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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1950, p. 11

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~'ffUE8DAY.' JULY lItli. 1950 TEE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN. EOWMMq'VTLLI, OT~TA!?0 isards Grow Six loches a Tsar Nu RShaves Off 25 Feeti Lei, OPPORTUNITY WEEK. - AT - *War Surplus and Factory Clearance Store 24 Division St. Bowmanvile Ail Men's Panis - Shiris - Socks - Jackets Eisenhow'er Ja ckegs :Raincoais and manv other articles too numerous to mention at reduced prices. - BUY AND SAVE* P AI1N TS Ail Colours $2.95 gallon M- 85c quart * Polowng be tterotan atr fry-eegt aquare Sache. e' Sn "arb"Ptéelck's caer s 'lme bbew. have located an article Our ancestoma had ta Wllich -provides additional infor- sianply gnound flints or ahi mation on thc subject ai whluk- or even bories, for shaving, or e M& Thiis article suggests tial if tbey had la pluck tic hairs out *0 men toik more lime to uhave, lic Mts. Etier way, siav] bhe Job would lic muci casier. was such a painful business, Itead il -for yourschf: We aIl know when a blunt -blo Ask any mari wiat i. thinku "pulls" a little, thaI many peol about saing and îe'll tell you grew beards. the sane thlng: "I'v. goI a tough Causes of Buntues Inrd. x aclual fact, tic beard rI 330 B.C. Alexander lie Gmq Mayun&g man lu rarely tougi; made alh ils menx siave becai IohIkers become harder with age; beards provided a convenit mnd white or grey hair h same- iand-iold for an enemy ta aie limes about as strong as piano bis oppancxxt'a beard and cul w'lre. is ead. Nal25Feet Il lu aoven hail a Century a N'eary 25naw since King C. Gillette, th Once a young man starts la a fortyr-year-qld Amnenican sal ahave regularly tiche irn onis nan. flist thought ai a cieap ri face grows at tic rate ai six in- on blade tiat could b. tirai ches a yean.. This means tlial ait- away as soan as it gaI blunt. er haîf a centuryai shaving a man 1903 lie first Gilette razons a has grawn tie equivalent ai near- blades wcrc put on tic marke ly twenhy-iivc feél ai beard.. In ten years haîf a mili The razor bjadc culs tîrougi safcty razars and tire. and a i 25,00 hairs cveny limne a man million blades wcne sold; t siaves, anxd il lu estimated tint the decline ai tic old "cut-throi lie nazon covers an area af about was very graduai, partly becau ai lie excellent weaning pnape tics ai lieigi grade steel bla( Bhuntness is ciiefly caused' minute particles ai gril embe ded ixx tic ukin ai the face, ai also by specks ai rust, tao fi la b. scen witi tic naked eyc. [m 7ýeTic edge 'of a nazon blade about 1-80,000th ai an ixch ti and this fine degree ai finish qýandby siarpening with var igpressure against a 300-fc long sIrop in the iaclony. Suci an edge is very delics and sensitive, and if, for instan( a balde is drappcd on lic fIi altiaughiti may not land on t] Filling yaur tanks now strains wiici nesult inx micnasc Vie cracks. Tics. spnead lxx stops condensation dur- malter of hours, sa liat lie ne ing the summer months. lime you use lie blade you a We'r reay no ta erve painiulhy neminded af lie anc We'r reay nw tos * rve entà and themi fints. you . . . toi help yau and Making Blades Last your famnily ta a warm Tic edge af a nazor blade las winter.ýlonger if, aiter shaving and rn wintery- e, icrazar, instead ai remo, ing .and dryirig tie blade, yau pi the wiole razar into a jan af im NqETER AND lhyhated or surgical spirit, or ar af the proprietary liquids now E ]rUMPING lie market liaI aremaesc ally for this purpase. An authanity on siaving mai: SERVICEL tains liaI haste is thie greate enemy ai a good siave. It hakg This addcd, protection hot waîer about tire. minutes'1 saiten up the bairs, but lie mi gives you an accurate janity'ai mèn onl1y allow balf 1h check of the exact a- -time, s0 liaItichy do not get niount of oiù being pump- goad shave. Tic principal function ai soi ed int . your stanage is la remnove thie pnotecting fii tanks. aifail and,.grease frani the ukin. WILL TOUR. FUEL OIL - STOVE OIL CANADIAN TRtAINING CAMP i 