PAGEKIGE TE CANDIANSTAESMA, EOMANILLE OTRTÔTEITMDAY, JTULfIMYt, 190 I emember Teachei Says Edilor of Schi We will reihember aur teach- ers" reads the Editars Page o!i the Bowmanvihle Public School Trumpeter, "wbo worked so bard tg help us pass". The l3th edition a! the Trum- peter "bit the street" Wednesda.y. 28 June, the second last day o! school. Surpnisingly complete. the y'ear book edited by Elizabeth Prow- er, Janet McGregor, .Bruce Cale, John Stacey and Marie Leddy, deals with world news. school ac- tivities, literature and humour. Ihe Honour Rail is on page 26. Particular. mention sbouhd bc made a! the artistry o! John Sta- cey, son a! Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stacey, 67 Concession Street, w'ho designed an original Trumpeter caver and coloured the publica- tion witb humourous, yet appro- priate, tithe pages. *Mre dirt rernoved for ce *SPots-even persPiratÎon * Mîno rsiS donc Clea e s Der Lioal Aent:- Hs oncPEyS WHYI MORE WC W.~sting muR PRONE 811 Appiaico & BOWMAýNVI N4tS- ~tOP5- 'l- ~ ~t Tis puttig of men and jobs ta- ci 'w» ts1: O'L~> gether cari be important ona weo'.ett tut national basis. We note same sur- ,«Cf,t 0 .Poe q plus Ncwfoundland men are bc- ' I2 'i eIt is eydutl if many men T tshro ewfOttw a aleyvery fat u-:" UiREMEMBER - DVERY SHIRT GUAKANTEED TO GIVE SATISFAC. Q less there was some organization _UC RSTO OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. ta let tbem knaw work was there M S EST N for them. toM>u e In a large couintrv ike Can-____ ada almost inevitably thqgre will; > Rub in Minar4'à for GT be pools o! surplus workers in rnuscular stfincas. aches. T~ i1ý" ins a prains. Grese- TRBzY SEu r rlIf A' 101 0a p nc part o! the country and a de- C quck ryno13 mand for them in ariother. Yet unpleasant odor. the men can't be expected ta trav- Lwe Ecenoumicu i se - el bal! across a continent just in 65 tehope o! finding wark. This a nB o s would use up ail thoir financial i R U ~resources. and they wauld be auiB ltdN W a o! luck if the expected job didn't materialize. WiaM FuraiziusThe national employment ser- 29- omayih vice la of assistance ta warkcrs11iNA D SXn S.L ILLE KN S.W and employers. Also it can be a 1I stabilizing effect' in the national, ecoay. À " I M n l ue nthsscin awt od Queer Enlisfments War Veterans Ca"" those who served lu h ac rs Wh epmdisrespect to the literary qa odSiding IL conomlcal tArm Total cf $67448000ct am f es pbricat on.aNMrmanIn mmlU A m T talof 674480Wveterans aged 18, and at the other u:i1ed____ end of the life-span policles were er rs Star R.Jaes,43CenreIn Lif e IflslUaflce issued to veterana as old as' 72 oo ru lr rStre, rote .narmati43c st _____quiemens forenlsent ~ in,----y ears, in spite of the fact ta l Itrainlnw oestent(tled, .lMoPet Skunks" Canadian Army is that the appli- Canadian veterans now are insurance is available only to Ineratoalnes oer te The more advanced grades de- <apelodHrl) 15 r~iSeecn eaCnda iie r carryini a total of $67,448,000 of vetérans of World War IL Atlantic Alliance, the war ti veloped Ipoems of four and five- Outside sheathirng is nailed te 1eA' Bren citis bjeetrn Can- izno.alife insurance purchased under Dungtefcayaraoale China. the cold war and the de,- stanzas with a metre that is cam- the framework of the house. It Is 'Sunimarizedl ada, hundreds of applications from the Veterans' Insurance Act ac- 95 death dlaims were pald with valuation of the pound. In Can- petently handled. helps strengthien the structure be- ____ i arso h o lae receiv- crigt h otrcn iue.'nisrnevleo 3200 cad the loo nidie erere Ernest Roberts who says iq sides adding to the insulating (Financial Post) cd at Army Headquarters in Ot- This insurance is the 'total amn- Uses tend aMthe Noronicf disasuterth wal. mmaret ytawa. ount of 23,542 policies which are rcported. Locally, the water tow- UseJtub aMose, roe f isvaueo!th wllrImeiael now in force with the average er and the new Mernorial Hos- adventures as a Super-Mouse cer- following the application, the At mid-Jn aaasfr'r pialcon itoth icur. al eater, but doubting Thomnas shcathing should be covered with had done just about all they could. While tbe niajority are written amount of each policy being ap- t pialcoeino hepctre uestions the authcnticity of a a tarrcd or asphaltcd icît or other ta the 1950 food crop; most o!