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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1950, p. 12

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*~AOETWV.VE - .- TEECMIADZAW STATESMA2i, EOWKAIITLL. ÔNTAXIO THTJRSDAT. 3ULY UII. lUS L77 .Ww-.~. ZJ I 'SAVE-MINIM COST 35'c PER AD ONI- - A0 %o BIRTH FERGUSON-Mr. and Mns. Don- *lÏd ]Fergpson (nee Marie Moise)' ae-ha*y to announoe the birth bitheir daughter Laura Winona, at Bowmanvil1e Hospital, July 6, 1950.28-1 METCALF-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metcalf (nee Margaret Hennmng> $rèe- happy ta anriounce the ar- rivai of their son, Thomas Harold, en July 3rd. 1950, ini Bowmanville Hoaspital. 28-1*1 *ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced o1 Helen Eileen, daughter of Mrs. Asti and the late Gordon Ash. ta Alfred Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adair, Newcastle. The marriage will take place, quiet]y the latter part af July. 28-1* Mr. and Mns. frnest Gray, Janetville, wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter Helen ta Ian Milford Hovey, son of Mrs. A. Merritt and the late Norman Hovey, Cross Creek, NJew Brunswick. The wedding ta takée place an Saturday, July 29th. 28-1* Mr. an'd Mrs. William Pen- warden, Tyrone, wish ta announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Greta Mable to Robert William Cameron, son af Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cameron, Tyrane. The wedding will take place at the Long Sault United Church, Satur- dlay, July 22nd at 2:30 p.m., 28-1* DEATHS CLARK-In Bowmanville, on Fi- day, July 7th, 1950, Estle Mny Clark, beloved wife ai Ri c har d Clark. The Funeral from the Funemal Chapel ai Northcutt & Smith, Bawmanville, for service an Monday, July 10, et 2:30 p.m. interment Bawmanville Cemetery. 28-1 GRIFFIN-At Bawmanville Hos- pital on Saturday, June 24, Mary A=n Wotten, wife af the late William Griffin ai Enniskillen. euneral was held from Enniskil- len United Chumch Tuesday, June ý27th, with interment et Hampton 'Cerhetery. -28-hf JOLLOW -In Bowmanville, on Tuesday, July llth, 1950, Elle S. %iollow, aged 65 years. Resting et -hem home, 192 King St. E., Bow- z anville, until 12:30 p.m., Thurs- day July l3th. Then ta St. yndrew's Preibyterian Chumch for service et 2:30 p.m. Intemment Bowmanville Cemetery. The cas- ket will be open in the chunch until service. 28-1 KING-At Bowmanville Hospital, Saturdey, July 8th, 1950, Margaret Colville King, aged 36 years, daug}hter af Mmi. G. B. Stephews ànd the late Alexander Colville, dear sister ai Catherine (Mm.. Rugh Mechin) Oshawa, and dean inother ai Cannie. Funeral ser- vice wns held et the Marris >'unernl Chapel on Monday, July 1th. Interment Bowmanville Çemetery. 28-1 CARDS 0F THANKS I wisb ta thank my many tniends, neighbauns and church brganizatians for kindness shown ine during my ecent ilînesi. Mns. Rena Pethick. 28-1* -The Newcastle Rinkettes wisb Ao thenk everyone who helped in iny way ta make the Studebaker cen projetn succesi. Special thenks niso goes ta those who assisted Sa willingly in the jam- boee. 28-1 I would like ta express my sincene eppreciatian for the many candi and flowers and the sym- .thy shcwn ta me by my many iends and fellow workers in the bereevemnent ai my mother re- cently. Bob Watt. 28-1 I wish ta thank Dr. Sturg ess, Dr. Birks. kind friends and re- latives for their many kindnesses an~d flawers duing my ilînesi. ials I would like ta thnnk the Bowmenville Hospital staff. Mmi. Fred Lewis. 28-1* The family ai the late, Mary Jane Brown wish ta thank all the fiendi and neighboums; also Dr. C. W. Sieman, Rev. S. R. Hender- don, King's Taxi and aIl othens who weme 50 kind during the los oi a loving wife and mother. 