PAGEA ]P 'I 'UO MUNW RTE. .ENW U~TUSDY JN 2.îs hThe Orono- News Mu. & ILLoa W. A. Meeting The W. A. of Park Street Unit- ed Churcb met on Tuesday of ast week with the President, Mrs. Duncan, presiding. The Devotion- al service was taken by Mrs. Por- ter, and sbe chose for the Scip- ture reading Psalm 63. Mrs. Dun- can gave a very interesting report of the Presbytery W. A. meeting held at Pickering ha Apnil. The July meeting will be a joint affair with the W. M. S. on Tuesday, July 4tb, ha the form of a picnic in tbe park. Will the ladies bring a donation for the Winnipee floodi victims. Busin- ess in connection with the Donny- brook Fair was discusseti anti the meeting closeti wh the Mizpab benediction. Park St. United Church Building Fund The Finance Committee o! Park Street Unitedi Church acknowledge witb grateful appreciatIon, the in- terest sbown by the foliowing or- ganizations toward our Building Funti. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs $441.00 (Heather Lotige a prev- ious donation of $71 .00). A Ladies Club $31.70; Group No. 3 of Even- ing Auxiliany $20.00; a donation in Marcb from the Orono Higb School of $50.00. We also wish to publicly express our tbanks to Mn. P. Newell of the Adams Lum- ber Comnpany of Newcastle for excavating thé basement of aur churcb, gratis. This is a wonder- ful gift toward oun building ex- penses anti is very mucb appreci- ated. We expect Dr. Slernon, Treas- uren of the Osbawa Presbytery to be present at our morninu service on June 25 with a funther report frorn the Presbytery. Previously acknowledged ------$16,661-60 Local -------------------- 492.70 Newcastle Lions Club -- 50.00 Miss Cathanine Stewart, Kendal ---------------... 5.00 Miss Amy Sangeant, Oshawa -------- 5.00 Mn. A. C. Bitton, Oshawa ------------- 1.00 Mn. Charles Buckley Toronto - ------10.00 Mn. C. A. Johnston, Bride's Books... ... Guest Books ... ...Scrap Books J. W. JEWELL 'BIG "2Q- 27 King St, W., Bowmanvllle PHONE 556 1 - - --- '. Mns. Fred Sheehan.- A word to the wise - the J A " BEAUTY GenCosMlodI Mn. W. Bneck, Kingston, with foolish too. You may be stopped ENTRE i intatl wettal Mn. and Mns. E. Adams. Mrs. W. on the road for a check-up of SuEpuTRE Bneck and Alan netunneti home those lights. But don't make that sal nsseso-n to Kingston , on Sunday after your only neason. Give a thought Phone 455 * Residence 2951 sal nsseso-n spending a week hene. to that other fellow blinded by Complete LUne of economical. You'll get bette Mrs. A. Aldned, Glenn Joan and your lghts if they're !bff focus. Margaret Leanda Cosieties fruit diseases thia year whc Jirn, Mrs. Irving and Gladwyn. lM'ulsoid M~icrn Nonwood, visiteti friends in theÉ Wettable Sulphi Mns. H. Trick was in Peter- * borough. i-Mo >IItr) Mrs. Cote and family were in P o e5-- Lindsay. P o e 5 - - r n Mns. Ivan Pollarti and qchildren, Lindsay, with Mr,. anti Mrs. H. -vry Trick. FARM AND HOUSE WIRING vyt Mrs. MacDonald and son, Mil-i g'd :rdd- mrk brook, with Mn. and Mns. A.E. REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS. . . Ribe.___________. . . POLE LUNES A SPECIALTY Put-awavq needn't be giv- - - E ESTIMATES -Sl aWAVS. Sel! 'em with a States- HERB. ;man Classifieti Ad. il Bowmanviile - - Mr. James Patterson, Bowmnanville 5.01 'Mr. S. W. Staples, Toronto --------- ------- 10.01 U1rs. Marie T. B. Hall, California 5.Z $17,250.6: Sunday visitors with Mr. ar Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were Mi and Mrs. Perc. Parker and Mi and Mrs. L. Wessell, ail of To ronto. r Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancoel rand fanhily of Belleville, visitei -with his parents, Mr. and Mrx .Egerton Hancock. Mr. C. Wood, Kitchener, spen the weekend at his home here. Mrs. Oliver Gibbs antd Sharon )Dunbarton, visited ber sister, MrE eEd. Graham. t Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, To ronto, spent Sunday with hi mother, Mrs. C. L. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb ari her sister, Mrs. Vernan, left las weekc for Seattle, Wash., wher they will spend several.months. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood ari daugbter Gail, Lakefield, visitei bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wooc on Sunday. Recent visitors with Mr. ari Mrs. S. F. Ferguson were: Mi and Mrs. Albert Abbott, Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Fallis, Por Perry, Mrs. George Eaton ari family, Ithica, Michigan. Mr. Charlie Taylor bas accept ed a job in Armstrong's grocer: store. