-; PAOt TU<' -. - - *53tJK~OL~fl*. O tJA.i C *,,I.4t, *OUSJ - THE CANADIAK STATESMAN. DOWMANVILL!. - OWrARTn Il -------- - tê . t .t MiWs Beverly Osborne spent a week -halldaying at Birch Point , Lodge. Durisford, Ontario. MWs Reta Rowcllffe, Beltoun- tain, spent a few days with her milter, Mirs. A. R. Randaill Mr. and Mis. Howard Nelles apid Cprolyn, Befleville, and Mr. WAICD H yVî AICII Crurn) IiectricI Phone 55-r-1 Orono FAIM AND HOUSE WIRING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ..-3 ... POLE LINES A SPECIAiLTY -FREE ESTIMATES -L of town there is some satisfaction T Dl~t Harris deionafratioirat th~e faim We weicome our new pastor, g I in the fact that~~~~of Mr. R.MWrhtILAJA soM.Eeg. ý ffl1is, Milbrook. IRev. D. Lute, his wife, son and* leIde e ded Jof Toronto, the lucky winner, was Mr. -and Mn' R. B. Scott have daughter. A fine induction ser- E le lade endentonce a resident -of Newcastle. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and moved- in with her father, Mr..'Vice was herd in Salem Church George Dawber; Toronto, sold the Mary Low, Starkvilie, with Mr. Willja -Stewart. on Friday evening, Haydon, Long B fag tAhwinning ticket. and Mrs. A. Hilis. Miss Yvonne Byam viited M s.Sault, Tyrone and Salem congre- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Page, Mark- Mr. and Mrs. A. Hill and Bes- Jim Colvile, Bowanvuie. gatisheng reprenwsnd.arej dale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. sie visited their son, Mr. and Ms.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Werry MFaeBokiwsi hre Biee ikendvi igs ton M eog Sih n.udy.GandHil ailo.of the service with Mis. Buttery Bulln Thisio, Kigtonre cre mt oandadGrdnHis ailo.have returned home from a. v017at the piano. Rev. R. Seymour, Mis, W. D. Thickson.Mrs. T. W. Pnwright is enjoy- Mrs. W. Miller Visited Mr. and pleasant trip out -West. Ensiln rahd aiga Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drmmond fin and e aishoidays wth Mrsl. PryHyar, wa- Mrs. - A. -W. Macdonald, Miss his text: Gen. 45-16. Mr. Fred frindsan reatiesin trah-vile.Minnie Macdonald, Mis. J. R. Ir- Ormiston accompanied Rev. Fish-a enjoyed a week vacationing in roy. Mr. and Mrs. G.>reo and fain- wift1 ý,Cobourg; Mr.,, Walter>Màc- or from Brooklin and exhorted Fenelon Falls.1 Mrs. Walter Deline. Mr. and jly returned home Sunday from donald, Toronto; were SundaY t he people to take greater inter-I We are certainly glad, to, see Mrs. Win. Storks and Candy, Mr. a pleasant holiday at Sturgeon guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Mac- est in Sunday School work, also Mr. Harry Couch out and on the and Mrs. Ed. Friediander and Lake with a large catch o! donald. i the Missionary and Mainten- job again. children and Mr. Harold Deline, pickerel. Hon.,and Mrs. W. A. Goodfel- ance Fund. Rev. Fisher conduct- Rev. and Mrs. George Fenning Toronto, visited relatives in Shar- Miss Wilhemina Eldridge, To- low,- Miss Ada and Master' Phil, ed the-induction service with Mr.