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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1950, p. 7

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PAGE 5EVM THrJRSDAY. JUNE 15. 1050 THE CANADTAN STATESMAN, EOWMANV1LL~, ONTARIO SOCIAL AID PEESONAL - Mrs. James C. Calrns h now r. ying at her summer home at Lake Scugog. Mr. Raymond Cole, Kitchener, Lecently visited his sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston are holidaying at William's Point, ~ae Scugog. i, Mr. George Spencer, Vancouv- erB.C., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Blain Elliott. Congratulations ta Mrs. Charles Manning, Wellington St., who cel- ebrates her 92nd birthday today. Mr. and Mrs. Don Allin left Bunday by motor ta visit Mrs. Allin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Reeves, at Calgary, Alta. Mr. John Kerry, Port Perry, lias accepted a position with F. F. Morris Ca. Mr. Kerry is married and has one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hooper, Su- tanne and Ed., Jr., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Hooper. Misses Jean and Joyce Bragg, Shaw's, spent the weekend with Miss Joyce Van Camp, Base Line. Mrs. T. H. Turner, Toronto, ~d Misses Leta and Ruby Bragg. ped Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Bragg M.and Mrs. Kelvin Symons, Toronto, were weekend guests with his mother, Mrs. Muriel Sy- mans. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston, Listowel, were weekend guests with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnstan, Horsey St. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allison are -spending this week in Wash- ington, D.C., while Mr. Allisan is attending an International board meeting. In the report of those attending the Rotary District Conference in Bigwin Inn last week, the names of Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rudel were unintentionally omitted. A warni welcome awaits yau at the BOWMANVILLE DAPTIST MI1s sIO0N Meeting in UNION HALL 19 King Street East Paul T. Holliday, Pastor, Sunday - 7:30 p.m. GOSPEL TEAM from Prairie Bible Institute. Special music by the Young People of Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa Mr. Ernest Jacoba, Belleville, was in Toronto Fridey when hi. brother, Russel_ was amang the University of Toronto graduates ta receive his degree. Mise Mary Southey, who has been attending Havergal Callege, Toronto, is now halidaying with her parents, Mr. *and Mrs. E. C. Southey. Congratulations ta Miss Joan R. Rice who was successful in com- pleting the one-year diploma course at Macdonald Institute at Guelph. Mrs. Roy Nichols, Courtice, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lymer, Bow- manville, were among the out-of- town guests at the Hart-Alexander wedding in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberts and Mrs. A. L. Darch were in Toron- ta Friday attending the gradua- tion exercises of Toronto Univer- sity when their sons received their degrees. Mrs. William Roberts assisted in the massed chairs, under lead- ership of Sir Ernest MeMillan, at the United Church 25th anniver- sary service in Maple Leaf Gar- dens, Sunday evening. Access ta the West Side Beach is available across the C.N.R. tracks at the station, 24 hours daily from June 1 ta Sept. 30, where guards are on duty con- tinuously. Mr. and Mrs. Horman W. Heddon, Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Caroline (Heddon) Rutburg, Butte, Mantana, and Mrs Fred Heddon and Louis, ColYhnbus, Ont., were ilecent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Div- ision St. Miss Gwen Murray of the Bow- manville High School teaching staff, was entertained at the home of Mrs. James Nokes on Monday evening, May 29, when a number of friends presented her with a linen shower, prior ta her mar- niage in September. Mrs. Antonio Acosta, Alma, and Gladys Bernadette, of May- aguez, Puerto Rico, arrived by Pan - American clipper an June 8th ta visit her sisters, Miss Viv- ian Bünner, and Mrs. Muriel Sy- mons. Mr. Harold Luûnb B.Sc., and Jack Lumb, B.A., sons of the late Emart Lumb, Kingston, motored to Bowmanville ta comfort their aged grandmother Mrs. E. T. Lumb after her recent bereave- ment in the loss of a beloved son. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. E. T. Lumb and Mrs. Wm. J. Leask. in the death of a son and brother, W. Ewart Lumb, B.Sc., D.L.S. and O.L.S., Kingston, who died following an operation in Kingston General Hospital, June 7th. Mrs. M. Petti, 535 Clendenan Ave., Toronto 9, in renewing her subscription ta The Statesman writes: I certainly would flot want ta miss one copy. Congrat- ulations ta you, Mr. James, for 56~ùtd~c~ Il A.M. - MORNING SERVICE COMMUNION SERVICE 12:15 P.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL EVENING SERVICE Summer schedule of evening services commences this Sunday as we join with the congregatian of St. Jahn's Anglican Church. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., .Minister. Mr. R. G. Harle, Director of Music MAPLE GROVE SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SUI will be held on SUDAY, JUNE lSth at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. REV. C. C. WASHINGTON, B.A., B.D. - of London, Ont., a former popular pastar will be the guest speaker. Special Singing by the School in the Afternoon and ini the Evening by the Choir. The Orono Brass Quarleile will assist at both services. -Offerings in aid of the Sunday School Funds WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2lst Starting at 5:00 p.m. AN EXCELLENT SUPPER will b. served. *t8:15 p.m. a t1iree-act comedy play will be presented by the Thornton's Corners Community Association entitled MUMMY'S LITTLE BOY" Special Music B.twe.n Acf. TEA and CONCERT -- Adults $LOO0 - Childrrni 50e CONCERT ONLY- Aduits 35e - Children 20e EVERYONE WELCOME Dishop of Peterborougb Addresses Diocesan Council Convention- 0Of Catholic Women's League, "Our principle problemn in edu- ahl peaoe and happlness, political ication is not information or re- stability and international accord. search, but ta bring people an Rev. J. P,. Collins, P.P., Cobourg, appreciation of- what it is ta be a told the members durinjz the Canadian, and a Christian", Most special sermon. Women in mak- Rev. Gerald J. Berry, D.D., Bish- ing the right kind of home, make op of Peterborough, stated in his the people right and aur country address ta the Diocesan conven- right, he said. thon of the Catholic Women's The delegates were welcomed League held Wednesday at the to Bowmanville by Mayor L. C. Lions Community Centre, Bow- Mason at the luncheon at thée Bal- manville. The important of the moral Hotel. He also paid trib- *women's raIe i character forma- ute ta the work in the town of thon, strengthening of loyalties Rev. S. J. Coffey, Parish Priest of and creating stability in the youth St. Joseph's Cýhurch. of the country was stressed by Congratulations on the splendid His Excellency. turnout at the conventioný were Pink and whhte carnations, lily- given by John James,- M.P., in a of-the-valley and ferns effective- speech of welcome ta Durham ly decorated the altar Of St. County. Mr. James also drew at- Josephs Roman Catholic Church, tention ta the wonderful service where Mass was offerecf prior ta Father Caffey is giving andl re- the openîng of the convention. marked how highly respected and The Bishop of Peterborough was wel][ thought of he is li Bawman- the celebrant. His Excellency ville1 was assisted by Rev. John Cough- Winners af the Essay Contest Ian, Peterborough, and Rev. Ver- e MsDothDigaP- non Purdue, Port Hope. Cleg ereoog Miss Daah igan et- in he antuay wreRight Rev. O'Shea, Hastings, were at the J. . MAuly, .P, DP * Lid-meeting. Prizes were presented say; Rev. S. J. Caffey, P.P., Bow- ta themn by Miss Grant. manville; Rev. G. 3. Maher, Ca- Ms rnPtroogDo bourg; Rev. Joseph OSullivan, is s rant,Perboroug he ia Rev. James Greenan and Rev. csnPeiet rsdda h John Maskey, al af Peterborough. sessions which were lheld in the Billy Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lions Community Centre. The William A. Clarke and Paul Leddy, morning meeting was apened with son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick tLeddy, prayer by Rev. J. Coffey. were the Altar boys. Mrs. Lea Leddy, President of During the offertary "On This the Bowmanville unit, gave the Day" and "Ta Jesus Heart Ahl address of welcome. Greetings Burning" were sung by Mrs. Owen were also given by Mrs. W. A. Fagan and Mrs. E. Gibson. Dur- Walker, Toronto, President of ing the Communion Miss Mary Provincial Council. Miss Grant Fagan, the organist, played Shu- repliefi in a speech in which she berts "Ave Maria", and at