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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1950, p. 5

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!'!rarrAY,. 3cUn;22, 1950 Iq* Washington Pilots Clown Way To 12-7 Win Over Battling Roses The barnstorming Washington erous Bronx cheers throughout Pilots, coloured basebail team, the game. continued their unbeaten march Roses were greatiy handi- across Southern Ontario by taking capped by their lack of experience the measure of the Bowmanville in floodlight play. They lost sev- Brookdale Roses 12-7 in Monday eral f ly balls in the giare of tbe evening's floodlight attraction. lights with errors, or gift hits re- The power-iaden Pilots produced sulting. As it was, Pilots outhit an enjoyable combination of hits Roses only eleven to nine. The and hilarity, that kept the multi- Washington hits were good for 14 tude of spectators in a continuous bases, while the Bowmanville at- Uproar. tack gained twelve. Most colourful of the ]Pilots was Outstandîng player for Bow- catcher and dlean-up bitter Dean, manville was Ted Bagneli, whose who is a natural clown as well as bases-loaded triple and 2 singles a great bail player. He kept up accounted for five runs. Ted has a constant patter for the edifica- been clubbing the bail ail season IM ion of the fans and the discomfort in out-of-town games, but bas had 1 f opposing hitters. trouble at times on his home diam- I n sharp contrast to the antics, ond. It was nice to see him dis- of the irrepressible Dean,' was the play bis ability in front of a borne unbending attitude of the umpires, crowd, for a change. who were the recipients of num- Gallagher had Roses' only More Than a Million Canadians Pay Bis by Bank of Montreal Cheque Every day, every office of the Bank of Montreal handies hundreds and thousands of cheques. Some caver business transactions of millions of dollars, others are used to settie personal accounts of just a dollar or two. Al over the counftry, people in every walk of life find it con- venient to carry a B of M cheque book. When you pay your bills by cheque, you avoidj the time-wasting round of stores or offices. The stubs give you an exact record of how much you've spent, and your cashed and cancelled cheques, which your bank will return on request, serve as your receipts. It's safer, too. If you have the misfortune to lose bis or coin, you may or may not find your money again. But you can't lose the money in your B of M account, and no cheque is worth a cent until you have signed it. George Moody, manager of the Bank of Montreal branch at Bowmanville, cordially invites you. to open an account at his office. Try out for yourself the merits of a B of M chequing account. .*THE CANAD!AN UTATESUM. EOWMAIrf!LLE, ONTARTO double, while Gilhooley, Yourtb, Hooper, Cox and Legree collected singles. Roses knocked the Pilots' starting pitcher, Benson, off the mound in the third inning. Gord Sturrock, wbo bas also been somewbat of an away-from- home star, was AI Osborne's choice for starting hurler. Gord really turned on the beat in the first two innings, striking out four batters. Two unearned runs came in on three first inning errors. Three more errors in the third inning allowed Pilots to have their big inning. Those six errors, may we remînd you, were tbe resuit of poor ligbting more than faulty piaying. Later in the evening, when the lights were more effec- tive,. the Roses played much bet- ter bail. Even the Pilots made their three errors in the early in- nings. Alter pitching shutout bal in the fourth and fifth, Sturrock was lifted in the sixth inning to give rigbthander Bun Legree a chance to show bis stuff against the classy opposition. Legree was reliable as usual, and limited Pil- ots to one bit in the final one and two-thirds innings. Line sdore RH E Pilotsa---2 0 7 0 0 2 1 12 Il 3 Roses--04 3 0 000 7 9 7 Lineups: rRose-Gilhooley 2b, T. Bag-- neil cf, Yourth 3b, Hooper as, Gall- agher c, Furey if, Cox nf, Batten lb, Sturrock p (Legree in fth). Pilots-Lewis cf, Williford ss, Wayne 3b, Dean c, Taggart 2b, Burbage If, Boatwright lb, Brown rf, Benson p, (Evans in 3rd). Umpires-Plate, Allen and bas- es, Barnes. Umpires Almosi Lynched ini Whilby As Roses Go Down 5-4 in Darkness It wýs getting dark> as the Fni- day night