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I H. Wood recently were: Mr. ar( Mrs. Gev. Armour, Hampton Mrs. H. Hilis and Mr. A. Hil]E Tyrone; Mrs. Stanley Coverly ar( Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Mr. and MrE Albert Rundie and children ar( Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, all o Oshawa. The Hooey family gatberinga the borne of Mr. and Mrs. S.F Ferguson was attended by Mis Phemia Hooey, Toronto; Mr. an( Mrs. R. Lansing, Toronto; Mr. ari Mrs. P. Pbilip, Peter, David ar( John, West Hill; Mr. and Mrs.E L. Hooey, Karen and George, Pet erborough; Mr. and Mrs. Hermai Hooey, Blackstock, and Miss Mar, Smith, Beaverton. The meeting of the Woxlien' Institute was beld in the Counci Chamber on Friday afternoci with a good attendance. Rev. A E. Eustace was present and in stalled the officers for the con ing year: President, Mrs. O. W Rolph; Ist Vice-Pres., Mrs. R. For rester; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs.E Willson; Sec'y-Treas., Mrs.V Robinson; Dist. Director, Mrs.F Tamblyn. Mrs. O. W. Rolpb took the chal for the business period. The pro gramme was'under tbe directici of Mrs. F. Hall and Mrs. R. E. Lo gan, the theme of the meeting be ing musical education. The rol caîl was'answered by "My favour ite musical number and its coin poser". Mrs. Fred Tamblyn gavi a very interesting report of thi District Annual Convention he]( at Kendal, May 30. Mrs. M. H Staples and a number of.ber pu pils gave a delightful programme Lunch was served at the closea the Mneeting. Mr. and Mrs. Al! Elliott, Toron to, spent the weekend with bi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesle3 Elliott. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. W :Elliott o! Kendal to-our village Tbey are living in the borne forir erly owned by the late Mrs. Eh:z abeth Tamblyn. - Tbe piano pupils of Mrs. M. H Staphes gave a recital in the towr hall on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane visil. ed their son, Sam, in*St. Josepb' Hospital, Peterborough, on Surý day, where be is recuperating af: ter a serious back operation. H:. 00 many friends here are wishing for ÇfIM TP~'lVStanford VanCamp who celebrated hiia speedy recovery. SLIA BL CKS OC their 2tb weddmng anniversary, 00 Miss Gwen Chatterton, Peter- Wednesday, June 14. The Van- borough, is spending ber bolidays Mr. Jack Yeilowlees is in Osh- Tbe Sec'y-Treas. of Cartwright Camp family presented themn with 00 at ber borne bere. We are sorry awa Hospital. We wish bim a High Scbool informed tbe cor- a beautiful tri-light lamp. to report that her mother was speedy recovery. respondent that tbe staff is now Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- 32 taken iîl on Monday and la now Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and complete, as follows: R. P. Allin, joy are having a fine porch built - inx hospîtal. family attended Memorial Day M.A., Principal; Harold Patts, B. on the front of their bouse. Mr. 62 Miss Mildred His o! Bowman- services at Brougham on Sunday. A., frçm Sirncoe, Sbop Work; Frank Hoskin ha the carpenter. ville, visited Miss Jean Turner at Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and Gordon Paisley, B.A., Dunnvhlle, We are very pleased tbat Mrs. ber home bere over the weekend. Mr. A. L. Pascoe in company with Languages; Miss Gladys R. White, Maurice Edgerton bas recovereci id Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Darch spent Mr. Jas. A. Werry, Mrs. H. Mc- B.A. Powasson, Home Economics. from ber recent illness and is now r. the weekend witb ber parents, Gill and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Ennîs- Therze was a good attendance at at home. r. Mr. and Mr5. C. Tennant. We killen, attelxded the funeral of the annual meeting of Durham F'or the benefit of Charlie Ven- 0- wish to coniratulate Les on ob- Mr. W. J.. H. Philps at' Sunder- County Trustees' and Ratepayers' taining honours wben be graduat- land. Association in the Cormnrnrity k ed witb degree of Bachelor of Mr. Burney Hooey is building Hall hast Wednesday evening. ed Commerce at Convocation Hall, a new cernent silo, with the as- Congratulations to Jack Marlow rs University of. Toronto, recently. sistance of Mr. B. G. Stevens. who bas successfully completed 4 Mr. Ross Taylor bas joined the Mr. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. years at Toronto University, med- here. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Ewart Thie prizes were awarded as foi- ýn Mr. Carl Flintoff is now work- and Eunice, Mr. and Mrs. Russell lows at the euchre and dance in .~ ing at General Motors, Oshawa. Vice attended Kedron anniver- the hall Friday night under aus- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton sary services on Sunday. pices of L.O.L. 133: cards, Mrs. .0bad as visitors on Monday, ber Mr. C. E. Shortridge attended Perey VanCamp, Glenn VanCamp, 6 Room If1 -brother Mr. Franeey Hicks, Mill- the funeral of bis niece, Mrs. Mor- Carl Wright, Henry Tbompson; li brook, and sister Miss Ethel Hicks, ley Nance-Kiveil at Brooklin. spot dance prize, Eleanor Thornp- Netlto. Hs rind o Eda Cuchso ad ei Wrr; oo piz, 31/zA r si ri Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, Ah- congregation were very sorry that Nora Venning / crsi st Jan and Mark, Napanee, visited Rev. Nicholson was unable to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and re with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. conduct services on Sunday, due Miriamn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Located in choice residentia S. Allin. to il]ness, but are glad to know Marlow and Bill enjoyed a motor fulhy landscaped grouAds in id he is irnproved. In bis place, Rev. trip to 4ancroft on Sunday. cedar hedges for extra priva edMerriam, Newcastle, kindly took Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, bearing apple trees to ni( >d Annlversary of Church Union charge and spoke on the appro- Jim and Jack and Mrs. Minerva Separate garage, oul funac Observed by Afternoon Auxliary priate them of "Givirîg Glory to Cowan attended the wedding in t ftue e id Father". No services next Sun- Toronto hast Satunday of Miss ment, electric ixe, v nr The Afternoon Auxiliary of the day due to Hampton anniversany Patricia Marlow and Mr. Law- Early occupancy - highest a: Woman's Missionary Society of services. rence Morley. rt Park St. United Churchi held a Mrs. Jack Baker spent a few Mrs. Minerva Cowan left on Inspection by Appointmne id very eventful meeting in the days hast week with ber daughter, the bus Tuesday rnorning to start M RSI Masonic Hall. It was in com- Mns. Charles Johnson, Peter- the return trip to Saskatoon.DI RS N )t memoration of thq 25th Annver- borough. A point of interest thîs week is ry sary of Church Union. Mrs. Victor Robinson gave a Mr. and Mns. Bruce Tink, the doîl display in Saywell's win- L-- --- R. rsum oftheinauura sevic Lorne, Dianne and Neil, at Orval dow. A stage is set and dohîs id eldin oroto n Jne0,> 1925, Jackson's, Bnooklin. dnessed to represent the characters ý.whcsh h ad i Tro th n e piieof ___________ in the play 'Sweet Sally Bnown" in;whili he ad he rivleg ofto be presented by the O.N.O. l, attending, making everyone who Club. Credit for the work is due ,id listened feel the spirit of the oc-Ja awlMro am r.casion and realize that important WE L Y IL wen Ballingail, Aileen Snooks. .ihastorserie rin deomn hg e- Sna.Sho wshAta 03 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers en- of hatsevic Dr Pdgen, hobe- SudayScholwashel a 1030joyed a motor trip to Midland carne the first Moderator, preach- with an attendance of 35. Miss Sunday. at ed a most impressive sermon on Jean Duff taught the Senior Girls' Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and F'. "Tolerance", because of the fric- class in the absence of Mrs. Char-MajreAnsptthweed [s tion among denominations. His ence Nicholîs. Church followed wt Mars. G nn ente rlw, who id sermon and the Communion Ser- with Dr. Oke continuing bis talks returned to Toronto witb themn id vice which followed were Most on "Further Study of His Life and frasotvst id thrilling to ahI present. Ours". for atu ort vst r ndM B. Mrs. M. H. Staples, President of On Tuesday evening sevenal Cnrtlto~ oM.adMs q_ the Afternoon Auxiliary, gave a girls of the comrnunity attended a n brief bistory of the Union of the shower for Miss Helen Binsteci at ry Woman's Missionany Societies of the borne of Ruth Payne. Helen the Congregational, Methodist and received many lovehy gifts and il wbicb Mrs. Eustace led in pray- was served S R AI )n en. Mrs. R. E. Logan, Treasurer, Mrs. L. Hohdaway spent Sunday A~. gave a most encouraging report with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reeve. n-. that $220. had been raised during Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Especially when yi n- tbe first five months of 1950. Mrs. Harold Barrowclougb were the reach of every agriculi Ar. Mns. W. S. Cobbledick read the Mrs. Jîm Grunerud and Perry, r- minutes of the first two meetings Orono; Mrs. A. Martyn, Brighton, E. of the local Auxiliary forrned in and Mrs. Fred Smith andi Sam,, We have secured t F'. as well as the splendid ibrary of Miss Muriel Austin is spenuingI 153 books, were destroyed by the a few days with ber grandfather, of--*' ct -.