PAGE TWENTY-TWO T~H CM~ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV'ILLE, ONTAMO RSDAY, JUNE ,29,* 1950 SELL1'RADE LOP~ ImmU The Canadian Étaiesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective Januar7 23, 1948 BIRTHS -DEATES &NGAGEMENTS - MARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS $1.00 Per Insertion IN hIMEMOEIAMS $1.00 plus 10o a lino for verses per insertion NOTICES COMING EVENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE IIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - WANTED ETC. Cash Rate: 2e a word (Min. 35e). Must be paid before insertion. If Charged: 3c a word (Min. 50C.), Add 25o extra for box numbers or replies dlrected to this office. (Additional Insertions P same rates) All CIassl.fied Ads Must Be In Not Later Than Noon Wednesday. Cash, stamps or money order with order to get low rate. - Clip This Ont For- Handy Reference BIRTH ALLIN-Stanley anid Wylma AI- lin, Orono, are pleased ta an- nounce the birth of their sont Neil Stanley, 8 lbs. 6 ozs., at Bow n ville Hospital,,June 2th, a býo- ther for Gail. 26-1' BOYD-Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd are happy to announce the birth of their son, Larry Laverne, in Bowmanville Hospital on June 20th, 1950. 26-1' JTOS-Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Jose announce the birth of a son in Bowmanvîlle Hospital, June 25th, 1950. 26-1 MONROE-Robin Lee, daughtcr of Mr. nd Mrs. Forbes Monroe, is happy to announce the arrivai. of her little brother, Murray Franklin, at Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Jurie 25th, 1950. 26-1 MOUNTJOY-Mr. and Mn. Ivan Mountjoy are happy to announce the safe arrival of a baby girl, Judith. Margaret, a sister for Brian. 26 i. SHACKLETON-Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton (Ruby Allun) are. happy to announce the birth of their son (David Ross) in Bow- manville Hospital on June 26th, 1950, a brother for Margaret Ann. 26-1* WILSON-Tommy anid June Wil- son, Newcastle, are happy te an- nounce the arrival of their son, Leigh Thomas, on Jurie 25th, 1950, at Bowmanviile Hospital, a baby brother for Wyllene. 26-1* The mrriige o! Greta Patricia Palmer, Reg. N., daugbter o! Mrs. Nellie Palmer, Bowmanville, and William Rosnak, Oshawa, will take place Saturdmy, July 22nd at 3 o'clock in St. John's Angli- can Church. 26-1' T1he engagement is announced o! Lilianne (Anne) Mary Naylor, daughter o! Mrs. Naylor and the late Mi-. Edwin S. Naylor, Bow- mariville, Ont., ta Mr. Jack Bridgland, Oshawa, son of Mr. Chai-les F. Bridgland and the late -Mrs. Brid gl1a nd, Sittingborne, Kent, England. The wedding wil take place July 29th at 3:30 o'clock in St. Johri's Anglican Church, Bawmmnvîlîe, Ont. 26-1' DEATHS SWALLOW-At Maple Grave on Saturday, June 24th, 1950, Jessie Isabel Sîernan, beloved wife o! Clifford Pbîpps Swallow anid demi- daugbtcr o! Mrs. William T. Sîce- mari, o! Port Hope, and the late Mr-. Sîernan, aged 43 years. Fun- ci-ai on Monday, June 26th, fram Northcutt & Smith's Punci-al Chapel, Bowmanviile, at 3:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 26-1 VANNATTO -At the residence, Kendal, on Friday, Juno 23, 1950, David H. Vannatto <beloved hus- band of Elizabeth Jane Moore) aged 82 years. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel until Sat- urday faon, thence at the resld- once, Kendal. Service in Kendai United Church on Sunday at 2:00' o'clock. Intorment Lakevlew Cemetery, Newtonviloe. 