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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1950, p. 10

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PAGE TEN Tu£E CAKADIAN STATEILUS, BOWMANV!LLE. ONRTAmo 4'TtTmDAY. TTME NEWFP LORNI PLEASE Ck ANNOUN N 0W thare', a un YES MANager who's re. Consideragion that mad: people last year. At this newýAé,= YES MANager-clone.. employer flot notified. Ai that beat fits your situati, ak $110 boan in full on 1! Men or womnen-mari to pay bills, mnedical or d purposes phone or visit1 Loans $50 to $1000 on S 2nd Fi., Il 1/2 Simcoe S Oshawa, Ontario - Phono ternis mode to rosidants of cil surf Um maST. E. Haydon Sti Nanvers - D Ray Ashton, Haydor, thc most outstanding pul 960 entrants in the Mar Darlington School Mu: vals, will receive a prize when the fIhal school coi be held in the Memoriî BowMtanville. Salem Sc ratcd "the best vocal several seasons" by thea tor who judged festivals manville, Enniskillen' Pontypool and Janelvîll The highlights of th comrpetition wili be lea the concert in Bowmainv. will irilude massed choir oists. duets, "Old Tyn ryhnbands. Allan Courtice, and Bobbie1 South Janelville will New Canadians will sir of their homeland in thei tongue. The resulîs of the DE and Manvers Festivals ar Iows: South Darlington Hled at Boimanvi Sec. 1, Class lA, When 1 Ist Edward Haas, Mitche ners: 2 Charlotte Courtic lice jr. rm.; 3rd Barbara pelle, Courlice jp% rm. 1-2A. Solo. Open-1 Wiggins. Maple Grove j r. Teapol Song; 2 Barbara1 - Se thvmftyi $tort the 'blue cool Budget Plan et once. Get the. benefits cf special Budget Prices. You'il like the convenience, tool jConvenient spread-out paymentsi, **Easy terms to suit your needs QNo worries! Cool is delivered in plenty ~*Of time ... you're alil pid 'up before next winter 3~ Handy coupon payments mal ~*hold budgets run imoother 'round IM 80wgm YOU START THE MORE YOU SAVE-PHONE TOOAY ke houi a il y@ NE 715 ner LUMBRER CO, LTD. BOWMANVILLE PHON W..Grace An ans ooh dent ins op Ig nors Foley. Helen Panas, Gloria Trimble, Baseline. Va 1 14-2A. Open Quartette. 1 fflinlon ýîc esti Louise Goddard, William Warbur- ton. Ennis Lynch, Virgie Brown, i, selected pelle, Courtice jr. rm., Jesus Loves Coutic jr. IsrmenBaylesol. ipil among Me; 3 (3-way tie) Carol Harvey, 62Ajrinstrument.pial solo. Any nvers and Providence, The Flowers' Mess-1 itumnts, i ordoprivate beitr, sic Festi- age; Beverley McRobbie, Provi- Criciointsol., hG oroBrberl ý June 28, dence, Kittens; Dorothy Barber,2 Corinter. hpAr Will;y Dncert will Courtice jr. rm., Star Child. 2 Accord intesolArtkssery ai Arena. 2-lA. Unison Duet. Jesus Courticeinr., oldokBatr ;chool was Loves Me. i Sharon Gimblett, FHoe: 3 an o sol, rba ra group in Margaret Carter, MplFloeJ'.intofMaleGov j..Mon adjdict-rin; SuanAllison, Jeanne Win- 5-IA. Vocal group. Unison. Is in Bow- ter, Maple Grove jr. rm.: 3 Paul Skip To My Lou. 1 Courtice jr. Bethany, and Lynda Mowatt (twins> Mit- rm., 2 Mitchell's Corners. 