'John Thurman, Camp Chief à BOB STOCKER S 'Gilwell Park, tic Inhennalionî Training Centre fan Boy Scou GARAGE Leaders near Londan, Englanc is due in Canada on July 17. Ac Phone 804 Bowmianville campanieci by E. F. Mils, Exec utive. Cammissianer fan Trainin, Corner at Canadian' Scout Headquarleri King and Brown Streets Mn. Tiurmaxx will visit Gilwel Taining Camps from coasltt coast lxx Canada duning July ani August. must b. veny sad tiaugi ta b. 1ke liat pon fathien lxNorth Bay, wha joumneyed ho- Simca., and positively' identified lic man inx jail on a change ai robbing a bank anxd killing twa tobacco farmers as bis son. Fareman: "W. find tic de- fendant nat guilty"'. Judge: "Wnai passible reasan can thiiijury have fansuci an astonisiing verict?"' Foreman: "Insanity yaur Hon- aur". Judge: "Wbal! Ail 12 af you". "'OId a4O 50y60?" ManYo'reCrazy 5.I p ItIb .t en. 'ota". ton, for Try fOIgdueote0.11to bodya isc o whichIo M ann dmn Cl a 'odet T Oo TnteTablt for pop. îohznger footing. thi V0da.Noe muaint.d" aie nkdJoli. ,11 Ogsa i r e . gvrwirm _ - PONTYPOOL Pontypoo 'noe orilho pitable attitue =wado stragerà vitfgor settllng wtiin ils con- fines.But, lie folks wio 11ve *eh here lie year around don't like te sce people came from Toronto use durlng tie aummer. moritis, lug lls, their garbage down ticea else street and fling il aven lhe fence bjr jual a few feet cnèt of ticvllage ing pWflp, onto private pnoperty. as, Suci despicable actioifi shows &de a flagrant diaregard for other )pi. people's igits. And we sincerely hope thi. perpetra.tons are suit- ably punlshed by tic proper cal aulirilies., ise Garbage collection takes place cnt tire limes per week. Each pen- eize soni whose garbage is nemoved off Is expectcd ho pay a nomiÊnal fee per cottage, etc. Any cottage a owxxem rccclving lie goodly sums hen for renlal that we know Is pre. jes valent, yet nef using ta pay the 'az- insignificant fee asked for gar- ,nbage removal is actinxg in a very In niggardly mannen. nd On. persan we actually obsen. et. vcd dumping garbage an the old on Coulter lot un tic centre ai the ja village about 9:30 a.m., July 3, but would scream ta higi heaven if at,' .anyone werè ta throw refuse or use her lot. We were amazed at the ýer- galI of 1he lady, calmly trudging de. along tic street witi her stufi lxxI a large papen market bag, tien ,ej. emptying lie contents anta the ind vacant lot without leaving the ne sidewalk. That was bad enough. iothen bag ta bulging proportions ýcand made a second trip. In case is anyonc thinks we were dreaming, r-we wisi ta point out we have a oot reliable' wîtncss. Observance ai tie Golden Rule ate would make for mare amicable ýce, relations bet*Xeen tic city and ,o, country folks. the We were returning home on up July 2, aiten visiting relatives at o. Courtice wien we were fartunate a enougi bo witness tic Orange xt Churci Parade in Orona. The ne panade was headed by tic Kendal ci. Fife'and Drum Band. We don't know who is the leader ai tuis fine band but hope he accepts ts aur congratulations. Every bands- man marched in step, the flutes .iwere wehl played, tic drumming y- excellent.- The boys were very ýo e- eo witi ticir offerings. ie hylaoked real snappy in themr ne dean, white uniforins. Any com- on munity should be proud ai such c-an excellent musical aggregaîion. S Accarding ta aur estimat. there twas a large turnout ai .L.O.L. :es membens, wio by their . dignified ta beaning, added lustre ta themr ýa- splend!4donganization. Comments li*fpol hogn th i eak a~ rcgarding lhe entire parade, wr avery ilattering indeed. ap Il is forty years since we tasted ,mour finst banana split. Since tien, we have h-d many alleged ban- ana splits. But, have ta hand the bouquet ta Cowan's Restaurant in Bowmanville fan producing tic kind we like, real lasty, generaus at in quantity and anly casting two xlbis ut Wo have ta hand ilta our :1, daugiter Helen for tiat grand c- fced ai lusciaus strawberny short ccake, smothered with whipped ig crearn two inches thick. Don't it make you city folks drool jusî Sreading tic foregoing? Ao few days