PAGE-,TWELVE TE AADA TArJMÂt~LPWPMZZAl VT.T.14 a'l'^AMU ..-l G o d y a r E xands o o ntPa nhn .1Îat al major machinery and o h e ol A D N S U E T W N il, R o ul o oe, B y -T r to P a t equipment wil be of Canadian Ne igns aitTo n pproacnes ofhe____'l Goodyear Lxpar inan xps 1.- The sçhool is a great agency HJoe and Shirley. design and manufacture. Tis is frtedvlpeto an nusal eatreProadeucntionor hefeveopmnt f ctien- (Continued from Page Eleve> 52.VclGop pn sion of this character within trcihlak, Yev rt n, Ve p r . an tile, Quc sû er 2 S To oos P odu tin o Aifo n~ uber nds~y he~foe *... - -2. The school bas done a real Hymn; Howard Cahoon S. A one m illion dollar expansion of stea m per hour at 655 lb s. pr s mpor t hmachiner of atis kindj 3b T he rschot h e pro h a d e- v ecseda o Y u r Hi n si; 3 R th H x- 2 S. J ne vll , Th ii ce l mci improvement programme at Isure, 750, temperature, thus tak- from the United States. 3.igheliteracy rae oucàaon, Bthe, r ahm'dsllab. RuBteh heRya oah Th G od ea T r & R u be i g ca e f he ex a si n nd al o "T he buildings are expected to 4. Schools raise the standards 2 i . D e . V n c . ~m n M r h l e w o , C r o s Company of Canada Limited's, enabling the company ta have becoltdb aesme n f living, good sehools mean more o~MGlHwr aon -.Isrmna ru.IS New Toronto plant is scheduled some reserve in case of break- i i5o.dth irom lntwllp ooshoaelpitis aevle eaSinoMvsTeMl h lo get under way this week. down or increase in production. be in production by the end of the -"'5 ch oolens hav helpdimprto v Jcet ehl aevle u A. W. Denny, Vice-President in The building ta house this ex- year", said Mr. Denny. "Appro - hlrnshelhougt forma- 2-2D. Open duet. 1 as hn Wle, Mra Charge of Production, said ground tension will be of two-storey con- imately $685,000. will be spent on tion of good habits. WriShtthlutes.SDonna English will be broken immediately for structian, 44 feet wide, 98 feet the power house project, whereas 6. Schools teach more* effici- S mith, G a Smth, NAnvlle, ar mte;pao en Lnew building that will enabie the long. Total floor space will be. about $450,000 will. be devoted ta nl hnee eoe Veice; 2. aevllSitAia M-cGul company ta boost its production 1,500 sq. f t. the Airfoamn expansion", hie ex- 7. People in the school system Tied, Faye Smith, Shirley Judsn apacity f Airfoam. It will re- These new additions, adding plained. ...... elme wiling ancrticise them- 3N. Jaetvill, How ardh or: TeCiee l ie quire approximately 110 employ- 27,100 sq. f t., will bring the floor According ta C. B. Cooper, Gen x'. selei taoinnyoh es to staff the new plant when it space of the Goodyee~ Company's eral Sales Manager o! the Good- - ' so.rpfe-3Lna cGlHwd C-hvetigstecedcrso ~~A \'~~~0~~ He said, "Schools niust change hoon S. Janetville, VesperHynengsnthparpodcth Is operating at capacity. Lakeshore Road factory ta ap- year Company, the necessity for t3eppc ît hnigS - 32D. Open Trio. 1. N. Jne-eecofaaealhru The new addition wilI have a proximately 21 acres. Construc- expansion has becn created "cet.Yu a'tdtoysjb round floor plan 40 leet wide and tion xill be o! brick and steel, through thé recognition by the - 141 feet long, a second storey will with concrete pre-cast roofing be- Canadian public of the luxurious business tomorrow".40-wt etra' ol n eii~'- reach approximately haîf way ing used. comfort and ultimate economy ex- Mrs. Lamne hmsn down the building. Total floor The steel contract bas beern let perienced whenever Airfoam su- Sprso atTmsnmusic *».>-< - \-. ipace will be 19,600 sq. ft. ta John T. Hepburn Limited, To- per-cushioning is used. Pictured above er eeoa the nth eatrain ouhwith o ir u lacs ntoand eP1~ Improvement ta the present ranto. The Carter Construction Airfoam is made. up of millions sigins which have is onee of tthe notheatravned so me of bech rsp uinL etherneo-- plant alsa includes the addition of Company of Toronto is the general of tiny interlocking air celîs en nrances to the town by Brampton Chamber of Commerce,.rme t teejyent o! flew boilers ta the power bouse. contractor. Other contracts have cased in rubber, Mr. Cooper ex- Lin oain n ise swl steDl saeeveryone.W A~ pesntte owr oseisop otye be aare# plained. To the housewife tis' Inspectors T. R. McEwen and erating ta capacity and the new It is planned that wherever pas- feature gives many advantages- helped the Chamber finance this project. A similar project W. H. Carlton were present and Installations are designed ta prv- sible ail contracts will be handled 1) it is lighter and makes furni- would be most worthwhile for Bowmanville. assisted with the, programme. duce approximately 100,000 lbs. entirely by Canadian