3 Hamp- le. chell's Corners. ton jr. rm. his year's 2-2A. Open duet. 1 Jeanne 5-2A. Open group. 1 Maple1 ,atured at Winter. Garry Jeffrey, Maple Grove jr. rm.. Twinkle. Twinkle ille which Grove jr. im., The Postmàn. Little Star; 2 Hampton Ir. rm.,t ruses, sol- 3-lA. Unison trio. Three The Baker; 3 Courtice jr. rm. t me" and Little Rules. i Sharon Gimblett, 6-lA. Rhythm Bands. 1 S. S. Mitchell. Susan Allison, Jeanne Winter, No. 4, 2 Providence, 3 Hampton jr.c White Of Maple Grove jr. rm.; 2 Joey Both- 1-lB. Vocal solo. The Flow-1 perform. well, John Allan, Jeannette er Girl. 1 Donna Mowat. Mitch-E ng songs Quinney, Providence; 3 Grant ell's Corners; 2 Lance Damant,e ir mother Downs, Keith Worden, Bonnie Hampton jr. rmn.; 3 Ethel Sey- Wade, S.S. No. 4. mnour, Salemn. arlington 3-2A. Open trio. 1 Janice 1-2B. Open solo. 1 Lance Da-1 ire as fol- .Beech, Sharon Gimblett, Margar- mant, Hampton ir. rn., The Star et Carter, Maple Grove jr.. St. Child; 2 Lucille Bradley, Hamp-e Patrick's Day Song; 2 Barbara La- ton jr. rm.. The Star Child: 3 ' ,ille Chappelle, Muriel Owen, Charl- Douglas Rahme, Maple Grove sr. I otte Courtice, Courtice jr. rm., The Snow.S 1 Am Big- The Baker. 2-lB. Unison duel. The Fairy ell's Cor- 4-1A. Unison Quartette (Ac- Piper. 1 Joyce Collacott, Ethel ýce, Cour- tion Song) The Teapot Song. 1 Seymour, Salem: 2 Lucille Brad- c LaChap- Beverley McRobbie. Jeanette ley, Marilyn Allin. Hampton jr.: s Quinney. Brian Cox,'Joey Both- 3 Doug Rahme. Ted White, Maple -1 Wayne well, Providence; 2 Diane McNab, Grove sr.1 rm.. The Sharon Coutts, R'obert Richardson. 2-2B. Open duel. 1 Doris ai-d b LaChap- Bruce Adams. H-ampton jr.: .1 Marion Staiker. Maple Grove sr.. ( ______________________________God Sees the Little Sparrow Fali:S 2 Mary Kube. -Barbara Flintoff. Maple Grove jr., When Our BONE N lloEF randma Comes to Stay. 8. 3-lB. Unison trio. The Snow. F II1NL NUM BE Randie, Isabella Coutts. gî Diane Chandler, Hampton jr. rm.; 2 Joe Host, Lance Damant, Gor- G don Smale, Hampton jr. rm.; 3 for Lloyd MczRobbie,; Robert Allun, C: Glen Quinney, Providence, ri 3-2B. Open trio. 1 Ronnie i Ioea Hagerman. Doris Staîker. Barbara Ci lit Flintoff, Maple Grove jr. rmn., The in la S P IC K - P4ilB Group of four. singing or a round. Voices. 1 John Reynolds, li Ross Williams. Lucille Bradley, SE LL JN 'S TAX't56 Evelyn Randle, Hampton jr. ve Barbara Flîntof f. Doris Stalker, Ci John Geddes, Maple Grove jr., Iý -~ - ~The Three Bears. Sy 5-lB. Chorus with solos. en 4EW Happy Rosina. 1 Shaw's, 2 S.S. 4. AI 5-2B. Open chorus with solos'. tic nitait, e IlepyFishes.1 6-2A ý;r. Instrumental solo. 1 tc 0F i Eyr. private tuition. 1. Trumpet HE solo. Ronnie White, Baseline, On- piý ward Christian Soidiers; 2 guitar L » J OFFICEsolo, Sylvia Hasiuk, Mitchell's toi Corners, Sbanish Fandakigo: 3 guitar solo, Orville Thompson. en Courtice sr. Ge ..........6-2B jr. Instrumental solo, 1 to 2ç 3 yrs. private tuition. 