*or if you, don't jr fire, but Miss V. Gilfillan and Mn. John Woohacott, Port Hope. year -we can spray that 0- Mrs. N. F. Porter, Literature Sec- The Wesleyville Wornen's As- 0- books have been purchased the ladies from Wehcome and Port : e- througb the kindness of several Hope Womnan's Associations on 1h frientis. Thhs ibrary was estab- We dnesday afternoon to pay trib-*_ r- lished many years agoand inte t to the union of the W.M.S. *j .W er n-ya 93ad14,OooAx r.Trumran Austin the Vice.. Phone Bowmanville 2539 Te iliary won Presbyterial awards President led the devotional -e for baving neati the most books. period. Ld Mrs. N. Cobbledick, Comrnunity Mr. and Mrs. Richard Best andi H. Frîendship Secretary, gave some famiîy spent Friday in Guelph. . u_ ideas for advancing bher wonk, anti Congratulations to Mn. andi Mrs. e. Mrs. Walter Couch, SupplY Sec- Trevor Miles (nee Helen ID- of retary, reporteti that 12 cartons steti) who wene mraried Saturday A U T R ot o of used elotbing had been donat- at Wesleyville Churcb. A U T R n- ed andi shippeti hast rnonth for ov- Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough 'S otl is erseas relief. Mrs. W. E. Arn- vstn it eaiesi 1av Dial your-favorite recipe. y stnong anti Miss E. Shenwin, Mis- ville. Mixes, mashes, whips, juices, sionBandand issin Cicleetc. Saves trne and armn-work. sio Bati nd MisionCirle Mn. Douglas Barnet spent Sun- Has juicer attachmient, two V. leaders spoke of thein work wth day with Murray Payne. bowls. e. girls. Sevenal ladies fnom the com- n- The ladies were delighted to rnunty attended the trousseau tea A z- have a visit from Mns. W. W. Pat- on Monday aftennoon held by Mrs. tesnNwaslwh pkeAln eesMrisi Mnu [1 briefly about different experences of ler daughte, Pauline. I A B SP rn in her own ife, quoting two of Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Leishman, ber favorite poems. A social time Toronto, and Mr. andi Mrs. Milton Jewellery twas spent at the chose, wben Tamblyn, Orono. spent Thursday L' ru ,under the le.adership Of evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. 43 King St. W. gel' i- mesE. Dean, served refresb- Payne.Phn43tn s 4 1 isBOWMANVILLE ENFIELD MWeDD]inG __ _ __ _ __ _ Leaves trea ted vwith Mils -Blnt% Mulsoid Micronized* Mn. and Mrs. Bob Smith and On Satunday, June 17, Wesley- up r Larry, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Ray ville United Church was the set- ,upu Taylor and family, Oshawa, with ting for a veny pretty wedding, Mns. T. Taylor. of Miss Helen Binsteti, daughter Mrs. T. Taylor, Jack, Don, Alan of Mn. and Mrs. Bert Binsteti to and Keitb at Mn. Rýlph Sadler's, Trevor Miles, son of Mn. anti Mns. not Caesanea. . Archie Miles, Nonwood. Dr. Oke Mn. and Mns. Fred Sarnis and officiateti at the cenernony dur- Lae r Albt,Mn. atim-sMiltn miing which Miss Muriel Mason NoG. PAYS you can do it at cost within urist - the cost is very low. ýhe agency for the J. B. & D. ipply them to fit any make 'wish to purchase one this it corn field for you. kSons, Electrie Enniskillen Sýcab %%ý 1tliis reated with dph ur ILSOID ettable Suiphur of ail fungicidal preparations :ab, brown rot and other fruit r is a particularly desirable vercomes the danger of burn an It is also a cause of mi- rerein par- re 15 times i 01,Oig i <j posed, more mes killed. ible, highly remarkably -r control of hen you use rnized* IECTICIDES hing For Modemn Pest Control d by GIBSON J nings' friends who would like te send him cards to help bim on his road to recovery, the address is Sunnybrook Hospital, 5th Floor, Room 509. On long sunny eveningu parents let the klds StaY out late - watch out for them on streets and high. ways. A Statesman Want Ad will seli articles no longer needed, and possibly pay for a month's oil or a load of coal. _____-li SALE [ouse and Dowmanville il section on large beauti- r back and front. Trimmed 7acy and with enough fruit ore than pay for taxes. ice, laundry tubs in base- etian blinds, many extras. ;reasonable offer. cnt Only - No Brokers PHONE 854 or 436 ui Lib THURSDAY, JUNE 22. 1950 -mu rAmAnTArq ;TATP-" u,&w 1;nWMANVTIJýE- nXTARIn 15 À 049M IRdir