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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1950, p. 4

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eArGE POUR 1~ .t~AMAnTAM ~TÂ'TT.~MA~ ~flWMAMVTT.?V I~M'I'A~?i~ __________________________ -- -' ~ TT~TT1~flA'tt TTTN1! ~O: tata provided- for supplies. Mrs. James Health la a woman". In Liberia and' . W meïsClu Beaà Nkessecodedthe *oton. where women only recently ob- each yesr by each B. and P. Womi- women Cabinet members; one is Rito v f n er afno l rup en's Club is an outstanding ev- Secretary for War. Two have cnt", Mrs. Pewtrsa sald.1 She been elected tribal chieftans and Pre entd eno aldescribed the aninual Light Cere- another runs one of the largest 'P-rsenled Y Ro iona Bir ctormony during which candies- are rubber plantations in the coun- lighted, one by one, for each coun- try. "Memersof he owmnvile Screary red th miute oftrywhere the Federation has been "In Canada we have had the ]Busiessed rsof tessBow nve ertarad hemueso established, and then a candle ex- vote since 1919 buL we have yet Btsres ad roesinal Wom- the Executive meeting held last tinguished for each country where to realize and show our strength. ens' Club receive flot only the Thursday evening at the residence the Clubs have had to go under- We will begin to do so in the near benefits of a local organization, of the Vice-President Mrs. Glen- ground or have flot come back future. Senator Margaret Chase en blut are also part of an interna- holme Hughes. The Treasurer, sic ol a ý mihi h .S asthr r el oeikern! For sure re- ~-iona1 fedieration that has strong Miss Violet McFeeters received wresnwhwo nhaeotheqiktwyt m e *'&nd active units in 19 countries"l the dues of the new members. "The Federation of B. and P.toraoswywmnhv o excellent jelly or jam of amal '5ýtated Mrs. M. Pewtriss, President The meeting had been declared a Women's Clubs in Czechoslovakia made a success in politics and they futi h etnnehd sn -f the Cobourg Business and Pro- Charter Night as it as the first was banned by the communlst are. 1, Men and 2, Women. Fistfrit i her omercial iquid.or rs- * .fessional Women's Club, who is regular meeting. A proposai from govrnmnt terea feimoths en ecaue tey sortsighedl Iso the Regional Director, in her the Bowmanville Branch o! the ago", she told the meeting. "This vigorously oppose the acquiring ta ein is ws easy i fat elly 41ddiress at the meeting o! the Canadian Legion to seil roses at shows the power the Clubs had Jof political power by women. Sec- akrong t o s o tteasy it's- tem- ~owmanville B. and P. Women's the Legion Fair in July was dis- in that country and why the Reds' onaly, women bave flot stood to- tain osight thefe eay-ut Club held in the Lions Cammunity cussed and accepted. A number found it imperative ta ban them. gether and exerted their majority rgtrls Centre on Monday evening. of members volunteqared. Miss The Czechoslovakian President of votlnRe power". TAKE A TIP Mis Dois abison Pesient Heen edell Coresondngthe B. and P. Women's Clubs has During the last municipal ec- 1. Select good ta look at, ready MisDrsRoisn resided.nn Ms Helen TihWSc etary, mav ed tasum be since disappeared. A courageous tion i aoug heseke u-toetfi Tigh, .Secrtar, moed hat su be n Cbour, te spake ou diroectefrut and prepare exactly as btpathetic and short note a lined how the Cobourg B. and P drce in the recipe accomp- received from her by the Canadian Club had 'contacted the members anying the package. and U. S. Executive shortly before, a! every woman's organization 2. Scrub, scald and drain jelly in which she wrote: 'Please, please and labour groups, called a gen- jars and tin lids. do not write or attempt to make eral meeting and pointedi out that 3. When a recipe states sim- contact with us. It would only politics and religion did not enter mnering time, bring mixture to M ýR:@«wfflmean further danger ta us. We the picture, but to concentrate on bail, reduce heat, cover and turn will keep the light alive, and you electing a woman. The result w8,e heat to simmer or lowest you can. MONTREAL - Weddings- showers wvill hear from us