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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1950, p. 19

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TRUMSAY,. TUNE 29. 195o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Orono News Mi-,. R. E. Logan We welcome Mrs. J. G. Jack- with ber parents, Mn. and M, San back ta Orono. Roy Forrester. Miss Gwen Ransbenny has ac- Mr. and Mrs. Chanhie Coop cepted a positon on the staff o! visited thein daughter, Mrs. Chz Bowmanville Hospital for the Wahken and family, Camp Bor summer month. She began ber en, recently. duties this week. Mrs. C. Wood attended the1 Sunday guests with Mn. and nenal of ber aunt, Mns. Cepi Mrs. Alex. Watson were: Mn. and Johns, Hampton. last Wednesda .Geo. Cale, Mn. F. Cote. Mrs. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mi #'Archer and Mn. Jack Archer, Ernie Dent on the binth o! the aof Pont Hope. son, David Arthur, a brother f Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto. Gordon. Pcz lirnk,',' iies of r. ad . Miss Anna-Marie Shenwin w Mrs.est o BMn. and had an apenation in Bowmanvil Mrs Cal Bllhgs.Hospital necently is able ta Miss jean z;etn Toronta. borne and is doing very nicely. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mr Ken Bal n the bintb of the Perfect d a ughter, S~usan Joan, a it for the Mrs. C. Caverly and son ai forth vsiting ber parents, Mn. and Mr BWRIDE avy. 4r UCKY isIs Jean Wilson has cample ed ber course in nursing and h BRIDE accepted a josition in Bowmar ville Hospital. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mr * * Wm. Boyd nee Pauline Robbin SENSATIONAL on the birth of their son, June 2 mn Bowmanville Hospital. NEW Orono United Church Chci wvent ta Leskard Cburch on Sun day evening ta assist with thei arinivensary service, singing tw well nendered anthems. T] RADANTC. NROI guest minister was the Rev. Frari Whiteley, Oshawa, and bis force 9 ASTE fui message was a great inspira tion toalal who attended. Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Dunkley Peterborough, and Miss Shirle: Porter, Oshawa, wene guestso Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter. i Mvarv Jane Found spent las week in Taronto visiting her aunt Mns. L. Keate. Mrs. Walter Cobbhedhck return cd home from Toronto after visit ing her niece, Mrs. Lantz. The pupils of Mrs, E. C. Work. man gave a recital in the Masoni( Hall on Mondav evening. ThE hiall was xvell filled for the acca- Automatlc Beyond Belief. sian. The platform was decorat. Ail you do is drap in the ed with peonies, making a pleas- sifenty witout poping a!o thç pupils, read a mnessagE or banging. ta Mrs. Workman and Mary JanE Faund presented her with a gift $32.OORetreshments Were served ta thE ____________ _____ jpuffils and friends. -- ____--The much-talkgd o! Donny- brook Fair was held on Saturday in the Agicultunal building. It For the . was well ted.Th Orn Band opened the Fair at 10 a.m, HAPP narching ta the fain grounds and ÀVÀA PY pl ' ingin the building for ai RIDE oir The auction sale wvas quit( 9 successfui with Mn. JackRed nui( tioneer, giving biq service, %vithout charge. Over $600,00 was realized. This money will be usec 1.)y the Parsonage Committee of the Waman's Association o! Park~ HAV' IT! St. Church. ME NEW On Sunday monning at Park St. Church service, Rev. A. E. Eus. tace baptîzed the baby daughter / jo! Mn. and Mrs. Roy C. Fretr Judith Elaine, and the baby daugbter o! Mn. and Mrs. Bruce MsMSTE Mencer, Valenie Edna. Mn. R. E. Logan was in Tweed pa rindaKenight wherelie took o! Tweed Masonic Lodge. It was <~ in this lodge he himscl! was in- iitd36 yeans aga. Mrs. C. Wood spent hast Thuns- day in Toronto visiting Mns. .., kMusical Fes;tivalGivien by PuPils of Mns. WV. H. Staples Inasetthng of fragrant June f lowers on Mondav evening, June 19, the pupils o! Mns. M. H. Staples, wivth thein fnends, gathened hn the basement o! the Town Hall ......Thene is a certain fnesbness and happy spirit about