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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1950, p. 1

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AllEN OD FARM IC EXI.-WED ESOAY aubnan ""Durham County's CGreat Famil-y journal" VOLUTME~96~Dir~ .XT ~ ~~ v ..Y*..'- < K>ÂJTJ*.JlIi .~U criur UBR2 JJjVJVJiA VI~,D. <I'IVAIIIe)II< U V II!I i.k ytJUI ,1;1;u F..II UP tafr~man y f -- - r--- . 1 7 1. 9% ., . -1-- Lions DLonate Wading Pool to Park 0.1 SQmet hing new has been added ta the town this x.0kwith the completion of the Lions Club wading pool at Memorial Park. On Sunday afternoon, while dozens of hqppy youngsters splashed themselves* in the background, Lions President BokKent officially handed over the padlock and keys ta Reeve and Park President Norman Allison. Though the actual ceremony was brief and simple, the wark which has gone inta the project is by no"means trifling. Members of the Lions Club have spent many hours building fornp for the cernent, digging, pouring, raking and soddlng, As ffie work progressed, citizens dutside the club camne ta their assistance, contributing a few hours labor* or skilled advice. Special mention should be made of the help pravided by Ed. Hanlan, President Toronto Construction Corp., whose staff aided In preparing the plans and pro- ferred expert technical assistance when it was needed. J. J. Flett loaned his cernent mixer, dealers provided material at cost so that the actual cash outlay for the pool depleted the coffers of the Lions Club by the comparatively small amount of $800. Had the job been donc by contract, rather than by volunteer labor. it would certaînly have cost several thou- sands of dollars. The padlock ta Mr. Allison will systern which rnakes ing and re-filling. and keys which President Kent gave be used ta lock the intricate contrai it possible ta drain the tank for clean-1 The pool is constructed so that very. tiny fats rnay plav in safety. At the deepest point it is 18" in depth. It hasa cernent'bottorn and every effort wiIl be made to ensure that it is kept clear of stones and broken bott]es so there will be no cut feet. The Lions have buit a fine cernent walk around the pool and have also constructed a small auxiliary pool where youngsters will be requested ta wash the mud frorn their feet before they enter the larger tank. The Lions hope ta restore the money used for this project by donations and the purchase Qf tickets on the garnes at the Carnival this Saturday. Ail Durham Women's Institutes Celebrate WiIh Bowmanville ai Their Golden Anniversary Party In Trinity Sunday Sehool room o'n Wednesday, June 21, beginning at 6:30 p.m.. the Golden Anni- versary of the Bowmanville Wom- én's Institute was celèbrated with a deliciaus banquet and varied pragram. The W. I. colours of blue and gold were a charming combination ln the table decora- tians and yellow and blue pro- grams engraved with the W. I. crest will be treasured as souv- enirs. The artistic floral arrange- ments in these sanie colours. which were the work of Mrs. Gea. Young, were much admired. flelicious Lunch Mrs. Frank Jackman and Mrs. R. Dumas, Sr., were in charge of the guest book- A graup of younger members as-sted in serving the deliciaus meal which, ,~was prep.ared by Mrs. Thomas Buttery and Mrs. C. Johns, with znany assistants. A ten-minute sing-song of old-time numbers led by Mrs. Gea. Pritchard with Mrs. Edwin Wood, accompanist, allow- ed time for the assistants ta fin- ish servirig and become seated for the programme. Head Table Guests 'Mrs. L. S. Dumas, President af Bowmanvi!le Institute, capably of- ficiated as ehairman. She extend- ed a welcome ta the guests and introduced the head table guests: Miss Anna P. Lewis, Director of Womnen's Institutes in Ontario for fix'e years of outstandinz leader- ship: Mrs. N. J. White, Brooklin, Chairman of Central Ontario Con- vention Area who has been an inspiration ta the Institutes in the area; Mrs. 0. W. Rolph. Orono, President of West Durhanm Dist- rict Institutes and a Past Fed- erated Board member; Mrs. C. Gatchell, Ist Vice-Pres., of Bow- manville. whom the members are lookine forward ta have for lead- ership