28.1l* ÇOMING EVENTS Thbe Fenguson - Adami picnic will be helti et Geneva Park on Saturdey, July 22nd. 28-1 Newcastle United Chumch Sun- dey Schoal Picnic wvi1l be held in Orono Park. Wednesday niter- àoon, July l9th, et 3 28-1 ]Don't forget the Dankey Base- bail - Reeve Ted Woodyard's "Wildcats" vs. Newcastle "Lions" Fnriday. July 14th, et Newcastle Park et 8 p.m. Admission 50c Artic1es For' Sale MAN'S bicycle, good condition. Phone 2362-. -28-1* FINDLAY Oval cook' stove, cheap for quick sale. Phone 3158. 28-1 ¾î BROWN steel bed with springs and mattress. Phone 2214. 28-1 ICE Box, 75 lb. capacity, good condition. Phone 2763.. 28-1* 1932 DURANT sedan, in good running order, will seil cheap. Ross Lane, ý%one 2484. 28-1 ICE refrigeratar, 50 Ibi., size 42x26x18. Phone 3656, 90 Con- cession St. 28-1* THREE-burner ligbt range, elec- tric, suitable for cottage. T. Buttery, Phone 3Z48. 28-1* THREE-burner gai stave, good condition. 53 Liberty S. North, Phone 3234. 28-1* ICE, box, 75 lb. capacity; also Coleman gasoline stove. Phone 3391. 28-1 SMALL size crib and mattress, new; also 2-burner electric ele- ment, new. Phone 3614. 28-1* HOUSE trailer, reasonable. Ap- ply 209 King St. E., Bowmanville. 28.1* '34 CHEV. CAR, in good condi- tion. Phone 582W1 Oshawa alter 6 p.m. 28.1* MOTORCYCLE, 1947, H.D., 610H. V. Apply John Caldwell, 94 Lib- erty S.N.,Phone 3405. 28-1* 1934 CHEV. coach, good condi- tion. Phone 4702W1 Oshawa. 28-1* CONGOLEUM rugs and yard goods available in many colour- fui patterns at Morris Co. 17-tf seat, in good condition. Highest cash price accepted. Apply 26 Flett St. 28-1* FOTJR-burner gai stave, with aven, good condition; also round extension table with extra leaves. Phone 605. . 28-1* EUREKA Vacuum «Cleaners, tank models fromn $39.50'up at Morris Ca. Phone for free demonstra- tion. 17-tf 1948 CASE tactor, lights, starter, power take-off, pulley, bydrnulic. lift, in A-1 shape. Pniced neason- ably for quick sale. Joseph Craw- ford, Hampton, Phone 2552. 28-1 WE mensure and install Venetian Blinds. Phone Morris Ca. for estimetes. We elso carry n com- plete stock af window shades. 17-tf BE READY-for Spring and Sum- mer with Sisman Scampens fan childnen, boys and men. Lloyd Ellis Sboe Repain, 39 King St. W., Bowmanville. 19-tf VENETIAN Blinds, Flexalum, Steel on Aluminumr Decorator Shedes,- one price 70e sq. ft. ex- pert installation., Phone 45 1, Wn]ken Stores. 23-tf INTERNOTIONAL Cub Tractor, plow and cultivator, nearly new; one Case pick-up baler; model H. John Deere tactor. F. S. Allen, Phone 594 or 2833. 28-1*' BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $18.00 n cord, sawed and delivened; alýo fence posts. H. M. Kyte, Bunketon, Phone Part Penny 193-r-14. 15-tf BARRELS !01 STEEL BARRELS! $3.50 each BOB STOCKERS GARAGE Phone .804 Bowmanville 24-tf NEW and late model automobiles insured and finenced. Denier on priv ate sales. Inquire about this low cost plan. Roy Lunney, 48 KiIng St. W., Phane 565. 23-tf ONE Rtotiller ganden tactor; one bundmed gallon power spray- en; one '35 Ford Panel Truck. 146 Liberty North, Phone 2712 aiter 5 p.m. 28.1* CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugi, yard goods and hall nunners; Rex- oleumi Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goodi et budget pnices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf CONVERT youn wagon wheels ta rubber, camplete stock oi steel imi, tires a'nd tubes now avail- able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Canner King and Silver Sti., Phone 467.: 16-tf PRIVATE' Fumnitune Sale-6-pce. kitchen suite, modemn; 6-pce. dîn- ette suite, modemn; apt. size ice box; 2-burner electric plate; new blenkets and quilti. Phone .3697. NEW and used hayioaders, side rakes, will take good piga in deal; Woods Ca. combinetian freezers, stoves, rengettes, new Willys jeep tractar, $875.00. Phone Carl Todd, 15-20- Clarke. 27-2* M.