26-1 Farm HeIp EXLPERIENCED, roliable Holland familles available. Arrlving soon. Write te S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestle- ton, Ont. Phone 225 -24 Port periy. - 22-14 UAHD OF THANXS I wish ta thank those who sent cards, fruit, flowers, etc., and for holping with. the chai-es, and also te the nur'Ées aon B2 floor and Dr. Sturgess and Dr. McKenzie, while in Oshawa Hospital. Milton Wannan, Kirby, 26-1' We wauld like ta thank oui- neighbours and friends o! Hamnp- ton and vicinîty for the electric appliances, also the Wornen's Institute for the vei-y lovcly china wen wc rnoved fi-rn Hamptoni. Mr.Clifford Colwill and Ruby. 26-1* I would like ta say thank you ta the many kind frîends wbo sent me, cards anid gifts while ill, alsa rnany thanks. ta the Wornen's Institute, Companions o! Foi-est, and Ladies o! the Cariadian Leg- ion for the lovely plants and flowers. Mvrs. C. Gatchell. 26-1 The family of the late Mrs. Cephas Jobns wishes ta express sincero thanks and appreciation ta their friends and relatives for rnany kindriesses through the years o! ber illness, for messages o! sympthy and beautiful floral tributes at the time o! ber death. 26-1* Mr. Clifford Swallow and the Sleeman family wish ta extend their sincero thanks ta their many friends, relatives and xîeigh- bai-s for their kindness, sym- patby and bemutiful floral trihutes received during their rodent sad beeavement. Especially thank- ing the nurses, doctors and the Rev. Mr. Yardley for bis consol- ing words during Jessie's illness. 26-1 The farnily o! the late Mrs. Wm. Griffin wish to extend sincero thanks and appi-ociation for the mmny kindnesses, messages o! love and uriderstanding and beau- tiful floral offorings fi-rmaur manv relatives and friends dur- ing the long illness, tondered oui- dear mother. Special thanks to Miss Harding and members of the Bowmanvîlle Hospital staff, Dr. Siemon and aisa special thanks ta Mrs. Mary Cann. 26-1 IN MEMORIAM EDGER-In lovirig memory of a dear -father, William Edger, who passed away June 27th, 1928: A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps hîs' memory ever near, Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turs back every leaf. -Ever remembcred by the fam- ily. 26-1 GOODAL-In loving memôry of a deariy beloved wife, Helen Grace Goodail, who passed away on Jurie 27th, 1948: The world may change front year to year Anid friends from day ta day, But neyer wili the one I loved Prom rnemory pass away. -Ever rernembered by hier bus- band John Goodaîl. 26-1' TAYLOR-TIn loving memory of our dear mother, Matilda Taylor, who passed away June 28th, 1949: Two bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile, Deep trust in God, that ail was right, Her joy, to make some other bright, If sick or suffering one she knew, Some gentie act of love she'd do, No thought of self, but of the other, I kriow He said: "Well donc, dear mather." Till mernory fades and life .o 1departs Yo ive forever in our hearts. -Daughters, Minci-va, Bertha and Alida. 26-1' Notice FARMERS! . .. We have purchased a new CASE AUTOMATIC DALER whlch la now available for Cusfom Work RUSS VIRTUE - Phono LEON MOORE - Phono TYRONE 2878 2344 261 Nfotices Dr. Storey's office will be ciosed June 28th ta Aug. 8th. 24-6' Dr. ]Rundle's office will be closed fi-rn June 3th ta Aug. 2nd inclusive. 25-3 Dr. Keith Slemnon's office will be closed for holidays fi-arn June 24th ta July 9th inclusive. 25-3' Dr . H. Ferguson's office will be closed ater June 28th and will bo open again on August 7th. 24-3* Parents wishing te enroUl their children i the Nursery School please Phone Mrs. C. A. Wight, 2222. 25-2 Bowmanville Publie Library will ho clased fi-rn July lst ta l7th Inclusive. L.E.MorIT1, Sec'y.-Treas. 25-2. ILost BLACK horse, bought from R. O. Gibson, 3 miles north of Ponty- pool, last Tuesday, June 2t. Reward. Margwill Pur Farm, Bowmanviile 2679. 26-1 LOST between Bowmanville and Pontypool, yellow cat with white legs and white tip on tail. Gen- erous reward. Jean qoulter, Pontypool, Phone Bethany,« 20r2. 