-TRUR8DAY, JUNZ 22, 1950 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVn~za. ONTARTO PAG1~ TH2RTE~ Couniies Council Endorses Need For Local Mental Health Clinic The Legislative and Bylaws Committee of Northumberland arnd Durham Counties Counicil en- dorsed a regolution from the Ju- ,,enl", Court Committee regard- ing the establishment o! a district fl1ciitai health clinic, in its report ta the recent session of counties cOuncil. The commitee report was as foilows: We recomend that the resolu- ,tion from tlhe Juvenile Court Com- rnittee regarding mental health Wcinics be endorsed and that co- pies of the resolution be forward- ed ta Ontario County. Peterbor- ough County, and asking these municipalities ta endorse sarne and also that a copy be forwarded ta aur two members of the Pro- vincial Legisiature. We recommend that the reso- lution from the County of -Hast- ings regarding the exemption of sales tax on purchases made by Counties Homes bc endarsed. We recommend that the resolu- tion from the County o! Carle- ton regardiniz annexation be re- ceived and filed. We recommend that the reso- lution from the Town of Orillia regarding the Federal G'vern- ment assuming part o! the cost of education be endorsed with the deletion o! clause 3 o! the resb- lution. We recommend that no action be taken on the resolution from the County of Brant regarding changes in~ the system of assessing farm land. We recommend that the by-laws referred ta us be passed on to the floor o! the bouse for pay- ment at this session. Report of the Reforestation Commlttee Was as Follows: We inspected bath fofests and found everything at the Northum- berland Forest in good order and would like ta congratulate Mr. Statesman Want Ads. Bring Resulis! Spend Your Holidays ai Chateau Wembley At Burnt River, Ontario - on 4 Mile Lake in the Highlands of Haliburton Situated on 100 acres of beautiful park lands. Large Cottages - Cabins . Excellent Meak. Tennis - Badminton - Boaiing Safe Balhing - Fishing Raies front $23.00 up - APPLY - H. G. GILL R.R. 1, Hampton Phone Bowmanville 2531 LE' Suit -able For Every Occasion! From 9to 5. after 6, and on week - ends, you'll f ind any of the suits in our outstanding Spring collec- tion just right. Many styles and weaves in ail sizes. - Al colours. At reduced prices. Spring Toppers Most practical fash- ion you ever wore! - Our gay and airy ail- wool toppers. Now at a lower-than-ever set of prices . . . and ready ta give you seasons and sea- sons of value-bright, com- fortable, attractive wvear! .Hurry in to-day. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 49 Ring St. W BOWMWA?,%Tlilv Campbell on the excellent order that he keeph the place. At the Durham Forest we found every-ý thing in good order but it was rec- ommended to the Forester that some cleaning up was necessary around the Forester's home. We visited S. S. No. 12 in Haldi- mand, a school which has won first prize three out of four. years in a Provincial Competition in the matter of the keeping of their school grounds, and as wvas sug- gested to this Committee at the January Session that some rec- ognition should be made by this council on the splendid effort be- ing made at' this school and we would recommend that a film strip machine be purchased at a cost of $75.00. We recommend also that 180 acres of land be purchased by David McBride at a price of $6.00 per acre, 30 acres being in Ham- ilton Township and 150 -acres be- ing in Haldimand Township. At the Northumberland Forest this year they have planted Éome 383,000 trees and also they have started work on the Carstairs Property. The Special Property Commlttee Report Was as Follows: The Committee visited the four Registry Offices, Counties Goal, and Counties' Offices and found everything in fairly good order. We arranged ta 'have the County Council Chamber painted, using goal labour. We also installed venetian blinds in the County Council chamber and looked into the matter of replacing the rug. Finding this expenditure too great for this Committee ta make, and if Councîl wishes to replace the rug we have prices on file. In the matter of