Whitby-Bowmanville game reached the end of the sixth inning with Bowmanville leading 4-2. Plate umpire Barnes decided to try and finish the game. Whit- by scored three runs in the top of the seventh to take a 5-4 lead. It was too dark for basebaîl by then, but the umpire realized that Whitby would raise a storm of pro- test if he stopped the game and let the score revert to 4-2. In- stead he finished the game quickly by caliing nine consecutive strikes on nine pitched balla to Gallagber, Cox and Gilhooiey. An even haif dozen pitches were roughly one foot outside the strike zone. Bow- manville players surged around the umpires and several fans of- fered tô procure a rope suitable for banging purposes. but ail ta no avail. Until he tired in the 7th, Legree bad kept the Whitby bats under control to sucb an extent that tbey bad laimed only four bits in six inninga. A double, triple and single did the seventh inning dam- age. ~- 01o Meanwhile the Roses had tai- lied 4 times, paced by Haoper's triple, double and single. Çil- hooley also bit a terrific ine triple to left centre. Line score RH E Wbitby----0 20 0 0 035 7 2 Bowman'le 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 4 6 5 Lineupa: Roses-Cowle If (Cox in 7th), Gilhooley 2b, Hooper as, Yourth 3b, T. Bagneil cf, Batten lb, Furey rf, Strike c, Legree p (Gailagher in 7th). Whitby-mL. Yuill as, Turansky cf, Neal rf, Romaniski If, Reed 3b, McClosky c, Patte 2b, D. Yuill lb, McDonald p. C.O.F. Four Game Winning Streak Broken by Oshawa The C. 0. F. team sustained an 18-10 defeat at the banda oi Osh- awa Rangera in a softball game played at the Public School grounds Wednesday evening. Altbough Jim Levitt was I top shape, batting in tbree nuns, the nest of the team seemed to be in a one-night alump. Their field- ing wasn't up to par and the 18-10 defeat suffered broke their four- game winning streak. Batting Averages AB R H Av. J. Kitson ---28 12 15 .536 J. Stacey __18 12 8 .444 D. Bird __ _25 14 il .444 J. Levitt ---21 12 7 .429 H. Snowden -..-27 14 Il .408 E. King -------27 13 il .408 E. Finney ------24 6 9 .375 G. Brown ------- 20 7 5 .250 F. Blackburn ---14 7 3 .214 B. Snowden ---17 8 3 .177 Home Runs-Kitson 2, King, H. Snowden anid Levitt. Triples-Stacey 2, King, Levitt. Double-Kitaon 4, H. Snowden 3, King, Stacey, Levitt, Finney. Juveniles Drop 14 -5 Decision In Port Hope Fielding a makeshift team, Bow- manville Juveniles ran into troub.ýe wben they met Port Hope en Thursday evening. Altbough they outhit the Port Hope boys il to 8, Bowmanville could not bunch their bits sufficiently well to maintain a rally after the firat inning. In that first innina aa home run, triple, double and two singles accounted for four Bow- manville runs. They added an- other run in the seventh on three singles. Port Hope's inning was the fifth, in which they pushed seven tai- lies across the plate. Brunt pitcbed all the way for Bowmanville and might bave bad better luck with the regular line- up behind him. He gained credit for seven strike-outs, and bore down to strike out three in a row to hait Port Hope's big fifth in- ning rally. On the attack West was tops with a borner, triple, and single. Pitcher Brunt belped bis own cause with a double. Line score RHE Bowrnanv'le 4 0 0O0O 0O1OIil 5 Port Hope 301 3 7Oxl4 8 1 Lineups: Bowmanville West c, Brunt p. Chant if, Moorcraft lb. Falls 3b, Heath cf, Mohun 2b, Harnden as, Leask rf. Port Hope-Downey 2b, Lene- han 3b, Creamer lb, Gilmer as, Freeman rf, B. Ashton c, Young If. Trawin cf, D. Ashton p. Were he ever so benighted and fargetful of his high calling, there is always hope in a man who actu- ally and earnestly works.-Car- lyle. Fine Entertainment Features GoodyeSa Vart.ty Night M!ore than 790 childrgn and over 5001 .aduts enjoyed a Vàriety Show Saturday, June 17, at the Bow- manvilie Memorial Arena. The prOgramn, sponsored by the Good- year Recreation Club, was free to Club members. Officiaily, the show was called I'Variety Nite". Goodyear children were treat- ed to an ail cartoon show in the afttrnoon. Six comic pictures were screened and during the in- t . îission, they received free solt dt 'ks, and ice cream. The af- tenoon program featured a stage show capably directed by Miss I r i4êHarvey. t¶e evening performance, at- te&ed by more than 500 adults