* the inl cither English or French, let- proximately $3,000. NATURE UNSPOILU The social side of school is de- pockct large enough ta hold a suitable building paper ta pre- sceding was done; acreage was ters in German, Russian and qth- 90 % Ini Force picted by stories entitled "Skating stove, bcd,- chair, and table. But vent moisture from reaching the somewhat bclow last year; yield e'r languages are by no means un- Party" and "Square Dancing". hn it's a. Super-Mouse story. structural frame and- interior fin-. might be too. But from here in common. The applicants repre- The figures indicate that ap- Thev mention aiso, the Home and 1ný S. ish. This papeýr must be. lappéd what happens is mainly up ta the sent, ail classes ai society and list 1prximately 90% of the policies Une"Sortg", illustrated by. at least four inches at, al joints. weathcr. many and variaus skills and qual- issucd are kept in force for the School Association a pole-vaulter' that. didn't quite The size1 or type o! finish siding' This year,- with most seeding shiaoul a esn wythyttlo oiie e ti oc In the "Literary"' corner, rhym- make*the grade, the anihual field ueseedsuohesoaoat, w rtreuek at u aa d bé accepted. One man, a since the act was passed is less cd couplets by "youniger folks" day cames in for cxtcnsive men- dsed arhietunral ae t oordy sree ng, the aou t a-rsarn we nIdaa adta ,0.Afil usat lead af the parade. Donna tien. The names o! race winners ds f r aîl y the nethî e ks 5o cant cdlk t ona ams e-percentage o! these were policies Goud. rae 1 wote"MyLitlear litcdinthi sctin.Where two pieces o! siding must 'ical. -geant and wrote hi,; applicationsurnrdfocah BelWn igPell". and Lyn- Paize joke of thé year -i "Hum- lbe joiné ed r.the jit- is -. riefly, .that was 'the picture A on th backioanc ! twinst theamnt lfpolicy'r* Bellc-Myettleing -Stogonhèr. A Po0ishuimmigrant claimed taecontinueswtatbestheemost popular, an da Rndl, aso gr2e 1pupl, ur" i nid hh"I' erth on uuallutaden ve oic na ngl T ect-dawnti wc yTh ia- have served 14 ycars in'the Polish with 11,224 o! the polîcies in c!-- t "M tl oad -St01Erh.SidJhxy Iv ivdulct hnmaeo nageca Post carrespondents and ag- forces, was. a graduate o! a mili- fect being o! thîs type. Second th oa" botfrma-on -vegetables for three weeks". makes 'a better joint and anc ricultural- experts coast-to-coast. tary academy and a civil engineer most papular form is tcn pay lifer Littlestorie "Thats noting", etorte Bihwhich is more easily covered The single exception is the flood- n a enrt'e sale-wt usata ubro h __ mals ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o yn oetcpt r io"'e hve n athsr ume when painted. Good practise re- cd. Red -River -section o! Mani- tenant. His Ietter was anc o! purchasers buying pblicies which - * .-. f yars". . quires that the joint be made over toba. There, about 200,000 acres mnany from Rolish immigrants now become Paid up at age6.Ti Se OWch.ig taer onalitiesHir-stud. wihl notsbdésawioat in Canada. Still another plan o! insurance has been par- vey~'Wb" cbbr dslies irl Spcia cosidraton houd be As for market prospects-, herc's was from a one-mnUNO He ticularly attractive to pensianers, Y UST R TC and anc o! his greatest ambitions given ta corner joints ta prevent the way it looks in Ottawa- was an Irish -mcant seamn andabout25% o!the phicie I'M RAVING is "ta be as tough as Hazel". Fate, moisture !rom reaching the back mrhn emnadaot 5 fteplce according ta the Trumpeter list- o! the siding. A mîtred joint wihl Wheat prices ta hold due ta whose homne is in Grceniand with issued are being paid-for through TeGLFNHl h A N AWFUL TIM E ig- las lbin'1 .. pushing a broam adequately serve the purpose. An unfavorable reports on the U. S. service in the British Armny dur- war disability pensions. Approx- TeG LFNHI h behind a littie white cart. alternative is the use. of corner drap. Ottawa has na intention o! ing the war aand who gave his imately 8,000 are being paid for common "canary" we see ail- W ITH H'ALF-CLEAN, Donald "Ftluffo ~ Laird, son o! boards-vertical pieces which,ý'àre atei'ing, at present, the "safe", postal address as care o! the Post- through re-establishment crédit, year round. The maie is solid SM L YMr. anid Mrs. Erniest Laird, 2 con- nailed at the corners before the initial