1 Piano esa solo, Carol Harvey, Providence, Gr The Jumping Bean, 2 piano solo. ::.;:ruJaneen Cameron, Mitchell's Cor- Do C0 nrs. onatna:3 Patsy Venner. r# Mitchell's Corners, piano solo, Lo 86, ut ~ -1C. Vocal Solo. Thorny Go &p Roses (Schubert). i Ronnie n '~ >White. Baseline; 2 June Wood, Cri 'OShaw's, Lorne Crago, Baseline. ThI 1-2C. Open solo. 1 Allan 6 Lilly, Courtice sr., Irish Lullaby; 1 Finance Company office near yo--- t 2 Orville Thompson, Courtice sr., pla adyto akeban wih te sme orsnal My Wild Irish Rose; 3 (tied) Elva toi ýad to m.atte o iche a over milon Smale HamptcOn sr., Vesper Hymn; and le 4eànd he hoie o ovr amilion Margaret' Davidson. Mitchell's sr., Corners, Flower of China. 4 office, you get znoney quickly because 'the. 2-1C. Duet. Time to Sing. Bel -makes the decisions. Friends, relatives, (Prom grade 5 up ail groups in sr., nd you, yourself, select the paypient plan harmony parts). 1 Dickie and Bro on. (For exemple: $8.56 monthly repays Adrian Benschop. Salem; 2 Bobbie Fi:ý .5-month plan.) Stacey, June Wood, Shaw's; 3 (3- 5 rie orsinle-f ou an se xtr ~way tie) Patsy Schram, Lois Armi- and rentar ne f homerearasoreotr cash strong, Maple Grove sr., Ronnie 4, dete ne %'zhome roffi toray. god White. Donnie Nichols. Baseline; ers the ew Péondoffie toay.Ronald Clemens, Dâvid Coutts, î sgnature, furntur., or car J ,. Hampton sr, 1I PI Special Section for New Can- Sha WAT 115<5 70SAvro--» adian, in their old language. 1 Mit I"~f9I Benschop Family, Salem (From Spi, FU ffl IE CO& J -- Hoiland recently). 6- 2-2C. Open duet. 1 Dickie taui t., North <0vr Bank of Nova Scotia) andi Adrianna Benschop. Salem BIs( 5690 - Eton Anderson, YES MANager Tick Tock; 2 Janet Naylor, Diane Smn fows *Perono Fianc Copan cfCandampson, Mitchell's Corners. Cai rounding lon jesn Fnnc opn fCnd Stars of the Summer Night. 5 --- 3IC. Vocal trio singing a Hiri North Darllngton Hcld ln Enniskillen Section 1. Ciass IA. Vocal solo. Grades 1 and 2, When I Am Big. 1 Aileen MacAlpine, Haydon; 2 Lypda PolIs, Haydon; 3 Doris Wright, Enniskiilen jr. 1-2A. Open solo. 1I gernice Cochrane, Enfieid, God Sees the Litle Sparrow Faîl; 2 Leslie Middieton, Baker's, The Boat Song; 3 Garry Bowen, Enfield, The Fairy Piper. 2-lA. Duel. Jesus Loves Me. 1 Lynda Potts, Aileen MacAlpine, Haydon; 2 Bruce Milis, Doris Wright, Ennîskilien jr.; 3 Ber- nice Cochrane, Jerry Abboll, En- field. 2-2A. Open Duet. i Bernice Cochrane, Garry Bowen, Enfield, The Fairy Piper. 3-lA. Trio. Three Little Ruies. i Lynda Yeo, Vicky Pick- ering, Donna Gail Irvine, Ennis- killen jr.; 2, Barry, Ber- nice Cochrane, Enfieid. 4-lA. Unison quartette. The Teapot Song (Action song). 