as soon as it that their woman candidate led A quart o! fruit will simmer on a ~ ,birhdas . ai rd ltte das ae "igossible'. the poil. closed element turned to Off pas- birtday allredleter dys re 'igh" Te history a! the Federation "The B. and P. Club. must be ition for 10 minutes, covered. days for cake decorated ta suit the occasion. was outlined by Mrs. Pewtriss who an asset to the town" the speaker 4. To drain off the juice, spread But make sure it's the best cake evcr - by pointed out that the U. S. Feder- continued. "There are. many a square (about 1 yard) of Can- using the finesý ingredients! Ingredients ation came into being 31 years ago ways in which the Club can be ton flannel over a colander in a suc a SWNSDOW CKE LOR, when 212 delegates representing of assistance such as raising funds pan and pour in the prepared suchas SAINT DON CAE FLUR, B. and P. groups and other wom- for a good cause, providing equip- fruit. Bring corners of cloth to- the cake flour that's sifted aver and over en's organizations and 200 other ment for nursery schools, or play- gether and twist gently. Press again until it's 27 timcs as fine as ordinary flour. Not party interested women met in St. Louis groundis, or joining with other or- the bag with a potato masher. cakes alone - but ail cakes - are better made with Swans at a conference financed by the ganizations to help the commkinity 5. If there is a slight shortage t Îown. Don't just take niy word for it that Swans Down is Y.W.C.A. It was called because at large. In the autumn you can of juice, mix a littie water with a wnde-wrke (tauh Iveproed t a msei aer nd of World War I when women's choose your own project for the the pulp in the cotton bag and a!onerwoke TY . S Vvns Don - tte ey ext "geand services were needed but there season. squeeze again. over again!.TY.SasDw -th eynx "gl had nat been national mobiliza- 6 Be sure ta measure accur- occasion" cake you bakel in hr eesvrlCn "Variety is aur keynote-we adian delegates to the U. S. con- want young, middle-aged and aid- ately. Usefr th sra fruitmas Hoti,.Jgl:- or serve it icy-cold . .. this coffee is always deliciousI ferences but they were f irm in erwmni1u lb.W eduigcpfrbt ua n ri For RED ROSE COFFEE is qualityi coffee! You can their stand that they could flot the vtaeitao!ayrth, teeeepei- orjuice t on ts od tate wencve youfeellikea cu ence of middle-age and the wis- 7.Uealrdepscpn EY Co ntonltsgodtseweee ofelikacu form an International Federation a !drwmn as the sweetened juice cornes toa a orelygood. coffeel When guests drap in - whe ni eeainhdb s full, olnbi.Thssatu - buying coffee for your church social ... do makie sure Tbiheehd ii Cn saa. Bjadec mme o eeo hrpr ling bail that cannot be stirredE * i'sRe RseCofe! utdo'tsrve it only 0 hr a ensatrdB n ec ebrt eea e e-dawn but boiling period is short. yo RebrdgRe club ees1t yur os rwe a e utaFdrtion ad benEen "T e Cboffers poffrtuiyta rlinoalpTi-s ub speciol occasions - your family will like Red Rase P. Women's Clubs in Canada since sonality.Sendyiofrs0 Use wooden spoon ta keep fruit E ofetoo!ndoulfidtathsaeRdRe 1910. but it was not until Eloise partunity ta further thc intercsts from sacig o otm o 7 ~quality makes Red Rose Tea tops in taste, too 1 That's Girdleston, a member af the To- O! women in business and the kettîe.r wby Red Rose is a top-of-the-shopping list buyword in s0 many ranta B. and P. Women's Club professions". 8. Aftcr pectin is added, skirn1 thousands of Canadian homes! moved ta Vancouver to live and "Debates are mentally stimu- off any scum with metal spoon.f work, suggested there thet fcd- lating and entertaining" she re- 9. Fili jeily jars ta within 1/2 Matched Equipment In The eration was needed for strcngth markcd, in describing several held inch o! top and apply a thin filma f tchen th nge that the National organization in Cobourg with other arganiz- a! melted wax. When jeily is t of thethingswas formed at a conference in ations. She also told of a course coid, pour on a littie mare wax. à whicb in niy.