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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1950, p. 7

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't'WTUfiflAV ~?YW.V tON.~ lOUA - THU CANADIAII STATESMAK. EOWMANVff LE. OHTA~O -t-- m~ -*niag *Ay- ---rlth 1 SOCIAL, AIDPERSONAL Mn,. Charlie Roc la vacationing aI Keswick. Mr. and Mns. Dan Sullivan 'were ln Toronto for the week- end.. Mn. and Mns. E. J. Dopp and ,.àw.,JMIss Edna Bottreli, Toronto, vis- ~ed Miss Mae Bottrell. ~WMiss Irene Casbouru, Hamilton, vlsited ber mothen, Mrs. F. Cas- bourn for the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Blain Elliott and Mr. and Mra. Pst Proctor are on a tour o! týie United States. Gloria and Bobby Smith visit- ed thein graudpareuts, Mn. and Mns6 F. G. Smith, Long Sault. Mn:. A. Caverly visited Mn. S. Dewall who la quite iii iu St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough. Mr. and Mns. Frank Jamieson aud family are holidayiug at Gleuvendean, Hall's Lake, Hall- bu.ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Birdie, Gwen and Beverly, Belleville, weekend guests a! Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mac- Dougal. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Murphy n d Sbelagh spcnt Suuday with rr'r an Mrs R.McLaughlin, o! Mn. and Mrs. J. M. Woodward and Deanna, Deep River, were recent visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Smith. Mrs. George Levringtou and daughten, Elizabeth o! Doiphin, Man., are visiting at the home o! Mn. and Mns. Len Dodds. Mr. Fred Seymoun and fiend matored ta Campbellfard on Sun- day to visit bis uncle, Mn. and Mns. Alex Seymour and !amily. Mn. and Mns. W. Richardson, Landau. are visiting thein aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mns. Thomas Cartwright, R.R. 3, Bowmauville. Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Edger and Master John E. James were ln Peterborough for the weekeud, visîting with Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Edger. Mn. Cliford P. Joues, relieving radia openatar for Trans Canada Airlines, le!t Sunday for Windsor where he will take aven for the ziext few weeks. Miss Dorothy Evans and Miss Rose Kisbey, Toronto General Hospital, are speuding a short vacation at the fonmer's parents, Mr n. d Mrs. E. C. Evans. Mn. and Mrs. Art Code, Mn. and Mns. Thea Moorebouse, To- ronto, misa Michael Jawchuk, Jeld, Man., spent the weekeud at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Len Dodds. Mn. sud Mrs. Boyd Slemon, daugbters Mary Ann and Nancy and the family pup of Niagara Falls visitcd bis parents and ather relatives ln Ibis aresa ven the week-end. Be sure ta lîsten ln ta the 'Oppatunity Knocks" pnogram aven C.J.B.C. Monday evening, July 17th, at 8:30 when Ray Dudley, Bowmanville pianiat, will be a guest perfarmen. Mn. and Mn:. Newton Ashton and daughter Joanua, Napanee, are holidaying wjth relatives here1 for s week. Mn. Ashton is the Ag-, icultural teprementatlve for Len- nox and Addington Counties. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Goddard, Peter and Lynne, Mn. and Mr:. H. T. O'Neill. and Mary and Mn. R. Bush, all of Montreal, are hall- dmying at Bowmanville Beach in Chas. Bounsall's cottage, "'Botter 'Ole."0 Mn:. Bort Curtis and daugliter Miss Charlotte Hoffman le!t Mon- day by maton ta-visit relatives and frienda lu Maritime Provinces, go- ing by Gaspe sud returnng by way o! Lake Placid sud Ivy Les Bridge. Mr. and Mna. Sam Wilson, Wes- ton, were Sunday guests o! Mn:. Gea. * W. James. Editon George James lo stiil in Bowmanville Hospital, but medical reporta in- dicate that he Ia progresslug favorsbly. Mn. Arthur "Buckie" Buckspan o! Georgetown was homne for tbe, weekend visitiug bis parents, Mn. and Mra. Dave Buckspan. Ar- thur was appointed manager o! the Roxy Theatre in Georgetown a few weeks ago. Miss Karolyn Stewart, Thames- ville and Miss Jean Bengen, Part Arthur, bath Nunses-in-Tnainirig at the Toronto Genenal Hospital with Miss Mary Alldread, Bow- manvile, attended the Eastern Stan picnjc on Weduesday. Mrs. Ed. Lange, East Beach, hmd as Sunday guesta, Miss Ellen Ramabottoni, Newcastle; Mrs. F. J. Hastings, Mn. Bud Hastings, Mn. and Mns. W. J. Hastings, Mn. and