the emphasized the spirit of service. end of Mass Mrs. Fagan and Mrs. Luncheon was served at the Bal- Gibson sang "Holy God We Praise moral Hotel. His Excellency, Thy Name". The Bishop af Peterborough, said The home is the foundatian Of Grace. Those at the head table were: Bishop Berry, Mayor Law- having such a wonderful car rence Mason, Right Rev. P. P. named after such a wonderful Butler, Peterborough; John James, paper. Keep up the goad work. M.P., Mrs. W. A. Walker, To- Two former well known native ronto; Miss Agnes Grant, Peter- brothens of Bowmanville died re- borough; Rev. S. J. Caffey, Mrs. cently within a month of each George Young, Hostess; Rev. J. other in the United States. Fred P. Collins, Cobourg; Mrs. G. Tor- M. Dickinson died in Tuscaloosa, pey, Peterborough,. lst Vice-Pres.; Alabama, on May 5 and his Mrs. Leo Leddy. Rev. G. J. Ma- youngest brother, Jack Dickinson, her, Cobourg; Mrs. Joseph Smith. died in Washington, D. C., on 2nd Vice-Pres., Campbellford; June 5. They are survived by a Rev. James Greenan, Mrs. M. J. brother, Walter Dickinson, and a Healey, Peterborough, 3rd Vice- sister, Mrs. Jessie M. Brunskill, Pres.; Rev. Joseph O'Sullivan, bath of Toronto. Older citizens Mrs. F. Callaghan, Lindsay, Treas- will recaîl that their father car- tirer;, Rev. John Maskey, Peter- ried on a shoe repair shop befare borough; Miss Anne Sullivan, En- the turn of the century in the more, Recording Sccretary, and west end ai the >tatesman Block. Mrs. M. J. Collins, Hastings, Cor- Mr. James Gregory, one of Osh- responding Secretary. awa's oldest and best loved citi- The afternoon session was re- zens passed away June 4 in Osh- sumed ut the Lions Cammunity awa Hospital in bis 99th year. He Centre. After Bishop Berry's was liorn in Cornwall, England, address reports were given by the and came ta Canada in 1869 and Diocesan conveners -as follaws: lived for a time in Bowmanville. Education, Mrs. G. Torpey; Spir- It might interest some of aur read- itual, Mrs. M. J. Healey; Finance, ers ta know that Mr. Gregory Mrs. Joseph Smith, Campbell- loaned money to the late M. A. fard: Press, Miss Anne O'Grady, James which enabled him ta pur- Lindsay; Social Action, Mrs. G. chase The Canadian Statesman in Young; Legisiatian, Mrs. M. Bak-ý 1878, just 72 years ago. This fact er, Lindsay; Emmigration, Mrs. was divulged ta the present edi- H. Connelly, Peterboraugh; Or- ton several. years ago when talk- ganizaztion, Mrs. Frank Lynch, ing ta Mr. Gregory who comment- Peterborough. ed: "Your father was strictly Mrs. Young, the hostess, pre- honest and a man ai character for sented on behalf of those prescrnt. he paid me every cent back a beautiful bouquet of roses to promptly and with interest". Miss Grant. Presentation on be- haif of the Diocesan Division of aUU~ rosary was made ta r. ak TEND RS W NTED er by Miss Grant. Townof BwmanilleMrs. W. H. Walker, Provincial Townai Bwmanille President, pointed out that an ad- TENDERS FOR SIDEWALKS minable and powerful means ta- TENDERS will be received by wards ensuring the continuance the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. of Christian civilizaztion is a na- on Friday, June 23rd, 1950, for tion wide reversion ta family the construction of appraximately prayer as urged by aur Bishop. 13,000 square feet of cement side- Her speech was followed by the walk an variaus streets in the Sub-Divisions presdients' reports, Town. Lawest or any tender not afterwards there was a discussion necessarily accepted. period. A. -J. LYLE,, The report af the Resolution Town Cierk. Committee was given and fol- Dated at Bowmanvilie lowed by that af the Nomination June l3th, 1950. Commnittee. The officers for 24-1 1950-51 were then elected and in- stalled as follows: President, Agnes Grant: lst Vice, Mrs. Tor- TENDES WANTED pey, 2nd Vice, Mrs. J. Smith; 3rd Vice, Mrs. J. Powers; Rec. Sec'y,' TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE Mrs. Jas. Collins; Treas., Mrs. P. Barr, Cobourg. The session then adjourned and the Bowmanville Unit of the C. W.L. entgotained at tea. Mrs. Percy Caiwan, Mrs. Joseph Tru- Fedeal uildntsdeau, Mrs. Alan Osborne and Mrs. FedralBuldigsFrank Bottreli presided over the Province of Ontario tea cups. Mrs. Elmer Ott was the SEALED TENDERS addressed ta the convener. Those wha assist- the undersigned and endorsed ed in serving were Mrs. Josph Cana-daor aif the Canadian Nat- ren are injured inside cars than ional Railway Company and its on foot. That's samething for constituent companies uncandit- Mother and Dad ta keep in in:ird ionally guaranteed as ta principal whienever they are tempted ta and interest by the Dominion of take a chance an the highiway Canada, or the aforementioned with Junior in the car. Speed bonds and a certified cheque if kills - take it easy! nequired ta make up an odd1 amaunt. 