- visited Mrs. Frank Branton re- bot Lake. Mrs. Deline temained ronto, is visiting a couple of days Morganston, wlth -Mr. and -Mrs. W. Werry, Salem, escorting Rev. oently. The Fennings are leav- there for a few days. Mrs. Fried- with Kathleen Yeo. Howard Phjlp'. Misses Jean and Lute to the front of the church, ing London where Mr. Fenning lander and the children are re- Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman Marilyn returned home with themn also answering the questions for has had charge of a church for maining in Newcastle for a visit. and children visited Mr. and Mis, for the weekend. the pastorate. After ail present nine years, to take up residence Miss Betty Gray, Chesley, spent W. Leach, Taunton. M.adLr.Wla lopo had bê4n introduced to our new in New Haven. Conn., where Mr. the weekend with lier parents, Miss Florence Murdoch, Osh- and Mr.,and Mrs. Albert Mason, pastor and bis wife refreshments Fenning will be i charge of Ail Mr. and Mrs. George Gray. ' awa, spdnt a couple of days with Peterboro, were, Sunday .uests were served and a social hour Saits'Chucb Mr Pal Dlaey pen th hr sste, Ms.Murray Tabb. of Mr. and Mis: Hr. Philp. spent. The other charge, on the At heMegrarmeeinuo!th wekennwth is pent th in Wil- .ndMis Jancircuit, wish to thank the Salem At he eguar eetng f te weknd ithhsparntsin il Roanald Ram and Me, iss Jean s Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner lde s for their beautiful baskets Newcastle Lions Club last Thurs- sonHeibt Hanesnowmaiissevisitd bisandSinner viiitedled day venig th menbersente- sn gs.sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger, Mradoi.AfAô flowers decorating the church dai na inne the winers onte Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Walton and Waterdown. M. ai Ms. A. E. yre, Oshawa. also for their work in serving the Clarke Township Field Day, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hackin spent Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gillesuie, spent a day with'. ndMons un. Jun 9 Echwine ws c-Sunday in Dwight enjoying a day Peterborough, with Mr. and Mr5. S. T. Hoar and called o '.H Jue . ac inerwa -o f fishing. Walter Park Jr. on 11 s. ______H.____ companied by a parent and their His and Mr. and, Mrs. John respective teacher. These guests Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Coîborne, Mrs. Walter Rahm visited Mrs. His. were presented with the medals spent a few days visiting Miss P. Hayward, Bowmanville. r.W HansMisB't L k Sh eC re at tis eetng.Beatrice MeIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowle Ms W aie, is ety ____ at this eeting.and cbildren, Mr. and, Ms. C. Haines, -Mr. George Haines, To- Miss Hiazel Barrie, Oshawa, Is Committee appointments were Mrs. R. G. Wright, Toronto, Sbred and Sheila and Mr.Gog ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. made for the comifig year and spent the weekend with bier sist Sbred spent Sunday at Gerýorg A. Hoar. bigger and better things are to er, Mrs. Gordon Ash and girls. r.JcBrd on. Jo Ann Hoar spent a week with Mrs. W. Clemence and Isobel, be exectedfrom hese ommit Mr. RaacrkhtanBMis or Jacqueline and her cousin Jean White, Bow- Sbaws, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jaëk tees appointed. othy Devitt motored down for HB oBodmnil rannd Mriy sw,.maileHoes Mr. C. R. Carveth presented her on Sunday. Hr. . Woodan ami, VOsaad Mr, and' Mrs. Charles Wage Mr. and Mrs. Neil Alldred, of three films on his projector Ms .MRbrs en n n much Mr. and Mrs. Morley Allin spent Ross visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy ard Sànidra- Binghamton, N.Y., Lake Cowicban, B.C., are visiting to the enjoyment of the chîldren, the weekend with friends in Fen- Maýnard and Mrs. J. McRoberts. Hoadahilpg with Mr. and Mr. rindtad relativ aesiOn'to guests and club members. elon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett andHo rdPipbotesaditrshyhvnt Congratulations to Mrs. Percy Miss Dorotby 'renwith, To- Dawson visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Church service is withdrawn seen for 27 years. Tamblyn on winning tbe Maber ronto, spent the xeckend with Rahm, Saîntfield. until, Aug. 13th but Sunday * Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimblc4t "Double or Nothing" jackpotMisLueTrnth Miss Bessie Yeo with bier aunt School will be continued. and family. Maple Grove, spent Monday evening. isU iTewt. and unlM.adMs . ar Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis and Sna ihM.adMs hs Th nw rafi lghs nsaled Several cubs and scouts enjoy- uncl, Mr.and Ms. J.Baîrwith Mt and Sna îhM.adMs hs aTthe nfourafcner s stekaeed a four day vacation at Camp stow, Orono. -cbren varisLitted unart ,and AlrdadMs osn proigthe bou aorgre at sucess ai- Samach, North Oshawa, last Sorry to hear Mrs. K. Colbary also visited Mr. an r.9Pak.M.nd rsFakJosad though there is a lot of screech- week. Those who went were covery.-SeelndMs rnk r.ad rsFrkJosan iii. We hopevd forar, Tddyar.speedy.Artreu frariMiyndMr. andWMrsonE.Oppin,; ing of brakes they have certaînly BlyBut ai ikrTdy Miss Gwen His, Toronto, . Mr. i-drvs. A lirt ao'tgan Mr. Nran r. .lsone,Boswa;- slowed the traffic down a cer- Sallows; Paul, David and Gary sedngbwekaler home, a Mhider.stdbe ndM.Nrna luIrlowa-- tai amunt MCuloug; Pte Besey Rn- ndMs. oh Hus. r.uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.-9heo- ville; Mrs. Herb. Toms and Mrs. The Rinkettes bad a very suc- aId and Ben Dickinson, Laverne Miss Muriel Edmonston, Bow- bald ned, Sask.,hte Dootne f, at . nJr. . Baskerville, ecsivst. cessful nigbt Friday nigbt at their Martin, Donald Whittaker, KarI manville, at Mrs. Donald Davcy's.Srnfed aka h ~eo dM.adMs .Bsevle Jamboree. Though there was a Wýeyrich Jr., Paul Allun, Lyle Har- Mrs. C. Rowan, Vivian, Howard parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Williarnson, certain amount of disappointment rs Gordon Garrod, Donnie and Eleanor, Bethany, visited Maitn nTedyeeig Enid and Edmund and Mr. Monty beaueth Suebke en otCouch. These boys were under Mr. and Mrs. A. Hillk. Don't -forget the Womeni's In- Hayes, London, spent Saturday the supervision of Messrs. Nei] Miss Bessie Hilîs is attending netue BsdaTriJuly l8tb Any i Mr. and Mrs. Be Jaynes.st Britton, Frank McMullen, Gordon the sumnier course at the Cen tr ex usaJl 18h An Gray and Brenton Rickard. Technical School, Toronto. ladies wishing to, take the trip cd Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoidaway, Through the medium of this Congratulations to Mr. and Majdo SO. Port Britain. column they wish to express their Mrs. Joe Riddlc (nee Muriel hed at thehomee M..wasi Mr. and Mrs. Don Coulter and thanks to Messrs. George Walton, Jones). ite with a large attendance including family, Downsview, and Mr. and a .R. arveth aynd rankoraio- Mr. and Mrs. D. DeeleyTvisited the C.G.I.T. girls wb.o very ably Mrs. Jack Crago, Newcastle, visit- I r fr sppyin tanporaton r.andMr. aBrsh Toonotook part in the meeting. After cd Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell.î Miss * i L. suplyn fo ofr the a expedtioon Mr adM. C odmn dthe business was discussed ithe Elaine Powell accompanied tbe suplyig fod or he xpeitin. r. nd rs.C. oodan ndsirlq took over with Bessie Yeo Coulters borne for a holiday. -Miss Virginia Waugh, Toronto, Judith, Bowmanville. visited Mr. in and rs.L. J Godman inthe chair. Gwen Davey and Mn. and Mrs. Ken Neal and WMNVLE_ is vîsîting ber aunt and uncle,Mr Mr. and Mrs. . . odman. 