r*j ft fANflAN -TIMA- R WANILILONARO .URDA. UL.lt- . > NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mn.. Ted Clarke, Bow- Iavxle, with Mr. and Mrs. Len Batn n Sunday. The induction service for oui- Ilew minister, Rev. Lancaster, will take place at Shlloh Church, Frlday evening. 1(ns. Reuben Payne'e condition la causing the famnily increased worry. Mi-.. Agnes Darlngton has ac- cepted a pasition as companion for a lady in Bowmanville. * Mr. and Mrs. Lean âarton at- tended *the laying of the date Mone and reception ai the new Dowmanville 'Hospital. i*'Mn.r. Bradley and Miss Mabel Eawen, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Trozer and daughtcr, Linda, and Mmn. Mabel Langstaii, Part Hope, Iwith Mrs. Hattle Langstafi on monday.1 * Congratulations ta Beverleg * Barton who passcd ber fis grade Music exarn with first class honours and ta Gloria Lane who Passcd her fourth grade cxam with honors. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknapi and Douglas with hlm parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap. Mr. HughStapleton Is busy building his ncw home. We werc plcased ta have the Masonie brcthren of Newcastle with us Sunday evening. The church was nicely decorated with flowers for the occasion. The Os- borne quartette contributed twa numbers and Mr. Geo. Walton a solo. Having the front pcws fiiled with around 60 Masons, all sing- ing lustily, made the service ai sang an inspiration. Rev. Merriam based his remaries on the life ai Moses. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McNeil, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow on Sunday. The annual meeting of the Cemetery committee was held on IMonday evening, July 3rd in the cammunity hall. Mr. T. A. Reid whci bas been chairman ai the board for about 12 years, resign- ed. This 6 was because he feit it unfair ta tiW rést ai the board that he, residing in Orono. could not take a fuller share of respon- sibility. Mr. W. H. Burley, the treasurer and charter member ai the board also passed in bis i-es- -MONTREAL-Hot weather is no time to fuss n fume with meal-getting inconveniences. That's w]îy Fra so pleased ta be able to tell you about this » grand new DURHA'M CORN STARCH package thýat's so easy' to open and closel Just break the seal and inside voulIl find "Durham" neatly pro- *,tected in a paper brg. Then. when you've used as much as you need at the time, replace the top. T t fits snugly - ke-cps out every iast particle of dust and prev ents any starch from spilling out! 'onderful Ann Adam recipes on the new Durham Corn Starch package, too! Tes, l' Up ToeToit whether you spoil your vacation worrying about wbat might happen "back borne" . .. or leave things n such good oider you'li be carçfree as a lark! And ~ there's one worry you can always deal with well before it rears its nasty little head - "Are my valu- ables, my jewellery and my bonds, really safe? AlilJ you have to do is lock aNvay vour preejous po sq Wions in a Sa! etyL Depasit Éox at the BANK 0F MONTREAL I For only a cent or two a day, you -eà can buy year-long protection and more carefree holidays. So pay a eall on your nearest B of M office tomorrow, and take over the key to your own Safety Deposgit Box. No Persuasion la N.eded to make baby eat-when you give him the food babies love . . . HEINZ BABY FOODSI 'Carefully, expertly cooked to babys taste ... Heinz Baby Foods are just right for tiny tots 'n' toddlers! 11/ Meat products - soups - cereals - veget ables and desserts . ..all cookcd specially for baby in Heins I learning. kitchens! And hcrc's another Heinz 'M1e 'Special" for babies!. . .Three plastic cap cavera (to fit over the tope of Heinz Baby Food tins when baby doesnt eat a full tin at onc mealtime) and two babli food scoops (for seooping out r the lust morsel of baby food from the tin) are y.ours ifl pou'l simpiy write t me - Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. Enclose jeât 10e in coin or postage stamps and 3 labels irom Heinz Baby Food tins. And be sure ta tell me if your baby is a boy or girl so li know whether ta send these five "baby speciais" in pink or blue! Do You Know what I consider the most precious gems of my