0 Such security will serve as a guarantee for the propen fuif il- ment af the contnaet. - By order,I ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary.j Department af Public Wonks, .r I *1 Ottawa, June 6. 1950. - .2ý1ý dszstt h o The Newcastle -Independenti Mhss Margaret Ash Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawrence- Brown on the blrth of Dyer. their son in Bowmanvllle Hospit- Miss Jean Williams, Toronto, ai last week. spent the weekend with friends Miss Lois Martin, Toronto, is here. spendmng a few days with her fa- Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton ther, Mr. J. P. Martin and family. and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nelles and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Carolyn, Belleville, visited her Congratulations are in order to parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thick- Miss Joan Duck and Miss Betty son, Stephenson of Brown's section We wish to extend the sincerest who are graduating as nurses this aympathy of ail to Mrs. Stella An- week. Joan graduates from To- 'derson, Miss Cora Butler,,Mr. Geo. ronto East General Hospital an Butler and Dr. J. A. Butler on Saturday, June 17 and Betty is in the passing of their brother, E. the graduating class of Ottawa Roy Butler, in Toronto. Civic Hospital whose exercises4 1Miss Catherine Dewdney has were on June 15. Congratula- finished her year at Bishop Stra- tions! chan Sehool, Toronto, and is on L4ast Thursday the citizens of her way to an enjoyable summer Newcastle were treated to a won- vacation with her girl friend Miss derful musical program by the Catherine Stevens-Guille at her Air ýForce Training Command homde in Calgary, Alta. Band of Trenton. The programme cansisted of a well balanced, var- Mr. and Mrs. George Smith at- edpro gramme to suit the tastes tended the Smith-Walkey wed- ofail. In is onîy too bad that more1 ding in Newtonville on Saturday. people didn't avail themselves of Friday evening the local ladies' this oýportunity of hearing this softball team emerged victorious fine music. Mr. Dick Lovekin, over Newtonville in a nip and of Newcastle heritage, ably act- tuck 8-inninLy game which finish- ed as Master of Ceremonies. Even1 ed 7 to 6. though the turnout was poor a Miss Catherinç Tucker has com- fair amount of money was raised pleted her studies at Bowman- for the Memorial Arena. ville and is for the present hou ____________ daying with Miss Pat Bowles at Nestieton. Catherine expects to be later employed at Ctrmarty S.S. No. 9i, Clarke Lodge, Bala. ____ Miss Muriel Lake and Mr. Bill S.S. No. 9 community picnic Keyes, Toronto, called on her will' be held Saturday, June 17,E mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson on at Cream of Barley Park, Baw-z Sunday.. manville. Races and sports start Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin and at 3 p.m. sharp with prizes and family, Brighton, called on Mr. treats for ail the chiidren. Sa be and Mrs. George Smith. sure ta get there early! Corne Mrs. George Blair, Miami, Flor- along and bring the whale family. ida, flew in for a short visit with Supper early! WESLEY VILLE Mns. Arnold Thornyke, laIN Jean Dufi, Mrs. Clarence Nfoh olis and Mrs. C. Payne attendd a shower held for Miss Paulhné Peters at Porl Hope Wednedar evening. Mrs. W. T. Nicholis, Port qopQ, with Mn. and Mrs. Carrail NidÇÎ olls. Miss Jean Duf and Mu Inr Payne attended the graduatix~ exercises ai Miss Doris Duffdé Oshawa General Hospital. Miss Manian Holman war t praud winner ai the "Share thé Wealth Pnize" ai $68 4t the Lions Club. bingo Saturday evening In Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Clifi Meeking and sons, Toronto, called on Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke. Mrs. Hill, Toronto, whth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tappin. Mrs. L. Holdaway spent Sun. day in Peterborough. Mrs. Arnold