fe*tUred Fred Bryant's talented trç upe from Oshawa and a movie caiied Hi Diddle Diddle. Later in the e'vening Lou Dewell's orches- tra played for round and square dancing. ,The children of Goodyear em- ployees, memb&rs of Miss Irenie Harvey's dancing class staged a dance act in tbe afternoon. A nu±nber called I'Anchors Away" featured Wilma Bates and Pat Bagnell. "The Struttera Baîl" brought Linda Anne Colwill into the spotligbt; Gwen Murdock and Barbara Bathgate capably bandled the Hope and Glory number and the Bow Tap featured Linda Col- will, Pat Bagneil and Jackie Hall. The Bob Tap was repeated at the evening performance. Door prizes were won by R. Watt, Production Superintendent at Goodyear, and R. J. Drummond of the Porter service. The man who does not work for the love of work but only for mon ey ia not iikely to make money nor to find much fun in life.- Charles M. Scbwab. Local Girls TM. Softball Gcane With Pickeuing With the bases loaded ln the bottom of the fifth, Miss Michaeis of the Pickering girls' softball team stepped up ta the plate and, drove a home run into the out- f«eld, tieing the Bowmanville Quakerettes four-ail. The game was played at Pickering, Frlday, June 16. Bowmanville scored three ruas i the first and one ini the second inning. The third and fourth in- nings were scoreless, but with Pickering's home run in the fifth, the game was evened up. The bail game was cailed in the fifth on account of ramn. Trying to give the Quakerettes experience, the Coach switched his team around on the field, giv- ing bis players an opportunity to handle several positions. For Bowmanville, Barb God- dard looked good behind the bat and she showed some good'in- field work when switched to sec- ond base. Peculiar Tulip At Maple Grave Mrs. Harold Evans of Maple Grove informed the Statesman Thursday that she had a tulip witb six petals growing in ber garden. Most flowera af this type have five petals. Bronze in colour, the flower la two inches wides at the base and is comparàtively a giant dompar- ed to the other tulips in the gard- en. According ta Mrs. Evans, jutting out from the long green stem about haif an inch below the flower it- self is something that appears to be bahf bronze, baif green. The bronze side is soft like a petal and the other side hard like la tullp dities to be reported la Eowamm leaf. ville sine* the three-hnd.d dmw This is the first of nature' d delion. Filling your tanks now stops condensaion during the summer months. We're ready now t., serve you ... to help you and your family to a warm winter. NqETER AND PUNqPING SERVICE This check of the your 2torage added protection gives you an accurate exact amount of ail beîng pumped into tanks. FUEL OIL - STOVE OIL BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville Cor. King & Brown Sis. OWO&R orth frsttimel A MODERATELY PRICED, LOW PRESSURE TIRE THAT GIVES LONG, SAFE MILEAGE WITH EN aERAL Silen t-Safety There'u only one way you'll evor really know the difierence between the new Genoral Silent-Safety Tires and ordinary tires. Drive them. The firet tixne it raine yau'Ul find thase tires stop your car fauter than any tires you'vo over used beo re. Your wife will Jell you the car is easier ta abeer and park; ...........We hope you have the lime to take a trip. For thero neyer was a tire made befare that gives you such a cushianed, float- ing ride. i with off artiess contrai af your car at your finger tips. Drive i, and let us put a set of General Silent-Safety . . . .. . . .tires on your car today. YOU GET ALL THESE EXTRAS IN THE NEW GENEIRAL fi«'W4f V TI E OUiCKEE STOPPING LONG, SAPE TREAO WEAR lection On wef pavement or dry, new New Jet.CoId.Rubber cern- o 51% oSilent-Sfety gives you a margin bine, cushioned comfort wlffh jtires. oftafelythat may saveyour life. long, slow, even treaid woor. COMEIUN AND CHANGE OVER TO GENERALS DI1S TR118U T0R G. FJaieson 14ýCorner King & Silver Sis. GRAHAM'S GARAGE Haydon VIRTUE'S GARAGE Tyrone LEHMAN'S GARAGE Hampton WM. MORRISON GARAGE Pontypool Bowmanvillt mmDealers BURKETON GARAGE Burketon CAESAREA GARAGE HARNDEN'S GARAGE BWmnville MART SISSON'S GARAGE Orono Tire ShopD Phono 467, L FALLIS GARAGE Cadmus J. TRIPP GARAGE Port Periy BURLEY'S GARAGE Newtonville I 1 1 9.,ee & e"fý]

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