cuphoard? My homemade jams and jellies! The ruby red atrawberry and raspberry jams and jellies, the dVp ich ametbyst grape, the garnet pium, ail sparkliing on My cupboard shelf, make me feel a regular miser. I can't resist putting up my favourites 'specially when Certo Fruit Pectin gives sjich sure resuits, and s5aves up ta 2/3 the time it formçrly took with the long bail method. With Certo, fao, I can gr't up ta 50% more Jam or jelly from the saine amount o! fruit. Try CERTO FRUIT PECTIN when you're jarnming and jellying and eee the wonderful results you get by following exactly the tested recipes on the booket under the label of every Certo bottle. LIht 'n' Fluffy As A Sum mer Cloudi - tbat's the wav cakes should bel And I've proved ta mysoî,f over and over again that j , SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR makes the iight- est, fiufflest cakes in Ille woridl That's berause Swans Down is sifted over and over again until 27 times as fine as ordinary'flour. And the wonderful uesuit~s show in cakes like this -Banana Cake. (1 egg and 1 egg yolk> 1 tspn. Calumet Baking Powder well beaten 1 tspn. baking soda 1 cup mashed bananas 1/2 tapn. sait 3/4 cup saur mik or buttermilk 1/2 cup butter or other shorteninf 1 tspn. vanilla Sift flour once. measure, add 'baking Ipowder, soda, sait, and sift together three times. Crearn butter. add sugar gradually; cream until ight, and flufiy. Add eggs, beat 'vell;, then add bananas and beat, again. Add flour to creamned mixture, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time; beat srnooth after each addition. Add vanila. Bake i two greased 9-inch layer pans In moderato oven (375 deg. F.) about 25 minutes. Spread vanilla frosting fbetween layers and on top and sides of cake. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Wonderful with iresf berrnes! Jast A# Toeu Lilas Thom. . . I've discovered tei and coffee that are truly tops in aste . ..served bot orcold, as ou like. Ves, there's an ideal of qulity behind RED ROSE TEA AND COFFEE tha t's bound ta make thern goodl I cen tell you bow very good Red Rose Tea is - but you can tell best by tasting it for yourmelf. FRoseirs dtefa. And becs it's qiusaiteds FRo e iradtefavoAnurfulsipit's oviusalited -il actually gives more cups ta the pound - its fiav. ur ,goes a long, long way! Red Rose Coffee is as good as Red Rose Tea. Always fresh - always flavotirful - once yotve tasted this full-bodied coffee, you'l1 neyer be aatinfied with any otheni, lob ,Stocker's -garage p jkn. 8ut BowmanviUe Corner Vint & Brown Sts. ignation through reasons of M1 health. Thé resignations of both these men wcrc accepted with regret as they have been valucdi mt-mbers. Mr. Arnold Wade and Mr. Cleland Lane were clected to the board with Mr. Cccil Rob- inson as senior member. Mrs. Ross Hallowell entertain- ed the W.A. at her home for their June meèting at which the Prèsi- dent presided for the business period. Reports werc received from the various committees re- garding the church' name plate, and purchasing curtain mareriais. Plans were made ta secure fur- ther supplies for bazaar articles and Mrs. S. Lancaster offered to look'-after coupons- with the idea af getting vegetable dishes for the church pantry. The Downham Nursery pic- tures will be shown ln the church basemnent on Sept. 21 and the i irst four committees named an the pragram will furnîsh lunch. Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Pearce and the Devotional by Mrs. Woods. Mrs. S. Lancaster read an article on prayer after which Miss Hilîs played an in- strumental solo. Roll caîl was a dessert or supper dish suitable for hot weather. An Irish contest closed the pro- gram, when the bostess and her graup served lunch ta the 21 '-mnembers and two visitors pi-os- ent. THE COVE 'l V, l One ai oui- cantributors ai last August wha quotcd fi-rn an ar- ticle in "Rod and Gun" on the menace ai racing matai- boats, ask- ed us ta add funther comment ta an item on tbe iront page ai last weck's Statesman. It statsd that Mn. AI Witberspoon had been ap- pointcd special constable at the Beach and that one af bis duties will be the contrai of matai- boat activities. The law mey compel thec