companies. ture, mattresses, etc., easier to Major John W. Foote, M.P.P., was - breathes through its millions of Rev. Merrili Ferguson Educational Trends prsn load pk e, - - air celîs; 3) it lasts longer beçause j' uDsusdD rig Itd vas suggested that we have there is nothing ta lump or sag; Wries -rom Anica DsusdD rn two semi-final :Public Speaking 4) and because it holds its shape On His 'Work There Blackstock Meeting ConteststhsyanenMr there isno punching or shaking_________ Carlton's Inspectorate and one in required by the housewife when , Mr.Mi-nsIspcoa she traihten up he huse.Missao Evangelica de Durham Caunty Trustees' and Mc e'snsctaehn "The romance of Airfoam in Camundongo, C. P. 27, Ratepayers' Association held their tethe ia.fiv ineac hiscon- Canada lies in its marketing", Mr. Silva Porto, Angola, AnulMeig n Blackstock test fr w inalhe xcntet Th oowa Cooper s4d. "Du ta impart i-e-West Africa. Hall on Wednesday evening, JuneietwhteExciv taok Cooertlyaur repreetativespoule-dtea r tenfmlyad nloe t ustseae, aig oebsI" a strictions in effect during 1947, no ea mins 14, when a large crowd attended. The new slate of officers is as __ Airfoam could be brought inta the The last time my wife preached Mr. McCarthy from the Depart- follows: Hion. Pres., E. F. R. Os- -. country as samples, and canse- at a Sunday service I wrote a let- ment o! Education, Toronto, was borne; Past Pre. lx art-' nat begin ta sell the new product in one ta my cousin, Mrs. S. R. "Trends of Education in Otarico r;P-sC .Creh s ie Ont raPies., W. H. Jordan; Sec'y-Treas., - ~~~ until the New Toronto plant actu- James of Bawmanville. She bad and their significancea". He said Mrs. George Stapleton. Sat ih yu oa allv started making it". excerpts from bath o! them pub- "the future ofaur country depends Directors: Cartwright, Earl Dor- - - The original plant was opened lished in the local paper, The Can- an the education a! the children. rell, Jack Hamilton: Maer,. .u.u Agn October 27, 1947; the !irst articles adian Statesman. My only me- The àchools are criticized but are Clark Pomeroy, Lawrence Mill-Dn;. rnantfactured were utility pads, gret was that I had not made use dainLy a good job. When criti- son; Cawan, Mrs., Chas. Smith, J. , salid slabs and office chair seats. o! the inspiration o! the day ta cism stops, progress stops". He H. McKnight; Darlingtoni:,Mrs. Lthmsatyuofrgtwt Exploring new f ields the Sales De: send a few lines ta a still lai-gem went on ta enumerate the values Clame Allun, Gai-netRikr;-Z partment quickly added furniture circle o! friends and acquaintances CakMs.w .R id, Ted;p .. e nafscmotbeCn cushions, mattresses, automobile than that o! subscribers ta the man ta denionstrate this art, flot ping; Hope, Mrs. W. E. Lewis, AI- da aii ri.H a eiyu toppr pds nd hspiai uppleshom tow factory style, but in the simple ian Peters; Mîllbrook: Percy Ham- ~ " In 1948, a special sales effort Today was hospita.l Sunday and way that it can be done in the ilton; Newcastle, Mrs. Clarence ~hwt e ee. b~,.., and educational programme was Verona was the speaker at the villages. It carried the new mo- Allin, Mrs. Irwin Colwill; Bow- tee. n mohyu ore directed toward the furniture famenoon service sa I am flot let- tion and stili picture praIjectors, manville, Mrs. W. Clark, A. M. wt xetavc. business and substantial quanti- ting thisWecond occasion slip by. the amplification set for playing Thompsan; Port Hope: Mrs. W. ties of specially molded seat and I arn taking advantage o! the extra records, etc. and other visual aids. H. Jordan, Reade Budge; Auditos back cushions and mattresses o! rest and the inspiration ta send It almost brought tears ta my Mrs. Clame Allin, Mrs. Clarence Asfoatrcieooesonaain Airfoam were supplied ta tbe a brie! letter ta you all. eetaisntahepeornAlta eso.Ask fraouctirve d okltrae qup railroads for use in passenger roll- We sat outside the dispensary music reproduced in an African Two directars are still obspt.Akautirve ing equipment. Finally, large or- o! the mission station hospital for vilg hrh steArcn poneacfrMlbokadment-thenmodern sleeperi,retulug F-6 dors fram automobile manufac- the service, this forenoon. The say, "We neyer expected ta hear one for North Hope. cars and low.cost deluxe cahso turers were reccived. At first cold, or cool, dry season bas be- that out bere". Canadian Pacific trains. CarainPaii Airfoam wvas optional equipment gun, so we began today ta have MisEthCakfo en travel is as dependable as the rcdysr in automobiles, but it proved its church at 10.30 instead o! 10 ss Ed fr ith rls arfom ense AeadrHmlo a ile ieo oronCnd worth so cfcctively that it bas a.m. People do nat like ta get tSck.oo fr irls