-H. GRAIN Binden; used Hay Tedder; New DeLavel Refniger- ator; used Sulent Glow Spece Heater; new Case Side Reke; used Allis Chalmers B Tmctor; used DeLaval Milken; used De- Laval Hot Water Heeter; used I. Articéles For Sale ONE Hart Parr tractor; Goodisan thresher on nubber; International ensilage" cutter, 16-inch. Mrs. Leslie Roy Graham, R.R. 6, Bow- mnanville at Haydon. Caîl even- ings. 28-1 1938- CHEVROLET Coach, in- ex- cellent condition, selling due ta poor health, 'bow price for quick sale. This car bas been taken care ai. Terrns can be arranged. Phone 3446.. 28-1* LINOLEUM. heâdquarters in Osh- awa and *district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printed. and Inlafd Linoleum.- Every pattern that's made, is available et Bred1ey's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa.' 2-tf IMMEDIATE cielivery, Fairbanks Morse spacç heaters. Heat your home the sale, deéan econamical way. Pay only $11.45 -down at Bradlèy's Furniture and' Appli- ance Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. .2-tf OIL burnersinstelled, complete with ane.year guarentee, $350.00 and up-for as little as $35 dawn and 24 manths ta pay. W. Len Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sbeet Metal, Bowmanville, Pfione 3348. 26-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oul Burners installed anywhere in Durham Caunty. Reasanable rates and highest quality.. For free estimates. call W.. Len Elliptt, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phane 3348. 26-tf ONE Fluery Bissell- Tractor, double disc, 14 front, 16 rear; alsa 3-horse Fluery 14-dusc, like new; also Easy Washer, demonstrator, used 6 times, white enamel. Cash or terms. Apply 'r. S. Mauntjoy, Phone 2503, Hampton. 28.1* BED, walnut panel, springs, rqt- tress and dresser; chfi'fonier',, en- amelled in pale blue, suitable for child's roam; nine-piece McGlag- an dining suite, in lovely condi- tion; also Findlay cook stave, in faim condition. 2 Concession St. W., Phone 908.' 28-if FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Washing Machines, Ranget, service on milk coolers and mot- ors, that wiring job or anything electric. Trade -in or Terms. Consuit Werny & Son Electric, Dealers for Woods Electric Fnrm Equipment, Phone 2539 Bowman- ville. 23-61I ALL kindi ai ment, good quality weiners, bologna, cooked hams, smoked bami and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Danlington Pack- ing Co., Hampton, Phone 2836; also pickling, smoking and seus- age makifig. Durnng the summer manths - bog killing on Tues- days and cattle et any time. 20-tf TEN - Pc. Living-room groupa. Meny calours and style cambin- ations ta choose fram. Groups include: 2-pc. Veloun Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut Erid Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lemp, 1 Metel Smoi<en, 1 Alum- inum SerVing Tray. 10-pc. Spec- i $169.00 onlynif Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Tenms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose from. .2-tf BRAD)LEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedrooni suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, camplete, $C6.95; feit base floor cavering, 49c a square yd.; chromne chairs, $6.95, nîl colons; 3 pc. allover veloun chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. naturel inish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59-00; 3-pc. nîlover velour bed chesterfield suites,j $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spnends, $6.95; table lampi, $6.75. Everything fon the boume at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshnwa. Phone 271. 6-tf IN MEMORIAM CRAWFORD-In loving memory ai Mns. Ida Crawford, who pnssed away in Blackstock, 'July lSth, 1946: .- The yeams may wipe out many things, But this they wipe *Out neer- The memory ai those happy years, When we were ail tagether. -Lovîngly nemembemed by ber son, George. 