own- ens ai these pests ta travel at a distance fi-rn bathing ai-cas but up ta the pi-esent no law is eilec- tive in the restriction ai useIess noises. In the islend-dotted lakes ai the north, rnator boats pass alonLy ta docks, post offices and fishing grounds; but bei-e fi-rn èarly ta late, on balidays and Sun- days a sparse baîf-dozen incon- siderate entbusiasts plunge along an elliptical course fi-rn the bar- bour ta the fai- western point ai Ceder Ci-est. Weekcnd visitai-s retura ta the so-cailed noisy cities for quiet. The matai- boat hes corne ta stay, but picase, childi-en, chug ahead and play along the i-caches ai uninhabited shores ta oui- east or west. jYour opinions on this subject or any others afiniterest ta the summer colony will be welcorned. Address "The Cave" colurnn, c/o The Statesman. At the Cottages Tbanks a& due Miss Selly Ott for these s5cial items. Breeside Cottage was en fete on July 5, for the annual picnic ai Durham Chapter, Ordei- af the Eastern Star, Bowmanville. Same fonty Stars and twcnty Stenlets made a very bright spot on tbe shore as tbey joincd in gemes and cantests. One ai the bcst -picnics yct, sa tbey ail said. Mrs. Gevin Martin, Victoria, B. C. was tlie guest ai ber niece, Mrs. Howerd Pickard. El-Ti.-Di-Sa--Miss Verne Ricie- erd af Ottawa with Sally Ott. Mi-. and Mrs. Richard Ott aad Karen Lau, Miss Evelyn Roech ai town. Daisy Dell-Mr-. and Mrs. Adam McKay end Roy; Mn. and Mrs. Wrn. McKay Jr., Mr. &nd Mrs. A. W. Fox. John and Adrienne witb Mn. and Mrs. Wm. McKay Si-. Happy Hutch-Mrs. S. Robin- son and Lorraine witb tbc Jack Hutchinsons. Chequers Miss Anna Grisdale, Mr'. and Mrs. C. Diikes. Summer Haven-The Simpsons who arc no langer tenants but owners ai this delightful cattage entertained Miss Phyllis Genge. In "The Wing" Cave Cottage- Mi-. and Mrs. Christopher Bien- chard ai Toronto. At the McCartneys-Miss Belle Lawrence and Mr. Ken Wagge. At the Arrnstrongs-Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans and iamily ai AI- derwoad, Long Branch. At Willow Cabin-Mr. and Mrs. Cliffard Robins while they are building at Back-Acres. Robin White la one oi the 17 teen-agers wbo are swatting mas- quitoca and black flics while they strip bai-k fi-rn lags for telephone pales in the Windy Leke regian nean Sudbury. In the event ai bush fines they are an caîl witb other foi-est réngcrs for fine-fight- ing duty. Gai-dan White writes firn Port Aiberni: "Taday I got the job as whistle-punk in a iogging carsüp in the centi-e af Vancouver Id. Tbey pey us $1.30 an hour for Si'ln on a hill blowing a signal wh"istle". He znotored an el- derly couple to the Coast at, the end off June and wil return in August. THE CHAPEL-ONt-THE-HILL . Oui- Suiday activities really begin on Saturday night. Up goci Dave Bai-r to hook up the awn- ings; he finds Mr. Sld Gage pal. ishing the benches and dislodgirig birds' neats and along cornes John White ta tic up the flower baskets Mcanwhile, Wllla Sirnpson As gèt.' ting saine af the incidents ai the life aifMoses in drarnatic form far ber young listeners and Grey Bar- ricie is consulting the pedres on tiTe hyrnn tunes; a score ai math. crs are pressing the fluffy rufîci and sport shirts for thdir youngs- ters. Sorne thirty-iive ao theïe boys andl girls last Sundày jolncd in singing "Tell me the stonies ai Jesus" eand thcy do lave ta hear them up there on the hill-top. Mrs. Carlton is not liec the aId woman In the shac who didn't know what ta do-she is grecdy for more children. Scnd yours along. A frequent, lnterestcd visitor with a quality ai detachment had certain thought-provoking obser- vations ta make about aur 11:30 service: the breezy surroundings take away any feeling ai oppres-ý sivencss; no ane cornes fi-arn. a sense ai duty but ai desire; the group la "well-manned"-that is the womnen are definitely flot in the ascendancy; then, too, the ad- dresses by aur laymen puipiteers are less backneyed than many dis- courses- con gregations are too ai t- en called on ta endure. This last observation was strikingly true ai Mr'. McCartney's talk on "a giant in the Land." He taok his listen- ers back ta the Book of Numbers with the account af Caleba, tbe faitb-inspired spy, who altbough an octogenarian took as his choice af the Promised Land the moun- tain with tbe giants. 