1 Lynda Yeo, Doris Wright, Bruce CHEMICAL E TOILETS SCHOOLS, CAMPS, boa COUNTRY Noms$ Modernaxe vot! propert>' b>'ins. stallinga Qiemical Toile-dseap and easy to imatai; no water prees Ulre required. No worry about odors or trqlublea; 'natead, ail the confort. of a cit>' home. Prompt sbapment. FPull>'guarantee5 Write ua for f2li ifSmatioa. TWEED STEEL WORKS LTD. TWEED ONTARIO rround, The Bluebird Song.: iJanet Naylor, Peggy, Davidsor Diane Thompson, Mitchell's Cor ners; 2 Bob Carswell, Garry Wig, gins, Lorraine Snowden, Maplt Grove sr, 4-IC. Group of four in 2-pari Tick Tock. 1 Alice Seymour Grace Blackburn, Dickie and Ad. rianna Benschop, Salem; 2 Aud. rey MacNab, Ronald Clemens, Elva Smale. David Coutts, Hamp- ton sr.; 3 Nel Rube, Lois Arm- strong, Patsy Schram, Loraine Snowden, Maple Grove sr. 4-2C. Open. 1 Archie and Joan McKnight, Carol Floody, Ralph Wehmert. Courtice inter., Land of Spain; 2 Orville Thomp. son. Allan Mitchell, Allan Lily, Bobby Proctor, Courtice .sr. 5,-IC. Vocal group The Time to, Sing. 2-pt. 1 Salem; 2 Hamp- ton sr.; 3 Cou.rtice inter. 6-3C jr. Instrumental duet over 3 yrs. .study. 1 Piano duet The Jolly Boy Scouts. Janeen Cam- eron, Margaret Davidson, Mitch- ell's Cor. 5-2C. Vocal group. Open. 1 Salem, Idie Hours; 2 Shaw's, Tick Tock. 6-2C sr. Instrumental solo ov- er 3 yrs. study. 1 Piano solo. Theresa Finney, Maple Grove sr., Dance of the Jesters: 2 June Wood' Shaw's, Sunset Nocturne; 3 Gael Elarvey'.v Providence, Minuet. 5-3B. Group. Rounds and canons. OIe Texas. 1 Hampton sr.. 2 Baseline 6-2B sr. Instrumental solo. 1 to 3 yrs. study. 1 Grace Black- burn, Salem. piano solo, Minuet (Haydn); 2 Christina Lamb, Shaw's, piano solo. Peasant Dance 3 Gerda Craig, Salem, Polonaise. 1-ID. Vocal solo, grades 7 and 8. The Sleeping Beauty. i Evelyn Finney. Maple Grove sr.; 2 Mar- garet Pascoe, Mitchell's Corners: 3Jacqueline Wiggins, Maple Grove sr. 1-2D. Open solo. 1 Gerda Craig, Salem, Berceuse: 2 Ray- mond Crawford, Hampton sr., The Lincolnshire Poacher; 3 Shirley Cryderman, Baseline, The Runn- rig Brook (Schubert). 2-*ID. Duet. Venice. 1 Mar- n Lawrie, Mariene Bishop. Base- Une; 2 Gerda Craig, Hierb Ritter, Salem; 3 Joan Gibson, Gael Har- ey, Providence. 2-2D. Open duet. 1 Gerda ýraig, Herb Ritter, Salem, Were A Bird; 1 (tie) Margaret Pascoe, ;yivia Hasiuk. Mitchell's Corn- rs, Stars of the Summer Night; hlan Liiiy, Allan Mitchell, Cour- ,ce sr.. Now is the Hour; 3, S. S. qo. 4, Time to Sing. 6-3B sr. Instrumental duet. i o 3 yrs. study. i Gaei and Carol larvey. Providence, Sailor Dance. iano duet; 2 Christina and Keith ,amb, Shaw's, Bright as a But- on, piano duet. 3-iD. Vocal trio. Spin, Maid- n, Spin. 1 Martina Benschop, ;erda Craig, Herb Ritter, Salem; S. S. No. 4; 3 June Staîker, Ther- sa and Evelyn Finney, Maple ,rove sr. 6-2C sr. Ad. 1 Accordian solo. )n Snyder. Courtice sr. 3-2D. Vocal trio, open. 1 iraine McGregor, Caroline Mc- 'regor, Lois Antil, Courtice sr. rlden Siumbers; 2 Brian Dam- nt, Douglas Woodlock, Raymond rawford, Hampton sr., Down in he Valley. 6-3C sr. Instrumental duet. Piano duet, The Harmonica layer. Marie Killen, Grace Stain- n, Mitcheli's Corners; 2 Evelyn id Theresa Finney. Mapie Grove .piano duet Peasant Dance. 