the Provincial Police office we have requested a rentai fee of $40.00 per month, this having been paid on the first of April. At the Coîborne Registry office we found that it was necessary to rebuild the coal and wood-shed at the rear of the building, this to be done at an estimated cost of $400. In place o! doing same we have installed an oil humner at a price of $420. and discharged the caretaker whose salary was $220. per year and have made an ar- rangement with the Registrar to take care of the cleaning, etc., at a price of $100. per year. We have also had the large tree to the east o! the building removed. At the Port Hope Registry 0f- f ice we found the heating system, very inadequate and have instaîl- ed an ail burner and a circulatmng pump on the boiler at a total cost of $647. We have also reduced the salary of the caretaker from $220. to $100. At Bowmanville Registry Office we found everything in excellent shape an siu1t~e an oil burner was installed in 1948 we felt the caretaker's salary should be re- duced also ta $100. In the matter o! installing a new filing system in the office we found the price too high at the present time, and would recommend this be given isome consideration next.year. Concerning the requests of the Law Association for more accom- modation for a robing room and a room ta interview witnesses we find that there is no accommoda- tion available at the present time. Cartwright. Council Garbage Service For Local Beaches tCartwright Council met June 7 with members ail present and tReeve Heaslip in the chair. Mr. Perrin, Bridge- Engineer, discussed plans for proposed Bea- cock-Crozier Bridge at some length, but no action was taken. A. L. Bailey requested some e- pairs be made ta post and walk at Memorial Park, also sidewalk down by locker. Resolved that A. L. Bailey do repairs needed at Park and Road Supt. repair walk around corner and west o! locker in front o! Or- tange Hall and in front o! Saywell's store. Cierk was instructed ta inter- view Women's Institute and ask them ta sponsor a drive in aid o! Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. Clerk was instructed ta get signs painted and erected for pub- lic toilets at Caesarea. As Caesarea, Bowles Beach, Emerson's Beach and Scugog point had voted in favor o! gar- bage collection, Clerk was in- structed ta post tenders for *col- lector o! same. On motion o! Councillors Black and Sweet the Clerk wvas appoint- ed Welfare Officer for Cartwright Township. On motion o! Sweet and Coch- rane, F. A. Hyland's salary was set at $30000. Tender o! Ray Snooks was ac- cepted at $396.20 for 2 tires and 2 tubes for Township truck. Following accounts were passed: L. B. Tapsan, tuning piano $ 7.50 Municipal Warld, supplies 12.50 Hydro Commission, Hall- worth Arrears ----------- 12.24 (Note: these arreats were collected with taxes) Hydro, hall $11.64, garage $6.07, rink $30.70 ------ 48.41 H. Thompson, 'phone, post- age - ---- ------------ 7.02 Martyn's Store, bulbs - - .40 Port Perry Star, envelopes, etc ------------------------- --- 2.41 Archie Dysart, rebate on taxes ---------------------- 5.00 John Vinning, repaîrs and labor -25.37 T. Thompson. Clerk's sal. 65.00 Road Voucher No. 5 -__ 1179.45 Road Supt. ta procure 12' o! 12' cul':crts. 48' of 10" culverts and 60' to! 6-ft. aval culvert. Bylaw ta amend the Pound- keepers' Bylaw was given lst. 2-nd and 3rd reading. also garbage bylaw w-as given 2nd and 3rd rend ing. Council adjoumned ta June 19, 8 p.m. The art o! art, the glary o! ex- pression and the sunshine o! the light of letters, is simpliciy-Wall Whitman.