next year; Mrs. Mina Col- well. a W. 1. member over 25 years and very enthusiastie: Mrs. F. C. Calmer, Past President, anc of aur good members for over 25 years; Mrs. C. Robinson, a mem- ber a'.er 20 years, very faithful in attendance and always ready ta help; Mrs. Frank Jackman, who bas the distinction of 47 years continuous membership, first a Dîrector in 1904, also an auditor, found time ta prepare and pre- sent papers. President for three years, seldom misses a meeting and bas been an Executivednem- ber almost the entire 47 ¶ears: Mrs. J. Tbickson, Past President West Durham District Institutes, Past Vice-Chairman af the Cent- ral Ontario Convention Area and (Continued an Page Nineteen) Impressive Ceremony Planned-for July 8 At New Hospital Plans are being carnpleted by the Bawmanville Haspital Baard for the officiai Iaying of the cor- nerstane af the new Memorial Hospital an Saturday, July 8. In- vitations are going out ta Hon. Paul Martin, Minister of National Health and Welfare far Canada and Han. W. A. Goodfellaw, On- taria Minister of Health, ta take part in the proceedings. It is behieved that the ceremony will be very impressive. A special capper vault into which the stane will be set has already been pre- pared. Besides the stane, certain documentary papers willbe seal- ed in this special vault at this ceremony. Spend Ail Night Painting Streets For Better Parking George L Christie Citi .zens of Bowmanville gaing The guest sl)eaker at the Dur- ta work early Wednesday morn- ham Federatian af Agriculture ing almost required sunglasses Picnic next Wednesday at Orono when they walked down King Park has had a mast interesting Street. The reason for the glare career. He is President Emeritus was the bright yeîîow lines paint- of the Ontario Agricultural Coîl- ed on the pavement for guidance ege and served as Head of the Col- of motarists parking and for lanes lege from 1928 ta 1945. He gradl- for pedestrians crossing the street. uated from Toronto University in During the early morning Road 190J2 and %vent ta Iowa State Col- Superintendent Ab. Ruiter and lege where hie carried on post his gang painted the bright yel- gradtiate work. There he was low lines on the north side of the awarded the Degree of Doctar of street. The paint used was a Science. In 1905 Dr. Christie special product of the Scarfe Paint went ta Purdue University where Company developed especially for he served as Director of Agricul- such uses. It is believed that tural Extension and Directar of these lines will be used ta help the Agricultural Experiment Sta- enforce the newly repainted one- tion. During the First World War hour parking signs ta go up on the Dr. Christie served as Assistant light standards in the near future. Secretary of Agriculture in the United States Department of Ag- riculture. He came ta Guelph as Mrs.W. P Roers as gestPresident of the College in 1928. speaker on Wednesday evening at a joint meeting of the Evening The Fair Cammittee of Baw- and Afternoon Auxiliaries of the manville Rotary Club, has com- Womnan's Mission ary Society of pleted* arrangements wîth an out- Newcastle United Church. The standing entertainment graup ladies were graciouslv, entertain- who will present acrobatics, com- ed in the spacious and beautiful medians and many other interest- home of Mrs. Gardon Martin, ing acts at the Rotary Carnivail an Lake Shore. August 16. Veteran Hydro Man Leo Goulah Hurt Fixing Power Break A blown fuse on stormy Friday. June 23, led ta a power failure at Bowxnanvllle Beach and the shock-i njury of Leo Gaulah, a jHydro repair man. Gaulah, t tempting ta trace the power fail- tire, experienced a 2,400 volt elec- trical joît when he tauched a con- nectar on a, lune he thought dead. Warkinzr with Bert Stapletan an the East Beach, Lea Goulah crossed the bay in a boat ta check the line on the West side. He climbed a pale, and thinking the line dead because of the blawn fuse, tauched a cannector. A charge of 2,400 volts of elec- trîcity knocked Goulah away from the pale. Unconsciaus, he dangled fram bis safety belt. He recavered consciausness a few mo- ments later and when the Baw- manville Fire Brigade