28-1* HOOPER-In loving memary ai n dean brother, Ronald John Hooper, who wes killed in action July l3th, 1944: We cannot clasp your hand, brother dean; Vour face we cannot see; But let thîs little token Tell that we still remember thee -Ever emembered by Ed, Hub- ert, Bud, Florence and Art. 28-i JAYNES-In loving memary ai a dean mother, Evelyn Jeynes, who pessed away July 9th, 1944: While you, dean Mothen, reit in peaceful sleep; Your loving memory we will elweys keep. -Always remembened by deugh- ter, Audrey. - 28-i1 and 25c. 28-1 k'.u- Fower corn Dlnaer; Water ______________________Systems; Wire Fence and Steel WITHERIDGE-In memory ai a 7 Auction Sale Pasta. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, loving son and brother, Gardon Phone 497. 28-1 Witheridge, wha passed awey et -Sunnybrook Militery Hospital, IVRNITURE SAL-I have beena TRADEC - INS - Westinghouse July l2th, 1948: authorized ta sell by publie auc- washers, 6 mos old, reg. $159 for Peacefully sleeping, resting et tien fer Mns. James Walsh, an $90.50; cambination radia, 3-speed lait, $aturday, July 22nd (et the foot changer, reg. $239 for $149, used His weary trials and troubles Qi the Hlgh School gmund) herlanc month; brand new 3-piece are pnst; ftousehold effects lncluding din- bdroomn suite,.chest ai drawens, In silence he suffered, in patience, kitchen and bedroM bc, dresser, $59.501, separately ho bare bautture, dlshqto4 cooklng tensila 7950, 6 t t electÏie nefiger- Till God cehled him home ta e.Sle at 6 parn. in the ator, badnw 22.4;Ws-sufer no more. Please note time. Sec inghouse electie range, floor 1 Sdly missed by mothen, fether, list next week. Elmer1 mode], re. $230 for $1D1~00. Ruby and NelsoW, Greta and Erm. autüonft. 28-1 MrpbyE&#Phoune81. 21 Notices Dr. Stoney's office will be closed June 28th -ta Aug. 8th. 24.6* The office ai Owen Nicholas Fuels will be closed fram July lSth ta 29th. 27-2 Eve's Beauty Salon will be closed July 24th ta Aug. th . 27-3* Harnd,çn's Garage will be clased from July l7th ta July 23rd in- clusive. 28-1 Dr. Birk's office will be closed from July 28th ta August 27th inclusive. 28-6 Anyone wishîng ta use the Lions Community Centre please contact Harmy V. Cryderman, 112 King St. E., Phone 2128. 28-1 Beginning Aug. 1, 1950 The Neat-Way Shoe Repair will oc- cupy the new premises at 73 King St. E., opposite Garton's Bus Terminal. Thank yau. 28-2 Having sold my trucking busi- ness and P.C.V. license ta Lamne Annis, Tyrone, Phone 2341, I wish ta thank all-who have fav- oured me with their, the past and hope they will give Lamne the appartunity ta prove that he can give prompt, careful antd-efficient service. Howard Milîson. 28-1 Real Estate For Sale NEW starey and a balf hous'e. Apply 26 Flett St. 28-1* THREE-roomed bouse, on ¼/-acre lot, in Bowmanville, fully insul- ated, built-in cupboards, good garden. Apply 24 O'deIl Street, Bowmanville. 28-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $375.00-Two moom cottage, easily moved. Suitable for borne or cottage. $1,800-Full price, 3-room bouse, hydmo, cellar, fruit trees, good garden, well, low taxes, on Scu- gag Street. . Reduced for quick sale. $2,000 down-Nice home, 5 roomi, all conveniences, nice garden, on Ontario Street. $4,50 $2,700 dlown - New 41½ raom bungalow, hot air furnace, ahl conveniences, modemn throughout, garage, on Liberty north. Pnîce $6,700. $3,180 down-New ultra-modern bungalow, six roams, hot air auto ail heating, with air conditioning, heevy wiring, modemn bathroom and kitchen, narth end ai town. Pnice $8,300. $3,700-d*&nplete price. Restaur- ant, fish and chips, in Port Penny. Rent $46.00 per month including 4-roomn apartment. Leese. Ex. pensive equipment and fixtures included. Immediate possession. $6,900 with haîf cash dlown, brick bouse, 8 naoms, imaîl barn, nice grounds, 3/5 acre, hydro, cellar, furnished, low taxes. In quiet residential street in Newcastle. Farm-181 acres, near Newton- ville, brick bouse, large barns, ga rage, etc. $9,000. Ternis. New five.