gravelling in the future. PONTYPOOL Our lewns lice at Durham For- est are sa large, it requires eight haurs of steady pushing an thet aid Eurcka lawn mower ta eut them. The iawns are situated on a gravel bank, whose stones have dulled the soleplate and knives 50 badly over the lest three years that, instead o! being bevelled they were almost round, with the resuit that the grass aiways look- cd m thougli it were eut on shares, the other fellaw's share be- îng -left standing. This spring the mawer was 50 duli the wife lied a heast of a time trying ta make it work. My nerves were so upset wetching lier rassiing with it, I just lied ta have a rlep an the sofa 'ta quiet them. Neyer cou id stand seeing a woman warking too liard. It rcquired every lest ounce o! reserve that I possessed ta prevent me 'offering ta finish the lawn. 0f course, we could have had the mawer sherpened, but, I have an ellergy ta spcnding money foolisli- iy. However, in a sudden burst o! generosity iest week, I paid Ray Carleton o! Orono a buck and a hlai ta sherpen and adjust it. He made a capital job a! it, witli the resuit that yours truly gave that aid lawn a reelly slick sheve. When it sterts getting duli agairi Ill let the little woan teke over. Na use in tiring yourself out before winter. We won't have eny sympathy for any of you Orono people if we hear you groaning about pushig a duli iewn mower, now that we have toid you what a good lawn mowcr mechanie Ray Carleton is. Did any of yau foliks ever sec a black wvoodcliuck? Last ycar a IeWE'RE SNUG AND COSY INDOORS with Brantford Sealed-In' Siding" ]Brantford Sealed-In Siding gives your home a wonderful comfort indoors . ;* a distinguisbed appearance outdaors-and substential economies in addition ta its own law cout. Sealed-In Siding is machine-made with insulation board sealed in moisture proof asphait. It reduces fuel costs .- . subdues street noise ... adds beauty ... eliminates paintig ... and is fire resis- tant. Moreover-for handsome, colourful exteriors, Sealed-In Siding simulates the most popular in building surfaces. Brick-type (red or buf) resembles expensive wire-cut brick. Stone-type gives your bouse a handsome stone effect. Colonial-type (green or white) provides the distinctive smartness of broad, ovler-lapping shingles. .Ask vour dealer ... or write Brantford Roofing's nearcst office for full information about the Siding that seals out weather and seals in comfort. iSAA'.4U "It's the Covering that Counts'! lEromtlkod ; Siding birntford Roofing Company, Limited, Brantford, Ontario Branch Offices and Warehouses: TORON4TO à MONTREAL Le WINNIPEG SAINT JOHN à HALIFAX The Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Limited Phne 715 sevuanville 96 Ring St. E. litter o! waoddhucks were hatch- cd et Clarence Woodley's Miil- yard. Amongst tliem was a black one, lie is stili there, e year later. Wc have spoken ta quite a few people, ail o! whomn have neyer even heerd o! a black groundhog. Same here! Clarence shouid put him on view et 10 cents a peck. Wc lied naidshcs aven a hlai inc in diemeter out o! aur gard- en on May 31. Bet you are al curiaus ta knqw how corne. Some radishes wcnt ta seecd'lest feul. The fnost wes scarceiy out o! the garden this spring whcn we gave it a super-dooper cuitiveting in order ta use it for a "heciing in" bcd for a quarter million young trees. Guess it must have startcd the nadishes penking. This is the earliist we have known this kind o! fruit ta arrive et the edible stage. Is it a record? Someone was kind enough ta Invite yours fruly to the big do- ings in the Belleville Armouries neccntiy wlien Hon. William Gries- inger, Minister o! Planning and Development, presented flic Re- port on the Maire River, ta the pesonnel of the Moira River Con- servation Autlority. Aftcr a banquet in the Quinte Hotel, flic gnoup repaincd ta flie Armouries, whcrc rpsponsible officiels prcscntcd a first class pragram on conservation. The area under consideration is o! fer greater dimensions