Mrs. Rata Sutherland, Rosa Jr., snd Tommy Sutherland, ml o! Oshawa. We have beeu advised thaý Mn. Jack Scott, former higli school teacher bore and now editor o! thc Anaconda Bnass bouse ongan "Speanbead" in New Toronto, is ta be married this month. Con- gratulations tram bis Bowman- villé fnièndu. The Bay' Training Scbool staff is bard at work preparnug for the 25th auniversany o! the faunding o! the schaol ou Thuns- day, Auguat 24th. Higb govenn- ment dignitarlos and other prom- mneut citizens are expected ta bej prosent for the outatanding event.,1 The Town o! Part Hope willj start Its final barnesa rscing o! the yean on July 22nd, it was an- uounced recently by former star hockey player Stan Crossett who la secrotary o! the Driving Club. Pari-mutuels will aperate at the track sud a mobile starting gate will bo usod.j Gilbert Joues o! Cavan Town-( ship waa sentenced ta Ibreea montlsin l Cobourg jail a!ter pol-1 ice lad found him asleep on the1 raad. He said lie had taken toa many sleeping pilleansd stated1 that the rubbing alcobol l Ic h bottie beside him had been usedi ta rub bis sore foot.1 Aimait overy day The States- man is visjted by people wha are in desperate need o! living ac-i commodation, either apanîments1 or amali bouses, onraoms. If you1 bave any space available, an ad-i vertisement lu Ibis paper wills JLEIunojjÀ%I, 4gulix lum, be played for a vaniety o! inter- esting prizes. People an the Lakeshore near >shawa are excited about a story wbich appeared in a Toronto pa- er Tuesday ta the effect that tere may be $148,000 in an aid army pay chest submerged in the marsh, nearby. It in supposed ta ave been tossed overboard dur- ig the war o! 1812 tram a U. S. mtter whose crew were about ta ibandon ship. Neither.the vessel or the treasure bave been la- cated since that day. The ques- ion in aur mind in, who would )wn the money if it were faund? 1suppose we miglit as well for- et It. What'a $148,000 ta us Iowmanvilleites? Things are happening at Bow- manville's Royal Theatre. The andy bar and pop corn vendor âat staod immediately by the ntrance ta the theatre, isn't any- nare. There bas been some mov- îg done. Manager Dave Buck- pan said that many people have ke for :£Olt drazaks," 8gole, Per 10-1b. Tin DonmMcreper Hrudware Co. SHELF & BEAVY HARDWARE Phono 386 59 King et. W. Bownsauvile certainly prnduce resulte and help new residents of Bownianville. One classifed advertiser report. ed this week that he had received at least 15 cmlsin 1 answer to one< 35e advt. If you have anything tc seil or desire ta buy anything, ail that la necessary is for yau ta cal 663 with your advt. Sa long ai yau send along the cash before the paper is published you re. ceive the advantage ot, the cash rate. 1%er many relatives here will bc interested in a notice which ap. peared In the Oshawa Times-Gaz- ette Manday, announcing the en- gagement of Elizabeth Ferne Nich- ois, Whitby, ta John Ralph Knapp. Miss Nichais is daughter of Mrs Alice Nichols of Whitby and the late Alfred Nichais. The wed- ding wlll take place July 29th In Whitby. Leo Goulab, Hydro repairn injured when lie touched a live connector, Friday, June 2Srd, had bis left hand apid torearm, ampu- tated at the Toronto General Hos- pital last Thursday. Information indicates that be la commng along as well as can be expected al- thougli further operations rnay be made an bis left leg. The leg is presently in a plaster cast. Relatives and frlends of Mia Lenore Harding, Supt. of Bow- inanville Hospital, who attended the Corner Stane laying cere- mony on Saturday afternoon were ber mother, Mrs. Thos. Har- ding, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McMul- len, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Parkin, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. White, Fene- Ion Falls; Miss Sandra Lenore Harding, Belleville, and Miss Lola G. Dunbar, Barrie.' Shortly after it was announced that a baby girl had been born to Donald and Marie Ferguson (nee Marie Moise) last Thursday, one of their friends dropped in with the following poem: "There camp ta port last Thursday eve, a fraf littie craft. Witbout a stitcb of rigging on ta guide it fore or aft. Sbe enters now a voyage, upon life's