26 1* Found ONE bond clipping, value $7.50. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and payîng for this ad. Phone 408, Mason & Dale. 26-1 Help Wanted WOMAN kitchen helper wanted. Apply Cowan'e Restaurant, Bow- manville. 25-tf GIRL or woman to help with housework on farm for July and August. Mrs. C. W. Downey, Phone 2590. 26-1 WE have an opening in this dis- trict for reliable mari with car, earnings far above average. Write Box 420, Statesman Office. 26-2* WANTED-labourers and truck drivers for highway work west of Duke St., Bowmanville. Apply job office, first side road west of Duke St., Tomlinson Bros. Co. Ltd. 25-2 VA4CANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-F- 140-189, Montreal. 22-5 MAN to assist with fmi-m woi-k during July and August, exper- ience at operating machinery fat necessmry, $100 a moxîth and board. Gordori Strong, R.R. 3, Burketan, PhonoePPi-t Perry 165r3, 26-1' HOUSEKEEPER wmnted iri To- ronto. Pmmily consists o! two adults and girl 21/2 yoars aId. Six room hause overlooks park. Per- manent position' for capable housekeeper. Write giving full information ta Mrs. Don Henshaw, 212 Hanna Road, Tororito 17, or telephone HUdson 0108. 24-3, Wanted HIGHEST prices paid ior al kinds of iron and scrap metals; also live poultry. Phone 239M12 Oshawa, reverse charges. 24-4' ROOMS or room and board ur- gently requîred for good type male industrial workers. Advise accommodation available an d ra1e to National Employmcrit Service, 22 Albert St., Oshawa, Phone 2616. 26-4 More Country Correspondents To Send News te THE STATESMAN Prom communities ini Durham County where we haven't correspondents. The work is interesting and fascinating, and besides you i-en- der a reai service in keeping the activities o! your cornmunity on the map. If interested write or contact Bill James at The Statesman Office who wili be glad to discuss the matter with you. Wanted To Rent IN Bowmanville by rechable rnid- dle-aged couple. Srnall house or 4 or 5 roomed apartment, cen- trally located, Phone 831 before 5 p.m. 26-1* For Rent APARTMEN'r, central locain Possession July lst. Phone 784 Bowmanville. 26-1* PASTURE with running water. cattie charged for by the head. Telephone 2200 after 6 p.m. 26-1 AT Courtice--3 rooms, nice home for an elderly woman or couple. Phone Oshawa 4702W4 or write Mrs. M. Lewars, Bowmanville, R.R. 3, 24-3' Room and Board BUSINESS girl desires roorn and board in corigenial home. Write Box 421, Statesman Office, Bow-q mnville. 26-1' For Sale or Rent BRICK house -6 rooms, central location on Church Street, Bow- nanville. Immediate possession. 1 Apply Kate Poster, Bowmanville, Box 9, Phone 586. 26-1 For Sale By Tender Outdoor rink cushion, 175 feet long, 75 feet wîde and 4 feet hlgh.- One inch dressed matched lum- 1 ber, braoed by 2x4 lumber. Has >ecri in use for two seasons, Sec- tions 16 feet long, 4 feet high. 1 Property o! the Bowmanville Mcmorial Park and can be seeri - Dn the park grounds. Tenders ta o lose on Wednesday, July Sth, 1 and ta be sent te Mr. W. R. Mut-1 ton, 114 Liberty St. S., Bowmari- ville, marked tenders for rink ~ ushion. Highest or any tenderc not necessarily accepted. 26-1y Famers Attention!1 V WE wlll ho pleased ta, pick Up dead or ciippled fmi-m animais and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266 W, Gordon Young Ltd. . 2t£ à-4 w Vw%ý A..Lq-8 >NGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs,d ird goods and hall runriers; Rex- n uni Doluxe 2 and 3 yards wide,s d goods at budget prices. an 451, Wlker Stores. 23-tf INVEET' your wagon wheels ta 9 bber, complote stock o! steel s ms, tires and tubes now avail- S le. G. P. Jamieson Tire Shop. b rner King and Silver Sts.,b ine 467. 