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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1950, p. 12

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- r4J cANDA TTSMNKOMNILE wAoA HTSAJUE1,lu aieIta :W.. Honour PreuIdent On I.rRetirement !14.i Women's :[nstitute met 1#,*iee, 'hurch basement, June 8, w#h.the new President, Mrs. Gar- dop k presidlng. The speaker h Mr. Gordon White, North awa Who gave a very inter- oe ii$nd Informative address on h ecnt trip to Puerto Rica and qqg,, Mns. Foster Snowden, Ked- r,.agtwo solos, and Mrs. Er9seU lGilbert gave a reading. 'B. oy Langmaid ga a b!~.rprt on the District An- 'at;Kendal, after which Mrs. presented her with a cor- à' Ad. Mrs. Wes Yellowlees retib following address: June 8, 1950 Dtru. Langmnald: S y'our lellow members of Sef" Woene's Institute wish to pi, .tribuW and express our1 thanks ta, you for your services as Presýident cf aur Branch for the past three years. We bring no present but just sincex e gratitude for the excellent leadership yau have given us since elected President inx Apnil, 1947. During your terni of office the Institute -*nstalled two memonial windows in the front ai aur chunch as oun part in is redecor- ation at a cost of aven $200. The electric stove at the back' af the Sunday School was bought and lnstalled as well as the beau- tiful piano at the front. There have also been many ways in which aur money bas been spent in needy and worthwbile causes. bath away fnom home, as well as inx aur own church and district. The sick and bereaved were ne- membened as well as those with twenty-fifth wedding annîvens- aries. New babies wene welcom- ed and presented with teaspoons. 1There have been many fluent and interestixxg speakers visit us WHYI MRE WOMEN CHOOSE. Wesfingliou M'tURPHY Appliance &Furniture ?ÙONE ail BOWMANVILLE RING ST. W. '4,. f 41' '* Q. J Q. -f. '.9- r &MiO4 SANITONE. :1 iibIioem Spois Sefoy Rmo.d *i4 C oulbfod, FablesFruhemWd Scms Ns M Mor UNuOdinaryDry Accepe compliments on your 9 'Sw» drecs long after you'.e first woen ict Sanitone dry cleanirsg ilim vm ovngWpane.soil to keep colocs sparkling. Perspiration $VC * odor, dry cleaning odor. are boienIfrills and pleats get proper atmetion, '"fit» la r.- taind. IIry us with just one drus-be convinced 1 EVELEIGH'S :O,ýCleaners and Dyers - Laundries Local Agent: OSNAWA ZENTM 13006 HOOPER'S LADIES WEAR President à & P Club in the past three years. Among those were: Mrs. C. W. Slemon on her trio ta the States and Mex- ico; Miss Lena Taylor, nurse, on Pre-School Child Welfare; Mrs. 1Langmaid, yourself, gave us a very interesting account of your plane trip ta North Carolina; Mrs. Rolph, Oro no, gave us taiks per- taining ta Institute Work; Mrs. Geo. Miller, on the People of India; Mrs. E. White Tyrone, a talk on Canadian Industries; Miss Fanny Smales on Mothercraft; Mr. Cecil Carveth a talk and piet- unes on Health, Kitchens and Im- munization, Mrs. Geissburger, on her trip tô Switzerland; Miss Daw, Hampton, on Life on the Prairies; Miss Doris Milison, Missionary, on Lufe in Bolivia; Mrs. Siemon again on hen trip ta Europe; Miss Mar- garet Seymour, Enniskillen, on Occupational Therapy. We had our annual quilting each November when four or more quits were made and later given where most needed. We had warthy exhibits at the local fairs and made considerable money this way. In 1948 three members mod- elled old-fashioned gowns at the Exhibition. We held a bazaar each Fail and made very well from these. Our flower beds at the church have been cared for and changed ta become more at- tractive. We entertained aur hus- bands each xinter, where ail who camne enjoyed the fun from start ta finish, if they won a prize or flot. Several times you arranged for aur Institute ta charter a bus ta imake worthwhile trips such as ta the Convention ùinthe Eall; ta Guelph at the time of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Institute and this spring, more purely for pleasure, a visit ta To- ronto ta see the new kitchens of the head office, the H-appy