stormy sen. May sbe be safely piloted, by Donald and Marie." We tbought it was ratber cute. Brookdale-Kinsway Nurseries and Its energetic Manager Nor- man J. Scott, made tbe front page of tbe second section Toronto Daily Star on Tuesday with a letter wblcb sbould do both the paper and the nursery some good. Norm wrote in ta tell the Star tbat be bad obtained wonderful resuits from bis advertising in that paper and tbe Star gave prominence ta his message o! commendation. The Reeve of Long Brancb bad an idea the other day whlch we pass along ta Roads & Streets Committee chairmari Frank Jam- ieson. A woman wanted a la- crosse box removed fram a park near ber home and phoned 200 times before the Reeve bad bis telephone number changed and removed from, the 'phone book. Deputy-Reeve Jamieson might make a note for future use. dur- ing the winter snow storins or wben the bumps get worse on the main street. Tbe Rebekahu held a district meeting ini the I.Q.O.F. ball at Port Hope recently. Sister Bertha iHackney, P.D.D.P., o! Bowman- ville opened tbe meeting and ini- stalled Sjster Lillian Anderson of Port Hope ta the office of Dis- trict Deputy President for the year. Sister Hacknew was bigbly commended for ber wonderful y'ear's work and on ber institu- tion of new lodges in the district. Members were present from Oro- no, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Part Perry and Part Hope. Recent visitors and callers wlth Mrs. Giddus Jones and Eileen were Miss Mary Cheesman of Ot- tawa, Mr. and Mrs. McGregor Jones and Mrs. Mary Jones of BurlIngton, Mr. Russel Penwar- den of Peterborough, Mr. Clifford P. Jones tram North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. John Berry and Mr. and M4rs. Roy Berry of Orono, Mr. and .Nrs. Lawrence Allen and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gal- braith and Mrs. John Elliott of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones o! Newtonville. Water users in Port Hope will have purer water when a new, $100,000 filtration plant is in- ;tal. It basalreUdybeen - aiming tb please custoinersbas knocked the wal aut of his office in the left corner of the lobby and carpenters are busy at work building a new candy bar. An electric refrigerator bas been In- stalled ta keep sait drinks and eskimo pies at palàtable temper- atures; the candy bar is four feet long. Yes, kjds - they are stil going ta seil ten cent pop corn. Out-of-town guests attendlng the Hanna-Pritchard wedding in Trinity United Church on Satuf'- day evenlng were Mr. and Mrs. S. Hampton, Nia gara Falls, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Harbourne, Atberley; Mrs. E. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hastings, Osbawa; Mrs. E. W. Hanna, Miss Irene Hanna, Mr. AI- fred Powell, Mrs. Chas. Pollard, Mr. Chas. O. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hampton, Mr. aând Mrs. S. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fow- ler. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Mclnnis, Mr. and Mrs. George Bird Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hughes and Jiminie, Mr. E. Pritchard, Mrs. V. Pritchard, Mr. and Mms. L. Bennett and Dorotby. Mr. and Mrs. George Wiseman and Mr. and Mrs. Art Collis ne- cently returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards (nec Jean Wisemàn) at Kenora. While in the north Mr. Collis was flown 75 miles by Mn. Edwards, into a summer camp operatcd by Bill Cameron at Long-Legged Lake where he experienced the best fishing o! bis cancer. He came home loaded with 42 pickerel and some pike, anc o! which weigbed 16 Ibs and another 14. Art says he threw back at least eight or ten pike whîch anly weighed six pounds. He bas ~the evidence ta prove that the 42 fish were really caught s0 we shouldn't question him about the ones he thrcw back. Car winners are in the news this week. On page anc we are featuring the winner o! the Rink- ettes car in Newcastle. In Osha- wa a chap who arnived from the Island of Malta 14 days before and was down to bis last quarter, bought a ticket on a car and won it. In Oakvillc, a couple who were about ta leave for a trip in a borrowed car, changed vehicles fast when they wcre advised they had won a new