a group of Young people, sucli as this, and it seemed as if the aduits, too, iDîal yourlfavorite -recj'pê' caugbt this spirit that evenng. Correct mixing speed a The students pnesented a van- your flnger-tips. Mixes îied pnogram o! piano solos, duets .tnshe, wips bet3 tir,' and trios, while Ann Best favon- *maes, jwips, eac.StîrS31 cd with a story o! "The Enchanted blens, uics, tc. Saes and a! Music" and Gerald Haîho- jime, arm-work. Has juc well with a little poem, "Fugitive etU*chnent,24bOWls.' Natse" by E. D. Garner. Those taking part iii this recital $49.75 wene Joan and Doreen Alldred, _______________________Ann Best, Norab and Boyd Wood, John Tamblyn, Helen and Gerald Hallowell, Muriel Gibson, Doina The Id-1 l Brn- PrbhmranfA--A 1dre Chunch, Oshawa ----- 50.00 a It's thrilling to use! Unufl Simcoe St. United Church you'vc used this fast, double. Oshawa - --------------- 170.00 automatic Iron you have no idea Mrs. Geo. Stephens, Bow- manvihie - - -- --- 5.00 how easironingctan boe Thumnb- Simcoe Street, Oshawa - . 40.00 tlp heat regulator la handle. Garden Hill Unit. Chunch 15.00 iigst -deri Pont Penny Unit. Chunch 206.50 Cedandale U. C.----- 49.41 $1.5Eldad U. C. 48.00 Newtonville U. C. 75.00 Pickering U. C. ---------70.20 Claremont-Brougham __ 63.50 Greenwood, Mt. Zion, The Radio Shop KBlastoc U __C---------- 3.0 Kincsahe -. . _ 36.25 ]Phone 573 38 King St. E. Hampton Women's bis. 30.00 Hampton Ladies' Ser- flowmanvile vice Club ---- - 10.00 Hampton YVilage 47 Whitby United Church Mrs. A. Mae Jeffrey -- Zian United Church --- Courtice Pastor. charge Ebenezer - ----- Brooklin U. C ---------- W hitby --- - --- ----- Mapie Grave---- Ebenezer Country Couples' Club---- Brooklin ---- - St.- Paul's Bowmanville 92.50 25.00 55.00 34.90 90.75 159.00 18.00 186.50 21.00 10.00 $19,080.82 Evenlng Auxillary Meeting The regulan meeting o! the Ev- ening Auxiliany was held an Thunsday evening of last week in the Masonic Temple. The business of the meeting was in charge a! Mrs. H. Allun and jMrs. I. Tamblyn and lier graup gave the worship service and phanned the pnogramns. Mrs. E. Brown phayèd a delight- fui melody a! tunes. The guest speaker was Mrs. Deering Bow- manvilie wha told us of!lber ex- peniences while on the mission field in Afnica. XVe ail were mast intenested in bier messagles and the pleasant, humonous way in wbich she tahd it. Mns. A. Drumn- mand sang- a solo whicb was veny much enjoyed. Mrs. Allin chosed the meeting. ing. neviewing a chapter o! the study book. A social houn foul- owed. '0 KENDAL le k Annivensary guests: Mrs. Hattie Langstaff, Newtonc -ville, with Mrs.,Jennie Hoskin. Mn. and Mns. Truman Garbutt Mr. and Mrs. James Swarbric] Y and Mary Reid with Mn. and Mrs d Jack Swarbrick. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Smith, New. ;t castle, with Mn. and Mrs. Ceci, tGlass. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Reid, Pats: - and Charles, Mn. and Mns. Wes - Elliatt with Mn. and Mrs. Reg Elliott. - Rex'. Seymour and Mrs. Sey- c mour, Enniskillen, and Mrs. Mar. eguenîte Thampson with Mn. Bel] -and Hilda. - Mn. and Mrs. Fred House, Mr. -and Mrs. Albert Stewart, Peter- sborough; Mn. and Mns. Lamne i Paeden, Crooked Creek, and Mn. E and Mrs. Len Falls and family with Mns. Fred Falls. Mn. and Mns. D. Low, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. Art Low. Mrs. Agnes Darlington was a Sunday guest and Miss Helen Sel. kirk, Toronto, weekerid guest, ai Mn. and Mrs. Milton Robinson. The Sunday School anniversany services o! Kendal United Chunch were beld on Sunday, June 18 with Rev. Seymour of Enniskillen, 1preaching ta a good cnawd at bath iservices. In the morning there was special singing by the chil- dren a! the Sunday School, while at the evening service, Kendal Choir. under the supervision o! Mn. James Swanbrick with Mrs. Swarbrick at the organ rendered two anthems "The Lord is in His H01Y Temple" and "He is Call- ing'. On Wednesday evening a good crowd turned out ta