prîce o! $1.40 for the 1950- master in New York City. and another 11,000 by direct re- yellaw, with block cap, wings SMELLY ~~~cession.Street, asdescribed in the siding is applied. The vertical 51 whçat pool. This is the base The pay-off however was from Litne n al Teylo abe RYC EA INGI year book,, dislikes people whCJ end o! the siding is then fitted price for this year under the Ini- a Canadian wha wanted ta cnlist Largest single group o! pur- is ail yellow. In winter he's DiiczRYiks"teai prec" sugyagistth ore boards. ternational Whcat AgreemTent. as a rccruiting sergeant.. He said chasers arc those in the~ age brack- Hi ý ambition: "ta be like his Careful workmanship is required Bec! and cattle situation dam- he had that job in World War 1 et betwcen 23 and 32, with al- mch duller in color. He lives Daddy". But bis future, accord- around the door and window cas- inated by brisk U. S. demand and wanted ta do it again until n'otbl.h oiisîse av f edbeisadiscs ing ta the Trumpeter, is decidedly ings ta ensure tight joints. which is pulling bard on Can- he was old enough ta draw the 9g been purchased by veterans and should bo protected. uncertain. w on aRnl adian supplies. In the first four aId age pension at 70. He gave in that age bracket. However, in- Fialw oet oadmonths o! 1950, experts averaged his prescrit age as 68. dicative o! the youth o! some o!f _____________________ "Ronny" Turner, son o! Rev. and Cartw ig t Council $8 millions a month. Making mat- p Mrs. Hrold urner 190 hurchters worse is a belie! that ctl Mtee, n a'bTneri0 ____heeuarJu etig fherds are shrinking. POINTS ON PAINTING 4newspaper fancy. He "likes writ- TerguaJuy m tigo Bacon: hogs marketing 22% AL N' ing stories" and his ambition is tae a wîh ouclwshd o ver îast year, but domnestic con- Here are a few points on paint- THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED be a "writer". Despite bis listed MnAhi * ly 3rd at 8:wp.m. sumption is up 200%. The U. K ing that should hcîp the paint you WATERLOO, ONTARIO Fat" a a ewe-diger pe- rembero prescrit, Reeve B. has bought only 12 -13 milo apply ta dry and after that ta stay ' D 1> ALIGS000 bhance we have another news.- Heaslip in chair. paunds against 12-month reqie put and not go and peel of! the MER Minutes of previaus meetings ment o! 60 million pounds. Sup- chance it gets. paperman in towri. oSoto.! otprcswhc gaaitete is ___________ read aand adopted o oino otpie hc urne h First, be sure that the ohd sur- Councillors Cochrane and Black. farmer 3V2c over the U.K. con- face is dlean. Wash it dawn with C V arIlPesinsMiss Rita Barber o! Rowan's tract price o! 29e expire July îst. water, or, if you think it might be War I PenionsBeach protestcd ta Council about Thiis week Ottawa decidcd ta ex- greasy, wipe it down with tur- Y.., too, liko tiousauds of Othr Yong Vil Reach Peak a pier that has been built at end tend it. At prescrit domestic peritine or benzine. Next, make fathers, con provido for puar children's of 8' roadway beside hier propei'ty. prices arc above the support levi. sure that the oid undercoat is smort in lhf. by softiu Op for them Our ON SA IO I In the 1960's Council ta investigate this week- However, producers apparently per!ectly solidi. If it is peeling ~ ua 500Sre"Scrf ln end. ~~~~~~successfully argued that heavy or blistering, remave any loase pplrý5O eis euk ls ER LIRVICI The cost o! war disability and Mr, Bowes, administrator o! Sam marketings in the faîl wihl dragy paint before repainting. If the for a cest Us iftle as-lil00 a wek... dépendent pensions in Canada bas Bruce estate was present and dis- prices down below the supr undercoat hasý a bigh glass such .arta-vclothesi risen a total o! $23,000,000 since cussed plans and roads in a new f loor.supr as is the casae with-enamel and ae.taevrDecember 31, 1947 according. ta sub-division being opened up at E gs, tcsaesrehtvrihgv talgtsnigt stains-taken Out figures released by J. L. Meltrîlle, Shingle landing on S. Bruce Es-.Sok r smwa ansh iei9 igtsnigt -lower than they were this timie cut t bis glass se the new paint odr'Chairman o! the Canadian Pension tate. îast yea r, sgetn suppîy and will have something ta grab ente. ceaning Oos omsin At Deeenber 31, Ed. Harris eos in Arm- B suggrte that the surface is dry :ays le ~~ot1947 the total cost