-room brick bungalow, pfcture window, newly decorated, hot air furnace, modemn kitchen and bathroom. Pnice $7,200.1 Ternis. AIso fammi ram 4 acres up, in ail price ranges. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Meclachian Phone 3326 Bowmanvi]le Phone 689 Oshawa 28-1 Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER, for local business, pmeferably male with some ex- perience. Write Box 428, c/o The Statesman, Bowmanville. 28-i WANTED - immediately, eliable woman -for hausekeeper, ane adult, gaod weges, excellent borne. Apply in persan et 112 Elgin St. or Phone 930. 28-1 WANTED -Salesman for Bow- manvîlle end district, gaod pro- duct and good commission, fuil or part t*ne. Phone 3858r, Oshawa. 97-2 VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent opear- tunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-G-i40-4~89, Lost DRUM of ail - 10 gallon of esso- lube, number 30, around fruit bouse corner. Phorte 516, A. H. Sturrock. 28-1* GOLD broach lost Thursday, July 6th, in Bowmanville, on King Street. Valued as keepsake. Reward. Kindly phone 796.2-1 LOST from truck between Bow- manville and Pontypool, yellow cat with white legs and white tip on tail. Generous reward. Any information concerning this an- imal would be appreciated. Jean Coulter, Pantypool, Phone Beth- any 20r2. 27-2 Work Wcmted BOY, 15, would like work ai any kind, during holidays. Phone 2993. 28-1* FOR summer months, by girl high school graduate. What have you ta offer? Phone 3375. 28-1 G EN E RAL Building Repairs, asphaît, metal and aluminum shingles, insul-bnick sald and ap- plied. Free estimates, Ed. Storry, Builder, Phone Part Penny 277J. 16-tf BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 25-1 .LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED Have -them sharpened with aur new precision machine. Cail 467 for pickup and delivery G. F. JA1WIESON TIRE SHOP - 21-tf Livestock For Sale 1l PIGS, 7 weeks aid. Apply W. J1. Reynolds, Hampton, Phone 2181. 28-1 TEN pigs, eight weeks aid. Ap- ply Frank Kralewski, R.R. 3, Bowmanvîlle. 28-1 100 BARRED Rock pullets, Fisher Orchard's strain, 10% laying. Priced for immediate sale at $2 each. Stan Rowe, R.R. 3, New- castle, Clarke 2814. 28-2* COMMERCIAL, 5-year-old mare, Percheron and Hackney cross, red chestnut, sound and well broken: saddle horse, 4-year-old, red chestnut gelding, creamn mane and tail, 3 white stockings. Shown in saddle and jumping classes, hait- ness broken. W. W. Kennedy, Millbrook, Phone 223-r-3. 27.2* Wanted To Buy SCRAP iran and batteries. Phon§ Clarke 2530. 17-tl FOOTBALL boots, in good con- dition, size 8. Please Phone 2639. 28-1 * BUSH - must be predominately hard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 193È14. 22-tf BEFORE selling youn live pai"ltn try us. Our pnices are hig em. M Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 n 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Farpers Attention!1 WE will be p]eased ta pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing pnices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 an Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2tf Chicks For Sale ORDER Bray Chicks now for August-September delivery. They have some day-olds and started. Ask us: Hugh Stapleton, Newton- ville. 28-1 PULLET bargains while they lait. Ten week aId White Leghorns, Black Minorca x White Leghorns, New Hamp x White Leghorns, White Leghorn x Barred Rocks, $65.95 per hundred. Also day-old and started chicks, non-sexed, pullets, cockerels. Turkey bar- gains. Two week aid Bronze, White, Holland, 93 cents. Three week aid, $1.03, four weeks, $1.13. Also day-aid Turkeys non-sexed, sexed Toms, sexed Hens. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 28-21 Personal '4OLD et 40, 50, 60?" Man! You're crazy! Thousands peppy et 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bod- ies lecking iran. For rundown feeling many men, Women cali 1,old." New "get acouainted" size INCREASE VOUR INCOM*! j only 60c. AIl dnuggists. 28-1 OPERATE a route af autordatic I peenut and gumn machines, onjy a! HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber few houri n week required. .Wiîî 1goods) mailed postpaid in plain nat intentene with your othexç in- sealed envelope with price list. teesti. $968 cash establishesa-you Six 'samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. a route ai these praven money- Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- makers, ful ai stock andf on ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. location. Big seeson juit stai4ing. 1 27-9 Age no obstacle. Write forý' de-1 fimite appaintment and fui*het Repairs particulars now. Write Box1424,1 I Statesman Office. g8-1* FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, MAN and wife, Anglo Saxon and tny the Neat-Way Shae Repain Protestant, no encumbance,- age Shop, King St. West. 9-tf 30 - 35, goad appeamence, country1 genemal store. Wife competent CHESTERFIELDS completely ne- hausekeepen and suitable type ta built and e-upholstered.' Satis- assist in store as requimed. Hus- faction guananteed. Have aur band, store expenience, gaod per- consultant cali et no obligation. sonality. goad health. House and Enquire et Weber's Fabric Cen- store edjoining, hot watem heated tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf with oil, hydmo, ail conveniences. We desime companionable couple REPAIRS tai ail makes ai refrig- who wileppreciate good home. enatars, domestic and commercial; Must have finit cdas eferences. milking coolers. Higgon - Elec. Apply stating salary expected. tric, 42 ing St. E4, Phone 438. Box 425,.Stateaman Offe.. .. ý -25-ti For Rent TWO unfurnisbed rooms. Write Box 427, c/o Statesman Office. 28-1* I HAVE space for couple witbout children. Raams are partly furn- isbed. Apply Mns. Lucy Widdi- combe, 191 King St. East. 28-1' HOUSE ta rent in Bowmanville, fully modern, twa bedrooms and small child's gleeping naom. Ap- ply only by letter, giving details of employment and family ta Box 426, Statesman Office. 28-tf Wanted To Rent DISC or 2-furrow tradtor plow. Phone 2377. 28-1 ROOMS*or apantment wanted by young couple with small baby. Phone 3698. 28-1 UP ta 15 acres ai dlean land. Apply Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- series. 28-1 Farm Help EXPERIENCED, reliable Holland families available. Arriving soon. Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestie- ton, Ont. Phone 225 - 24 Part Perry. 22-14 Wanted ROOMS or room and board ur- gently required for good type male industrial workers. Advise accommodation available an d rates ta National Employment Service, 22 Albert St., Oshawa, Phone 2616. 26-4 Pets For Sale COCKER Spaniel puppies for sale. Phone 2090. 28-11 Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chinopodist, speciadizin in diseases ai the foot and leg. pGenera1 chiropady work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone .3947. 35-tf Found YALE bouse key, owner niay have same by applying ta Roland Cousins, Church and Silven Sts. and paying cost ai advt. 28-1 CADMUS Mn. and Mmi. Bill Thompson, Peterborough, with Mn. and'Mrs. James McKee. There was a faim crowd et cbumch an Sunday. Quite n number tram the vic- inity went ta the Orange Service et Blackstock Sunday night. Miss Joyc* Lemmen and Miss Velme Graham are spen ig a ~week beck et Stàigess LaK~. Mr. and Mmi. Bob Vivian and Marilyn, Bowmanville, spending weekend with Mm. and Mmi. Arthur Hanna. They nîso visit- ed Marie Henne et St. Chnistophen Camp. Mm. Kenneth Croal, Oshawa, i spending some holjdays with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henna. &Mns. Irene Henry and family, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mmi. Lamne McKee. Miss Audrey McKee spent the weekend with friendi et Janet- ville. Same from this way attended the Wilf Carter Show in Oshawa Friday night. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson spent an evening lest week with hem mother who is sjck i& Osh- awa Hospitel. Some of-Mm. Oscar McQuade's family motored 'ta Hemilton ta bing beck Hammy McKee's baby.1 Doug Thompion and littie Nes- bitt boy, Peterborough, are spend- ing holidays with Mmi. Meredith Thampian and John. BURKETON The W.A. Strewberry tee July 4th, was very succesîful in spite ai ain and proceeds were ap- poximetely $48. A good musical pmogram was pesented in the evening. We especially thank the Koss brothers who gave their time and talent, with violin and piano accordion music, and the Burketon Flute band witIhý Mm. J. Fî'ankum et the piano; piano so- los were Iziven by Vemna Larmer and Aisla Hanthomne, duets by Lois Davey and Ruth Cemnochan and Beth Dean accompanied by Mrs. E. Caughill; sangs by Shir- ley Hennis and V. Larmer. Read- ings weme given by E. Caughill, N. Larmer, Allen Larmer, Babby Hanthomne, Dick Ramsay and Francis ai the Hydmo camp sang an ilyd the guitar. Rev. R. M.Sey mour expmessed sincemest thanks toalal who gave af their talent and help. Mr. and Mmi. Stanley Moffat celebrated their 35th wvedding an- niversary et the aId Hamestead with Mm. and Mns. Orville Greer when e punie af money was pre- sented by their many friendi and a beautiful plate glass mimmar imom thein gandchildren and rel- ative-, an Saturday, July 8th. Miss Marion Cmewson. Brant- fond, is helping in Ribey's store for the summen. Mmi. I. Breck, Mr. and Mmi. Fred Holmoyd and family, Mm. and Mmi. J. Tompkins were with Mns. J. Rogers, Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mri. Fred Holroyd weme in Toronto an July 8th and ettended the wedding of Mri. Holrayd's sister ta Mn. Norman Grey. Miss Barbara Rogers and ber friend. Mn. Harry Kaven, Wewa, visited her grndparents, Mr. and MMa.TorWkl&.- Mr. and Mn.. Burgess, Bow- manville, wene recent guests ai Mn. and «Mrs. Bruce Hanthorne when they motomed ta visit rela- tives et Burnt River. Mrs. Cecil Gatchell and Tom- my witb Mmi. Jim Gatcheil. We are glad Mns. C. Gatcheli is im- pmoving since ber recent- opera- tion in Oshawa Hospital. Eddie Cook, Bowmanvilie, vis- ted with Freddie Cafter. Mmi. F. Cook came fan the strw- beny tea and called on fniendi. Marion - Haines, Toronto, is home on ane Week's holldays. Mn. and Mmi. E. H. Contes and famiiy, Brooklin; Mm. and Mmi. Alan Aldred, Toronto; their cous- ibs Mn. and Mmi. Auf. Cern ai Walthemston, London, Englend, with Mm. and Mmi. J. Carter. The three Carter brothers visit- ed their home in Englend when an leave from active service dur- ing the war. Like ail English visitors, Mr. and Mmi. Cern were amazed with the wander and beauty af Canada and the abun- dance af food and evemy kind ai' material. Mn. and Mmi. Evans, Victor Ham- bon, Ont., spent a few days with Mm. and Mmi. H. Trick necently. Mi. Douglas Taylor is in To-1 ronto viiitinjz hem father who is M1. - Mr. and Mmi. Leonard Trick, Pantypool; Mm. and Mmi. Grant Wilson and Beryl, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mmi. Grant Carnochan. Mr. Wm. Stevenson, Toronto, with Mr. A. Hughes. Mmi. Hughes and Lais Steven- son retunned ta Toronto with Mr. Stevenson for a few days. SOUTH NESTLETON Mn. and Mmi. H. Cox, Mn. and Mrs. Lazenbumy and Ann, To- onta, celled an their uncle and cousin, Mr. Noon and Mmi. Emen- ton. Mr. and Mmi. Findlay Hannis, Belleville, Mms. Blanden and daughter Joan, Petembomo, were' vjâitors