enjoy the Renerous dishes o! deliciaus home- made ice cneam. Laten, in the Onange Hall, Mn. Cecil Carveth Put on a fine variety o! mnoving pictunes. O! spechal intenest was one taken by Dr. A. F. McKenzie while vacathoning in Florida, showing the- beautiful sceneny, water sparts, etc. On Friday, June 23, the chil- dren o! McLean's, Kendal and Sixth Line Schools put on a fine pnognam unden the supervision o! thein teachers, Miss How, Mns. Ash and Miss Katie Stewart and their Music Teacher, Mn. Neil Stewart. The program, cansisted o! numerous chonuses, the crown- ing o! the May Queen, the lovely May Pole Dance- with matching costumes and streamners. There were also many dances, the Swiss polka, the Scottish reel, the in- 5tnicate "«Weave the Woolmal", the )Duke of York and chimes of Dun- kirk by the Juniors. Some brought their lunch baskets and fmîisbed the afternoon off with ice cream, and a picnic suppen. Mrs. Frank Stoker and Mrs. Norman Kennedy attended the banquet of Bowmanvilie W. I. in celebration o! their fiftieth anni- versary, on Wednesday, June 21, at Bowmanville. Mr. and Mns. Ray Hughes, Port Hope, visited Mrs. Luxon and Marion on Sunday. We are sorry to lose Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Eiliott fnom our com- munity. They are nôw residing in Orono in the home of the late Mns. Tamblyn. Miss Betty Martinell visited her sister, Mrs. Ken Clark. Onono, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. How, Lindsay, wene Sunday guests of Miss Betty How and Mn. L. Bell and Hiida. A number from here attended the Deconation Day services at Orono cemeteny on Sunday. In the short space of seven mnontbs, Kendal village has lost its third octogenarian with the sudden passing of Mr. David Van- natto at his home here early Sat- urday, June 24. He leaves to mourn his loss bis wife, four sons, Andrew and William, Port Ar- thur; Shirley of Port Hope and Cecil at bome, and two daughtens, Eva (Mrs. Pency Buniey, Kendal), a~nd Ethel (Mns. Len Oughtred, Wesleyville), and one sister, Mrs. A. Jackson. Funeral service was in Kendal United Church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Bunt, with interment in Newtonville Cemeteny. The sympathy of tbe community is extended to the ber- eaved wife and famiiy in the loss o! a loving busband and father Those &ttending the funeral fromn a distance included Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Vannatto, Geraidine, Ronnie and Bobby, and Mr. and Mvrs. Wm. Vannatto, Port Arthur; from Victoria Harboun, Mn. and VIns. Andrew Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mr. David Moore, Mir. and Mrs. Leslie Winfield and Alife, Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Bahl and< Diane; Mrs. Toney Heart, Mid- and; Mns. A. Jackson, Mn. and. Vins. Wm. Honey, Milliken, and VMn. Robt. Vannatto, Toronto. i 1: 'J( f Mn. and Mrs. E. F. Willoughby, Miss Joan Willoughby, Winnipeg, are visiting with ber sisten. Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey. 3 Mr. Michael Jagger, Toronto, is visiting at Mrs. L. C. Snawden's. Mn. Otis Pritchard, Manotick, visited at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's on Sunday. His wi!e and two sons returned home with him, also Miss Edna Snowden retunned with them. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, To- ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mn. W. J. Sinow- den. on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Findlay Munnoe, Sheila, Bruce, Bnian, Toronto; Mrs. Jean Brown, Miss Patsy Brown, Vancouver. wene visitons last weekend at Mns. L. C. Snow- den's. The sympathy o! this commun- ity is extended ta Mr. Cifford Swailow, Mrs. F. Swallow and Miss Edna Swallow, in the pass- ing o! Mrs. Clifford Swallow who bhad been il for same manths. Church School an Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Mn. and Mns. Wallace Munday -spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Austin Bannon, Hampton. Among the ancient Jews hE