arrived an the scene, he was standing up- right on bis spurs. Dr. Harold Rundle, attended Gaulah when he arrived at the Bowmanville Hospital by North-! cutt & Smith ambulance. Shartly afterwards he was sent ta the To- ronto General Hospital and placed under the observation of a Dr. Gardon. Information received fram the Toronto hospital indicates that Mr. Goulah may lose his left in- dex finger and a part of bis littie finger. He also, suffered severe burns to bis left leg, but the ex- tent of this injury will flot be knon for approximately 21 days. It is expected that Mr. Goulah will rernai in hospital for sev- eral weeks. By IM. H. Staples One evening in March, 1941, some fifty farm men-~and women assembled in the Town Hall at jOrono ta discuss wvhat might be done ta' proteet the interests of *farmers. War regulations were beginning' ta bear heavily upon esome pr6ducers and it was agreed athat unless some united front were shown, serjous hardships would ensue. It was known that a Dominion-wide organization had been set up, but for effective opieratian local branches were re- quired. Thus a county arganiza- tian was decided upan and with Forbes Heyland as President and *Walter Reynolds, Sec'y-Treas., the Durham Coun ty Federation of Agriculture came inta being. For the next few years nothing spectacular happened. Somne me- thod for finiancing the new mave- mient bad ta ýbe arrived at and members secured. Requests were sent ta each local farm organiz- ation in the county ta appoint ai representative who would became a d irector and in turli a mission- ary ta get others 'ta understand and ta support the Federation. Under the able leadership of Forbes Heylartd, Wilfred Boxvles and Garnet Rickard who served as President in turn. supported bv,, IWalter Reynolds as Sec'y -Treas'. and the late Dr. J. B. Reynýolds as advisor, steady progress was made. 1J. J. Mellor, Secretary By 1944 the activities had be- corne so extensive that a paid Sec- retary became a necassity,. The late J. J. Mellor was appointed ta that office and proved himself an unfailing source of idcas and in- spiration. From then on things really moved. - The farm forums. always recognized as'the mast ac- tiv.e factor in the movcmenwr (Conti+nued an Page 2f) Women's Institute Celebra tes, Golden Anniversay Celebrating f ifty years of Christian activity in the comrrunity, representatives from Wamnen's Institutes in Durlum County gathered at Trinity United Church here on Wed., June 2lst, for impressive ceremonies and a delicious dinnEr. Those present included the ladies whose photos appe&r here as well as many others. In the upper picture, f rom lef t ta right are: Mrs. L. S. Dumas, President Bow- manille W.1.: Mrs. Frank Jackman, Bowmanvifle, who bas a retord of 47 years' membership; Miss Anna P. Lewis, Don Shay scemned in a bit of a quandry at the Rotairian luncheon Friday, Jui;e 23, whcn he asked: "How am I going ta put this (re- creational) programn across'"' According ta Don, the first big step bas been taken in providing for five summer playgrounds, each complete with in inslruct- ress, under the supervision of Jack Ross af the Bowmanville High School. "Through the generosity af this Club,' we are well on aur way". Toronto, Director of W.I. for Ontario and guest speaker; the RecreatIonal Director said. bt Mrs. N. J. White, Braoklin, Chairman Central Ontario later he added, "This pragram is Convntin Ara ad Mr O Rolh, rono Prsidet 5 huge that I can't handle it Convntin Aea nd Ms. . W Roph, ron, Pesientalone". The recreational pro. West Durham District W.I., lower picture: Mrs. Johnson gram should be considcred same- Thickson, Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Charles P. Mutton, Mrs. thin g of a town proiect and in C. Robinson, Mrs. R. Candier, Mrs. R. Dumas, Sr., MrsF. appealing ta Rota rians for aid lie C. Calmer, Mrs. Thas. Buttery and Mrs. C. Gatchell. Al raid. "I have ta have help, and except Mrs. Dumas are directars. Mrs. Dumas bas been Rerato" quoted Mr. Shav. a member for aver 40 years.