4ID. Vocal quartette, 4 pt.. Ills are Ringing. 1 Maple Grove ,. Jacqueline Wiggins. Ken rooks, Theresa Finney, Evelyn rney .8,, 5-4C. Vocal group. Rounds id Canons. Open. i S. S. No. Oie Texas; 2 Mitchell's Corn- sSlumber Song. 5-2D. Group. Harmony. Open. Salem, Spin, Maiden, Spin; 2 iaw's, Good Night Ladies; 3 itchell's Corners, Spin, Maiden, >n. 6-5. Flute Ensemble.- As aght in schooi. i S. S. No. 4, Old ack Joe, 3-pt.: 2 Providence, .g Together, round: 3 Shaw's, irousel, 2-part. -3C. Vocal group. A Gentle nt. 1 Salem; 2 Mitchell's Cor- rs; 3 Baseline. c o' mer King & Silver Sis. GRAHAM'S GARAGE Haydon VIRTUE'S GARAGE Tyrone LEHMAN'S GARAGE Hamipton WM. MORRISON GARAGE BURLEY'S GARAGE Pontypool Orono Newtonville tCoachman March. 1 Haydon, 2 recently from Holand, Peit' Hien. Enfield. 1-2D. Open vocal solo for Special Section for New Can- grades 7 and 8. 1 Ray Ashton, adians in their old language. 1 Haydon, It's Not the House That The Biersteker Family, Baker's, (Continued on Page Eleven) 9- le Le d 1 Mils, Garry Beckett, Enniskillez a, jr.; 2-Enfield. 3-2A. Open Trio. 1 Lyndi Potts, Aileen MacAlpine, Jean Beiý ýe trim, Haydon, Jesus Loves Me; -Enfield, When I Am Big. 6-2A jr. Instrumental solo,1 ryr. private tuition. 1 Piano solo 1- Keep in Stride, Jimmie Kossr 1- Baker's; 2 Piano solo, Ina Bery] 3Read, Haydon, The Old Tar's Yarn. 1-lB. Vocal solo. The Flow- eer Girl. 1 Ted Yeo, Enniskillen jr.; 2 Garth Olsen, Haydon; 3 Lyn- 1da Stainton, Enniskillen jr. 1-2B. Open Solo. 1 Harold Yeilowlees, Baker's, Jesus Loves Me;, 2 Ina Beryl Read, Haydon, Flowers for Mother; 3 Beth Dean, Burketon, The Fairy Piper. 2-lB. Unison duet. The Fairy Piper. i Beth Dean, Ailsa Hanthorn, Burketon; 2 Ina Beryl Read. Garth Olsen, Haydon;3 (tied)-Enfieid; Harold Yellow- lees, Richard Koss, Baker's. 2-2B. Open Duet. 1 Ted Yeo, Chester Milis, Enniskillen jr., The Sieepy Fishes; 2 Garth McGil Carol Wright, Enniskiilen jr., Twenty Froggies. 3-lB. Trio. The Snow. 1. Garry Bowman, Jerry Abbott. Bernîce Cochrane, Enfield. 3-2B. Open trio. 1 Haydon, Jesus Loves Me; 2 Leslié Middle- ton, Harold Yeliowlees, Richard Koss, Baker's, Jesus Loves Me. 6-2A. sr. Instrumental solo. 1 yr. private tuition. 1 Margot Ran- kine, Haydon, piano solo, The Bee in The Clover; Henry Jurko, Baker's, violin solo (tied for lst); 2 Lois Stephenson, Burketon, piano solo, The Soda Fountain. 6-2B jr. Instrumental solo. i to 3 years tuition. i Patsy Davis, Solina, piano solo, Hawaiian Love Song, 2 Harold Yellowlees, Bak- er'sý, piano solo, The Waltz King; 3 Nancy Wood. Enniskillen jr., piano solo, Minuet. 1-1C. Vocal Solo. Grades 5 and 6. Thorny Roses (Schubert). 1 Margot Rankine, Haydon; 2 n Eddy Forgett, Haydon; 3 Aileen Jurko, Baker's. la 1-2C. Open solo. 1 Margot r- Rankine, Haydon, Flowers Are 2 Telling; 2 Aileen Jurko, Baker's, Flow Gentiy Sweet Afton; 3 Del- i Ian I,.ycett, Enfield, Thorny Roses. 