Austin, Muriel and Marie, Miss Manian Hoiman, and Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke and'famiiy .spent Sunday aften- noon with Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Masan and Muni. eh attended the funeral ai Mr. Mason's brother ut Markham, Sat- urdiay. Mn. and Mrs. George Trufford spent Sunday ut Sunderland. i COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE P SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, I.D.A. Brand Week-end Specials ALMOND LOTION, 6-oz., reg. 50e -- -- --39c BLANDOIL, 4-az., reg. 25e---------------- 19cI BORAX, 8 and 16-oz., reg. 15c, 25e llc - 19c LINSEED MEAL, 12-oz., reg. 30e ---- 23c! MERCUROCHROME, %-ozyýreg. 20ce-- 16c SODA BICARB, 4, 8, 16-oz- --------- ---- - 8c - 12e - 18e DON'T FdRÇET DAD! Faiher's Day, Sunday, June l8th Here are a few suggested gift s ELECTRIC SHAVERS: Packard "«Good Morning Kit" --825.50 Schick Dual Head - - ----------$24 -.905 Remington -------- $23.95 BILLFOLDS: English Morocco, leather-zippered ail around, snap fastener change purse, swing windows, card compartments, etc., reg $3.50 value - -- --- for $2.00 London Brand Bilîfolds --- $2.80 - $4.50 SHAVING BRUSHES: Ruhberset ---- ------ $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 Badger or Nylon --------- ------- 3.98 up Simms Brushes -------$1.00 - $¶1.50 - $2.00 Badger ----8$3.95 - Nylon ------ $3.50 up PENS & PENCILS Skywriter Set - 3.50 Waterman's Bail Pointer ----- - $1.50 Parker Duofold Set $- 5.25 Camneras ----- tram $3.00 up Man's Fitted Case- * Alligator leather finish, contalning military brush, chrome metal fittings, zipper elosure ------ $7.50 Yardley Shaving Bowls -- - $1.00 - $1.25 Yardley After Shave Lotion ------81.00 - $1.50 For HIs Smoking PleasureJia CIGARETTES give severat packs ai bis FILTER P favourite brand 20's 36c VLIMITED VMONTRÉAL PICNIC JUGS 1 gallon S3.75 - $4.7h - $5.95 BRYLCRE EM 0 Keeps the hair in place ail day. 1 Guards against and removes dandruff. 0 Gives hair a gleamning lustre. ~ IN KANDY TUBES SUN GLASSES ----- 250 U Woodb yurLtnadJeen Liquid Shave - $1.00 Value BOTH FOR - 69e ACID INDIGESTION * CONSTIPIATION PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Deliver CIGARS TOBACCOS Pipe - 1/2-1b. tins Popular brandg $1.05 to $1.75 ~u'~"Always Cool, Dryl, Clean - $1.50 Other Pipes -- $2.50 up Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store THURSDAY GIVE DAD A BOX 0F DELIGIOUS SUMMERTIME I GAN EDJ ES 1IL l.80 - 2 IL.$1.50 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY i~IIIAOCA« NE-PIECE Gieie-RAZOR Wlth 10OGilletf, Blue BMades in Dispenser K LEEN EX Drugs Phone 792 '-i If 'h - ~He'hI ike a New Llghter À SRN i WHITER 'f.CDNAP~ flnished - ------- 0 AMCDONxtors Ronson englue turned wlth service kits -- $6.85 $ 8.85 Polio -$5.00 Imco ----- -----8$1.00 $ 1.50 EXPORT FINE CUT Speedlite $3.00 - $3.75 - $5.00 %j-1b. tin - $1.15 PCARo LUNCH KITS, black metal, leather handies - 79ce ISUf 1x 0 -MAN'S SIZE 12-x12" 29c COREGA Plate Pawder 23e - 39e - 69ec DRUG STORES M116-ý flid you take advantage ai the T.B. X-Ray held ln Newcastle Manday and Tuesday? Sevenal from this community attended the Air Force Band concert in Newcastle Hall Thuns- day night and report à very fine concert. Special meeting or the "Silent Sisters" Thursday evening, June 15, at Mrs. Chas. Fisk's. Plans ta be made for strawberry tea. Messrs. Tom Tucker and Bob, Toronto, visited Mn. -and Mns. Wally Gibgon. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and John spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Clement, Oshawa. Mrs. Fred Bowen and Mrs. Jack Gibson attended a shower in Osh- aw& Saturday evening for Miss Vivian Hogle wha is ta become the bride af Mn. Elroy Gibson in July. Weekend visitons with Mrs. Fred Bowen were Miss Mary Bowen, Cornwall, and Mn. and Mrs. E. B. Stockdale, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk and family visited Mn. and Mrs. Blair, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell and Barry spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Bruce McClure, Peter- bora. In character, in manner, In style, in ail things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.-,Long- feliow. THE CANADUN STATESMAN; BOWMANVnA, OlqTAPIO_ TRURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1050

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