- July, 1930. in public speaking thc Club there Leave lids off if there is any fý pinion, make "This means that we are in aur had enjoyed. She also explaincd danger of pressing wax on jelly 1; modern kitchens 2s er n wiil becaming o! ways in which one club can be or jam as this causes seepage and tractiv e but l'au Have DOUBLE Assurance age next month. Our member- useful on labour-management re- then spoilage. nlie ofcomplete baking success when ship in Ontario alone is now more lations. 10. Label all jam and jeilies moreThat's.wyI iketat yu aeah "no-failure" Cadu- than 6,000. "We are very proud of the fact and store in a cool, dry place, r catchy slogan the Frigidaire people met way! Yes, CALUMET BAK- In 1930 the International Feder- that a congressman at the last REQUESTED RECIPES r thoughit up for the FRIGIDAIRE INO POWDER assures you muf- ation was formed in Geneva and session o! the U. S. Cangress rase Rbubarb .elly REFRIGEIIATOR and FRIG- fins and biscuits, cakes and batter the Canadian Federation a! B. and on the floor o! the House and ask- 21ý cups prcparcd juice r] IDAIRE E LECTRIC RANGE: puddings that are always light, P. Women's Clubs is a Charter ed permission ta read the officiai 315 cups Lyranulated sugar "Your matching pair -bath Frig- tender and perfectly deliclous! mnember a! that organization". Cr !teB n .Wmns 1bxpci rsas(V z. ) S idaire!" In just. fivc words it tells lt*s the double action of Calumet Members wcre urged by Mrs. Clubs") Mrs. Pewtriss said. "He ~ Ws n rmaot2is you what you recally want ta know that does the trickl In the mix- Pewtriss ta take an interest in theni quoted the prayer which '5fehruab Pttruhafo n')out thiese two appliancs ... that ing bowl, thausanda of tiny bub- municipal affairs and ta work for s'id at each meeting"t choperangpac i ajllfcothd they 'go togLetier" hcautifully in bies are formed ta prepare the representation by at least on anc a ahmeig" hpe n lcei el lt .2 OUtce ..Oad l'iat they the mactr on tak lac laThe seond waman an school boards and mu- Kee a 0Gd from pettiness and squeeze out juice. Add 2 you ýýnthe ctin tkes lac in he ven nicipal councils. "Politics are the Let us be large in thought, word draps red colouring. cc<onorny andt the dIclcndsibility n-hcn thousands of ,new lih art o! gavcrnment and govern- and deed 2. Measure out sugar.1N Frýig in,i -n i'(nfo a quarthe n- turcnt ueatry-lîg thne eri- ment is public housckeeping" the Let us be donc with fault finding 3. Measure juice inta a large S togiry Go ec tfor a qyutrFrgi- tfe to! Its ust a htte"dethieg- speaker painted out. "Womcn are And Icave off sel!-seeking. kettle and place aver high heat. nr aire DeGos. R n omberigindy-feti!s o-wayation t i priualy qaiid o uhMay we put off prètence and Add pectia crystals and stir cons- cc air Delors. onimbe, oly thi tw-wa acion...but.80 a wrk icannectain ihe xpfor di-Me et without sclf-pity or prejudice General Motors makos Frigidaire vcry importanti I find, for ail niy okicneto whexnd-My envrb as n products. . bakzing 1 tures, taxation, budget baiancing, May wentnyer be hsty ineo education, health and welfare. Jdretadawy eeas Here'à The Quickest,. surest way Specialir De., gned For Your She cxplined "One million wam- Let us take tirne far all things, I k noa w ta Meai - Geuting en paid seven million dollars in Grow calm. serene and gentie. in a k e, tende,r Coneniene ... inoetxi aaa*s er ýeauifuly eL Ilat' thenewshe, added, "yet theré is on]y anc better impulses. i ams and Jci- DURHAM oa representative inOitawa Grant we realize it's littie things les ...Use CORN STARCH woa as oc that create differences, O9 CERTO Fuitpacksgei , It"sa0ment cancernîng the expenditure Iitebgtig !lf eacoe Pectin! For cosy ta open and o! this money".0 Lord, let us flot forget ta be * U E U U Cet stenatural substance in close! AIl you " ae4w Om idLORA E I fruit that ma1kes jamq sjasa' and (Io: Just break eninn hesaS.the S 43vot wfom- kind.s Pe- Jellics 'e'-cxrceconcon-thie seal and inside you'll fiad eanCnrcsadtese, n te; Avot eo! tanks tganMrs. ew- trated andi con%,'enicntlIy bottled. Durham Corn Starch neatîy pro- in Italy 42, Dcnmark ha26an trsfoheitceinanhlp Certca reci;'es iu c fruits at their tccted ia a paper bag. No fussing woman was