ago Nant Chambers kd naïvely. wandened if aur iired ielp atI Durhxam Forest would ac- Leta small Ireat wîth -hlm. h Whe .paid the& account . at Dave's Restaurant aiten tic. bays had caten he sure gct is answer. Us hayseeds- don't fool wien we put on lie feed bag at sameone clse's expense. Lynne Hayfard was niding a horse a fcw days ago wien it apparenlly 'became Stantled and tirew hen. At time ai wniting* sic is lxx a haspital for a checkup, ta sec if any bancs are broken. W. hope nothing very seriaus will dcvclop. Whcn w. wcre discussing Lyxxne's accident, Ernie remarked tiat wicn hé icîl off a galaping horse five years aga and iad thc mare step* on is. >lcg tic anly sympathy he received was ta be asked wiy he was sa'- clumsy. But Ennie happened ta b. anc ai lhis boys wio cauld work up an-awiul.lot ai sympathy for hlm- self wien hurt. And we, uis par- ELECIrRICACT A-r NOM 1B.OOK7 Half the jay cf havixxg a garden is having a comfortable ch~air inx a siady .nook where you dari lounge anxd enjoy lhe cianging beauty'of your surround- ings. Wial'a the use of having a garden if you can't take lime ta ait down and cjyil? These arelie days when 1h. home owner should ho able ta recîmne comfortabhy on a lawn seat in tic dense shade cf a hawerng mape ... nat ane i-4 task ho ho don.., notaI acarn t he world... sounds like Utopia! Gm*n Soet My. owxx siestas tako place in a secluded canner of tie garden, well hidden from lie surrounding neighbourhood. One ai my prize possessions is a ganden bcnch 1 made hast y car. Truc, il ian't s lie moat comfartable piece of furniture in lie world, but il is sturdy and wasn't too hard ta make-as yau dan sec from the sketch. My pride and jy is lie wide bench 1 built around tic trunk of tie maple tiat stands ho one aide af lie patio. Il took a bit of fitting ta give an attractive natural finish but it has attnacted mare favourable comment than any otier piece of gardexx furnitune 1 have made. Garda. PoolsI If yau are ike me, you'll have a bird bath and a saalpool in dlean view ta help you relax. Nothing i. quite as resîful and cooiing as tic sound af ruxlgwater and the reflection of i b iesknx a stil pool. Tie size af tic pool doesx't matter-youTl gel the sanie effect fron a smail binder wieel set lxx concrete (mentioned last monti), a waahtub sunk in the graund or an extensive cernent job. Wicn properly planned and planted s ao li lfils naturally mils it surraundinge, lie size or expense af the pool ih imxnaterial. Bird Sufis. I cauid watch my bird bath for houru if work would permit. On a warma after- noon tiare in a. ateady procession cf bluebirds, ciipping sparrows, wrens, sang sparrows and robins. Tic birds do niaI cane how expensive the bath was. As long as tic water in &«hu, cdean and not ton deep, they wHI iuse il rcgularly. Betwepn i two etrenes illustrated are a hast af styles and deaigna., J SOLFOR VERANDA14 TUIN oP o0- MAiL 0.OAK I< ,ý TOP CV5R~WITM4 LLgATmeFt (ost imiTATriot $A0WNýls cRtosG6secTiop 0r- IbMPLUST Typ -T.rignLAVOIRG or SARDEi4fSEATS, 8'« PIN W, D6rUD ALL. Gâoue. SACK<.R96T AMP SLA«fb op VARIOUS -. Wioims4.scoRtW NAi.b 150&T O 614EL.LAC ALS. ICNOTS AND oP0 CUTD0eoP^lpA4r. CUAI9 WIDT64 AP"P.OC. ZOO-) *WN4cI4. ASOUT 42' t'OLI.OWINr. TfE OLO. ~~BATM, O A-r BPAOTS For miore informa tion on thea. and other ideas, write for the bookiet "Around the Hfome", to: MOLSON'S (Ontario) LIMITED, P.O. Box 490, ,4delaide Street Station, Toronto. e1 substantial premlum over table KNOW MUE FAMXES to flnd time to attend & upecta -stock prices if the aeed growers agricultural course there are maxiy * oi. a FORovTHE HOM are ta do a good job md sday inx (New Llskeard Speaker) other ways by which they ca general and potato groWeru In~ at Guelph. For the. firat time a lo a epi afr esI '.particular might have a rather clan Of rurl cergyen0f l their local paper. A subscription difficuit period of adjuatment denominations vwill receive in.ta one or two farrn magazines ahead for the nex~t few years. We struction in sail conservation, would unfold a new world to will, therefore. need al l te help field