than flic Gan- anaska. We hope the folks o! thc Moira River district cen soon get started wonking and that fhey have the best o! luck in flicir ven- turc. Incidentally, we always thouglit Mn. Griesinger pronaun- ced lis name thus, Grey-singer. But tliat's not so, if is pronounced like this, Gress-in-jun. As thougli if rhymed wifh messenger. Wlien returning fnom Belleville, we sfoppcd for a chat wifh Mr. end Mrs. Ross Rabbins and their deugliter, Gail. These people op-* erate a tourisf camp et Wicklow, naed epproprietely enougli Rab- bin's Ncst. It is on the soufli side a! Highwey No. 2. Was felking ta Chanlie Stephen- son in Port Hope. He is busy witli lis fobacco farm, getting the cnop in. And, whie in Part Hope, (sccinfi it wes nean dinnen time), celled on the Harold Bull famiiy. They invitcd me ta dinner; I pre- tended I didn'f went ta, but', sure Whercver yaung people vaca- tion et the Iakefront-and that'a ail over Ontari - you're sure ta sec a diving raft. The raft is centre of water sport, high jinks, .and congregating. Here's whcre U.S. visitors and Canadiens strike up acquaintances. Visitors from the south bring prosperity, in which we ail share. Give fhêm the friendly grceting that lielps ta hring theni hark. John I.abatt Liinitcd. Uxionized since 1910. FOR DIVING FANS didn't take any coaxing wlien Lu- elia said "dig in"'. Evelyn B3Ull1 is out o! High Schooi, lies secured e position as book-keeper in a girls' camp in Algonquin Park. Her sister Lois mey be spending the $ummer et the same camp. Their brother, Douglas, is sti!i wol'king for the same people in Toronto that lie has been warkinig for since lest November. Penliaps some o! you don't recagnize the name o! Bull. But, you will know wliom we mnean when we tell you thet Mrs. Bull used ta be known before lier merriage as Luchla Scott. This must have been the week ta meet ail the important people. Because I met Johnny James, M.P., taa. He must lie inside e lot, looks quite pale. Dan't sup- pose it was -the siglit o! me made him turn pale? The lot wcather iast wcek made the hay stretch up about a foot. People offen enquire wliy samne- thirig is flot donc with the blow sand north o! Fred Boyd's. We were oven it yesterday. It is dandy. Befone. a car couldn't go through it, if the send was dry. Now, a car cen go over it in higli gear. The Clarke Township fel- lows did a good job wliere it was badiy needed, tram McLean's School, nontli. And, herc's one chicken tlat realiy appreciates their efforts. Thanks, gentlemen! Giadys Fisher is stili under the the doctor's cane. We thoughtshe lied returned ta Peterboroughi. But no, she is stili under the par- ental roof and flot feeling toa spry. We aU hope she will soon lie bet- ter. Sumnmer wcather brings out the bicycle brigade. Watch for thase bike riders. Some o! themn may be wobbly beginners. Give themn a wide bertli, and lie ready 'ta step down liard on thase brekes that you lied tightened up lest week - Or did you? Business Direcfory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Moncy ta Loan Plione 791 Bowmenville, Ontarioa LAWRENCE C. MASON. BA. Barristen, Solicitor, Notany Public King St. W., Bowmanviiie Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. 91,/2 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barnister, Solicitor, Notery Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates o! Royal Dental Coliege, and Facuity o! Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubulce Bidg. King St., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 e.