Gang and a zeneral good time. Ail special seasons have been remembered especially Christmas. Our grandmnothers each yean have been given honour. In the sum- mer we have had a picnic for the enjoyment of ail. Woollens have been sent away and blankets dis- tributed. We became members ai the Durham County Medical Health Services. You made arrangements for having over one hundred photos taken in the church last Fall. 0f course we do not forget that your capable Secretary and other off j- cers assisted you in your workz. But we have had aur iun as well as work with ail this because you passess a charm of manner, fu of tact, humour and wisdom which made us ail feel willing and ready ta do our share in carrying out any plan set forth. There are many other way in which your management and or- ganizatian have helped aur insti- tute be so successful in the past, that we could not just let you turn it over ta aur new President with- out reminding you and ail of us just how much your efforts havv been appreciated. It will be a real example ta Mrs. Leask, aur President. who, we know, will keep it on jost as high a level as in the past. Not only do we mention yau, Mrs. Langmaid, but ail the form- er presidents and officers who have Lriven of their time and lead- ership qualities ta keep Sauina Women's Institute a go-ahead or- ganization. With grateful thanks fram Members of Sauina Women's Institute. "SUNNYLEA" REST HOME Newcastle *Ontario HAS VACANCY Private - Sexii-Private well recommended Phone: Clarke 1133A Glen Rae's Milk... Always ai Ifs Besi Gien Rae's milk is one food that's always at uts best, every day of the year, winter and summer - and it's as good for oldsters as children. Many ever 50 have found it helpful as a mealtime beverage because it is easy to digest and does net intenfere with sleep. Order Gien Rae's milk ta- Ask our Milkmen for REDDI - WIP an effortless way to glamorize every day's desserts Poe 44 Provincial Police; Chief George Ashby, and other officers repre- set4ing provincial, local and out- side police forces. WEDDINGS BARHAM - QUINN Rev. J. L. Duncan was the offici- ant at the marniage of Joan Am- elia Quinn, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Royal Quinn, 111 Coîborne Street North, Simcoe, formerly af Bowmanville, and Ross Edward Barham, son af Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Royal Barham, Delbi, Saturday afternoon, June 10. There were about 100 invited guests inx attend- ance at Trinity Anglican Church for the impressive itual, and the church organist, Charles E. Crich- ton, was at the organ for the Brid- ai Chorus fromn Wagner's "La- hengrin", and a ther wedding mus- le. 'I Love You Truly"~, and "Where'er Yau Walk" were solos rendered by Mrs. McLead of Del- hi. Roses, pink carnations, iris and other early summer blooms fonmed an effective floral setting. Mr. Quinn gave his daughter in marriage, and she was charming in ber bridai gown of blush slip- per satin, fashioned with Chinese neck, long painted sleeves, the bodice buttoned to the waist, the skirt ialling into a semi-train. The blush illusion tulle veil de- scended from a Juliet cap, and the arm bouquet ai the bride com- prised pale pink carnatias. Her maid ai honour was ber sister, Miss Leone Quinn, Sifficoe, and the bridesmaids were Misses Don- na Quinn and Shirley Coones, bath ai Simcoe. They ware sim- ilan frocks of orchid chenille tai- feta with matching Juliet caps, and carried nosegays ai yellow daisies and sxveet peas. Small Janice Paquette, Delhi, was flow- er girl, and was dressed in the same style as the senior attend- ants. Robert Barbam was best man for his twin brother, and the ushers were Jack Barhamn and Murray Burkholder. A reception for 100 guests was given by the bride's parents at their home, and a buffet repast was served. Mrs. Quinn wore for ber daugbter's wedding a rose sheer irock with corsage ai white gardenias. Mrs. Barham, the grom's mother, was in powder- blue crepe with pink accessories, and a corsage ai pink roses. Aiter the wedding trip ta