1 61I-tf Additional Classified On Page 21, Articles For Sale LINOLEUM headquarters if Osh- awa and district. Rexoleumns,. Congoleums, Printed and Inlald Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is. available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IMMEDIATE delivery, Faix banks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, dlean economîcal way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf QIL burners installed, complete with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as littie as $35 down and 24 months to pay. W. Lenj Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and1 Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 26-tf McCORMICK-Deering hay loader. 2 hay forks; three sliding racks, complete with track; McCormick Deering mower, with tractor and horse hitch, both 5 and 6 foot cut bar. Wilfrid Carruthers. Articles For Sale 4-BURNER clectric stove. Phor 803. 26. PRAM, Eriglish style. Apply 1Church St. 26-1 25 ACRES mixcd hay, standîn, W. Wado, Courtice. 26-1 1931 CHEV.' coach, cheap fc quick sale. Phono 2904. 26. ICE box, metal, well insulatei 25-lb. capaclty. Phone 559. 26. SMALL crib and rnattrcss, in goo coridition, $8.00. Phone 514. 26- 14 ACRES standing hay. M. .A Pickering, R.R. 2, Newcastle.' 26- COOK stove, Pindiay Oval. Joli Cowling, Hampton, Phone 2563. 26-1 MASSEY -Harris tractai- tiaile rnower, good as ncw. Phone 213E 26-1 1949 PONTIAC coach, Delux, model, heator and seat cover Phone 731. 26- '31 BUICK sedan, almost nev tires, $50. Apply E. D. Knapp Middle Road.' 26-l' BOY'S bicycle, $20.00; Simmoný bcd, spring, mattress, $35.00 Phone 3488 eveniigs. 26-. ONE 5x10 Snooker table, com. plete, in good condition. Apply 7ý King St. E., Bowmaiville. 26-11 CONGOLEUM rugs and yaro goods availabie ini many colou- fui patternis at Morris Ca. 17-ti MAN'S used bicycle; also tricycle in fi-st class condition. Apply 127 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 26-1e 30 ACRES of standing hy i falfa and Timothy mixed. Oronci 62r8. Fred G. Smnith, Tyrone. 26-1 PIANOS-Do yau require a piano for fali dolivery? If so, make arrangements now. P. J. Mitchell. 26-1' 33 CHEV. Master Coupe, good runnin g condition. Sou roason- able for cash. Apply 26 Plett St. 26-1' WELL grawn Brussels spi-outs and Savoy cabbage plants foi- faîl harvest. Phone 2200 after 6 p.m. 26-1 EUREKA Vacuumn Cleariers, tank nodels from $39.50 up at Morris Co. Phono for free dernonstra- tion. 17-tf 0" QUAKER oul heater with thermostatic contrai fan. Apply Neat-Way Sboe Repair or Phono 112. 26-1 MAHOGANY chest of drawers; .ralnut dining-room table, ver- ndah chairs, large trunk. Phone 2287. 26-1 WOTORCYCLE - Harley-Davld- ;n, '47, -61 O.H.V. Apply J. Cald- well, 94 Liberty St. North, Bow- .anville. 26-1* ýHEV. coach, 1935, ini good run- iing order, with good tires, priced xoeap for quick sale. Fred Cowi- ng, Burketon. 26-1* S29 DE SOTO, good tires, hy- Iraulic brakes, seal beam head- ights; rubber-tired wagon; 170 nnment blocks. Phono 835. 26-1' VE measure anid install Venetian lirids. Phono Morris Co. for stirnates. We also carry a dam- )Lto stock o! window shades. 17-tf 70LEMAN gas stove, with two /ens; PFindlay Condor Jr. cook tove; Empire heater. Apply ta r. J. P. Martin, Newcastle. 26-1 939 OLDSMOBILE sedan,' with [ater, defroster. Must ho sald o clear an estate. Toi-ms cari ýarranged. Phone 73r4, Orano. 26-1' 937 FORD coach, matai- and con- tion excellent, radio, heater, rivate. G. Petersan, first bouse 7est o! Oshawa Wood Products, ourtice. 26-1' R READY for Spring and Surn- or with Sismari Scampers for -PLUMBING, Heating and Oil ,s Burners instmlled anywbere i- Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest qumity. For fi-ee -estimatos cmii W. Len Eiliott, -Heatirig, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, 3Phono 3348. 