caimen theo bAeander Haon heasie ulIdvc f>oronCaai cfcaet silice become standard equipment around so early at this tme of ruk to wt eupmn fr gAroun Bur he am flucl- o onmost models. the year. Setr r eyue demonstrating better foods and îggan hr aitn~'o C. S. RF *S A N I T O *N E 'tt Sepniownfi nteearsarmomning usnd the way ta cook them. Then there fell in a duel treyears q.arCe.PR STTO proucio fciitesthat bas been the evening. was a Bible teacher from Currie CPR TTO ~~Ï O T M REDI T- PO S R~LY made in the Air!oam plant sinice A young teacher fi-r a nearby Institute for boys, of the Chokwe T 1 C K E T S OU A R IR -S O SR U Y isinceptioni in 1947, and the pi-es- village led the service. He tribe, a former pupil o! Camun- TO EVERYWHERE 15 OUR AGNTAOYUSA ent project. when completed, will brougbt a choir which sang one dango schools, who was invited ta Air, Rail or Steamiship 60 LEAVES NO DRY CLEAMINS ODOR hiave uppcd production ta more number. The staff o! the hospital blaespcarlypi-cahe at he tabl than thrce times the original ca- foi-med a second chair. The main ytao pat lbue a hin s bil- J URY&Consit L L pacity. note o! the occasion was thanks d preibiahiluntine Umbun- ew d i44il Join the happy throngs wbo have found ont how for the medical service that we du, Luimbiard bs tived k 5Kn tan BW.a Phoe78 have through the graciaus sup- cquipment for drilling toilets ---____________________________________ ___________ much cleaner, fresher, better prcssed our Sanitone If we would reach a stable civ- port o! the cburch in Canada. A ilization. we must penetrate be- special offei-inL, was taken. Each froin Chissamba, a plow for ter- Dry Cleaning makes their clothes. l ow political and economic persan was asked ta bing bis gift acing ta prevent erosion, bacs, troubles into their causes and t the front. For a few moets shovels. forks, etc. Two belpers Try our better dry cleaning soday! bring about a fundamental change it was flot easy agtnértein arclua eosrto SEVC n the bases o! life.-Ai-thur H. table wbeme the leaders sat. wn ihhm Compton. Many gave money, but ohers Fi-arn Camundongo we took the- brought corn, beans, or eggs. Our young man who has receritly - coi-n harvest is just beginning. camplcted a foui- manths' course EVELEI H'S iw as~' decided that the offering with Dr. Gilchrist in village sani- E Y EL l CH ' wo Idbe used ta belp thesi tation. Verona and1 were allott- stdents that we have in thecdtesealbu on"aiy Cleaners & yers - Laundries mdclcus tDnimsin life". Dr. Knight rendercd great - --- p ne r inyGlhitsd-service ta the school in prepar- ..... PH O N : O HA W A ZEN TH 1 000k f rection. M ost o ! these a e M ar ing for it but unfortunately de- Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEARL ried men who will become out- veloped malaria when hie reached _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Is ta tio n o r v illa g e d is p e n s e rs . T h e C h is s a m b a a n d w a s fo t a b le t a , Camundongo mission and chumcb take Part in the teaching. Dm. maintain 5 such dispensaries in Gilchrist arived for the Sussua - . villages, as weil as 13 leper injec- pamt. We spent four days in each tos)na dto a t esai n bS- place tcaching, and divided aur ........... ptandoreprtca! hestffo!pasty or sathe d aycbefoe ei H U R R Y héit ILLSa Maveable Schoai that visited school proper with reading les- Chimpoco, in Chissamba ai-ca, and sons for aduits, using the new Sussua, in Camundongo district. Laubach bookiets in Umbundu. This schoal was begun last year We gave out thimty diplomas the as part o! the extension wark o! last night, which means that thirty oui- central institutes, namely the new Africans bave rnastcred the medical schooi, the institute for beginnings o! reading and bave boys, and the institute for girls, in their hands the key that may q* fkin Dondi. opezn for thern the door that leads à-ý!:M 1 Dm. Allen Knight i-ought the- ta Truth. These schort scroIsNar coating. on Your premîises, will yo Mermîli Ferguson. ambe able flnanelally to pay for - &t. any damiages awarded agalnst WhenYouirDACK- YOu? WiII you be provldedTH NE «% ~~~wlth a legal defense? Son oAh You can be protected against REACH FOR such Joui by Comprehensive A ft q0cePersonal LlabIlty Insurance. Sut CHAMPION %n1eAsk this atency about IL.~G O N G I I E J e H e A B IEN IETINSURANCE- REAL ESTATE ien; and fer over haif a cntury Dodd' P A I N T & W A L L P A P R S T O R E'Phone: Office 681 K i eby haet J re ing rel. idef free P h o n e 804 B o w m a n v ille C o r. Ki g &B1n S s King Street, Eowmanvilll e ekfrt ii. b" bllesbox wt b e 85 Kln st. W. Bomacnville b" au d. pmadunDuia. THE CANAT)IAN STATISMAN BOWMANVILLr- nmT,&,RTe% 8