THURSDAY. 3N~ 2~, 950THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, YaOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EETE HA D NMartyn, Mr. and Mrs. JiDmMartxvn- Mrs. Y-arewell Bla-cknrii and - CONGRATULATIONS AND BÉ .ST. WISHÊS TO n HAYDON -and Anne, Bowmanville; Mr. Grace, Mrs. Gerald DURHAM FEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE w 1___ Frank Smith, Enniskillen; Miss Shackleton and Erie, Salem; Mr. i -'-Don't forget our Sunday June Anderson, at Mr. Wm. Tre- and Mrs. M. Blackburn, Hampton, Ottawa, June 27th, 1950. Col * choel anniversary tea and con- win's. at Mr. Wilbur Blackburn's.,Da Mmer:El eert on July 1. For particulars see Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and Miss Peggy Steven's, Bowman- Da ebr:E ,Cotuing Events. family, Mr. Will Westlake, Osh- ville, at Mr. Bi Steven's. P * We areglad to report that Mr. awa; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gil- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards -It must give the executive body of Durham Sh Dan Black is home after his re- bert, Solina; Misses Margaret and and family, Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer County's Federation of Agriculture a real lift when Cent operation in Oshawa Hospital. Anne Hanthorne, Miss Iris Irone, Beech, Bowmanville; Miss Janice they realize the progress which *has been made since We hope thet he will soon be im- Burketon, at Mr. Chas. Garrard's. Beech, Maple Grove; Mr. and theysatdoetinin14.T yhvewrd t proved and able to bc out again. Mr. Wm. Corrigan, Miss Olive Mrs. Edgar Wright and family, y tredprtinrn14.Teyhv okd a Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rankine, Toronto; Mr Ray Dud- Enniskillen, at Mr. Don Carr's. hard and long to promote enthusiasm among fellow d1 oss Ashton (nee Jean McLaug- ley, Mrs. Reta Dudley, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby at farmers who in most cases, have changed their at- h Ln) on their recent marriage. ville, at Mr. Chas. Rankine's. Mr. Clayton Denby's, Kurv Inn. titudes from open scepticismn to one of real support. i * Sympathy i9 extended to the Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. Perey Ryan. To- 1i iarrnly of the late Mrs. Mary family, Mrs. Clifford Pethick and ronto; Mr. Fay Mountjoy, Bow- It was my privilege as photographer for th SGriffin in their bereavement.y Patsy, Mrs. Elias Strutt, Ennis- manville, at Mr. Frank Denby's. ThCnain tte ano eoeofheFdr- e S ympathy is also extended to killen; Katie, Cameron, Garth and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and TeCnda ttsa oseoeo h eea e W M. ussilBrwn n hepasin Eic leenat r.Jak Ptt'. Gail, Enniskillen; Miss Ruby Vir- tion's projects, the Farm Radio Forums, in action 1,u( Mr. Rsselo inther. Mr. andEri l s. r stn and k ot' tue, Mrs. Barclay and Bill, To- last winter and spring, in many parts of the county. wa Ina Beryl Read entertained family, Toronto, at Mr. A. Reid's. dron'r and Mrsy, Wilueds- It was also a pleasure to talk to several of them and ac eight littie guests at ber eighth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and Deronand M, urrvllay, olMbusR' listen to their informed discussions on many timely birthday party. family at Mr. Leslie Graham's. Sanderson's. topics. There is littie doubt in my mind the value W. A. will be held at Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Jin-x Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. Don Lillico and of the Federation and the work it is doing in bring- Garrard's on July 13 when Salem Rosellen at Mr. A. B. Ferguson's. family, Peterborough; Miss Mabel igfrestgte o h fetv ouino W. . il b ou gess.Hampton. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas their many problems. Service will be withdrawn this Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and Fontaine, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. Sunday as Rev. Donald Lute, our family. Toronto; Mrs. Jas. Ken- McNeil's. new pastor will ot have moved nedy, Bowmanville, at Mr. Henry Congratulations and best wishes for con- here by then. Ashton's. We were pleased to see Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thonfipson, (Intended for hast week) tinued success to you members of the Federation. Wm. Trewin, Mrs. J. H. Walker Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Earl About 40 members of the corn- If your Member of Parliament can be of any assist- and Mrs. Henry Ashton out to one Thompson and family, Miss Pau- munity gathered at the home of ance to you at any time, please don't hesitate to cali of the services on Sunday, after line Bridgett, Bowmanville; Miss Mr- and Mrs. Cecil Shemon in 01n me. Herc's hoping your Picic Day xviii be being shut in for so long. It was Constance Osmond, Newcastle, honoir of Rev. and Mrs. A. E. blessed wvth favorable wveather. We'lI see you there. also, nice that Mr. Theo. Siemon, at Mr. Roland Thompson's and Cresswell who will soon be leav- Enniskillen. a former resident, Mrs. W. Thompson's. ing for their new post in Lindsay. S er y Was able to attend. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim and We are sorry to lose them from JHNc M.JAMS, .r Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Math- famhy at Mr. C. Avery's, Caesarea. this circuit, but wish them every DuHNrh. Arn,.P eson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and success in their new field. Miss Dra Ssell Wright, Marion and Beth, family, Long Sault, at Mrs. Earl May Trewin called the meeting g Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs., Theron Degeer's. to order. Mrs. Chas.Rakn Ir Mourtjoy, Hampton; Mr. Milton Mrs. Cecil Crossman, Bowman-. sang "The Rose of Tralee". Mrs. Stan Dunn Reports WESLEY VILLE $Imn tMr. Ceciu Slemon's. ville; Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Morton, Jack Potts read the folhowing: Pann Mr. Fred Castie, Miss Grace Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Russ- "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cresswelh: Kinsmen Pa nn udySho a edaI vTrewin, Toronto; Mrs. C. Abram, ell Ormiston, Joe McGill, Ennis- We, your friends of Haydon Many Fine Projeets wt r ereTfodatn Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Glen kilien, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. community are gathered here this sSpei-nen nte bec evening to express our sincere re- S*aas. Superintendent in tho absenceyPayne grets on your departure and to Sa un eetyrenndo uryPye wish you every success and hap- from the Kinsmon Conivention ln The Young People had a bail piness in your new charge. Sudbury, told bis fcllnxv club parni at the lake on Thursday ev- P IR 0 N Your stay with us bas indeed miemrbers at a dinner meeting in ening. After they had finishied p N~Ibeen a pleasant one. You and the Balmoral Hotel, Tuesday, June playing bail they returnod to the your family have contributed 20, that the Convention deliberat- sohool bouse where Mr. Doug. Bar- greatly to the well being of our ed between having a national net who is leaving the community - community, both spiritually and Kinsmen project or local district was presented with a loveiy leath- financially. Your wiîîing co-op- projects. "The national project", or wallet. eration, good sportsmansbip and be said "would be in the cancer Mr. and Mrs. Perey Snell visit- 6 ceefu 7as av been rnuch field"; the district proiect, it was cd with relatives at Rochester. 