0, 2-lC. Duet. The Time to ýs, Sing. 1 Dellan Lycett, Glen '1 Cochrane. Enfield, 2 Gloria 's Wrigh, Bert Werry, Enniskillen; 2 (tied) Lois Stephenson, Iris -Irons, Burketon. nx 2-2C. Open Duet. 1 Dellan L- Lycett, Glen Cochrane, Enfil d: 2 Bernice and Glen Cochrane, En- d field; 3 Delian and Doreen Ly- ýs cett, Enfield. 1, 4-1C. 2-part. Group of 4. iTick Tock. i-Enfield. 5--lC. Group. The Time to * Sing, 2-pt. 1 Enniskillen sr. * 5-3B. Group. Rounds and 'l Canons. OIe Texas. 1 Enfield. 3 6-lA. Rhythm Band. I En- field. 1-iD. Vocal solo. Grades 7 and 8. The Sleeping Beauty, 1 Ray Ashton,. Haydon, 2 Lorna Cochrane, Enfieid; 3 Doreen Ly- cett, Enfield. 6-2B * sr. Instrumental solo, 1 to 3 yrs. tuition. i Doreen Lycett. Enfield, piano solo, Wood Fairy: 2 Evelyn Pascoe, Enfield, piano solo, The Dance of the Bearg. 6-3A. Instrumental Duel. 1 yr. privale tuition. i Ina Beryl Read, Margot Rankine, Haydon, piano duet. Little Ruby. 6-3B. Instrumental duet. i to 3 yrs. tuition. i Ruth Lamb. Gloria Wright, Enniskiiien, piano duel, The Blue Danube. 6-3D. Instrumental duel. Lear- ned in school only. 1 flute solo. Robin on My Lawn, Levisa and Lois Stephenson, Burketon. 6-2D. Instrumentai solo. Lear- ned in school oniy: 1 Flute solo, Doreen Lycett, Enfield, Cruising Down The River; 2 Flute solo, Ailsa Hanthorn, Burkelon, The Maiden's Wish (Chopin). 6-5. Flute Ensemble. As taughl in school. The Royal I VISON MUNDAY & SON Phone 3438 NewGENE RALSilentmSafety Stops Quicker, Rides Setter, Steers Easier Keeps You Safer Every Mlle-Rain Or Shine There's only one way you'I1 ever really know the difference between the new General Silent-Safety Tires and orcinary tires. Drive them. The first time it rains you'll find these tires stop your car faster than any tires you've ever used before. Your wife will tell you the car is easier ta steer and park. We hope you have the time to take a trip. For there neyer was a tire mnade hefore that gives you sucli a cushioned, floating ride ... with effortless control of your car at your finger tips. Drive in', and let us put a set of Genercul Silent- Safety tires on your car today. TIRE YOU OR AIL THESE EXTRAS ON TME NEW GENERAL //e/lt-fa fety STEONGER Tc give you greoter pro- tect ion front blowouts... UP te 51 %stronger tlion COME IN AND CHANGE OVER TO GENERALS Tire Shop Phone 48e L. FALLIS GARAGE Cadmus l. TRIPP GARAGE Port Perry ~~.. MASIER STEIRINO Tread pattern dionges *very inch, assre, angles end edges facing tlie SHEPPARD & GILL G.l FJaieson - Dealers - BURKETON GARAGE Bu rke ton CAESAREA GARAGE HARNDEN'S GARAGE Bowmanville. MART SISSON'S GARAGE 1FAr MERS...e Wle wish to announce that we will operate the following equipment for custom work:- - CASE AUTONATIC BALER with the ventilated bale - CASE 6 Foot COMBINE - CASE FORAGE HARVESTER AND BLOWER If you want a good job done with the least 1 1 1 1 -CALL US NOW 1-- IL Phone 3438 DISTRIBUTOR Bowmanville

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