one. The winner o! the Lions car, here, "Red" Knapp sold it ta an Ajax resident and is now happy with a new cheque book. As "Red" said "Shucks, if I'd kept the car I would have bad ta build a new garage for it and beaides, I can use ýhe money."1 On Sunday, July 9, aven '70 frîends and ncighbours of Bow- manville North Ward held a pic- nic at the aid swimming hale, Jackman's creek. Ball games, races, swimming and rcminîscing were the bighlights o! the aftcr- noon. The mothers prepared a delightful supper which was top- ped off by ice cream, soft drinks and balloons. Owing ta the suc- cess o! the picnic, it was decided ta make it an annual affair. The out-of-town friends were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and fam- ily and Miss Phyllis Martin o! Toronto. Many thanks ta the mer- chants who kindly donated soft drinks, balloons, and for the ca- operation of the neighbours who helped in making it such a suc- cess. ZION Mr. and Mns. Wes. Camernn and Joyce at Lloyd Flinto!f's, North Oshawa. Mr. and. Mrs. R. Theabsld and Dorothy, Strongfleld, Saskatche- wan. are visiting at Norman Lesch 's. Mr. Norman Leach lu working an Frank Sobil's new bouse. Mesura. Bert Beckel, Jim Stain- ton and Douglas Skinner at Rice Lake. Mr. snd Mrs. Bert Piper, Perry and Michael, Mn. Chas. Piper, To- ronto-; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen snd grandson, Jimmie Allen, Bramp- ton; Miss Pearl Leach, Salins; Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Youngman and sons, Tyrone, at Norman Leach's. Mr. snd Mrs. R. C. Stainton, Miss Ruth Shaw, Oshawa, at Rus- sel Stainton's. HAMPTON It la regretted that the persan who wrate the accaunt o! the July lst picnîc and Sunday services o! the Sunday School annivcrssry (withaut the knowledge o! the correspondent) omittcd the splen- did evcning's pragram pnovidcd by the Thornton's Corners commun- ity folk. The presentation o! thefr intercsting play and the music providcd was much ap- pneciated by the audience. It will be interesting ta know that the proceeds o! the concert and Sunday Thankoffering am- ountcd ta about $300.00. (The corespondent's detailed account o! the proceedings did not appean in the paper). Mn. and Mrs. Dave McMullen, Caesarca; Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Heaslip, Don, Kathy and Mike, Trenton, Micb., are geusts o! Mr. and I'.s. H. Quarry and Mrs. Mc- Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. H. Qusrny and Roda and Mm. MeMulîcu spent Sunday wth Mr..and ?&a. Bort MMlen, Janetville. Mr..and Mn:. W. Jeffrey, To- ronto, are with Mns. C. E. Jeffrey while on vacation. - Miss Wilma Leachi, Oshawa, bas returned ta lier home hors. Mns. C. Smith and Anna, Oshi- awa. at Lewis TruU's. Master Jimmie Widdeo»be bad bie tonsils remaved on Satur- day at Bowmanville nIaspital. Miss Sandra Jolinston spent lai week with ber munt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDanald, Bowmanville. Mn. Ted Wood, Oshawa, lias been 111, and la at the home of bis aister, Mns. Leonard Hind- man, wblle convmlescing. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Luke and family and Mrs. R. Luke visited Newcastle friends. Mn. and Mrs. Kelth Billett and daugbter Mary, with fniends at Rice Lake. Mrs. R. Edwardu, Auburn, Cal., is a guest o! ber sister, Mr@. Ruth Clayton. Mr, and Mrs. lsas Bulmer, Oshawa, at Wiil Wilbur's. Hampton was represented at the opening o! the new Memonlal Hospital in Bowmsnville on Sat- urday. Congratulations ta al uchool pupils on their necent promotions. Manvers Fariner Hurt FeIl Off Load of Hay Injured Saturday when he fell !rom a load o! bay, Weslcy Mor- ton, 44, o! Pontypool, is reported in good condition at Civic Hos- pital, Peter borougb. He was rushed ta hospital Sat- urday night not long after the ac- cident in wbich bis back was se- verely injured. Nature a! the in- jury is unknown. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A le x. We Deliver A.SA. Tablets 1008, 200'8 190 - 290 LACTOGEN Modlfied Milk 1 - 21/ lb:. 