337appreciated. suggested, could take the form of Several from the cnrnmunity ai- wishes a soap-box derby. tended the funeral of Mr. Vannat- F 0 P 0 MP TMay the roads in Lindsay be A committee of five was ap- to at Kendal on Sunday. smooth and fair pointed by the Convention to in- Miss Helene 13arrowe1ougil, Lake Andon ourcarno wear and er vestigate the advisability of cri- port. spent the weokend with ber May your chest nevex- slip again tering either of the above activ- parents Mr. and Mrs., Edgar Bar- And cost you so miich financial itios. Stan Dunn was appointed rowvclough. F e .Dl v rpain. to the comimittee along %vith Mc. and Mrs. Peter Anderson F r e e D eliFe yWhnoeclctn Chairman Bas. Sculiv. Sault Ste. and Ruth, Westmeath, spent hic 0FMay you neyer again ask for the Marie; Jack Weatherwax, North weekend with their daughter, QUALITY MEATS & ROCERIES Wenoneleri tie would quite adCul Cifod Trnt. M. CandM rene illîe Fief t, Seaona LnesInlud ,suffice The club member said that the Sandra and Chare, Fonelon Falls, SeaonalLine IncudeMay you dream of the goals -you Sault Ste. Marie Club has ai- spcnt Sunday with Mr, and Mcs. IPICNfIC'SUPPLIES :- "ngained in soccer h " sready entered the cancer field and Arnoldtendedtoe WAX PAPER you sit in your rocker Last year. according to bis rcport, fto r anto PAPER CUPS AND PLATES the Sault Ste. Marie Kinsmen Club astr, Br. ly arowcog SEVETE And over Betbesda school where paid $48,000 in oporating costs. se Sundy with his auan 'VARIETY 0F PICKLES, OLIVES, MAYONNAISE, Ruth bas taught the Golden Rule The Oshawa Kinsmen Club ton- unloj, Mc. and Mrs. Edgar Barrow- ALDThe chihdren ail think she is a dered ail invitation to the Con- clough. SAA)DRESSINGS, SANDWICH SPREADS, ETC. saint, and we at Haydon have vention, offcring to act as host Mis-s Jean Duff spent the weok- 'CANNING SUPPLIES - JARS - JAR RINGS nfo complaint club for next year's gathecîng. end with ber parcnts in Myrtie. CECRTRBt ayweBuntit Troe, t astotaivlysugetewtat Mr.anTMs.Aneron anSheIad Lngra.tthaCnvntonhohed t Cev-duersosmenh To wish the Ccessweils the vorv land House in the Muskoka dist- Mrs. 'Clarence Nichqihs spont Sun- F resn Produce for Canning - best, aiong the road of bappi- rict. Cneto day visiting rehativLss iii Toronto. nessg D i h Cnetonfrhr die Congratulations to Mc. and Mrs. ArîigD iy We hope you'Il caîl on us somne that Kinsmen signs boc rectcd on Howard Payne (nee Pauline Pet- day the outskicts of Kinsmein towns ers) who were married on Wed- Whene'er you take a trip îlwa in order to lot, travelling Kinsmen nesday. And now we'Il end ourlittie know whiere they mightfind their A LIc hyme, 1tl Kin. The Bowrnanville Club have IVEDDING Dont yu ust abotaready orderod the signis made. Payne - Peters Nuptials timeAmidst a setting of lavendor lu- MEATS AND GROCERIES leisbakdwt Mr. Chas. Garrard presentod pins, andbueisbned it M. A. "Pat" Yeo, Prop. Now on behaîf ef the commun- Mc. and Mrs. Cresswcll with a foi-est ferns, Lilhian Pauline, XING ST.E. BOWMN VILLE ity, we ask you oacp his gift pair of Kenwood white volda -he of Mc. and. Mrs. Allan as a small token of your esteom biankets xith multi-colored bor- -M@mmmw and gratitude" dors. Rev. Cresswoll vecy ably liam Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. tendeced thanks and Mr. Cecil Carlton Payne, Wednesday aftcr- Siemon sai'd a few words. M rs. noon. Chas. Rankine renderod anothor Athreocoki risU- solo "Bless This House". Ail on- ited Church the wodding cere- ioyed a friendiy chit-chat and mony was performed by Dr. C. lunch was served. Clare Oke, wbile Miss Phyllis Chalhis, Bowmanvîlc, and M\iss Mc. Frank Denby and Mc. Chas. Gwen Budd, Port Hope, playoci:, Rankine have brighitened thoîr the wedding music on two pianos., respective homos with a coat of Givon in marriage by ber fa- paint. ther, the bride wore an originali Mc. Luke Gra 