26-tf FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- e rs, Washing Machines, Ranges, -service on malk coolers and mot- fors, that wiring job or nything -electî-ic. Trade -in or Toi-ms. Consult Wei-ry & Son Electric, Dealers for Woods Electric Parrn Equiprnent, Phono 2539 Bawrn- ville. 23-6 ALL kinds o! moat, good quaiity weiners, bologna, cookcd hams, smoked hmms and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Pack- ing Ca., Hampton, Phono 2836; also pickling, smoking and saus- age making. Durîng the summer manths - hog killing on Tues- days and cattle at any tine. 20-tf BRAND. new 6 cu. ft. General refrigorator, ta demi-, $229.50; 7.6 Ray refrigerator, siightly dam- mged in shipping, regular $339, for- $305, 5-yr. guarantee; 7 du. ft. Coolerator refrigerator, $329.00; large froezing unit, goes straight across top, $329,00; used Hostess refrigerator, $200.00. Murphy's, Phone 811. 26-1 TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- atians ta choose fi-rn. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Ca!! ce Table, 2 Wainut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Larnp, 1 Metal Srnoker, 1 Alum- înum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- lal $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Toi-ms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose fi-rnm.2-tf USED Case V tractai-; new Case S tractai-; new Case SC ti-actor; used Allis Chalmers B tractor; used M.-H. grain bindor; used I.H.C. power coi-n binder; used Silent Glow ail humner; used DeLavai bot wmtei- boater; used Spi-amotor orchard spi-myci-, com- plote with matai-; wator systexns; steel posts; farm fonce; new De- Lavai refrigorator; 2 new Case bai-se mawcrs; used Case mower;, new Case side rake. W. H. Brown,1 BRADILEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfits, completie, $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterficld suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spririg- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light iarnps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges frorn $59.00, 3-pc. ailover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, gi-cen or wine oriental designis, $49.50; chenille bcd sprcads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271. 6-tf Chicks For Sale EGGS up ini price, meat soaririg. Dor't miss out on t!ie high prices you are bound ta get this sum- mer and faîl for eggs arid poultry meat. Prompt delivery on chicks day-aid ta eight weeks, rior-sexed, pullets, cockcrels. Turkeys, day- old ta four weeks, rion-sexed, sexed hens, sexed Toms. Reduced prices for July. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Lîrnitcd, Fergus, Ont. 26-2 Wanted To Buy SCRAP iran and batteries. Phone Clarke 2530. 17-tf BUSH - mnust be predorninately hard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 193r4. 22-tf BEPORE selllng your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Personal SKINNY MEN, WOMENI Gain 5 ;a 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrox Tanic Tablots for double results; new healthy fiesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted'l ize only 60c. Ail druggists. 26-1 RYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) rnailed postpald in plain :ealed erivelope with price lisi. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. M'ail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Auction Sales I have- received Instructions from Mr. Adam 'Keane, Lot 28, Con. 6, Clarke Township, 1 Con. north of Orono, to sell by public auction on. Frlday evening, June 3th at 8:00 p.m. sharp, 25 acres of standing hay. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-2 The undersigned has. received instructions ffom Mrs. J. P. John- ston, Lot 23, Con. 4, Clarke, (P/2 miles east and %,4 -mile south of Orono) to seIl by public auction on Tuesday, July 4th, at 7:30 p.m., 35 acres of standing hay. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26. The uridersigned bas received inistructionis fram Mi-. Lanson Milîson, Lot 10, Con. 2, Clai-ke TWP., % mile wost and %, mile north o! -Newtoillcta sell by Public auction on 'Wednesday evcning, July 5th, at 7:30 p.rn., 55 acres o! standinig bay. Toi-ms cash. No roserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26-1 The. uridrsigned has rocoived instructions fi-rn the executors o! the estate o! the late James Storie, Lots 2 and 3, Con. 4, Clar-ke Twp., 1 'ý miles oast o! Crooked Ci-eek Store, to seli by public auction on Monday, July .3rd at 7:30 p.m., 35 acres o! standing hay. Toi-ms cash. No roserve. Jack Reid, auctiancer. 26-1 Auction Sale o! Fmi-m Impie- monts, the propcrty o! Hilliard Simnpson, Lot 19, Cari. 4, Clar-ke (4 miles southemst o! Orono) on Pridmy, Juiy 7th, mt 1:30 ,. iriciuding a full lineofo macbmnery, rnast o! whicb bas been purchascd nîow since 1940. For complote list sec buis. Terms cash. Albert Moi-ton, clerk; Ted Jackson, auc- ticoneer. 26-2' The undersigned bas received instructions fi-arn the executar af the estate o! the late Mrs. Wm, Thetford, ta seli by public auction on Saturday, July 8tb, at ber late residence, 36 Carlysie Ave., Bow- manvilie, ber ontiro household ef!octs. This will iniclude antique furniture, dishes, glasswmre and new G.E. rc!rigei-ator, electric stove, chesterfield suite and many other items. Toi-ms cash., Sale at 1 p.m. No roserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-3 ATTENTION FARMERS commenclng THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH 411l sales held at the Durham County Sales Arena, Orono will commence ai 7:30 p.m. anid coritinue on ThÙi-sday evon- ing a! each week until September 28th -Terma Cash - AI Hall, Jack Reid, Sales Manager. Auctianeer. The undersigned muctioneer bas had instructions ta seli by public auctiari for W. Stewart, in the village o! Tyrone, south o! Ey- am's Store, on Saturdmy, July lst, a quantity o! household ef!ects, indiuding Pindlay Oval cook stove, good as now; floor covorings, 3 beds; di-essers; table; dhair-s; qumntity o! wood; dishes; pots and pans; and many other articles. Persans wisbing to put other furniture ini this sale may do so. Sale at 1:30 Toi-ms cash. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 25-2 The undersigned bas received instructions fi-rn the eicecuto- o! the estateofo the late W. R. Mc- Iritosb, ta soul by public auction on Saturdmy, July lst, carmoenc- ing at 10:00 am. ini the moiring, at bis late business address, 226 George St. North, Peterborough, kriowri as Mcîntyre Tii-c Shop. This sale offe-s hundreds o! new and used automobile and truck tires, tubes, reliners, a full lino of garage tools, vulcanizing equip- ment, 1940 Oidsmobile coupe, of- fice equipment and dozens o! othei- items. For fui-the- partic- uars sce bis. Terms cash. No resci-ve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Work Wanted CUSTOM-baling with Allis'Chal- mers baier anid side'rake. Moi- ley McAllister, Gardon Hîi, Phone 6r14. -26-1 PAINTING and Dccorating, in- terior anid exterioir. Fine car- pentry work. Guaranteed satis- faction. Free estirnates. Phone 77r7 Orono, Horace York. 25-3 G E N E R A L Building Ropairs, asphaît, metal and alumirium shingles, Insul-brick sold and ap- plied. Free ostimatos, Ed. Storry, Builder, Phone Port Perry 277J. 16-tf BRAKE DRUMS! Lathlng, Honing and Grlndlng We specialize in complete brake ovcrhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowrnanville LAWNMOWERS SHARPENE» Have them sharpened with oui- new precisian machine. Call 467 for pickup and dolivery G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 2 1-tf BRAKES! BONI)ED BRAKES! No Rivets We mIsa carry rivet type brake liningai sets or i-ail stock llnings dut to, your needs. BOB STOCK.ERS GARAGE phone 804 Bowmanv'Iie Real Estate For Sale 1 Real Estate For Sale 1 % STOREY brick house, six rooms, new. Apply 26 Flett St., Bowmanville. 