Eas- tern Ontario points, the bride and grom will live in Delhi. The bride travelled in aqua iigured enepe, with navy and white accessanies, and corsage of pink carnations. Guests were from Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Port Huron, Mich.; Toronto, Owen Sound, Delhi, Aunora, Thorold, Barrie, Port Dover, London, Till- sonborg, and Simcoe district. The bride has been a stenog- rapher in the Magistrate's office, and she is a graduate af Simcoe H-igh Schaol. SHEEHAN - HANTHORN' Standards af mauve and white summer flowers formed an effec- tive setting in Bunketon United Church on June 10, when Helen Beatrice, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Hanthonn, Burke- ton, became the bride ai Joseph Fredenick Sheehan, son fl iMn. Jaseph Sheeban, Bowmanville. The ceremony was peniormed by Rev. H. F. Yardley and Rev. R. M. Seymour. Mns. Keith Billett played the wedding music, and ac- companied Mrs. Robent Parr for the solos "When Sang is Sweet" and III Love You Truly". The bride, given inx manriage by ber father, was lovely in a gown ai white sheer silk rayon crepe fashioned with fitted bodice, sweetheart neekline and long bishop sleeves. The panelled waist had floral trapunto embroidered front with full skint. Her jew- ellery was a strand ai pearis and she wore ber grandmother's white lace gloves. A pleated lace halo cnested ber silk embroidered net veil and she carnied a hanse shoe designed bouquet ai white carna- tion, r' rses and lily-ai-the- valley. Attending the bride was Mrs. Arthur Hone. Her gown of The Super-Efficient OILO - NAGIC 0O1 Heatîng MAKES TOUR PRESENT 13EATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Savez Yon Money on Touxr Fuel Costs Phono or Consuit JACK BROUGH PLUMBINO - HEATING Division St. S. Bowmnanvdel New Phone - Office 615 Heuse Phone 2384 BROWN'S Mr. and Mrs. T. Flemidng, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Davies and Trevor, Ranbow Tour- ist Camp. LAC Don Nivins, Trenton Air Training Station, spent Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nivins. Congratulations to Miss Betty Stephenson, upon graduating from the Sehool of Nursing at the Ot- tawa Civic Hospital, last Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephen- son, LLyn and Peggy. and Mrs. J. and the ushers were Messrs. Paul and Fred Tuerk. For the reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Han- thorn received her guests in a frock of lilac silk crepe with white eyelet trim, grey accessories and a corsage of white and pink car- nations. She was assisted by the graom's mother wearing an aqua silk crepe frock with white eyelet trim, white accessories and cor- sage of white and pink carnations. The bride's grandmother's lace tablecloth was used at the recep- tion. The bride's gift ta her organist was a gold compact; to the sol- oist and bridesmaid a double strand peari neekiace and gold bracelets to the girls who served tea. The groom's gif t ta the bride was a gold compact, and ta the best man and ushers, gold in- itialled tie clips. Following the reception the bride and groom lef t on their wedding trip ta the Haliburton Highlands, the bride travelling in a grey corded silk suit with match- ing accessonies and corsage of red and whitéscarnations. On their ne- turn, Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan will reside in Bowmanville. BIG W. Hiler attended thxe exercises. Congratulations are alse ex- tended ta Miss Joan Dick axfd Bar- bara Bonathan along witlx Betty Stephenson. These three girls en- tered. High School together and plodded wearily alang the path ai success, ail three chaosing thxe same position but at different places. Barbara at Londan, Joan at Toronto and Betty at Ottawa gained three years of nurses pro- fession. Mr. axxd Mns. Stan Allin and Gail, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Nancy and James, Newcastle, had dinner with Mn. and Mrs, Wellinxgton Farro)w=on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Harold Keil and iamily visited at their home in Garnie recently. Lockers