79e - $1.79 r .1 .umoemmoeuloel mmm I.D.A. Brand Specials Baby Cream, 3-oz., reg. 50e 39e Blandoil, 4-oz., reg. 25ec-- 19e Compound Licorice Powder, 4-oz., reg. 20e 16e Flaxseed, 16-oz., reg. 29a - 23e 1-1b, reg. 59e -______47e 1-lb., reg. 47e _______59C Soda Bicarbonate, 4, 8, 16-oz. 10e - 15e - 25e White Embrocation, 4-oz., fl-oz. 29e - 49e SUMNER DRUG NEEDS 15 - 30e -59e Band-Aid - Bathing Caps 65e Up1 Cameras ______________- $3.00 Up Films: Ansco or Kodak -____ 32e - 37e - 48c Sun GMasses ' 29e-50c-$1.19-$1.50 up d-Ter _______59c. ~ ~Spray - 29ec-50e -85c ~ 74Green Cross ~ Aerosol Bomb- $1.69 ~6-12 Repellent - 59e Tantoo -_____57c Velvetta Repellant- 49e ___ Fresh Cream Deodorant--_ __ Heed Spray Deodorant Nonspi Liquke, Deodorant -_____ Odo-Ro-No Cream- 39e - soc 39e - Soc 49e - 89e 35e - 59C Stopette Spray C Deodorant-_____ 75e - $1.25 Lady Esther Croami Make-up - 65e Velvotex Hair Remover IMtton ______25e Velvetta Suntan Cream _______-39e Noxzema Suntan Oil or Cream - -30e -60e Noxzema Cream ______ 49e - 69e - $1.39 Nivea Cream ___________ 0- $1,00 - $2.50 Lady Esther Face -' 34ce- 65c - 93c - $1.50 Dr. West's Miracle TfsYut-35 Dr.'* ~ Chulds - 25e -Powder Bruali - 50a Natural Bnistie Brueli 60e Amm-1-dent Tooth Paste ZOc-5ge-79o Squlbb Dental Cream 490 Forhansa Tooth puste 290-490 rG., Yoews fouyiu SPECIAL VALUS TONI REFILL KIT aSix Toni Midget e Regular Tant Homo Permanent Refi 0 Tant Creme Shampo. 33e miss l $1.88 Veluea e BRYLCRE E M " Keepu the hair in place ail dary. " Guards against and vomovse dandruff. " Givet hair a gleamina himive. ~HAN Y~n294 I I..d491, KLEENEX FACueuOl1OP 200#bsm6/4 " 18 200 Uiss 911,ix IMANS SraIire x129. Drugs Phone 79 Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister. U8 %f SL W. , hw.avilI Mr. R. G. Harle, Director of Music phm. 747 Il A.M - MORNING SERVICE United Congregations of St. Paul's and Trinity SOLOIST - Miss Betty Sisson 7 P Mg. - COMMUNITY EVENING SERVICE SOLOIST - Mr. Walter Goode -at - TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 9OOPERIIS UMR OUT BOP -P-RESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local LD.A. Drug Store Over $6MOOORcdsed By OÏL. Preubyt.ry For Orono Building When the books were closed on 'June 24th, Oshawa Presbytery o! the United Churcli had raised $6,- 336.46 for the Orono church building fund. This amount was presented ta Onono's treasurer, 0. W. Raipli, ln Iwo cheques, the first for $4585.76 and' the second for $1700. Dr. C. W. Slemon, Presbytery Ireasuren, made the presentations. The cauvass now being com- ? lote. Dr. Slemon released the fol- lowing information this weekc de- tailing the contributions recelved from centres within the Presby- tery: Oshawa $1907.11 Bowmanville ______2247.50 Newcastle 639.00 Whitby - 135.50 Total -$4929.11 Brooklu $ 169.00 Port Penny 2Cý.5O Courtice ______-333.15 Hampton 318.75 Total . -$1027.40 Newtonville $ 85.00 Claremont-Brougbam - 63.50 Pickering 70.20 Total --$ 218.70 Greenwaod - - -$ 35.25 Blackstack _______ 36.00 Tyrone . _____- 20.00 Manchester _______ 10.00 Total *$101.25 Leakard W. A.$ 10.00 Oshawa Presbytery- W. A. 50.00 Total -$ 60.00 Grand Total ---$6336.46 'w AM- ý 1 Tm cANAnUS STATUMAN, BOWMANV=X, OWAPM BOWMdANVULLE SOJTBALL LZAGIJE Standing Woni Loit Legion -2 O Training Scbool 1 1 Union ________O 1 Front Street - -0 2 Results July 8-Training Schaol -1 Higli Scboel 12 July 6-Legion 25 Union --il July 7-Front Street ____7 Training School -8 JuIy 10-Front Street - 18 Legion----------- 24 Future Gameu Tbursday, July 13-- Higli School vs. Union. Friday, July 14- Training Scbool ws. Legiom Monday, July 17- Union vs. Front. Street OBITTJÂRY MRS. MARGARET tCOLV5AU KING Born and educated ln Bowmm5.e ville and an employee of the Good* year Tire and Rubber Campan3t o! Canada for the paut 10 years, Mrs. Margaret Colville King pase. cd away in the Bowmanviile Hos- pital an Saturday. In failtng hcaltb for the past mnonth, she was in ber 37th year. A member o! Tninity Ulnited Chunch, Bowmanvllle, she was the daughter o! Mrs. G. B. Stephent and the late Alexander Colville. Also surviving lu a daughter Con- nie, a! Bowmanville and a istai Mns. Hugh (Catherine) Mechin, o! Oshawa. The funeral service wau from the Marris Funeral Chapele Bowmanville Monday aftemnooxi at 3:30 p.m. Rev. S. R. Hendera son conducted the service. Inter4 ment was in Bowmanville Cern* etery. 1 P*m sawm

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