trothai was formal and bindiî USED CARS Miss Anne Stinson spent a few days with friendt in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. W. Bowman and famhly atteriled Decoration Day at Orono and visited at I. Tain- biyn's. Mrs. Evehyn Willier and M.' Wilfrid McLary, Toronto, with Mns. H. Stinson and Norman. Mn. and Mrs. A. McRae and family, Toronto, are holidaying with Mns. W. Gray. Mrs. Robent Parr is home again recoverng from an apenation for appendicitis in Bowmanvsihe Hos- pital. Mn. and Mns. S. Sharpe and babe, Ida, Misses P. Yoe and M. Burgess, Port Hope, at W. Bow- man's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allun on the arnival of their son in Bowmanvilie Hospita ' , Sunday, also to Mn. and Mrs. Dave Geddes (nee Doris Allun) To- ronto, fonmeriy of No. 9, on the arrivai of a son. Satunday. Mrs. Henry Bowen and Darien, Newcastle, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Bill Barchard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleming and fapýily, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Waliy Gibson on Saturday. Gerald, Russell and Carol Gib- son were guests at their cousin, Manlene Laking's birthday party Monday afternoon in Newcastle. Mr. Roy Bnanch and Betty and Mr. Bill Clarke with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClure, Peterborough, on a fishing trip, Sunday. Mr. Walter Brandi, Oshawa. and Mrs. Jacob Branch, Bowman- ville, with ber sister, Mrs. James Branch, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker with MIrs. Roy Branch, Sunday. Sunday visitors at Mrs. Fred Bowen's wene Mr. and Mrs. Jas.i Garvock, Ronny and Sandy, Bow- 1 manville; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kitchko, Ray and Rickie, Mrs. Al-1 len Gibson, Miss Vix'ian Hogie,D M/essrs. Elroy, Dennis and Gordlona Gibýon, ah of Oshawa.a Mr. and Mrs. Merlin and fam- ly with Mr. and Mrs. Howard i Mloore, Garden Hill.t Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner nd Helen wene cuests at the Os- one-Muir wedding at Ebenezer :hurch on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and0 dleen were in Orono for Decona-9 on Day Sunday with Mrs. Cow-L n.V Silent Sisters' meetinky at Mrs.n 3anch's home, July 6.1 Recent visitors with Miss Gladys McKee were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson and Mrs. Aitken, To- ronto; Mis. John McKce, Mrs. Sam McKee, Miss Muriel McKce, Oshawva; Mrs. Maude Devitt, Mrs. Pearl Hill and Rev. and Mrs. G. Nicholson, Biackstock. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.,Bowers were: Mi'ss Hel- en Bowers, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Joyce, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm El- ford and famiiy, Port Perry, and Mrs. John Williams. Miss Mary Tinney, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin and Lawrence with Mns. Jos. f~or- der. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lansing and son, Miss Barbara Russell anid Miss Joan Bar-ton Oshawa, with Mns. N. Lansing. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Sonley, Port Penry, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mr. and Mns. Hilliard Millard. Wbitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant rbompson. Mns. la Howe spent the week- end with fnîends in'Barrie. Mr. Tom Langfeld has purch- ased a new car. Mrs. Donald Thompson attend- ed the wedding of her cousin, Mr. Stanley Milison, Enniskillen, to Miîss Mary Carr, R.N., in Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa, Sat- urday. Miss Elaine Thompson is clerk- ing in Wilson's store for the sum- ner. Miss Jean Bowers left Sunday vith Mn. and Mns. E. W. Bradley for Windsor. Jean and Elva Brad- ley have joined the Farm Service Force and wiil be picking fruit at Ruthven for the summer vaca- tion. Mesdames M. Emerson, H. Vine, V. C. Lamb, G. Bowers and Miss E. Tbompson attended the Gold- n Annivensary of Bowmanviiie Vomen's Institute on Wednesday vening and report a most inter- esting meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson spent the weekend in Stirling isiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phiip and Rev. and Mrs. W. H. V. Walk- r. Friends of Mrs. Philp will be ýleased to know that a new treat- nent is proving satisfactory. She ýmaking slow but steady im- )rovement. A number of local falks attend- .d Cadmus Garden Party. Botb 'unday services and the supper rid play were quite a success. Mr. N. C. Marlow's sale on Sat- irday was well attended. The adies of Nesteton W. A. served unch. e-j V. S rr fc at E. er w eo es sp vi an e: pl pr Su an u: lac li ENFIELD f s a a v E c ri E d IV. G il IV ai Provincial Dinector Mis na P. Lewis, Toronto, Director o! Women's Institutes in Ontario, in congratulating Bow-1 manvihie W. 1. on neaching the 50tht year o! success!ul achieve- ment said the work accampiished bas been outstanding and as we continue in aur success!ul en- deavours always nememnber that through urselfish service cames gneatest happi'îess. She quoted tram Emilv Murphy, "It's gond ta live iin the finst days when the faunidatioxi a! things are being SHOWER.RESISTANT BALES-Rolled bales shed water like' a thatched roof. Less surface on the ground, they dry off faster after a man. PRICED FOR HOME, OWNERSHIP -Do your -own baling the hour you.r crop is ready. HANDLES DOUBLE WINDROWS-Double windrows cure fast and malce the beet bales. Turne out more bales per hour.: 0 ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ SEE US SOON ... now .. e ~ - own a Roto-Baler thia SALE A N S E R IC Eyear. ALSO ALL CROP ,HARVESTERS AND TRAC TORS AVAILABLE NOW Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 487 Advertising is your servant. ht behps mnake the most o! youn shopping trne and ta get the mostj for your dollar.1 Joy in one's work is the con- summate tool.-Phillips Brooks. i I look on that man as happy, who, when there is question o! success, looks inta his work fan a reply.-Emerson. A lean hanse for a long race is a whse expression. A lean body for a long life is equally wise, be- cause the death rate tram heant disease is 50% greaten for those who are overweight. A book dîctated by Marco Polo in prison was the rnast populan source of European knowledge o! the fan east for tbree centuries.- Fhying !ish probably move through the air ta escape capture by other fisli.- 1949 Hudson Super ""8" Sedan - Equipped with Centipede tires, lifeguard tubes, air conditioning, etc.$ New Iist $3600.00. Oui- Price $,6 o0 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan Immaculate interior. Good $1 motor and tii-es r2 50 1942 Chev. Fleelline Sedanelle Immaculate interior. Matai Ilr 0 recently overhauled ---l0 50 1941 Chev. Special Coach- Popular madel - _-- _ $89_0 1939 Ford Coach- Clean inside and out. New motai- recently - $69-0 1937 Chev. Sedan - Sti-aight axIe model. Good matai- and tii-es______ 1928 Ford Nodel '"A#"- Undei- 32,000 actual mileage. Hui-iy foi- this one -____ S is sons' Garage PHONE - ORONO 86 -2 1 H tfi 1 Women's Institute (Continued from Page One) variaus offices in Bowmanville W. I., Mrs. R. Candlen aour very efficient Seçretary-Treasurer; Mrs. Chas. P. Mtttan, member aven 20 .years. Past President of Bowman- ville W. I., bas held vaiaus of- fices, one o! the best and mast f aithful members;. Mns. R. Dumas Sr., second oldest member in faithful attendance with a record o! over 40 years in W. 1. work and Mrs. Thos. Buttery, Past Sec.