Available Baxter's PORK & BEANS -___ 20-oz. 10e Standard Quality CORN ______ 20-0z. loc Standard Quality PEAS _____ 20-oz. 10c Choice Quality PUMPKIN._____ 28-oz. 10e WAX BEANS-------------_ __ 20-oz. 10e Lyon's Vacuum Pack COFFEE ______1-lb. 85e Green Gage PLUMS------___ 20-oz. 10c WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER 0F $8.00 - $10.00 Cold Storage Lockers STILL AVAILABLE Slemon's General Store& Cold Storage Plant PHONE 2573 ENNISKILLEN NEWS*' VM-woucan buy Miss Doris Rtobinson Is a popular member ai the 3'ounger set in Bowmanville. She is a daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robinson ai Courtice where the family has resided for the last ten years. Her father is with General Motors in Oshawa and prior ta their marriage ber moth- er wvas Miss May McEachern, Osh- awva. Doris was born there De- cember 2, 1927. She was educat- ed at the Oshawa and Courtice Schools, Oshawa High School and Oshawa Business College. Fol- lowing her graduation from the latter she became a member of the stenographic department ai The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. in Bowmanville, and is now Sec- retary ta the Plant Manager. For several years a member ai the Bow'manvil]e Badminton Club, she is keen about dancing, fish- ing. boating. swimming and otbi- er sparts. She is very interested in books of ail kinds, contempor- ary novels and historical biogra- phies being her favounites. She is a member af the Book League of America. Joan Quinn Was Honored by Court Police Of ficiais (Simcoe Reformer) Miss Joan Quinn, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Royal Quinn. form- enly ai Bowmanville, clerk-stenog- rapher in the county magistrate's office, was the recipient ai a handsome floor lamp, the gift of the court and police officials in honor of ber marriage June 10, ta Ross Barham, De1,hi. The presentatian took place in County Judge G. A. P. Brickend- en's chambers at the Court House. Magistrate H. P. Innes, K.C., re- ferred ta the excellent work ai Miss Quinn in lis office, and the high esteem in which she was held by himself. Justice ai the Peace Leonard Eàsdown, and police and other officiais. Judge Brickcnden in offering the gift ta Miss Quinn wisbed her every happiness in the future. Among those present were Mr. Easdown, James Bull, Court Crier; James Dickson, Governor ai the jail; Cpl. Bert McKie, Norfolk 7t<4-ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE IN THE PREMIUM QUALITX. FAMOUS FOR 90 YEARS-SAME QUANTIT? BUT NOW AT THE SAMU LOW PRICE AS ORDINARY CORN STARCH. THE CANADA STARCN COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO ITiI¶i¶iI! CHANS: [OU E 4 K I E IERSGARGE OTEI WHEN U.S. DOLLARS fus u~~s' must bç pid CROSSfo \ U.S. do Iors$ f YOUR COU NTER - do YOur Part to creafe goodwill and confidence among our U.S. ,.4sîtors 10 It is good business for you ta accept U.S. ourrency whenever tendered by a customner. *WIxen you accept U.S. currency you are required toa allw the ful officiai rate of exchange of $1,10 Canadian for $1.00 U.S. -s... ....... ... C.É . -if wiII remind your sales staff of their responsibilities The latemes on the front th*. spires the confidence of your U.S. cusionmers. On the bock U.S. Funds Accepted erre simple rules and exemples r at thé Officiai Rate crely Coptes of this cord ors b.lng sent Yeu Ly veute ewa Trade Assoiatgon o Chomber of Cons. S1.OO 'me rc.. Additioncl copies snoy b. s.cured b>s bywriting the S.cretory of your Association, or Th. Foreign Exchange Control Soord. Ottawa. THE FOREDONM EXCHAN GE CONIROL BOARD under outlsarity of the Governmnent of Canada te-ft Staff ord Bras. Nonsmenfal Works, Phono Wbltby 552 318 Dundaa St. E.. WlItby FINE QUALIT MONUMENTS AND MARKERa Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wlde selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. PREMIUM QUALITY CORN STARCH AT THE SAME LOW PRICE AS ORDINARY CORN STARCH THE CANADIAN STATZSMAlq, BOWMANVMLLP. ONTAMO TEC LMAY, mm 22, 1050

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