cropa, livestock management, mnany town and city dwellers. we cen get In reduclng cosscf plant diseases and otixer practical weekend trip ta a farm would. production while at the same lime farm topics. open new vistas beforeý urban maintaining the quality of aur The initiation of such a course eyes. praduct at the hlghest possible i owr tpIde npo tn iei aaa itr leve. mtin clserharonybetween I complete national unlty se the. farmer and the non-farmer. necessary . Co-operation between But shouid it stop wltlx clergy- town and country is one way aof BROWNS menx?, bringixxg it about About 8,000,000 of Cmnada's (Intexxded for lait week) total Population live tI rural areas. That's a large portion cf Marketing of beef cattie fore à. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and boys, lie natlon's people. And a very port alive ta tie United Statte e or DO instali at Iecist two 20"ar- and Mr. and Mns. J. Hartwick and Important one. Yet. few urban and for s laughtcr in Canadien .xi. Incel pere appliançe circuits ta Dianne. Toronto, vislted Mr. and residents completely undcrstaxxd port establishments. lotalled 402,.. ioed. serve cooking appliances In the Mns. J. Curson.- the multitude af problems a far- 000 head for the first quarter>oJ nuch kltthon and in the dining rom. We welc7ome Mr. and Mrs. H. mer must face each day. Few 1950. rcuit. When thore are enough circuits Mcflroy and famlly ta aur com- appreciate daivn-to-dusk chores wii of largo enough wiro, your gise- munity. he must Terforrn andlie rlsks * up trical equipment wiiI opelato effi- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and uncertaifities involved in pro- 1.% intyan ooomcll.You wiil and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. C. Malleycy n and marketing farm com- .5%e ais entiy and ofotrcallad. d, r. .Cawlladmadities. rin alo h asure ofboter o~~ing an W .andaMrs. . sweefand People employed Jr! lxdustry routs ~ linM. n Ms G tehn and commerce owe it ta them- - on and Lynne were Sunday visi- selves to îearn mare about the tors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson, activities of their country cousins. *i Wyllenc and Leigh. While they may find it difficult io e dMr. and Mns. W. Nivins and_____________________________ s l ee .m, Mrs. Len. Liscombe pn Tabe P talescombe remalned for a few as Tabl visit. Mrs. W. Farrow, with Mr. and and near planting timne and as a result Mrs. Stan Allun and family. Or- seed a great deal af top-quality seed ana. par- is sold ta tie table stock market, Brawn's Busy Bees held their st of due mostly ta the lack of ade- bazaar in the kitchen af lie com- table quate storage facilities. It should munity hall on Saturday. The also be kept un mmnd that the av- lucky quilt was won by Mns. W. £TPCIAIIA RADIO-4ITWORtp àvery erage seed grower follows mixed Howc af Oshawa; an apron by QUIZZ SHOW WI114 SAM£ FAIIJLOUSAW . able farming and would like ta have Mrs. Clarence Turner, Pravidence fthe the bulk ai his crop moved befone and ca'ke by Mn. Rass Boyd, flr- here the spring work opens up. ana. "Thank yau"' is extended ta b.- 7. Anather regulation that a the people who so kindly patron- [ucer certified grower must live up -to ized us.Quz us that ahl seed sold must be un Mr. and Mns. Geo. Stephenson tie new bags. The inspectar must attended the laying of Bawman-t e. alsa be satisfied that ail bags, m&L- ville Memlorlal Hospital Date be chinery and starages have been Stone and reception on Saturday,. pey, properly disinfected. As many Miss Margaret Bindel and Miss WITH diseases and particularly Bacteri- Christiane Ernst, Mexico City, ýdard ai Ring Rot are transmitted by visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Ste- J N V de- macninery, the co-operative use phenson an Sunday. The Misses B Lj E RAD nium ai potato equipment is practically Bindel. and Ernst are in training table candemned by aur Inspection Ser- at the Ottawa Civic Hospital, and tun- vice, the result being that every at present are enjaying three LL .. .,. / cer- grawer must af necessity possess weeks' haliday at a summer re- e.5 