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 e.m. ta 12 noan Wednesday. Closcd Sunday. Office Plane 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 IDR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmenvillc Office Hou rs 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE BOWMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Propenties Sold, flcnted Menaged and Appraised Membens o! the Canedian and 1 Ontario Real Estete Boards 3. Shehyn D. Maclachian Bownianville 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MlONTEITII Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E'.. oshawa MnI. Gardon W'. Riei, C.A, resident partner. Hazards of Progress By Josephi Lister Rutiedge One miglit well shy away tram the hazards of proving a potentiel cil field. Premier Douglas and the C.C.F. government of, Sas- katchewan have done just that and perhaps wiseiy. Our only pas- sible ground for liesitation in so believing is the fact that, both in his' election campaign andi later, Premier Douglas laid con- siderable stress on the fact that the people, represented by him- self and his government, owned and were responsible for the de- velopment of the resources of the province. But the development of minerai and oul resources presents higli financial hazarcis. It~ takes viltu- ally as muchforesiglit and effort and cash ta prove thet, a proposed well is dry as it does ta bring in a gusher, and mast governments shrink from this sorto! hgzard. Saskatchewan is following only the rather definite socialistie pet- tern 'of preferring owner ship, of those resources thet same one else's adventure and initiative have teken past the development stage. Sa it is not surprising ta see the governiment of Saskatchewan hesi - tating ta risk its. own nroney ta prove. that it lies i.. in somnewli1 the same proportions as Aiberta, U2 Ygsi. W. and it is satisfying itself with grenting ail exploration riglits to privae intenests. Wc are flot in .any sense criticai o! the province. It is doing about what other pro- vinces have donc. We anc not crîtical o! the attitude o!flice iearn- cd and socialisticaily-inclined Canedian Forum when it argues that "it is c]early impossible for flic provincial government ta use its'awn iimited financiai resaur- ces ta underteke sa nisky and costly a job as ail dcveiopmcnt". But, even iooking et things sol hnoedmindediy-, we remein a biti puzzled. We are esked ta believe, thet socielism lias great benefits ta pravide for us, but then wc stumble aven such questions as this. There is a country o! vast and varicd national resounces. On their dcvelopment our future de- pends. If thene lied been no one but govennmcnt ta assume these nisks o! dcvelopment, and govern- ments were neluctent ta assume these risks, baiancing the hazard against the hope of ultimate prof- it, wliere today would be our mines and aur ail fields, our for- est developmcnt, aur industries and aur trade? These great ne- sources wauld stili be there buried in flic earth, waiting some more advcnturous spirits ta give them life and value. And this seems f0 suggest tlie refiection that a boun- lowmanville tiful Providence offers ta al Imen achoice between security and progress. But it is a choice. We éan have which we wIU but *we cannot be sure of both. Potency of liquar, taken at hlgh altitudes, is doubled. À Sooth #bem withq« MINARRD'S LINIMENT 35c > Rhbon 'ouAid tAUOE EcoNdoMIu. w -om rYmng n .iZc 65C odor. . one 811 Pelforoing Red Cros duties tbat were 00 eusntial in flood-stricken Morris there W" Iitetime for Wes. Moody to think of his 0w» homie.* Iere is the resuit shown betterthan' Ïwords could descibe.,w Most of Mr.'Moody's furniture and personal belongings were under'. ~three feet of water. 9 Many of tiies effects iare beyond repar~ The Manitoba Flood Felief ~Fnd wiIl asuist these destitute flood victime i» eetting up their homes anew'. ý Your donation,1 large or email, os» be mailed direct to the. Fund 1Winemimg or paid into any.Chartered ba.nk, ,iin Canada.a Donatioim are taxbfew-.> "FR0 ST'S FENCING" A Complete Line of Ail Types of Fencing - Posis and Gaies Now Available WE DELIVER TO YOUE DOOR AT NO EXTRA COST. BARTONS GENERAL STORE NE WTON VILLE PHONE CLARKE 3020 "Courteous, Friendly Service" NEW PHONE NUM«BERt LORNE'S PICK-UPý, PLEASE CALL KING'S TAXI - 5161 MU R pHly'S mNITURE AND APLIAP'" 'TORE PAGr rom TMMSDAY, ZD= 15, 1050 --h- - - TEZ CANADUN BTATURUM. ISOWMANV=LP. ONTAM 1 - -.1