0f tbe giants in aur land that the Christian churcb rmust meet, none is.great- ci- than Communisrn. A vigorous timely sermon, not soan forgot- ten. Next Sunday aur President, Mi-. C. P. Robins takes the desie with a talk on "A Man ai Purpose". The summer is short: corne and bring your guests next Sunday. KENDAL Mr. Aylwand Little, Mi-. Alec Little and fricnds with Mrs. Neya Little. Mr-. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux and iarnily visited Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Peterboro. Mi-s. Luxon aad Maiin, and Mr-. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Port Hope, arc bolidaying et Lake Kushog. Mi-. end Mrs. Albert Mavin and farnily are visiting Mn. R. Wilson and Ada. Miss Doreen Vasa and Mi-. Mar- rie Patton spent the week-end with Mr-. and Mrs. N. L. Patton. Mr. and Mi-s. Gea. Mercer and, Delbert Langstaif visited et Kes- wick, Lake Sirncoe, returning vie Toronto. Miss Helen Hay spent lest weck visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Don Oke, Mr. end Mrs. Jabnny Sarcbuk, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stainton, Baw- menvilie and familles were witb Mr-. Jas. Hoy and Myrtle. Mn. and Mns. W. Smnith and farnily fi-rn Lindsey spent the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. R. Geecb. Miss Marie Smith stayed ta spend the wçek bei-e. Mr. and Mrs. Peuh Mencer and famiîy fi-rn Guelph are holiday- ing witb ber parents, Mi-. and Mrs. F. Warren for a week. Mrs. M. Menzies, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mi-. and Mns. T. Hilditch, visitlng Mn. end Mns. Delglcish et Hiberds Camp, Rice Lake, on Sunday. Mucb interest wes teken in tbe handball game hene on Tuesdey evening bctweea Gai-dcn Hill and Kenday as sbown by the many supporters out. Apparently, it was Garden Hill's night off as tbe score was rather large in f a- vaur ai Kendal. Thurs. evening, Port Hope Juveniles came out for a practice game. It wes close- ly coatestcd ail the way tbrougb witb Kendal coming fi-rn behind la the seventb inning ta win by a score ai 11-8. ENFIELD. Mr-. and Mro. A. W. Prescott, Misses Marie and Ruth and Mr. Ayimcr Prcscatt wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Eddyvean, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tonkin, Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Tonkin and Ellen, Oshawa, at M. Samis.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and Jack, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Stainton and family,, Ennis- killen;, Phllip Ashton, DEtrot, at H. Ormiston s.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tampkin and Jack, Mn.. Gea. Tlmpson, Alvin and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tlxnp- son, Miss Joan.Wcbster, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ormistoq, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ormiston and farnily, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ormiston, Brooklln, et J. Stark's. Miss Ruth Prescott and -Herb- ert Prescott are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shortt, in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson, Mari- lyn and Keith, *Greenbanie, at E. Prescott's.. Miss Norma Hoocy, Mrs. H. Hooey, Blackstock, at W. Bowý. man's. Mrs. J. Parr and Mrs. A. Pres- cott with Mrs. F. Gilbert, Salina. Mr. and Mrs. Bôb Smith and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Les Taylor, Toronto, at Mrs. T. Taylor's. Mr-. and Mrs. W. Bowrnan, Bruce, Laura and Eric at H. Bea- rnish's, Osbawa. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Holden,ý of Kinsale, Mr. Ray Cowling, Wbit- by, at E. Lee's. Mrs. H. Stinson spent tbe weck- end with Mrs. Evelyn Whillier at her summer cottage near Sutton. Mrs. Carneran, Toronto, is hol- idaying witb Mrs. W. Gray. Mr-. and Mrs. G. Bowman and iamily witb Mrs. L. Pascoe and Miss Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa. %scat,.aioni. ,vciiiv or rie i B L CKSOCKSolina Wcmen's Institute were joyed the pi-agi-arn provided by Mrs. Levi McGill, Peterborough, Zion iniends with Mrs. Lee ai Ai- visited witb MMr. and Mrs. bei-t St. Cburch, Oshawa, as James Parr; guest speaker and Mrs. Dixon ai Mr. Bob Smith, Peterborough, "Five Points" providing pleasing spent last week et home ta help violin selections. Refi-eshrnents with tbe ifaying. wcne served in the Sunday School Miss Hazel Mountjoy left lest room and the get-to-gether ai weck- ta spend the summer in the cii-cuit ladies was* profitable ta Muskoka District, ail. We wîsb to welcorne Mi-. and The Ferguson-Beacocie picnic Mrs. John Gnieves, Vonnie a.nd was held in oui- park on Satur-, Jimmie, ta aur cornmunity. They day: rnovcd inta their new home at Re.G.M.Epybsen Taylor's Corner lest week. e.GoM.Epyhsbn1 Mr. Qi-r Venning îeîî off a quite . indisposed- and suffering load ai bay last week and injured fo a heavy colbtok i bis shoulder. We hope he wiîî work on the cii-cuit on Sunday soan be wcîî again. eltbough labourinLy under diffi- Mn. nd Ms. nthu Baieyculties. Ris discourse on Sundey M.dMrs. redu Bailey, s ei evening witb foundation theme Beil end atieMw. eta "For1Iamrn ot ashamcd ai the Pointe au Baril for the weekend Gse iCrsfri stepw ta visit Mi-. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson, Windsor, at their cottage.tl~ f' T T Mrs. Fped Bailey is staying until the end af the montb. Mn. Grant Fergusan. Miss Ruth Drummond, Misses Thelma and Maria Ferguson witb Mn. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson. Mi-. and Mrs. Rosa Curtis and V Helen,, Onillia, with, Mrs. Robent Bruce and Miss Mae King. Mi-s. Ethel Hackei-idge, Owen Sound, and Mns. Cerman Werry Dundalk, attended the Beacock Re-jj , union at Hampton. an Saturday ad spent Saturday night witb Mr'. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow. DOMINIONIL Mrs. A. W. Stepheason and VIA Patsy, RichmoQnd Hill, Mrs. Bei-t Brown, Toronto, Mn. L. A.. Bea- BANFF& LAKE LOUISE cocie, Weyburn, Seske., and Miss Editb Brown, Qriilia, attended Regularly assigned aleepers the Beacocie Reunion at Hamp- and coaches air-conditioned > ton park on Saturdey and were ...wt eiiu el n weekend visitons af Mi-. and Mrs ... ith elicius m eakn Cecil Hill. setclrseey ra Congratulations ta Grant Fer- your trip with a Gi-et Lakes guson wha passed bis îst year at Cruise. Na added cast an Osgoode. firet class rail ticket. Onily The annual Orange Parade led meals and berth e¶ýa. by the Cartwright Fife and Drum Ful1l information /rom Band, and churcb service on Sunday evcning was well attend- C. S. 'ROBINSON cd. Station Agent Lest weck Arthur Bailey. Wes- ley Pearce and helpers made BOWMANVILLE rnucb nceded impravernents et the Memorial Park. The posts were straightened, new walks made and trees trimrned. They centàinly did a fine job. Syrnpathy is extendcd ta the - farnily ai the late Mrs. Mary Gi-if- _________________ fin.I i > Mer-lin' Bailcy la bcîng trans- icrred this week from the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce in Sun- derland to the«bank in Brantford. The members of the Women's Institute and visitors cnjoycd the picnlc at Caesarea on Tuesday, although the '2,ain spoilld the childr 'en's races. Mr. Fred Fray- er very kindly let us ipto the an- nex at his dance hall' wherc we bad a lovely- supper and friéndly get-together. The pupi1ls of Mrs. Ruth Wil- son who took the recent examin- atip . were: Joan Venning, Grie V, Pas.; .Cathextine Bailey, Grade IV, Honours; Marilyn Jackson, Grade IV. Pass. Mr. aiid Mrs. Howard Saywell and family visited Rev. John Mc- Kibbin, Mrs. McKibbin and fam- ily at Campbellford recentqy. Miss Jessie VanCamp is talcing a. summer course in Toronto for six weeks, and staying with Miss Wilma 'VanCamp. M. and Mrs. FPred Waldon, Torclio, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith. WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at 10:30 with a good attendarice and with Mr. George Tufford acting as su- perintendent. Church was held at 7:30 as usual. The service was held on the church lawns as it was such a warm evening Mrs. Allan Clark, assisted by Muriel Austin, began the super- vision of the recreation of the cffildren of school and pre-sehool age. The meetings of the young folk will be held on Tuesdays and TAX Frridaja of .each week. - ,.,- ,Mr. and Mrt- PercY Selpent Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs.Kea Langman et Toronto.. Mt. and Mr$. Wu. EarýroW- clough of Oshawa sperdt Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. Harold. Bar. rowclouah.