____I is, not tangible or static, but 'a 1 Finish Season With Turkey Dinner The hockey season was given a definite finale onl Thursday night wheny Mike Osborne's Imperial Intermed- iates were entertained at a turkey dinner .provided by one of their most ardent supporters, Mike's mother, Mrs. Ed. Osborne. A pre-dinner warrn-up period at Mike's apartment xvas featured by the distribution of the colourful scarlet leather jackets toalal members of the, team. As yau will note from the photo which show,; Captain Don Gilhooley (with the grin) and Manager Osborne, the jackets are re.all.y something to see. Seldom have any garments.bçen as re- plete with crests as these. On the left arm there is a crest indicating that the Imps were Lakeshore League champions, the left side of the chest places the boys as Eastern Ontarip Iiitermediate Finalists; on the right of the same chestis the name of the team and on the right arm, the players.have their numbers. The team, plus trainers. etc.. adjourned to Mrs. Osborne's home on Church St. for one of the most sumptuous repasts of turkey and, ail the trimmings that any- one would care taover-indulge in. Everyone appeared to feel that the season had been concluded in a superb and Pipe Land In Firsi Appearance Leads Decoralion Day Parade t. Past". followed b 'y a Prayer of Invocation and the' Lord's Prayer. The responsive reading was led by Captain Deering ai-d Scrip-' ture readings were given bY' Rev. H. A. Turner and Rex', T. Johns- ton. Reeve Allison's address was fol- lowed by the hymn, -Abide With Me". Prayers were offered hy Rev. E. Sigston xith Rev. Hender. son pronounicing the Benediction, The service came ta a close v'ith the singing of God Save the King" altter which Mr. James Nokes soundced the Last Post and Revei île. Follo\viiiç. the service, Legion memrbers placed eut flowers on the graves of waiî veterans who gave their lices in the Crimean and World Wars. MVany Bowman. ville residents decorated the graves of relatives and friends. The Kinismen Club of Bowman- ville and the Ladies' Auxiliary af the Canadian Legion. placed flow- ers on the Legion Çross in mcm- ory of those who gave their lives in the First and Second World Everyone's Help Needed Io Put Recrealional Programme Across States Don Shay ai Rotary Club Sunday. June 24 was Decora- tion Day in Bowmianville and an estimated 50f) people gathered at the Bowmanville Cemeter 'v Io take part in the annual Memorial Ser- vice. The Memorial Day was sponsored by His Worship, the Mayor in conjuniction with the Town Council, Branch 178 Can- adian Legion. B.E.S.L., and the Bowmanville Ministerial Associa- The Lelgion Pipe and Drum Band. directed by' Pipe Major Douglas Bloor of Oshawa, led off a parade 1rom the Town Ill at 2:30 p.m. Members of the Can- adian Legion, Branch.178. rnarch- ed ta the skirl of the pipes. Rev. S. R. Henderson, Chair- man of the Bowmanville Minis- terial Association. coîîducted the service aidled by Rev. H. A. Tur- ner. Rev. T. Johnston. Rev. E. Sigston and Captain DeerinLy of the Salvat.on Army. In the absence of MaYor L. C. Mason. Reeve Norman Allison ad- dressed the gathering. The service opened with the vital force influencing the lives of ail people". Arrivîn'.t here early in A pril, Don considers himself still soîne thii~ iio a stranlger inBo an ville. In order Io be a gond Re- creational Director '.ou hav.e Io 'get ta kîiow the peon !"', '. oul1a ce ta live with them. This was one of the main reasons wliy l, le ap- pcealed ta the Bowmanville Service club for assistance. -1 believe this v'ear xve have an idedi set- up". Mr. Shay said, and lie thank- ed the RntarY Club foi tle dona- tion tiîey made Io bbc ('omîn11un- ity Recreational Commîttce. Explaining the qualifications of a good Recreational Director, Don quoted from ithe April issue of the 'Community Courier". a pub- lication issued by the Commun- ity Programmes Branch. Depart- ment of Education, Toronto. (Continued on Page 21) PLAN TO ATTEND LIONS CARNI VAL SAT., JULY I ~ ~s, ?t~ ilIl i Federation Speaker Duham Federation History -~ Shows Consîderable Progress Through the Farmers Efforts IJUVVIVIAàVILLE. ONTARIO. THITZqnAV- TTINR 99f'h 1Q-rn r'di lp1nll:> 0(,Ilc)xr ý6 %.. 1 1 1 ' , 1 ESDAY - --%dà.T.LJLJ fv

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