ý retany-Treasurer, now 2nd Vice- President, also, an expert in an- ranging and senving excellent meals, banquet style. Guests From County Several guests from ail nine Women's Institutes in West Dur- ham accepted invitations ta be present and with Bowmanville members numbered 120 wbo met together on this happy occasion. Due to the capacity o! the hall it was necessary ta limit invitations in Dowmanville to membens in good standing. The committee con vcning this anniversany programme regret very much overlooking Mrs. C. Avery, Hampton who was one o! the charter members o! West Durham. We extend sincere ap- ologies to Mrs. Avery for the om- ission and were pleased to note that she was able ta attend with the Harfipton group. If we bave overlooked any other carîerý members we also apologize ta 1 Reihem.y lstr Mrs. J. Thickson gave a tahk and commentary on "The Early Years"; Mrs. R. Candier on "Past Presidents and Secretanies", and Mns. Chas. P. Mutton on "Fhfty Years o! Achievemerit". These addresscs were published hn their entirety in last week's Statesman. Mrs. Kenneth Hull cantributed most acceptabhy two groups o! ap-i propriate sng-s. Miss Beverley! Alhison showed manked ability ir. lier rendition o! a grouD of pian(,, accondion numbers. Mrs. J. D. Broome, Tynone, substîtuting fa. Mrs. W. J. Leask, v.'ha was un- avoidably absent, neceived close attention and much applause for bier rendition o! aId time nead- ings. These numbers interspersedi the speaker's remarks ta give a baianced programme. District President Mrs. O. W. Rolph as President o! West Durham District, brought greetings from the other nine Institutes in West Durham, wbo wishied ta pay tnibute and com- memorate this occasion s0 Mrs. MV. Emerson, Nestîcton, lst Vice- President, presented Mrs. Dumas, B3owmanvilIL' President, vvith an engraved collection plate and ga- vel. Mrs. Dumas thanked the Institutcs for their good wishcs and for the lovely gi!ts. Mrs. N. ýJ. Vhite expressed greetings from the area. She nentioned several humorous epi- sodcs o! the years gone by and ztrCsse~d the thought that anni- vensary celebrations gave im- PetuS ta accomnplish greaten laid to be able tg carry the moi-- thi-ill and inspiration it is ta hear tar and place the bricks", bdt af the accomplishments of those she feit it was also good ta live who have gone befaz-e. They in these days, to be able to build truly lived and had a vision and on the splenfdid foundation as it laid a firm foundation which is a spurs us on to greater endeavour. challenge ta us ta continue and The aims of Women's institutes build a supei--structure. today are ta help women Bawmanville is hallowed ground quine sound and approved prac- in West Durham for here was the tices for greaten home efficiencv. beginning 50 years ago. It is amn- tô discover, stimulate and train aziniz the good accomplished over leaders-this has always bccn a these years. Credit does not go cstrong point in W. I. organiza- to one or twa but toalal working thon. The world needs leaders together unselfishly. An anni- with the right principle and solid versany celebration inspires the background and with the cour- dcing aof greater things and the age of their convictions who wiUl best public relations the W. I. can be democnatic, tolerant and un- have is the active enthuslastic denstanding and alive ta the needs memben who is ahways %vorking of others. unselfishly for- the good of aU A third aim is ta develop a more mankind. abundant ife in aur rural com- Vote of Appi-eciation munities and a deepen apprecia- Ms. S. E. Werry, Solina, In tion o! the things nean at band. maving, the vote a! appreciation, The co-aperative programmes thanked Bowmanville W. I. for wene dnafted with this idea. The the pivilege o! attending this fourth aim is ta develop better, celebration; the artists for their happier an.d more useful citizens. splendid numbers and the speak. Accomplished Much ens hndividually for their inspir- W. I. members have gone far ing addresses. Mrs. L. J. Good- in achieving these aims over the mani, Tyrone, seconded this vote years. Tbese aims may be ex- of thanks. pessed diffeently now but bas- The singinL, of "God Save The ically they are stihl tbe same. An- King" chosed these 50 years af niversanies give an oppartunity ta happy, good felioxvship in W. I.- look oven the past and wbat a activities in West Durham. INSIDE STORY 0F THE PAGE NINETEM v S.S. No. 9, Clarke MAPLE CROVE SOUTH NESTLETON

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