- A Statesman Want Ad vill seli aricles no longer needed. possb1*v pax' for a month .s Ji, or a load o,! oaL. New Addition Io Palace of Nations Enroute to Moseow during bis recent «'peace mission" through Eu- rope, U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie lays the cornerstone for a sew wing o! the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The new structure will accommodate the headquarters of the World llealth Organization of the United Nations (WHO). With Mr. Lie are Max Petitpierre, President o! Switzerland (le! t), Princess Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Health Minister o! India and President of the Third World Health Assembly, and other Swiss and WHO officiais. Counties Council la Expend Over $90,000 on Roads This Year Variaus, grants, recommended by the Finance Committee, were passed at the session of Northum- berland and Durham Counties Council. The Committee passed the followinLy accounts covering the period between the January and June sessions: Administration of justice, $4,- 349.89; maintenance o! indigents $9,334.70; registry office $679.29; counties roads $90,036.59; counties' home $14,88201; counties jail, $6,- 963.74; child welfare, $13,863.80; municipal government $11,236.20. Following are some o! the rec- ommendations o! the finance com- mittee and passed hy the Council without amendment: "We recommend that the bud- get o! ?xpenditures as presented by the County Treasurer for 1950 amounting to 1Il milîs be approv- ed and that the necessary Bylaws be prepared and passed at this session o! the County Councîl". "We recommend that the fol- lowing grants be made for the year 1950: Bowmanville Hospital --- $1500.00 Port Hope Hospital ----1500.00 Cobourg Hospital- ------ 1500.00 Campbellford Hospital __ 1500.00 Trenton Memorial Hospital building grant ---- -- 1500.00 Family Court Committee 4000.00 Agricultural Representative Northumberland --------500.00 Agricultural. Representative Junior Farmers _------- 175.00 Agricultural Representative Durhamn------------------500.00 Agricultural Representative Junior Farmers ----- --- 175.00 Canadian National Institute for the Blind -- - ------- 1000.00 Salvation Army----------- -500.00 Four County Women's In- stitutes $50 each ------ 200.00 Northumberland Cheese-. m akers . ----------------- 100.00 Durham Ploughman's As- sociation ------- - -- - 100.00 Durham 5-00 Bushel Potato C lub .----------------- 100.00 Quinte District Seed Fair 25.00 Township Hamilton, bush- meL ice roads _.----- 20.00 Northumberland Trustee & Ratepayers Association- 50.00 Durham Trustee and Rate- payers Association ------ 50.00 Agricultural Societies -_ 2500.00 Children's Aid Soc. Build- ing Fund ------------- 5000.00 'We recommend that Oshawa General.Hospital 'be paid $5 per day for indigent patients instead of $2.50 per day as has been re- quested by their Board". "We recommend that no action be taken on the requests for grants fromn the Boy Scout Association, Bowmanville, Canadian March of Dimes Campaign and St. John's Ambulance Association". "We recommend that no action be taken on the proposed pension plan for County employees". The late Sir Harry Laud&t made 25 North American tours. TIC K ET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit IrRY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. Phone 778 Grass Silage For Dairy Cattie . A cow producing upwards cf 30 pounds of milk per day carl*eat enough grass ta supply ail her tieeds, provided the grass is avail- able. It is the long period of barn feeding that takes the joy out of dairying. If pasture could be transplanted into the barn for the winter a considerable saving in feed costsr would result. But well macle grass silage will give almost the same result states J. S. Leef e. Senior Agronamist, Experi- mental Station, Kentville, N.S. Grass silage made from grass legimme mixtures, eut from eight ta twelve inches high, will be close ta the original herbage in feeding value. It will be superior ta the best field cured hay made from the same material. Grass silage Can be made ifl up- right or trench silos and from long or chopped grass. The cost of harvesting and storing should not be greater than that o! harvesting and storing the same amount o! dry matter as hay. Every dairy farmer should make and feed some grass silage. Besides beinie ex- cellent feed, it is a "'must" in any sound grassland programn. Grass for silage can be cut early while it is most nutritious. This allows taking a second crop for pasture, silage or hay. Although expensive field chop- pers are available for making large quantities of silage quickly, silage can be made with no more cquipment than that required ta harvest hay. 