'y, Mc. and Mrs. gown of heavy Vaiencian lace over Fred Ross and Garry, Miss Mabel satin, styled with short sheevos, Suis, Toronto; Mrs. C. F. Rice, with double layers of lace focm- Faru 2-;..,t:. M. and Mrs.Jack Rice and Apcil, org a Bertha collar and peplun Bowmanville, at Mr. Don Cam- Hec fingor-tip veil of tulle illu-ecn5 InadapiudVlninlc i Mr and Mrs. Walter Bridgett motifs was hehd by a beaded tiaca. and Danny, Bownanville; Mr. and She wore long lace mittens and1 Mr. Roland Thompson «s.' centred with a gardenia, Mc. r -AdMrs.Rny-Gra Am nd Mis Ruth Pete(rs was hec s ist- th bus ad ar. house, shop or farm M1 white and navy accessories.Th Available n 3 sizesSwivel Eye&i' groonm's motheî' roceived wearing 8 t.e.4c 1/4 b.p. only $16.45 ONLY _ ---- .ea. *~.15" a nivv blue sheer frock with navy 1/31........1930 exra.S4avcsand white accessories. Both moh- 10 qt.--------- ea. 55c fohp ..ol 193 xr a heves Coloured ers wvore corsages of pink carna- PI -- - ea 44 WaI Te..During thewedding supper 13 q. . -. -ea..67 1/2h.p ony $2.25 ONLfor bov r the same knife ber niother used I i ~on ber woddine day. Guestswr ISMITS FE prsent from Cliiton. Niagara ESTIATESFREE Falls, Toronto, Port Perr,. L'ind- say. Bowmanviile, Ottawa and ýur-r Don McGregor Hardware Co. Po:;: urned IFx hbiewc Phone 3386 Ring Si. W., Dowmanville Phn 92iomnil -WE MAKE HOUSES HOMES - N . G. REAL / ('ERAMIC - PLASTIC iayy and whIte, printed silk dress 'ith a navy gabardine coat. with vhite accessories. She wore a mrsage of gardenias. Upon their eturn from a trip through the 'astern States, Mr. and Mrs. 'ayne will reside on, the Lake bore Road. Route 3. Newcastle. Subways are partialiy ventil- cd by the piston action of trains riving the air througb the tubes. Goifers and bathing girls bave he same ambition-to go around n as littie as possible. Until fifty years ago, surgery on he human heart had net been at- empted successfuliy. The first îccossfui operation on the heart vas the resuit of a beroic attempt csave the life of a person witb deadly heart wound. rzIa3uEtllF ». .eu Tire, DeLaval Milkers and Separatoru Beatty Brou. Stable Equipment KING; ST. W. MEMBER 0F 0.R.F.E.D.A. PHONE 497 Year in year out qual * has alwavs been andi wti-ll alwys be the first consideration with TUA b. r p INVEST IN THE FARM EQIJ PMNu TI'at Rates First I1I SEE U-S ABOUT ChUE FARMý MACHINERY s. -J An Open Letter To Our Rural Friends On this particular occasio n, the Annual Picnic of the Durham County Federation of Agriculture, we would like to wish them every success at their picnic and in their worthwhile endeavours during the coming year. We have always believed that there should be rlose ce-operation between the rural members of the community and those living in town. To further this be- lief we cordially invite you to enter our store at any time on a visit and ask you to feel that you are welcome to look around under no obligation. If at any time we are able to help you with ;iny problems in the .ewellery or Giftware line it will be ig pleasure to serve you. Art Hooper Hlooper's Jewellery & Gif t Shop Phone 747 Bowmanville 28 King St. W. TRACTORS - BALERS - RARES - THIESHERS MOWERS - COMBINES - ELEVATORS FORAGE HARVESTERS DE LAVAL MILKING MACHINES COOLERS AND REFRIGERATORS BEATTY BRGS. STABLCE EUIPNENT SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS- NA-CHUR FERTILIZER - CANADIAN STEEL AND WIRE FENCE - MARTIN - SENOUR PAINTS- FIRESTONE TIRES AUTOMqOTIVE PARTS ELECTRIC & ACEYTLENE WELDING GENERAL REPAIRS GREEN CROSS AND SHELL SPRAYS AND POWDERS SORA MOTOR SPRAYING MACHINES SEE OUR DISPLAY 0F Ciase Parm EqIulpuent AT THE FEDERATION PICNIC IN ORONO w. eEP W DEALER FOR I 1 - -MM@ i ---------- 11 61 1- ---- - - -- 0 - MW 'q JUNLF PAGE SEV«TEMý ie Tireg Case FF,