26-1* FURNISHED log cottage, com- fortable and secluded, Salmon Trout Lake, North Hastings, Phone Bowmanville 434. 24-tf THREE-roomed house, on Y -acre lot, in Bowmanville, fully insul- ated, built-in cupboards, good garden. Apply 24 O'dell St., Bowmanville. 26-1* IN Bowmanville, double brick house for sale, 55 Elgin St., poss- ession of one side. Ahl conven- iences. Small down payment and rental terms. E. and F. Sutton, 429 Kingston Road, Toronto 8. 18-tf Real Estate For Sale Onie o! Newcastie's rnost out- standing homes. Sacrifice. $16,500 at this price this Ti-aperty is a gift. Idcally located on No. 2 Highwmy, surrounded by lovely aid trocs, terraced lawns and valuable perenniai bai-dors. The bouse is substantiaily built, solid brick and architecturaily beauti- fuI. 12 spacious rooms including 2 fully cquipped.kitchens. Would make an excellent rooming bouse. AIl city conveniences: bath, low cost heating system, bot wmter with stocker. Twa-car brick gar- age, 8-acre lot, 6 acres orchard, best varicties. Wonderful income possibiiities. Everything immacu- late outside and in. Toi-ms. Poss- Nemi- Port Hope, $12.000 - 150 acres exceptionaliy good lake- shore land, high and weii di-ained. Seven-i-oomed fi-mme bouse, two bai-ns, cernent stabling, lai-go hon bouse. Scixool on corner o!fmi-rm. High School bus passes door. Ploughing possession in Sept. On Rice Lake, $6,000 - Large ladge and cahins, nemi- Bewdley, lovely bathing beach. Immediate possession. Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Newcastle HAMLTON'S REAL ESTATE $6,000 - New offering, 200-acre farm near Leskard, 90 workable, balance good pasture and bush, 2 good barns, metal roofed and concrete floors, cernent silo, water in barn. Spotlessly dlean six- roomed insul-bric residence, hard- wood floors. Stock and imple- ments cari also be bought as a going concern. Easy terms and possession to suit. Other farms in Durham Courity from $1,500 ta $20,000. Terms arranged in aIl cases. First mortgage furids on harid for residential, business property or working farms. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phonies: res. lr16 - office 32r10 NIXON REAL ESTATE $8,400 - Immediate possession, owner retîring, 8 rooms, stone house, 2-piece bath, hardwood floors, full basement, new roof, attached garage, hip roof bai-n 94x34, council standard roof, cernent stable, cernent floors, lots of water, 3 streams, big driving shed, 100 acres, good gravel road. This place is dlean and tidy ini- side and out. Beautiful new dweiiing, 6 spaciaus roorns, hardwood floors, hydro, furnace, 3-piece bath. Everything in immaculate condition. $8,500. Tcrms. Possession arranged. $6,000-Solid brick house, eight roams, hydro, bath, full base- ment, central location, nice lawn. Possession arranged. $4,800-50 acres on No. 2 High- way, about 30 workable, smail bush anid creek, good barrn with watcr inside, brick bouse, low taxes. Possession imrnediately. Frame dwellirig, 7 rooms, hydro, orchard, well, spring, barn, stable, low taxes, around 10 acres, gravel road, close ta school. $2,600. $2,000 -2 acres wooded land, creek, weli, hydro, dwelling 16x24, nice place for vacation. Possession James Nixon Bowmanvillc Phono 682 160 Liberty St. N. 26-1' Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guarariteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoo Repaîr Shop, King St. West. 9-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- built and re-uphoistercd. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have aur consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquiro at Wcbor's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toa ah makes of refrig- oerators, domestic and commercial; miiking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 1 Chiropodist 5t T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg Gencral chir-opody wark. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTA $6,700-with $2,700 dwn, n four-room bungalow, twa beb rooms, large living-room, modern kitchen witIf breakfast nook, modemn bathioom, ot air funace, laundry tubs, electric hot water heater, eavy wiring, garage situated on nice lot north end o town. $650 dowri - Cottage on East Beach, seven rooms, flush toileti on each floor, furnished, vacant. Price $2,.50. $750 dowr-New six-room bunga- low, havy wiring, new well, on 1/4-acr, facing new Highway nar Bowmanville. Price $3.500. New five-rooni brick bungalow, picture window, newy decorated, hot air furnace, modern kitchen and bathroom. Price $7,200.Te Grandview Lodge on East Boa beautiful vicw o! Lake Qntario, ton rooms, conveniences, heavy wiring, funished. $7,500 or nemi-- Tourist Home, or Convalescenl Home, naw rented as apartments. $115,00 revenue mantbly, fi!teeri rooms, brick, on corner property, in centre o! Bowrnanville. $10,000 or neaiest offer. Terms. $2,000 down-Nice home, five raoms, 3-pce. bathroom on main floor, nice gardon, full cllai, work bench, hydra, also extra large room at back of bouse, couid ho made into recreation raom. On Ontario Street near centre of town. Price $4,500. Brick bouse, 8 raoms, smàl barr, nice grounds, 3/5 acre, hydro, col- la-, furnished, low taxes, in quiet rosidentiai street in Newcastle. Price $6,900, with haîf cash. Farm-50 acres, near Part Hope on Highway No. 2, brick bouse, barni, bydro, fi-uit trocs, ci-eek. Pricz $4,800. Toi-ms. Fmi-100 acres, brick bous,, drive shed, etc. Near Blackstock. Price $4,000. Farmn - 181 acres, near Newton. ville, brick bouse, large bai-ns, garage, etc. Price $9,000. Terms. Spec'imi 3-room bungalow, bydro, cllai, fiuit trees, good gaidon, Iow taxes, wve] , an Scugog Street, rorth end. Price $2,250. Faim-167 acres, 7-room bouse, new furnace, bains, bydro, .crops ncluded, gravel pit, ever !lowing streams, just off Highway No. 2, near Oshawa. Special-.$3,700 campete, Restaur.. anit, scrving full course meals, Fish and Chips, in Port Peiry.. Rent $46.00 per morith, lncludlng 4-roam apa'rtrnent above store, ..easo. AIl expensivo equipment and fixtures incuded. Pist came, ist served. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West r. Shehyn D. Maclachian Phone 3326 Bowmanviile Phono 689 Oshawa Livestock For Sale POULTRY-50 one-year-old Leg- horn hens for sale, laying good. Appiy H. J. Metcalf, R.R. 2, Bow- manville, after 6 p.m. 26-1' TEN Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old, eligible for registrationi; yaung goase, gander and 7 gaslings; also Pleury walking plow, in good condition. Chester McGrath, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie. 26-1' NEW CARS and TRUCKS 1 can deliver:- Mercury - Meteor Anglia and Prefect Cars also Mercury Trucks For Free Demonstration Phone STEWART Bowmanville 3263 Hey Gan g... DANCE f -r-% To Your FAVORITE RECORDS FRIDAY iGETf at Frayer's CAESAREA Platters spun by "Windy" BEING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUJM COST 35c PER AD TUE CANADTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTAIUO Phon 92. 2--1 PAGE TWENTY-TWO i