with Mn. and Mmi. Jas. Harris. Miss Gladys McKee is visiting fniends in Toronto. Mrs. Leal and Mms. Hylnnd spent Monday in Barrie. Miss Barbare Russel, Oshawa, is spending the week with hem gandmothem, Mmi. N. Lansing. Miss Shirley Hicks is holiday- ing with ber uncle et Millbrook. Mrs. Emerton and Jim visited with Mm. and Mrs. Collins and family, Scugog Island. Mr. and Mmi. Eldon McCnbe, Toronto, cnhled on fniends jn town. Mrs. George Nesbitt, Toronto, us visiting Mmi. John Pmoutt and Miss Ruth Pnoutt. Master Douglas Marlow, Whit- by, is staying with bis grand- parents, Mn. and Mrs. N. C. Mer- low. Mr. Phil Langfeld, Toronto, et home for the weekend. Mmi. Harold Beacock visited hem mother, Mns. Francis Whjte. Mm. and Mmi. Fred McTeam, Montreal, celled on Mn. Elmen Nesbitt. Several local families attended theBeeockfemuly e-union in Hampton on Saturday. Mrs. S. McKee visited ber bro- ther and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. O. McQuade, Bunketon, and motored to Oshawa and Hamilton. Sympathy is extended ta 'Mr. Chas. Giat in the death ai hia father. Mn. and Mns. Gjst left Friday for Pennsylvania tô at, ' tend the funenel.V Mn. and Mns. Lorenzo Mount- jay were in Tononto visitipg her sîster, -Mrs. Chas. Briggs, who in in bospitel following a. stroke. Fniends of Mrs. Bnîggs wish her a speedy recavery. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mns. Geo. Bowens were: Mr. and Mns. J. Fmatalochi, Mr..and Mn. Henny Lynch and Lorraine, af Lindsay; Mrs. Harry Reynolds and Barry, Sudbury; Mn. and Mns. Zack Adams and family, Bowmanville; Mrs. -Walter Fer- guson, Mns. Donald Lee, Wayne and Tenry, Oshawa. The most recent of several trea- ties negarding fishing nights is the Halibut Fishing Convention ai March, 1950, whereby fishermen are granted certain reciprocal pnivileges in west coast ports . Canada and the United Sttes An equitable sharing ai more Niagara water fan power produc- tion was arranged in the Niagara Diversion Treaty ai February, 1950. Sella in the lowest prie rab"u..' amazlngly 10w apkeep... Centie **rotary-swlrl" waahlng action le masier on fine fabriea. Ne w.nder housewlvee 0me Canada'e best washar velue I,., F. F.Miori-is TIMELY SUMNER NEEDS AT TOUR REXALL STORE M11SOLtTTION, Rexali --------- 16-oz. 89e REX -EME Medicated Skin Cream --- ------- ----- ----- -69o QUIK BANDS, Rexal--------. 36 bandages 30e EPSOM SALT ------- - ------------ --- 8-0z. 25e BRITEN TOOTH PASTE --- --- --- - 35c TAINNIC ACID JELLY, Purtest .-.----------- . 2-oz. 60e BACHELOR DEODORANT CREAM ------- 45e - 65e EYELO, Rexail, complete with eye cup ---- - 50e 622 INSECT LIQUID REPELLENT . - ---- - 2-oz. 59e BISMA REX. helps relieve stornach upset ------ --------------85e GYPSY TAN OIL, for a rich attractive tan--------------------- 50e Everyihing Your Baby Needs Castaria ------- -3c-6- Dextri Maltose 70e Glycerine Suppositories -- 40e Zinc Stearate, O# Water, .Woodwasr a ____6 Olive 011, 2-az. - -___30e Mennen Baby 011 59e Mennen Talcum, with rattle top ---------- -- se Johnsons Baby Cream 55e Infantol --- - --90c-$3.00 Castor 011 25e-45e Babys Own Soap 15e, P2 for 25o Stork Nurseru, the complete feeding unit-----es. 39e Summer Time is Picture Time! THIIS MONTH'S SPECIAL! Your favaurite negative enlarged, eoloured and attractlvely. frarned 50P x 7PY 99C complets Richard Hudaut Home Perm~anent Deluxe Refili Kit Ineiudes:- Etc Creme Shampoo Crerne Rinse Extra Plastie Curling Roda Extra Rubber Bindeics Cotton APPlicators Special $1.95 BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS -J1 ~K. JUIRY ULOVELL When W. Test Eyeu Et in Don. ProperiY voua EEXALL DELUG STORE PHONE 178 BOWMANVILLE ------------------ 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- e%04001ý 1-1 -T --, ýbp TRUMDAY, MLY u1à; lm

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