1 Marilyn Philp presented and des- family, Bowmanville; Mrs. Ron-i and Mrs. J. C. Porter and cous- Mran Ms.C Srdan cribed the meaning of the seal cf aid Hawthorne and son Barney, DA Sin Bobby. Sheila attendeddthe reception of the United Churcb. Piano duetl king. visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill viSTer-lle Satrd. inBwmn by Lîllian and Helen Cole; a Lake. Mrs. Hawthorne and Bar- ~Y JU Y 3-14S.. o.9,Clrk Ms.H.FidlyUnoville, Mrrda. papen. was prepared and well ney also spent a few days wt kY JU Y 1 -14S.S No 9,Clake Dean Findlay, Woodville, visitcd given o h "Values 'of Prayer "Mr and Mrs. Aif Brown. Mr. and Mns. C. Bigelow. by Marion Wright. Marie Taylor Mr. and Mns. Reg Woodharns PERCY KILBRIDE MranMsIanSto Pe- M. and Mrs. Walter Murphy rend the scripture and Patsy Phfl- and Marie, Toronto; Mrs. Fred GO T O N cbruh ihMr. and Mrs. BvnSt o be and children, Mr. Bert Murphy lios gavé the devotionai. June Couch an r.A Sami.s, New- ctSuayKetr-and friend, Mn. and Mns. Harvevy lorlvsie r ndMs oi &E 0 T W N Ktunedarne aftriee ntPet- Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Dave An- a duet accompanied bv Doreen Aîîdred. COO CROO rnogh. e awki Pt dread, Bowmanyille, vjsited Mr. Rahm. It was'decided. te hold Mrs. Robin Allred and Lois COO CROO rbrug.and'Mrs. G. Alldread. Mission, Band picnic first Thurs- spent Tuesday in Cobourg. Mr. John Fisk is visiting friends Several from bere attended the day in August. - In case of ram __________ - J LY 15and relatives in the Lindsay dist- Orange Lodge service at Black- lit wili be held on Friday at the JnY1 ict. stock Sunday nigbt. uDark at 2:30. Lunch was served Wifc (trying on bats) "Do you Mrs. C. Fisk, Claramac and Fred Tynone bas been well enter- bygrýoup. in charge. like this turned down, dean?" WToadOLAZiNiG DRAMAI are visiting hier parents, Mr. and tained during the last rnonth with Hubby: How much is i? Mrs. Russell, Campbelcroft. ' band practising getting ready for Wife: "Twcnty-five dollars". Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tucker and the big parade at Lindsay, July vjf Hubby: "Yes, tunned down". Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kennedy, To- l2th. Tyrone Lodge is being wcll TfV '-'~' ronto, xisited friends in the coin- renresented. 0 mult.Miss Kathleen Yeo visjted Joan A Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Henning. Eldridge. Bowmanyille. I~ i I~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henning and Miss Bennice Brown, Torontoj son and farnily. Mn. and Mns. G. A, Robsonl and ** Mr. and Mrs. Calvent Barchard, Miss Helen Robson, Red DeerL Wbîtby, and Mrs. Dunn, Toronto Alta., Mn. V. M. Miller, Murphys- .....__ __.....___ RBAR BRTTO an Bornanill Bechvistedboro, Ill., visited with Mr. and &BARA R TTONMrs. A. Barchard on Suiiday. Mrs. W. J. Miller and Bcth and Mr. and Mns. Stan Rickard anti r . il CARTOON sosBeetoaeviin M. Misses Lillian and Helen Cote and Mrs. H. Pdel r n were weekend guests of Mr. and. BOWMANVILLE E Pedwll;Mr.andMrs. R. Wallace and familv at Y - JULY 17 -19 r.M ewlBin pn their cottage near Havelock. Helen lt week with his cousin Barry. is nemaining for a longer visit. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Gordon, New- Mr. Fred Blackburn and sisters, IRE ME IT tonville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Cole and Miss Stella Black- lr parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. humn, Newcastle; Mr. Frank ......Brunt and famiiy. Blackburn, Denver, Colorada, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. . family, Lakefield, spent Sunday Douglas Cole and Mn. W. Allin. with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turn- Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Williamns cm and Helen. Bill Hunter and and Kent. Oshawa, with Mn. and Ben Dickinson, Newcastle, are Mrs. O. Virtue. a ,staying for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp b Owiniz to the busy season your visited Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper correspondent wili net be calling and Mrs. Storie. around for news, but would ap- Mr. Fred Moore. Miss Leta/ - a Durham Couily Holstein Breeders TWILIGHT MEETING T uesday, July .lSth at 7P.M. ON THE FARM 0OP NEIL MALCOLM Programme wilI consist o!f: Type Demonsiration by Mr. M. C. McPhail of' Kemptville Agriculture School Mr. G. M. Clouions will give a talk and present pictures on his trip to California and Mexico. TIIERE WILL BE PRIZES AND REFRESHMÇNTS Ail livestock breeders and their families are cordially invited. - In case of rain program will be held indoors. H. J. BROOKS, H. C. MUIR. President. Secretary. STREE ci ENI 'Frid 7 P.N. (Toi Finest guaranteed work done by experts. Prompt service. Free inspection. Bring ini your watch. Dura Pwer Mainspring" lor ELGIN OWNERS dvailable for replaoement in most 4 CLe gjo 9* » MUPata ent pendlam lewellery 43 Kig St. W. Phono 463 BOWMAIMILLE LAST TWG THURSDAY - FR111 MARJORIE MAIN MA & PA KETT[ SELECTED SHORT CHAGNOSATURDAT CHAOEDWDTK EXCITEMEI msPRESTON FOSTER - SAI TWO AMUSING SHORTS NO0NDAT - TUESDAI lOUVE «SEEN À PICI !Ddsrdel MystewyI MonhuneI. .. aPols . ....... u MOVIETONE NEWS MED. - TURS. -FRI. à e"SNI r 1T DANCE AN» -AT- NISKILLEN ay, JuIy 2lst -SOCCER CAM<E Massey - Harris ronto's Leading Team) Và. jion - Clarke Ail Stars - STREET DANCE JUABLE ATTENDANCE PRIZES - - * * * * 50C ,. -LUCKY DRAW "TRIC WASHING MACHINE RADIO for Enniskillen Athletic Club Mrs. C. H. Snowden, bis wjfe 1 Ialeonmclrd and family returned home with ' relaxod, arrie efmushode bimn after a week's visit witb ber parents. Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, -Cr Mr. C. S. lobe* ois IMU~'W W Wspent the weekend at home. Mn. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp, l u tn n or a Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Metcalf, Mn. l u gn n ora VALUABLE II I ~Norman Metcalf attended the BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Metcalf -Halboran wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Metcaif, Mn. and Mns. Dick Metcalf, Toronto,____lie__________ 8ME EXAMPLES 0F at Mn. and Mns. J. R. Metcalf's LWOTRUDTI "ia ewloeMn. aneMns. Eber BL STACK COACH CLASS FARIES 1950 PLYMIO "eI*l om nwe oour community, they DISTRIBUTOR From Bowmanville Te having moved in with bjs father, Phone 2986 Bowmanvifle DETROIT 1___ 16.99 ";A Drema.14 A ViiiMn. W. J. Snowden. Eben bas Teu ami *e kew sold bis bouse in Oshawa. MONTREAL -___$18.26 O N G Miss Mildred Snowden bas ne.J H S N 5I tunned home fnomn a veny enjoy-,OT1TAWA____-$2 aWSP ble? visit witb ber sisten and bro- PUPPY DRAW M ther-in-law, Mn. and Mns. Otis a, . J i ;TN HRSPritchard, Manotick. PLENTY 0F Fl ITING SHORTS Mr. and Mns. Les. Keîth and L u w-- frjends. Toronto, mpent Sundav_______________ with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright. - I / *nnunnoenuîunuuimnuiuîummiuimuiuiîugîgumnuuunrnînmuîul.noennuiîuiînumiumiunmflnnhnl D arlin 9 P.N. WITH 12 VAL ý "M CANADIAN STATr£MM. IOV;BL&NV=.'ONTAYaC '- --' -qrmTlpe"Av TTTT.V il.qflh- lglqn 1