'For details the nearest Experimental Farm or the local agricultural representative should be consulted. 1 ANNOUNCING A NEW,, I~~t4Oflf'OFFICE _ _ _ _ _ _.......... N there's a P4%àona Finance Company office near you-wlth à YES MANager who's xeady to make loans with th~e sarne Peaonal Consideration that made P4aowma the choice of over a million people last year. At this new Peèn office, you get money quwckly because the YES MANager-alone---makes the decisions. Friends, relatives, employer flot notified. And yau, yourself, select the paymeait plan that best fits your situation. (For example. $8.56 monthly repaya à $110 loan ini fuil on 15-month plan.) à Men or wonian-married or single-if you can use extra cash to pay bills, mnedical or dental needs, home repairs, or other good purposes phone or visit the new PeAsou office today. Loans $50 ta $1000 on signature, furnitur., or car tHAT LIKES TO SAY VES'* 2nd FI., 111/2 Simicoe St., North (Over Rank of Nova Scotio) Oshawa, Ontario a Phone: 5690 - EMon Anderson, YES MANaor I.cass made ta residetits of ail surtounding towns - Persorial Finance Company of Canada E ATO N' 50 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILL-4. ~TeEATON CLMTED RUSTIC TABLE "'And what s so rare a aday June?' CIS0A~ R ZPIN 6 LOG - WITIBAI< Of. VARNIGMED rings through my mind on these first beautiful days of summrer. 'Then, if R6O PISF T4TBLE UFC. ever, corne perfect days" has been true again this year. 1 don't suppose those lines wiIl ever go from my memory, p-- - impressed there hy being written out twenty times back in my public achool days! r, - .. 1 was finally bulied into leaving niy garden long enough ta take the family on a pienic yesterday. We journeyed ta a secluded spot not far fromn the city and had a thoroughly enjoyable time. The highlight of the day for me was finding a rustic picnic table 1 could copy. 1 have been wanting ta build one in front of the barbecue 1 finisheci earby this month. If my first table turns out auccessfully l'Il be making ane for the cottage. Gardon Ornements The indiscriminate use of garden ornaments always bothers me. One house we passed on aur way homne fromn the picnic brought this whole sssbject back to my mmid. 'l'lie yard was so cluttered up with wooden ducks, dogs, girls with bright parasols and statues it looked more like a gravevard than a garden. Properlv chosien and placed, ornaments do add ta the heauty af the ourroundingi; especially if they are out of the ordinarY-a carboy, sundial or painted butterlly. No garden is camplete without, suitable pathways ta carry the traffic. The type of material used in construction cao he as varied as the shapes the path cao he given. Tlhe subject is important enoughi to require lengthy treatment but a few ideas are given here. The Abosed Tin Con Next week I must brush up an my tin.-can craft as today's mail hrought a request ta help with handicraft at a aummer camp for boys. No hobby is easier to master nor the equipment required more easily fossnd. One or twu suggstsion ss r- >0( rî-d bis t vomi %vil I find oxq,,,t- Milif.': 'Tttd~he lomnu" uuw xeady fur ùimàrbuoa, GARDEN ORNAMEN~TS..-. $UND4IAL BUTT~FL ~ ,MAY SE MADE Or- WOOD FIIZSI WING 0For- pLywooOOOYIS IN ATR HCONCP.ETE, A CLOTHES PEG,^NTUN#NAU 01: IR6 (COLOUP.. AND MOUNT ON STAK15 sc lrT OF 0F 1/4 Roo AN4D PLACS NEAIZ 0F PLYWOOD, PAINTED T'46 PER.8BNNIAL. BORDIER-). BLA 'WIT LARGE ~' . - SUTTOt4 FOR EYE. .~.-~- CeARDSt4WALKS CINDeR OZGRA'.E1 - PLACE P&OCCroOF 2 'A FINSEIN SOD, WIT9 TWO INCHEb STANDING ABOVE GROLJNO. FILL. EN WIT>4 CIIPPEO STONE, CINDCRS OR F1146GRAVEL. ON FASRISP E IDS -i us %RV( .1 1- WINDLNG PAY k4 0F CONCRErE - SEAPEO 8Vk CUTTIN6 LONG STRIPS Or 01.0 LIb0LEUM AND PEG6ING TbiiS IN TME D ESIREO FORM-A BRICK -USI#4r»690Or- GOARS GAP41. More iniformastion on the.me and olher ideaat in the bookiet '.IROI ND 7MIE 1I1ME". Itr rue for voler col« Io Tain <Gard, c, o 1OI.SON'.S (O,ifnriîs) Lll11IlD. l.". Box 490. ,ldelaidre Si. PAGE --THUMDAY. XLME 22, 1050 ' TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANViLLLr. osTARio plý'il 1- 11