of war disa- ore for lod:e room. Townshp dcmand clos4 ta balance despite ~~ utdntgtlnn tays in loner! bilityand dépendent pensions bas purcbased Armouries fonboo heir .Kmakt rcstbeo y pi.Pnadmi- freel APPIOVIb it atotal cost o! $93,764,230 at fer is nat completed yet. Cheese. Production down. 0"1y pwil lcie nte da asurfwice December 31, 1949. Ke ideo ectig trees six Milinpud !UK ai peel away shorthy. utt Increase Due To on side a!f road at Cadmus. As tract filled se far against 13 mil- Be sure that the paint you use c SIRVIci- F40 Apatothsrcrsesdu some misunderstanding bas arisen lion pounds at this tinie hast year. A prt f tis ncraseIs ueas ta who authorized this work, U.K. contracts call for 77 million bas been adequately. mixed se te the fact that in 1948 the basic that it is o! uniform texture with- À sCae o pesio ws icresedbyCouncil wisbes it ta be known pounds. On the basis o! deliveries g, cal o!pesio wa icresedbythat in future all work on roads ta date, we may nrit bave much out a ny lumps o! pigment floating BlStenessfalloparicentalsob eingsu- must be approved by Road Supt. more than 50 million pounds for around. Also, be sure that you thems loaceas eigsb use anly first grade thinners such staritialhv added ta. I 99 u-or else Township will not be fin- ained ihndtrpnîm.B S - ~ther increase resuhted from theanalyesosbefrwk. Fut: Apecpfibt verx careful about substitute thir.' LZENITH 13 000 !act that 2000 additional cases Hrr Harn aplng frw tersiihdsheky A- ners because some are quite <'an- VSLDIS WA rom the new province o! New- trees on road west o! Caesarea other factor: if growers anticipate able o! ruining the best a! paints. h EU1yPA FUS ADIS' EARfoundhand were taken over by Scbool, was referred ta Road Su- poor returris and lower expert tI-e andin enio Cmms-perintendent. markets. they tend ta neglect siori. However, here was a sub- Bill from Part Perry for Fire sprayirig and the yield may drap. Wbat is truc, simple and sin- BRANCH OFFICE stantiai increase in the tWo years Brigade attending fire at Caesarea Seriaus marketing problcm abead cere is most congenial taerman's 69 KING ST. E. OSHAWA, ONT. intenme fdisability and read and after some discussion in arir event. riature.-Cicée. -dne numbniers ool resolved that in future Clerk tae )MEN CH OSEWar I, he ota inceasng rombe notified within 24 bours after 0 ~~~~~~~102,088 at December 31, 1947 ta ieweefr ws t. n h 111,412 at December 31, 1949. made caîl. Figures for Worhd War One disa- On motion o! Councillors Sug- bility and dépendent pensions ov- gett and Cochrane, Cherk was re l G r ~~11OUSe e the saine periad sbowed a small cieddt et nTrneI aS aty D esdD a tflGr decrease. The total at the end of ta be appointed an Issuer o! Mar- I mr l r s ed .B a t 1947 being 86,286 and at the end niage Licenses, aise Gun and Fish- o! 1949, 8.4,339. ing Licenses. Trend IdicatedBlack and Cochrane made I TrendIndiatcdmotion that Council accept agree- As an indication o! the passible ment o! War Assets Corporation trend in -World War II pensioners, for the purchase o! Blackstock Ar- M III III net until 1939, twenty years after authorized ta sigri sanie, at proper World War I ended that the num- time. ber o! World War pension recipi- Road Supt. was instructed to V l~ents reacbed the ahi time peak o! purchase one new tire for truck. A98,310, if tbis trend is follawed tepao! oldWrIthe- Reeve signed orders on Treas- f. ~fore, will not be reached until uirer as follows:R EDTI! 'f smetime in the 1960's. Municipal World, supplies $ 7.94 Onthe prescrit basis of figures Corp. of Port Perry, at- it is anticipated that it wilifnot' tending fire at Caesarea 37.00 be long until the total liabilit'y o! H. Thompsan, Clerk, sal. 65.00Terisn Ia Intecurytafrbdyo tookataeutflgl. S lok smch syu Word arId pesinsarnewIl d.opensions art Ter ahanew nth cuirylht oBd. yu oo!ok Educatiangil, .. o oo aCart-syo exced 50,00,00 nnully wrghtAre Muiciallike,- and dollars to donuts - her clothes and tastes are inexpensive. The sane holds truc for our store. grant ------ ----- -------- 1000.00 O. Hyland. S. S. No. 3, Mu- MEN ND OBSnicpal ran . 20.00Thougyh our store has that same smart looking, epuensive pnpearane - our niehandise,. thougyh of THE CANADL&N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE LFIGET ddmw ý MI --l-