aem, thell inpfer that ahi ahie r ticnpeople nvtis elgbu-. '~ U anm, athel inectrttaieui mtoaisfry soThepBoplmanvtinle. *omar- hall and equipment has been tiaraugh- hoodAvish aur editar, Mr. James, field !y disinfected. a speedy necavery from is recent ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ooo 8. In order that he may give illness. and is crop thc necessary attention, Tie peaple in this cammunity n. the certified grower will only extend cangratulations ta the PLAY THE STUNTS ee equ- have a smaî]. acreage as compar- Rizik-Ettes of Newcastle, on lie ,sen- ed with table stock growcrs, and fine job thay did Friday even-TA EH M T E nust sa his investment in macèhinery iiig. A K H MET E ord- and equipment is much greater J' FABULOUS AWARDS iset per acre of crop grown. Po- Reliable tests at lie'DamininT eSa sm ol One Expenimental Farms, at the .A. h ttem nSl 2 HRS, JAM-PACKED WITH FUW' vic doC.mpdromntAsociaton, hve Crow svc do C., a nt Asugh a onty hrop At ol ig StoresFUFA L US W RDL F S proven beyond ail argument liat U _F B L U WIS*L F S be with no crop is good sced mare Dyen's Dnug Store, Newcastle. ston- important Ihan with the potata D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. 'PNOE YIOOF sing crap. Màny commercial potata Wilson & Brown, Ncwtonviflc. SO SRDB 0F gnowers have found tiat It pays T. M. Slemon, Enniski]lcn. T1 1TIYTW~?V Y5 ding ta use Certified Sccd or betten, F. L. Byam, Tyrone. MEMORIAL AR1EA - flUWMYAJILaLE iffen and use substantial quantities each G. A. Barron, Hampton. only year. Otier growers secm ta Newton Taylor':, Bunkelon. crop have th. impression that they Wm. Hackwood, PontypoaL. SATURDAY, mJULY 22nd, 1950 ýd it -should get good seed aI table H. T. Saywell,, Blackstock. rade stock price or lcss. C. B. Tyrrcll, Orona. at 8:30 p.m. able Tics. are some af the difficul- H. K. Reyxxolds, Kendal. u. isers ties ai seed potato production, W.. J. Bagneli, Jury & Laveil, Admission -E 50 orme which in themselves wil]. suggest J. W. Jcwell, W. J. Berry anxd gor that seed potatocs must bring a Thc Statcsiiian Office., N 1 9 F A Il F k 1 F Il FI k f 1. f N r F D 8 y 04 TEZ CAIÇADIM STATUUM. BOWMAWV=X, OMAIM Tac MAT,, JULT isth, 1950 e DONOT biame the applionc 5 yeur denier. Chai . are your wiring so overioni e Overiooiding can causaes ni o s 10% voltage drap on a cdr rWho n this happais, a toaster take 31.3% more time to ha *and a coffee maker will te 22 mors time than when the wli la adequate. Production Cosi, Versus Price of As a seedpotato grower representing one of the best > districts in the province, I arn ticularly interested in the' ca producing certified seed vs.1 stock potatoes. It seems ta me that if eý commodity arganizatian were ta praduce aý true picture af actual cost- af their product,-i wauld flot be the 11-feeling tween consumer and prad that sometimes develops, A few factars essential ta growing of certified seed are: 1. Soil canditions must right ta abtain smaoth, ty dlean potataes. 2. Seed of the highest stan( must be used and this grade mands a considerable prerr over seed used for ordinary t, stock planting. If yau unfor, ately run shart of, seed for a tain field you just can't plant ardinary patatoes beside tù and as a resuit sametimes a acre aor so in a prepared1 is lost. 3. Isolation is important often upsets your crap ratatia 4. Cultivntion, raguing. adE ate spraying or dusting are es. tial as ail certif îed fields n pass rigid field inspections acc( ing ta rules and regulations forth by the Dominion Seed tata Certification Branch.1 advantage seed potato grawerE have is that the inspection ser, is free of charge. 5. Every precautian must taken while harvesting and s ing ta avoîd lass fromn bruii and mechanical injury. 6. When it cames ta gra< this is probably where we su: aur greatest loss. As a rule,c fifty to sixty per cent of aurc will grade as No. 1 qeed, an( requires much mare time ta gr seed than it dees ta grad *e ts stock. Many prospective ue of certified. seed do flot bec séed cansdious until spring

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