on the Commission in fui address was movcd by Mrs. $10,000 for your fan choiccst-fiilly--ri-pe, full-flavoured 'n' fuming with a knife or other Greenland which negotiated the Glenholme Hughes, scconded by $20,000 if yo die b, - and rein the prccious flavour sharp instrument ta open fthe treaty with Poland. India has Miss Margaret Nichais. and tenîpting colour yoil ]ose by package. Thon, when you've fin- 2 wamcn Ambassadors, 32 wam- $30,000 i you deI the -ong-4oil rnthad I (Certo ished using as muuoh " Durhana" en mayors or reeves, and 100 wam- ------__in__apublic__________ 9 reoipes cut thc. boiling time ta as you nred at the time, replace en judges, and the Minister o!fovea ýjust 1i mi'tt for bath jams and the top. It fits snugly-keeps aoutfo Brsnlua. public building. jellies, and make up ta 505c more el*ery last particle o! dust anL]uinberalfr SafodBrs jam or jelly f rom the samne prevents an y starch frona spillhng ulrecior amaunt of fruit.) X es, yau can outhth ouis handy-it-has I as Monumeflial Worksofy i ma, hit s fti u-wt hshnyt-adepack- LE G A L prnt mae hrft us o tissun age. And you'll be thrilled with ________________ Phone Whitby 552 Ask for pitca rd" mrs fruits wiLh Corto . . . -n the marvelous Ann Adam reoipes W. R. STRIKE, K.C. 318 Dundan St. E., WhltbY this policy. It will inti end ail the guesswork by follow- on the packagp! Try theeAnn Barrister, Solicitor, Natary FN ULT ing e<rcl the recipes under the Adam Lemon Pie soan1 . .. go olctr o arka!MnrIMNE UEN T N label of each Certo bottIcl good and so, ecanomieal, tool oeta Lfoank PhaMnealMONMRETS ANDe~i _ _ _ z ,Lon hoe 9 W'hen You Send The Youn asters off ta market for yau .. . there's on Bowmanville. OntarioaAKR sho0pping-list item l'in sure they wan't forget! Precise workmanship and Delicious, "nutty" HEINZ PEANUT BUTTER! LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. careful attention ta detail Yes, Reins Peanut Butter is a '4masterpiece"! ît's Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public are your assurance when "ohuck-full" af deliciaus peanut flavour right clown King St. W., Bowmanville vou chioose from the wide ta the last luso tous spoonful. Sa keep a supply always Phone, Office 688 Residence, 55e3to a motdan ~f i e ae n hand for al thascen t-ter.-- -s a ou Drn.M uel22 for tennisrrackets, fisling lines aàid long.ksting Nyloi DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S.sor-wa;PatcPit udaqes Office in his home sot-er lsis 4nsadLcur 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville ski equipmet ... those arc but a few of C1?emii Office Hours contributions ta the world at play. Yes' t ~II I9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednescday sports champion-Chemietry, is synllolized bi O VM UPhorne604 C-I-L Oval, the quàlity-mark of the cor REAL ESTATE BOW1IANVELLE (~ I cetREAL ESTATE . Proprins Soreentest 78 Kring Stlreetet Managed and Appraised Members o! the Canadian and m-.. Ontario Real Estate Boards 3. Shehyn D. Maciseblan FISHERMAN'S , Bowmanviile 326 Oshawa 689 LUCK AU I IN tThe big anse don't get away ____ when yau uie teugh Nylon MONTEITH & NIONTEITH lines and leaders, new a C,>-w , o gCharterezi Accounitants !«Muée, with 6abing 37 King St. E., Oshawa -,..'- enthusiasa acrose GiAnd&- Mr. Gardon W. Riehl, C.A, rcasdeat partper tantly. Add sugar and bring toaa full, rolling bail. Then time fast bail 1½ htinute by the dlock. Re- mave fram thc heat immediately, skim and pour into jelly giasses. Cover with paraffin. Label and store. Red Currant Jclly 6 cups prepared juice *62 cups white sugar 1 box pectin crystals 1. Crush 3 quarts washed, ripe red currants. Add V'/2 cups wat- er, bring ta simmer, caver, cook 10 minutes. Place in jelly cloth and squeeze out juice. 2. Measure out sugar. 3. Measure out juice and bring quickly ta full roiling 'bail. Add sugar as liquici heats and stirristg continues. Bail fast for /2 min- ute. Remove from heat; skim and bottie. Caver with thin layer a! paraffin, then a thicker layer when cold. Makes about-12 small glasses. .Sweet Cherry Jam 31/2 cups prepared fruit 4 cups white sugar 1 box pectin crystals 1. Pit about 3 lbs. washed, fully ripe cherries. Chap fine, or put thraugh a food chopper. 