- Miss Nola Holdaway ai Toron. ta la viutlng with herrnmothiErMr&. L. Holdaway. Mr. and Mi-.. Milton Brima- combe and famlly, Messrs. Joshua and Frred Brimnacombe off Osacr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi. Aràîold Thorndykc. -.- t- Misa Jean Duif of MSrtlc, Murl.~.. ray and Ruth Payne mnotdred Algonquin Park on Sunday. er of God unto salvation to evoey- one that belleveth" *as irtiPirng and helpful.1 Mr. and Mi-.. Gordon, Salt. Mr. andi Mrs. Alan Salter, Oshawa; Mr.* and Mrs. Allan Fo.ket. Mrs. Radburn and grand.'daughter, of Whitby were vialtors wlth Mrn.. Russell Luke. Mrs. Geo. White, Bowmanville, visitcdher son Wil» and Mrs. White on Sunday. Mr. and ?Mrs. Wllbur Burnett, Orono, at W. Wilbur'a and Bruce Ferguson's.. Mrs. Ada Willis, Toronta, is at the home of Mr..and Mrs. Wl» White. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, As at borne for holidays. Mrs. A.&vH. Visser, and son Brian. Rapide Blanc, Quebec, spent last week with her aunt, Mns. C. E. Jeiirey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper, Osh- awa, wcre recent guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwood. Mr-. Don. Davy and bride, D e- trait, cafled on frîends'here re- centiy. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees viuited ber brother. in Toronto and May- field. also cousins at Georgetown and Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mns. C. E. Horn on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey, Part Penny, and Miss Reta Kerslake, Bowmanville, at the Salter home on Sunday. Mrs. Victor Peacock and daugh- ter Dwaine, Oshawa-, Mi.. Mil- tan Avery and daughter, Mi-. Robt. Hill, Columbus, Ohio, were guests at W. W. Horn's on Thurs- day. Mrs. Avery was in Oshawa owmng ta tbe death af her mother, Mns. E. boncaster. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hamilton andI iamily ai Stayner were week- end guesti ai Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwood. 'Phone. Office 681 Res. 493 King Street, nowmanville KING'S RADIO' T AXI1 4#e~%w4e4e 24-ROUI SERVICE SPhono: Day 561 - Nighis 56 -707 -922 SIX MODERN CARS .... ALL PASSENGERS INSURED. - * * PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Operaied by Laihangue Bros. -Your home can be It talces more than an architect's plan to make a homne a model home .. . the rnagie touch cf Chemistry, for instance. Colour, safety and utility.in the form of C-IL Paints, glamauraus Nylon, versatile Plastics and znany chemically denived productz. "Freon" is the tncoldffess"~ in your refnigerator and Chlorine purifies yaur water ... ail play their part in making your home a model home. The C-IL Oval trade mark is ý symbol of quelity in these products which are "Servlng Canodinfit Through Chemistry". CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITIED MONTRCAL' i -/ NEW PHONE NUMDER for LORNE'S PICK-U p PLEASE CALL KING'S TAXI - 561 n While you're away IT IS NO trouble at ail for a burgiar ta break Anto your home whlle you are away, even thaugh you, eareftillly Iaek the doors and windows. There la only' ane fool- proof burglary protection - a Residence Buirglary poliey that adequately cavera your valuables. Stuart R. James INSURANCE . REAIL ESTATE , fb,&ax irnrm TUE CANAIDIAN STATIESMAN. BOV;BUNVMLE. ONTARIO HAMPTON Mi- and Mrs. Ivan Eliicott, San- dra and Donald, Peterborough, at N. C. Yeilowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Samn Dewell spent a few deys at the Gananaque Inn. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Carrick, To- ronto, visited witb N. J. Reyn- olds. Mr. W. J. Reynolds, paymaster at the Goodyear, is spending a iew days as a guest af the camp- any at their Lodge on Wingfoat Island, Lake Timagami. Mi-. C. E. Horn is convalescing iavoi-ably aiter bis recent acci- dent and is now at borne, altbougb coniined ta bcd. About thirty Women's Institute and W.M.S. ladies wcre entertain- cd at Zion Cburch Wednesday af- ternoon, by the Zion Womcn 's TMMDAY, XMT imo- .1030 -