2. Measure sugar into bowl ta be used inter. 3. Use same measuring cup ta measure fruit inta 6-quart kettie. (May add water ta make up a small fraction o! cup a! fruit). 4. Add pectin crystals ta fruit and bring ta bail. 5. Stir in sugar and use wood- en spoon ta keep mixture from sticking ta pan. Bring ta a full rolling bail and time period for 1 minute by the dlock. Remove from heat. 6. Skirn with a metal spoon and ladel out into scalded glasses to within 1 2 inch o! top. Makes about 7 glasses. Seal with thin film o! melted wax, then thioker layer of wax when cald. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. T. R. asks: Do yau re- nove skin fram rhubarb when naking Rhubarb-Strawbcrry jim? Answer: Na. Leave skia on rhubarb. Mrs. C. M. asks:: Can you sub- titute molasses for sugar ta make black currant jam? Answer: Na. The molasses fla- 'aur "overpowers" the fruit. Anne Allan invites you tao write ta her c/o The Statesmnan. Send in yaur suggestions on home- making prablesas and watch this oiumn for replies. B.T.S.- Musicians, Entertain Kinsmen At Final Meeting Two musicians from the Boys' Mickey Jarvis and Jahnny Gra- TeSaem nSl ham entertained members o! theTh tfs p'-SI' Kinsmen Club at their final mqet- Ai Following Siores ing in the banquet raorn of the ____ Balmoral Hotel, June 20. Mickey, Dyer's Drug Store, Ne.wcastle. the solaist, sang "Enjay Yourself" D. G. Walton'g. Newcastle. 1 and "Lucky OP' Sun" in a husky Wilson & Brown, NewtonviU.le baritoTè. He was accompanied T. M. Siemnon, Ennfskillen. at the piano by Jahnny Graham F. L. Byam, Tyrone. who alsa filled in the music for G. A. Barron, Hamipton, the club's sing-song. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. The Bawmanvilie Knsman Club Wnt. Hackwood, Pontypool.. have made tentative arrange- H. T. Sayweli, BlackstoCk.« ments ta hoid a bingo on Friday. C. B. Tyrreil, Orono.' July 14. Their previaus bingo arn H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. the 24th o! May proved a bijz suc- W. J. Bagneil, Jury & -Loivell, cess. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and A Tag Day, in aid o! the Mani- The State'3man Office. toba Flapd Relief, wiil be held by thc Kînsrnen Club an Satur- day, July 15. It is.expccted that Kinsmen, Kinettes and some af their friends wiil help 6fut li thq drive ta aid the stricken area. You haven't enougb ready cash on hand ta buy one? The B o! M bas helped thousands of Canadian farmers overcorne this problem by pravidimg them with credit through Farrnlin- provement Loans. Perbaps we can help you obtain the necessary credit, too. Why not talk it over with aur nearest B of M manager?"0. Ask for aur folder "Quiz for a Go- My BNH' Ahead Farmer". [lroNi uer, ae Remember, when you ask for a loan at [N~ the B of M, you do nat ask a favour. ~~J BANK OF MONTREAL, Bowmanville Branch: GEORGE MOODY, Manager Oshawa Branch; WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0F tIF! SINCU 181 CAN OIT *10A000 NSU RANCE PROECION --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nily if you cie from a natural cause; or- ýy accident; or- by accident while riding as a passenger ice (aeroplane excepted), or due to a lire cash paymen t for-loss of parts ir body and total disa1bility. '$10,000 Low Rate Protection" which expleains tereat you. Couj'ederatioi -HE I. FF ic Association ROBERT ARGO, Manager TOTAL DISABILITY AND ACCIDENTAL DEATH AND À DISMEMBERMENT À BENEFITS 6hý -, mmmý.,- it Life r 0 R.0 Id 1 0 - 169 Charlotte Street, Peterborough, P. J. MATHER, Divisional Manager "ACE" PERFORMANCE Eesy-living Nylon for sports clothes and Nylon for racket strings give lasting performance under ail conditions. FUN WITH A GUN Wbetber you go for ake4 trap or target ehoothg for bârla, upland game or big game ... your standby is c-I-L Ammnunitioq designed for every shootmS neodi tIN-9o-#n CANADUAN INDUSTRtIES LIMITED - MONTREAL TEE -CANADIAN STATE.SMAN. BoWhL4NVrLir. nwrAuei% WORKING WITH CANADIANS 1 IN EVERY WALK OP ME SINCE lain

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